OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, November 23, 1925, Image 18

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1925-11-23/ed-1/seq-18/

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Foes Claim Coolidge Will Re
move Him for "Official
The war declared by both the Civil
« Service 1,, .gue and llu* veterans'
Joint c u mitteo <>ll 11«• i bert I>. Drown,
* chief . t :e I an..ui »t Kdicien. y, was
,> reneyved today with fresh Immhurd
ment from both opponents.
» Delic ;!iat I'm .dent Coolidge would
dismiss Mr. Drown for his "official
misdeeds was expressed hy I)r.
; ... . . .Stow. [it e- lent of the
«’ i i I s, \ , Do ague. while Harlan
■ Wood. eh.>’iinan of the veterans'
toint committee. in a statement
charged lt"owa had l«oen “following
„ his i w>i d taw • and hid tailed to
oorr\ «*•>• the ,w ''girding veterans'
j. . . Di Stowell i o declared
It row n had tin ' pport of Senator
« In '. my Imi" • tidy of Rovern
men-. said 1 >r. St' well, who is pro
fi intert at meri
•featt l't :.. . sit • . "! o think of no
living ■ •;?i«• i; 1 1 who lias . flagrantly
ftiokt*- rite • or- erniH of law as
, the eh of tl 1 'IT • ■ It:.** au. It,
the -es . a . - matter of na
■ tiotitil mpotiance and of the great
est ee* e. n to every citizen to find
out whv i comparatively insignificant
d« fv the
me • -of i-s- in its recorded
s will.
"Mr. Itrown indicates his wilting
nesa to ■ ■ a o' hut why did lie
: ■ investi
- tea tint: on-.amt '■•> o! Congress desirous
*• of yes i'.; ' tlie- truth ill regards to
Kv ».i ion' smacks
of fnviin ism Dut after all. the
league is I. . on ei ned with Senator
•Smoot or M . Ki *w n. The league is
a i.0.1v of persons not in the Govern
ment employ and in’erested in secur
it g the ■ rop* t for. ement of law In
improvetnen' <■•' he Government em
ployment system.
The ofti.-i: misdeeds of Mr. Drown
are so num°rotts and extended over
such a Innu pet >d of time that I am
convinced that his usefulness to the
Government is at an end. and that
he will he dealt with in an appropri
ate nr titter hr his . fheia’ superior to
w hom the t'.institution delegates ex
e-- ttive power 'lie I'nited St .tes
"I h.dieye I ‘resident Coolidge will
recoani . 11!-.t tin- lane has come to
d-i -- ili-rli.it 1) Drown from the
service . mi I holievc lie will so act."
liar! ti Wood pointed out that
.tVnur. -s g v<• to the Bureau of Ef
ficiency the ta.•>iv »r establishing "ef
subjeot to the ap
... lent Mr Wood
. ske.l wl y .Nt: Drown in the system
of ‘-til. et-.-y r any. finally offered«in
1 • 'I h I "omitted the statutory word
‘y "id. which was the pivotal pref
erence word in ’he statute."
"In 'he classification which he es
tablishes ' -aid Mr. Wood, "the very
.word entitling veterans to preference
was omitted "
Efforts to reach Mr. Drown today
for a sMtemc t were met with the
reply that he was "in conference."
Man Stricken on Street.
l-'ahet Kennedy, it. Veals old. of
31 * ii - it*-.-;, was stiiekt-u with heart
di.-.-.ise last night while in front of
w . l'o-.ith street He was found Iv
lne on tht suiew.ay and was taken
la-the of the janitor of the building.
D'-ath occurred i.etoie a physician
from Emergent y Hospital reached
i Weighing l.li'iX tons, there is an*
SC ™ (M
I !"■ MM3*: IM Tt- MILIdON SOLUM ’ I !
v.’ ■ * r. mo. I I
Going Fast—Don’t Delay
300 Sunnysuds Washers
$3.50 Down—ss.oo Monthly
Don’t wait —for they are being snapped up
fast. You may never again have the opportu- Jh|
nity to buy the wonderful Sunnysuds on such Mill Ijj
I amazingly easy terms. Phone us today, before 5 Wm
it is too late. We will reserve one for you, or ’ fSjf| liilil?! rfc jj
even send one out for you to examine. I jj IJB|I
A Remarkable Value—A Remarkable Price IL^g
The cash price of the Sunny* are to apparent you will * jllillilliiiiHiiltlmi^^^/
suds is only $135.00, but you chooee it on sigbt. j j
can’t buv greater value at any __ . , . 'ijjf \ f IJi
M 1«' f* ' .
w.th any other washer coating Iy—is only an advertising offer. QJ V T
$150.00 or more. The sensible Get yours before the 300 are lj£> -
advantages of the Sunnysuds gone, or it will be too late.
14th and C Sts. N.W. Main 7260— Branch 124 - Advantages
This Company Stands Behind Every Appliance It Sells Self-oiling; all metal; pore copper tub; pressod
steel cabinet; aluminum wringer; splash proof,
ls' I TI TTS"% -w“% ITm Electric •^f? oßn » mot ” : » nto r ati<: * witch: *
| L. J-f M H K La % 1 rn. ML JE aWHngjCr amel finish; standard capacity; compact design.
■■ ... ■ -
.y 5 e
ft'' - 1
jiill 'c'tf
If # <X i i • r. ..jiyFv
Plans for the l’erpetual Building Association's new headquarters at Kleventh and K streets.
Hundreds Added to Blue Law Violator's
List in New Jersey; Lrand Jury to Act
By the Associated Pre.««.
PKRTiI AMBOY, X. .T.. November
23 —The names of hundreds of Mid
dlesex County residents yesterday
were taken by the police In the sec
ond crusade of the month against vio
lators of the vice and Immorality act.
.New Jersey’s old blue law. Many {
were "second offenders.” The offenses j
Include driving an automobile, selling i
newspapers, ruling on trolley cars, |
buying food or drink of any kind, and !
all forms of amusement, such as at
tending the theater or playing games, j
The i.atnes will be presented to the |
grand jury. Two weeks ago 3,711
names were recorded.
According to Prosecutor J. K. Striek- j
er. who ordered the names taken, a I
presentment may be made by the grand j
jury Tuesday, with the object of get-l
ting a protest to the old law on rec- !
ord. This presentment, if Indorsed by'
other grand juries throughout the;
state, will form the basis of a reso
lution at the next Legislature, asking
lS kl * Salt
m Takeit withyou whenever you travel. Changesof
8 Cl£(lf%~t{lStlTlo climate, food and water may affect you. A “dash"
n a O of ENO in a glass of water, hot or cold, taken on
8 M\£[t‘CSfTl'7 arising will tend to promote inner cleanliness and
8 » *© relieve unsettled condition* of the stomach and
8, intestines.
Sain Aitnti: V Prtparad only bv
A modification of the old Jaw. he said I
Efforts of the Daw Enforcement
I-engue to have theaters closed on j
Sundays is said to he responsible f"t
the effort to have the blue law ahro
j Gov. Small of Illinois Here in
i Fight ou Cattle Tuberculosis.
I An appeal for an increased Fed
eral a ppropriatlon for eradication of
I tuberculosis among cattle was made
I to President Coolidge and the Depart
! tneiit of Agriculture today by Gov.
j Small of Illinois and a delegation <>f
| State officials.
Gov. Small was accompanied by S !
; .1. Stannard. director of agriculture m i
: Illinois: A. M. Shelton, director of ree
istration and education: John Dill
Robertson, former health commission- j
er of Chicago, and George Sutton, sec
retary to the Governor.
r j
Scores of . . x J
the better y t i
grade of / x. J.
$45 IM# (J
Overcoats r T//J <3|
$ 29- 75 f I
Many new 1
arrivals have \ JL J
just been added r __x y
1325 F STREET k > <
House of Kuppenheimer kN\ V
Good Cloth es
Demand Retraction of Claim
Resizing of Coal Is Plan
to “Mulct Public.”
By the Axuoeiatcl Pret*
NEW YORK, November 33. The
anthracite operators’ conference lias
served upon the American Fair Trades
Dengue a formal demand that the
latter organization retract the "false 1
anil libelous" charge that hard coal
producers were mulcting the public
through a resizing plan forced upon
The demand was served upon the
i league in a letter signed by Walter
Gordon Merritt of counsel for the
conference, and addressed to Edmond
A. Whittier, secretary.
Charge Called False.
Referring to a statement Issued by
the league November 11, In which the
mulcting charge was made, with the
assertion that It might be found neces
«moia 'tablet*.
vs.., s«w.vftOf therenuine. |
Qultk Relit! /ram Paint anP Aehtt
! -wry to prosecute certain dealers for
| fraud, although "the real offenders are
| those operators who were compelling
I retailers to accept adulterated coal,"
the letter said:
"Those statements by you are false.
Ijast Spring the operators agreed with
the retailers upon a progrr.ni to stand
nrdize the size and quality of coal, in
order that'the public should receive
j what, in effect, would be a certified
i product. Ihe action was taken open!''.
| after a public announcement setting
j forth in detail what was being done.
It should have had the hearty sup
port of your league at the time there
of. because it standardized the product
without deteriorating it. and thereby
reduced the opportunity for fraud. It
did not result In "mulcting” the pub
lie or increasing the returns of the
operators. it was done in co-opera
tion with the retailers, and at their
suggestion, and was not forced upon
I them. The anthracite operators be
lleve that, in so doing, they were
j serving the public interest.
“Vou further state that the charges
made by you were the result of an In
vestigation, but so far as we are able !
to ascertain, you did not investigate
a single colliery or confer with a i
I McCormick Medical Gian*** Fitted
College Eyes Examined
Eyesight Specialist
Phon* Main 721
tf>f)*4lo Mcl.achlen Bide.
lOth nnd (i Sin. N.W.
Mothers, Do This—
When the Children Cough, Rub
Musterole on Throats and Chests
No telling how soon the symptoms
j may develop into croup, or worse
* And then’s when you’re glad you
have a jar of Musterole at hand to
j give prompt relief. It does not
| blister.
As first aid, Musterole Is excellent.
| Keep a jar ready for instant use.
I It is the remedy for adults, too.
! Relieves sore throat, bronchitis, ton
j sillitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma,
I neuralgia, headache, congestion.
I pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains
j and aches of back or joints, sprains,
j sore muscles, chilblains, frosted feet
| and colds of the chest (it may pre
i vent pneumonia).
To Mothers: Musterole is also
made in milder form for
babies and small children.
I A,k for Children'. Ml ...
Better than a mustard plaster
More Dollar Day
j Crowded Out of Our Regular Advertisement
Read Every Item—Then Look on Opposite Page for Other Dollar Day Bargain*!
$1.25 Steering Sleds e g Children’s Me Gloves. c
Bovs’ Steering Sleds, with * g 7 P,; r , f Ar » f
step’ runners 28 inch size X C N L ralrs TOr i
hardwood tops H Children's Lone Woolen
• i tyr /'»- T Ci. m Novelty t\ rist Gloves. In camel
$1. Zj China lea jets $1 heather, brown and combination
China Toy Tea Sets, four r a colors. Sizes " to T.
■* IIMBM 25c Outing Flannel,
decoration. I! iHB-- - I 6 Yards * f I
$1.39 Steel Friction Toys eg Sg 1 36-lnch Outing: Flannel. I
I steel Friction Tovs. * g *3 l! , g^ lt grounds. in neat colored
• choice of police patrol. X s tipes llea\y reversible quality.
chemical wagon, fire engine. 25c DreSS Ginghams.
tonring car or airplane; each. SI. M C V J O g
! $1.39 Dolls’Trunks eg I b ” rd * r „ , 1
y .rr »T- sa i u m I 3w-inch Pr*!*« Ginphams. in
noils Toy Trunks. t4- I nch 1 ■ji-r.Ej plaids, checks, stripes and plain col
Size; lock and key; complete X. ~ on. Warranted fas, eders.
si'.2s F.ot Ball. % |M| > 15c Ch ,* mbr * v ; 10 YH! SI
T .. , _ A g U .. Inch Linen finish t ham v g
leather-covered Foot / hrav. in strip** a r,q all X
Balls, with rubber bladder X sE wanted plain colors
good size, each, sl.—Toy VM . so it it i ir>
f>ept., Basement. Ibe Unbleached Cotton. <* g
Men’s 35c Hose, 6 Prs. e g I Ibl|:3||| 8 Yards j
1.200 pairs Men’s Mercer- r a I 38 inch Unbleached Cotton.
| ized Lisle Half Hose, full re- JL B a close woven round thread quality.
J inforced heel, toe and sole; rn p'll CP ■} [
black and cordovan, with silk em- , 0“C r lilOW JlipS, o for jf
i broidered clock; sizes 9t£ to 11H in Rayon (fiber silk) Pillow r W
j the lot. Slips in assorted colors. JL^
$1.50 Bedspreads, e g $1.39 Pillowcases, Pair + g
Crochet Bedspreads single w t Stamped Hemstitched Pil W J
| bed size, in marsellle designs. X lowcases. in assorted neat Jr
perfect quality, patterns.
Men’s 75c Sports Hose, f $1.50 and $1.98 Scarfs $
Men’s Rayon and Wool E variety of st\les and colors. Regulg,
Ribbed Sport Hose; heel, toe and tion length. -(Art Dept.— First
sole fully reinforced; hearher shades, Floor.)
j P X CO,or CrOSS ,trips - rer ' : /TV fl/|f Women’s Low Shoes f y
ei a c ■ d B mm El l Prs w J
51.04 frying ran e* g B shr.es -mp< cvfords JL
rnmliinatiAs patent and dull
combination J llb leathers High and low h<**ls. Sire.
On® 51.25 Heavy Iron »t 3 to 7
i Sr^iSVn’^iz^No 8 s and one M § f Misses’s2 & $2.50 Shoe, eg
rr n 1 • u . nyj ' JEe (25a Prs.' Misses’ and Chil rM,
ODC V-Urtam net, C Ids. dren’s High Shoes, in pat X
White Curtain Net, serv- r M S. ent fan rlull leathers
iceable quality, 72 inches J ■—»■—ps——All sizes in the lot from 6to ]1 and
(Race Dept. First Floor) $ 1.50 School Bags eg
Women’s $1.50 and + /ye Boudoir taps L lOr 0 g School Bags, made of r* |
tl QR H w g Women's Boudoir Caps, of r J good grade waterproof ma- X
51.«/0 nanfloagS J messaline satin and seco silk, X terials. with shoulder strap
Women’s Beaded Hand- lace and ribbon trimmed. In or handle. In black and colors,
bags, oxvdized metal frames: pink, blue, copen. old rose and white, tfl cn (iobnnorv
E„.r M r r ," Box,- of SI
$1.50 Cups and Wood Wagons * J 1
r Q . r g Wood Wagons, with wood hon t , ;^
jaucers oets M wheels; ideal wagon for the small ei rn cL 1 ’ D'Lr
Pets of six each Decorated tots. .pt.bU JCnOiar S DlDie e g
China Ctips and Saucers. 1 C(1 linen Damask Rttndar Pchool Pcholar’s w M
$1 25 Chno Chno Cars 51. DU Lrnen UamaSK Bible, imitation leather rev- JL
?1.40 tnoo bnoo urs eg 84-inch Heavw-weight. All- f pr Self-pronouncing, with
Chon Choo Carp, with g linen Damask, in cream JL maps
horse's head: small size; JL color. Neat patterns. on D t AVJ
strongly constructed 75c Turki*h Tnweh jyc Batiste, 4 I dS. eg
$1 49 Tnv Furniture or ,UrK,,n 1 owe,S » SPlnch Shadow Check Ba * /
toy r ur nilture $g 2 for $1 tiste. a yarn-mercerized qual- X
Wooden Toy Furniture. VM jacquard Turkish 1 Hv. in all wanted colors,
ivory or blue finish; choice Jg, ran cy jacquarn lursisn Ji. r - pn «, .. i n _
of two-drawer dresser with Towels, in assorted colors $1.50 INapKIIIS, 1 L/OZ. g
mirror or three-drawer wardrobe. 18xl8-inch Mercerized Dam- V g
19r Diph Tnwelp 8 for + 69c Table Damask, eg ask Napkins, neatly hemmed. J
r. ! ’ , , , $ * •) V J # Five neat patterns. (Limit,
Part-linen Hemmed ish M £ lards M one dozen ) •
T, oWe i\ « le ? f L h^ ,l Un ' X 58-lnch Mercerized Table 75r Hock Towels fi for
bleached; finished with tape Damask, in five neat pat- 45C tIUCK 1 OWeiS, 0 lOr eg
hangers. terns 20x40-inch Huck Towels, v g
$1.50 P. N. Corsets $ f 29c Stamped Towels, , -
Kxtra quality pink coutil. arc g T P C VJ
elastic aides and c losed hark; X 5 tor M £OC I OWellllg, D I dS.
length; two extra Stamped Absorbent Tow- Absorbent Toweling, extra V M
hoops below clasp; sizes 26 to 36; els. with hemstitched ends. heavy grade for roller or tea J
heavy supporter*. Assorted, neat patterns. towels.
single operator. On tlie contrary, you ;
proceeded to try ty convict and punish ;
the operators without a hearing -a
policy repugnant in the American
sense of fair play, No investigation
worthy of the name could possibly
finder one management
all (he vi)ay u - thus insuring
uniform excellence or
service - and that is -
the Santa Fe *—
the Grand* Cany on Line
-shortest way Chicago
to California* ’
Cdailv trains J
Fred Harvey jgr
|i( dinmg service
• reservations M
and details ijr
R. r. Smith. On. Agent 1
G. C. Diliard. Diet. Pass. Agefit RAJ
MI-602 Finance BMg *Philadelphia, P«.
Phone: Bittenhouse *464-a
! confirm such charges as you have
: made.
“As counsel for the Anthracite
Operators' < 'onferenee, therefore. [ r),
! round a retraction of your false an
libelous charges."

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