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SCOUTS TO VISIT WASHINGTON TOMB Annual Tribute by Boys’ Or ganization to First Presi dent's Memory. Veeompanied by 300 Ik>y .Scouts from Baltimore, the <i ve scout divi sions in the District of Columbia will make their annual pilgrimage to the tomb of George Washington :it Mount Vernon tomorrow morning and after noon. The notice of the annual visit, broadcast to Scout troops in the city, carries these statements: "The scouting program is to teach patriotic citizenship. The 22d day of February is the- birthday of the im mortal Washington, father of our s country. It is a day of the true spirit of patriotism. Duty of Every True Scout. "This is the most patriotic day of the year, and every true Scout should observe it by making pilgrimage to George Washington's tomb. “Much scoutmaster should feci ttie thrill of patriotism ami imbue his grouts with a patriotic spirit and see to it that every member of his troop who possibly can attend this pilgrim- The Scouts are requested to mo -1 biiize at .Fourteenth and B streets southwest at 8:30 a.m.. and to carry i nited States, troop and division tiags, with color bearers and color guards for tile troop and division standards and color bearers for American tiags, which will lx - massed and need no guards other'than the troops. Brief Kxercises Scheduled. The Scouts will ltoartl interurban cars and on arrival at the grounds brief exercises will take place. Repre sentative M. Clyde Kelly of Pennsyl vania is scheduled to deliver the oration. Following this the Scouts, heads hared, will tile past the tomb of Washington while four Eagle Scouts place a wreath within the gates. The various divisions then will con duct their competitions for merit badges on the broad lawns of Mount Vernon and the Scouts will return to Washington about 3 o'clock. ■ WILL RESUME PARLEY ON JUGOSLAVIAN DEBT ’ •.> , ulnissions to Hold Joint Session Shortly to Seek Settlement of Terms. Joint meeting of the American and Jugoslavian debt commissions will probably be called this week to fur ther negotiations for funding the Jtiti,- 000.000 Jugoslavian debt to the United States. ■JTlinew revenue hill has so occu pied some congressional members of tile American debt commission that Irtr negotiations have been delayed. . but with prospects of final enactment of the tax bill early this week it Is expected the Jugoslavian parley may be resumed shortly thereafter. Secretary of the Treasury Mellon in a recent statement, declaring that many preliminary matters on the debts had been cleared up. predicted a settlement might be reached soon. INTERVENES IN SUIT. Thomas B. O'Sullivan Claims Ma donna Sought by Mrs. Berryman. Justice Hoehling of the District Su preme Court has granted a motion of Thomas B. O’Sullivan to be allowed to intervene in the replevin suit brought by Mrs. Owyndalie Berryman against the National Gallery of Art to recover possession of a Bridgewater Madonna., siid to he an original Raphael. O'Sul tiva.n claims he bought the painting from the husband of Mrs. Berryman veral years ago and lent it to the gallery for exhibition. lie is repre sented by Attorney Ralph A. Cusick. jXT Bread ’7l that has no et l ua l because- % Ji' :, it l<s ma^e the Holme-s ! —coming - straight^ ! T xN. 'from our ?; ™ ost X t 0 yOUr the iji }j delicious X^ on ‘ O driver for ,! , j; of 3-11 cake 006 of the \b Ij Martha ‘ \V\ . ™* y j i Washington tO ppetiziiig | H -** new «* 2 «-7x v\Hoimeß Pies 9 :! new shape Dainty S/S SA Id texture, rich \\ . they are made j‘ j In its lus- S/s 'T fresh j • clous flavor- \V r :, inps—lue - s/iy r ,yy , a -b over :‘ : clonsly SS' \ Main 4537 M~. the : i--ed. ]S/S X. ) S' Xx world, j j HOLMES to | '-.'S' -<4. J&' service will begin at once. 'X.e Xj : f Coiti ,Vo Mart Dellv.r.J at Y.tir Door's, n ,| I /X Holmes & Son—lo7 F St/Ny 1 »■' ■ ■ i ■■■ »■!■■■■■■ !■■■■■■■ V »I—mmKl^m —aw-^— ®i AtdMl B Clear vision is necessary for safe driving. A good visor is necessary for clean H vision. Don’t Drive Blindfolded! If you are blinded by gusts of rain or snow, or by «un-glare you are as helpless as though you were blindfolded! A few seconds loss of control of your car may mean a serious accident. Our Sale of Visors —offers you an opportunity to get 100% pro- I tection from such hazards. A visor will add beauty to your car, toe. Drop in and inspect them. E. J. Murphy Co. Inc. 710 12th St. N. W. Main 5280 I ————————————— \ Accused in Osage Case J I r i Ik , | I" _3<L JOHN RAMSEY, Oklahoma rancher, who has been in dicted at Guthrie, Okla., for the Kill ing of Henry Roan, wealthy Osage Indian. Ramsey told Government agents that he committed the crime at tlie instance of William_K. Hale, rich cattleman known as “King of the Os age Hills,” who Is Indicted with Ram sey for the murder in the first ease in stituted by Federal authorities to clear up the score of “murders for millions” mysteries among the affluent Okla homa tribe. To Raise Sunken Submarines. An invention to bring sunken sub marines to the surface without the aid of divers has been perfected by Dr. J. Townsend Parr of Oakland, Calif., according to the Popular Sci ence Magazine. Patents have been taken out and plans have been sent to Washington for examination by submarine experts and naval author ities. More than 3,000 exhibitors axe ex pected at the sample fair at Lyon, France, this Spring. Is your coal supply becom ing exhausted? We can change your heating plant from coal to oil In a few hours Oil Burner Demonstration Daily and every nieht from « P.M. to 10 P.M. Sunday) BALLARD OIL EQUIPMENT CO. 1745 Connecticut Ave. Investigate the SUPER HEATER PERPETUAL I BUILDING ASSOCIATION PAYS 5% Compounded Semi-Annually Commencing January 1. 1926 Assets Over $11,000,000 Surplus, $1,000,000 Cor. 11th & E Sts. N.W. JAMES BERRY, President JOSHUA W. CARR, Sec’y THE SUNDAY STALL WASHINGTON, D. (J., EEBRITARY 21, lU2b-PART 1. King* s Palace King*s Palace King* s Palace King* s Palace King* s Palace King*s Palace tSEC Advertised Merchandise on Sale Monday, 9to 1 'gjj-g £&Eif o*Clock, and All Day Tuesday While Quantities Last -ss?ar- a Vesk e B ' 00mers Street Floor * er er Street Floor JUC Cd. Rayon striped. Women’s =!^*SSSSBBassB! - ' sasssss sizes. Splendid quality. Street Floor A Spectacular Holiday Event l n fants ’ Hose, 15c Cotton Hosiery, in black, MR M white and cordovan. Sizes 4 to Spring Urcsscs Copen, henna, H navy, black and other bright colors. / • _ _ _ 4 _ Second Floor v) I,ooo—and all newly arrived — (Made to sell for $8.95 to $16.75 / i \\ * size, extra large. Attractive coi j ■ .—, —— .111 ii i— * dresses at sinali outlay. Many hundreds of choice dresses, sparkling It fjf] Plan to come eariy ; every dress in the whole assortment i> well sleeve- and ankle length, m ecru I worth a special shopping trip here tomorrow. railuunl st P re a eV Floor Colors galore—light, dark and black—styles for misse> and worn- With Coupon Only en. extra sizes included. Fashion features are notablv prominent 20c Unbleached Cotton j t § I \ with flares, high necks, pleats, tucks, embroideries and contrasting y^s ’ or c \ See Our A ij ’ 1 | Window M [ Sizes 16 to 44 and 44*/ 2 to 52% 6^iuncheonS^J c I I l"¥ go#*/✓>■%» P * If Dish and flower designs. Jt g LJl&piUy JjM Second Floor—King's Palace Street Moor » r * $1.19 Stamped Pillow _ ■■■ ■ cases, 88c Pr. r i • X J n . Sample Scarfs O • ¥ ¥ ■ s<SoS'^ e ' Xeat p3,,,r " Lertain-teed rloortex w or ths3to ss .inPIDO* Ho tc [f . " iwi - Regularly Sold for 69c U P 1 111 g HCIIO "l£'£r" r Remnants and full pieces of this Guar- m °htT 1 kiingfy W J< flrt/J hJ II/JL OT QC Castile Soap, 19c anteed Felt-base Floor Covering. Score- beautiful colorw M LdVeFy \JJIC lICUS Ts Uflfl UftU Vw Street Floor of beautiful colors and patterns in light w B H and designs. WSU§ " : . /HP s, ‘ zc Boys ' 79cß ' ouses - 5Sc vour slightly imperfect. 1 "vears * ’ Street FToor U / Street F'loor 1- - ~ = - l ~ r - : = Boys’ Wash Suits, 95c HOLIDAY PURCHASE AND SALE OF 3,000 YDS. Hair Hats ” * j I ton-on and middy styles. Os Kid- | V Kloth and chambray. Neatly Pedcdine Straws r* trimmed wflth white and con f* 1 41 Silk and Straws b trastingcoor ra. , g«s to Kavon Irenes and Alnaca ws ™ - m%uj vii vi vpyo uiiu nipuyu and pins, riiibons, embroidery and contrasting fabrics. sl.lO doz. Usually Sold for 75c, SIM and $1.50 . « “ d *-* %*r%z Newly Received—s2.9B d ° ZCn l ° a Rayon Fabrics —are destined for fashion’s most Felt Si RQ Street Floor prominent place in the dress gnods world. Frocks, ** * IcILS v J[«Oj ■ blouses, sport togs, boys’ and children’s blouses, street Floor—King’s Palace I Boys’ $1.98 Knickers, $1.29 1 draperies and fancy work —all show the influence Xcat dark patterns in brown " f r A °fortunate Anderson Printed Rayons in their fipest qualities A|ll WV a n * or j*l cn and the new washable alpacas in a strikingly beau- | __ Boys $1.25 and sl. tiful array of patterns, stripes, brocades and plain I t jIIIa 11 Pajamas, 95c colors. The assortment also includes Sunbeam Yu* i * A "VUIVI J Flannelette and Muslin One- Crepe in an exquisite group of colors. Note our Truly remarkable because rayon frogs. Sizes 6to 14. ■window display. these Stockings are of pure thread M Street F'loor silk with a very small percentage i Aphrodite Phantom Red Robin Chestnut ,vLriS°" They M ■ ■_ I «uh C0,.,„m tM, Bluebird Navy Black Almond SZXITJ'JTLS? & %iC n c ’ aT P "%, M hhma „ ™ ki ! e SST Aims* Black ■ N W I | IZcT 'lt S ™\J ,/ Leather Bfll Folds 59c Atmosphere - French Nude Maple Cream f o i c j ) w ; t h pockets. Butterick and Standard Designer Patterns Sold Here Rose Gray Gun Metal stone Gray . street Floor Mercerized garter top with 23-inch boot of silk and rayon. So Hair Nets, 3 for 21c you see “this is really a fashion event combined with an opportunity Double mesh, cap shape. All 11 Z*! - n 1* I 11 «l to economize. shades, including white and gray. $2 Bordered Rayon bsc English Broadcloth s,ryot r '" ir - Ki,tl - F ‘ u "" Bead r ßagr r ß9c " ( rpnp m n w w « Solid color and two-tone es- Rnitfivit iff -^rhr Maintenon. chan- Striped and Prmted Pattern I I !■[ /MW ■ /£» II ■ Umbrellas, $1.69 tilly, raspberry and Broadcloth in stunning Spring and ■ \M\ ■ I ' oMo fMjSlMjgl /Inßl ■ I Men's and women's styles. \ Versailles Requires mr , Summer designs. All popular col- ■ \M\ ■ 111 I Cravanette processed. A defi- ( IX or 2 yards for a Yard IllKt®* „i<efor per ma ,,em j smart frock. st 810*18 Seventh Street Satisfaction Since S,rt " F '” r j '' ■ .ft: m ' 17