PRIMARY SCHOOLS' COURSES STRESSED Committee Charged With Re vision Cites Needs of Ele mentary Pupils. Jpffacement of superstition, preju dices and sentimentality from the minds of the elementary school chil dren of the country Is recommended by the Washington comfnittee charged with the duty of revising the cur “ riculum of elementary science and nature study for consideration by educators throughout America. The local committee, which has carried on this significant work, head ed by Dr. Frank W. Ballou, superin tendent, and Mrs. E. K. Peeles. in • ■barge of nature study in the local ehools, will make a formal report •>f its findings at a meeting of the ommission on the curriculum of the Tepartment of superintendence of the National Education Association to be held at the New Willard Hotel to morrow afternoon. Should Control Fears. "Pupils should be taught,” says the local committee, "not to fear foads, harmless snakes, spiders and bats. They should be instructed that these ate helpful creatures which have been ignorantly persecuted and destroyed. • •'On hte other hand, certain forms, such as the house fly and the mosquito, must be controlled to in sure health to human beings. Fear of lightning should be discouraged, r but the use of ;t lightning arrestor ' should be understood.” The Washington teachers who have helped make up the national curricu lum reform on elementary science and nature study, comprising more than 60 pages in the fourth annual yearbook of the department of su perintendence, are as follows: P. J. Rayford, Miss L>. M. Allen, .Miss A. A. Backus, Miss E. M. Baltuell, Miss G. L. Burke, Miss S. F. Clokey, Mrs. F. R. Dorsey, Miss F. M. Fulton, Miss H. F. Gillem, Miss NT. C. Harrington, Miss M. J. Haw kins. Miss D. J. Kemble, Miss Elsa I/ohman, Miss M. K. McCauley, Miss T. R. Meloy, Mrs. I. M. Pearson, Mrs. 3. I. Ruediger, B. W. Murch, Miss P. T j. Patterson, Miss A. M. Spender, Miss M. Standiford. Miss Augusta Swan, Mrs. G. C. Turner and Miss L. , W. Wilkinson. On invitation of Dr. Ballou the fol lowing specialists became advisers to the local working committee: Dr. Paul Bartsh, Dr. Otis Caldwell, Dr. L. C. Corbett, Dr. Percy L. Ricker, Dr. E. H. Shinn and Dr. Herbert A. Smith. First Grade Pupils. The committee concerned with re vision of the handwriting curriculum reports that in .Its opinion a first grade pupil should be able to write h!s name correctly and easily and to make ligures up to 20. The committee on spelling states that the elementary school child should have a vocabulary of 3,000 words. The committee on arithmetic voices • the belief that first and second grade pupils should have no formal drills in arithmetic. The committee on health and physi cal education recommends that ele mentary school children "should be given an annual health exajnination, end bo weighed once a month." PLATOON SYSTEM UNDER STUDY BY LARGE GROUP Work-Study-Play Type of Organi zation to Be Discussed by 500 Educators Here. More than 500 public school super intendents and principals represent ' ing the school systems in over 100 of the largest cities in the country opened a two-day conference of the .National Association for the study of the platoon or work-study-play school organization in the Hotel Washington. Educators from 33 States are taking part. A feature is an exhibition from 30 cities showing the great advantage de lved from the platoon or work-study play type of school during the past 15 years. This is the most compre hensive educational exhibit of its kind ever presented In the United States. It is on view in the rose oom of the Hotel Washington today end tomorrow. In consists of charts showing the advantages of the platoon type of organization, draw ings of buildings for platoon schools, graphic representation of work In the • auditorium, and diagrams giving costs, capacities of buildings, etc. At the meeting this afternoon the speakers listed are William Wirt, su perintendent of schools of Gary, Ind., who originated this type of school; Dr. Stuart A. Courtis, Department of Education, University of Michigan; C. B. Glenn, superintendent of schools, Birmingham, Ala. and f\ H. Bair, superintendent of schools, Colo ado Springs, Colo. URBAN A. F. COSH FOUND DEAD FROM GAS IN ROOM Another Man and Woman Made 111 From Fumes Escaping From Fixtures. Urban A. F. Cosh, 62 years old, who has worked in the vicinity of the Gov ernment Printing Office a number of years and who was regarded by police of the regular force as an able as sistant, was found dead in a gas-filled room in his home yesterday afternoon by his son, Ernest Cosh, 17 years old. oroner Nevitt gave a certificate of iccidental death. Thomas E. Greene, 62 years old, • 2601 Connecticut avenue, was found In his bedroom yesterday suffering from the effects of illuminating gas that had escaped from a fixture in the room. He was taken to Galllnger Hos pital for observation, police reported. Miss Jean Harker, 20 years old, apartment 1, 1665 Lamont street, was made ill last night by fumes of gas that had escaped from a kitchen stove In her apartment. She was treated at Garfield Hospital, where it was said she was not dangerously affected. NAVY GIVEN RELIC. Billet Head of Constitution Re turned by Society. BOSTON', February 23 UP). —The billet head 'f the United States frigate Constitute .• has been returned to Its rightful "v ner—the United States Navy. The Veteran Fusiliers’ Associa tion presented the relic to Rear Ad miral Philip Andrews, commandant of lie Charleston navy yard, at exercises vesterday. The Constitution Is berthed here while school children of the • tuntry are raising funds to preserve her from disintegration. The billet bead, which bears the in wription. “Her white wings flying rover from her foes.” was recovered .from a rubbish heap years ago by sergt. 1 ’itngt Woodbury of the i'ueiUemi EQUIPPING SCHOOLS FOR RADIO INSTRUCTION URGED BY TEACHER Experiment of Year Produced Good Results, V. E. Dickson Says. Use of Reproducing Piano Emphasized by Intelligence Test Director. All new school buildings under con struction should be provided with con duits for wires to lead from a central receiving set to a loud speaker con nection in each classroom, Virgil E. Dickson, public schools, Berkeley, Calif., declared in an address before the Educational Research Association at the Masonic Temple yesterday aft ernoon. Mr. Dickson conducted an ex periment lasting one year in class room Instruction by radio. “It has now been almost two years since the experiment began,” he said. “What are the results and prospects? In the first place, I wish to say that opinions differ. Certain facts, how ever, stand out to guide those who wish to consider them. It Is perfect ly possible to get reception so that a class of any reasonable size can hear every word and every direction of the instructor who is broadcasting. It also is possible to plan a lesson that will interest and keep active any num ber of classes that have been proper ly prepared for its reception. Certain lessons taught before the mircrophono produce class and individual results that cannot be distinguished from those gained by the same Instructor teaching in person before the class. "As I look ahead, I predict an ex tensive use of radio in class room in struction. It should not supplant reg ular class-room teachers in any sense. I look upon radio as the most effective means now available to educators to bring about desirable changes in class room instruction and supervision of Instruction.” The modern reproducing piano of- BRITAIN’S SUBSIDY ON COAL IS FAILURE Exports Drop 4,750,000 Tons In Six Months—Report Is Anxiously Awaited. BY HAL O’FLAHERTY. By Cable to The Star and Chicago Dally News. LONDON, February 23.—The Brit ish government’s attempt to rescue the coal industry from disaster by granting a subsidy amounting to over 20,000,000 pounds sterling has proved an utter failure, according to detailed figures published today. When Premier Baldwin decided to lend government aid in order to avert a general strike last Summer he as sumed that the coal industry would increase Its exports and decrease prices, hut latest statistics disclose a steady decrease in sales abroad. Exports Drop 4,750,000 Tons. During the six months from Au gust to January British coal exports actually dropped by 4,750,000 tons, compared with the same period a year ago, despite the fall in price of three shillings six pence per ton. The whole country is anxiously awaiting the report of the commis sion approved last Summer, which h;is completed Its \york, and probably will make known its findings next week. Upon this report Great Brit ain’s Industrial stability for next year depends. If the commission advo cates continuance of the subsidy, workers will likely continue under the present arrangement without pro test, but if the subsidy is removed they demand immediate wage In creases, which cannot be granted. Germans Withhold Action. Meanwhile German mine owners are withholding action on their fu ture plans, realizing that the report of the British commission either will foreshadow a fierce trade war be tween the great coal producing na tions or negotiations leading to an international system of regulated production -with each country- supply ing its apportioned share to Europe’s markets. One report hints that the British commission will recommend a sys tem of export bounties on British produced coal. If that plan takes effect German exporters will t>e forced to retaliate, but they believe at the moment that the British government will use the bounty system as a weapon to force Germany into a coal truce, followed by a division of world markets. (Copyright. 1926, by Chicago Daily News Co.) FARivibodiesToppose RAILROAD PEACE BILL Bureau Federation and Grange Is sue Joint Statement Against the Measure. The American Farm Bureau Fed eration and the National Gralnge came out in a joint statement last night in opposition to the Watson- Parker bill for the settlement of rail road labor disputes, which is sched uled for consideration in the House today. The measure is unique, in that it has the support of both rail road operators and employes. The statement, which was ad dressed to the members of the House, declared that “with the primary pur pose of that measure—securing un interrupted train service—we have great sympathy, but that can be secured without depriving the public of protection against new transporta tion charges which the present form of the bill threatens to impose. “Under the present law,” it con tinued, "the Railroad Labor Board cannot make a wage award without the approval of one of the repre sentatives of the public on the board. If the railroad managers and their employes make an agreement about wages the board can suspend the agreement until it finds out what effect it will have upon railroad rates. "That is a clear-cut, definite pro tection which Congress gave six years ago to prevent new and excessive burdens being put upon railroad serv ice. Now- in the bill you are about to consider it is proposed to abolish the Rill road Labor Board and per mit the parties signatory thereto to make wage agreements without any public body having control over such agreements.” Culpeper Summer Home Sold. Spe- ial Dispatch to The Star. WARRENTON, Va.. February 23. The Lomax place, Culpeper street. Summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Waddy B. Wood of Washington, has been sold to Mrs. Florence Wlnmill Bass ford of New York. Mrs. Bassford is a native of Warrenton and sister of E. AW and R. C. WinmilL Mrs. AVood inherited the property from her aunts, the Mlases Lomatu THE EVENING BTiH, WASHINGTON, P. C.. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 2S, 1926. sere many possibilities to students of the piano, to piano teachers and to psychologists who are interested in studying the technique by which great artists produce their effects, Guy M. Whipple, director of national intelligence tests. National Research Council, told the meeting. Mr. Whip ple threw on a screen pictures of the music and of the recording rolls for the “Tenth Hungarian Rhapsody,” as played by Paderewski and Friedman and pointed to the differences In the Interpretation by these pianists. Arthur I. Gates, professor of edu cational psychology, Teachers' Col lege, Columbia University, declared, “if the deaf could be taught very early to read, their lives could be immeasurably enriched and enlight ened.” Investigations have revealed that deaf children are rarely able at the age of 15 to read ordinary prose readily enough for either information or enjoyment, he said. Don C. Rogers, special secretary of the Chicago Principals’ Club, dis cussed the pupil failures in Chicago’s elementary schools, which, he said, range from zero to 71 per cent. The cases for failure were poor health conditions, poor administrative con ditions, bad environment, low men tality of pupils, race and nationality difficulties and holding too high standards of achievement. John G. Fowlkes, University of Wisconsin, and Harold O. Rugg, Co lumbia University, also spoke. Presi dent M. R. Trabue of. University of North Carolina, presided, and H. A. Greene of lowa State University, lowa City, Iowa; served as secretary. Four Prominent Educators Named For Presidency Fcffir nationally prominent edu cators were this afternoon nom inated for the presidency of the department of superintendence. National Education Association, at a business session held in the Washington Auditorium. Dr. Frank W. Ballou, superintendent of schools, is the outgoing president. They are: Edwin C. Broome of Philadelphia, E. E. Oberholtzer of Houston, Tex.; Charles B. Glenn of Bir mingham, Ala., and Randall J. Condon of Cincinnati, Ohio. David A. AVard of Wilmington, Del., was the only nominee for the vice presidency. There were two nominations for the vacancy on the executive committee —E. E. Lewis of Detroit and W. A. Sut ton of Atlanta, Ga. Balloting will take place tomor row. J. M. Gwinn of San Francisco, Calif., the first man placed in nomination for the presidency, and who received the acclaim of the members, declined to be a 1 candi date, as did E. E. Lewis of Flint, Mich. MARSH INDICTED ON ARSON CHARGE: Accused of Setting Fire to Apartment House —Many Others Face Trials. Harold S. Marsh, 19 years old, was indicted today by the grand jury on a charge of arson. It is alleged that he set fire to the Victoria Apartments at Fourteenth and Euclid streets north west, January 31. Estimated damage of 5150,000 was sustained by fire and water to the apartments and many of the residents were driven Into the street by the conflagration. Marsh lived with his parents In the apart ments. Margaret Gantt, a young woman re siding at the Roosevelt Hotel, was In dicted on a charge of false pretenses. It is claimed she purchased a cloth coat January 16 last and wrote the name of Alvin O. Portner on the “charge slip,” which had been made out in the name of Mrs. Alvin O. Port ner, Portner Apartments. She also left her old coat and wore the new one from the store, it is said. Detec tive Sergt. Scrivener arrested the young woman after an investigation. She is said to have seen Mrs. Portner make a purchase at another depart ment and saw her sign the Blip. Murder in the first degree Is alleged in an indictment against Charles H. Baker, colored, in connection with the death of Ilelly Saxton, also colored, June 12 last. Saxton is said to have sustained 10 or 12 stab wounds as the result of a quarrel with the accused in a house on Pierce place. . Held on Four Charges. Four charges of false pretenses are contained in indictments against Charles W. Rowlands. He Is said to have cashed four checks, three for $75 each and one for S9O, last De cember. Eight persons were indicted for violations of the national prohibition act and five were exonerated of that charge by the grand Jurora. Those accused of whisky transactions are Edward A. Hawkins, Ham VVertlleb, Thomas Delaney, Jr.; Brutus Lane, Leroy Parker, Alphonso Benedettl, Henry Simms and Louis Rosenthal. Those exonerated are Isaac Jacobs, Marshall E. Duckett, Edward Duck ett, Thomas J. Chapplear and Brutus Lane (another charge). The grand jurors also acquitted Peter Stathopu los of a charge of homicide. He was driving an automobile which ran down Henry Eberbach at Ninth and H street northwest August 27, last. A clArge of forgery against Pearcd E. Hales was ignored. Many Others Indicted. Others indicted and the charges against them are: Philip Baker, rape; Harry S. Epps, assaut to rob; Robert Jefferson, Aloyslus Nelson, alias Aloyslus Neveson; James R. Steele, Carl Ellis, Charles R. Henderson, alias Joseph Henderson; Leon Adams and Earl Lee, housebreaking and lar ceny: Morris Brown and James R. Shields (three cases), grand larceny; Louis Perkins and Lester Moore, joy riding; John H. Edmonds, assault with dangerous weapon, and Wade Lynn, Morton Brown, Joseph E. Piazza and John L. Preston, non-support. Canton Fort Is Closed. HONGKOXOi China, February 23 UP). —Forty ships today were tied up at Canton unable to discharge car goes because of a ruling by the port commissioner, which closed the port to cargoes and passengers. The clos ing of the port w as in protest against action of the strike committee in seizing and selling cargoes. Mer chandise seized by the strikers in cluded American and Gera** flood*- HOUSE HIGH SCHOOL SYSTEM IS PRAISED Detroit Educator Describes Organization at Principals' Meeting. The house system In the schools was declared to be the "best and most efficient plan of high school organiza tion" by William R. Stocking, Jr., as sociate principal of high schools, Detroit. In an address before the National Association of Secondary School Principals today. Mr. Stocking said the system, which is found in six of the Detroit high schools, consists of the organization of the entire school Into groups of three to four hundred, In assembly hall, four or five for the boys and a like number for the girls. Here are gathered pupils from every grade, ninth through twelfth, under the supervision and direction of men for the boys and women for the girls. These teachers are called house principals. "The duties of the house principal," he continued, “are In most respects like those of the principal of a small high school except that he has little real authority over the other teachers. He has complete charge over his pupils, gives them excuses for absence or tardiness, and keeps a record of them. He plans their course of study and places them in the right classes. He directs their study during vacant hours and controls their non-academic activities. The teachers report to him the poor scholarship of his boys, poor deportment In class, or any other bad conduct. Likewise, they bring to his attention noteworthy achievements.” The meeting also was addressed by Michael H. Lucey, principal, Julia Richm&n High School, New York City; Lucy L. W. Wilson, principal. South Philadelphia High School for Girls, Philadelphia, Pa.; Louis P. Slade, principal, public high school, New Britain, Conn.; Earle U. Rugg, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo., and Richard D. Allen, Providence, PURCHASE OF LAND VOTEDBYSENATE Provision Also Made for Damage to Property Near Printing Office. Provision for payment of $48,092.38 to the owners of property adjoining the Government Printing Office on the west. Including the damages al leged to have been caused by the en croachment and underpinning of the walls of the Government Printing Of fice and Including the purchase money for the acquisition of this property, was passed by the Senate yesterday. The bill now goes to the House for consideration and action. At the time the Government Print ing Office Building was erected and since then the property In question, with a frontage of 44 feet on O street and a depth of 175 feet, has been owned by the owners of the Yale Laundry. The bill provides fur the payment of the money to Mrs. Belle H. Walker, widow of Frank H. Walk er. and Frank E. Smith. The acquisition of the property has been recommended by Secretary Mel lon of the Treasury Department on the ground that it would provide a fire protection to the Government Printing office and would prevent the erection of any objectionable struc tures on the site. A similar bill passed the Senate In the last Congress. It Is claimed that In constructing the Government Printing Office the footing of Its west wall was not con fined within the limit of the west boundary of the Government site, but was extended 4 feet 11 inches upon the adjoining property, belonging to Walker & Smith, the bottom of the footing being about 16 feet below the first floor of the Walker & Smith Building. Furthermore, a 6-inch drain was Installed for the use of the Gov ernment FTintlng Office above the foot ing of the west wall and within the building line of the Walker & Smith Building. The main cornice of the Government Printing Office was con structed with a projection 4 feet inch over the property of Walker & Smith. The owners of the property declare that these things were done without their permission; that the underpinning has caused their building to settle and the floor to crack; that they have not been able to dispose of. use or rent their building advantageously because of the conditions created. They have not used the building for laundry pur poses since 1906, and except for a couple of months In that year it has not been rented except In 1920 and 1922. MEXICAN CITIES URGED TO SPEED U. S. CLAIMS Time Limit Drawing Near for Ap plications for Damages From Punitive Expedition. By Cable to The Star and Chicago Daily Newa MEXICO CITY, Mexico. February 23.—The foreign office has asked all municipalities In the State of Chi huahua to file all of their claims arising from the Pershing punitive expedition to northern Mexico. This action Is taken because the time for lodging claims is about to ex pire. The notice divides claims into two groups. The first provides for dam ages caused by the American troops to Mexican properties In skirmishes or engagements and also those caused by requisitions of cattle, arms and other property. The second provides for personal damages suffered by Mexican citi zens at the hands of American mili tary authorities through wounds, ar rest, or personal service without recompense. Mexican widows are especially asked to support claims of the deaths of husbands killed by foreign troops. (Copyright. 1926. by Chicago Daily Nows Co.) NEW YORK SNOWBOUND. Traffic, Just Back to Normal, Again Partly Tied Up. NEW YORK, February 23 UP). — New York, its traffic back to normal after struggling with two unusually heavy snowstorms of the past few weeks, was mantled In white again today. Snow began falling shortly after midnight, and by morning, when it began to dwindle, several inches had fallen. The snow removal bureau, which had been cleaning up the drifts left from the previous storm, went back to work on main traffic arteries. The storm was general along the North atlantic Coast, the Weather Bureau reported. N. E. A. LEADERS AT TODAY’S SESSION Upper, left to right: M. C. Lefltr, superintendent of schools, Lincoln, Nebr.; William J. Bogan, assistant super intendent of schools, Chicago, I1L; Lawton B. Evans, superintendent of schools, Augusta, Ga.; E. E. Oberholtzer, superintendent of schools, Houston, Tex. Lower, left to right: W. T. Longshore, principal of Greenwood School, Kansas City, Mo.; C. G. Sargent, presi dent, department of rural education, N. E. A.; George R. Staley, superintendent of schools, Rome, N. Y.; Ide G. Kar geaut, president of department of elementary school principals; Dr. Augustus O. Thomas, State commissioner of education, Augusta, Me. N. E. A. BACKS CURTIS-REED BILL FOR DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Superintendents Unanimously Indorse Measure to Create Cabinet Post—Vote Approval of $50,000 Efficiency Fund Campaign. (Continued from First Page.) Foundation and the commonwealth fund for consideration. The com mission Is of the opinion that the funds will be provided and the In quiry Inaugurated during the ensuing month." A third Important action taken by the convention in business session this morning was the decision to con tinue the commission on school cur riculum for another year. C. B. Glenn, superintendent of schools of Birmingham, Ala., and a candidate for the presidency of the Department of Superintendence for the ensuing year, made one of the outstanding talks of the morning. He told of the particular objective in school work this year—“ The Develop ment of Character Through Work.” “Work Is not a disgrace,” Mr. Glenn told his fellow educators, and the sooner we Implant this in the minds of elementary school children the better. “Many a father willingly would have his boy serve as a porter in a store or drive a dray In the village NAVAL PROMOTION EQUALITY FAVORED Admiral Says Nearly All Branches of Service De sire Passage of Bill. Practically unanimous support by all units of the naval service of the equalization bill, giving the same op portunity for promotion at precisely the same time for all officers of the Navy, line and staff, who are con temporaries was voiced by Admiral Campbell, Judge Advocate General, who was the principal witness today when hearings started before the House naval affairs committee. Admiral Campbell stated that prac tically every one in the Navy is be hind this measure except the Bureau of Naval Construction. He brought to the committee the indorsement of Ad miral Shoemaker, chief of navigation, who thought that the bill ought to be passed as soon as possible, and of Ad miral Eberle, chief of operations, who approved of the general principles of this bill. Other corps which are supporting the legislation are Medical, Supply, Chaplain. Civil Engineers, with one minor change, and the Dental Corps. The promotion of staff officers, it was explained, is controlled by the flow of promotion In the line. The officers of each staff corps who are behind their cotemporaries in the line would be Immediately promoted under this bill in the same proportions that their line cotemporariee are to be promoted. The staff officers who are ahead of their line cotemporary officers would be held in the position they now hold until their cotempo rariea, both line and staff, catch up with them, after which time they will all have the identical opportunity for promotion at the identical time. Therefore, the committee was shown, the equalization bill provides for the same opportunity for promo tion at exactly the same time for all officers who are ootemporaries. The sections pertaining to running mates and percentages to be selected are simply the machinery for accomplish ing the purpose of the bill, the com mittee was assured. The hearing will be continued Thursday morning at 10:30 o clock, when Comdr. McCain of the'Bureau of Navigation will be the principal witness. GREEK REBEL INTERNED. ZAGREB, Jugoslavia, February 23 of>) The newspaper Cbzor learns from Zera that Gen. who led the 1922 rebellion in Greece, has been arrested on Jugoslavian soil. The paper says he will be interned In Belgrade, not being extradited to Greece because of his status as a political refugee. Gen. Plastiras was deported from Greece last October. Subsequently the military council found him re sponsible for the disaster to the Greek army In Anatolia In 192- and ordered that he be court-martialed. X Potomac Waters Becede. Special Dispatch to The Star. CUMBERLAND, Md., February 23. —The Potomac River and Wills Creek, which rose 4 feet above normal stage last midnight as the result of rains at headwaters and heavy thaw, sub sided this morning. A slight snow fall and a sudden drop in temperature have helped to dispel fears of a flood. Precautions had been taken in the lower section of the city by putting down flood doors and window hatches. It is thought the snow, which was 4 and 6 feet deep in the mountains, Is about &4 goo*- and the boy would willingly do so, but social custom forbade In past years. While conditions have In a measure changed, the effect is still evident. “We are not unmindful of the fact that work in Itself may have little • influence lrt the development of char acter. We agree with the industrial leader that the attitude toward work is the important thing. However, we are convinced tliat one way, per haps the best way, to create the prop er attitude toward work is to work, and that it is the duty of our schools to provide systematically for this and to encourage the pupils to engage in it.’' While the department of superin tendence is holding sessions today, the executive committee and the resolu tions committee as busily engaged In private meetings and 14 allied or ganizatlons are holding programs in every section of the city. The National Society for the Study of Education will hold a special twenty-fifth anniversary program at the Washington Auditorium tonight at 7:30 o’clock. J. H. Beveridge, su perintendent of schools, Omaha, Nebr., will preside. MAN NOT EXAMINED IN WIFE’S SLAYING I Plan Dropped After Talk With Attorney—No Clue in Ohio Killing. By the Associated Prese. TROY, Ohio, February 23.—After a conference with an attorney retained by Jacob Nesbitt. Detective Joseph Wilcox and Sheriff Mont Spillman said they had temporarily abandoned their plan to question Nesbitt about , the slaying of his wife, Mrs. Frances Drake Nesbitt. i The husband of the dead woman engaged Attorney L. P. Shipman of Troy following announcement from authorities that they intended to question him after his wife’s funeral. Attorney Shipman said his client was in no condition to undergo an examination, and he informed De tective Wilcox and Sheriff Spillman he would advise Nesbitt not to answer any’ questions. Through his attorney, Nesbitt is sued a statement to "offset rumors that have been going around town and to make formal declaration of his in nocence.” He also planned to make public a complete account of his move ments on last Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Nesbitt’s body with the skull fractured by a blow from a blunt in strument was found by Nesbitt late. Friday night in a bathtub In their home. They had been in Dayton the night before, returning home around midnight. Nesbitt said he left for Dayton at S o’clock Friday morning and upon returning home that night discovered his wife’s body. Authorities indicated they are still without a clue to the slaying and re fused to discuss their future plans. D. A. R. PLAN BENEFIT. Manor House Chapter Arranges Concert Thursday Night. A benefit concert will be given at the Willard Hotel Thursday night, at 8 o'clock under the auspices of the Manor House Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, the pro ceeds to be used for the patriotic work of the chapter. The program includes a group of negro spirituals and solos by members of the Columbia Male Quartet, violin numbers by Mrs. Raymond Dickey, and Impersonations by Mrs. Bruce McArthur. The program was arranged by Miss Lillian Chenoweth, chapter regent. I * : ioo Bills introduced. i | Last Day Open to Legislation in i Virginia Brings Deluge. ' Special Dispatch to The Star. RICHMOND, Va., February 23. Yesterday was the last day on which , general bills could be presented In either branch of the Legislature—save \ local and revenue-producing measures. : That there would be a deluge was ex -1 pected, but there was no anticipation that the number would reach, in the two houses, to nearly IOC. These cov ered all sorts of subjects, and many of them are not expected to emerge from the committee rooms. ‘There are some measures to be con sidered which will take a vast amount j of time. For instance, the bill creating , the S4ate tax board, the special order for yesterday, consumed practically all ' of the morning session, with Senator [ Lambeth of Bedford in opposition. He ' did not conclude his remarks, and will l take the floor again today. , : —• Women are employed as detectives I in many banks, department stores s and by the railroad companies in Japan. « ADVERTISING PRIZE WONBYD.C.MAN Merle Thorpe Awarded SI,OOO for Best Individual Work—Others Honored. By the Associated Frees. CAMBRIDGE, Mass.. February 23. —Announcement of the winners of the Harvard advertising awards for 1925, founded by Edward W. Bok and carrying SII,OOO and a gold medal In prizes, was made last night by Dean Wallace B. Donham of the Harvard Business School. Ernest E. Calkins, president of Calkins and Holden, Inc., New York advertising agency, was awarded the gold medal for distinguished personal service to advertising. The $2,000 prize and certificate for the national campaign most excellent in planning and execution was award ed to Young & Rubicam, advertising agency, of Philadelphia, and the Postum Cereal Co., Inc., for the cam paign of Postum. No differentiation was made this year between institu tional and merchandising campaigns. Local Campaign Praised. Joseph Richards Co., Inc., New York, advertising agency, was award ed $2,000 and certificate for the Tide water Oil Hales Corporation’s “Tydol” campaign, a8 the most*excellent local campaign of a manufacturer. For the best local retail campaign, Pedlar & Ryan, Inc., of New York, and Ovlngton’s New York Specialty Store, wero awarded $2,000 and cer tificate. H. O. Weaver of the Gen eral Motors Corporation won a $2,000 prize and certificate for a research which developed an index of effective buying power for consumers by coun ties in the United States. No other research award was made. Three awards of SI,OOO cash each and certificates were made for dis tinguished Individual advertisements. Merle Thorpe of "Nation’s Business,” Washington, D. C., won that for most effective use of text by an advertise ment of that journal appearing In va rious newspapers and periodicals. For the advertisement most effective in the use of pictorial illustration, the award was made to Willard D. Humphrey of McKinney, Marsh & Cushing, Inc., Detroit agency, for an advertisement of the Hay’s Glove Co. Roy F. Heinrich of Detroit was the artist. For the advertisement most effectly combining those two factors, the award was made to Mrs. Erma Perham Proetz, the Gardner Adver tising Agency of St. Louis, for an ad vertisement of "Pet Milk.” The artist was Andrew Loomis of Chicago. Calkins Begins as Printer. Mr. Calkins, winner of the distin guished personal service medal, has been a partner of his firm since 1902. Trained as a printer, he realized the importance of art and helped organize the first art department in any agency. He has written magazine articles and books upon advertising and was given the honorary degree of Doctor of Literature by Knox College in recognition of his work in adver tising. The jury of award met at Harvard in January. It made recom mendations for several changes in the awards, the most important of which were the inclussion of an award for the advertising campaign of industrial products deemed best and an award for the best local campaign produced locally in any small city or town. DOCTOR, FAILING TO PAY JUDGMENT, IS ARRESTED War Veteran Lost Eye After Oper ation, Physician's Bight to Prac tice Will Be Probed. By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, February 23.—Franklin O. Carter, an eye doctor, was In jail today after his arrest for failure to pay a $15,000 judgment awarded to a war veteran who lost an eye after an operation by Carter. In addition, th& State Department of Registration has ordered him to ap pear before it to show cause why his license to practice medicine should not be revoked. He is the first registered physician against whom such action lias been taken since a recent expose of irregular medical practices here. The $15,000 judgment was awarded to Max Schreiber, who went to Carter for an operation to straighten a crossed eye. GIANT POWER^PROJECT. License Issued for 300,000 Horse power Conowingo Plan. License for the construction of the Conowingo hydroelectric power proj ect on the Susquehanna River to de velop 300.000 horsepower for use in Philadelphia has been Issued by the Federal Power Commission to the Susquehanna Power Company of Maryland and the Philadelphia Elec tric Power Company of Pennsylvania. When completed the project will be the largest In this section of the coun try, with the exception of that at Niagara. ■Jk Hotel Inn i I'lione Main 8108-8109 ~ 604-610 9th St. N.W. $7 rooms, $6 weekly: $10.50 rooms. $8; sl4 with toilet, shower atul lavatory. $10: 8 to room. 50% more. Booms like Mother's. PICKING TEAK DIFFICULT TASK Good Students May Be Total Failures as Instructors, Educators Are Told. Declarations that students may be pc-rfect as determined by intelligence tests, and yet be practical failures in teaching, and if good teachers are to be obtained they must be picked out and properly trained, were made be fore the city teaeher-trainlng school section of the National Education As sociation, meeting in the New Na tional Museum this afternoon. The speakers were Benjamin R, Simpson, Cleveland School of Educe, tion, and Frank W. Smith, State Nor mal School, Paterson, N. J. Mr. Simp son said: “If we are to have good teachers for our children in the ele mentary schools we must learn to plck> out and train the right people. This Implies that we must induce a sur plus of applicants to apply for admis sion to our teacher-training schools from whom we may select the mos’ desirable.” Mr. Smith declared no one of the present modes of selection —high school certificate, examination in fundamentals, intelligence tests —meets the case in selecting candidates for the teaching profession. They are un worthy of the high calling of the nor mal school, essentially crude and inef fective. They tend to deaden interest toward a normal school course rather than attract to it. No intelligence test has yet been developed calculated even remotely to disclose teaching qual; ties. “Personality is the ruling factor in teaching. Hence the urgency to select teaching personalities, of which scholarship is only a fragment, and then train these personalities into ef fective teaching abilities.” "It is possible in -a high school course, so rich In personal and group contacts, to get fairly accurate ratings of teaching qualities in the four car dinal directions that make unity and wholeness of personality the mental, the physical, the spiritual the social, the latter being rather a resultant of the other three than sep arate. "It Is possible also to develop an In telligence test for normal school candi dates that will be really significant in helping to determine professional qualifications.” POOR LIGHTING SCORED. HI Equipped Schools a “Reproach on Society,” Says Speaker. School buildings with poor Illumina tion and a lighting system below the standard constitute a “reproach or. society,” John A. Hoeveler. manager, engineering department, Pittsburgh Reflector Co., declared In an address this afternoon before the department of school health and physical educa tion of the National Education As sociation. “The school lighting code, an Amer ican standard, approved by the Amer ican Engineering Standards commit tee, similar to the well established in dustrial lighting code, defines the con ditions to be observed in order to pro tide Illumination which will enable the child in school to see without eye strain,” §aid the speaker. “This code specifies the minimum illumination intensity to be provided in school buildings, for the various purposes. Moreover, it specifies the manner in which artificial lighting units must be equipped and Installed in order to avoid glare, which may cause dis comfort. annoyance, Interference with vision or eye fatigue. The code fur ther specifies that the illumination on the work plane (the desk tops in the classrooms, for distance) must be reasonably uniform and sets specific limits In this respect." CITIZENSHIP PROMOTED. Extra Curricular Activities in High. Schools Explained. The chief justification for extra curricular activities in high school is the practice given students in the ac quirement of desirable citizenship and character traits, Merle C. Prunty, principal of Central High School, Tulsa, Okla., asserted In an address this afternoon before the National Society for the Study of Education of the National Education Association, meeting in the "Washington Audi torium. “The administration of the high school should therefore systematically provide specific class period assign ments for these activities, with fac ulty members equipped by training, experience and temperament for skillful instructional leadership,” Mr. Prunty added. H. D. Kitson of Columbia Univer sity, said that in “limiting the term guidance to the field of vocational guidance we find that many of the extra curricular activities have wtih in them the possibilities of immeas urable value in assisting pupils to choose and progress in vocations." George is. County. Tale University; Li. V. Koos. University of Minnesota, and A. L. Threlkeld. deputy superin tendent of schools, Denver, Colo., also spoke. CHINESE PREMIER OUT. Chi Teh-Yao Resigns in Protest Over Tuan’s Attitude. ' PEKING. February 23 (A>). —China is again without a premier. Gen. Chi Teh-Vao, minister of war, who took over the premiership last week on the resignation of Hsu-Khih-Ping. today submitted his resignation to Marshal Tuan Chi-Jui, the chief ex ecutive. He gave as his reason the chief executive’s unwillingness to countersign a mandate calling for the overthrow- of Gen. Chang Tsung- Chang, governor of Shantung, and a supporter of Marshal Chang Tso Lin of Manchuria. 610 9th—For Lease With Basement Term of years Commencing March I Glass Oiling. Tile Floor and Mulls Hill Make Alterations Best Business Block In City S%pjod on SAVINGS DEPOSITS MORRIS PLAN BANK Unitr Supervision U. S. Tuasury mm H ST. N. W. \W SAFETY r sMBr |f A USED CAR from Joseph Mcßeynolds . 5