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1 ——| All Charge Purchases Entered on April Ist Bills 5 -TTT " M JLJ ' = Table Linens and Towels at Temptingly Low Prices The “Rayopac” Demonstration! J I 111 Cl Stile TOUT 01*t*OID Ot Kami s! II Don’t Miss This Great Sale of | j —Continues all this week with Miss Craw- i ' AnselU Bishop & Turner's Stock of j if finishcd dresses of Ra > r °P ac - —ls your Household Linen and Towel Supplies need replenishing:, tomorrow XT • m 'rfc i 1 treet oor is your opportunity to secure those supplies at such savings that it will pay V Ipf OT ri POfIYTI C \ A * k f° r the Free Excelta Pattern you to look ahead to future needs, and buy NOW. t IVylul U 3 1 At Less L’Aiglon and Hubrite John S. Brown’s Damask 40 Imported Cotton Than Home-Wear Dresses T.bled.lh, Halt Price D™.,k Tabl. Se., HALF! m too; $4.50 =d $3.38 —Many thousands of Black Label, Red Seal and Blue \ ” Seal Records at astonishingly low prices. Practically TT ■™ —For regular $9.00 values. Size 54x54 in. I —Regularly $4.25 a set. The sets consist of every record in the entire Victor catalogue is repre- J to A very special purchase. Roautiful rlnths r "~" - - *] a 64x64-inch cloth, and six 15-inch napkins to sented in this vast stock—Operas. Dance Orchestras. vO- *(—Well made, well fitting dresses, with gold border Sold at this price only match. All colored bordered effects, with Vocal Solos, Violin, Harp, Piano, etc.—at these AAV AV\m in .ginghams, chambray, prints w.a« s - ther* g;_„ £ old ’ ,avender ’ and blue borders. Beautiful II special prices— jp I |Jh \ and nens - They are made in ere are no na PK ,ns to match. heavy quality damask, and very specially —Regular 75c Black Label and $1 f'K /gnjtTnMcß^ \ stra jphtline effects, with fullness —The 63x63-in. size gold, and ""“ \ priced in this sale Thursday. Blue 10-inch, double-faced rm \ over the hi P s ’ and are fini shed blue border. Regularly sl2 50 O'S r _f r / Records at, each XJJKj -X+HIEiJ A\ ) wtth belts and pockets. Some ' - /S TI • n,. 1 —51.25 Black Label, double-faced, - jr\ vJ have hand-drawn collars, cults. **.*•—- *•-— * HI € II DdYllctSH $1.50 and $1.73 Red Seal, single- /■ O \ \\ gl and vests, others are plain white. , T'lhl#* •» faced and sl-50 Blue Label * \ yffirrm or of self materials. They arc 64-111* Pure Lllieil Table JSL “ m double-faced Records for. each... “T AWEpTffIA shown in plain colors, stripes. —Regular $1 and $1.23 Red Seal, •§ || _ checks, and broken plaids m UailiaSK at —•••" lit *" ' I single-faced, 10-inch records for, /All * /j~TTj±::::X£l various colors. each S W-/ / S| :: ab „ . rvr“ _ ~\.T Jk * -$1.50 and $2.00 Red _SZOO to $5.50 Red 1 Regular ana ■ / W -Silver-bleached Damask, hemstitched finish, Seal Double- Seal Double -3 j* . o» * JL VI. • consisting of 54x54-in. cloth, and six napkins Faced 10-)nch g Faced 12-inch Ag \liiSi nxtra Sizes —A good heavy-weight, silver-bleached to match. Records for, ea. ODC Records for, ea. VjC =: f ■ Kann’s—Second Floor. damask, in three good patterns. The price ' O ¥ • i , : Street - Floor3 -- . . is special for this sale. » 188 Ll I *l^ n olored Special for Thursday Let Us Show You How to Pure Linen Glass Toweling Bordered Huck Towels Handmade Lingerie Make Lamp Shades Reg. 25c Grade 4% go nanamaae Lingerie Instruction in FREE 1 VJ -17x32-,,,. size, very closely „,1 huck. W Children —Our new models are now' here. JL \y I h° r( l er . hemstitched hems, and simple to copy. Come in and let /S^3 —An weight, full width, and * ' /fU ”1 AA ToiToJT S T°h"c H9H|| ;yy »•>«>*«"« q-,lty. Th«e arc i„ size %gbj /. f 81.00 Pure Linen Huck ftP SI .UU ( W\\ iprff materials can he purchased at a Ml||i|®flLo\ i.ili.S S ill blue and red checks. 1 II It l , ~ . . Vc iT i u ;t \ + / reasonable cost, right _ here in the I 1 OWPIS, opPCial p g y' j \ ' need—wire, frames, tape to bind Boott Mills Absorbent Og /£5 / ? !ips ’ daintll y \ \ 1-1. silk to line, georgette to cover and Hllll»lllliui T< l n l l or- IQa O L_J .{\ border, and hemstitched hem- embroidered. The gowns ot L A i (ji,-A laces, flowers, fringes and braids °6IB IQII It •111010 I 111 ~ Towels, Regfularlv 25c I ill, S * ll pink mais and blue nainsook, /yTrrrtut Hr to trim. ° J j the slips are of white with arm- w U I Crystalline Shades Quickly Made -18x36-in. size, finished with hemstitched jl Lar » e Slae Turkish Ag «”h oSSJTta Si TFI \ / and at a very small cost. We have all the necessary %fS T " MI1 ’ OOC S \or ll] P ‘j Z te sL to c£2p. Thrift TovelyTndto's? Cotton Huck Towels T 1 / s, - v '* # ' sood ~ n * effective when finished. We will gladly show you II 16x34-in. Size M I Baby Day'Savings ; how to make them. Come in at any time. ‘ *** 10 , 77 B .j!: dse A e a Waper l, Kami's —Fourth Floor. -Good weight, plain white or with red I 18x36-in. Turkish 1 A JoapacSe§l.69 aq'' border. Lowpls*, Ut I —Rubber Pants in mediuni Kach M and large sizes. White. A «lnM>inl Snip nf Stprlimr 18x36-inch Cotton a A -Good heavy we! K 1,,, an absorbent quality. rS ,“ nd ...“' Ura '' 19c «S 3 A Special Oillt OI OieriUlg I (L« l ■‘"' l an <rXCcllenl VillllC at : r P rice —1:...r.... M...:,.. Sheet,. hand embroiaerrt ,vi,h tiny C-! r». . Hack Towels ±VC W „ .. U U rT“49 C SSSSSS.^u,*SS Silver lungs at -aoscly woven, plain wh,te, w,th red or \ / Pure Linen Glass Q£- 9Q^ A! aA blue border, xA\ / ? Towels, reg. 39c, a. dOC '' sl * 39 tfpToUD Pure Linen Huck *r- / Our $7.50 Sprin« Hats —j t - s on iy because we were able to || Towels, Special TuOC yK'II r _ make an arrangement with the manu- lo ~ . , . , , . j (EottOll Disll Towels rka t ” Jr ° tomorrow at facturer that we can offer these rings —18x32-m. size, good weight, hemstitched LOUOH Ulsn towels I •9\/ -ri for so little. They are sterling silver, hem, large monogram space border. SpeCiallv PriCC<l .. .J_ /xl / uT 3~\ w\’4,V-7v in platinum finish and are set with 6 & y / ■ Vf^k white and colored stones. Various /CtD 'xS. s ' ze - nice weight, absorbent toweling. pj r Jstyles and all most attractive. Get one II Bath Mats, Regularly |k / VS. blue bordered. || y t • » al this low price, it ts a value that will __ • 1 ” J / V / —lndividuality is shown m every he hard to duplicate. 030, Special at xj Ts Xs \ \ one these lovely new hats for Kann’s—Street Floor r , . u . , , , 18x36-illcll Lottoll ~| P* V\ r ? pring ' Fashioned of straw. rioor. —Large size, heavy weight, in solid color-. I ** hajr and the combinations of t--’*'* —Plain white, or blue bordered, good weight. in the assortment for every one— —Women's line Cotton Ribbed, Tight- /\«» Cotton Glass Towels, I BHght'color' andTlS! modiil’ly IW, s »k, 95 c Full Size, Special IOC Cotton Huck Towels 1A ff" ,ri " m^„ s -Sccond Hoc, Kami’s—Street Flooh —Good weight, in red. and blue checked I >X,ilMll Size J. Vs Vz designs. —W hite with red borders, or plain white. - .cm - , Kann’s—Street Floor. 1 . . .4 Solid Carload Side! | As the Sketches Reveal | Congoleum Floor Coverings! I Spring Coats Have Smart JH| "Seconds” of Course —At These Prices! But the Best Seconds We’ve Ever Seen! 1 (jO>I3GS OF* Soft (jtOllClDS f&M amdlwL —Tlie finest assortment of seconds we have ever offered in a j Jl J XtSßm |Hwß\ Bsale, and at the lowest prices. They are guaranteed to be free J A Particularly Interesting Collection is Here at— of holes and broken edges, and you will find them satisfactory !) J 200 Russ —23 Patterns /fofv p* I . jr/jL- ||lj n c? • i U —There are two distinctly rivaling styles m the new Spring Coats. ~-^g^gHr^, k Koom olzeß. special at I Those of the beautiful smooth-finished materials, such as Lar- BV^Hj d•j «i i e\t\ j on , „r t Dt at J sheen, and Charmeen, and others of block twills, and basquera i rv\\//yf \ mA Paced $14.20 and $16.20 When Perfect! cloths. The smooth-finished materials have a very fine lustrous MWQ . ,• , . , surface. They are in straightline and flared effects, tucked, jAi \\( I C J I J \ -Two popular roon, sizes from to choose, pleated; also many sport effects. Colored linings, and colored in- // and 9xl*. ft. Rugs that are easily cleaned. , serts make the new styles very attractive. There are many new / // \ and your choice of good patterns and colorings. cape models, and others that are finished with soft fur collars. j | —l5O Congoleum Rugs, size ft. zsa /"A “ A wonderful range of new colors from which to select, II V J 1 djp- ) Seconds of $4.95 grade. Priced in the rA |_l | including — \ 1 >/ -j ••• j Rose, Green, Gray, Argyle, Waffle, Viking blue and Navy I|\ jl J z-' -90 Congoleum Rugs, size 7] <x9 ft. di* C* \(( Misses’ and Women’s Sizes jl\ \ |t Seconds of $lO.lO grade. Each WD 1 t- » o i f X jjj Kanns—Second Floor. S | \ |\ | Kann ,—Third Floor. | ““ "vV Sketched at Right—Bois i \ collar and pockets with 2,000 Sq. Yds. of Congoleum, 2 Yds. AfX iJS-JSBTZSSI • \ \ ZftfET* Wide—Seconds of 79c Grade .. • C ><V. __ MB / g V \ THE EVEETEG STAR, WASHINGTON, P. C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1928. 13