Newspaper Page Text
Here It Is Again—Our Old-Fashioned Bargain Event* I Girls’s2 Spring Dresses 1 YBBBBBOBBBBk #£ #%¥ —51.50, $1.79 and 52 Silk Hose Os ginghams and crashes, all new . _ I . I a Women's Sheer Quality, Full-fashioned Silk high ns well its staple and (n “0 ££\ Vm. M Sm "Onyx" and other brands; double two-tone shades, in plain, stripe and aL I m■*. m ■ BmmnoKlonnflß ~ heel and toe, some silk from too to top. others stk .4 plaid effects: Some with bloomers; •II I -II / with lisle garter hem. Others of a heavier I to 14 Black \'y v Y -*- *V X ■HMKMtJM«wr^J>i>JMMMMaMSWSSSWMWMnWBMMBMMMM»nMSMnW————B—weight with lisle or some perfect ]% I Arrow Sal. pric • - m r quality, others slightly irregular, 'm _y. \|/ JL nidc^d^i^,^mSS S aifSL. l>^ T J.Q/1 Extraordinary Values That Will Make Tomorrow a Red Letter Day for the Family Budgetl c^KJd n wuh h neat S <££ A/ /|A Black Arrow sale price’ ■ * i/V Our Black Arrow Sales are always known for supreme values—-and the announcement that tomorrow has been set of’Sin^ b |jO|Z / ——— apart for every department in the store to offer special price inducements will be sufficient to attract crowds of thrift- Sck Arrow *** Babies’ Philippine Dresses wise shoppers. ■ —7 — —— Hand-made Philippine Dresses, dainty Look for the Black Arrow Sale signs tomorrow——they point the way to wonderful savings. i $lO Junior Long Pants Suits white na in dock, hand scalloped and em- Four-piece Long Pants Suits, nroidered. Bla<*k Arrow Sale .Y. I J coat, vest and one pair each long - I 19c Bleached Muslin B |f r*“ ——r—n f\ (t/1 QC . J £Snl. 7w /l I BEaus.PAT.oFF. | { Boys sl.sotos2Shirts —" " C ~„... - (H Ift aSB'M S>I.UV 20. njiih Tir 1 M.OO —loc Handkerchiefs, Three for- Black Arrow Sal.- price.. '■■ ’ ' fciHC * Cggj vIUUI ;) i Women’s Novelty Lawn and Dimit> y g^ ■ ff»V j! Handkerchiefs, colored effects, corded ay g || a __ - - nr 32-inch l'eggy Cloth, heavy Arm woven -7 A " r. 1 ===== ■ - ==* woven border styles, Mso new plant do- I I . ,n m_x. JVC jj / 1 These Dresses Are Fashioned of the Beautiful. Lustrous Rayon HSSr,^‘. ArKW 1 ,V| £3S _ ” r '"" !____ I \ Fabric Known as “TWILL SHEEN.” Each Dress Bears the Famous ‘' ~—TJ 777 yards long; wide hemmed or hand- jj 1 I lir . n . , T , I II ll I I\\ “Twill Sheen” Trade Mark Label. | t -— 124 c and 15c Handkerchiefs lT*ll ml;h 1 'sp rlng^ frc”lfs° r ctats°and (J 1 ||)o 20c WillißlllS TfflCUlll ! j \\ Os particular interest arc the new necklines, the new bright colored trimmings, * (SUght Irregulars) mm nulls. Black Arrow Sale -V „- iniama . Talcum the new roll colUrs, etc. Straightline and circular fronts. Some models finished Met . s colored woven Border Handker- Jf* p 7 irirr":...^l2c f7/ A'ssrz ssite *»->» j c i Q im ii \jl Radiant coloring is one of the feature notes of the display. You will find all I $1.98 to $2.98 Umbrellas Lisle Gloves, embroidered and stitched 'f /I _ I hree-MrailCl [MeCKiaC6B ' / the lovely new Springtime shades in demand, including the following: M - 8 and Women's Umbrellas, sample lot from a j backs: White. gray. brown, beaver. _ [ LiOStick Gray Rose Periwinkle Blue Rosewood Tan- large maker: fine-grade rainproof black American, black and pongee, sizes 6,2 to S - \v>N —V mm Three-strand Pearl (manufactured) Neck- Iyl . * n 1 I>t | 1 \|-v p.l.r ■ < (cotton) taffeta covers, wide and ££\ Black Arrow Sale price ~ la ,. es graduate style, fine quality lnde- \U £\ t k fiCrine BcrU ISeW Blue BldCh. and Man\ Uellghtful Color narrow edge styles; new club end fl* | /Lll . ■ - —1 1 - structible lieads, with pearl bead m\ .y • ■ W PAmUlnofinnc and plain steel rod kinds; assorted I ■ 1 <j*ri ar* ■ 6* krn \T* I clasp. Black Arrow Sale price.. « GombinatlOnS. attractive handles. B.ack d» 1A A Women’s $2 Handbags 159 c Stamped Dresses 11 Women’s 59c Bloomers , gg Box Loom Crepes embroidered and Burls point backs; I /| /■ 0 y Jersey Knit Sport Bloomers, elastic waist __ __ v *” * overseam and p. k. sewn; various ||| I Leather Handbags, black and col- Children’s Stamped Presses, stami>ed on “ w __ waist and double elastic knee; irregulars 34 inch Imported Bov Loom Crepes, with colors and sizes. Black ya\ \ 9 " oreil effects, in an assortment of ||» m • W W washfast glngliams; neat designs; assorted r.f 39c value. Black Arrow Kale \\\., v \\J A ptvllsh fi 00 k designs. The colors are Coper.- W■■ Arrow Sale price ... '■# ~ attractive shapes such as under- | colors; sizes 2, 4 and G years, m,y price * -171 ha'gen. tan. green, peach, etc. High-grade J I arm, pouch and swagger fl/ 0 Black Arrow Hale price / Hr>t n«i>r—iiidrrwmr Sertiou. cotton fabric. Black Arrow Hale —V \£ £ rtyles. Black Arrow Hale price //// $1.39 Bleached Sheets 175 c Stamped Scarfs 1 Children’s 50c Underwear 1 £1 50 Balbriccan ti*l | $1.98 and $2.50 Handbags JIZT£!Z«~~L e»o /% n Tu iV,s; “ Sl,„. AO close-wo\en grade. Black Arrow — JL Beadeti Handbags, in the popu- fK wmt f* heavy oyster white linen; two neat pat- Vg% ments, gray fleeced cotton; shirts with high /(j/% close knitted quaUty. A i>opulartabr cor HUft 8816 pnce Y lar drawstring styles, in an assort- t|* 1 kk terns; full length. Black Arrow me -|{\l neck and long sleeves, ankle l one and two piece dresses Colore are rose, ment of attractive shanes; many 7k I "1.l Sale price m V V/V length pants. Mack Arrow Salu ’ , r , V* 7 V orchid, copen green and tan. -> / W a-« ni 1 IPI ■ pretty patterns. Black -V JL — price Black Arrow bale price 81x99 Seamless Bleached Sheets. -0 w. _ . SUC DUltet OCIS ™] $2 I IHPII TftWp DamacL $ 1 All-WOOI OCrgC extra length lor double-beds; heavy. ll* * ofl 1 CA_ \T.._aaw., DoJe vCd LilllCll 1 aUIC JL/dlllaSK , . ... . . „ Hn-tbie-twMled * round-thread quality, tree from I 50C NUfSery V aQS Warranted All-linen Stamped Buffet Five pieces of "rt-incli Extra 36 iitv' h fi women's and children’* wear. f. £\ * l * oy \ 8 .a0r,,! 7 1 , B !! ls l pi^ ad 1 S I ! Stamped Dresses , £? 981 ; n »n I, un ch S»f« . sl.soSatinMessaline length for covering bed and pillows, A (1 51. 25 COStlllTie SIiPS Women's Stamped Dressc, stamped on _ _ «P«i.%70 LiUlCll LiUIlCu UCIS 36-tnch Satin Messaline all silk f\f\ m rose. blue, gold and orchid, rich, w * finn-grado mercerized Rajah poplins; in C) O Warranted All-ltnen Damask ym. rich, satin-face quality; in sheet fcl ■ MlB 1 lustrous quality. Black m_V. w|/ XIV// Women’s Costume Slips good quality /\ A 1 shades of brown, green, orange 7C7CXW Lunch Seta. &0-lnch cloth and six C* and evening shades; also I ■ V ! L' r- '“’ lc " rio : aSw-KVrh R4.p »-► OOL ;rf... ra .“ k .. Arrow e vi»v/ Oft , Women’s $4 Golf Sweaters 1 I Men s All-Wool Suits 1 $2 Diaper Cloth M./awepeaecn blue and gold woven stripes. Fast 7k £ s)C\M Tv UUICii O «P7 VJUII JnCaiCla (S 4) Men’s All-wool Suits, single-breasted sack coat, - *** V 40-lnch Crepe de Chine, a firm, fl* ¥ J 0 g , colors. Black Arrow Hale \\\\\ v lll4fal 1 / ppnrt or Norfolk models; me- . 100 pieces of 27-inch Antiseptic -A. A A , loco woven, all-silk quality. In all | 7 price All-wool Golf Sweaters, novelty (T% /% AQ dlum and dark shades; fancy /t* <0 F* £\ Birdeye Diaper Cloth, in scaled !•¥ |||| street and evening shades. m_v. JL 0 / \ —1 52,75 tsszzfjsx.'z'S. 51.1.5(1 I.UV I—Women’s $5 to $7 Footwear— I s " 1 ; Y §1.39 Baby Broadcloth styles, including opera, step-in.'. I | Women s $2.50 Costume Slips i ___ •. m p j > 50c Mercerized i j 33-inch stripe Bai>y Bn-adcioth. :u, i “ i iik q a strap pumps and others of tiatent, Am S ~, . „ . .... * —— *»/• Kaovl Kll'inilC I TllfAA t StTflC quality; white grounds with I'cautlfui suipe Vlf A blonde kid, gray suede, blonde satin, ZA belmiful ; dull leather*Spanish, C miUta!-y and VT ’' sl colors: fancy or plain MNi White Pearl Buttons, one dozen on card; <0 A rci f r^^d^ i an<l A Arrow bale pnce low heels. Sizes 2 > L . to 7, and AU, • W oolor>s pjaitmg trimmed, mjy *l/l0 /V/ assorted sizes; 14 to 22 ligne. II |A w Wr~> M|/V ; “ I j f rrow Black Arrow bale pnce., . P T : J. lUt "-V. _ $1.25 Brocade Satin n/i , r-A —Men s 50c and 65c Half Hose imported Ra S Rugs, ! wu «S"k /7t tSlight irregulars) hit-and-miss effects; effects with no\elt> A M Elastic Sanitary Belts, well ym mm border; absorbent grade for roller I Mm£% Arrow Hale price Silk and Rayon (fiber silk* Mixed Hose, A— crow foot borders of _.x54, extra 1600- J made of good quality elastic. \\\\\ N. 'W C. ym or tea UjWell ‘- Black Arrow Sale 7,7 A I 110. plain and ribbed styles with high spliced 'jr - r P Japanese LM. A * Black Arrow Hale price A Price AVV * A j rft D'U.„f heel, double reinforced heel, toe and sole; £ Glass Rugs. Black Arrow ,_ale \>>))— V Ziil y/ 4(|f 9nn SMC K D jOHS black and plain colors. Black m v Z/IH, price " 7 r (Notion Dept.) __ _ . _ . *IUL dllU Jilt I\-UUUIW Arrow Sale price (first floor. Bargain Table.) ■ ' i 1 infill T nUTfilt ■ I’ine Q'.talitv Satin. IN ngalinc, Moir* g — 1A _ CL • n Jut Lllicn IUVVCIS Brocade and Plain Satin Ribbons, in a good Men , S 2 Sr Pail Gartprc $16.20 Congoleum Rugs * a chopping Bags Warranted All-linen Check Glass Towels, /% A Fivfand seven’lnedtus y (wUL IdU Ual ICIO ~ o O Paper Shopping Bags, large size; well made mm red or blue checks; neatly hem- y £/i / • Arrow Sale price " 9x12-t't. Large Room Size Congoleum Rugs, although w)th all-around cord handles. Black \\\\\ V __ med Riaeo Arrow Sale nrlce [___ Brighton or Paris Pad Garters, fine-grade -0 ft termed irregulars we find no se- * mg Arrow Sale price /*'" r gm mea - Black Arrow Hale price mm -m. mA __ r , n i i , lisle webbing, with moire or satin pad; 1 Wft rious injury so we sell them with 41” I 1 A|T /v J „ P * •117 Part-Wool BlanketS black, white and plain colors. \ thc us ual Gold Seal guarantee. (Notion Dept.) _ «P«J.«7v 1 all Ts UUI Black Arrow Sale price ' JL %£ Tile and wool rug designs, m_v £ %\J\J —”—————— —i _ _ __ Heavy-weight Part-wool Blankets, size CGxSO inches tLlm:i - ;i l ’ ,ir ’” | at-"- s»!s Fri'-0.. ■ Lifebiiov SoaD Twa f.U , Women s 79c Burson Rayon Hose (tl 4C m« . 01 TT • n • a< r* a . »/* I*ll * *'* Rayon (fiber silk) and Silk-Mixed Hose. j ribbon bound ends to match col- | ||IJ ' - lyjpn e\l ill I Ininn Slllfc SkA S|| Ia \n I lnnlpiim Si Tlfl - Lifebuoy Soap, the popular hygienic toilet y y made with three-seam back, a “knit-to-fit” M 0 ■ oriugs in blankets. Black li/l/ • W IrACll SdI.JJ umun OUiIS IU «pu LilllUlC 11111 aiiu and bath soap _ ful , size cakes W y | | hose with style seam; all perfect quality Arrow Hale price r Athletic I'nlon Suits, of fine quailtv light- f D, mo r _L Black Arrow Sale price, TWO for 77777 I I ■* and wanted shades. Black Arrow y i/ V ' weight shadow stripe sateen, made sleeve- LOllgOlcUm IVUgS. CaCIl ( JL •■•V/ Sale price of/) ~ J less stylo, with closed f crotch; sizes 36 to 46 . I \£% 4 6x9 . ft Gold Congoleum “ $5 LOttOll-rlileO LOIIItOriS blue and pink only. Black Arrow v A nl i.bxsii. exoia teat cunsureuiu r ** _ “■ : * >fJt j-SSSS $2.85 — Wrigtey-. p - K. Gom,X Pkgs. —, SUSMMM.C*.. 1 ■£&3ssSzS&&'*') QC M__>_ OH_ U-._ 1? n_ • small rooms. Black Arrow Wrigley’s New P. K. Mint Chewing Gum, __ Dependable Mattress Covers, yft /%A ™«.ui irreen sateen 71 Men S Z9C nose, r OUr r airs Saleprlce m r delightfully flavored with mint. £ double-bed size, made of heavy 7 'jll borders. Black Arrow \m._y •/ %J ....... 7 . . Black Arrow Sale price, FIVE pack' \\\\\ V %A round-thread yheetmg _ I AM ~ (Slight irregulars) .... f „ MV r Tj! cotton. Black Arrow Sale xTft, V •If ■ % £Jj £ Sale price ?7C 69cPerl^tWindowSh,fc— _ V 89cGarbageC.n, , I size. Guaranteed spring' rollers'; white, iades, 3x9.9 ft. i Regular 25c Listerine 1 i $2 Bordered Rayon Crepes 1 I Corrugated Galvanized Iron Garbage £ ecru, medium and dark green; complete IS ■■ ym 0 » * _ , ~ ..wv v |«|l A —■ with all fixtures and crochet ring #• Regular 25c size. Three-ounce Bottles of y mm 54-inch Bordered Rayon Crepes, rich, lustrous (fiber Cans, <ock coter, m aum iyy ■ IMI 9 an 9 CIOC _J(PI CA LT* Lx O 1 to match. Black Arrow Sale m v a /Lj Llsterine. the popular germicide. y §'J ym silk) quality. In a beautiful assortment of all /fv y slz,,. Black Arrow Sale price... V/ /V , Men S $1.25 and SI.SU [Might Kobes price MV-T- Black Arrow Sale price * I Ji* the newest colors; also { white. Full U* 7 ' / ft rt JOC _ , I— - : *■ , 69c Aluminum Ware— — 16? 16 and K n only KU Black Arrow 'mT Q/ C CretOnneS WoffiCn’s 89C UndcrWCai* 1 CA_ I•'L n I ; Aluminum Lipped Saucepans or d Sale price /7 ' 7 “ 34 and 36 inch Fast-color Cretonnes, in light and dark , , OUC lIISB UIcSS Linen ' Kettles, four-quart size. Black '\\'a y floral, bird and foliage designs, or white y mm (Slight irregulars) _ _ _ , r mm and ecru vard-wide Marquisette plain or 1 _ Women’s Light Fleeced Cotton Under- ri| 86-inch Imported Irish Dress Linen, pure B* Arrow bale price mi W Rntl PillAure Jacquard designs; full bolts and I £f* wear, separate garments, shirts with high linen, pre-shrunk quality. In all J —— —— lVeHUlar «PI*«JU Dcu I mows • mill lengths. Black Arrow Sale \\\\\ v 1 A neck and short sleeves, pants #O. wanted colors. Black Arrow Sale m_v_ o~ji w _ ___ __ .« prif . e knee length. Black Arrow Sale m.y • price '"V r yQ f Wafpy Pailc 18x25 Bod Billow'.'-, filled with clean sani- fAA A price >W r v TT aICI I ailO tary featnci-s. coverings of A. C. z\. stripe i/■ £\ , ... • mn n «• Galvanized Iron Water Palls. yg\ Sr rSa’J'T... m * ck »->■ •ft 59c Spanish Laces 50c Tissue Ginghams ——Women s 50c Sport Hose 1 “ IVC Silk Duchesse ana -Spanish Laces, in y 32-tnch Rayon Tissue Ginghams, in “Temptation” Brand Ribbed Sport Hose, £\ (Goidenbert 1 * Basement.) CA_ P_ O- DL P_ VJ floral patterns; black, white and colors; 3 A £ __ woven checks and plaids. All ribbed to the toe; perfect quality, in a good /ll ym ___________— _— DdC t£ OvC riOOl LOVciIDeS. j{|> IQs and 4 inches wide. Black Arrow n\\\\ v wanted colors. Black Arrow Sale , V _ 00 assortment of desirable shades. Wv v £ 1 * OA n. * It* V.M . Heavy Folt-hase Floor Coverings, subjwrt _7_ prlc. JUt P««> Black W Sal. price ** ' 39C UUttOn VOlle to slight imperfections; 8-quarter width. In i| ———————————■——— ———— ————————J BR.inch Colored Chiffon Voile, a fine A p* B: £cHF;:SH 11 21 ZVC SUB Sad Irons 1 12*c Apron Ginghams |— Boys’ $1.50 Lined Pants ,• SR Ck« 25C vard Sets of Mrs. Potts Sad Irons, . _ Standard Apron Ginghams, in all £\ O / , ¥? ed . ? chOQl Pants, full-cut y* y*. B^<i prlc ® - consisting of three irons, stand and /[% *0 A£\ size blue and brown checks; fast \m</ g% ‘ «!^? r^2StSL? 5 2l e ii n ff t «^ r ®i SSy IT 1 iitl c and $1 Printed Crepe.' Glass Washboards, large size pg/V ■ ■■■ —j- .... 36-inch Printed Rayon Crepes and Silk fA ** SVC Clark’s 0. N. T. Cotton, 3 for f__ J tT . PA j T ° Ay* AT I ) 39c Pillowcases JVC r 39c Awning Canvas 11 A ® arTT?? 7 g 'soc Tussah Sflks— tlon stripes. Black Arrow Sale m v A41.1* epoolsfor.. wanted street and evening shades. U price "" 7 *M IV (Limit, six spools.) U BOTH SIDgS OF 7™ AT KgST THE DCPHNDABI4L _ Black Arrow.SaJe price.... v w THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, ,P. 0., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1926. 15