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16 ! Lansburoj^Bro. 7th to Btil to E—FAMOUS FOR QUALITY SINCE 1880—FRANKLIN 7400 Member American Retailers’ Association, Inc, Again It s BABYBAY With Values as Striking and as Timely as Ever! I j Red Star Diapers sZ%Z s «2.00 Doz. ’ Hemmed diapers. in size-27x27 inches, or 24x48 niclitx; with 'light imperfections, but so very slight j that you will not find them objectionable. \< they . re tiie.v u-iulh sell for more j Flannelette Diapers Usual S2.SO Value! in A A f \ Special LtOZ. These are all perfect diapers, in sizes 27x27 inches, of soft, absorbent quality. Offered for Ba'byday only at this reduced price. All ready hemmed for use. Infants’ If and-made New Shipment of Cro- Loiig and Short Dresses, dieted Booties, daintily et soft nainsook; with trimmed in pink or blue, <hep hems and trimmings and offered at the ex hice'f Speciar 0 3| I 'oo ~ sc 1 nfa .its- ’ lln d - made , 1 « f “» *■ ’ Flannelette | I.ertr,tdes. long or short I bonus, button-front style, ,•, ’ ~j . , witli drawstring hot »« €*tulv embroMereu ami . .. . , . _ j;*;;;; SI.OO ■ Z7... . ... 59c Madiine-uiade Dresses ! (rib Blankets, of soft, and (•ertnides, ot nam- 1 warm quality; in pink or {; with deep hems, blue, with white border, hemstitched vokes, and Size 30x40 inches. ££ lace-edged n* ( k and XQ Special at sleeves, 0n1y... . White Kuhber Sheets, - siz- 25x36 inches, with trudes, of a splendid qua!- crinkled edge. An excel Ir\. with tton tops. lent Babyday val- KQ Very low priced i| ue at UZ7^ 4 Hand - Crocheted Carter’s and Saxony Sacq ue s. a brand-new Double-Breasted Shirts, j shipment of pretty ones, ■ t tine cotton and wool i trimmed in pink or mixture. Two styles, tin- I h !ue. Lovely <£l AA ished with shell stitching. at 2>I.UU v^’^h 0 . 3 Rubber I’ants, a coni- I I ( an.hric ‘ (Til. Sheets. I sortable. ventilated style. • -o-v-o . i,h w hich comes in medium ueatlv hemstitched' hems. J la - r^e sizeS; 39 C c.ood. serviceable . priced at i ~u4.ii;v. arid onlv.. Fine Bibbed Hose, of I’iltowcases of cambric, j durable quality, with dou ,, match the sheets above, ble knee. Sizes 4 to 6 1 i. offered for as lew ()g c ! Special. 3 pairs FOURTH FLOOR. I.ANSBI R(.H A BRO Qdjk iLi ifev' ••••?)*' 1r Ha W Enormous Reductions on Our FINEST j Winter Coats The peak of value-giving has been reached * fn this offer of superlative coat quality at prices 'which in many cases are half and less than half. $59.50 to $69.50 Coats $0 £ Reduced to $69.50 to slls Coats $^4Q slls to $135 Coats SCiQ Reduced to SECOND FLOOR, LANSBtJRGH & BRO. J for the Larger Woman This New Nemoflex m CORSET ® $4 A new spring model that I i H the larger woman will find I / » /r\ \ an ideal foundation for her I fpj' JjWA new spring frocks! lij Daintily fashioned of fine |/||j ..HiilitTl I! '< coutil, with low bust and » I'll || lemg, slenderizing hip lines. ! > j V,'j x!!‘f! j| !i : * Comfortably gored over the | iji?, ! ! hip with elastic; and cor ! 1 \ju ij jh. ; |il r li rectly boned. Six strong i \ VUii.up'J/ l! \j hose supporters. In flesh , J ® r c ) 111 only. CORSET SHOP. SECOND FLOOR THE EVENING BT&K, WASHINGTON, H. jO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1926. To Introduce c Tke SPORTS SHOP A Guide to Informal Smartness! it ’■ *t '.V * ' r.*l« .. —■ - 1 KNICKERS have an impor- A straightline tweed frock A tan blouse, trimmed with tant place in the sports cos- in Bois de Rose, imported check tweed and a knicker tume of every woman. Well model, with collars and cuffs skirt of the tweed completes tailored knickers of tweed of white pique, $29.50. this two - piece costume, and corduroy, in the sports S29JO. shop at $2.95 to $5.95. RIDING HABITS that arc AC the last word in swagger A oports Liostume — I smartness. Man tailored of * tweed, ordered in your cor- Swinging down the Avenue with non reef measurements. , . t>. chalant chic, the woman who is outfitted in the L&B Sports Shop will cause many a Shead to turn —in tribute to her perfect attire. Simple, youthful, smart —for no one, today, dreams of limiting the 6ports costume to athletic wear. One dons it for shopping, for the matinee—for every informal oc casion and the fashion dictator nods approval! Hg Tomorrow, we often a new defart ment —the Sftorts Shop—where you toill find the smartest costumes for ; I daytime wear. SECOND FLOOR THE FELT HA T is the final touch of assured chic in every sports costume. This model i in Bois de Rose has the • crushed crown and brim that _ .. m ZZ 7JL %o bact oliZ. A Collection of 53J95 to $12.50. I vi Sports Frocks —that choose Jersey, tweed and crefe de chine as the smartest mediums for ex pressing their simplicity—and correctness. $ l5 The two-piece frock still holds the field of sports — though the new one-piece models are running a close THE SWEATER, says second. The severity of tucks and pleats is varied “Vogue," is returning to its somewhat, in this group, by the quaint smocked and I IZc.‘’XT! o *™,'’',SZ shirred styles that are a new feature of Spring. model is of rayon—quite fu turistic in color and design. The Colorsl Only Spring could have inspired such $5.95. Others, $1.95 to S22JO. a riot of brilliant shades —delicate greens, rich Capri blue and the paler turquoise blues, every color of tan from beige to Bois de Rose—and navy and black! • Not only authentic in style to the final detail, but excellent in quality and workmanship are these dresses at $l5. A full range of sizes, Lansburgh@Brq 7th to Bth to E—FAMOUS FOR QUALITY SINCE 1860—Franklin 7400 Member American Retailers * Association, Inc. i ■ i.— ■■■ ■ —————_— ■ ■ i —^l " 1 ■■■ Lansburoi®Brq j Tth to ath to E—FAMOUS FOB QUALITY SINCE 1800—FRANKLIN 740* Member American Retailer ** Association, Inc. Spring s the Season of SILKS! And the L&B Silk Department is ready with every new weave—new print —new color that the fancy could con ceive. Have you planned your Spring ward robe? If not, you need but a glimpse of this beautiful array of silks (and a whis per of the remarkable values!) for inspira tion. 40 -in. New Printed l SILK CREPES 4 wonderful assembly of rich colors and fantastically varied designs $2-65 Yd. I L#B*e Usual Price Is $2.98 More than a hundred of the lovely nev/ Spring designs are included in this special offering—and an endless array of beautiful color combinations. ! 32-in. Colored Pon- 40 - inch Printed gee, all-silk wash- Georgette Crepe, able pongee, in col- beautiful patterns on ors suitable for light and dark back dresses, slips and grounds. Flowered i * dainty lingerie. 25 and quaint conven new shades. QQ t; 011 * 1 de ‘ $2.50 Yard ...... signs .. 40-in. All Silk FLAT CREPL $1.69 Yd. L&Bs Usual Pries Is $1.98 t his is one of the most popular crepes we have ever sold—and the 50 new shades prom si ise to be even more desired! Lingerie, street and evening shades. 36 - inch Printed 36 - in. Broadcloth Foulard*, showing Radium, 3. favorite smart new patterns weave for lingerie in tan and navy. and slips—and it may black and white. be had in a lovely copen and white and range of newest i green and $1.69 S P r "% c . Ol - $1.35 white. Yd.. ors, Yard..: 54-in. Heavy Plain SILK CREPE $2-69 Ldfß's Usual Price Is $4.00 A remarkable value, tor one needs so little of this 54-inch silk to make a smart dress. In beautiful light and dark street colors, a heavy rich quality. ! V 32-inch Broadcloth, 40-in. Rayon Sport all silk, in thirty plain Satin, in black, white colors, and beautiful and an assortment of striped effects. A desirable colors for usual $2.00 dresses and slips. A quality, very $1 s pie n d i d $1 3Q special, yard quality, yard THIRD FLOOR, LANSBCRGH A BRO How Do You Measure C \ Beauty? ek measure pe r s onal beauty by what you I ■■ Y o uthfulness, \ \W / Charm, Personality \ J and Silver Beauty \ / Parlor is the place N. ;\ZS for you 1. Yet, prices —OY in each branch of our skilled beautv ■A One-Day Special Shampoo, SWITCHES 75 and $l.OO AND HYDABOBS Hair Bobbing, soc , Marcel Waving, Adds an uncommonly smart touch to either JU.UU bobbed o r unbobbed Mamcuring , tresses. Every shade ex- 6 cept gray. BEAUTY PARLOR. FOURTH FLOOR.