Newspaper Page Text
20 SOCIETY President Coolidge Guest of Attorney General at Dinner Last Night at the Willard Hotel. TIE President was unaccom panied by Mrs. Coolidge at the dinner last evening which the Attorney General and Mrs. Sargent gave in their honor. Sirs. Cooliage is confined to her room by an attack of grip and Mrs. Jar dine, wiie of the Secretary of Agri culture, "tilled in" lor her at the din ner. The other guests were former Gov. and Mrs. William \V. Slickney ot Lud low, VT.; Juuge and Mrs. Homer L. Skeels, Mr. anu Mrs. George P. Levey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank \V. Agan, all of Lumow, Vi.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Sterns of Boston, air. and Mrs. Wal do L. Cook of Springfioia, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Asa G. Briggs 01 su Paul, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Aatnamel W. Smith oi Providence, It. 1.; Mr, and Mrs. Fred W. Sargent of Chicago, liev. l>r. and Mrs. Joan M. Thomas ot New Brunswick, .N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Francis stayiiie, Mr. anu Mrs. Henry Clara oi .New York, Mine. Alary Bran liere ol Clos St. n,ouis, Belie V ontaine, Algeria; Mr. ana Mrs. Addison U. Bueii, juuge and Airs. Charles H. Haruiig, Air. and Mrs. George W. Har ris ot Burlington, it.; Mr. anu Mrs. Kew ion Turgeon ol Bunaio, Mr. and Mrs r ten L. cowurn oi uieu Palis, K. Air. ana Mrs. Hen s. Waru oi Muiuit-se.v, \i.; Air. anil Airs. Fred A. 1i0wi...... of Monipuer, vu Air. and Mrs. o.ue C. Sneud ot Keene, K. H.; Mr. anu Mrs. rreu C. oemond ot Coneoru, A. 11.; Mr. and Airs. Thomas TV niie or Boston, Mr. rtwiam B. C. SticKney ol Betnel, Vt.; Hr. and Mrs. Edgar i*. Crossiuan and ah’, auu Airs. Giioert urosvenor or nusamgton. Mrs. Kellogg, wne of the Secretary of Stare, who is spending some time in Kew York, will remarn there tor the opera, and is expected to return to Wasnington Monuay. The secretary of War and Mrs. Dwigni F. JJavis enterramed at din ner iaat evening in nonor oi tne wm bassauor oi Lieut Britain and Lady Jsaoeua Howard. Tne otner guests were tne Ainnster ot I'oiand and Mme. ciechanowska. Senator Fred enciv iiaie, senator and Airs. Guy lies para Golf, and Mrs. jonii tnuip run, itepresentative and ..ns. Aiarun B. Madden, me Un dei secretary ot state ana Mrs. Joseph C. Brew, .nr. and Mrs. jonn Wilkins, the counselor oi me r rencn embassy. Count ue saruges; Mrs. Frederic A. Keep, ah. l'm.ip Lazio and Air. and Mrs. Eugene Meyer, jr. The Secretary oi Agriculture and Mrs. Jaraine will be me nonor guests at dinner this evening of Mr. and Mrs. .Leroy Bakin ot Manna tan, Kans, wno are spending me Winter in W asnington at the Mayflower Hotel. Baron de Cartier Keturns Tomorrow From New York. The Ambassador of Belgium, Baron de Cartier, will return to Washington tomorrow from New York, whole he has been for a few days. The Ambassador of Argentina and j Mine. Pueyrredon left W ashington today for the W hite Sulphur Springs, where they will spend two weeks. They were accompanied by their daughters. Mile. Julia Helena Pueyr redon and Mile. Ruquel Pueyrredon. Mme. Matsudaira, wife of the Am bassador of Japan, will receive Fri day afternoon from 4 to 6:30 o'clock. The Minister of Switzerland and Mme. Peter entertained at luncheon yesterday in compliment to Mr. Henry Sheffield. Mme. Varela, wife of the Minister of Uruguay, and Mine. Sammy, wife of the Minister of Egypt, were the guests of honor today at luncheon of Mrs. Emerson Howe, who enter tained a company of 12. Mrs. Howe will be hostess at luncheon Friday. Mrs. Royal S. Copeland, wife of Senator Copeland, postponed her luncheon she was to have given to day in honor of Mrs. T. J. Knapp, because of illness. Mrs. Bolivar E. Kemp, wife of j Representative Kemp of Louisana. i and her house guest. Miss Edith \ McCay of New Orleans, entertained at a bridge luncheon today in compli ment to the wives of the Kouisana delegation in Congress. The com pany included. Mrs. Joseph E. Rams dell, Mrs. Edwin S. Broussard, Mrs. Pat Harrison, Mrs. T. H. Caraway, Mrs. Ladislas Lazaro, Mrs. James B. Aswell, Mrs. Riley J. Wilson, Mrs. James O'Connor, Mrs. John N. Sand lin. Mrs. Donald Tabor, Mrs. Finis J. Garrett, Mrs. Tom Connally, Mrs. Luther A. Johnson, Mrs. Frank L. Bowman, Mrs. Paul Wooten, Mrs. Sol Bloom, Mrs. Ira B. Frazel, Mrs. D. A. Baucon, Mrs. Ernest F. Farring ton. Mrs. Henry Classie. Mißs Detliia Cassery, Miss Vera Bloom. Miss Emma Cooley and Miss Wilmer Sheilds. Representative and Mrs. John D. Fredericks have as a guest in their apartment at Wardman Park Hotel the former’s niece. Miss Helen Marx, who is dean of the Pennsylvania Col lege for Women. Mrs. Thomas W. Phillips, jr.. wife vt Representative Phillips of Pennsyl vania. has returned to Washington from New York, where she spent a week at the St. Regis. The counselor of the Hungarian legation and Mme. Pe-lenyi will en tertain Informally at dinner this eve ning in compliment to Mr. Henry Sheffield, who is spending several days in Washington at the Mayflower. The naval attache of the Argentine embassy and Senora de Vago will en tertain at dinner this evening. The secretary of the Netherlands legation and Mme. Louden will en tertain a company of 28 at dinner this evening at Wardman Park Hotel In honor of Dr. C. van Vollenhoven, president of the American-Mexican j General Claims Commission. The Assistant Secretary of the j Treasury and Mrs. Lincoln C. An-1 drews returned to Washington last > evening after passing a short time I In New York. Miss Katherine T. Andrews, da ugh- j Since 1883 While one of the oldrat cleaner* fn Washington, oar method* are mo*t modem. We have JuHt Installed a wonderful new cleaning system. HALDEMAN Cleaners and Dyers 1733 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. Phone Franklin 832. 11 SOCIETY. ter of Gen. and Mrs. George Andrews, entertained informally at luncheon today in compliment to Mr. Henry Sheffield. The other guests were the counselor of the Hungarian legation and Mme. Pelenyi, Cmdr. and Mrs. Lofquist and Miss Elizabeth Mosle of New York, who is visiting Miss Andrews. Mrs. Fred Dennett gave a bridge luncheon today of 12 covers at the Washington Club in compliment to her daughter, Mrs. l’atton Wise Slemp, and Mrs. Hannis Taylor. Mrs. Dennett also entertained a breakfast-bridge party for Mrs. Slemp, who, with her husband, Mr. Patton Wise Slemp, motored up from Florida, and after a brief visit here has gone on to Cincinnati. Mrs. Slemp will remain with her parents at the Cairo for a month. Gen. Bob Travis of Savannah. Ga. t will entertain a dinner party at the Mayflower Sunday in honor of Senator and Mrs. Walter F. George of Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Grosvenor Hyde Backus have issued invitations for the marriage of the latter’s daughter, Miss Louise Crosby Sewall, to Mr. Geoffrey Harrington Thompson, sec ond secretary of the British embassy, March 15, at 2:30 o’clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Backus, 2416 Tracy place. Only the families and a few close friends will witness the cere mony, which will be immediately fol lowed by a reception. Dr. John N. Lewis of St. John's Parish, Water bury. Conn., and chaplain at West over School, will officiate. Miss Sewall will have one attendant, Mrs. Ward Cheeney of New York, as matron of honor, and Group Capt. M. G. Christie, air attache of the British embassy, will be the best man. Mr. Thompson and his bride will make their home in Washington un til Autumn, when they will go to Lon don Mrs. E. Lester Jones will not receive tomorrow afternoon because of illness, but she will be at home Thursday. March 4, for the last time this sea son. Miss Cecil Lester Jones is the guest of Mrs. Thomas Summerville on her plantation in Georgia. Mrs. Henry D. Flood, who spent a week or ten days in New York, has returned to Washington. Mrs. Goring Bliss will be at home to morrow afternoon .after 4 o’clock for the last time this season. Maj. and Mrs. Parker W. West will entertain a company of 14 at dinner this evening. Miss Nan Darton. whose marriage to Mr. William Kerlin will take place in the late Spring, entertained her bridesmaids at luncheon yesterday in the apartment of her parents at Hotel Chatham. Mrs. Gillett-Hill will be at home in formally Saturday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock, when she will have with her Mrs. Richard Latham of Lin coln, 111. Mrs. Charles Gates Dawes and the Ambassador of Great Britain and Lady Isabella Howard have joined the ranks of patrons for the first con cert given in Washington by Abra- Iwm Haitowitch, the blind Russian violinist, at the Mayflower Hotel Thursday afternoon, March 4. Other patrons Include the Undersecre tary of State and Mrs. Joseph C. Grew, Mrs. Arthur Foraker, Mrs. Nicholas Luquer. Mrs. Henry P. Er win. Mrs. Louis Lehr. Mrs. Winthrop Cowdin. Mrs. Edmund Leavenworth Beach, Miss Alice J. Clapp, Mrs. Bu chanan Merryman. Mrs. Charles A. Lummis, Miss Abbie B. McCammon, Mrs. George Angus Garrett, Mrs. James Parmelee, Mrs. George A. San derson, Mrs. C. S. Thomas, Miss Anne Squire. Mrs. Thomas W. Lockwood, Mrs. Frederick De C. Faust. Mrs. George E. Hamilton, jr.; Mrs. Harry M. Clabaugh, Mrs. Lawrence Phipps, Mrs. Hughes Ollphant. Mr. Benjamin W. Guy, Mrs. Edward H. Everett. Mrs. J. de Sieyes, Mrs. Augustus C. Macomb, Mi's. Alex Blair Thaw. Mrs. Fufton Lewis, Mrs. Thomas Armat, Mr. W. B. Hibbs, Mrs. A. Geary Johnson, .Mrs. Edmund K. Goldsborotigh, Mi's. John Ryan Devereux, Mrs. Joseph Worthington, Mrs. Camp Stanley, Mrs. John Wlr.throp Wadleigh, Mrs. J. D. Adams, Mrs. Charles A. Me- Kenney, Mrs. Edwin B. Parker, Mrs. Helen Ray Hagner, Mrs. Walter Reed, Mrs. Thomas W. Phillips. Mrs. Julien J. Mason, Mrs. Ross Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Davidson, Mr. William A. Quigley. Mrs. Charles Wardel Stiles, Mrs. C. H. Stockton, Mrs. W. E. Wilder, Mrs. W. Welling ton Tyler, Mrs. Perry Heath. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kratz, C;*pt. and Mrs. John F. Hines, Mrs. O. H. P. John son, Mrs. R. H. Chapman, Mrs. mmpm* SEGAL BROS. 1232 14th St. (14th and N Sts.) % Our February. Sale | Will Last But 4 Days More. You Should Not Overlook This Rare Oppor- |§ r a w tunity to Buy High-Grade Furniture at ill ’OD.uU Such Unusual Savings. | GOVERNOR WINTHROP DESK | Solid Mahogany. 38-in. Regular Price, $105.00 VERY SPECIAL, $85.50 11 Phone Main 3081—Upholstcring^Repairing^^^ Hi Whose Birthday Today Hi matter to whom the I milestone, a remem stone FLOWERS H! 14th & H d&at&oHaiiia 1222 F St. HI tNyvy2 Telephone Telephone if'CYYK gjgg Main 3707 • TWO STORES Frank. 5357 THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, P. 0., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1928. YOUNG CONGRESSIONAL HOSTESS v. ' 'ity,-'-: ? MRS. DAVII) HOGG, Wife of Representative Hogg of Indiana, youngest hostess of the Lowei House, and, with him, celebrating their first wedding anniversary May 20 Mrs. llogg m Miss Mildred Sellers of Indiana, 1 Charles J. Bell, Mrs. Georgia Knox Berry, Mrs. Stephenson Scott, Mrs. John J. Duff, Mrs. Louise Chase Myers, Mrs. Stanford C. Hooper, Mrs. A. Chambers Oliphant, Mr. and Mrs. H. Latane Lewis and Mr. Emmons S. Smith, jr. Representative Reid Host At Dinner Last Night. Representative Frank R. Reid of Il linois was host at dinner last night at the Willard, where he had u small party. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sanders were hosts to a company of seven at lunch eon yesterday in the presidential din ing room at the Mayflower. Miss Kate Weaver and Mrs. Mary E. Busey entertained at luncheon at the Hotel Grafton yesterday Mrs. Charles S. Deneen, Mrs. Gordon-Cum ming, Miss Anthon, Miss Harriet Stone, Miss Isabel Stone, Mrs. J. W. Hays, Mrs. B. F. Harris. Miss Julia Mattis, Mrs. William Arnold, Mrs. W. E. Morris, Miss Margaret Babb, Mrs. Mary Harris, Mrs. W. P. Hall. Miss De Kraft, Mrs. J:> ies R. Mann. Mrs. Edward Clifford. Mrs. Wilton Lam bert. Miss Douglas and Mrs. M. K. Varrell. Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Dfllman of New York, entertained at dinner last night at the Willard in compliment to Col. Sherrill, city manager of Cin cinnati. The well known poet, Edward Markham, will be the guest of honor at the meeting of the Congressional Club on Friday of this week. There will be a program of special interest to the members of the club. Inasmuch as it is to be participated in by a number of the members, and will be unusual and unique In character. Following the program tea will be WoMmc du TAR SAIVt J 8 50c Jar fl V Instantly Removes J B Dandruff fl K and keep* th* S r Hair In Perfect Condition J t) Hair Drrmlnt, Marcel Waving ] )* Man Ira ring. Hair Catting J U Pace and Scalp Treatment* t| O Human Hair Good* *1 |K4JI( CJUNN | t served, with Mrs. Tilman B. Parks, Mrs. J. S. Parker, Mrs. James 11. Patten. Mrs. T. W. Phillips. Jr.; Mrs. H. J. Pratt and Mrs. Mell G. Under wood assisting at the tea table. Miss Ahmaw&ke Hastings, daughter of Representative and Mrs. William W. Hastings of Oklahoma, gave a bridge and luncheon at the Congres sional Club yesterday for her class mate at Vassar, Miss Jean Ford, who Is placing at a local theater this week. There were four tables for bridge. Mr. Walter Hayes gave a luncheon at the Shoreham Hotel yesterday in honor of former Gov. Frank O. Ix>w den of Illinois and hid as other jry / NOW OPEN J Complying With Many Rcqaeati | 10 to 12 P * M * Em ESnfe» CAFE PIERRE 1714 H Street N.W. atext to Metropolitan Club > Special Orchestral Program Dance Music A La Carte Service SI.OO Cover Charge A dining room after the style and manner and service of a modern Parisian case. Popular-priced meals In a most delightful Bohemian atmosphere. Breakfast, 50c Loach, 50c Afternoon Tea Dinner, 5 to 8 o’Clock, 75c, SI.OO, $1.25 SHOS STORE yjmwpt one such Anniversary II \S ft O Celebration each year. 11 fj It’s your opportunity. I# ** Still a wide variety to W choose from. WOMEN’S FOOTWEAR Discontinued lots in pumps and oxfords; for* . mer prices, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 and some SB.OO. In patent leather, satin, velvet, gray and brown suede W -IjaJ and other leathers. Not all sizes, but a good as sortment Another selected group—mainly $6.00, $7.50 and y A n m SB3O pumps and oxfords. These are all from our regu- X /% t JJJ lar stock and cover a wide range of desirable styles—in _ a very good assortment of sizes—ALL LEATHERS.... MEN physical culture Hnappy and conwrvatlTe style*. SHOES FOR WOMEN Splendid qualities. All our own regular stork. We ran fit every- A[[ Oxfords High Shoes St. II and SlO SI omd SI « Footwear Footwear vQ><s s>l f|.os $/;.65 $A.45 37 U I) *x Founedy Formerly C WfamUu <3 oPshoe store 610-31 Z SEVENTH SIMW. 53 YEARS OF SATISFACTORY SERVICE x guests the Rev. Charles Lyons, presi dent of Georgetown University; for mer Senator Holm Bursum of New Mexico, Judge Rush Holland, the Rev. George Coyle. Judge Cox, Mr. Edward Doyle, Maj. James Blythe and Mr. James Cameron. Col. and Mrs. Francis T. A. Junkln, who have been spending the past week at the Mayflower, left Wash ington yesterday for New York, where they will sail aboard the Conte Biancamano for Spain. Col. and Mrs. Junkln will motor through Europe during the Spring and Summer and will return to this country some time next Autumn. Mrs. John Q. Tilson of Connecticut. Representative Edith Nourse Rogers of Massachusetts and Representative Florence P. Kahn of California are honor guests of the League of Re* publican Women of the District of Columbia at a dinner to be given at 7:30 o’clock tonight at the Willard Hotel. Miss Alice Whitaker is chair man of the committee arranging the guests. Miss Isabel Bacon, who resides at the Grace Dodge Hotel, left yester day for New York and will sail for Europe, to remain for several months. Word has been received that Gov. C. C. Moore of Idaho is leaving Boise, Idaho, this week to attend the annual “Territory day” banquet to be given by the Idaho State Society In honor of the pioneers now in Washington, at the Mayflower March KAPLjOWZ INCORPORATED ?ti NINTH STREET NORTHWEST SPECIAL! ONE HUNDRED $45 AND #» BEAUTIFUL DRESSEJ for S2O FASHIONS DE LUXE FOR MADAME FOR MADEMOISELLE STREET FROCKS : AFTERNOON FROCKS FINE SATINS FINE CLOTHS FINE CREPES -> NOVELTY SILKS STORE OPENS A. M. 3. This date commemorates the an niversary of the organization of Idaho as a territory on March 3 1868. Committees for the banquet have been announced as follows: Ban quet committee—Mr. Charles B. Jen nings, chairman; Mrs. Adams Shu bert, daughter of Senator and Mrs, Frank R. Gooding; Miss Toussaint Dubois, daughter of former Senator and Mrs. Fred T. Dubois of Idaho; Mr. Paul C. Hanson. Mr. Fred U Brossard, Dr. W. N. Johannessen president of the Idaho State Society, and Mr. Kenneth N. Parkinson. The subcommittees include: Com mlttee on entertainment—Mr. Fred U. Brossard, chairman; Mrs. Frank u! Gooding, Mrs. John Arnold Cannon and Mr. Vernon B. Walters. Com mittee on decorations—Mrs. A dims Shubert, chairman; Mrs. Fred T. Du bois, Mrs. Burton L. French, wife of Representative French of Idaho; Mrs Marshall Wright, Mrs. Carol Foster and Miss Rita Hulme, niece of the Secretary of Agriculture nnd Mrs. Jardlne. Committee on music- Mr Kenneth N. Parkinson, chairman; siiiiHiiHiiniuimiiimgig:,,],.,, | STORAGE RUGS \ ni & Three storage rugs at bar- S » irain prices to pay storage. " S Two plain taupe, 32x9 and S S 15x9, in perfect condition, fi S One grayish blue French car- ' 2 pet, 20x16, suitable for ■ S apartment or hotel; original ! S price $1,000; can be had for £ E SIOO. 5 m » i 1625 Conn. Ave. UNUSUAL PATTERNS —in an unusually fine English Lisle Sports Hose for women. Full-fashioned and in a variety of smart colors. 2.00 the pair THE HOSIERY SHOP Arthur Burt Co. 1343 F Street | tfetteffs HS | I^P—l—Vanity silk, A !V * A lire and roll collar of nil- vj j j ver pah mi. is distinctively ** New! —For the Larger Woman j Spring Coats and Dresses 1 Garments in half sizes, with the longer lines that give the larger woman a slender- U, izing effect, are now arriving in large numbers. Two very special value groups are especially worthy of your attention. COATS, DRESSES, *39 50 1 Os Lorcheen and Twill Os Flat Crepes and Crepe de Chine Many with Fur Collars Smart New Shades * j Spring - fashion feminizes its tailored > | Each coat by virtue of its excellent frocks with details that are ideal for ere- 1 quality and charm of style gives an im- ating that daintiness and slenderness pression of a much higher price, and • which the larger woman requires. * each combines the studied lines and details Each model has its own lovely features, and grf 2} that create slenderness of appearance. each suggests the type of larger woman whom t Straightline models introduce a group yours 7 smt ' am ° nB which y ° U are SUrc j of box pleats, stitched down, so they give a straightline model shows new stitch- * only the effect of motion. embroidered pleats and a slender throw-tie M g Another model shows a subtle flare at the collar. *1 | sides. A third...a daring ripple flare. A A delicately panniered model is trimmed ! fourth, clever inserts at the hips. with rich-toned embroidery. ' ! Colors are NAVY BLUE, so important in A dress with circular overskirt is of small- j \ the mode, and soft new mezzo tints that are patterned prints in soft-color harmony. | J very fluttering. • One model after another new and smart. 8 . Sj Every coat is finely silk lined. The new colors, black and especially Navy 1 Blue. 1 Sizes 3854 to 5254 Sizes 40J4 to 48 *4 La Garde Leather Bags Gotham Corsettes With Hidden Pockets For the Larger Woman l| Of Morocco leather in various grains. It molds the figure to symmetrica! This is the famous bag with safety pocket CC lines without producing the corseted OC jCA i for bills or valuable papers. VfA look. wUiJU La Garde is a wonderful bag for service and Os swami cloth and pink brochc, with U £ smart appearance. Colprs are green, gray, I elastic inserts. rij tan and black. Other qualities up to $lB. . SQCtETY. Mrs. Addison T. Smith, wife of Rep resentative Smith of Idaho; Mrs. Joshua Evans and Mr. Dan McDou* gall. Committee on flnunre—Mr. Paul C. Hanson, chairman; Mr. A. A. Merrill and Mr. John Arnold Can non. Committee on press and pub licity—Miss Toussaint Dubois, chair man; Mr. Lloyd Lehrbas and Mrs. John Arnold Cannon. Representative Burton L. French will be toastmaster of the occasion. A luncheon of much interest will be held In the hall of nations at the Washington Hotel tomorrow, Thurs day, February 25. at 12:30 o'clock. A drive for 2,000 new members for the woman's department of the Washing ton Federation of Churches, which Jhe Vogue of jH|jJ||S| Grays ||B|| ■ SI Trimmed withUzard Vi: j i I i r! ■ | | I A combination of ■ Paris, with the Ever | glades of Florida, one M|ji|j * I might call this charming B ifJ| fashion! Opal Gray or V|j |i Sauteme Kid —applique l|||] L of Lizard leather. $12.50 Sj Others $lO to $13.50 (j ;jj! 1 1207 F St. J has been on for the past three weeks, will afford a subject. Mrs. W. E. Chamberlin, general chairman of the drive, will preside, and at the guest and speakers' table will be the officers of the woman's de partment, Mrs. Harvey S. Irwin, president; Mrs. W. S. McDowell, vice president; Mrs. J. H. Straughn. secre (Contlnued on Twenty-first Page.) SLIP COVERS Tailored to fit your furniture, »tm Belgian Linen, per yard.. /.rt’ Domestic Holland Window Shades 0 made to order. Plies up to .If!" c* bv « All colors. ?1 23 value. Main 3211 for Kstimates 1217 H St.. Ilulln A Martin Bld«.