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One of TheseTwo Pens Will Suit You Perfectly Woth are Watermans Each is as perfect as a pen can be made. They differ only in size and price. or more t^lan forty years the pre-eminence of Waterman’s pen has been recognized. Each feature of excellence is outstanding. Every pen point hand ground and iridium. Every holder is pure Brazilian rubber. Every filling de vice is a perfected mechanism. $ 7= Both pens shown are 018 with flexible hp guard to protect cap and pocket clip to prevent loss. May be had with different pen points to suit different styles of writing. Waterman’s are guaranteed to give perfect service without timelimit. Askanyoneof 50,000 merchants to exp lain their merit. Germans (©fountainPen L. E. Waterman Company, 191 Broadway. New York Chicago Boston San Francisco Montreal - -'" "' ■ 1 ■■'■ '"' ==== r - ■ ■ '1 W.&J.Sloane 1508 H Street opposite the shoreham Washington, D.C. The Great Introductory Sale continues On Monday, March Ist, we will occupy our new building located at 709-711-713 Twelfth St., N.W. Until that time the Sale of our entire stock of FURNITURE ORIENTAL & DOMESTIC RUGS CARPETS will continue at our present location «•- ■ ..v=i r~.—==- r=»» This week we emphasize a great selection of Carpetings PLAIN SEAMLESS 1 seamless IMPORTEP BROADLOOM LASCONY WILTON CARPETS CARPETS 9and 12 ft. wide Plain Colors-9.12 and 15 ft. wide The complete color range com- Obtainable in Beige, Prune, prises Rose Taupe, Apple Wisteria, Rose, Black, Dark . Blue,Rose Taupe, Apple Green, Gray Taupe, Raisin, Sand, Cr.mson, Gray Blue, Gray Medium Blue, Wisteria, Plum, Taupe, Sage, Tan, Gold, Dull Black, Burro and */- nn Violet, Frertch Gray and Dark Mulberry . . Brown. Reuu'ar'ySSpers* yr, V-T „d. f our cdorS, Rose A seamless 9 X 12 rug of Taupe, AppleGreen,Prune and this material, bound and Beige available in an eighteen I ready for use, £.OO foot widtll at the s*l rn cfc hilt / 1 Same P riCe * *’• IZj t*r COSIS OUI • I - Regularly SIS per sq. yd. *yd THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY, FEB. 27th, IN ORDER TO FACILITATE OUR MOVING For those tvho may desire to pay for their purchases from income, toe 4 have established a convenient method of charge accounts, which we will be glad to explain to those interested . STORE OPEN FROM 8 A.M. to 5.30 P.M. DAILY FREIGHT PAID TO ALL SHIPPING POINTS INCLUDING SATURDAY IN THE UNITED STATES Sloane Endorsed Merchandise Carries An Assurance of Satisfaction THE EVENING STAR. WASTTTSrOTON, P. 0., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1926. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. The District of Columbia Chapter, American War Mothers, will give a card party tomorrow, 1:30 p.m., in the auditorium of I-lecht's new store build ing. Funds will be used for carrying on activities for the service men in the several hospitals. The past matrons of Electa Chap ter, O. E. S.. will hold their annual meeting and dinner tomorrow even ing, Grace Dodge Hotel. Officers of the Grand Council, rtoyal Arcanum, will pay their an nual visitation to Capitol Council to morrow, 8:15 p.m., Pythian Temple. Martha Chapter, No. 4, Order East ern Star, will give a dinner from 5 to 7 o'clock tomorrow night at North east Masonic Temple, Eighth and F streets northeast, for the benefit of the home board. The Department of American Cit izenship of the Federation of Wom en’s Clubs of the District will ded'eate an evening to patriotism tomorrow, 8 o'clock at D. A. R. Memorial Conti nental Hall. Speakers, Frederic Wil liam Wile. Representative H. R. Rath bone ami Solicitor Theodore G. Risley, Navy Band. Washington Quartet. The Penning. Glendale and Oakland Citizens’ Association w ill open a mem bership drive at its meeting Friday. 7:30 p.m.. at Smothers School. Spe cial program of orchestra music, piano and vocal solos and Paul Lawrence Dunbars selection^. Conduit Road Citizens’ Association will meet tomorrow, 8 p.m., at St. David’s parish hall. Representative Zihlman is expected to speak. The Voting Men’s Holy Name So ciety of Holy Rosary Church will have a social night tomorrow, 8 o’clock, at the band hall. Dr. Simon of the Eighth Street Temple will observe-council Sabbath Friday evening with a sermon. ‘‘Esther Amongst We Moderns.” The new Roger musical service will he given for the first time. Public is invited. Columbia Heights Business Men's dinner scheduled tomorrow night has been postponed indefinitely, because <>*’ the illness of a number of members. i jj A Good Way to Help Pay for Your Home Is to Rent a Room An easy way to rent a room is to write An advertisement stating fully the advantages of tin* room jou have to offer, and send it to The Star or one of The Star's Branch Agencies. .?c per word: minimum charge, 45c per insertion. Mourning Blacks Dyed 24-HOUR SERVICE Carmack Dry Cleaning Co. Lincoln 239 Bacillus Acidophilus Milk For dUonlen Ahk yonr physician about It Prepared by th© NATIONAL VACCINE AND j ANTITOXIN INSTITUTE 1515 F St N.W. OUR ENTIRE BUSINESS Now Loral erf in Ou; Own Bide. 922 14th St. Opposite Franklin Park CLAFLIN Fait. 1880 Formerly Optician** iMh ami I and Optometriftts CIO Club This Wonderful Old Prescription For Rheumatism Refilled a Million Timet Proscription \ :k.,i fur rheumatism was fi-st lillerf'in i*t;i anil has t-e*-n retiew -•»! ova nulli-m time-. A teaspoonful. i of A-2851 taken three time.- a day : .tons rheum:u>- pain ami nun kly r*- | lit-ves painful ipum-I*-* m l stiff swollen joints. Buy a bottle lrom jour drug- ; 1 -itst. or -*■■! f 1.00 for a week's-sup-j ! ply. EIMER. A- AMEND "05 Third I j Avenue. New York.—Advertisement. FURNITURE RENTING FOR Household Parties Receptions Drives I Conventions Office Weddings 5,000 Folding t hairs Always In Sunk H. BAUM & SON 464 Pa. Ave. N.W. Main 9136 | NO EXAMINATION | $ 5,000”;= 5 42 40 at Ac© 30. Sfnd Date of lllrth for Full Information. LeROY GOFF L n ,“^ Hto W oodtnird Bfdft. Main 0. PLEASURE a USED CAR vrom Joseph Mcßeynold* 14th STREET AT R I LEA & PERRINS' I \ SAUCE J When You Need Us We Are Ready IDay or night—Summer or Winter, wc are ever ready to respond to your call for help. We know, you will appre elate the reliable, care- Ifnl mortuary service we give. Model chapel, private ambulance and livery in connection. Call— James T. Ryan M ortician 317 Penna. Ave. S.E. Lincoln 142 -«£♦ ORGANIZATION ACTIVITIES. TODAY. Miss Vivian B. Small, president of Lake Erie College, Palnesville, Ohio, will meet the Lake Erie women at a tea at the Women’s City Club from 4 to 6 o’clock. All Lake Erie women are Invited. Th© Illinois State Society will hold a reception in honor of Senator and Mrs. Deneen. 8 o'clock, at the Washington Club. All Illinois people Invited. Rep resentative William R. Johnson will speak. Dancing, cards and refresh ments. The Goucher College dinner for Goucher alumnae and friends attend ing the N. E. A. convention will be given at Potomac Hotel at 6:30 o’clock. An illustrated travel talk on ‘‘Cali fornia the Beautiful and the Wonders of the Great Southwest” will be given at 8 o’clock in new Eastern High School by Prof. Henry Warren Poor of Boston. The lecture Is one of a merles being given by the Community '"'enter Department, the- last to be ■rivon March 24 at Central High. The study class of United Lodge of Theosophlsts, 1731 K street, will meet it 8 o’clock. AH welcome. Joppa Lodge Chapter, No. 27. O. E party, !! o’clock, at 2400 Sixteenth greet. Woodside Civic Association will meet it Woodside Schiv*’ ♦h— —*»«.• *>-- ''-•vine °en postponed from February IT. Mrs. Charles Wood will give a ravel talk, 8 o’clock, at Peck Memo ”ial Chapel. It Mill be Illustrated with 100 pictures. Viva M. January will lecture on ’’True Prayer.” 8 o’clock, at L'nlty auditorium, 1326 I street. A special meeting of the Gold Star Department. American War Mothers, 'ill meet 7:3« o’clock, at the Health Studio, 1628 K street. It will be fol lowed by a musical and literary pro gram with impromptu dancing at 9 o'clock. Sale of fancy articles and refreshments. Women of IlaniHne M. K. Church, sixteenth and Allison streets, will ;erve a chicken dinner In the church hall, Allison street entrance, tomor -ow from 6:30 to 7 p.m. Cosmopolitan Club will give a din ner tomorrow. 8:30 p.m., at the Lee House. * The Tivoli Pastime CJlub will have a dance tomorrow, 9 p.m., in private ballroom of the Arcade. Mrs. Thomas I). Whyte, assisted by members of Continental Chapter. D. \. It., will give a card party tomor •o'v at ttie- Women’s City Club. Pro ceeds will be donated to District ’hapter house fund. Temple Brotherhood of the Wash j rigtoti Hebrew Congregation will be •nests of liar Sinai Brotherhood of Baltimore March 2. Those attending vill meet at Union Station. 6:30 p.m., o take a special train. The National Fellowship Club will give an informal dance tomorrow evening in the rose room of Hotel Washington. Visitors welcome. Northwest Fnion, W. C. T. U., will meet tomorrow, £ p.m., at W. C. T. U. Building. Mrs. W. W. Husband will peak on Americanization Tuxedos, $25 ! EISEMAN’S 7th & F Sts. Your ! Credit Is Good At Eiseman’s Dignified credit—or, the most liberal terms. Why not open an account with us while our suits and overcoats are reduced ? EISEMAN’S 7th & F Sts. i \ Burlington ' 'i Hotel '' # > A Announre the first lance Install*- * £ tion in the world of / The Titanafram / £ The Master Musical Instrument J / Daily from 12 to 2 # and from 8 to 10 P.M. jj / Blue Plate Luncheon, 50c + £ Special Luncheou, 75c j / Table d’Hote Dinner, $1.25 A £ A LA CARTK SERVICE ALSO < / Special Card Party Room ■/ A 300 to 50c Per Table A / Committee and Board Meeting & t, Luncheons In Private Dining $ A Rooms, SI.OO A 5 VERMONT AVE.. Below -A f Thomae Circle A itXWWXVXXWXXXXWXVWVX^ From Water in the Grave Tho best burial case In the world. A steel vault. Never before hu the man of ordinary mean* been able to yive hie loved one* the beet without great expenae. This wonderful Clark Grava Vault is furnished by COP W. W. Chambers for vOd We Give You a $250 Complete Funeral for $125 Fine ambulances to and Cd (If) from City Hospitals.. A phone call to Col. 432 will bring us to you. The Brawn Stone Funeral Home of W. W. CHAMBERS CO. 14th A Chapin Sts. N.W. Undertaken THE WEATHER I District of Columbia—lncreasing ! cloudiness and warmer, with lowest! temperature übout 35 degrees tonight; tomorrow cloudy and warmer, prob ably rain tomorrow afternoon; mod erate southeast and south winds. Maryland and Virginia—lncreasing cloudiness and warmer tonight; to morrow cloudy and warmer, probably rain tomorrow afternoon; moderate southeast and south winds, Increasing tomorrow. West Virginia—lncreasing cloudi ness and warmer tonight; tomorrow rain and warmer. Records for 24 flours. Thermometer —4 p.m., 39; 8 p.m., 35; 12 midnight, 32; 4 a.m., 29; 8 a.m., 28; noon, 37. Barometer—4 p.m., 30.21; 8 p.m., 30.29; 12 midnight, 30.33; 4 a.m., 30.38; 8 a.m., 30.45; noon, 30.43. Highest temperature, 39, occurred (U 4 p.m. yesterday. Lowest temperature, 26, occurred at 6 a.m. today. Temperatures same date last year— Highest, 61; lowest, 45. Tide Tables. (Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.) ,oT,2 day ~ Low tld ‘‘- 12:13 a.m. and pm.; high tide, 5:55 a.m. and 0:17 p.m. Tomorrow—Low tide. 1 am. and i’i, high tide, 6:42 a.m. and 7:02 p.m. The Sun and Moon. . Today Sun rose 6:49 a.m.; sun sets a:54 p.m. tomorrow—Sun rises 6:48 a_m.; sun sets 5:56 p.m. Moon rises 3:11 p.m.; sets 6:12 a.m. Automobile lamps to be lighted one half hour after sunset. Condition of the Water. feinperature and condition of the water at Great Falls today at S a.m.: Temperature, 34; condition, muddy. Weather in Various Cities. K Temperature. *;0 . K cE o ~ ~ a' 3 8= Sb Station- g ~ J js 2 jv e,? I weather C*. ® e~r* 30 t, «* ; r B is « .... pi-doud, |lSlsf£“ i§ «02 <-py la ::M & charleston .. 30.28 72 50 ’ t oudy „hicag„ ...',0.10 34 "4 pi b,lv in.innati ..30.20 30 22 " " fouly Cleveland ..30.34 20 is clear olumbia ..30.34 44 " Cloudy ;*-nver ....20.02 42 28 '."clear •1 Pawi ... 30.02 00 30 " Ci- tr Oalver'on ..20 88 OS 00 .'. ' Cloudy 3;SS a 85 »«> pz 3- u fjjj*; Kansas City. 20.80 50 30 Cloudy -o- Aneelee 30.20 72 5- ' ! Louisville ..30.22 30 ->o ’ « 1,,,,,),. Miami. Fla . 30in so 7- New Orleans 30.00 T 4 <!0 ' <■ 1, New York.. 30.42 3-' ->n "" caV- o kl \ Cit3r - S?Z‘ J • cloudy »maha .... 2!*.84 50 34 o ofi p., ln J Blla<i< lnhia 30.44 34 *’4 Clear "hoenix ....30.10 72 4” "" PUtsbure-h ..30.38 32 20 "" elourfv Portland. Me. 30 22 "4 10 ’ Cle !r y o^il!iiV. a ore ' V' o.»ti Ham Hal»*iirh 10.44 f>(! 30 ri» ar lty oo eS i-' 4 0 it) CloudV B,VI Antonio 2'* 7S 72 00 .... Cloudy B an 30 10 »,4 50 Clear 3 J, Fr.mrlsco 30 34 02 50 Clear st. Louis.. .. 30.06 38 30 . cioudr Bt. Paul... 20 62 40 32 Clear" Seattle 30 00 40 40 0.08 Bam sookane ...20 82 ss 32 Oriocioudv WASH .D C. 30.44 38 20 . Clear foreign. ts a.m.. Greenwieh time, today > Stations. Temperature. Weather London Enzlan-1 4S part cloudy Paris. I ranee 42 Cloudy Vienna Austria 38 Cloudy openhaeen. Ifc-nmark... 38 Cloudv ! Moria (Fay-alt. A/ore- OO (lou-'v Hamilton. Bermuda 58 Cloudv ! Havana. Cuba . 72 Clear Colon. Canal Zone. . So CSoudv ARCENTINA. For week ending February 23. 1020, —Precipitation— _ . Current. Depar. Current. Depar and north e-n wheat area. 70 —6 i ft 4-1° FOUND. _ AIREDALE, male, ail hla. k. tall has been cut. not very short. Owner please annlv Waahinrton Animal Rescue Learue 340Ma,ry ' and ave. w.w. COLLIE, female dark tan all over IdiVrn race, lovely. Impressive eves. Owner pleas* anpl.v Waehinrton Animal Rescue Leasrue )40 Marv’and ave s.w. PART HI LL and part smooth-haired terrier, ma c. black boiiy brindle lees and chest short 'all. Owner please apply Washington tmnni Rescue League 349 Marrland ave sw- POCKETBOOK—About 2 wks. ago woman vendor of underwear left poeketbook: iden- Miy. Col SETTER, mall-, black and whit*-, brown and blaek ticks on la*-e. Owner pleas- apnlv Washington Aminal Rescue I.r;u*-„ *4O Maryland ave s w. BKVE' r ERRIER fen 1 rue" tan and white, ears dark brown Owner please aoplv WashingUm Animal Rescue League. 349 Maryland ave I.O«!T UCEN9E TAQ. Virginia. No 103-23.). Please call Clarendon 400-J-2. BAG. beaded. >eb. 22. betw-een B antT 7 p.m on either Centra! Hirh School or B n eli t wood <• a:, north bound. Reward if returned 1813 Nichols ave s.e. "4. BAR PIN. platinum top, with diamond and 5441-/ aPPhI!VB: rewanJ i’li one Adams BEAGLE HOI’NDS. two, male black anil white: Snort and Jack. Rewanl for thei return or information leading to reooverv \-oaro. 220 .Arthur nl. n.w. Lin. "Slm .t o.f* BEAGLE HOUND, yellow and white 6 months old. Return to 7415 Alaska ave and receive reward. 25• i ! JLLFOI.D. in Center Market, containing ”la s ran^rn Bd i a ?27 r w W f fd U n ‘ tUrned - VLLFOLD. containing bills. Sunday evening lost between 13th and Belmont and Meridimi Park on 16th St. Reward. Telephone Cm unihia 4581-\A . 24* BREASTPIN —Circle of po;u : N : Sunday morning, tietween 19th and Riltmorc anrf ”400 Kith st R'ward. Call Col. 5iH ° CAT. blue Persian. Line. 6751 or . all~at 803 Kentucky ave. s.e. after 0 p.m. Reward DOG—Black and brown, male, part oianiei named "Brownie, ’ tag 1189!). Reward I*7 D s.e. Franklin 103tiC. EASTERN STAR PIN. pearl Iwrdered: at or near Northeast Masonic Temple ou Tuesday f found call Cleve. 3600. • ENVELOPE, large, containing dressed David R Dunham. St. Augustine Fla.: reward. Call Cleve. 4118 EYEGLASSES, shelleii. in case, on 14 th street. Rewa-d. Col 3007. • FIRESTONE TIRE. mounted. off Cadillac car. Return to 140* Q st. n.w. and receivo reward GLASSES, tortoise shell rim : nanie~on brown case ; "Dr. Claude Semones”: reward. Line. 2LA SSE -s—Pair tortoise-run' iTi wST B. Ro.-i; Optical to. case. Saturday niornin»- Miss Ozbum. Main 104.2: ait-r 5 pin Adams 7668: reward. • ” KEYS, in leather case: reward. 63X ColtG ra<lo Building, Main 307, 2t) ,l ° OPERA GLASSES Satunfay' on Union sTa tion bus: reward. Call Adams 4800. Apt 315, after 6 p.m. « PEARL NECKLACE, about 4 o’clock on 14th st. between Taylor and Quincy sis' on {^u ieaae retur ° to PIN small, onyx, with mosaic bird: in Co 'umbia Theater or between there and 9th on K or betw-een I- Mid Pennsylvania ave. on Uh: reward. 212 B st. g.e. • PUPPY snow-white setter. 8 weeks old: lost corner 24th and S Wednesday morning Mr George Russell Brown. North 4385 ' 18119 24th st. n.w. PTPPY. white, female, tan Tar” tiosiname PrixPjV pood reward. Line. 4502. 318 North Caro'ina ave, s o. PURSE, suede, small, on Mt. Pleasant car small money, key. Suitable reward. Ad dress Box 322-V. Star office. RING— Lady’s white gold, diamond ancTsaF phire; small size for little Anger. Liberal reward if returned to manager Burlington Hotel. 25* RING, man's, gold, with ruby setting, initial ed D. M. M.: Bth between E and G s.e.: re ward Line 7663. 27* RING—-Gold signet ring, with initials G. V. W.; lost February 22 at Mount Ver non. Cleveland 1807. RING, lady's diamond: white gold setting liberal reward. Call Aiex. 637-W. *_’ SHOE, black oxford, on 7th st. s.w. or 10th gt. n.w.. Monday eve. North 3827. Br. 508. VANITY CASE, silver: monogram M~L C ‘ Dth st. ear. bound to wharf. Saturday 20th around 2 p.m. Columbia 8947-W. WATCH, lady’s gold: bia*-k nbl*on band'Vat urday. February- 13. in or between Swann 6t. and R--public Theater: reward. North 4957. WATCH, lady's, gold. Waltham: Saturday. Finder please return to Apt. 604. 1616 10th st, n.w. B-ward. 25* WRIST WATCH, -white gold; gold filled bracelet: rewart Lino.-in 660. Detailed to General Staff. Col. Walter T. Bates, adjutant gen eral, now under instruction at the I Array War College, Washington, has been detailed to duty with the War I penaitmerit general staff, to take et feet July 6. Carbs of FEbanfea. 'y*L to eXDres. sinters thanks to n-o r h? e>lr a b< ii rs I Y ld friends for their irm onr K,..0 1d l ? or , al at the death «f our brother-in-law. FRANK BARR MR. AND MRS. TEEPLE. • . ?■£?****• u W .® * >fib *° expresa our ulnoere iriar.k* and deepest appreciation to our many friends and neighbors for their klnd inJtt?it?oo W n u ? d H rlne the illness and the beautiful floral tributes at the death of our BETH d n m MKRK& riU,dm0 ‘ h "- ELIZA I)A . , S! i S, OAND 0 AND GRANDSON. ETHEL AND LLWIS. • Scatfiff. BROOKS. Members of the Men’s Cliff Rock Association are requested to attend the UVJSEtI.,, O * P ur la,e brother. EUGENE BROOKS from St. Luke's Episcopal Churchy Wednesday at 3 o’clock. Death W. H. JOHNSON. President. WALTER J. SINGLETON. Secretary. BROWN. Monday. February 22. 1926, at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. W. F. Thompson. 1621 2Sth st. n.w. t EMILY W„ widow of John W. Brown. Funeral from above residence, on Thursday. February 2ft. at 11 am. Interment at Congres sional Cemetery. CA w.X,. Suddenly. Tuesday. February 23, J.” 2 - at Providence Hosnital. WILLIAM JY- a* oß ?6 years, beloved husband of Ladv and father of William A, Richard A . Beniamin J.. Mrs. Frances E Owens and Mrs. Edna Donnelly. Notice of funeral later. • Departed this life Tuesday. r i'lVvat 41 Freedmen e Hotniial. CAMPBELL devoted aunt of Murdock. Agnes Murdock. Daisey v d ,° - “i?" Mattie Murdo'k and cousin Stevenson and Lillian Davis. Fn mlni s undertakimr estahlish ment. 34, F st. s.w.. Friday. February 2d. at l p.m. Relatives and friends invited.2s* 1 iW' 1 '; „I>e» d ay morning. February 23r I i£?r». 1 u 2;6 ? n clock, at her home. 4607 RS. Ht,t , ht ', ave.. West Forest Park mnftv'rlJ’'"' trouble. Mrs. LUCY r AKROLI. aged «? years moth ifomer C V° f‘T U C ° mdr ' | Suddenly, Monday. Fehru r i a r,rf''v at Mew Brighton. Staten r,c,tl L N ' r°S A DK WILHORST. Fu !?'''al .from Holy Trinity Church on Thurs -1 Y ~i, ,' , ruary r r ‘ Mas- at 9:15 am. (New ; luni Papers plea*« copy.) «>4 D * February 23. 102#» at bis MORE W v.?TV Y *V Fli* K xi nuhbtiml of the late Mary Dunn <uee Reynolds). in the 69th vear of his c ': f uneral from. the chapel of p \ 7lh Friday. Fobru: ** ~ o.m. Relatives and friends Invited, interment at Congrestloual Ceme .W pdn 6sday, February 24. 1926 F\vp IT sl( fe , ] f *- J 3O .? 0 ° «• uw. CLAR ENCE R beloved husband of Maggie c Wrest (nee Tennant I. Noui o “STera; i e fßJS t<Sd . - ,hiß llf ® Monday. rporuary JOJ6. at 3’l;> o'clock ut h#*r WSMS'iV* -.MANNIE A., 'beloved by six Harrison. She is survived and aho t d , f three sisters, one brothe Funeral VrAm e.° t i ler rp| atl'es and friends, ri v e ' r °m St. Augustine s Church Thurs tm P K. :5 ' at » o'clock, where re- Do£oth%r “Si® WIU ** suu - for Tuesday. February 13*26. » ii„» Ate J lO ,? 1 '* 1 ' Martha e.. <3 Cii fton ?- ml - a,ld mother Vi-.- i. i h ,1 u. and Dr. Charle Hasstlbai-h. Funeral will t». held iron Zuihorsts fuiu-rai parlors. 301 East Cate h ’Li “I . °V Thl,n * ( ay- February 25 a *nd°an',i Y- th /' nc<! t,J -V Church, -nd and C *-to. n.e where maos will i*- HJfjLf* !> a a }-J° r *hc- repose of her soul Relatives and friends invited to attend. HI 5> l .; NB j l w ffl- a# PpParted this life February a L. n :C l? at the residence au,f k ter - -Mro. Dennis W. Sullivan BUCH M< «' SARAH A. HEIN t*'- v H ! M* is:*! th* - hclovcii u’’ fp ft 1 the late John Henry Hembuch and mother ?A^s r i£, E i, Groh ol .Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph *l. Helnbuch. Leeway. Va and fvni'i m," H xV 9ulliyaa - and one brother. re-.AA? I mi M r 1 uneral 1.-om her late I/.'!; 10 '.'. Thursday. I ehruary 25. at 9 30 tA- ,Voem e o'= 10 b o • 3 i’ st t ,h 's Church, where requiem mas* win tie said at lo a.m. foi ‘J}? .W*’ r ;t her soul. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. o^. MODC.KIV. Fell asleep Tuesday evening, lebiuary ,3. 1926. at her residence 34.1 k Hnnririv' .'V w FRANCES WILSON HODGKIN, beloved w]f e 0 { Charles E Hodgkin and devoted mother ol Mrs. Fred Hand. Mrs Earl Dorsey. .Mrs. Paul Thompson, and Frank and Lee Hodgkin J.“. ae '! a I from the chapel of P. J. Saffeli .33 sth st n.w . Friday. 11 am. Friends an l relatives invited to attend. Inter ment Rock Creek Cemetery. 25* HOLMES. Members of the Ladies’ Reliable Immediate Rt.-iiefSoriety are hereby non ' H?irvpc th ’V dea V‘ of Sl " ter IDA MAY 1 2 1 ,,! .A; "A/r- fu , ni ' rai w a-s Moiiday. Feb ' Batdist'Chureh ' f, ' OU ' Ninetwn,h S * r «« 1 4AMKs. Tuesjlay Ft-bfuary 23. 1926. at her pea hi 'i • la ‘- ~ ,e - FRANCES 1 rfi wife of Anthony Pear ut the late Joseph V. and >larj K. Jo«»es. Notice of funrral lattr. • ®f.P. a f ,ed «ht» life Tuesday. K-b --~ p«ii v''A.x ;U J P m - Mrs. ELIZA J.iwLs J< A H 3 NN v. "' duw of Alexander &°"t? n „ a P d daughter ol the late Mrs jP fj uneral f private l from n w Tic i l !atw ' J V'fh and L st l." , ihuisday. February 25. at 130 um kindly omit flowers. . U J e Sunday. Ft-b- LOf lsK VnHv<nv a A Freedmen’s Hospital. eulise JOHNSON.devoted mother of Onhe- Juhn , Am o »n'i d . giving si-ter of Mrs. Harriet Johnson and Joseph Johnson. She leaves to mourn their loss a son-in-law and many mece«, ncuhew- and frif*n«is. Funeral H>r\. da7 at l l o’chi k Ene ChU,Ch ThuV ’- ,O S X >, “jF. Sat srsFu V' 1 *i Rh ¥ : i ' Tand u-w 1 .: Henrletti d a;‘-’\>hy‘ol "tim late Hranam. $ Mathews and sister of Laura rtUkfin-.. sit «*.- to mourn her Im-v* a devoted godehiUl. Beatrice Hughe" and a Thursdiv x, ? n ‘| friends. Funeral lnursday. at 1, ontn-k noon, at Ebeu-7e’ f.!"|reh. 4th and D sts. s.e. Rev I W Waters oflieiatmg. * g K h,r U a^gA , , , y P i«w^- e 6Wee,fcßt *’ U AFdTa've d U-bf-arihl wife heaTen aD “ I HER BET JIVED HUSBAND. JOSEPH. • IOIINsON. Ladies' Columbia Aid Assoeia M-- scsIK"lOHVSON ed v’ f ,ht dpat1 ' "I ou are requested • 5 Sfe'ii t-'v funera! Thureday February ( hiir! 1.7 4,h a.„i"D «s fr ““ M- K. M ‘RY E. T l^ E |^ Bid “‘.’ lOHNsiiN Juha M.-x Henry Auxiliary. No. .IVT 11 ‘i d i N o' , n announces the d .ah of Lotly Picket SI SIE JOHNSOV who died Satunlaj. February 20 l!l-’« y'o. w‘ ,a L rw, a.v. February 23. Ebeneze'r M E Church. 4th and D sts. SP so EMMA ANDERSON^ JORDAN. Suddenly. Sunday. Fehniary 21 I f cALIMs (CALi. devoted hus- I'.ind of Adora and father of Ell-wortli Man. and 5 iolet Jordan. He leaves to mourn his departure three brothers, sou. sisters uud other relatives and friends Remains resting at John T. Rhine-' fu Herat .-hapel. 3rd and 1 sts. s.w Funeral from Zion Baptist Chur. h. F -t. between 3rd and 4>, sis. s.w.. Thursday. February at U o ) lock. IORDAN. Oflityrs and memliers of Columbia Lodge. No 85. 1. B. p t). E. W . are here- a f d ' ath of Brother CALIM , JORDAN. Be--ion of sorrow Wednesday ev fiune. 7:30 o'clock. Elks' Home. Fu neral from Zion Baptist Church. F st 3rd aud 4 sts. s.w, Thursday 1 ehruary 2,>. at 1:30 p.m. Members will a-semlde at the church at 1 p.m. Meni- S 1 n , c ? ,Hr Hodge. No. 40. and A Lodfp. No. J). arc invited WILLIAM H. DAVIS. Exalted Ruler Attest: A. E. WILLIAMS. Sectary. • KLI.I.F.Y. Tups<lh.v February 23 1 q-'f, ■,< te'n-'v tn ; I 'i 444 , !,t, i *t. ?.w, HARRIETT i, ,',H'Y’ lie loved wife of Charles. Kelley, vlaughter of FLi-. Bessie Minor and Men d a ugh ter of John Minor- sister of Benia- V" 4 n, t / 4lr r ' i »!«<• leaves to mourn tiujr low a bo*«t of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the w Ernest Jarvis to. funeral parlors. 2222 Georgia av e. li.w. Notice of funeral hereafter. t-AFV. Monday. February 22. 1926 HARRY ! - beloved husband of Jennie ' McGuire J uneral from his late residence, r.i w -fA *• “fu Thursday February 26. at 8.30 am, thence to Holy Comforter whp T iaass will be said at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Bonnie Brae Cemetery. Baltimore Md™ Tuesday. February 23. 1626. bIDLuLA. behoved wife ui x .aiih P r? np X- Fumiral from Sacred Heart Catho roary 25 kt 9 C iT n • ' Thurßday ' F . eb ' Mir.LS. February 24. 1626. at the residence MARC AR*FT lo mr rt 534 , D " i * AKG ARLT DE COT RCY, wi f<> e\t *)is. late Roiiert Mills of Berwick. Me. Ku neral services and interment upon arrival at o«'jrwi , 'K. Mp, RAMEY. Tuesflay. February 23. 1926 at Children's Hospital. JOAN’ E beloved daughter of Edgar J. and Margaret Utter back Ramey. Funeral services at 1361 Harvard st. n.w. Thursday. February 25 at 1:3o n.m. Interment at Fairfax Court House. Va. 04 BIELY. Tuesday. February 23. 1626. at 12:30 p.m, at his residence. 1410 M st n.w FRANCIS C, beloved husband of Bessie C. Riely. aged 60 years. Funeral services at Hysong's funeral home 1300 N st. n.w.. Thursday. February 25, at 2 pun Interment at Glenwood Cemetery. RILEY. Suddenly, on Monday. February 22 1626. KATHERfNE SHOCK, beloved wife of Willard T. Riley. Funeral services will be held at Zurhorst’s funeral parlors 301 East Capitol st, on Thursday. February -26. at 1 p.m. Interment Loudon Park Cemetery. Baltimore. Md. (Baltimore Md.. papers please copy.) SAI'TER. Monday. February 22. 1926. at the residence of her son-in-law. John B. Flynn. 2815 28th st. n.w, KATHARINE, widow of Benford Sauter. in the 85th year of her age. Fune.ral from the above resi dence Thursday. February 26. at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at the Church of Saint Thomas the Apostle, at 9 o’clock. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Please omit flowers. 24* Deatfjff. SKINNER. February 23. 1926. at the resi d'hlf. • r >"2 Ist st. se„ RAYMOND SKIN NLFi. brother of Eugene W. Skinner ami Mr«. Amanda Frankfl, departed thie Its« . ¥ uneral Friday, 2 p.m., from home. 6'!2 i*t fit. B.e. Frieutlsj and relatives invited. J-4>* SLACK. Tuesday. February 23. 1026. at 1420 33rd st n.w . SOPHRONIA G SLA< K. aired 72 yeans. Funeriil above dene© Fridav. February 26. at 10 a.m. lielatives and fnendi* invited. Internumr at Rook Creek Cemetery. 25* SMITH. Wednesday. February 24. 1028 at w o’eloek a.m., at her home. 1003 Irving •t . Mrs. LUCY B. SMITH widow of Rev. Jamea T. xSinith and beloved mother of I>r. Lucian C. Smith of C-eara. Brazil: Charles M. Smith. Maj. II Smith, u. S. Army: Fanny B. Smith. Elizabeth I>. Smith and Mrs. K. L. Campbell. No tice of funeral later. Departed this life February 22. 1020. at 4:63 p.m at her reaidene©. 2024 4th st n.w . Mrs. FLORENCE J. STEVENS, beloved wife of John J Stevens. Funeral from Florida Avenue Baptist Chureh Thur day. February 25. at 1 p ro. Relatives and friends invited. • BWAVZE. Monday. February 22. 1020. ir St. Petersburr. Fla.. THEODORE K.. be loved husband of the late Elizabeth W. Swayze. Services at hie late residence. No. 1 Ea«t Melrose st.. Chevy Cba*e. Md.. Thursday. February 25. at 11 a.m Interment (private) Arlington National Cemetery. UNDERWOOD. Wednesday February 24. D?2O CHARLES HARRISON UNDER HOOD Notice of funeral hereafter. • WARE. Entered into eternal rest Tuesday. February 23. 102 rt. at Gallinger Hosnital. VIRGINIA, devoted wife nf Fleming Wart. Reniains restinsr at John T Rhinet, A: Co> funeral chape] 3rd and I eta. s.w. Funeral from Zion Baptist Church Friday at 1 30 nm Interment at Payne’s Cemetery. 25 WILLIS. Tuesday. February 23. 1026. at his resident. H\?l sth st. n.w.. WILLIAM W.. beloved husband of Katie M. Willis. Funeral from his late residence Friday, {•ehruary 26 1026. at 8:30 a.m. Mass at St. Mary's Church at 9 a.m. Interment at St. Mary s Cemetery. (New York an l Baltimore papers please copy.) 25 Jin JHemoriam. ALI.KN. In sa6 but loving remembrance of our dear eon. CHARLES P. ALLEN wh<> depaj-ted this life t-*u years ago. February •34. 1924. Sleet) on. onr darling, we will »ee you again. Lovingly. FAMILY. RRIiT.. In loving remembrance of my dec mother. < HARLOTTE BRICE, who denar* e<! (his lit- two years ago today. Februar 24. 1624. On the liillsido. softly -leetting. Wiiere tile flower- gt-nllv -aa. Lie- the one I loved -o dearly. In her lone anil silent grave Every day brings sweet memorie- Every memory brings a tear: Deep within my heart I cherieh Thoughts of one I loved so dear HER LOVING SON. JESSE H. BRICE. * BRICE. Sacred to the memory of my dea foster mother. CHARLOTTE H BRICK who died two years ago tcsJAy, February 24. 1924. ‘Twas early morning when the Master s voice Called softly. “Come and rest. My suffering one. Come now and lay Your head upon tny brea.-t." BERTHA CARTES. * BROYFN. In loving remembrance of my dear son. CLARENCE BROWN, who departed this life two years ago today. February 24. 1924. MOTHER BESSIE BROWN. * BRYANT. In sad but loving remembrance of MAUDE BRYANT, who debarred this lid two years ago. February 21 1924. Gone, but not forgotten. DEVOTED FRIEND FEWKES. In loving remembrance of ciy d voted husband. JOHN I. FEWKES. wb died seven years ago today. February 24. 1919. HIS I.OYING WIFE. GENEVIEVE FEWKES. • HARRISON, in loving remembrance of-- dear wife anil mother. IDA K. HARRISON who departed thi- life oiii year ago today February 24. 1925. We can nei- t — forget you d*-a*- mother While on this earth *? stay. For our biarts hav>- never been the saa. - Since the day you parsed away Oh how we long for you. dear mother. When our hearts are sad with pain. Jtl-t a word oi consolation. Your loving voice to hear once again HER DEVOTED HUSBAND AND SON. * HINES. In loving remembrance of our dea tnother. ANNIE P HINES, who passeq away nine 'ears ago today. February 24. 1917. You are not forgotten mother, dear Nor never will you f-e. HER LOVING CHILDREN. EDWARD AND NORA. • LYBKK. In sad but loving remembrance of our deax daughter and sisier. HEI.EN J. LYBEK fnee Webb), who departed from us twelve years u„o today February 24. 1914. HER FAMILY. * MILLER. In loving memory ol my dea son. HYMAN MILLER, who do-d sud denly five years ago today. February 24. 1921. Bles-ed are the pure in heart MOTHER PfNtHBACK. ro the memory o: n, devoted buddy BISMARK B PINCHBAi K who entered into rest two years ago toda February 24 1924. I smile when I th:nk of you hi re Aud 1 sigh as 1 think of you there HIS BUDDY. LOUIS C. JONES. * I’ROI'DFOOT. In loving remembrance of Oh dear bu-band and father. O. PROUDFOOT. who was kilieii so sudden’v one year ago today. February 24. 1925 On the hillside, softly sleeping. Where the flowers gently wave. Lies the one I loved so dearly. In his lone and silent grave. Every day bring- sweet memories. Every memory brings a tear : Deco within my heart I <h»n-h Thoughts of one I loved so dea: Gone is the fa e I .loved so dear. Gone is the voice I loved to hear. 1 • ninot help imt wonder why The be-t are always first to die HIS LOVING WIFE AND CHILDREN ROBINSON. In ren of a dea friend. SUSIE ROBINSON, who departed this life one year ago yestenlav. Februar' 23. 1925. She w ,ts kind and g'-ntle to eve-y one If she could not speak good of others, she had nothing to say FRANCES BUTLER • -ANDERs. In sail but loving rrmembran- e of my dear daughter. AGNES SANDERS who departed this hfe two years ago toda>- Fehruarv 24. 1924 HER DEVOTED MOTHER. BETTIE GA RIN • 'LYE. In sad but loving ie-nemb*-ance of our dear mother. ELIZABETH SLYR. who departed tin- life six years ago today. Fen ruary 24. 1920. Thou art gone, but not forgotten. Fresh our love will always I—. For a= long as then is memory We will always think of thee. HER DEVOTED DAUGHTERS. MR- M E. DENT Jr, AND MR-, p V p\VM FI'NKKAI. IMRKrTOKS. ~~~ L WILLIAM LEE. Funeral Dire, tor and Em"- lalmer. Livery in Connection. Comniodiou* naoel and modern crematorium. M■ -derate prices, 332 Pa. Ave N W Cali M, 1385. Frank Geier's Sons Co. 1113 SEVENTH ST. N.W. ~ . Modern Chapel. Telephone , aln *^'3 Quick. Dignified and Efficient Service. W. W. Deal & Co. 816 H ST. N.E LINCOLN 8200. Automobile Service. Chape!. T. F. COSTELLO NOW LOCATED AT 1724 N. UA P. ST. NORTH 7970 Wm. H. Sardo & Co. vpidern chapel.' Lincoln 524 " TAMES T. RYAN 317 Pa. Ave. S.E. Model Chanel. Lincoln 142. Private Amhulanee. Mvp-v in Connection V.L.SPEARE CO: Neith-r the uni < -tors of nor connected with the original W R. Speare istablish . .. 0 1009 H. St. N.W. Fo.-bif'.y SM" ’r '• N » F. Birch's Sons (ISAAi' BIRCH) 3034 M ST. N.W. TjSSy., l^ 1 - Gawler Service Funeral Directors Since 1850 Main 5512 aS.'Sw!’ CHAS. S. ZURHOR^T 301 FAST C APITOL ST. _ Phone Lincoln 372. Timothy Hanlon 641 H ST. N.E. Phone 1., 5543 FTNERAL DFSir.XS, Geo: C. Shaffer CHOICE FLORAL EMBLEMS Main 2416 at MODERATE PRICES No brunch .tores, BLACKISTONE'S Floral "Blanket Sprays” gg. B ? 4 u tb f * Promnt Auto Delivery Service. Artietic—exppressive—inexpensive. Godc Bros. C0re.1212 F St. Ve Specialise Fa plohal DQsiqns at Moderate ’sms* N.V MAIN 603$ 9