Reception at the Congressional Club
Tonight in Honor of President
and Mrs. Coolidge.
TrlE President and Mrs. Coolidge
are the guests for whom the
Congressional Club has ar
ranged a reception at 9 o’clock
tonight in their clubhouse on
New Hampshire avenue at Sixteenth
find U streets. Mrs. IJndley H. Had
tv, president of the club, and Mrs.
John B. Henderson, honorary vice
president, will receive with the honor
guests, and assisting the officers oi
the club will be the original incorpora
tors, the list including, besides Mrs.
Longworth, wife of the Speaker, Mrs.
Daniel R. Anthony, jr.. of Kansas;
Mrs Henry A. Cooper of Wisconsin,
Airs. Edgar C. Ellis of Missouri. Mrs.
atephen B. Elkins of West Virginia,
Mrs. Burton L. French of Idaho. Mrs.
Finis J. Garrett of Tennessee. Mrs.
John N. Garner of Texas. Mrs. Eugene
Hale of Maine, Mrs. Willis C. Hawley
of Oregon. Mrs. William E. Humphrey
of Washington. Mrs. Florence P.
Kahn of California, .Mrs. Frank \\.
Mondell of Wyoming, Mrs. James H.
Small of North Carolina. Mrs. Robert
Jj. Taylor of Tennessee, Mrs. Joseph
E Thropp of the District of Columbia.
Mrs. O. W. I'nderwood of Alabama,
and Mrs. William W. Wilson of Illi
Mrs. Dawes was hostess at lunch
eon informally yesterday, entertain
ing the Vice President’s sister-in-law,
Mrs. Henry M. Dawes of Columbus.
Ohio, and-her mother. Mrs. Helm E.
Curtis of Marietta, Ohio, and Mrs.
J. G. Simpson of Chicago, who have
been at the New Willard for several
Mrs. Curtis, accompanied by her
daughter and Mrs. Simpson, went to
New York this morning to remain
until the end of the week, when Mrs.
Curtis will sail Saturday for a two
month tour of South America.
Col. and Mrs. Edward T. Clifford
were hosts at dinner last night for
Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Dawes and Mrs.
Simpson, and took their guests later
to the theater.
Mrs. New, wife of the Postmaster
General, was the guest of honor at
luncheon today of Mrs. Stanfield, wife
of Senator Robert Nelson Stanfield of
Oregon, who entertained in her apart
ment at 11400 Sixteenth street. Others
In the company were Mrs. Jardine,
Mrs. Morris Sheppard, Mrs. William
M. butler, Mrs. Charles S. Deneen,
Mrs. Henry F. Dlmock, Mrs. John
Allan Dougherty, Mrs. Edward A.
Harrlman, Mrs. Robert Love Taylor
and Mrs. James M. Morris of Minneap
Baron and Baroness de Cartier
Guests of Dr. and Mme. Sze.
The Ambassador of Belgium and
Baroness de Cartier will be the honor
guests at dinner this evening of the
Minister of China and Mme. Sze. •
The Ambassador of Great Britain
and Lady Isabella Howard will he
the ranking guests at the dinner to
be given this evening by Senator and
Mns. Jeese H. Metcalf of Rhode Island
in the Chinese room of the Mayflower
Hotel in compliment to Mrs. Morgan
Butler, daughter-in-law of Senator
and Mrs. William M. Butler.
Donna Antoinette de Martino, wife
of the Ambassador of Italy, will be
at home tomorrow afternoon from
4JO to 6:30 o’clock for the last time
this season.
The Vice President and Mrs. Dawes
will be the guests In whose honor
Senator and Mrs. James Couzens will
entertain a company of 24 at dinner
thla evening in their home on Six
teenth street.
The Minister of Poland and Mme.
dechanowska, who are at the Hotel
Ambassador in New York for a short
stay, are expected to return the end
of this week.
Mme. De Graeff, wife of the Minis
ter of the Netherlands, will he at
home FYiday afternoon from 4:30 to
OJO o'clock for the last time this
was on.
The Secretary of Agriculture and
Mrs Jardine were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. L. R. E&kin of Manhattan.
Kans., at dinner last evening in the
presidential suite at the Mayflower.
The other guests were Senator
Charles Curtis, Senator and Mrs.
Arthur Capper, Representative and
Mrs. James G. Strong, Representa
tive and Mrs. Edgar C. Ellis, Mr. and
Mrs. Gann, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua
Evans, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Brand, Dr.
and Mrs. C. L. Marlatt, Mrs. Mary
IPleree Van Zlle, dean of the Kansas
State Agricultural College, at Man
hattan , Kans.; Mrs. Marjorie KlmhaJl.
f Ihe LOUVRE 1
1 Spring Coats I
TRaf Good Fashion and
Good Taste Have Designed
We select with a discrimination that insures
pou of getting only the truly ultra in style—and
Character of making that creates distinctive effect.
The Sports Coats are made of Imported Tweeds
Rod Tapestries | and a host of clever domestic
The Dressy models present the fashionable
d!oth»—in the favored colon, trimmed with fine
Beginning at $29- 50
An All-Silk Hose, from top to toe—Chif
fon or service weight. All perfect; $1.95
full fashioned and in every wanted shade.
Gonsult Louvre Presentation
for the Exclusive Styles in
In Dress Hats, slo*9o (q $29*50
Li Sports Hats, $7*95 to $22*59
%, | ii ■■■ n^jf
also of Manhattan, and Mr. T.
Butcher of Emporia, Kans.
Mrs. Everett Sanders was the guest
In whose honor Mrs. Theodore Hance
Tiller entertained at luncheon today,
her other guests being Mrs. Royal
Copeland, Mrs. George Williams, Mme.
Kazemi, .Mine. Lipovu, Mrs. William
Bailey Lamar. Mrs. William Mather
Lewis. Mrs. Frederic D. MoKenney,
Mrs. Frank W. Mondell. Mrs. Lindsey
llorehead and her house guest. Mrs.
Frank Bebane of North Carolina.
Senator Frederick H. Gillett has
gone to St. Augustine, Fla., accom
panied by Mr. C. Bascom Slemp, and
is at the Ponce de Leon.
Mrs. Charles B. Timberlake left
this morning for Mount Clemens,
Mich., tor a month. Mrs. Frederick
W. Stc ver, daughter of Representa
tive Ti .iherlake, will accompany her
as far as Detroit.
Representative and Mrs. Frank
Hamilton Funk will entertain at the
dinner dance at WarUinan Park Hotel
Saturday evening.
Representative William K. Hull has
rejoined Mrs. Hull in their apartment
at Wardman Park Hotel utter spend
ing a week at Hot Springs. Ark.
Col. and Mrs. Arthur O'Brien will
entertain a company of 20 at dinner
this evening.
The Duehess of Norfolk and her
daughter. Lady Rachel Howard, who
are visiting in Boston since their stay
with their cousins, the Ambassador of
Great Britain and Lady Isabelle
Howard, in Washington will go to
New York the first of next week. In
New York they will visit Mr. and Mrs.
William V. Griffin until they sail
aboard the Berengaria, Saturday,
March 6.
Mrs. Frank C. Henry will entertain
at tea Saturday afternoon in the
garden of the Hotel Mayflower in
compliment to her guest. Mrs. Samuel
Anthony Mason of Frankfort, Ky.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wilkins will
entertain at dinner this
evening in honor of Miss Anne Carley,
daughter of Mrs. King Carley.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins will leave
Sunday for Hot Springs to remain
about three weeks.
Society Interested in
Russian Benefit Musical.
Os unusual interest especially to
diplomatic, senatorial and administra
tive circles is the concert to be given
at Rauscher’s Saturday evening at
9:30 o’clock, at which Mrs. Morgan
Butler will sing for Baroness Olga
Wrangel fund for her Russian hos
pitals in the Balkans.
Mrs. Morgan Butler, daughter-in
law of Senator William M. Butler of
Massachusetts, sang the role of Mi
caela In "Carmen” recently here in a
delightful manner, but has never
been heard in a recital In Washington
except at the White House when she
sang for Mrs. Coolidge at one of the I
State Dinners last Winter, when she
delighted her cultured and dlstin- |
gulshed audience. Mrs. Morgan But
ler is coming on especially from Bos
ton. where she lives, to donate her'
services to this splendid charity, and
J These details that dis- :
'i tinguish the best crafts- }
manship all combine in
I 1 Brewood-engraved !
Wedding j
Invitations and j
Announcements l
Assembly of the trousseau \
__ is no more important than
O o consultation on engraved '•
E3 essentials to the ceremony i
Q with !'
J Engraven and Stationers *
! 611 Twelfth Street N.W. ;
• ' A \ AJ- ' \
I"'*■' ml A’ • ■ \ , ■■’ - -
' f- ’ ~ > .• <
I | WmMi .Be I
bP* v M v
IN •>; - mSL- '
'mme. sze.
Wife of tlie Minister of China, Mr. Sao-Ke Alfred Sze. and with him entertain
ing at dinner tonight in honor of the Ambassador of Belgium and Baroness de
will he the house guest of Senator
and Mrs. Butler.
Miss Elena de Sayn and her trio
will also add much to the enjoy
ment of this musical evening at
Rauscher’s. Many early dinners are
being arranged to precede the musical,
among the hosts being Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. George
T. Marye, Mrs. Alvin Hert, Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Dulles and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles H. Woodhull.
Tickets can he had from Mrs.
Robeit Lansing, chairman of musi
cal, and at Rauscher s, or on entering
the night of the entertainment at the
ballroom door.
Among the distinguished list of
ticketholders for the musical are:
The British Ambassador and Lady
Isabella Howard, the German Ambas
sador and Countess Maltzan, the
Minister of Greece and Mme. Simpou
ios, the Minister of China and Mme.
Sze, the Minister of Hungary and
I ""■T i, "B"nßliinß'"T'fllllMTMilllTUlljUlMiiWlW—MW—illllWHlßWllMlTß- S
i I
1 In two shades of green, with §
I lrs% P a I e gray caracul trimming is £
i /1 p* *
I \ 4j/ Other Spring mo9eb featur- §
I VjOm ing cape effects, striking |
plaids, and other new notes f
| aw included in the collection. §
1 Announcement! f
J Grace Marie Jones f
I Stylist and Criterion C
3 ffoleproof [
1 Hosiery [
J Will be in attendance at Netfs Kjf to closing X
Y time Saturday, r
U You are cordially bruited to consult her on p
\ •aU matters pertaining to hosiery, A Parts S
color chart will be given free to every caller. %
J Penn. Ave. est Eighth St. N.W. p
Countess Szechenyi. Senator and Mrs.
Jesse Metcalf, Senator and Mrs.
Sackett, Under-Secretary of State and
Mrs. Grew, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W.
Stearns, Col. U. S. Grant, Bd. and
Mrs. Grant; Mr. and Mrs. F. lAmmot
Betln, Senator and Mrs. David A.
Reed. Senator Ernst. Senator and
Mrs. Gillett, Mme. Ekengren, Mrs.
Stephen B. Elkins. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Glover, Senator and Mrs.
Goff. Mrs. Hennen Jennings, Mrs.
Lawrence Townsend, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Denby, Mr. and Mrs. Orme
Wilson, Mrs. Charles Boughton
Exclusively for Dancing, Banqucti,
Yard Partis*. Luncheons, etc.
Afternoons and Evenings
Rates from $22.60 up.
Col. 3063, Adams 6040
Wood, the secretary of the Smith
sonian and Mrs. Walcott, Mr. and
Mrs. Marye, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Warren, the Misses Patten, Mr. and
Mrs. John Gibbons. Mrs. Fitch, Mr.
and Mrs. G. L. Cabot, Mrs. Frederick
Dent Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Copley
Amory, Mr. and Mrs. Charles tVood
hull. Mrs. Alvin Hert, Mrs. Sherman
Miles, Capt. and Mrs. Leahy and
Comdr. and Mrs. Edward Breck en
tertained at dinner last evening, hav
ing as their guests Capt. and Mrs.
Crosley, Col. E. Parmalee Prentice and
Representative Henry Rathbone of
Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Amos A. Fries
have arranged for a special drill at
Fort Myer, tomorrow afternoon at 2:30
o’clock in honor of Mrs. John M.
Beavers, State regent, D. A. R., for
the District of Columbia, and local
and visiting daughters who are now
in Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Lewis and Mrs.
T. M. Anderson left Sunday night for
New Orleans and will sail from there
Saturday for Honduras, Guatemala
and Havana. Mrs. Mary Long Wells of
Shelbyville, Ky., Mr. and Mrs. Ben
nett Clark of St. Louis and Mrs. James
Thomson will join them in New Or
Gen. J. G. Bellinger, U. S. A., will
be one of the speakers at the dinner
to be given Sunday night at the May
flower Hotel In honor of Miss Jessie
Dell, civil service commissioner, by
OtP_Nathmaj_Wom9 n’s Party. Gen.
Marcel Nettle
Waving Lanoil
That |j* ~IU Permanent
“Stays Put” Vj/jVji Waving
Combined with ever-desirable
airy lightness. «. masterly
simplicity In construction, ai
iowlng instant adjustment.
Absolutely no cumbersome
stems or cords, no lace, net
or wires. They are fashioned
of fluffy, natural wavy hair.
723 11th St. N.W.
The Borden Bide.
Phone Franklin 2738
An Array: Presenting
the Smartest of
Spring Ensembles
and Coats
particular interest among the Rizik
models for Spring are chic Ensembles
and Coats—cleverly conceived, artfullv
interpreted and especially worthy an immediate
viewing. Madame and Mademoiselle are
respectfully urged to see them.
Last Sunday you read of the opening; of new additional space for our now famous Bettie
Frocks. €J It meant we are growing. If It meant that we were a bigger store. C| W e are
going to grow still bigger, but to reach our goal we have got to do bigger things tomorrow
than we did today. CJ Give you more for your money tomorrow than we did today— if
such a tiling is possible. €J And so, with Easter but a round month off, we announce an
event that bears out the above.
Friday and Saturday
Direct from our regular stock
of unquestioned quality and style
A SALE of New Spring DRESSES
$23-5° $33.5°
—/or new Spring F rocks that today are —for new Spring Frocks that today are
marked $29*75 and $35*50 marked $45 and $49*70
City Club Building
L_ - j
Bellinger Is one of the officers under
whom Miss Dell served In the War
Department. He is attached to the
office of the Quartermaster General.
Mise Georgia O’Keeffe, artist, of
New York, will he one of the speakers
at. the dinner. Two of Miss O’Keeffe’s
paintings, "My Shanty” and “The
Deaf,” are now on exhibition at the
Duncan Phillips Art Gallery, on New
Hampshire avenue.
Mrs. Izetta Jewel Brown of West
Virginia and Mrs. Ida Clyde Clarke
and Miss Ruth Ilale of New York;
Miss Eva Le Gallienne, daughter of
Richard Gallienne, who starred
here in “The Swan” a year or two ago,
and Miss Gladys Calthrop, one of the
few woman designers oPsiage settings
and costumes in the world; Miss Mabel
Vernon, executive secretary of the
National Woman’s Party; Miss Laura
Berrion, representing the Government
workers, and Miss Minnie Nielson,
State superintendent of schools of
North Dakota, will also be speakers;
and at the speakers’ table will be Mrs.
Alvin T. llert, vice chairman of the
national Republican committee.
Mrs. John Winters Brannan, Mrs.
Jacob Rlis, Miss Georgia O’Keeffe and
Muna Lee will arrive from New York
on Friday and will he guests at the
(Continued on Twenty-first Page.)
k, Galt & Bra
Jeweller* SiK*erirm.ihs Sutioneri
Rare Jewels K&
Fine Watches IK
ftj' 1 Gold Ware f*
Si I Silver Ware K
C 5 lor nearly a century and jFj
Xt. 1 a quarter—since President ISA
J 3 Jefferson's administration ST
n 3 —have enjoyed the ft
f; S patronage rjf tnose most [1
‘3 1 H closely identified with the -9
r. 3 official and social life of
e 3 the capital and nation. sf*
| Established 1802
: fcnn*ySx*i* Avenue ’*ls
P Established Over 50 Years Rfj
[ February Furniture |
I, Sale Opportunities 1
jJOU have but a limited
0 time, now, to turn to
H account the SUBSTAX- HI
g TIAL SAVINGS created
H by February Reduction > Hi
M on Suites and Odd Pieces
M from our regular stock.
1 James B. Henderson |
E= Fine Furniture, Laces, l > pholstering, Paperhanging, Painting fcX'
| 1108 G Street-Phones *£ Jg
Two-day clean-up in our
Women’s Department
Mark down and sell—that’s our policy.
All broken lots of the season's merchan
dise must be cleaned out in a two-day
sacrifice before inventory. There are
wonderful opportunities here for Friday
and Saturday only.
$250 Hart Schaffner & Marx Fur
trimmed Coats $97.50
$159.50 Hart Schaffner & Marx Fur
trimmed Coats $79.50
$98.50 Hart Schaffner & Marx Fur
trimmed Coats $59.50
$79.50 Hart Schaffner & Marx Plain
Coats $39.50
12 Satin Dresses $7.75
16 Jersey Dresses $7.75
15 Tweed Knicker Suits $9.75
24 Knox Felt Hats . . A $5.00
Raleigh Haberdasher
1310 F Street