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SOCIETY (Continued from rage Twenty.) national headquarters of the Womans’ l’arty on Capitol Hill. Out-of-town guests will include: Judge and Mrs. Clarence Goodwin of Chicago, who are spending the week at the Mayflower: Mrs. John C. Martin of Philadelphia, daughter of Mr. Cyrus 11. X. Curtis; Miss Mary Burnham of Philadelphia, life member of the Wom ans’ Party; Mrs. Pope Yeatman of Philadelphia. Mrs. Charles Meredith of Richmond. Ya., and Mrs. Florence Bay ard 1 lilies of Wilmington. Del. Among those who have taken tables, and will act as hostesses to the 300 guests, are: Mrs. llarvey W. Wiley, Mrs. Peter A. Drury, Mrs. Theodore li. Tiller, Mrs. Sumner C. Perkins, Mrs. Emile Bbrliner. Miss Sue White. Miss Buoy M. Graves. Mrs. Burnetia Shelton Ma*thews, president of the Womans’ Bar Association; Mrs. Mina C. Van Winkle, Mrs. John G. Capers, presi dent of the Quota Club; Mrs. William Walker, organizing secretary of the P. A. R.; Mrs. Wymond Bradbury. Mrs. Arthur Keith, Miss Elizabeth Tides, Miss Stella Heilman, Miss Eliza beth J. Raymond, Miss Florence Fox, Dr. Mary O’Malley; Mrs. Jessie Bosley, Mrs. l.egare O’Bear. Miss Barbara Rey nolds, Miss Gertrude Eeonard, Mrs. Margaret li. Worrell. Mrs. Ada Klein Peters, Miss Clare Graecen and Mrs. N. M. Norton. Mrs. Robert B. Owen will leave to morrow lor a week end visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Burgoyne Hamilton, in New A ork City, and will have with iter her small grandson. Owen Hawkins. She will re turn to tier apartment at Wardman Park Hotel the first of next week. Airs. Robinson Downey will enter tain at luncheon March 11, having postponed the event from an earlier date on account of illness. Rov. and Airs. John Huff, 2585 Wis consin avenue northwest, announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss M. Ramoth Huff, to Mr. Verne A. Trask of Indianapolis, Ind., the wedding to take place in April. Airs. Joseph loiter is entertaining In Pilot Cottage at Aiken, S. C., Airs. 11. H. Kerr of this city. The Rt. Rev. James E. Freeman. Episcopal Bishop of Washington, was the guest in whose honor Judge and Mrs. John W. 11. Crim entertained at dinner last evening in their home on Gramercy Park. North, in New A ork. Air. and Airs. Frank T. Cooper of Rost on and Wayland, Alass., who are attending the N. E. A. convention, en tertained at dinner last evening at the Willard for Capt. and Mrs. C. 11. Perry and Aliss Verna K. Perry. Air. and Airs. A. Mitchell Palmer, who are spending the season at Coral Gables, Fla., were among those en tertaining at luncheon yesterday at the Biltmore. Airs. Clarence AI. Busch, who left Washington in the Autumn for Miami, Fla., gave a large tea yester day In her villa on Palm Island for her house guests. Capt. and Airs. Alil ton E. Reed, Mrs. Delos A. Blodgett, Mrs. Charles <l. Mathews. Airs. Ed watd I’. I’orclier and Aliss Nancy French of Washington and New York end Mr. Roger Hill of Palm Beach. Air. and Airs. Edmund Donter r.hecm, who are at St. Augustine. Fls., for the midseason. were joined ' esterdav by the latter’s father. Air. j lurry Wardman. who motored from Alia mi xvith Mr. and Airs. .1. F. Cissel, of this city and Mrs. C. E. A. Reed of Paris. . Mr. and Airs. Harry Kite of Uasn ington are also with Mr. and Airs. Rheent. Airs. Fenton Bradford lias returned from a fortnight's visit with Airs. Bester Cuddihy in New York. Airs. Bradford was accompanied to New York bv her sister, Miss Agnes Gol den. who was also the guest of Airs, Cuddihy for two weeks. Air. and Airs. Charles J. William son are at the Alarlborough-Blenheim in Atlantic City after a short trip to New’ York. They will return to their Spring Felt Hats %?. Regular Prices Out they go—every last one—to make room for our large line of Untrimmed ’ Spring Hats. Hats plainh priced—just deduct J/j, as follows: $1.75 Hats, $1.17 $2.98 Hats, $1.99 $3.98 Hats, $2.66 $5.00 Hats, $3.34 $5.95 Hats, $3.97 $6.95 Hats, $4.64 CREERON ! 614 Twelfth St. N.W. Around the Corner from Jlitfh Prices Specialist on Large Ile;id Size* RUSH-SEATS I W e put RUSH-SEATS in an- j tique and modern chairs. We weave these RUSH-SEATS by I hand exactly as it was done in the olden times. Upholstering REUPHOLSTERING PARLOR SUITES AND ODD CHAIRS A SPECIALTY CHAIR CANEING “NUFF-CED!” Tim Bed Plnee and Lowest Aftrr All Ask my 33.000 customers. I give | the service you have the right to exp»'t. J 9 SILK TAPESTRY CUT TO $2.98 PER YARD THIS WEEK ONLY | Clay A. Armstrong Drop Postal to 1233 10th Street N.W. Or Phone Franklin 7483 Mr Armstrong will coll personally i with sample-. apartment in Wardman I’ark Hotel the first of the week. Air. and Mrs. Albert E. Doman, the latter known professipnally as Mnte. Elizabeth Rethberg. who have been at the Mayflower for a few days, xvill re turn to New Turk this evening. The congressional delegation from North Dakota-—Senator apd Mrs. Ger ald P. N’ye, Senator and Mrs. Bynn J. Frazier, Representative and Mrs. O. B. Burtntss, Representative James Sinclair and Representative Thomas Hall—were the guests of honor of the members of the. N. E. A. from North Dakota who are attending the conven tion being held here at a breakfast this morning at the Grace Dodge Ho tel. Alias Minnie Jean Nielson, superin tendent of the State deiwrtment of public instruction, was chairman of the meeting, and Air. George A. Mc- Farland, president of the State Nor mal School at Alinot. N. Dak., acted as toastmaster. Supt. J. G. Moon of Fargo. Supt. C. C. Swain of the Alay ville Normal School, Mr. M. E. Mc- Curdy of Washburn, Supt. R. B. ATurphy of Bismarck, Representative O. K. Burtness and Senator Frazier gave brief talks on the educational bills now r before Congress. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Burtness, Mr. George A. McFar land, Air. and Mrs. G. P. Nye. Airs. T. H. McCulloch, Mr. R. B. Murphy, Mr. M. E. McCurdy, Air. H. O. Saxvik, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burger and their daughter. Miss Sully Burger; Mr. B. C. B. Tighe. Aliss Minnie Nielson, Aliss Grace Hudson. Mr. J. G. Aloore, Air. and Mrs. W. B. Storkwell, Alias Ida A. Serumgard. Representative Thomas Hall, Aliss Alartha P. Tatem, Mrs. Louise F. Bar son. Aliss Emma Smith, Mr. S. T. Max’, Mrs. Browaye Ktiudson, Supt. C. C. Swain. Senator and Airs. Lynn J. Frazier. Prof. G. W. Hanna, Air. and Airs. W. B Stock well, Aliss Bertha Tweed, Aliss Olga Peterson. Representative J. 11. Sin clair, Air. W. C. Stebbins and Mr. C. L. Robertson, all of North Dakota, and Mr. A. B. Schafer of Washington. Kentucky Society Hosts Tonight at Willard Hotel. Kentuckians are promised a very interesting meeting tonight at the Willard Hotel at 8 o’clock, when the guests of honor xx’ill be distinguished members of the press now residing in Washington. Mr. Clifford K. Berryman of The Evening Star, cartoonist, and presi dent of the Gridiron Club, will draw cartoons of famous Kentuckians whom Washington has known, and he will also relate interesting anec dotes of them and speak of the State and her sons. Mr. Ulric Bell, presi dent of the National Press Club, and Mr. Lorenzo Martin, dean of the active Kentucky correspondents, xvill speak. An unusual amount of interest is 1 Wj "Say It With Flowers jw “Say It With Ours!” ;dfi Table ;Hf <^j>; welcome Decorations BAH ; rte>lf>crntf>- 1 Glide is unusually >\ell pre- ) XLASJt <&§?> Lfeiegaies pared this mid winter sea- j > IM F A s '»n " ‘ , * l aM abundance of / v iV. U. t\. blooms and plants for home ) ) decoration at Teas. Din- ) .1 —————— tiers and other social func jjggj GUDE jjKj I 7 ico Stores For Your Convenience 1 XyAf* j 1212 F St. N.W. 1102 Conn. Ave. i * Member of Floriets' Telegraph Oeliveru Association 1 x 1— ■ ■ FAMILY SHOE STORE JSL wtSm). The “Family’s” M M MMf JL big “value-giving” M MMM MM /» a party ends soon. M M M/M/McM/L MM You still have time —but hurry— £ WOMEN’S FOOTWEAR _ Discontinued lots in pumps and oxfords; former r W / B prices, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 and some at SB.OO. In J™ W ■ patent leather, satin, velvet, gray and brown suede ™ and other leathers. Not all sizes, but a good as- MHV sortment Another selected This group rep group mainly sr>.oo, $7.50 and _ resents our finest $8.50 pumps and . , , - oxfords. These are A A t\ C shoes. Many for- eh f Ip iar stork and roxrr »JJ merly priced at V $»£!& ™yles— 4n JL= SIO.OO and $ll.OO. \J= a very rood as- The Anniversary AU* n LEATHERS P rice > s very low CHILDREN MEN F'rvt- Rove vinrl fTirlc Snappy and ronserxative styles, or Doys ana Oiris Splendid qualities. All our own High Shoes, Pumps and body'. lir 6tork ' We can flt fvery ‘ ° x{ords SS, $9 and SlO S 6 and $7 leamer? IC ,an n caH ,P ;V on (t ,:,? Footwear Footwear Nature shape and modified toes. SI AC SI A 4? Widths AA to 1»—all qcT «P/f .*tD our regular stock vA'-frl ‘ ' * HOSIERY FOR WOMEN Put* Silk Service Hose, all Spring shades, qc . Special sDs* Pull-fashioned* Pure Silk Hose* In new <£i Spring shades. Special ..... c Wjadmls/ STORE 310- 312 SEVENTH ST. N.W. 53 YEARS OF SATISFACTORY SERVICE * THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON. T>. C„ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25. 1926. being manifested in this meeting, some guests coming especially for the occasion from Kentucky. In the receiving line xvill be Mr. and Mrs. Clifford K. Berryman, Miss Flor ence Berryman. Air. and Mrs. Lorenzo Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Ulric Bell, Mrs. Daisy Fitzhugh Ayres, Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Barry, Col. and Mrs. John C. McElroy, Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Mallon. Mr. and Mrs. George Combs, Mr. and Airs. John A. Nevln, Mr. and Airs. Arch Pool, Air. and Airs. Nor man Baxter, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Cole Mor gan, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mclntyre and J. Edward Barry. Dr. Nelson Antrim Crawford anil Mrs. Craxvford will be the guests of honors tonight at the Arts Club dinner at 7 o’clock, when Mrs. Susan Hunter Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller xvill be hosts. After dinner Dr. Craw ford, xvho is a noted poet, author and educator, xvill talk to club members and their guests on “Today's Poetry.” The Women’s Auxiliary of the Dis trict Medical Society, Mrs. Joseph S. Wall, president, xvill give a tea tomor roxx- afternoon at 4 o’clock for the wives of members of the District Med ical Society at the auditorium of the Medical Building, 1718 M street north west. Airs. Lawn Thompson is chair man. Mr. and Airs. Sol Morris of J 448 Newton street nortlnvest xvill he at home to their friends Saturday eve ning from 8 to 10:30 o’clock in honor of the fifty-fifth anniversary of their marriage. The president of Colby College, Mr. KAPLCWITZ INCORPORATED ?2i NINTH 57 REtT NORTHWEST FOR FRIDAY BARGAIN J PEC! ALT AS OFFERED BY KAPLOWITZ STORE OPENS 8:30 A. M. 8 CHARMEEN CLOTH GOWNS FOnMEr.LY $59.50 TO $?9-5° S2O SIZES 1 4 TO 38 13 CREPE SATIN GOWNS . FORMERLY $55— SIZES 14 TO 36 S2O 1 SPORT SUIT WiTH KNICKERS A FO- MERLY SBS—SIZE 18 $2 5 ? WINTER COATS FORMERLY J135-SIZE 16 &36 $35 FASHIONS DE LUXE EXCLUSIVELY FOR MADAM AND MADEMOISELLE A. J. Roberta, will be the guest of honor at a dinner to be given by the Colby Alumni this evening in the palm court at the Mayflower. Ay-s. Rtrlne, wife of Dr. H. F. Strine, gax’e a luncheon at the Congressional Country Club today for eight ladies who are In Washington attending the National Education Association con vention. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. William non left yesterday for a brief trip to Nexv York City and Atlantic City, where they will be at the Mariboro- Blenheim for a fexx’ days before re turning to their Wardman Park apart ment. The Missouri State Society Card Club will meet in the ballroom of the Women’s City Club Saturday evening at 8 o’clock. Plans are being made for an at tractive party and all Missourians in Washington are invited. Mrs. Cleveland A. Newton, w’ife of the president of the State society, xvill receix’e. Mrs. George Talbot, chairman of cards, xvill have assisting Mrs. E. A. Deane, Mrs. Otis J. Rogers, Miss Hazel Montgomery, Miss Josephine O Gorman. Miss Elizabeth Andrews Miss Tillie Steiner and Miss Helen Montague. Sudden deaths among women oc cur much less frequently than among men, the ratio being one to eight. SLIP COVERS Tailored to fit your furniture, mm Bebriau Linen, per yard J K/"* Domestic Holland Window Shades rx made to order. Size, up to .’Pi" S /■» by fl . All colors. 51.25 x'alue. . Ut/U ||| Exchanges \ |■ 1 /\ ■f\ All Sales * IJJ No Refunds Must Be Final I 1214 F Street N.W. End-of-Season Clearance j Tomorrow—Friday ! tomorrow we place on Sale all remaining Winter Apparel—at Ridiculously low II I ’rices; it will pay you to be here early. Coats— 1 j||jj 17 Fine Dress Coats, fur trimmed; were $59 to $65. . . . *25 I I 15 Fine Dress Coats, fur trimmed; were $69 to $B9. . . *35 | | 14 Fine Dress Coats, fur trimmed; were $95 to $115... ... . ••• *45 j| 10 Fine Dress Coats, fur trimmed; were $125 to $139. .. . $ 55 I I 11 Finest Dress Coats, elegantly furred; were $145 to $lB5. .. . $g«J |j| 5 Fine Dress Coats, elegantly furred; were $225 to $275 $lOO |! Sizes 14 to 38 Only AW 111 Suits ||l 2 Fur-trimmed Ensemble Suits; were $98.50 . s3^ l! Size 18 Only 1 Dresses— I * I Pj 18 Cloth Dresses, were $22 to $39 = $1 A i|j Sizes 14 to 38 Only • e Extend the Convenience of Charge Accounts to Those Who Have Established Credit f MorrisonS * FOUNDED IBS-* window 1109 F St. N.W. dis P ,a >- j On Our Second Floor- — Friday!^ Silks! Satins! Cantons! Georgettes! Prints! CSt Qualities That Afford a Worth-While Saving at J&iA aW, cS /fk I\4 ODELS for Street, Business, Afternoon and Party Wear. Repro- 111 IVI ductions of the very newest creations, emphasizing every new i El=iii = ;iP 1,11,1,H 1 = = ! High or Low Neck Peamnt Sleeves Tuck*. [pi— Godets. Pleating, Embroideries and Novelty Trims. I Ami ' SIZES FOR WOMEN AND MISSES »<)——O——Q-—-O—n-MibMORR ISON’S —llO9 F ST. N.W.—<nii —o— * Births Reported. The following birth* have been reported to the Health Department in the past 24 hour*: Charlea W. and Louisa Brawner. rlrl. Georgre and Mary Dann. girl. John F. and Nellie K. Thoma*. rlrl. Paul E. and Myrl Patrick, r>rl. Georre and Minnie Winter*, boy. Thoma* and Pauline Johnson, boy. Frank A. and Florem-e J. Spicer, boy. Timothy J. and Dorothy C. Frye, boy. Emil F. and Elsie M. Sclirare, trirl. John A. and Lillian A. Oliver, girl. Richard C. and Jessie B. Searles. trirl. Edward T. and Elizabeth W. Chappell, rirl. A. and Lillian G. Craven, boy. Henry D. and Bertha M. Larey. rlrl. Wilfred G. and Arnes R. Borran. boy. John L. and Annette M. Fitzrerald. rirl. John and Minnie L. IlenneSßey. girl. John W and France# J. Brannon, boy. Frank N. and Ruth K. Halford, boy Frank J.. Jr., and Ruth Keatinr. Kiri. Milton E. and Hazel Carter, rirl. John H. and Kathryn M. Wayland. boy. XX’illiam E. and Ivy M. Sanbower. rirl. Fred J. and Marguerite Herron boy. Lewis and Luvenia Christie, rlrl. John and Clara B. Cooper rirl. % Louis W. and Minnie Henderson, rirl. James and Lovelee Edwards, rlrl. William E. and Jessie Parker, hoy. Norman J. and Dorothy Lee, rirl. Queen H. and Mary J. Harley, boy. Joseph E. and Mildred A. Butler, girl. James and Ophelia Clay. girl. Nathaniel and Ruth Johnson, boy. Samuel and Julie Davis, girl. Theodore T. and Addie Simms, girl. Fred A. and Verdell E. Washington, girl. Armistead and Marion Walker, girl. Leonard G. and Geraldine Font. boy. James A. and Matilda Walker, boy Isaac H. and Gertrude Rucker, boy. John and Lillis Mapp. boy. HAPPINESS a USED CAR FROM Joseph Mcßeynolds j 14th STREET AT R ' Marriage Licenses. Marriare licenses have been issued to the folio wins: , _ _ John 9. Binjrharo\>f Beachhurat. N. Y., and Russell' Braaheara of this city. Sam H. Eidson, Jr., of Boyce, Va.. and Lou B. Strother of Markham, 'a. James W. Simmons and Mary C. McCutch eon. Carl L. Klein and Annie C. Cubbon. both of Richmond. . _ .. Fred C. Loeffler aid Myrtlu N*. Waller. John Little and Olivia Williams. Fred Lee of Phoenix. Md.. and Dorothy Jones of Monkton. Md. Raymond Brown and Corine M. Dorsey. William E. Senseney of Mar assae, Va.. and Ruth It. Hall of Gainesville, Va. Everett L. Hoal of this city and Bumcttu E. McCune of Cherry Creek. N. Y. Robert A. Baker ana Mary H. Heater. Richard Johnson and Mattie M. Robinson. Sidney B. Diamondstcin and Jennie E. Wender. Special REMOVAL SALE Entire Stock Reid S. Baker INC. 1322 F St. N.W . UNTIL MARCH Ist $5 and $5.50 PIED PIPER SHOES, For Children Reduced to $3.95 Built of solid leather and nailless. Plain toe blucher style in patent leather, tan calf, smoked elk or white calf. Sizes 5 to 8 and B'/j to 12. STETSON SHOE SHOP 1305 F Street 28 Fur-Trimmed Winter Coats' $Q C The Sizes are 16, 18 and 36 . | II Were $65 to sllO. To close . . WW 6 Winter Coats, 16 to 38 sizes, to close $22.50 2 Ensemble Saits, 16 size. Were SIOO, to close $25 4 Sport Coats. Were $25, to close, i $5.95 Odd Dresses, small sizes. 1 of a kind, choice $3.98 Small lot Dresses, small sizes. Were to $25, Friday, $7.95 Dresses of crepes, silks, cloths. Were $25 to S4O, $12.95 Silk Underwear, Sweaters, Hosiery, to close 85c Sweaters, Corduroy Robes, Silk Underskirts $1.98 New Spring Dresses New Spring Coats Just arrived all the Smart Topcoats e _ . c«i| j Plain and Fur Trimmed Smartest Silks and Crepes and Smart Xwllls Extra Special Extra Specials *ls - *25 *25 - *29^52 Specials in Millinery Distinctive and Individual A Wo-dcrf" l Variety of $5 > §7,50, $lO 21