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26 Seven Double-headers Provide Test for Nationals in Final Month of Campaign CROWDER AND MARBERRY ARE DUE FOR TOIL TODAY v Addition of Joe Carroll, Little Rock Recruit, Will Give Manager Harris Seven Flingers for Duty in. Season Now Nearing Close. BY JOHN B. KELLER. BOSTON. September 3.—This is to be the month of double-headers for the Nationals. After going through four and a half months of the campaign without being called upon to enter any extraordinary number of dual sketches, the erstwhile Champions are to stage •even of them in the last four weeks of the 1926 championship race. Two of these two-way affairs are to be played with the Red Sox. A Cold rain that drizzled in from the northeast yesterday prevented any hos tilities at Fenway Park, so a pair of matches were to be put on there this afternoon. Monday afternoon, the day that labor celebrates. Nationals and Red Sox will clash twice in Clark Griffith Stadium in Washington. When the Nationals roll \yest they will have a double-header with the Indians, two of these dual bills with the Tygers and one with the Browns. And the day before the campaign ends they are booked to meet the Athletics in a couple of games. All of this will mean plenty of work for the short-handed hurling corps now under Manager Stan Harris’ guidance. Perhaps it is Just as well that Jimmy Uehrinsko, pitcher, who has done little else than fling 'em up to the batters in pre-game drills, has been ordered to Little Rock of the Southern, and that Jo a Carroll, pur chased not st> long ago, may report to the Champs before the Western swing gets under way. The addition of Carroll will give Harris seven pitchers who may tie pressed into competitive service. And seven will he none too many, consid ering the strenuous program arranged for the Nationals through the remain der of the season. Crowder and Marberry Today. For this afternoon’s games Harris was exacted to use A1 Crowder and Fred Marberry, with the latter likely to be reserved until the second part of the matinee. Perhaps it was just as well that Crowder was not called upon to perforin yesterday. He had his left foot severely bruised by a hatted ball during Wednesday’s club swinging drill and the wounded mem ber was exceptionally tender yester day. But. according to the injured player and Trainer Mike Martin, the foot was practically O. K. this morning. Martin declared the Birmingham graduate would not be troubled by the injury the pitcher received in the practice. Red Sox clubhouse information in dicated that Harold Wiltsc, southpaw, •nd Charley Ruffing, right-hander, would do the flinging for the Fohl men this afternoon. Wiltse is greatly respected - by the Nationals and so Is Ruffing, when In good trim. The or- ; thodox liiirier has been suffering with a sore right band recently, but it must be fully healed if Fold has an idea of starting him. Boston fans are somewhat enthused by the prospect of seeing Walter Johnson In action against their club tomorrow, for the smokeball veteran has not performed here this season. Instead of the 2.500 to 3,000 crowds j that have been turning out for games i here, there may be as many as 5,000 j on hand for the Saturday clash. Youth to Oppose Barney. Danny MaeFayden, the Somerville youngster who is to oppose the aged marvel of t>ase ball, also is expected to prove quite an attraction. He may bring in a number of fans from the j Suburbs of the Hub. Then, too. Fuller of Massachusetts, and the mayor of this city are likely to attend. If they do. they ought to draw a few more of the faithful to Fenway Park. Weather conditions were so poor yesterday that most of the athletes •tuck close to their hotel, playing caslno games for new Fall hats. It was neither too cold nor too damp for the National Lawn Tennis double title aspirants, however, and some of the players journeyed to the Long wood courts to see the racketers strut their stuff. Among Ihese visitors to the turf courts were Biicky Harris and Sec retary lid Eynon. Bucky and the secretary enjoyed the play while there, hut. lacking fur-lined coats, did not remain long. OUIMET TO CONTEST IN MONUMENTAL CITY i Francis Ouimetr. former holder of j both the national amateur and open | coif championships has entered the j Fall golf tourney of the Suburban Club of Baltimore County. Ouimet has assured the golf com mittee of the club on Park Heights • venue in Baltimore that nothing will stand in the way of his competing in the tourney. The Suburban ('lull tourney has been set for the same dates as the snntial Fall golf affair of the Bannoek < burn Golf Club, September 32 to 25. > inclusive, and comes one week after ; the national amateur championship at 5 Balturol. A strong field of golfers from Washington would have entered the Suburban Club tourney had it not been for the conflict with the local j affair. The committee in charge of the Interstate Commerce Commission golf tourney played yesterday at the Washington Golf and Country (,'lub was still working today on compila tions necessary to determine the win ners in the event, an 18-hole handi cap match play against par affair. Eugene R. Hendley is chairman of the committee. MARSHALL KEEPS TITLE IN CHESS TOURNAMENT CHICAGO. September 3.—After a Strenuous day. during the course of which any one of four leaders might have won the first priz“, Frank .1. Marshall, the Fnited States chain | pion. came through as a winner of the national masters’ tournament. While Marshall defeated .1. W. Sho wulter of Kentucky in a hard-fought game. Carlos Torre of Mexico sus tained his second reverse of the tour nament at the hands of Edward Lis ker of this city. Torre, therefore, had 5 to be content with a tie for second f and third prizes with Geza Maroczy | of Budapest. Their final scores were ■ it —4. as against BL—3*» for Marshall. Charles Jaffc and Abraham Klip- 1 I 'hik. both of New York* each | ?i? —4 1 2 , divided the fourth prize. IIFOOTBALUI Our new Fall line ia now ready for your inspection Representative will he pleased to attend meetings with prices •nd samples. Special Discount to Team* ATI AS 927 D N " n 1 Phone Fr. 2108 OPEN EVENING* SPORTS. BIG LEAGUE STATISTICS AMERICAN LEAGUE. VE-TERDAVS RESULTS Detroit, fi: St. I,nuls. 3. WiOthiiiKton-Roston (wet erounds). New York-Pliilndelnhiu (mini. t'levclnml-Cliirago (not scheduled). STANDING OF THE CLUBS. * -1 -2 ® V m i’JffSil Ol 3 * t 1 111 J * i i I ■' & t i S a g g a St 2 £ New York i—l 91 BiHHIiI.Vt4HAIIMH49I.ffiO Cleveland I 71—U3!f4l »1 tt110H4174!55i.574 Phil’ohtaJlll ftl—l tT 8113113114i71 58 .MO Wanh’ton itOI all 21—! «!|»HOH3lfl7i«Ol.O’iß Detroit. ■I 81 BJOI 0! —I 811 Si 1308!«2! j«3 Chicago, i gjtSl fil 91111—11011 i1«41tM11.49S St. Lenta I 41 0 41 8ilO! 7!—HOISSI7BI.4QO Bouton. 41 51 Bl_3l 71 Q| 01—1421901.318 Lo»t . ■ 140 55'38I«010S 6C1781001 —! —1 TODAY'S GAMES. Washington at Boston (S games). New Yoric m l lill •ileliilna <- games). Detroit at Cleveland. . St. l/ouls-thicago (not scheduled). NATIONAL LEAGUE. YESTERDAY’S RESULTS. St. Louis. “•#: Chicago, O-l. Boston-New York (rain). Cincinnati-Pittsbiinch (rain). Brooklyn-Philadelohia (not scheduled). STANDING OF THE CLUBS. 4 . 2 a -2 4 4 “ u j; d a 2 S "J i - a X A s is o' £ O «. 5 56- £* u ~m » _*• St.LouU' —! JfjimmUl4llo 14: 78i54!.5»i flneln’iitl ’lll 11 8 013 ls!ioi7lj«4jJ>7B Pitt sh’gll 81 ()!——! 1 Oil 31 IS i 121107 I ;331 AT 3 Chl< ago. 111 111 l_6i—! 1117114M> H»!(W> .535, New York ! 8!I31 41 7—ll ‘-•JO 1 J* 00'041.484 Brooklyn J_ (tl_4_oJJJj Oils (10 70UH. Phll’plliaJ Jil 4!_7l_4_7J_o!— 114148175L300 Boston. 4 0 8, 8 8 0 5 48:78 .381 j Loot. . 131151 53 «0i()4 70^73178!—1 —1 TODAY'S GAMES! Pittsburgh at Chicago. ! St. Louis at Cincinnati Philadelphia at Brooklyn. Boston at New tork (3 games). GROUNDCONDITIONS MAY PREVENT POLO Wet grounds may interfere with the regular Saturday match game of the War Department Polo Association scheduled for tomorrow at Potomac Park. Yesterday's cloudburst soaked the big oval thoroughly and with more rain expected It is hardly likely that the field will dry out in time for a contest. The local teams will soon begin prep arations for their annual Fall tourna ment. in which the leading Army and civilian clubs of this section are ex pected to take part. The high-goal matches for teams with handicaps of 0 or more will open on Saturday, September 18. A low goal tourney will start several days ! later. Out-of-town teams invited to com pete In both affairs are 16th Field Artillery and 3d Cavalry from Fort Myer: 6th Field Artillery from Fort Hovle. 3d Corps Area Headquarters, Maryland Polo Club. Middleburg <Va.), Polo* Club and Fort Humphreys, i - • - ALEXANDRIA TEAMS LIST DECIDING GAME ALEXANDRIA, Va.. September 3. —Rase ball teams of the No. 5 Motor Company and St. Mary’s Athletic Club meet Sunday on the North Al fred street diamond in the deciding contest of their throe-game series, j Th’> Firemen took the opener. 6 to 5, while the Saints earned a 4-to-2 de cision in the second. Columbia Engine Company, runner up to No. 5 for the local Fire Depart ment championship, also gets action on the Sabbath. The Columbias are j meeting the Virginia Grays on Hay ! don Field. The Old Dominion Boa t Club's jun : for sound crew concludes its prepara i tions for the Labor day regatta at : Philadelphia with a light spin on the Potomac today. The oarsmen —Parke | Bell, Tom Hulfish. jr.; B. G. Minor and Robert Whitton —leave here Sun j day morning. Nearly 500 swimmers were on hand j last night at the opening of Alex andria's new bathing pool. TITLE SERIES ARRANGED BY MINOR LOOP CLUBS MANCHESTER. N. H.. September i 3 (A*). —President Claude B. Davidson 1 has announced 'that the New England | League pennant winner this year will j meet the New York-Pennsylvania I League champions in a seven-game I title series, starting September 12. LAWRENCE. Mass., September 3 </s>>.—Manchester clinched the New I England League pennant yesterday i when Dubuc’s pitching gave them a ! 2-to-l victory over Lawrence in the i first game of a double-header. HAWKINS [NASH] | MOTOR CO- Conveniently Located on Fourteonth Streot 1333-37 14th St. Maia 57M1 THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1926. FRISCH FINED $500; DUE TO PLAY TODAY By the Associated Pres*. NEW YORK, September 3.—Capt. Frank Frisch of the New York Giants has been fined SSOO for leaving his team without permission in St. Louis two weeks ago. Manager McGraw said that Frisch would return to the team today. It was pointed out that the fine was necessarily imposed as the result of Frisch’s deserting, but in view of his good conduct and satisfactory services previously no further actlton would l>€ taken. .However, Frisch also will lose his salary for the time he has been ab sent from the Giants. MINOR LEAGUE RESULTS. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Columbus. 5: Louisville. 0. Toledo. 3: Indianapolis. ‘3. St. Paul, 4: Milwaukee. 0. Kansas City. 0: Minneapolis. 2. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. Buffalo. 14: Reading. 0. Toronto, 7: Baltimore. 4. Rochester. 11: Newark. 1. Jersey City. 0: Syracuse, 0. SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION. Atlanta. 7: Birmingham. 2. Memphis. 5: Little Rock. 3. New Orleans. IS: Mobile, 3. Chattanooga. 10: Nashville. 6. SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE. Augusta. 10; Columbia, 8. Charlotte. 7: Asheville. 1. Spartanburg. 17: Macon. Greenville. 4: Knoxville. 0. PIEDMONT LEAGUE. Durham. 0: Greensboro. 0. Raleigh. 4: Winston-Salem. 3. SOUTHEASTERN LEAGUE. St. Augustine. 8-2: Columbus. 4-1. Montgomery. 2: Savannah. 0. Albany. 7: Jacksonville. 4. VIRGINIA LEAGUE. Norfolk. 16: Kinston. 4. Petersburg. 1): Portsmouth. 3. Richmond. 6: Wilson. 3. FIiORi'D.Y STATE LEAGUE. Tampa. 2: Lakeland. 1. Sarasota. 4: Sanford. 2. St. Petersburg. 4: Orlando. 1. Fort Myers. 7: Bradenton. 6. TEXAS LEAGUE. Waco. 4: Shreveport. 3. Wichita Falls. (); Beaumont. San Antonio. 12: Dallas. 0. Fort Worth. 8: Houston. 3. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Portland. 6: Sacramento. 2. Hollywood. 2: Los Angeles. 0. .Missions. 4: San Francisco. 2. Seattle. 0: Oakland. 5. Star Boys Club Again to Have Section to View Big Leaguers EVENING STAR BOYS CLUB members attending the double-header with Boston, which closes the local base ball season Monday at American League Park, again will have the use of a special section of the grandstand, from which they will have an unobstructed view of the games and batting and fielding drills which precede the opener liii ****■-■ .--.-...-I, ...... r> Three sections of seats in the lower stands along the left field foul line e have been set aside for the boys, who will be admitted at the upper gate on the Fifth street side of the stadium. The club button will identify mem bers of the organization, and no boy will'be admitted to the park without it. As at the last double-header, which the club fans attended, the gate will be opened at 12:30, an hour before game time. Those on the ground first will have the choice of seats. More than 30 base ball enthusiasts who were not already on the club roll, sent fn their applications for but tons and certificates last night, when the firsf announcement of the game was made. The application Is printed again today. Any boy wishing to join and share in the fun at the ball game as well as other big things that are to come, should All it In, not for getting to include the name of his school, and mail it to the club chief. The new members follow: Robert Freoh. 4716 Fifth street. Wilbur T. and David L. heidy, 648 Mor ton place northeast. . , ... Carl Buecher. First and Girard streets "°James* Leo De Chard. 620 L street south west. _ , . .. Howard Williams. 012 Twenty-sixth street. Edward Thornberp. 212 Twelfth street northeast. ~ , Ntckv and William Vita. 204 Arthur place. Lewis B. Cox. 2118 Railroad avenue south taJoseph W. Brosnan, 1428 S street south east. 1 Behind p£feojy-' Schenuit Tires promise Further Mileage, Better Service, Greater economy 1 t because All 4-inch Schenuits are 6-ply, all 4s-inch and 5-inch Schenuits are 8-ply. Every Schenuit is a heavy duty tire. The extra thick Double Grip Tread makes skidding next to impossible air cooled side walls prevent overheating. Honestly— A isetter Tire Can't Be Bought At Any Price! I Factory-To-You Prices CREDIT tieav »• ><uy leavv i H«ivy Uuty Heavy Kor thofp dpvir. >I7,E Air <Jrav SIZE Air Cool Gray in it to buy srhpn- Ooo' lube;? C-orU lubes nit Tire* on a dc- el. $12.93 $2.53 37x5** $41.50 . s€.6o. ferred payment I‘)x-i\ 5.3. 13.45 2.5 i 32X0 57.95 10.15 plan, we have nr- 19.2 i 3.93 36x6 60.95 11.40 runerd with ;>x j 23.25 4.03 38x7* 97.75 15.25 rr;»3! «<• «•« is ,o,s * *»•” ,M * •V"ill 1:« balloons ST. r.?, .d oil! m; 4.55 *.4.40 «8.« *1.90 ditionai Phanw 34x4 i 33.95 5.0 D ilxo.~» f,.r credit. :}sx4t** 31.95 5.30 30x5.,7 31.90 6.45 — 30x5 36.53 5.53 32x5.77 33.95 6.50 c . . 33,5 37.50 6.03 33x6.20 35.30 7.40 Factory at .j]*- 38.53 6.05 34x7 30 40.50 *.70 Woodb rry, 35,5 39.50 6.30 ‘lnterchangeable Md. tDouble Overtire “Plain Side walls j j Pries* are for Cath. Net the F. G. Schenuit Rubber CO. 1301 14th St. N.W. Main 3627 «®f)t Ctjcning &tar BOYS CLUB QUESTION —What are good marks for boys of different ages in the 50-yard dash? Answered by Tug Wilson, athletic director at Northwestern University: “This table gives you marks that are considered good for boys of ages 8 to 18 inclusive: s “Eight years, 9 seconds; 9 years, 8 4-5 seconds; 10 years, 8 3-5 sec onds; 11 years, 8 2-5 seconds; 12 years. 8 1-5 seconds; 13 years. 8 seconds flat; same for 14 years; 15 years, 7 4-5 seconds; 16 years, 7 3-5 seconds; 17 years, same; 18 years, 7 2-5 seconds. Question —What is the proper posi tion of the feet in hunting? Answered by Eddie Collins of the White Sox: "The expert bunter always pivots on his rear foot, leaving the front foot free to move quickly to right or left; also keep the arms and wrists free, and keep the bat on a plane with the pitched ball, trying at the same time to let the ball hit the bat in the center.’’ ■ "00V IN ARC \ REMAINS according’ TOWMERE N * the ball >S PITCHED* Question—What is good distance for a boy of 12 in the base ball throw? Answered by Jack Dunn, inanager of the Baltimore Orioles: ."For a boy of 12. 150 to 175 feet would be a good distance.” Question —What is a good mark for a bov of 15 in the high Jump? Answered by Ben Oswalt, athletic director at Mooseheart High School: “A boy of 15 who can high jump 3 feet 9 inches is doing well.” (Cop.vrieht. 1926.) Abraham Wecksler, 1420 Oak street. Edward Taiorart. 4510 lowa avenue. James Finokel. 4415 Kansas avenue. Chester Barber. 612 Morton place north east. Siilnev Spitz, 1000 N street. Thomas and Albert Daniels. 104 tarnum street. John Robertson, 6o V street. Eugene Allen. 475 G street southwest. John Carr. 521 M street northeast. Philip Firmin. 1438 Harvard street. Robert Hiid, 141 Bates street. John E. Smith. 10 Jefferson avenue, Ta koraa Park, Md. Robert Rosenthal. 7330 Otis place. Dan Cauthorn and Wallace Bassford, <>d, 800 North Carolina avenue southeast. Robert Kemper, 88 R street. Herbert Jones. 036 Webster street. David Milestone. 1432 Crittenden street. , Johnes Mahaney. 1104 Eighth street northeast. Earl Eisenhart. 4000 Illinois avenue. Thomas Brown. 4107 Illinois avenue. Joseph Pitts, 720 Maryland avenue north east. Lowell Bradford, 1420 Girard street. Frank E. Magee, 031 Seventh street north east. Sonny MacPherson. 907 Webster street. RACE GOES FOUR HEATS. SYRACUSE, X. Y., September 3 OP).—Four heats were required to decide a winner in the SIO,OOO Chamber of Commerce pacing stake at the State fair grounds yesterday. Phil O’Xeil, the brown gelding, owned by James P. Berry of Hartford, Conn., and driven by Will Crozier, took the winner’s share, $5,000, by beating Hollyrood Walter and Star Ruth in the fourth CARDS MAKE HAY WHILE BUGS AND REDS ARE IDLE By tlie Associated Press. THE St. Louis Cardinals today had a two-game margin over Cincin nati and three games over Pittsburgh in the National Lcagtie race. While the Cardinals were taking two games from Chicago, 2 to 0 and 9 to 1, rain halted the Pittsburgh-Cincinnati fray three and a half innings yesterday. Rain also stopped the Boston-New York game, the only other contest scheduled in the league. Grover Alexander, former Cub ace. who was waived to the Cardinals in the middle of the season, shut out his former mates, 2 to 0, with three hits. Charley Root was touched for eight. Alexander's double, Douthit s triple and Southworth’s double provided the only runs of the game. The Cubs hit Rhem occasionally in the second game, but Blake, Osborn and Huntztnger felt the power of the St. Louis war clubs, with Southworth, O'Farrell and Hornsby leading the at tack. The Cardinals have 591 points in the standing. Only once in the long history of the National League has a team gained the pennant with a mark of less than .600. That was In The Evening Star Boys Club Pledge I WANT to be a member of The Evening Star Boys Club, and if accepted to mem bership I pledge myself to: Keep myself always in good physical con dition. Play fair. Be a modest winner and an uncomplain ing loser. Abide by the rules of all sports I engage in and respect officials. .Follow the activities of the Club through The Evening Star. Never neglect either home duties or school classes. I am— —years old; attend School. I would like to have a Membership Certificate and The Evening’ Star Boys Club button, which I will wear. Name of Boy. Address. Clip this blank application, till it out and mail it today addressed: Chief, Boys Clnb, Evening Star. Washington, D. C. | READY for LABOR iijkfH I S' Make a list of iho thing* yourl n«cd CB?U C ATI AM A i *\C i \| / 23c J | for your rubor Day trip, right now 9Cill9M I lUllHk I] HU WW ! ill// W Complete. Just | ® and let ns ease yon some real money. * II II /OV || | Mr— f the thing for f I Listed here are Ju*t a few of .he VALUES JL & ISTE* ii tf' | k hnndreds of ““ "" I \ plenle*. e.c. * | & •?!?.. 59c tsF’’®?.. 135 1 jls Detachable | s *» j Tobe H .od P.ap Suff | SSK m ! S€SS& IS T <ft if S [{n ® P SSmmmm —. ~ „ Complete set, enclosed in a VITC hand I ->.Jfc^BMik. I Vil wßiPf Electric Horn strong steel container. Sale MIO pump . 1 jvaMHMfc'** | o ii • , Loud, clear, pene* J * l **" —■~^*- 1 M Fresh Stock th# / 1) S * Colleeiate tratlng t«ne. Can »r I I _ thing if/ (i) § - _ (l i cl* 1J b ® heard at a great MhßEmHE*®. * POnSlIllOSlOn 50c Sise for 1 fit. us t. ISM ® X Hub Shields distance. Has guar- r®®SSpiBE»S» p_--a mod.* ».»»l.«» § ® , c «" b « Installed ...... antced motor. Com- 'Wm&suiS&Siffi' V*re«Se _ . _ . omer- ■ wKUt *1 1 h - «rad* S •»> in any iord model Redline Hub w ltli lumersnl Sale Price ll brak* llsls* sad *ll a * “.‘"'J. '- »M*> CM" S”d' to B-OOO.d C 0„ «*"" JL. mt'-t.. I I aart. 1 "*-affSmA3i *"*■*• «■ 69ci -- i w - I I $1.29 j 69c [ $1.99 | Balga* | 1/C 59c } $4,9S § I Wrench Set for Fords Automatic Auto Top Luggage Carrier Mobiloil, $3.75 |<9 complete set Windshield Cleaner Dressing Grades a. r | Fully guaranteed. Complete to limit quan- 1 | // f|3 s| BU SIde a, of Tiau. nU flM,n ”’ rw,dr fISO tXp 69C titles. | IC/ Socket forged Drum Type Cgi}^^ 1 ° N Spotlights FRENCH HORN V»o or 69c | j Gallon Hot and Cold | | Container. X 3 & n.SW Adydrom- Car, *»» S'pare Tank • I ® A - - n For Fords regular i«wln* na- (On j _ CQ_ j ES , . ® | $2 -69 $4.69 Pr. chlnß 39c W * ,er ‘ | | 1 steel. *tronglr rlr- S \ S'"n r ® nlfs. tan lw Ford car. I siiall.v sold at a I • HHESBEa age. Can be car- t. @ Used at hontt*, much higher price |SI OQ I OQr ! rled conven- CQp 1 ® too. 11 than our special one of O !«<£•' " • tently. || w g ® It ii ti I. SOsSH Veteran Cord (JJ/J ft(? Bnmperrttes (g J ft* * * ® Tire tDOaa/0 ___ toT fogds.. V7.«/D ci> | 69c tubes I ?|IN tubes KJJ'i'JJ''B9c | I SS«‘.r. 6c , oil UI 15"““ $12.95 »«■■/, I "”.”K'"'r..54.95 \ j® Spark Plugs OQa Inner *JI 1 I Inner Oun and Hose to fit * far Fords ... £VC \ fatm , *XI 1 I 33,4 Troman Cord SIQ Q* Tnbe Alem.te k>.tern | Tire Locking |g c K»U |f ' 1,1 1111 % J Tl " ®lu*SrO H o«r 89C % |S:«!23ci: 99c — ~ B> ' *9.95 $!•» 0 „ 99c { * _____ ’ "i ‘ ~ -,yr r* 30,4.93 Troman Hal- (j»1 £ Qff _____ *• r*“ »nl*ont CQn k loon Cord Tire.. wlt).wd Uuco Pol'sh. Ot/V. | OPEN SATURDAY I SAVE MTMTH M SAVE | OPEN EVERY ® EVENING 11 P.M. 9 MOUEY /J® ▼▼ • MONEY 9 EVENING. f» P. M. ® ®®g®lti4 t BIG LEAGUE LEADERS. By the Associated Press. S. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Batting—Fothergill, Tigers, :389. Hits —Rice, Nationals. 185. Runs—Ruth, Yankees, 120. Doubles—Burns, Indians. 59. Triples—Gehrig, Yankees, 20. Homers—Ruth. Yankees. 40. Stolen bases—Mostil, White Sox, ~4. Pitching—Ulile, Indians, won 22, lost 8. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Batting—Hargrave, Reds, ,370. Hits—Brown, Braves, 171. Runs—Cuyler, Pirates. 90. Doubles— Bottomley, Cardinals, 36. Triples—Walker, Reds, 20. Homers—Wilson, Cubs, 19. Stolen bases— Cuyler, Piratfs, 22. Pitching—Kremer, Pirates, won 16, lost 5. , 1915, when Philadelphia won with an average of .592. Brooklyn won in 1920 and New York in 1922 with marks of .604. Chicago recorded the highest aver age in the past 20 years with .763 in 1906. The New York Yankees are leading their circuit today with .620. Rain again stopped hostilities among the leaders in the American League. The Detroit Tygers defeated St. Louis, 6 to 3, in the only game played.- PETWORTH SENIOR LOOP WOULD BREAK DEADLOCK TEAMS of the Petworth Senior Base Ball League are hoping to Break the triple tie now existing in the race for first place, with a sched ule of six games over the week end. The Tremonts, tied with the Kennedys and Cardinals for top honors, meet the Yorkes tomorrow at 3 o’clock at Handley Field. On Sundav at 2 o'clock on the same diamond, the Tremonts tackle the Cardinals for ‘the sixth time this season. The Takoma Tigers entertain the Kennedys at Silver Spring at 3 o'clock, while Yorke and Arrow clubs face on Monument diamond No. 10 at the same hour. Takorna Tigers and Cardinals fur nish Monday’s clash at Handley Field at 3 o'clock. Arrow and Kennedy nines also will play, but have not yet named the time or place. Three shifts of playing fields have been announced relative to Sunday's matches in section A of the Capital ! City unlimited division. Knicker bocker and Chevy Chase teams will play on Friendship Field instead of Georgetown Hollow, while Mount Rainier plays on the Maryland Ath letic Club diamond and Marlboro en tertains the St. Joseph’s nine. Modoc and Stephen nines of section C will have the use of Georgetown Hollow. Shamrock and Maryland Athletic: 1 Club teams have called off their game scheduled for Monday. Addison tossers, scheduled to meet the Hartfords Sunday at Hume Spring, tackle Bladensburg tomorrow at 3 o'clock on Mount Rainier dia mond. Liberty and llallston nines play the first game of the double-header that tops the program arranged for the Libertv Athletic Club's sixth annual field day tomorrow at American League park. The Riaitos meet the Liberties in the second. Four ath letic events, open to all sandlotters of the city, will lx> run off, starting promptly at 1 o'clock. Washington Red Sox play at Lw Plata. Md., tomorrow, go to Seabrook Sunday and get action at Cedar Grove on Monday. The last-named match will be a double-header. National Circle base bailers, booked for a double-header Monday at Hern don, are without a Sunday game. Call Manager Andrews at Lincoln 9892. Traffic Department of the Southern Railway took the measure of the Pur chasing nine yesterday in a five-inning clash. 4 to 0. RAIN CHECKS ACTION IN TWILIGHT SERIES The annual Twilight Base Bail League’s play-off series was slowed up yesterday when Post Office and Public Buildings and Public Parks nines were unable to go through with their scheduled contest because of wet grounds. Weather permitting, the series will be resumed today with Fashion Shop and Pullman clubs meeting on the Ellipse. These two teams are tied for first place, each having won in its opening contest. Monday’s game brings - General Ac counting Office into action against Public Buildings and Public Parks. rigeon racing is the most demo cratic of all sports in England. Any one can participate. SPORTS. I BASE BALL SECRETS [ 1 By Sol Metzger 1 Be Set to Run. J|t 6|| 'jf NETThIs t* DO THIS tc *=> On a long fly to right field that is caught, the base runner on first can frequently make second. When he believes this is possible, he should get himself all set for his dash to second with his rear foot on the edge of the bag. as th*> player on the left in the illustra tion is doin;, rather than to stand there waiting to see whether the fly is going to bp caught or not. like the player on the right. Little points like this score a run every now and then that would not otherwise be earned and in the course of a season these runs mark the difference between a good team and a weak team. ORIOLES’ FLAG STREAK LIKELY TO BE BROKEN By the Associated Pre-s. NEW YORK, September 3.—The longest" brace of pennant - winning streaks in base ball history, those of Baltimore, in the International League, and Port Worth, in the Texas League, appear at last to have been checked. Each of these championship outfits Is now in third place, and. with the close of the campaigns in sight, their chances of landing at ihe top another I season virtually have been eliminated. The International schedule ends Sep tember 19 and the Texas season Sep tember 12. Baltimore has ruled the Interna tional League Heights for seven con secutive seasons, establishing a record for minor or major league competi tion. Fort Worth's reign has covered six years. Toronto, in the International, and Dallas, in the Texas circuit, appear likely to win this year. The major league record for sue cessive pennant victories Is four. # —— Harry Brusie and his son Lyman ate popular reinsmen. They fre quently oppose each other on the track.