Newspaper Page Text
MOVESTO DISMISS APPEAL IN OIL CASE Government Attacks Special Order Relating to Sinclair Contempt Charge. Atlee Pomerene and Owen J. Rob erts, special counsel for the Govern ment In the oil prosecutions, today Ued In the District Court of Appeals a motion to dismiss the special ap peal allowed by that tribunal Septem ber 2, 1924, to Harry F. Sinclair, oil magnate of New York, who was • barged with contempt of the United states Senate in refusing to answer certain questions during the oil in quiry. This special appeal was argued more than one year ago and decision 1 as been withheld awaiting action of ihe United States Supreme Court In she case of Mai Daugherty, brother 4* f former Attorney General Daugh erty, which appears to involve the • tme question of the right of the Sen ate to inquire into the business af fairs of individuals. Government counsel claim that the ■ "cent Walsh act depriving the Court •<t Appeals of jurisdiction to grant peelal appeals In criminal cases also ( pplles to the Sinclair case because , f the failure of the appellate ribunal to render its decision In the ISO. Notice has been served on Attorney leorge P. Hoover and other counsel ir Mr. Sinclair that the motion will lie called to the attention of the court • <*\t Thursday. Sinclair was Indicted March SI. 1994. in Id counts of alleged refusal to respond to questions propounded by Mm Senate. Demurrer was tiled to he indictment and Justice Adolph A. Hoehllng of the District Supreme i hurt sustained the contention of the defense in four counts, but overruled p in the other six counts. He de clared that these six questions were pertinent to the Inquiry - then before the Senate and that Congress had I lawful authority to require answers. Sinclair asked a special appeal, which '• as granted, but has never been de rided In the appellate court. New Beethoven Text Written. MUNICH. November 1 C4 5 ).—A new ♦ext for Beethoven's cantata "The )tulns of Athens," based on the orig inal one of Kotzebue, has been written |.v Johannes Urzidil. It is now planned to revive In Its new setting hls cantata, which Beethoven com -s>osed for the Inauguration of the Budapest Theater in 1812, but which *-inee then has remained compara tively unknown. SHIPPING NEWS Arrivals at and Sailings From New York, ARRIVED AT NEW YORK. ►iuenehen—Bremen Oct. Cl l ameronla—Glasgow Oct. Z.J J’astore*—Havana Oct. 29 PTE TODAY. ftoma —Genoa 0ct.23 •cytbla—Liverpool Oct. ..a Iflgcania—Southampton Oct. Port St. George—Bermuda Oct. .50 Deutschland—Hamburg Oct. ~ . I'ennland—Antwerp Qct. [edric —Liverpool Oct. fi;i blinnewaska—London Oct. \merlcan Banker —London Oct. Santa Teresa—Valparaiso Oct. IS plaraval—Trinidad Oct. 23 Voro—Kintreton Oct. -.4 Haiti—Barbados Oct. 17 DUE TOMORROW. Aiboney—Havana Oct. 30 ■XPECTED ARRIVALS AT NEW YORK. Colombia—San Francisco Nov. 2 President Adam*—World cruise Nov. 4 President GarfleldJWorld cruise Nov. IS vauban—Buenos Aires Nov. 2 Jlergensfjord—Oslo ...Nov. f> f ambrai —San Francisco Nov. 0 J ranee—Havre Nov. .3 Gripsholrn—Gothenburg Nov. 4 JUartha Washington—Trieste...... .Nov. 8 (Laltl'' —Liverpool Nov. 8 Lremen—Bremen Nov. 7 Dollvar—Puerto Colombia Nov. 1 i arisholm—Copenhagen Nov. 13 ( aroma—Havre Nov. 8 astilllan Prince—Buenos Aires. .. .Nov. 20 leveland—Hamburg Nov. 9 < onte Biancamano—-Genoa Nov. 8 Jwffilnger—Bremen Nov. 3 OUTGOING STEAMERS. SAILING TODAY. IMtunecna—Copenhagen and Hel slnifors . Noon Stockholm—Gothenburg Noon •Keliance—Cherbourg. Southamp ton and Hamburg Midnight ( olumbia—Cristobal and Pacific Coast fI’OOPM. < :t.v of Athens—Port Said 5:00 PM j abo villano—Barcelona 2 00PM 4’erene—Callao 4.00 P.M.’ SAILING TOMORROW. J'rtenlßf—Copenhagen. Danxig and lihau M:00 a.M. SPECIAL NOTICES. ’ SUE ANNLAL MEETING OF THE SHARE holder* of the Equitable Co-operative Build ing AMOcintion will he held at the office of the association. 915 F st. n.w.. Wednesday. November 8. 1920. at 4:30 o'clock D.m. WALTER S. PRATT. Jr.. Secret ary. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE MORT gage Finance Corporation: Tbe annual me-ting of the stockholders of the Mortgage Finance Corporation will lie held t.t 355 Cedar at.. Takoma Park. D. c on Tuesday. November the find. lilfiO at .12 n ")n. tor the election of directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such • !hei business as may properly come before this meeting. ROBERT E LOUR Secretary. WANT RKTVrN LOAD FROM DETROIT Lext week, also it turn loads to Detroit, Pittsburgh and Cleveland week of Nov. * Red Ball Transit Co. Maui filOfi. H<*MK M!TI : aL WILDING AND LOAN Association—Annual meeting of the Home Mutual Building and Loan Association will e held at 3 p m. Wednesday. November 3. iftfid in directors' room of the National of Washington for election of officers _ directors and ary business that may "legally core before it ODKLL_>. fi» _ GAS " R \NUES REPAIRED" " "BOWERS " rear RIB II st n.w. Phone Main luU4. Shop pours. 8 to 10 p.m. Drop postal. 1* MOVED TO LARGER QUARTERS. 511 11th at rw . bet E and F. Largest line of har • 'ess. English and domestic saddlery In tho b;ty. TviAelinir and leather goods, dog fur l»nings. It it s made o( leather we cau re- G W KING, Jr. "anted load or part load from New York or Philadelphia. NATIONAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Phone i leveland 448. 4* \THERTON S PET SHOP IS AS CLOSE AS •our phone Call Main 4702 for dog and Bird supplies. _ __ • i WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY rebt* contracted by any other than my wife *i.l self EVERETT J. NORTON. 418 I|»h _ 1* FOOT CORRECTION LABORATORY. «lfi F St. N.W.. Room 108. For Aching Limbs. Weak Feet. 4* ’d'ANTED—A RETURN LOAD OF FURND •ere from New Y'ork. Philadelphia or Balti- Caere. SMITH'S TRANSFER AND STOR AGE CO_ J l NEVER DISAPPOINT PRINTING IN A HURRY BYRON S. ADAMS High Grade, but not bich priest. 612 Ilth Street N.W. Give Us Your Next Order - -for printing—and be assured of quality and promptness. The National Capital Press LET US GET AFTER THAT ROOF We’ll repair it like new. Charges reason- IRONCLAD B£KL til** dress ep yocr home WINDOW SHADES Made to measure at Factory Prices, call us up. KLEEBLATT n\" tVra, SLtdeft +i*l Screen*. T’LuiiC UUiC. #*o a I JUDGES READING 790 LETTERS TO PICK NAME OF GIRL GIRAFFE All Suggestions Postmarked Before Satur day Midnight Included in Contest. Decision Likely in Few Days. The giraffe-naming contest closed officially at midnight Saturday and tho selection of a name for the girl giraffe who accompanied Hi-Boy to America now is in the hands of the judges. The winner of the S2O gold piece offered as a special prize will he an nounced In a few days. It will take some time to make the selection be cause the judges must go through ex actly 790 letters from the children of Washington and the suburbs. Xone as these will he slighted in the least. Every letter will he read and reread in an effort to make an absolutely fair award. There were a great many last- | minute suggestions placed In the mail Saturday afternoon .and evening. As i long as the postmark indicates that they were mailed before midnight they will be given the same consider ation as those mailed earlier. Some Uate Suggestions. Among those received in the closing hours of the contest was this from Virginia Mahurin, 13 years old, 4001 Fourth street: "Tip-Top, of course, should be the name To give to Mr. Hi-Boy’s mate, Else be would always give her pain j By twitting her of her poor fate. | "For a liighlioy Is an antique And a suggestive name to employ, But a tip-top table is antique And 'Tip-Top’s’ higher than ‘Hi- Boy.’ ” Other last-minute suggestions were: Adelaide Beard, 12 years old, 2217 Washington circle—Venus de Zoo. Tommy Bingley, 0 years old, 1408 C street northeast —Mussy. Basis Kitlill, 4 years old. If, Sixth street northeast —See-See. Murray Bernhardt, 13 years old, 1529 Massachusetts avenue southeast — Elevated Ella, Animated Altitude. L Paul Marvin Dodd, 11 years old, 590 Washington avenue, Cherrydale, Va. —Badv Vere de Vere. Robert M. Ludwig. 7 years old, 715 Crittenden street —Hi-Mate, Ma Tall. Dick Timmons, 205 Rhode Island avenue northeast Eve, Pal-High, Sis-hi, Ollie-Ruminet. Fern Mae Byrd, 12 years old, 252 Xlnth street northeast —Lady Grace. Joseph E. Williams, 9 years old, 1428 Thirty-fifth street —Speckled Beauty. Muriel Mclnturff. 14 years old, 246 East B street, Arlington, Va. —Pretty Princess, Hl-Hum. Edwlna Grissett, 10 years old, 509 Seventh street southwest —Lady Ed wlna. Clarence Coffin, 6604 First street— Marie. Mark Greenwald, 1754 Lanier place —Sis. Alvin D. Lynch, 7 years old, McMil lan Park —Princess Grace. Sarah Blakely, 325 Eleventh street southwest—Lady HI. R. B. Farquhar, 3d, 6530 Ridge wood avenue, Chevy Chase, Md.— Zoo-Lou. Louise Waltz, 6 old, 632 Fifth street northeast—Beauty Spot. Isabelle Souder, 9 years old, Box 226, Anacostia —High View, Bright Eyes. • John William Guckevson, 6705 Forty-sixth street—Queenie. Lorgnette Is Proposed. Emily Talbot, 8 years old, 3026 X’ street —Lorgnette (because she has such big round eyes and a long stem). Audrey Gladhill, 11 years old, 226 Fifteenth street northeast Loftv Girl. David E. Thayer, 18 years old, Hotel Grafton—High Jungglrl, High Jungbabe, Afrigirl. Olive Winston McKnight, 10 years I 2nd TRUST NOTES Bought I FRED T. NESBIT 1010 Vermont Ave. M. 0302. | improvements! TO YOUR HOME 1 to 8 Years to Pay Plumbing, heating, stuc co, shingling, jiainting, ! papering, garages and all other kinds of improve- I ments to vour home. HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. WINSTON WELLER, Mgr. 311 Bond Bldg. Main 10098 14th and N. Y. Ave. APARTMENTS FOR COLORED In the I Newest and Most Up-to-Date Buildings in Washington Only a few left in each building. j GET YOURS NOW. 2nd AND W STS. N.W. 3 Rooms and Bath $52.50 to $57.50 ! 2922 SHERMAN AVE. N.W. 3 Rooms and Bath SSO to $55 1030 EUCLID ST. N.W. 3 and 4 Rooms and Bath Rent, $47.50 to $57.50 ! Janitor Service in All Buildings References Required Apartment* Open Until 10 P.M. For further Information see janitor or J. DALLAS GRADY 904 14th St. N.W. j Main 6181 j |. the bctt you tun buy. It’> dean end free berm 5 I i§§ ing. Order now before prices advance. |||j| I MARLOW COAL CO. 1 i j= 81lEStN.W. Main 311 g THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1926. old, 6707 Sixth street—Sky Queen. Olive writes: "Oh tell me, lovely sky queen, If you can count the stars And If the people eat and sleep That live on the planet Mars!” Carroll B. Nash, 12 years ©ld, 1812 K street —Tail-Gal. Elizabeth Mortin, 12 years old, Glebewood, Va. —Lady Hi-Boy. "She should have her husband's name,” writes Elizabeth. "I think it wll| please her very much to be treated as other women are treated In Washing ton.” Helen V. Duvall, Edmonston, Md. — Lillian. Brendon Murphy, 12 years old, 1309 c street northeast Lotta Neck, Wide. Mary Murphy, 10 years old, same address—Knekka. Camelo. Lola M. Dodson, 1812 Thirty-fourth street—Crony, Crane, Dapple. Mollie Dandridge Milliken, 11 months old, 3905 Huntington street, (submitted by her mother) —Hi-lass, Hi-lassie, Miss Hi-Boy. James Laim, 932 Ninth street northeast —Miss Sky Scraper. James writes: “Hi-Boy feeds upon tho stars that grow like clover In the sky. His little sister, quite as tall, eats ' from all the trees so high. Hi-Boy’s sister needs a name. Be ing high tip in the blue. This sure’s tho best that can be found Miss Skyscraper sure will do.” Rae Sweeney, 1318 Newton street —Atta-Girl. Ray Warner, North Braddock, Alexandria, Va. —Sky Lark. Ray writes: "Towering so high above the llttel ones who visit the Zoo, We think of the skylark against the blue; And I suggest this name be given to you. Alvin R. Schwab, jr., 1330 Shep herd street —Hi-Girl, Kongo Girl, Rubber Neck. Bryant W Plitt, 10 years old, 104 C street northeast —Long Letty, Sally Long Neck, High Jinks. Jack Powers, 7 years old, 210 Au burn avenue, Bethesda, Md.—So-Long. Offers “Celestial Girl.” Hugh E. Naylor, jr., Front Royal, Va—Lady Lofty. High Brow, Ce lestial Girl. Eleanor Collins, 11 years old, 1305 Potomac street—Hi-Glrl. Billy Forney, 7 years old, 1332 Eye street —Miss Freckles. Catherine Splawn, 3616 N street— Miss Dow Do. Improvements to Your Home 1 to 8 Years to Pay Plumbtnp. heatiwr. stucco. shintrUnff. Daintimr. papering, parages anti all other kinds of improvements to your home. HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. WINSTON WFIXKR. Mgr. 311 Bond Bldg. Main 10098 14tli and N. Y. Are. Special Investment Will sell, rent or exchange lot 75x105 on Georgia Ave., between Rock Creek Road and Quincy Street. Suitable for auto sales and service station, gas station, stores, apartment or any business. Thos. E. Jarrell Co. Realtor* . 721 10th St. N.W. Main 706 FLAT TIRE? MAIN 500 LEETH BROTHERS VOTE For Mrs. Mary T. Stock For State Senator From Montgomery County, Maryland Tomorrow “It’s a gift!” I’ll say it’s a gift! One of the most useful you could give to any man, woman or child. It is a delight to the eye. It is as practical as it is good-looking. It is a trusty guide in the dark of night. Always a con venience and often a life saver, it should be in every home, every automobile. Appropriate on any gift occasion. It is a genuine Eveready Flashlight, and it has all the newest and best flashlight features! Martin N. Bauer, 4 years old, 1948 Naylor road southeast—Beauty. Betty Ann Fieser, 12 years old, 5009 Edgemoor lane, Bethesda—Miss Top I Notch, Bright Eyes, Skyscraper, Tip Top. Mary Kennedy, 9 years old, 1614 Eighteenth street—Patty. Billy Hoffman, 8 years old, 121 Thirteenth street northeast High Spots, Speckle Neck, Overseer, High Top, Speckled Beauty. Catherine Kraus, 11 years old, 624 Mississippi ©.venue Silver Spring, Md.—Horn Head, Moon High, (Cath erine sends in a very nice crayon drawing of the giraffe looking at the moon.) Tillle Welsh, 9 years old, Silver Spring—Lady Marie. Teresa Welsh, 6 years old, same ad dress—Tall Beauty, Southern Beauty. J>an B. Ellis, 9 years old, 527 Rlt tenhouse street—Pardner. Norman B. Weed, 10 years old, 1810 Kearney street northeast—Lady Hi- Brow, Top Lady. Dorothy Robinson, 8 years old, 3026 R street —Lady, Annie Rooney, Dixie Bell, Jenny. Sam Rose, 11 years old, 103 Spring street —Hops. Alice Cavanaugh, 11 years old. 252 Hamilton avenue, Clarendon, Va.— Hi-Gi. Rita E. Gray, 121 Kendall street northeast —Slenderilla, Rainbow, Dew Drinker, Cloudla, Moon Maid, Rose Marie. George James, 15 years old, Hyatts viile, Md. —Tom-Bov. Donald and Douglas Bruce, 13 years old, 5330 Thirty-ninth street Hi- Girlie, Lo-Girlie. Natalie Breen, 9 years old. 1219 Quincy street northeast —Tall Etta. Helena Suggests “Hilena.” Helena M. Breen, 11 years old, same address—Hilena. Annie Mary Walker, 1932 First northeast —Juno, Victoria. Marjorie J. Lovewell, 13 years old, 1616 Riggs place—Bright Eyes. Ruth Woodzell, 9 years old, War-1 renton, Va. —Hi-Girl, Hi-Lady, 111- • Maiden. ( Robert Kornstein, 7 years old, 3116. Newton street northeast—Tiger Lily, Hi-Betty. Doris Magruder, 5 five years old, Kensington, Md.—Peggy, Mandy, Bet ty Jane. Peggy Monroe, 11 years old, 518 Duke street, Alexandria, Va. —Topsy, Totem Pole. Frances Breen, 6 years old, 1219 Quincy street —Hi-Blrdie. Helen Jennison, 9 years old, 218 Rosemary street, Chevy Chase, Md.— Sky Girl. Hi-Girl. Walter Hiley, 15 years old, 3015 Fourteenth street—Raffrica. Hudson Upfcam, 14 years old, 3725 S street —Lofty Lil. Easter and Esther Potts, twins, 5 years old, Purcellville, Va.—Easter and Esther. Charles Wells, 1328 Thirty-fourth street—Eve Star. On Ye Way to | jtoxhallJ/iltaqe I America'# Smartest , Colony of Group Homes $10,500 and up BOSS M PHELPS OWXERS EXPRESS TRAINS FAST-FREQUENT Every minutes on the hour and half hour from downtown Washington to downtown Baltimore. Round-Trip Fare Only $2.37 SPECIAL SUNDAY FARES SOUND n. 50 TRIP To Baltimore or Annapolis Tickttt gni tn ell ngytar train! luting WttbtngHn nf tt t f. ». snd running Jamt isj. Wishingtoaßaltimore SAnnapolis Eiec.Rß.Ga Washington 12th Street & . Terminal ij New York Are. . " ’*an flit fi 1 H j I |j? :y»w ■ 11.-V*t.jhy<W-Sfcga ■ ■.-, ■ J .-g.J|; ; jgp | gi 1 llSafe Milk. $r Babies Hi g| I |^jjp •—^ 1 !t*ttl*t!!«T'. !!•! (viafv/) MjMMJM.JMMjjiW 1 JK )Pj^yT (Will I ,^tinr^ilK^i^ || iy r ••• |KLM*| j^-pi <» ' ' iN r^ Barbara Travis Crooker, 3 years old. 3312 Nineteenth street —Lady Luck, Martha Washington, Lolly Pop, Who dat. Mariko Yanagita, 8 years old, 1785 Massachusetts avenue—Qiraffina. Katherine Martin, 4 years old, Glebewood, Va.—Lady Hi. Jimmie Sheehy, 11 years old. 4711 Georgia avenue—O-Olrl. Audrey Jean Ney, 1960 Blltmore street —Lady Astor, Her Royal High ness, Hl-Glrl. Theresa Luckett, 11 years old, 925 Shepherd street —Mandy Long. Sent Name by Wire. Elizabeth Buel, 13 years old, Hern don. Va. —Lady Longlegs. (Elizabeth was so anxious to get her name to The Evening Star in time that she sent it by telegraph from Herndon.) Ellen Venlta Wllhoit, 830 Otis place—Hl-Lassle, Long Neck Lassie. George Broderick, 508 Moore ave nue, Clarendon, Va.—Betty. Weltha O’Steen, 11 years old, Hyattsville, Md.—High Spots, Miss Slim. Doris Fraser, 8 years old, 105 Elm street, Takoma Park, Md.—Big Sur prise, Oh Lady. Ridgeway West Perkins, 5 years old, 1460 Euclid street—She Hi. Lynwood B. James, 11 years old, 315 West Bradley Lane, Chevy Chase, Md. —Star Bright, Miss America, Martha Washington. Mary Murphy, 10 years old, 1309 C street northeast —Lotta Neck. Ruth Smith; 13 years old, 5230 Seventh street —My Lady, High Step- ! per, Sweet Marie, Hi Girl. Aubrey W. Smith, 5 years old, same j address—Jumbo. Mildred Rivers, 12 years old, 60S I The best meal \ you ever cooked day I heard ot putting Spread Gulden's over meats be- Guldens Mustard m my f ore toasting or broiling. Mix a cooking. I tried it m beef loaf and .- . . • . .. , ... mixed it in before I served my , drops in vegetables while cook spinach. The results were deli- ,n £* This adds a new, richer flavor. cious —something new in flavor- Write for free Recipe Book, ing. My husband said, ‘lt’s the best (diaries Gulden, Inc., Dept. P. P. 27, meal vou ever cooked!’ ” 48 Elizabeth St., New York City. EULDEIft MUSTARD Use it as a seasoning in cooking H"' nilill 111 l HHIIHH |j| Perfect | I Window Shades I | A window shade to be perfect must S? jj 1 5; meet every requirement of the customer j $ —because our made-to-measure shades J ‘s; satisfy your every demand we call them ; $ perfect. $ May we send you estimates? Factory ,<6, prices. 1 *• M«in <*74-8552 1 | 830 13th St. N.W. | WSZS22//Z ladcjttcj y I Built by 31. <£ X. B. WARREN in CHEVY CHASE. MB New detached homes of unique design and modern fitments— concrete streets —city comforts I MODEL HOME | Turn vsest on Bradley Lane M to Maple Avenue and North 2 K f squares. V DOUGLASS & PHILLIPS Exclusive Agents to I LELASD* ant drhe 1516 K St.—Frank. 56T8 1 VP 1111111 '" 1 " '■—- _ ir Jj Wl, " lll "" ,lw w Fifty-sixth street northeast —Lady Africa. Miss Waters, Beauty Spot. Oceania. , , Mary P. Jenell, 808 East Capitol street—Lady Longlegs. Polka Pots, Lofty. William H. Mahoney, Jr., 12 years old, 1121 Twenty-fourth street —Lady I of the Dark Continent, African Tail girl. , . William writes: "Hope I will be n. winner so I can buy Christmas presents for my mother, my sister Charlotte and sister Mary, and my dear daddy, who is very, very good to me.” Frey, 9 years old. 3120 Ash street, Mount Rainier, Md. —Hi-Spt. George Wallace, 2010 Third street —Queenle. DUPONT CITIZENS MEET. Association Will Suggestions on D. C. Government. Dupont Citizens’ Association is con ducting its first meeting of the sear son this afternoon at Raucher’s with Rear Admiral Ledyard Rodgers, U. S. X., president, presiding. The as sociation will act upon Representative Reid's letter to citizens’ associations, in which he requested suggestions upon the District Government for the special House committee. T'-BOOKS BOUGHT I “Brine Them In” or rhone Fr. 6416. I | ( BIG BOOK 5H0P,933 C St.N.W.) I Vo mmmmmjmm—mm Est. 1007 I PHILLIPS TERRACE APARTMENT h 1601 Argonne Place Just North of 16th tod Col. Rood Ovnloaklsf Bimrl M. Kntiaaec to Bcootlfol Book CmwO Bark A Wonderful Location for the Particular Class We have left a few of the three and four room apartments with porches, having southern exposure. Also a few one-room, dining alcove, kitchen, tile bath with built-in tub and Murphy bed, to 5-room, reception hall, etc. 24-Hour Elevator and Telephone Service RESIDENT MANAGER William S. Phillips & Co., Inc. 1432 K St. N.W. M. 4600 CO A L! Anthracite and Bituminous Coal in all Sizes For Immediate Delivery. Prices consistent with our high standard of quality. | W. H. Hessick & Son Main Office, Yard and Trestles 14th and Water St*. S.W. (Opposite Bureau of Engraving and Printing) Franklin 8128 1 Michigan I U I The community of enhancing values I Why cramp yourself in closely congested quarters r || when you can buy a SUNSHINE HOME in this com- r Hi inunity of open spaces, close to stores, schools and 1J transportation, for a small initial payment and mod- II crate monthly terms. k I' l NEW BRICK HOMES 3-4-5 Bedrooms | * ft* Built under the most exacting U | personal supervision and finished \l | to the last degree. I : INSPECT TODAY ijjj Drive out Michigan Ave. past Catholic University |!( |i to 12th Street, then 3 squares north on this concrete I street to Upshur Street, or take car marked “Brook | land” to end of route, 12th and Michigan Ave., and t Id walk up 12th Street to Upshur Street. Built—Owned—For Sale Bv WALTER VAUGHN ;| •! | 4200 13th St. N.E. ||] Call N. 5431 for auto to take you to the homes p $6 a room rent Can you live so cheaply and well anywhere else—and at the same time be saving money for the purchase of your Home at the rate of $48.61 a month? That’s the wonderful financial side of this Cafritz Unparalleled Proposition Brand-new Life-time Homes Now Just Completing—at sth and Delafield Sts. N.W. On the Heights of Petworth, overlooking all of Washington 6 Matchless Rooms. 3 Huge Covered Porches. • Tiled Bath with built-in tub and shower. Hardwood floors and trim. Built-in heated Garage. Only SSOO Cash —$69.50 a Mo. Buys these s7sso Homes Inspect them—and you’ll see the sound economic advantage as well as the remark able investment value they offer. Open 9 a.m. I to 9 p.m. Take either car line—or 16th St. bus—it‘s only a short [ walk. Or one of our autos is at your disposal for the | request. | it CAFRITZ * £1 Owners and Builders of Communities 3