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6 RUM AUTO ISSUE SIS OHIO VOTERS Justice of Peace System Un der Fire in Referen dum Campaign. BY |).\YII> S. WELLER. Special Dispatch to The Star CINCINNATI, October 31. Those • ifetv-first advocates who worn I •‘booze and gasoline won't mix" have j overlooked . the potentialities of Ohio polities. Liquor and automohiie fuel j have produced a strange blend ini the Buckeye State, where oddities of politics have been the rule, rattier j than the exception, for many years. It all came about through the ref erendum *>n the Marshall bill, which Ohio voters "ill ratify or defeat No vein her S. And today there is no issue m any pari of the state that I eclipses in interest this measure, i which its opponents term "an effort ! of the Legislature to overrule the 1 Supreme Court of the Coiled States." fh° bill, the only issue on the ticket that voters discuss, resulted from the decision of, Chief Justice Taft that "it is unconstitutional foi any man to be tried by a court that has a pecuniary interest in the out come of the case." The issue arose from the arrest of Fid ward Tumey of North College Hill, near Cincinnati, on a charge of possessing liquor. The effect of the Taft decision was I to knock out the hundreds of dry law and speed trap courts presided over' by justices of the ooae- and village mayors. Under Ohio laws magistrates • vs both classes have jurisdiction throughout their counti s, hence pround each city of importance there I sprang up "kangaroo" courts, into j which urban residents were tak-m by rural constables. No juries were per mitted. and th<* only .'oters who had a chance to "get even" wit It th’justic e j , or mayo, were those in his village or i township. So far the liquor phase predomi- j nated. but the Ohio Automobile Asso- j ciation entered the case with the gaso- 1 line angle as soon as the Legislature j 'fussed a bill drafted by the AtUi-Sa- j l*>«n League and sponsored by Senator j L. T. Marshall of Xenia. This meas- j tire provides that justices and mayors | may collect up to $250 a month from the fines collected from prisoners con victed in their courts. This, of course. 1 preserved the salient feature of the j law knocked out by Chief Justice j Taft's decision—the provision that the j dry court would profit to the extent j of $2-vt a month—by finding the pris- \ oners guilty. The organized motorists, carefully I s adding the wet-nnd-dry side of the argument. entered the campaign against ilm Marshall bill to prevent > revival of the justiee-of-the-peaee sys- j tem Attorney General Edward C. Turner, who is leading the tight against rati- j liration of the bill, has challenged the drvs to present one able lawyer who will defend the measure and deny that it fosters "partiality, perjury and plunder." In Piquta. a debate before the Ministerial Association was con ducted behind closed doors. Although tlm participants were the Anti-Saloon League's chief attorney and a promin ent State Senator, nobody has been found who will tell what was said. In j Cincinnati an even more striking "de- j bate took place—the Methodist Mini- 1 sters' Association heard one side and | then refused to let the opponent of the Marshall bill talk. A third peculiarity of the situation is that Gov. A. '. Donahey, after | writing what read like a scathing j veto message, allowed the bill to be come a law without signing it. The j governor’s friends, however, explain i this-by saying that Donahey wished to let the voters pass on the measure. tConrrurht. ltrfT.l BALLOU IN CONFERENCE ON SCHOOL FINANCES Superintendent and Aides Discuss Appropriations With Budget Officials. Ur. Frank V. Ballou, superintend ent cf schools, and his assistants, are meeting in closed session today with | officials of the Bureau of the Budget j in the Treasury Department, discuss ing appropriations for the conduct of the public sehooi system. Today's session is continued from I yesterday's similar conference, and the school officials in attendance with Dr. i Ballou include Stephen K. Kramer, t assistant in charge of high schools; Robert L. Hayeoek, assistant in charge j of elementary schools of divisions 1 ft: | Maj. R. O. Wilrnarth, assistant super- j intendent in charge of business af fairs, and G. C. Wilkinson, first as- j distant superintendent in charge of schools of divisions 10-33. —■ ■ • Princess to Be Christened. BRUSSELS. October 31 OP). —The j 20-da.y-old daughter of Crown Prince ' Leopold of Belgium and Princess ! Astrid will be christened Josephine ■ November 10. The little princess' god- | father will be Prince Charles of Bel- j gium and the grand duchess of Lux •mburg will act as godmother. ( Final Price Slashing § I To Speed Out All | 1 Used Automobiles j ’ll Xever before have you had a . H chance to buy good used cars for isl such little prices as we re now quoting. N fj'lhink of getting - a recondi- j ;=5 tinned standard car for— H I As Little as *25 Down | —with Monthly Payments ar- || ranged to suit! Your choice of || Studebakers, Jiuicks. Washes, =5 Cadillacs. ( hryslers, Hudsons, Dodges, I'ords and other popu- ||j ‘•Certified Cars” Are Backed by Stude- II baker Nationally Advertised Pledge! ' OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAYS ■|| Joseph Mcßeynolds I 1 STUDEBAKER BUILDING || pi Cor. 14th & R Sts. N.W.—Phone Potomac 1631 H ||| White Front Lot, 1706 14th N.W. H Shoe Minus Fool Enough to Down Worker in Fracas There was no foot in a shoe used ns a weapon last night in an at tack upon Jerry Carson Funk, 28 years old. (ITU Fourth street north east. at First and ! streets north erst, but force enough was tt •-• >d in the attack to scar h*s head and break the little finger of his right ha ivl. Funk mid police fc» was on his way t<i work at Union Station when he met two colotcd m n and a colored woman. lie was at tacked by the latter without any | provacation, he stated. Mis woitnds . were dressed at Union Station. BATTLEFIELD MUSEUM : AIM OF ASSOCIATION Civil Wpv Confederates Planning Memorial in Park Near Manassas, ; Va.—Program Is Outlined. Virginia's most beautiful and Inter esting park within 25 miles from Washington by the Lee Highway, with the finest battlefield museum in the world, is the aim of the Manassas Battlefield Confederate Park Organ ization its president. Mai. K W T». Ewing. Washington attorney, an noun ed today, following the annual board meeting Friday. A Confederate field day. followed by a chantauqua of three to ton days in American his tot'v, will he hold, he said beginning July 21 each year, the anniversary of the first battle of Manassas. Landscaping and monumental work will be under tbe advisory supervision of the Fine Arts Commission. Maj. Ewing declared, in pointing out that Hie museum will Vie operated on the llenrv Hill of the park. State ram missions are at work arranging for making the battlefields of Manassas or Bull Run a real national asset, he continued, adding (hat the park lands, comprising 125 acres, are practically paid for. Monuments and markets are now under way, he said, and the outlook is bright. 60 Listed Dead in British Gale. LONDON. October 31 (A 3 ).—The death list in the great gale which has swept over British Isles since Friday today stood at more than 60- Most of the deaths were due to the destruction of fishing craft along the west roast of Ireland, where 40 per sons were reported to have perished. r Graduate Eye* Examined McCormick Medical ' . College Gla»*e* Htcd Dr. CLAUDE S.SEMONES Eyesight Specialist Phone Main Til 4 Oft-110 Mcl.nchlcn Rids. UMli and G St*. N.W. rjf* Site f Collier ,Jnn 1 f i * MC - ' 1 rS f TONIGHT S Until 7:30 Broiled m ! Tenderloin / I Steak Dinner B j & Have you made reservation for ij it your luncheon parly! TtmnniiiiiiumiitsiiiniiimiHiiiimitiir i Columbia Road «/ St. ! OPPOSITE AMBASSADOR ‘nyninrninimiiiiimiiJiuiuiumimjniiiri i [COLUM 61 A 504-11 fll 11, ..llllliniillilllllilililllllHUllllllilillMiiy Two New Groups of Homes Fifth & Kennedy Sts. and Concord Aye. at Third St. Representing The Best Home Values Being Offered Sample Houses 513 Kennedy Street and 5513 3rd Street On 14th St. Car Line Inspection Invited Open Until 9 P.M. Floyd E. Davis Company *33 nth Street N.W. , Main 352-333 TTTB EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON. TV C.. MOXHAV. <~H 'll ill KR m. m 27. HELD UNDER MANN LAW. | Frank P. Coleman Arrested on t Marie Adkins' Complaint. An acquaintanceship of several vears between Miss Marie Adkins, j Lurny, Vn. and Frank P. Coleman.: j®Q Me AVENUE Tt NINTH"- j I Overcoat Week The Parker-Bridget Annual Style Event —A Showing of All the Approved Overcoat Mtxlels for Winter , 1927-28 An international style event in the Nationally Known Store—a Parker-Bridget annual feature which enables men to v iew , in a single showing, all the new, approved overcoats for the season just opening. Here are overcoats from abroad and at home, in foreign and domestic fabrics, in European and our own Metropolitan styles. “In a single showing,” we said; yet it takes 19 of our show windows to present them— and their contents are but a suggestion of the interesting display of overcoats inside this spacious store. We invite every man to see this complete and unique exhibit; to come in and tty - on the coat which meets his prefer Mies. Chesterfield Mountain Rock Overcoats Fleeces ’ F r".; atin ,incd * and ° xf T d 0r Wu These overcoats, of British' fabrics t* Cambridge grey. Statable for almost lored in America, carry a two-year guaran. any occasion. s3.v to S6O. ***' Gre y*' oxfords and blues - Young Man’s Model Hickey-Freeman A single-breasted, 4-button coat, with / A ir^ m i \ ' Pnofc plain or patch pockets, large lapel and deep / j \/%f lr \ collar. $35 to SSO. N. Jr \ \ The famous imported Glen Spray fabric, J / A. I NEgj / tailored in the new model town coat. Set-in . n - ( f t TJT V \ sleeves, patch pockets, plaid back. SIOO. Double-Breasted |f' 1 o % L \ Model jt \ Boucle Overcoats Another young man’s model; double \H T. ft .. V 7 In blue and grey; full satin lined or witN breasted, silk trimmed. In blue and gray, - V U j plaid back. S6O and $75. Patrick Overcoats jjf ® Burberry Overcoats Styled and tailored by Patrick; single JJ n Finest of imported English overcoats, in and double breasted models; blues, gravs, \ the new models sponsored by London design browns. plaids and plain colors. $35, S4O , |.. ers ’ SBS, SIOO, sllO, $125, $137.50. and $45. 1 „ , ~ IjL Chauffeurs’Overcoats Carrs XXX Meltons L 2 W ' n . ~, ~~t D . /it // I J Oxford cloth, dog lined, with Persian The distinctive dress coat, full silk lined, Il / j/ X■ f‘ - lamb collar. $125. in black, blues and browns. S9O. \\/ff 1 I \ Other chauffeurs’overcoats, SSO. ! 1 ’ r Overcoats L !■ “Prep” Coats ’35 to ‘137 H H 1 >35 to ’45 Here \ou ha\e the complete price Overcoats designed expressly for range, including all models, all fabrics, WSW school men, with the ease and swag- i patterns and shades authorized by ger, the comfort and “wearability” , ‘ fashion arbiters this season. that youth demands. t 1 . : . Boys’ Overcoats and Mackinaws Fancy Tweeds—for younger boys, in grays, Chinchilla Coats—for juveniles, in blues, Box-back Coats double-breasted, in new browns and blues. Sizes 3to 10 years. $lO to grays, tans and French blues. Sizes 3 to 10 plaid effects and plain shades; 12 to 18 years, $25. $22.M). years $16.75. John Shannon—English coats with raglan or Patrick Mackinaws—for school and all occa- Short Leather Coats—flannel or sheep lined; set-in sleeves; single-breasted; sizes 12 to 18 sions. Sizes 6to 10 years, $18; 12 to 18 years, warm and durable. Sizes 10 to 18 years, sl2, years. $27.50 to $35. S2O. " " S2O and $25. ' •NAT I OHALL YBIKNOWN STORE 1 ' u w WV/VI ,v tnywr* w v, w vwv>wwv/v/wvSu w www ww 141 years >ld. former resident nf Atlanta, <?a., recently terminated, and yesterday Coleman was arrested on a of violation <>f the Mann aet jlarie’s eomtdalnt. Detective J. O, t otl'ns arrested Coleman. Miss Adkins allcjes thet Coleman hrounht her here from Liiray. Coleman waived a preliminary hear i ins today in P dire Court and was ! ; held for the action of the grand jury, under $2,000 bond. The swiftest tidal current in the world is that between the islands of j I lira and Srarha, off the Scottish j roast. According to official charts, } the speed of the current here is nearly | ' 1 miles an hour. SHOT BY ACCIDENT. William P. Eieste Treated for Wounds in Both Knees William P. Dieste. 31 years old. ! suffering from bullet wounds in Imth knees, was treated at Waiter Reed ! Hospital last night. IXeste, residing ! at 602 Somerset place, was visiting | at the home of Mrs. Patricia Byrne, 522 Somerset place, when he shot, j Both the wounded man and Mrs. j Byrne declared the shooting resulted j i from an accident, the latter holding I the weapon when it was discharged. ! the AVENUE CROWN Onr many friend* may Im* Interested to know that we are mlill serving tlioae wonderful dinner*. 4 to » P.M. Dally. R Tr ept Sunday 17*7 Pa ,\ye Rittincrr .1 Tenner