1 With One Firm 22 Years | William F. Elliott I Undertaker i H«» Left That Firm to Managr A j • The Brown Stone Ij Funeral Home : W. W. Chambers Ce. | | 14th, Cor. Chapin N.W. $ Phone Col, 432 4 ‘ An Unusual Value In A Davenport Bed Suite Three Pieces and Mattress, $195 Ii you are confronted with the problem of mak ing one room serve as two, you'll be interested in this Karpen Davenport Bed Suite. There is a sofa that into a bed for two, a roomy rocker and armzVf ir and a good Stearns & Foster layer felt is included. The suite is upholstered in a beautuul taupe and rose jacquard velour. It's a cane panel type with separate, loose, reversible cushions and priced complete for $195. MAYER & CO. Seventh Street Between D & E 9 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT EISEMAN’S Seventh and F Sts. Stylish, Well Tailored SUITS & OVERCOATS %|| $25 s3 ° r ON LIBERAL TERMS i’ 4 I tr HESE c^otEes h ay e die appearance and wearing qualities I p hr l . .f* of much higher-priced garments. Rarely do you find such (ff, M ft fine fabrics and expert tailoring at these popular prices. Single 'JI l or ou hl e breasted models in all of the new shades. Also plenty /If I of plain blue, grey, tan and brown. ; If' I Liberal credit terms will be cheerfully arranged. Small ;i JfM weekly or monthly payments will do. Avail yourself of a pjlpßsrgL charge account at Eiseman’s, where you are sure of getting good clothes at fair prices, along with liberal terms. »V YOU CAN BUY AT EISEMAN’S ON LIBERAL TERMS AS CHEAPLY AS FOR CASH ELSEWHERE. > . * , . ? ' ' " ' "" J' - - 11 I-1 !M I l-Ll 1 y |[ .MJIIJ|^IIIII| LOWERY A. WATERS DIES IN BALTIMORE C. & P. Official Succumbs Sudden ly—Buried Here This Afternoon. ixnvery A. Waters, 47 years old. right-of-way superintendent for the Oh;* jeake & Potcmao Telephone Co. here, died suddenly Wednesday, in Baltimore, who e he had been called by the death of Miss Pauline Welsh actress, who was the divorced wife of 11. C. (“Bud'’) Fisher, the cartoonist. He was stjirken with a heart attack THE EVENT NO STAR, WASHINOTOY, D, C„ FRTDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 1927: just aft-r viewing th ■ body of his friend. Mr. Waters, son of the late Oliver .). and Mrs. Sarah M. Waters, had been employed by the telephone com pany 27 years. Funeral services were conducted In Oawler's chapel. 1730 Pennsylvania aVenue, this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Bcv. (’. " est Smith officiated. In teiment was in Rock Creek Cemetery. I Mr. Waters is survived by his widow j and t sisters. Miss I.eida B. Waters land Mrs. J. M. Hall. ! That it print a new translation of 1 the Bible into Luba-Sanga. made oy j the late Han Crawford, and that 10, 000 copies be issued, was decided re- I centl.v at a meeting of the Natroul Bible Society of Scotland CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. Today. The choir of Lutheran Church of the Atonement will give a sacred con cert, 8 o'clock. A silver offering will he taken for the music fund of the choir. After the concert there will be a social hour in the annex. An exhibit of oil and water colors by Clara 1. Boone, at .lane Bartlett's, 1803 Connecticut avenue, will be held from !) n.m to 10 p.m. and he con tinued until tomorrow evening. Hand painted scarfs, handkerchiefs and other novelties will also he shown. The Sixth Street Synagogue will open its Winter season of young peo ple’s services, 8 o'clock, in the Syna gogue Building, Sixth and I streets. Hebrew music will be rendered by Cantor Louis Novick and an adult choir, and Rabbi Sclnvefel will lecture at S o'clock on "A Judaism for To day.” A special meeting of Potomac Grange will bo held. 7:30 o'clock, at the Roman's alliance room of All Souls Church. Sixteenth and Harvard streets. There will be a business ses sion and voting on candidates for the thit.l and fourth degree. Victory Review. No. 12. Woman’s! Benefit Association, will give a dance at s t'» o'clock, at Oyster s Andi- Ryan Service Means Efficiency. It is a service backed up by years of experience Onr business progress I shows that our ef forts to offer the best sit all times is appreciated. : Fune rit I parlor. private ambulance and livery in con nection. JAMES T. RYAN * Funeral Director ”117 P* Ave SE Telephone ra. ave. 0.c.. At| |-, )o .| Tn i nmmmmmammemmmmmmmmammmmmm EISEMAN’S Seventh & F Sts. to TROUSERS To Match Your Odd Coats SAM and Up Bring your odd coats and vests in and let us match them with a new pair of trou sers. Thousands of pairs to choose from are here —in all colors, sizes and materials. » torium, Twenty-sixth street and Pennsylvania avenue. William B. Cushing Camp. No. 30. will meet, 8 o'clock, at Pythian Temple installation of officers. Mrs. Ntna K. Shartle. home from t'oieign lands, will give an illus trated lecture this evening in Temple Baptist Church. Free will offering for the church. Rabbi William Franklin Rosen - blum will preach the sermon, "What Do We Believe?’ 8 o'clock, at the Washington Hebrew Congregation. FUTURE. A walking group of the American Association of University Women will go to the home of Mrs. Enoch John son at Alta V r ista. Md., via the Wis consin avenue car line. Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Mr. Johnson will lead a delight ful walk. Supper will be eaten at the Johnson home afterward. All col lege women and friends invited. Mr. Bobrin, general manager of Goldenberg's Department Store, will entertain the executives and em ployees with a dance and buffet sup per tomorrow at L'Aiglon Club. Dr. Francis J. Lukons of Miami j will speak on “Amos" tomorrow. 8 I pm., at the League for the Larger Life 1329 Sixteenth street. Admis sion free. The Erga toe rats lub will meet to morrow. 8 pin, at 817 Thirteenth street. O J Schuster of Brookneal. Va., will speak of “The Planetesimal Theory of the Origin of the Uni verse.” Admission free. Headaches from Slight Colds Laxative BROMO QUININE Tablets relieve the Headache by working oft the Cold \ Safe and Proven Remedy. Look for signa ture nf E. W Grove on the box. 80c.—Ad- Perry & Walsh Morticians Private Ambulances | 29 H St. N.W. Main 984 WE DYE WEARING APPAREL BLACK For Mourning 'n 24 Hour* Carmack Dry Clcaning&DyeingCo Line 18111 Line. 181? WILLIAM B. EBERT DIES. Prominent Retail Grocer Succumbs Suddenly at His Home. William B. Ebert, for many years n the retail meat and grocery business at 1100 E street northeast, died sud denly at his residence, 1402 E street northeast, late yesterday afternoon. He was 55 years old. Mr. Ebert had been in failing health for about a year, but continued at work. Mr. Ebert long had been in busi ness, having succeeded his father, the late John Ebert. He is survived by his brother, Isadore Ebert. Funeral services will be held at Holy Comforter Catholic Church tomorrow morning. Interment will be in Mount Olivet Cemeiery. THE WEATHER District of Columbia —Fair, with lowest temperature about 40 degrees tonight; tomorrow mostly cloudy, not much change in temperature. Maryland—Generally fair tonight; tomorrow mostly cloudy, probably light local rains in the extreme west portion, not much change in tempera ture. Virginia—Generally fair tonight and tomorrow, not much change in tem perature; possibly light frost in south portion tonight. West Virginia—Mostly cloudy to night and tomorrow, probably local rains in north portion tomorrow; cold er in west portion tomorrow. Record for 24 Hours. Thermometer—4 p.m., 46; 8 p.m„ 42; 12 midnight, 41; 4 a.m., 42; 8 a.m., 41; noon. 50. Barometer—4 p.m., 29.50; 8 p.m., 29.50; 12 midnight, 29.46; 4 a.m., 29.46; 8 a.m., 29.49; noon, 29.51. Highest temperature, 64, occurred at noon yesterday; lowest temperature, 40, occurred at 10 p.m. yesterday. Temperature same date last year— Highest, 50; lowest,,3o. Tide Tables. | (Furnished bv United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Today—Low tide. 9:55 a.m. and 10.20 p m.; high tide. 2:56 a.m. and 3:34 p.m i,?.o morro "r~ I ' mv tidp - 10:49 a.m. and >m 9 P ni ' : lide > 4 a.m. and 4:34 The Sun and Moon. ! - or° flay Un rose 6: * 57 a -*n.; sun sets ■ a.06 p.m. „e» SfTm -S "" rls ' s 6:58 a m ' : sun Moon rises 2:50 p.m. ; S€t s 12:43 p.m Automobile lamps to be lighted one half hour after sunset. Condition of the Water. , Great I* alls, clear. Harpers Ferry , P |?v t ,?Ji na * o u Clear: Shena ndoah, slightly cloudy this morning. Weather in Various Cities. a Temperature ~ ~J PS | er a| Stations | 31 o= Weathar ; rri Abilene .. . 30.08 TO 60 clear Albany ...,29.22 40 40 3.00 Bain Atlanta .. . 29.96 64 42 r^ar Atlantic City 29.32 02 40 lio Rain Raltimore .. 29.40 00 40 0.40 Cloudy Birmingham. 30.02 00 40 Clear Bismarck ..29.92 54 34 .... Pt.cloudy Boston 29.10 72 00 172 Rain # &•«»!«> -- - 2942 44 38 .... Rain oharle«ton . 29.84 72 4 4 0.04 Clear Chicago .. 29.74 64 31 0.02 Cloudy Cincinnati . 29.78 60 30 .... Clear Cleveland .. 29.54 48 40 u.oo ctondv Col mbia.S.C. 29.82 . . 40 0.02 Cloudy R p " v r’: 29.98 04 48 Clear gctrmt 29.00 50 34 Clear hi Paso ... 30.00 70 40 ... Clear Galveston . 30.14 72 00 Clear Helena 29.90 50 44 0.06 Rain Huron, SD. 29.90 58 30 .... Cloudy Indianapolis. 29.82 54 34 nO2 Clear Jacksonville. 29.94 72 40 0.10 Clear Kansas City 29.90 04 40 Pt.cloudy Los Aneeles. 30.64 80 Clear Louisville . 29.80 50 38 Clear Miami Fla. 29 90 82 52 0.02 Clear N. Orleans.. 30 08 08 54 .... Clear ruT W- 52-15 04 AO 1.56 Rain Okla. City... 30,00 70 50 . Clear Omaha ....29.84 on 4 4 ... Pt cloudy Philadelphia. 29.34 06 38 jO4 Rain Phoenix .. . 30.00 84 50 . Clear Pittsburgh . 29.52 42 38 0.18 Rain Portland. Me. 29.40 00 52 0.50 Pain Portland Ore 30.16 70 5 4 .... Cloudy Raletsh.N.C. 29.08 08 38 024 Clear 4. Lake City 30.2 4 62 4 4 ... Clear ->an Antonio 30 11 74 52 . . Clear s.-in Dipgo. . 30.02 so 00 .... Clear 4. Francisco 30.08 70 00 .... riea "t. Louis. .. 20.88 02 44 .. Clear St. Paul 29.68 48 38 .... Clear Seattle ....30.14 54 50 0.20 Rain 6VV -le ft ß 4.8 44 0.00 Cloudy WASH.. D.C. 29.48 63 40 0.35 Pt.cloudy FOREIGN. *7 a m.. Greenwich time, today.) Stations Temperature Weather London England 52 Cloudy Paris. France 48 Cloudy Vienna. Austria 50 Cloudy Copenhagen. Denmark... 54 Cloudy Gibraltar. Spain 06 cioudv Wort a (Fayal). Azores... 64 Part cloudy Hamilton. Bermuda 76 Part cloudy 4an Juan. Porto Rico 84 rtpar Havana. Cuba 74 Cloudy Colon Canal Zone 82 Part cloudy Births Reported. The following births have been renorted to the flealth Department In the past 24 hours: Joseph C. and Oeorgianna Acton, girl. Ralph E. N. and Goldie P. Dawson, girl. James and Rose Arone. girl. Luigi and Rnsina Pfttore. girl. Alfred and Bessie Dye. girl. Thomas C and Leola Coleman, boy. William R. and Edna V. Greenfield, girl. Boland H. and Ondia Wootton. girl. George R. and Kethrvn Heil. girl, rsrpal and Gertrude Kurland, girl. Maurice and Emma J. W. Jovee. girl Leonard P and Georgia M. Miller, girl. Tosenh F. and Constance L. Pyles, girl. Charles H. and Mildred V. Cumming. girl. Barry E and Louise E Wayson. girl. Alfred V. and Irfirame E. Martin girl. Jnsenh A. and Dorothy M. Souder. ir.. boy. John D. and Elizabeth Neumann, boy. Richard E and Katherine A. Stephenson, bov. William H. and Elisabeth K. Simmons, bo**. •Jack and Anna M. Pemberton, boy. Lynn T. and Luoile M. Loomis, boy. Robert H. and Evelyn Powell, hoy. Joseph A. and Pearl A. Fox. boy.' John H. and Litella M. Scott, boy. Joseph P and Gertrude C Brennan, boy Harvey A and Marjorie A. Robinson, boy. Bernard L. and Dorothy A. Wathen. boy. De«ey B. and Kloise D. Miller, boy. Robert L. and Katherine M. Frederick, boy. hov ° maS Mcew York—Hamburg October 28 xeno—Valparaiso October 28 DUE TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 8. Berlin—Brenierhaveu October 20 Biulgetowu—Puerto Colombia ...October 28 can Ho—Puerto Barrios October 00 siboney—Havana Novemlier 6 western Vvorid—Buenos Aires ...OctooerSu DUE WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 0. Homeric—Southampton November 2 liouidunnat.s —Bordeaux Uctooer 2 < Oscar ii—Copenhagen October 28 rsonunica—zmuuaU November 1 DUE THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 10. Fort Victoria—Bermuda October 8 .senega—at. Johns November 3 /.acapa—santa .uarta November 1 OUTGOING STEAMERS. SAILING TODAY. Majestic—Cherbourg and Southampton. . naaiiia— Plymouth. Havre anu Lonuon. rein.laud —Plymouth. Cherbourg and Ant werp. Edison —Piraeus and Patras. Aiiiazoue —inasua. Port au Prince and cai«e ria.vueu. Astiea—r.a uuayra. Puerto Cabello and Maracaibo. Bogota—Cape Haytien. Cartagena and Puerto Colombia. SAILING TOMORROW. Celtic I —Queenstown and Liverpool. Miiiuetoiika—Cherbourg and London. Caledonia—Movme aim Glasgow. Aiidaina —Queenstown and Liverpool, sail yuan—sail Juan. L.a Alaiea —Puerto narnos and Livingston, iiiaraw—Santiago, mugslou and Puerto Co lumbia. Pastures—Havana. Cristobal and Port Limon. Mueiiciien—Plymouth. Cherbourg aim Die men, Voieuuam—Plymouth. Boulogne and Rotter dam. Antonio Lopez—Cadis and Barcelona. Pun-Ainerica—Rio ue Janeiro, Pantos. Mon tevideo and Luenoa Aires. Mary—san Domingo City. Sanches and Puerto Plata. Nenssa—Halifax and St. John's. roit Victoria—Bermuda. uuoert—ceaia. peruamuucu and Maranham. Greta—Santo Domingo. Gronlanu—sun to Domingo, rhe Lambs—Piraeus, uaooaiao—Pei nambuco. SAILING MONDAY. NOVEMBER 7. Nebraskan—Cristobal and Pacific Coast. SAILING TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 8. Alfonso .ill—Coruna. Santander. Gijon and Bifooa. SAILING WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 9. Gnpsholm—Gothenburg. Maiur.t—Grenada. Trinidad and Demerara. De Grasse—Havre. Maracaiuo—ban Juan. La Guayra and Mara caibo. Mauretania—Cherbourg and Southampton. Aiiiert Ballm—Cherbourg. Southampton and Hamburg SAILING THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 10. President Harrison—Havana. Cristobal and Pauhc Coast (around the world). American Banker—Plymouth and London. Man-nuria—Havana. Cristobal and Pauhc Coast Roma—Nantes and Genoa: Santa Elisa—Havana. Cristobal and Val paraiso. Coaano—San Juan. SAILING FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 11. Homeric—Cherbourg and Southampton. Lapland—Plymouth. Cherbourg and Ant werp. Carmania —Plymouth. Havre and London. , Sinaia—Algiers end Alexandria. Flora—Port au Prince. Laguayra and Mara , cal bo. Three Marines Arrested. Special Digpatch to The Star. HAGERSTOWN, November 4. Three United States Marines, Charles Arnold, Albert Penning* and James Hess, wanted in Norfolk. Va., for al leged larceny of an automobile, were art asted here by State police today, and will- lye delivered to military au thorities in Washington. ifflarriage. TOOK—IIF.CnLF.R. Mrs. Charles A. Voll mcr announces the marriage of her niece CATHERINE B. HECHLER to Mr. WIL LIAM E. TOOK at Rockville. Md.. Octo ber 29 1927 • ffieatfjs. BECKER. On Thursday. November 3. 1927. at his residence. 1315 Fairmont st. n.w., EDMOND LOUIS BECKER, husband of the late Emma H. Becker. Funeral serv ices private. Interment Rock Creek Cem tery 5 BROWN. On Thursday. November 3. 1927, at his residence. 607 7th st. s.w., GEORGE W.. beloved husband of Effie V. Brown and father of Stewart K. Brown. Funeral from his late residence Saturday, November 5, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Bethel Ceme tery. Alexandria. Va. 4 BROWN. On Thursday. November 3. 1927. at 7:40 a.m., LUCY M.. beloved mother of Nellie M. Brown. Services will be held at the residence. 2H26 Brentwood rd. n.e.. Friday. November 4. at 6:45 p.m. Friends invited to attend. Interment at Culpeper. Va. 4 BURKE. On Thursday. November 3. 1927, F.LLEN BURKE. Funeral from the resi dence of her nephew. Wm. E. Burke. 1018 25th st. n.w. Mass will be said at St. Stephen's Church. 25th and Pa. ave. n.w.. Saturday. November 5. at 9 a.m. Interment at Holy Rood Cemetery. Rela tives and friends invited • BI'RTON. On Wednesday. November 2. J 927. at her residence. 1328 Vermont ave. n.w.. MAY JOHNSON BURTON, wife of th- late Walter Burton Funeral services will be held at her late residence on Satur day. November 5. at 2 p.m. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. CARROLL. Departed this life Thursday. November 3. 1927. at Freedmen’s Hos pital. HATTIE CARROLL, devoted wife of Joseph Carroll. She leaves three chil dren. three sisters and three brothers. Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains rest ing at the W. Ernest Jarvis Co. funeral parlors. 2222 Ga ave. n.w. CONRAD. Departed this life on Thursday. November 3. 1927. at 7 p.m.. in East Orange. N. J.. VICTORIA RUTH CON RAD. late of 1530 T st. n.w. Noticp of funeral later. 6 DUNN. On Friday. November 4. 1927. at her residence. 1401 Girard st. n.w.. apt. 9. ELIZABETH, beloved wife of Edward Dunn. Notice of funeral later. EBERT. Suddenly on Thursday. November 3. 1927. at his residence. 1402 E st. n.e., WILLIAM B. EBERT. Funeral will be held from his late residence on Saturday. November 5. at 8:30 a.m.. thence to the Holy Comforter Church, where mass will lie said at 9 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited. In terment in Mount Olivet Cemetery. GRAYSON. On Tuesday. November 1. 1927. at hi 3 residence Vienna Va.. JOEL GRAY fON. beloved husband of Anna L. Grayson. ureral from his latp residence on Satur day. November 5 at 2 p.m. • HILL. Departed this life Thursday. Novem ber 3. 1027. LOUISA HILL. Remains may he seen at Moon & Allen’s funeral {larlors. 12th and Florida ave. n.w. Jn erment Saturday. November 5. at Madi son Va 4 HOFMANN. Suddenly, on Tuesday, Novem ber 1. 1927. at 0:30_p.m.. KARt T.. be loved son of Lillte C. Hofmann (nee Repp) and the late Albert Hofmann. Funeral from his late residence. 1431 G at. n.e.. Saturday. November 6. at 2:30 p.m. Rela tivea and friends invited to attend. 4* MeDERMOTT. On Thursday. November 3. 1927. at his residence. 606 E st, n.e.. PETER D.. husband of the late Maris Mc- Dermott (nee Byrnes) Funeral from the above residence on Monday. November 7. at B£o a.m.: thence to St. Joseph’s Church, where requiem mass will be said ftt 9 o’clock for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment at Mount Olivet Cemetery. 6 O’LEARY. On November 2. 1927. JAMES i .P husband of the late Hen rietta O Leary. Funeral from his late residence, 1083 Lawrence at. n.e.. on Sat urday. November 6. at 8:30 a.m.. thence to St. Anthony’s church, where requiem mass will be said at 9 o’clock. Relatives Va.. papers please cony.) 4 PERHAM. On Friday. November 4, 1927. at 6 a.m.. FRANCES L. PERHAM daughter of the late Gov. Sidney Perhatn of Maine. Funeral services at Lee's fu neral chapel. 332 Penn. ave. n.w., Sunday. November 6. at 3 p.m. Interment at Bryant Pond. Me. 6* | STEPHENS. On Wednesday. November t. 1027. at 8 a.m., at the residence of his , daughter. 1834 16th at. n.w.. ALFRED 1 B . tether of Mamie Stephens Jackson and Emma 8. Rose Saunders Remains rest ing at Boyd A Wilson’s funeral parlors, funeral Saturday. November 5. at 1 jp.m. from Seventh-day Adventists’ Church, loth »™». V. «te. n.w.. EMu Lewis C. Sheafs Srattra. ■4TKPHENB. Tii« Association of Oldest In habitant* Will attend funeral of ALFRED Saturday. November 8, 10,7 1 n m Seventh Day Adventitia Church 10th amt V *ts. n.w „ . u ,„ » W WATSON. President. O. L. WALTON Secretary. • . 0n Friday. November 4. 1927. at 2:45 am., at the residence of her daughter, Mi* Emma Henderer. 766 13th »t *e. EMMA W. STEPHENSON Lahrtvn*». Notii'e of Itfnp.Al lv>n»- DenarfVtl thi« Me Thurtlav. Ko :i 19-:7 at f*3o a.m . JOHN W. He to mourn their loft five «tn*. two 'lfiurhtera two tlaiiirhtera-in* inw ten crandehtlrlren am! a boat of oth*»r rplativea an#l friend# Funeral Saturday. November 5 at 2 nm. from the St. Luke a Bantist Cbnrch Ga ave and Sh*o>- »er*l rd n.w Rem*- » hr^f tllneaa. HENRY F xOi NG. He l*avF>« to mourn their ln*« a mother, one brother four *i«der* and a bo*t.of other relative* and friend* Fu neral Mindav November 0 at 4 oYlof k. We*lev Wajihinkton * funeral pa~h'r«. !:f>o3 Georgia ave. n.w. Burial in lon Va. 5* 3n iHemoriam. BOSTON. Sacred to the memory nf our dear daughter and oister. EURBI.TNE BOSTON who died two rear, sen todav, November 4. 1926. THE FAMILY. • BROWN. In cad hut loving reirembrance of Z'l r "’evt.tod daughter. FRANCES ANA STASIA IVROWN. who died two vears *g'> ♦ '>dav. November 4 HER FATHER AND MOTHER AMBROSE AND FANNIE BROWN. • JOHNSON. Sweetpr a* the year, go by I. the memorv of on*- doroted husband an I father. JOHN JOHNSON, who died two veara ago today November 4. 1925. No one know, how much we tri.a voo. No one knows the tears we shed. But in heaven we hope to roe-rt yon. Where no parting words are said. A few more struggles here. A few more partings o'er. A few more tears. Ardwe.ha'l weep no more, ins .DEVOTED WIFF AND DAUGHTER. MARY AND BLANCHE B. JOHNSON. Our loving fathei* 1 we loved go deee Has gone from ns today two vear*: From our loved ones in life it is hard to part: None fee’s it more than our heart' HIS CHILDREN ELIZA BROOKS ISAIAH AND DR. GEO. A. JOHNSON. • JOHNSON. In rem-mb'-ance of our dear mother I.YDIA BROCK JOHNSON who di»d six '-ears avo today November 4. 1021. HF.R LOVING DAUGHTERS • LIGGONS. SUMNER. Sacred to th# memory of ROBERT McCLELT.AN. Who departed this life O dober 4 1921 at Meadville. r*., and CHARLES SUMNER, who departed ♦bis life November 4 1019. 3 r J?JJ.Y I J 2 FM K FR. MARTHA LIG* GONS SISTER. RICHARDSON. In sail but loving remem* bience of e,,p ,iear wife and mother. JENNIE RICHARDSON, who died two veara ago today. Novemlier 4. 1925. No one knowa the heartaches. Only tho.e who have lost can tell Os the grief that is home in silence For the wife and mother we loved »o well. As we loved her. so we mig* her. In memory ehe is alwavg near: Loved, remembered, longed for alwars. Bringin? manv a eilpnt tear. HER LONELY HUSBAND AND DAUGH TER . TAS. W. RICHARDSON AND EFFIE V.. McCOY. • KUBF.L. In loving memory of mr dear mother EMMA C. RUBEL. who died four Tears ago today. November 4. 1923. HER DAUGHTER EUNICE • SNOWDEN. Sacred to the memorv of my dear mother. THRESEA SNOWDEN, who departed this life twenty-three year* ago today. November 4. 1904. Loved in life, remembered in death. LOVING DAUGHTER (SUG). MRS. MARY O. JACKSON. • TURNER. In sad but loving remembrancp of ntv beloved husband and our dear father. W. L. TURNER, who departed thia rears ago today. November 4. One vear ha# ragged, our heart# still aorg, A* time goes on we miss you more: Your memorv is as fresh today As in the hour, you passed away. DEVOTED WIFE AND CHILDREN. • WARD. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear friend. CHARITY WARD. wh« deported .this life eeven year* ego today, November 4. .1920. Sweet memories of you will linrer forever; Time can not change them, ’tis true: Years may come, can not aever our lovinf thoughts of you. MR. AND MRS. BEVERLY WILLIAM. • WASHINGTON. In sad but loving remem* hranoe of my dear giater. KATE WASH & 4 h °J92 i S d on * yMr V ° tod ‘ T ’ HER SISTEfe b FANNIE°B O ENGLISH. • WILLIAMS. In loving tribute to my be loved friend. SAMUEL A. WILLIAMS, who departed this life one year ago today, November 4. 1926. Just when life was brightest And he could have lived his best The gates of heaven otiened •- And called mv dear friend to rest. HIS FRIEND. MAMIE V. HAWKINS. • WILLIAMS. A tribute of love and memory to a beloved one. SAMUEL A. WILLIAMS, who left us one year ago today. November 4. 1926 I held you in mr arms. dear. And saw vonr life depart, l But when they said that you were dead It almost broke my heart. . MAGGIE WILLIAMS. And thou hast been away from us a vear. What have the happy angels told thee, dear. As here below the months have gone their round ? What joys by us undreamed ol hast thou found? If thou would'st open to our longing sixhl , One glimpse of th.v serene and mire delight— Could send one little word across the tide— Then would the