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FURNISHING THE HOME Conducted for The Star BY ELIZABETH STETSON AND GENEVIEVE HENDRICKS English Tudor Sun Porch. BY ELIZABETH STETSON. Our most popular type of house is still that of the. Colonial or early Fed eral (1780-1840). We see that style, whether of frame, stucco, stone or brick, more often in our city streets or countryside than any other. But we find also houses of irregular design, with peaked roofs, half timber ing and casement windows every where. These we call “early English” houses, by which we mean reproduc tions in general effect of the houses built in England from 1500 to 1700. These houses are marked on the out side by their irregular shape, half tim bering and small-paned easement win dows. On the inside these houses are customarily finished in rough plaster and wood paneling. Tin walls of a sun poreh in such a bouse should be finished in rough plaster, the color being a light tone of tan, yellow or gray. - Medallions in Windows. The windows are casements, with either diamond or square panes, no pane being over R inches. Ts one wishes to give the true Elizabethan effect an occasional pane nr glass may he treated with a medallion. These are usually crests, coats of arms or sometimes small figures of different colored glass set in lead. The medal I!JSJSISISM2fSIcU3®SJSM3J@J3I3JSi r 2ID3ic!®SjSiMSISISIBJ3I3Ic3McMM2MSI@I3ISIS!Jci^ ANNOUNCING j The Combining of the Offices of | C. BUSHMAN SMITH \ Formerly Located at j| 1703 Connecticut Avenue Northwest 1 With I J. €. Bouglasfsi Co. j CII >HE specialized Chevy Chase real estate hrokeraije business ij I heretofore conducted by C. Bushman Smith is now being conducted under his personal supervision through the office ra of J. E. Douglass Co. in their own building. 1621 K St. N.W. The s former personnel of C. Bushman Smith, Inc., now associated with j| J. E. Douglass Co., is as follows: g G. Bushman Smith 1 J. Aubrey Powell J. Arthur Barker f George A. Smoot e Mr. Smith invites his friends and clients to call upon him in his g new business location, where the larger facilities will enable him to E five a greater degree and wider range of service. -I J. €. Bouglass Co. 1 Realtors—Builders Successors to Douglass & Phillips, Inc. b 1621 K St. N.W. Frank. 5678 | m y BBKI mB; ' . 1509 Irving Street N.E. I Brookland Modern Bungalow Located in a Fully Developed Square, Just Two Blocks North of Rhode Island Avenue. It is in perfect condition, bavin? been newly papered and painted throughout. You will find on the first floor a large living room, dining room, complete kitchen, built-in refrigerator, two big bedrooms, tile hath and screened sleeping porch. The second floor is completely finished with three large, heated rooms. Situated on a lot 50x135, with beautiful lawns, shrubbery and tile garage. i To inspect, drive nut Rhode Island Avenue to lfrth Street, then turn north two squares to Irving Street. Priced Surprisingly Low for Immediate Sale Open Sunday Until 6 P.M . Hedges & Middleton, inc. Realtors 1412 Eye Street Franklin 9503 KEAi; ESTATE. lion may be actual stained glass or tt may be painted on the inside of the pane. This latter method is suggest ed because in this way a very quaint effect may be had for a small sum. The windows are not very long and are set in so that the silts are about 3 feet and R inches above the floors. A series of these casements stretch across the outside walls of the room. The windows in this style of room are set deep in the walls, so that, the sill presents a broad shelf on which plants may be placed in Winter to give a more cheerful effect. The ceiling may he beamed or of rough piaster and the floor dark in finish, while all woodwork should be also stained dark and waxed. For furniture here one should use the heavier, cruder English pieces, rather than the all-prevailing wicker sets. Room Furnishings. In the sketch shown above a long Jacobean stool has been placed under the windows. The seat is covered with a cushion of bright red linen, which echoes the red In the printed linen of Jacobean design hanging at the casement—eastern birds perched among the flowers and leaves of a tree which curves gracefully over the whole ground. No net curtains are used here, as the sunlight is needed in all its strength to make the room glow. In one corner is a small gate-legged THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON, P. C, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 12, 1927. table, and close to It a comfortable wing chair, the principal anachronism of the room, as the wing chair came in a decade or so later than the time in which this tvne of window and fur niture were used. Comfortable chairs as we know them were not in exist ence in Tudor England. The seats of their chairs were of plain wood and they padded them witn Heavy cush ions in order to soften them. But as time went on and furniture was evolved along lines or beauty and comfort the upholstered chairs came into being. We first find them in England in the reign of Charles 11. His early life in France had given him a taste for luxury which was not com mon in England. This type of chair Is called Carolean or Stuart, and has a frame which is heavily carved. In the, William and Mary period the up holstered chair improves, so that by Queen Anne's reign we have the wing chair (ns shown in the sketch), a very Home Buyers Enjoy Cafritz Savings Values That Only Volume Can Make Big 6-Room Homes —Built-in Garage \X/ ERE il not for the vaßt n<y d..:u j y VV resources, enormous jV .yggj ßuilt 3 Large Bedrooms 11 A A I V nll Built-in Brick Garage pUrCflftSlllg pOWCF cHICI VOl* 48 Alread y Sold “"SjjjSgg*' ume construction of the Cafritz Organization such tJjPJ Lhj P * ved All<!y values would not be possi j|W JMBKT MfKwftMflihfQW only E le. economies result -iiPPIr ? * HI ™IPilWp nen mg from tEe lar & e scale °* 1 f&L • * jgi wy f,yjU operations of Cafritz Life . -’llisiit'— NOTHING LIKE THEM J._ I.L. _ 1 •_ . “ sth and Delafield Sts. N.W. " IW»- £*••**"u * On the Highest Point in Petworth f S&VTOgS 111 DettCF h01H68« 38 Built-All Sold But 3 25 Built-All Sold But 3 Home, of Quaint Design f Big 4-BedrOOHl Homes jOn the Crest of Petworth! Parkwood St. N.W., West of 14th l I Convenient to the Shopping Facilitie. o, Park Rood * m h ° meS U ” —* I ™ and UCCatUF htS. N.W. 1 j .1.. 6 Large Rooms 5 ln tbe ** eart of Petworth, Near Sherman Circle UnlV 6 7 l ° r g* r <>oms t VyiHy . „ | TT7 : s.j 1 ~ 3 Big Covered Porches f 7 large rooms—3 big covered porches 1 and 2 tiled baths with * <h/Y I■! A Built-in Tub and Shnwer S Tiled bath with built-in tub and shower m* rX hu ' lt -' n tub anJ * how * r | All A Lil ! Tub and Shower | Bright kUchen she[ved pflnfry refr : jerctor J ■ 1 ■1 9 flu Large porches N /I I Artistic Decoration Hardwood Boors and artistic decoration 111 t| | 1 and 2 car built-in | t/oM %J\J Hardwood Floors g |_ Peep lot with garage + garages 7 Ample Closet Space | ' / Exquisite decoration « Attractive Terms Paved Street and Alley f (£ |/| * ndup Xtlly equipped-7a?g* >MtwtWitw | Only II I MS| | ** V Convenient Terms ' 1 ' 1 VjJt/U Terms Best Buy in New Semi-Detached Homes Detached Colonial and English f' V 15 Minutes From the Heart of the City lliliisl •HpL KiKiK* fiw Dig Garage Living Room 16x24 ft. Quaint Open Fireplace AfiftQ Paved Alley Ample Wardrobe Closets Artistic Decoration f Tiled Bath, Built-in Tub, Large Covered Porch s rs. • ■FfT Shower and Fixtures Separate Garage LsOTWOOd L/VIVC 1 It**- x- - • Tiled Guest Lavatory Large Lot, 50x132 ft. EXHIBIT HOME WBi Bright Kitchen, Pantry Landscaped Grounds HOW TO GET THERE 4408 Chesapeake St. N.W. $8 QSO sl9 CAA . 3AS2 :K I Dr! ° U F Tro H in Avenue to Chesapeake Street I U)l/t/V I 1 !|| II I Terms "T Torlod west 1° Exh.b.t H°me; or our wtH / JLI/lt/l/U Drive, about IS minute, from ' I gladly call for you and show you these homes. I Terms 7 th * Aearf of the city. Open, Heated and Lighted Until 9 P.M. < OVER 1,000 B ASK TO SEE CAFRITZ LIFETIME homes 14th &K M MM Mmm MM M M M. 9080 QUR exceptional values BUILT AND SOLD jMM MM M M IN CORNER HOMES Owners’and Builders of Communities A ' j- r -■ 4 ■ >' ,v * ’• *‘ ; ~ ' " 1— 111 ' 1/ !' com fort a hi# and fine looking piece of furniture. As this type of poreh is usually quite small, there is no room for much furniture. Just a few chairs, seat and a table or two. Lamps in here should have plain or painted parchment shades. If painted ones are chosen, •those of a crude design with bright figures should be used. A gav-colored Turkish rug with lots of red or a plain one of a bright hue which harmonizes with tlie hangings may be used on the floor. • Wife Wins Maintenance. Mrs. Julia A. Chapman. 17 D street southeast, has boon awarded a decree ] by Justice Mitz in Equity Court for the maintenance of her two children. Her husband, Edgar S. Chapman, is required to pay $472 arrears in alimony and to pay $8 a week .regularly for the children. Attorney Jean M. Board man appeared for Mrs. Chapman. IMPORTANCE OF WILLS STRESSED BY REGISTER Cogswell Urges Legal Advice in Devising Estates, at Round Table Luncheon. The importance of persons making out wills and, if possible, to secure legal advice in doing so, was stressed by Theodore Cogswell, District regis ter of wills, in an address at a luncheon of the Washington Round Table in the University Club yester | day. The speaker described manv of the “pitfalls” encountered through wills not being made out properly. Further tentative plans for the international convention of the Knights of the Round Table in this city the latter part of September or early part of October, 1328, were dis cussed *t the luncheon. John J. Tigert, United States commissioner of education, was elected a member of the Washington Round Table. Dr. E. M. Ellison, president, presided. ■ - - ■ »- ———— Asks $25,000 Damages. Suit to recover $25,000 damages was filed yesterday in the District Supreme Court by Robert F. Walker. 2535 Thir teenth street, against Zarin & Korman and Nicholas Mazznnotte, contractors for alleged personal injuries. Walker was employed April 23, 102 R. at prem ises 2R17-Genrgia avenue, when a part of a brick wall fell upon him. He is represented by Attorney Thomas M. Raker. - . . Such a Ridiculous Notion. From ilia no-to'n Hcral<t But who supposes that navy yards are maintained merely for the Navy? RIAC ESTATE.' ACCUSED OF OWNING RUM. New Jersey Man Held After SIOO,- 000 Cargo Reaches Norfolk. MOUNT HOLLY. N. J., November 12 (4*). —Accused of owning a SIOO,OOO cargo of liquor smuggled into Nor folk, Va., Harry Henderson, Camden, N. J., was held hero yesterday in $lO,- 000 bail fer a further hearing, No vember 23, before a Federal commis sioner. At that time the question of his removal to Virginia to face the charge will he argued. Henderson was arrested at his home in Camden by detectives on a Federal warrant, charging him with conspir ing with "Fred Knight, and others,” in a smuggling scheme. lie denied he was the owner of the liquor boat, which was seized hy Federal agents when it docked. He admitted having purchased the boat from the Govern ment. but raid he had sold it a month ago to a man named Peter White of Florida. DATA FOR THOMPSON. Commission Also Brings Pictures of Lord Mayor’s Farads. SOUTHAMPTON,’ England, Novem her 12 iA*). —ln addition to a mass of data relating to London’s under ground railway system which will he shown Mayor Thompson of Chicago, the Chicago commission, headed by Michael Fahertv. which sailed on the Rerengaria today, has a complete Photographic record of the London Lord Mayor’s procession Wednesday. The film was snapped hy Roger Fnherty and other members of the commission • as the parade passed along the Strand with the Lord Mayor’s great coach bringing up the ren r. 21