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10 SCHOOL WILL MEET IN REBUILT EDIFICE First Congregational Classes to Convene in Reconstruct ed Church Tomorrow. i The Sunday school of First Congre ■(rational Church "ill again assemble i . jn its regular |*laoe in the church thudding, at Tenth and G streets, to- | ? morrow morning. Chances in the Interior construction of the church made it necessary for the members j to meet elsewhere the past 18 months, i As reconstructed the church has met ! the approval of the District inspectors i and is said hv the Engineering Depart ment of the District to he stronger than when originally built. All departments of the Sunday j school, with the exception of the pri mary department, which meets at It* o'clock, will meet in their accustomed places at 9:3« tomorrow morning. Supt. K. Donald Preston "ill conduct a rededication service. The Voting people's Society "ill meet at K:3tt p.m.. when a program will he presented tinder the direction of Charlotte Hobbs. The Senior Society will lie ■ led by Airs. Julia Lovelace. The sub- | ject will be “(tod's Kindness and Our ; Own.” The first preaching service will be j held in the church edifice December 2a and the services now held in the 1 Metropolitan Theater discontinued, j ]>r. Jason Noble Pierce in bis final address there tomorrow at 11 a.m. ! will speak on “The Gospels Degin." Sunday school members ant. their j friends will serve a Christmas dinner December 27 at K p.m., followed at 7 p.m. by a program presented by j the primary department, under the direction of Mrs. William W. Gilbert. DR. EUGENE L. CRAWFORD i WILL PREACH TOMORROW Mount Vernon Congregation to Hear Pastor Speak on “Humil- j iation of Christ.'* At the Mount Vernon Place Church. Rev. Dr. Eugene L. Crawford will preach tomorrow morning on “The I Humiliation of Christ.” Dr. Crawford has recently come to Washington to assume the duties of the secretary of the Board of Temperance and Social j Service of the Methodist Episcopal j Church South. He is a member of the Alabama Conference, and has been for ! the past three years presiding elder of ; the Greensboro district of that Con ference. At 11 o'clock in the Sunday school auditorium. Rev. John AV. Rustin. the assistant pastor of the church. Will I speak to the junior congregation on j “The Lost Word,” by Henry Van Dyke. The meeting of the Womans Missionary Society will be held Tues j day. Mrs. Trolinger will be the leader j and the topic will be “What Can the j AVomen of the Church Do to A*d ir I Aholjshing AVar and Bringing World i .Peace." ——- ' •- MEMORIAL SERVICES. Shiloh Baptist Church to Com memorate Two Members. Services in memory of the late C. T. Willis and John Streets, aged mem -I*3l-8 of Shiloh Baptist Church, Ninth and P streets, will be held at 8 o’clock I tomorrow night, under the auspices | of the Odd Fellows Veterans’ Associa-1 tion, to which tliev belonged The ' pastor. Rev. Dr. J. Alilton AValdron. will preach the sermon, and several : of the members of the Veterans’ As sociation will take part in the pro gram. The pastor will preach at 11 a.m. a sermon upon the Acts of the Apos tles, the Bible portion which he and the church are studying together; he will use for his subject the following ’lwessons From the Life and D*atli of the Afayrtr Stephen." An additional 500 copies of the Acts of the Apostles will lie distributed to those who at tend the service, and all will he re quested to join the pastor and church In reading through, the book of the Acts during the months of December and January. MISSION IS CONDUCTED. Rev. W. E. Bentley Speaks at St. Paul’s Church Tomorrow. During this week St. Paul s Church, Rock (.reck Parish, has been conduct lng mission services. The missioner is Rev Walter E. Bentley, a former Shakespearean actor. There is to be a free lecture in the Parish Hall on Ihe Church and the Theater.” with readings from Shakespeare, tonight. There will he a mass formation of the vestry, the choir and all the organ izations and societies of the parish to attend corporate communion in a Isalv 1 tomorrow at 8:45 a.m. At 11 a.m. the i sermon will lie "Christ's Analysis of Human Nature.” At 7 p.m. Voting i People’s Society tlo* subject will lie i “Why I Left the Stage for the Pul-: PH : 8 p.m., “Christ’s Second Coming i and the l ni versa I Judgment.” FREAR TO BE SPEAKER. Wisconsin Representative to Ad dress Harrison Bible Class. i Representative James A. Frear of 1 Wisconsin will address the Harrison * Men s Bible class of Congress Street j Methodist Protestant Church tumor- i row morning at 9:45 o'clock In the ; auditorium of the church. His sub I Ject will be "Legislation Before Con- : gre«B.” Reuben F. Leatherwood will have charge of the lesson and make a short talk on it. All men are welcome. I ANNOUNCEMENT THE WHITE PROPHET WILL APPEAR IN PERSON Her" in i wondei ltd program of |eHpres ami deiniiindratinns. A very im p«iml man fa-fore Hi pntilif lhoiisanda have hem waiting for the opportunity of •remit ams hr.trint him. Answer to oureiioiic on all lyllfinni an<l (twl« and on the white prnphei-y. mmm ~WE£f T WW' ' jWBBR*"" Tettimoniei From Hit Ditciplet Who Hava Had Great Spiritual ' W Demons!rations - H.1.1r rxid.ldiril. linw to pit uni war. • January 5, 8 P.M. Lecture 1- ' TIIK <OWING OK Tin: M ASTKR How lw>i' 'x Bk am! Milt'll lie will • nine p.ihl how He hat* al ift tump and I**mi i ♦»«-# iv « «| hy only a f»*w. irk £' January 7, 8 P.M. mm- ■ -.jk HKtI.IM, THK HI I V OK CHRISTIAN'S. VMWP January 9, 8 P.M. THK in I S’ OK >T AMI I•K KAI HK It mmm m hy we have unrest in the ih un-lies. ■ k IE at- A Hoi if i 11.. W tn pi event t nnte ami hjal muitler. » I - January 1.1 H I.IKK AK’IKH DEATH iT's.l'' If a man do s shall h" live again? The V irvelatir-n of the heavenly |Bti 'pBIL ■§ Begint January S, 8 P.M. All Nations Hall, Washington Hotel I Famous Churches of the World Cathedral of Notre Dame, Quebec IX October, 1574, the present French cathedral of Quebec, the Fhtirch of j Not re I tame, was elevated into a ha j silica in honor of the second centenary of the erection of the see of Quebec. : A plain edifice exteriorily. with a cut-| stone front, added in 1844. and rath- j i er unpleasantly contrasting with the i remainder of the structure, it is. nev ertheless. quite large, capable of ac- , : commodating 4. Oat* people, and its in terior is rich and impressive. Massive i arches of stone divide the nave from the aisles, above which is a gallery at | each side running the whole length of ; the church. At the east end are the ! grand altar and choir, superbly dec j orated. The vestments used at this altar are “LOST WORD” IS TOPIC OF REV. EDWARD CLARK Van Dyke's Story to Be Explained at Chevy Chase Church. “The T,ost Word,”* by Dr. Henry Van Dyke will be given as a dramatic story-sermon by the pastor. Rev. Ed ; ward O. Clark, tomorrow evening at | the Chevy i'has« Baptist Church. It ! is a story especially appropriate at j the Christmas season, j In the morning Mr. Clark will con tinue the general theme of worship, taking as his subject "Reality in Worship.” In cultivation of the devo tional life in private and family circles, the hook recommended as a help. “The Daily Altar” will be on display. A short missionary talk on Rev. Walter IT. Sutton and his work ir Burma and India will be given by Miss Ellen Frankenfield at the close of the Sunday school session. The B. Y. P. U. will meet at fi:4s p.m. with group No. S, in charge of Miss Mary Pearite as | leader. The Women's Society will meet ! Monday at 11 a.m. at the church to engage in White Cross work. At 12:30 j o'clock a. lunch will he served, and at I 2 p m. the usual program conducted. COACHING CLASSES MEET. Mrs. Mary C. D. Johnson to Ad dress Members Tomorrow. Mrs. Mary C. D. Johnson, chairman of the committee on coaching classes of the department of religious educa-1 tion of the Episcopal Church in the diocese of Washington, will attend the meeting of the coaching classes to- I morrow evening in the parish hall of Christ Church, Thirty-first and O streets. Classes will begin at fi:3o o’clock. For the hpneflt of those attending, there j will be a supper at 6 o’clock. Therewill be classes in every grade of the Chris tian nurture series of lessons and the lessons for the month of January will j '>e reviewed by experienced teachers. CHRISTMAS PAGEANT. Young People at Vermont Avenue j Church Plan Play. The Young People's Department of •he Vermont Avenue Christian Church School will give a Christmas pageant entitled “The Way” the evening of December 23. at the church. The hoys and girls of the Central Union Mission Emergency Home will he special guests. Miss Hula May Hmmick is president of the Voting People’s De partment. Rev. Earle Wilttey, pastor of the church, will speak tomorrow morning on the subject. “The East Alterna tive.” At the evening service he will i give an illustrated sermon lecture, ; "The Bible in Pictures.” Free Theosophy Lecture. The Fnited Dodge of Theosophists. | “Oft Hill Building, will give a free |ec | litre next Thursday at 8:13 p.m. on j the subject “Brotherhood to Be.” The ' public is invited. Each Sunday at 10 i a.m. Theosophy school for children and adults is held and at 8:15 Sunday j evening there is a study class. Free lending and reference library available every day except Thursdays and Sun days from 10:30 to 5:30 o'clock. TTTK KVKNTNfi STAB. TVASHTNfiTOXr. T>. C, SATT T KT).\A r . DECEMBER 17. 1927. —.- —i—i i probably more gorgeous in adornment than those in any other church in America, many of them being gifts from various French Kings. There are also sacred paintings of great value, among them a “St. Paul” by Carlos Marlatto, a “Crucifixion" by I Van Dyke, and several examples by t Carracci and Halle. Many of the j paintings were secured from France | during the Revolution in 1703. Within the church rest the remains | of the heroic explorer, founder and first governor of Quebec. Champlain, and those of the fiery and chivalric ! Frontenac. governor of Canada from ; IdvS to 1 lifts, ! KKEXCH SERVICE. CONGREGATION FRANCAISE DE ST. JEAN me Rue et LaFayrtte Souare Service* pour le Jour de Noel o:OO—heme* tin matin: (Vibration tie la Sip, (Viip. 3:3o—Chant tie tree vieux Noels lea Eraneais et Provencal I : et Sermon, par. M. le |»n«teur Pierian Vurpillot. CATHODIC. St. Mary’s Church sth St. N.W." Bet. G & H Sts. Sunday Masses Low Masses at 7:15 and 8:15 11iqh Mass at 9:15 Last Low Mass at 11:30 I MVEKSALIST r Fhit Universalist Church i Rev. Frederic W. Perkins, D. D., Pastor Service* at tlie Ambassador Theater 18th St. and Columbia Rd. N W I Pending the Building ot • New Clnireh Edi fleet December 18. at II A.M. Sermon by the Pastor Theme: “Stars in the East” Quotation: “To the multitude the heaven* give no »ign. but to the dU rerninc they clow with prophetic ilcht.” Kindergarten at the same hour. Chureli Srliool convenes at 15:15 n.m. Seat* Tree. A CORDIAL WELCOME Id AI.L. IIHIMi liil B FRIES l>S I JJ uhuimla.v Ninth Street Christian Church 9th & D Sts N E. Near the Capitol. BENJ. H. MERTON. Minister. J. A. Scott. Sr., Assistant. !» 30—(Traded Bible School 11:00—Sermon by the pastor. Subject: •111 R BEST tiIKT." 0 45—Christian Kmleavor Societies. | 7:45 —Sermon. “RKTHLEHKM THK. RKAFTIEI L." Thi* sermon j will lie preceded by pictures of | Bethlehem. I WELCOME. Vermont ave. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Vermont Ave.. north of N Street N.W Rev. PARLE Wil l I.KY. LL. D.. Pastor, j ft 45 a.m.—Church School, llfttlia.m.—Sermon by thp pastor. “THK LAST ALTERNATIVE.” 7 Ini p.m i—('. E. Societies. 8.110 p.m.—“The Bible in Pictures.” Su- j perbly illustrated. Music midcr direction of W K Hrnithwaite. CHURCH OF CHRIST I lllli and Meridian PL N.W. JOHN VI.I.KN 111 I ISON. MINISTER. 10:00—Bible School Lord * Sooner concluding both service*. ! 11:00—"substitute*.” 7:45—"11nr Priesthood." • COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CHRISTIAN CHURCH Park Road west of Fourteenth St. HARVEY RAKER SMITH. Pastor. ft :3ft— i-t 'hlirch School. I It 00—Sermon. “Rranehes Over the Wall.” ■ :oft—Christian Endeavor. B:oo—The ML Pleasant M. E Church sharing the evening service*. Dr. Fultz speak* MEET YOU R KHI EXT is HER E Takoma Park Christian Church Corner Carroll and Willow Ave*. REV li. 5 < MANIA Pastor. ft 3ft ant —Bible Scbonl 11 ftft a.m.—Morning service. i IHI u rn —t'hilstian Kniteavor j There will he tin evening service. A Cordial Welcome for All , UKTllttlitsl F4*« QI’Al “SOUTH MT. VERNON PLACE CHURCH (Southern Methodism's Representative (.hutch) 900 .Massachusetts Avenue N.W. 11 A.M.—“THE HUMILIATION OF CHRIST” THE REV. EUGENE L. CRAWFORD, D. D. Nerrelnry Hoard of Tempera lire and Soria I Sera ire 8 P.M.—“SPIRITUAL ATTITUDES” Dr. LrambetH, Pastor I 9 :.i0 A.M.- Sunday School. 11 :U0 A.M.—Junior ( Iturch— “The Lo»t Word” h\ Henry \an Dske Reverend J. \\ . Kustin, Assistant to tlie Pastor. 6:45 P.M.—Kpworth Leagues. 1 8:00 P.M. (Thursday)—Prayer Meeting—Dr. Lambeth. Large Vested Choir and Quartet—R. Deane Shure, Director MISSION PLANNING YULETIDE PROGRAM Christmas Tree Exercises I Will Be Held by Central Group December 24. - | The Central Union Mission is com-I j pleting jirningements for its annual | Christmas tr?e exerc-ises to bo held in! ; Keith’s Theater. December L'l, from | !11 a.m. to 1 p.m. More than 1.200 i bags, each tilled for some one par ticular child whose name and age it bears, will be distributed. Mrs. Calvin Coolidse will h? present and assist in the distribution. John S. Dennett, superintendent of the •mission, said that each of the 1.-’OO children is from some family j investigated and found to be strictly, needy. Many of these families, be ! said, will need material aid during the j ; Winter, for which contributions from j the public are now much needed. In addition to bags for the children, j the mission plans to send bags of j gifts to inmates of the Home of the Aged and Infirm at Blue Plains. Mr. | Dennett said gifts suitable especially j for aged men. or money with which j to buy such gifts, are desired. Plans are also under way for free I Christmas dinners at the mission. Jiej I urged that contributions be sent to Central Union Mission, ft 1.5 C street. In an appeal mailed to friends of the mission for Christmas funds, the mission cites among its public serv- j ices of th« past year 40,610 free j | ovals to destitute children in its j Kniergencv Home. 13.57*1 night lodg j j ings for children and 6,964 night lodg- j | ings for men. and 19.09 S persons j I who attended services in tlie mission i chapel. The moose, the largest member of 1 • the deer family, has aiders that j spread from 5 to 6 feet. BIIII.K STI DENTS International Bible Students ! Association Pvthiun IVrnple Auditorium. loirs 9th st. vw. TOO p m.—lecture by A. T,. Snrlh. Topic: “The Will of <*«>d.“ I i 4:.10 p.m.—Service meeting. T:,4.A p.m.—Tower study. | Seat* free. No collection. ASS KM BI.IKS OF C.IIU FIRST ASSEMBLY OF 001) BIBLE HALL Ninth and E St* N.W KENNETH B CARSON. Pa. tor. Sunday. 11 00 am.—Sermon ‘•The Miniktry of Tears." Sunday !» p.n>.—Sermon. "The Way to lleitien." Wednesday. 7 Oil p.m.—Hilda Study Friday 7 :.'(0 o nt —Penteeoatal Service ' j CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Christian Science CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST BRANCHES OF THE MOTHER! CHURCH. THE FIRST CHURCH | OF CHRIST SCIENTIST, BOS-! I TON, MASS. First Church of Christ Scientist Columbia Road and Euclid St Second Church of Christ Scientist 111 C St N E Third Church of Christ Scientist j 1 :lth and L Sts N W Fourth Church of Christ Scientist i Masonic Temple Auditorium. Colorado and Georgia Aves . Bright. wood SUBJECT: “Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved bv Atomic Force?” Services— Sunday II AM and 8 PM Sunday School—li A M.. except Fourth | Church 9:30 A M WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETINGS— -8 o'clock READING ROOMS FIRST CHURCH—lnvestment Bldg., loth and K Sis. Hours, 9 to 9 (ex cept Wednesdays. 9 to 7, and Sun j days and holidays, 2:30 to 5:30). SKCOM) CHURCH-111 C St. N.E.- Hours, 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. week days. Closed Sundays and holidays. THIRD CHURCH—Colorado Bldg., 14th and G S’s. Hours, 9:30 to 9. (Wednesdays, 9:30 to 7:30 and Sun days and holidays. 2:30 to 5:30). FOURTH CHURCH—TivoIi Bldg.. 3313 14th St.—9:3o to 9 week days (except Wednesdays. 9:30 to 5:30) ■M KIHO I > IS! t;i‘ ISt < >!• AI SOI 'III CALVARY Southern Methodist 3040 (Jue St. N.W. Rev. Edgar C. Beery . Castor 11A.M.—Sermon by the Pastor. "The Christian's Legacy” 8 P.M.—Sermon hy the Pastor. “We Know Better” 9:45 A M .—Sunday School. I 7:00 PM—Epworth League. •MUSir DIRECTED BY TIP MAS N. LEEK. EPWORTH “THE GOOD WILL CHURCH.” 13th ST. AT N. CAROLINA AVE. N E. Take l.inodn Park Car. Rev. JOHN IVAI l> TYLER, It. D.. PASTOR. 9 :30 a m —Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning worship and sermon. The Pastor Will Preach 7:00 p.m.—Epworth League. 7 :50 p.m.—Organ Prelude. 8 .00 p.m —Eventn* Worship and Sermon by the Pastor. 8:00 om Thursday—Prayer Meet ing Herbert I' Aldridge Stnsical Director Mrs Frank A. Frost. Organist. Y. M. C. A. NEWS The Y. M. C. A. will hold a service tomorrow afternoon for the men who live at the John Dixon Home. Page ; j McK. Ktehison, religious work rVi- j j rector, will give an illustrated lecture. ! The service will be held at 3:30 p m. j Mr. Ktehison will teach the men's | cass at Hardline Methodist Kpiscopal j Church tomorrow morning. Richard M. Graham, associate re ligious work director, will speak at Occoquati tomorrow afternoon at tlie - ] meeting which is held under the j auspices of the Central Union Mis | sion. CHRISTMAS SERVICE. United Brethren- Sunday School to Send Gifts to Orphans. The Memorial United Rrothcm 'Sunday School. North Capitol and It! streets, is planning for the beautiful j "White Christmas" service to lie given j December 25 at 7:30 o'clock. The i i whit*:* gifts of money and other useful ' articles will be sent to the United 1 Diet hern Orphanage and Home at 1 j Quincy, Pa. j Tin* minister, Dr. Daugherty, preach | es tomorrow morning on "If We Had 'No Christ.” and in the evening on - "ChrisJ. of Censor." (he final message I in the series on “Everyday Religion.’' (The Sunday School and Christian ! | Endeavor Societies invite all to their! | interesting sessions at 9:10 a.m. and j 7 n.m. NKW THOUGHT. 1 ruth and Healing Meetings Will Be Held at 1628 Iv St. N \X. Sunday mornings at II o'clock E\ ery body \\ clcome Leader .Mrs l''lorence Willard Day j - tiIKOSOPHV. Theosophical Lecture ”The Spirit of Christmas” Itv Olitm Martin of I.oikloii, UiiuLiiml. Sunday. 1>... I.n. s |.> p.m. Litflit hi in». r j Lofjifu, T. S . Hamster Hlti. . mam Horn. | <i.5.) F st. n.w. Admission Ire**. f olluciou Washington Lodge, T. S. 1216 H St. N.W. December 18 “The Pyramids °* Egypt” By Nellie Dashiell All sir in KYTHERIVE RECK Tuesday. Bhagavad (in i cla «s : J Friday, Secret Doctrine class. All | classes free; Wednesday, members j meeting. UNITED LODGE OF THEOSOPHISTS 709 Hill Bldg., 17th & I Sts. Thursday, December 22 8:15 P.M. “Brotherhood to Be” Thf»n*oi»hy School Snniluv*. Ml n.m Slmlv <!;»** SiitiilnvH. N: 13 p.m. Knulimf ICoom Open D.tib Kxcent Thiirsda* noil Siiimluv. 19:.ill to 3:30 No 11 iip*. or rollpction* J MKTVIOMST. __ | FREE METHODIST j B. T. Roberts Memorial Church 12ili and N Sis. N.W. Rev. 11. W. Mitchell, Pastor 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—S u bjee t: “The Origin ttf Gifts.” 7:45 p.m.-—Subject: "We Would See Jesus.” 7:00 p.m.—Song Service. A Cordial Welcome io All. _ atfciCHOPISI KFIFH UFAI. Sunday Sfrviord at \SFH RV M. E. CHURCH. Ittli A K St*. N.W. Rev. 4. Henry Jenkins. A. It.. It. It,. Pastor. Public worship. ft-30. Church School, S. I. McLatirtn. Sunt.: 10:55 a.m.. Bishop: Mathew W. Clair, ft. P.. I.b. 11.. will preach. Bishop Clair is en route to Africa. 3:30 p.m. Recital—:t real treat. Prof. E M. Syfax will presiile at ihp organ and Mme. Blaekston will preside at the piano. 8:00 p.m. Public worship, sermon by pastor. Music by Asbtiry Choir. Prof. Robert vv. Johnson. Director. 1 Ebenezer M. E. Church Cor 4th and D Sts S E Rev. R. YV. S. Thomas, Pastor. 9:3oa.m.—Sunday School Hour. 11:00 a.m.—Pastor's subject: “The Strad dler." 6:00 pm.—Epworth League—Topic dis cussion. 7:30 p.m.—Special sermon to Bethel I Household. No. 17 10. STRANGERS INVITED MKTtKHHNI EPLNCOI’AI t< oloretli j HAVEN M. E: CHURCH llth and B Sts. and Mass Ave. si.K. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. J 1:00 a.m.—Pastor will preach. 8:00 p.m.—Rev. Eugene Boone. STRANG ERS ARE INS ICED GALBRAITHS Rev. \VM H RATTLE I). D Pastor i yien's day:: It 00 s.m.—Sermon by Bishop .T. S. Caldwell. I). D. of Philadelphia. Pa. 3:oop.m.—Platform meeting. Address by | Rev. J. C. Olden. D. f). Music j by male chorus. 0:15 p.m.—Variek C. E. Society. 8:00 p. ill.—Annual sermon to Golden Leaf j Lin Ise. No. -.’30”. G. I <>. ot G of America and Miriam 14. il.j of Kill ii No. Alt!*7 . You Are Welcome In Our Service*. • I MKIHOIHSi EPISCOPAL WHITE Calbarp I — * Columbia Road Near 15th Street MARK DEPP Minister William S. Hockman IHrerlor of Religion* Kdiiratiun 9;3o—The Church School. 11 :(M) —Morning Worship. “The Mind of the Master” 7:oo—The Epworth League. B:oo—Evening Srrvicc. “HOLY VS. PROFANE” Organ Recital nt 7:15 Ualvarv’s Cltnir Sines at Both «crvi*-e» Great Music from “The Messiah." The Minister Preaches l)e\ntiunal Meeting. Thursday nt 8. Our doors swing wide open to nil— “ff however uill may come." —" 1 HAMLINEn'..=r “THR CHURCH BEAUTIFUL” Sixteenth at Allison Street Joseph Templeton Herson, D. D., Minister DR. HRRSON PREACHES. 11:00 A.M.—Sermon. Subject: “ESTHER—TRUE WOMANHOOD’’ I 8:00 P.M.—Sermon. Subject: “REVELATION BY CHARACTER” (Eleventh in the Serie*) “WILFUL ABSALOM” I “LET’S FINISH THE JOB’’ Great Motion Picture in So<ial Hall. Thursday. 8:00 P M. BISHOP OF ABERDEEN TO PREACH TOMORROW Scotch Prelate Will Occupy Pulpit : at Epiphany Church at Morning Service. ■ : The special preacher at the Church of the Epiphany tomorrow morning I 1 at the II o’clock service will he Highi J Rev. Frederic Llewellyn Deane. Tx>rd i Bishop of Aberdeen and Orkney. j There will be a celebration of the holy communion at 8 a.m., ami at 9:30 (be rector's Dible class will meet j in the church while the church school is convening in ihe parish hall ad-j joining. The weekly meeting of the : I Young People's Society will be held 1 i at 6 p.m. At evensong, at S o'clock, the rector, j Rev /. H. Phillips, will continue his ! ! special series of lecture-sei mons on | comparative religions, ami will take ! for his subtopic "The Deligion of j Zoroaster.” I METHODIST EPISCOPAL \yHITE. I WESLEY 1 Connecticut Ave and .Ineelvn st CHEVY CHASE l> < Fred ( oomhs Reynolds, Minister 9 :45 a.m.-—Sunday School. 11 :00 a.m —- “God—the Good” 7 p.m.—Kpworth I^Mgno. 8:lHi n.m.— “The Christ Festival” Christmas r*antatn. Dihllpv Bid k‘« “Thi» Comim: of Kins** Will trivuti hv a choir chomp Christ ma# Sninlay. Dfu. ”3. at ft p.m. FOUNDRY <(tr*«nived 1811) Sixteenth Nt. near I* St. Frederick Brown Harris Minister. Rev. John C. Millian Direr Inr Krlitinnv Education. 9:30 ant School. 11:00 A.M. “The Unkept Christmas” * I ;(Kl— Kmvorth 1-rasruc servut. **Th#» HKtory of tho Mimlpiil \ olimte^i Movement.** hy Mr. M. A. Malone. H :O0 p.M. “Bread Upon the Waters” >l»i%ir hy foundry itiiartPt Choir. Tliiirsflay. K:0(l p.m.—Widuffk praiwp and prrtypr srrvicr. WKMOMK. ■ ■ ■■■■ ■ “The Church With thr Lighted Cmi" TRINITY Penn:* Ave. and Fifth St. S.K. Re%. FRANK STEELMAN. Ibivtor. n .To a.m. All Depat tment- of the Church School. 11 SHI AM. Mornimr Wnruhm —Sermon >»y Minister. Music by Trinity Quartet. 8 P.M. j Our Hnppv Sunday Nisrht Service. A Go»cl M r, SHatre by tiic Minister. Great Sons’ Service of Great Hymn*. I.nnre W«teii Choir. Fred Eden. Direv-tor. Come >■ mt You Will tome \inin. Metropolitan Memorial Methodist Church (The National Methodist i'lmrrii) Corner John .Marshall I*l. and C Mt. N.W. James Shera Montgomery, j Minister . . 9:3o—Church School. Mr. Eugene ! Schcele. Superintendent. 9:3o—Adult Bible Class*. PR. MONT- I GOMERV. TEACHER 11:00—Public worship with sermon by Hie MINISTER on the subject: “THE MAN NAMED JOHN” 6:3o—Epworth League devotional serv ice. 8:00 Public worship with sermon hv DOCTOR MONTGOMERY on the subject: “THE DIFFERENT ROADS OF LIFE” THE IMPERIAL MALE QUARTET WILL SING AT BOTH SERVICES | UNION H. E. CHURCH 812 20th St. N.W. Kev. James L. McLain, D. I)., Pastor. ’ 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School, i 11 :00 a.nt. —Preaching hy Pastor, i 7 .00 p.nt.—Kpworth League. 8:00 p.m.—Preaching by the Pastor. All Are Cordially Welcomed “THE VITALIZING JOY” Is it not man’s duty as wHI as bi« | privilege to Im* jovou*? The pastor dis- I uiissps this thousli at Jl a.m. “TRYING THE HEAR CUTS” S f\in rHi?ion hu nuuV nioup oonvpnirnl than il is? This is th<* pastor's thuniu . at M p.m. “The Christmas Stranger” —is .a In tin onu ru t tli anut to fpalurp at ; ih»* ( hristnias Km sith* Surviue at « p.m. ’ on Tl»iirs<lav n»*\t PETWORTH “Where Worship (’nines First” Giant Circle and N. H. Ave. N.W. Samuel R. Rose, M. A., Pastor DUMBARTON AVENUE M E. (iIURI'H Dumbarton Avp Near Wiaconfftn Avp. Rev. ROBERT S. BARNES. I’nvtor. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday Si hnol. 11:OOa.m.—Preaching b.v the pastor, i 1 nn p.m.—Kpworth League. 8:00 p.m.—Pica* Inns b.v the pastor ! special sons service Von are cordially invited to be present j WAUGH M. E. CHURCH 3rd and A Sts. N.K. Rev. IYM. M. HOFFMAN, rastor. 9:30 a.m—Sunday Schoot. 11 :0d a.m “Servant in Spirit” 7 p.m.—Kpworth Lfaffim. H p m “Wineless Wine Skins” _===2=Z====_== 1 CHURCH TO HAVE TREE. ; Fifth Baptist Exercises With Gifts for Poor Wednesday. | "The Christ of Prophecy” will bn the subject of Dr. .lohn E. Briggs at I Fifth Baptist Church tomorrow I morning. At night the subject will 1 be “Five Ways of Spending Christ j mas.” I The Sunday school Christmas tree I exercises, with a white Christmas, | j with gifts for the poor, will he held at jthe church Wednesday night and at t the Fifth Baptist Chapel. 1310 Four and-n-half street southwest, Friday night. Christadelphian Chapel 7.T! Wehatpr St N W WORSHIP )l 15 A M _ Christadelphian Ecclesia a ,’e 1 NAVAL LODGE HALL. , Every Sunday 1 1 :R0 a m All Welcome 1 CONGREGATIONAL. (OXGKKB AT IO \A L :jj ?! Mt. Pleasant Congregational Church I lilt Columbia Koail N.W.—I Ith St. cars almost to door REV. MOSFS R. LOVELL MISS LOIS M. KUfH.FR Minister Director of Religion. Education SUNDAY o:3ft Church School. 10:00 Adult Bilde Classes. 11:00 Sermon—"SHAl.l, WE LOOK KOK ANOTHER MESSIAH?” 5:00 Psychology Life Talk. "THE RECONSTRUCTION OE THE INDIVIDUAL—ST. ELIZABETH’S PART IN IT.” by ]>t * Winifred Richmond, Psychologist, St. Elizabeth's Staff 3:00 Young People’s Forum. Dean Anna Rose nf C.eorge Washing ton University will speak on “The Problems Facing a College Student in Search of a Position.” All young people of high school age are invited. 7:00 .Motion Picture Service. “THE MALIC HARDEN.” THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22 $:00 Illustrated lecture, Henry Van Dykes "THE OTHER WISE MAN,” by Dr. J. O. Knott. | First Congregational Church 1 ' jj JASON NOBLF FIERCE. D. D., Minister = Morning Service, 11 O'Clock METROPOF.ITAN TH EATER §p Tenth and F Streets N.W. DR. JASON NOBLF PIERCE |H will preach Jj “THE GOSPELS BEGIN’’ jj = RKOPKNINO OK SIMIW SfHIMIk At HUli anil li .streets SS =~~r December 18 at »::tO A.M. rss - Reded teat inn Service followed by Sunday Sehnot (ln*.es. asr == CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR SOCIETIES I s=s r.U., JOtli Mild (i Streets 1| EVERY ONE CORDIALLY INVITED lillllllllllllllllllllll UNITARIAN. UNITARIAN. II ALL SOULS’CHURCH Sixteenth and Harvard Streets • Minister ULYSSES G. B. PIERCE, D. D. 9:45 A.M.—All Souls’ Church School 11:00 A.M.—Morning W orship “THE LIGHT WITHIN” 5:00 r.M.—Quiet Period Lewis Atwater, Organist, Assisted by Mrs. Florence Sindell, Soprano 7:30 P.M.—Motion Picture Hour . “BARBED WIRE” SEVENTH-PAY ADVENTISTS. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS. The Financial Depression Sweeping The Country—What Caused It? When, How and How Soon Will It End? iUi Bible in hand. Dr. ‘VVilkin.on will unfnld the great propheev mi Capital and Labor in the Last Days Choir, Male Quartette —7:30 P.M. Prof. J. W. Osborne, Leader ARCADIA AUDITORIUM | 3132 14th St. N.W. (near Park Rd.) jgffl 7:15 P.M.—Demonstration in Hydrotherapy an €x P er * from the Washington Sanitarium B. O. Wilkinson. I*li. 11. *"“** 11 SUNDAY, DEC. 18—FREE GOSPEL TAKERXACI.E. GOSPEL TABERN \( l-E. ~ Hear Dr. Charles A, Shreve Three Big Revival Services North Capitol and K Sts. ▼ H. L. COLLIER, Pastor 10:4?—“The Church—lts Origin, Purpose, Pattern and Destiny” 2:30—“ Kinsfolk Service” (families Invited) 7:3o—“The Home Beyond” The Evangelist’ s Farewell Sermons Pastor 11. T.. Collier Resumes Next Week 'l ues.. Wed. and Fri. at 7:45 P.M. »»» BIBI.E STUIENTS. In llii. day nl «rul uchie.rment.. -man" i. Ining exalted Tin- duel line »f i amr!"nr L"" «••• «•••■•" bring abnnl Ihr drJ.Ai drii.rr- Is The Second Coming of Christ Necessary? ~gp ..'"'l "'"'MR. E. L. DOCKEY HOWARD THEATRE Sunday, December 18, J| l Seats Free! No Collection! ! UNDENOMINATIONAL. SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON ■ ’••:(! Ktr St. N.W. rhon* Crank. IKSfI * Healing Ministry Daily, a 10 tin to 8 om i innifß DEAN FRANKLIN sen-day ii am •PROPHETIC VISION ACTIH '• S P M HKALING SERVICE. OTHER «i|’Nj»M SERVICES (ft—Sunday School and Bible C!a.» ’> **> n m —"Twelve Power* of Man ’* - .. fas*, bv Arthur P RnrU ftft—Young People'. Christian Hnity i *i 43 pm.—Good Word* I’ltth N E1.1.1E WHITK. WEDNESDAY spy PROSPER ITV SERVICE II'tWE DEAN ERANKUN fridayT P M HEALING SERVICE. DAILY CLASSES AKTERNOON AND EVENING