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PUSH PLAN 10 GET CATHEDRAL FUNDS Men and Women of 17 States Aiding Move to Raise 56.800.000 for Work. Sl>n and womtn of prominence from , 5* cities have indicated their desire to aid in hastening (he completion of , Washington Cathedra) )>y accepting membership on impoitant committee*, formed to facilitate the raising <>f tin tieccsKaty funds, George Whaiton I'eptier, executive chairman, an- j noiineed today. stimulation of the religious life of ♦he whole country l»v widespread dis semination of Christian teachings is the basic puriKise of the undertaking, it was stated. The immediate oV*jec tlve of the effort is the raising of funds for the completion of tin* choir North and south transepts anil north porch. This construction and the en | dnwment necessary to make trie new units effective for service will reunite $6,800,00(1. intimately it is proposed : to raise $30,000,000. w hich will insure j the completion and adequate endow ment of not only the Cathedial. hut it* associated institutions as well. j laymen Head Drive. Although Right Itev. James K. Freeman. Bishop of W asliingtou. is taking an active part in tbe •eflnr t. the fund-raising committees are officered hy laymen. (Jen. .lolin .1. Pershing is j national chairman. Mr. Pepper execu tive chairman, and Secretary of the Treasury Andrew \V. Mellon is treas urer. Despite the widespread distribu tion of committee members, the com mittees are still in the process of formation, and ultimately it is ex peoted that every section of the coun try will be represented, it was said. Among the Washington residents who ate taking part in the effort are Veiy Rev. (J. C. K. Bratenahl, Wil liam Fi. Castle, jr.; F. Trubee Davison, Edwin N I>*wis, (ieorge B. Me*‘lei lan. Right Rev. P. M. Rhinelander, Rev. Anson Phelps Stokes. Corcoran Thom. Maj. (Jen. George Barnett, Mrs. G C. K. Bratenahl. Mrs. Frederick H. Brooke. William H. Church Mrs. James E. Freeman. Robert S. Brook ings, H. I„. Rust. Rear Admiral Cary T. Grayson, John Hays Hammond. Fairfax Harrison, Maj. Gen. Crete Hutcheson, Coleman Jennings. Miss Jessie C. McDonald. Mrs. Frank li. Xoye*. New bold Noyes. William Green, Mr*. William C. Rives. Mrs John Campbell White and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson. Committee Members. Among the other committee mem bers are Henry B. Rust of Pittsburgh. Right Rev. C. P. Anderson, Bishop of Chicago, and Mrs. Forsythe Sherfeaee of Chicago, John Stewart Bryan of Richmond and Rosewell ..Page of Rich mond, Mrs. Frederick S. Converse. Rev. Samuel ,S, Drury. Miss Mabel Sturgis and Mrs. Eliot Wadsworth, all of Boston; Elliot H. Goodwin. Cam bridge, Mass.; Right Rev. Thomas (’. Darst. Bishop of East Carolina, Wil mington. N. C.; Right Rev. Joseph Francis, Bishop of Indianapolis; Dr. and Mrs. Henry Barton Jacobs of Bal timore. Right Rev. Irving Peake John son. Bishop of Colorado, Denver: Bur- . ton Mansfield, William W. Farnam and William Lyons Phelps of New Haven; Rev. Endicott Peabody. Gro ton. Mass.: Right Itev. William T. j , Capers. Bishop of West Texas. San , | Antonio: Right Rev. James D. Perry. • Bishop of Rhode Island, and John 1 | Nicholas Brown of Providence: Mr ; r and Mrs. William Cooper Proctor of • Ctncinr.ati. Maj. Gen. Charles P. S .rn- j merall. Fort Mver. Va.; Rev. William t G. Thayer. Southboro. Mass.: Ogden j • J.. Mills’. Herbert L. Satterlee. Steph-n i Raker. Mrs. Edmund L. Bay lies. Very , j Rev. H. E. W. Fosbroke. Chailesji Evans Hughes. James Sheldon and \ Mrs. Henrv White, all of New York, j In addition to Mr. Pepper, commit- j tee members from Philadelphia in- ■ elude Mrs. Charles W. Henry. Milton B. Medary, jr.; Mrs. George Wharton; Pepper and Charlton Yarnall. Samuel Mather of Cleveland has been named a* vice chairman of ihe rational committee, and William G , Vath«r. also of Cleveland, is a mem- < her of thd executive committee Other 11 Cleveland people serving on commit tees include Henry G. Dalton Mr. -md Mrs. Janies R. Garfield and Very Rev. Francis White. • CHECKS FOR CHRISTMAS. Bible Class Offerings to Baptist , Home for Children. The Wilbur Class of Calvary Rap tist Sunday school met recently with Mrs. Mary Pfender. Miss Lucille Pope | ■nd Miss Harriet Hughes, at 1 siß N street. The class is giving checks for Christmas gifts to the Baptist Home for Children, the Gospel Mission and the Florence Crittenton Home. Dr. Joseph F. Eluant gave an illus trated lecture on “Foreign Bodies." j The class served as hostess to the I women of the Baptist Home last Mon-1 day evening. Misses Reeder and Terry entertained with reading*, and i Mrs. J- P. Leake, accompanied by Mrs. i A. G. Johnson, sang Christmas carols. ST. MARGARET'S SERVICES Commuition to Be Celebrated at Church Rites Tomorrow. Holy comunion will he celebrated at 7:3° a.m. tomorrow at St. Marga ret's Church, being the occasion of the monthly corporate communion of the Communicant*' League and or- * ganized worker* of the pariah. At 11 a.m.. there will be morning prayer with sermon by Rev. Herbert Fcott Smith, rector, and at 4:30 p in , i evensong sermon l>v Rev. Robert Shores. There will be two celebrations or ■Wednesday. St. Thomas' day. at T g.m and at 11 a.m. There will he a celebration of holy communion at 11 *.m. Thursday. Presbyterian Clerics to Meet. The Presbyterian Ministers Assooia fjon of Washington and vicinity at os meeting Monday, at I<':3" a.m., in the jx'pw Yoi k Avenue Presbyterian Church, wrl he addressed by Dr. Wil liam A. Haggerty on ihe subject, "Th- Outlook in Philosophy.” 1 Dr. S. PARKES CADMAN says: “IT IS A PICTURE THAT NO MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD SHOULD MISS SEEING.” l’filhr rrcwnl* CHCIL B. DeMILLR’S KING of KINGS Adapted by J HAN IR M AGPH RR SON wait -secure your seats now-all reserved WII.I. PIJSASK PKOTKSTANT. IKW \M» < ATHOI.H M.IKK rr IS THE BHHJKST AMI MNhST THINK THA I HAS KVKR BKKN 11 iionk in nc ri hks. - _ A 4 V Corn. TOMORROW VltiMT I if I|V I I T w ir#* Mail* Kv»r) Oav at T:.'so and [N A 11U1NAL ,Tn: Km"'"' B. V. P. U. NEWS The Columbia Federation of B. Y. ' P. f. will be entertained at Bethany j Church. Second street and RhotD ] | Island avenue. Tuesday at 8 p.m. A program has been planned. Bethany's delta group will give a ; Christmas pageant. "Joy to the World.” Sunday evening. Several members of the Bethany Fnion are to present the program Sunday evening at the newly organized Anacostia B. Y. P. IT. The program last Sunday evening was conducted by the First Church Union. The Intermediate B. Y. P. U. of the iTakoma Park Baptist Church wil! i have a birthday party tomorrow eve ning in honor of the King, with a candlelight supper, where gifts will be brought to fill a basket for a needy | family and Christmas bags for the | children of Central Union Mission. I The Intermediate H. V. P. IT. of First j Baptist Church. Sixteenth and O streets, will entertain the Interniedi- j 'ate Federation next Friday evening ' Elgin Smith, president of the Co-! lumbia Federation of B. Y. P. IT. at- | : tended a banquet of the Philadelphia j H. Y. P. I', December 10. It is ex pected Washington will entertain the' Philadelphia B. V. P. F. in the Spring, j DR. SMITH TO EXPLAIN DEBATE OVER DOCTRINE Case of Birmingham Bishop Will i Be Subject of Sermon Tomorrow'. Dr. C. Ernest Smith will deal with the case of Dr. Ernest William Barnes, Bishop of Birmingham, England, in his sermon tomorrow at 11 o'clock at St. Thomas Episcopal Church. The solemn protest made against the Birmingham bishop's preaching in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, and in i the diocese of London generally. Dr. j Smith says, was not due to his ser- ; moils about evolution, but rather to j the bishop's views on the sacraments. J on which it is no surprise there has j been much mistaken information ! given out. “His constant fulminations against certain sacramental doctrines, the existence of which no one save the bishop himself seems to lie aware; his tilting against these unknown sacramental views, reveals the bishop as a veritable Don Quixote, who mis took windmills for giants and inns for castles and violently tilted against them. Likewise, Bishop Barnes is a ! nineteenth century English production of the Spanish knight in his earnest tiltling against things which do no! exist.” he added. Dr. Smith will show what the true sacramental view is as held by vast numbers of the cultivated men and women of the Anglo-Catholic Church. Rev. Milward W. Riker, late rector of Holy Trinity Parish. 'Collington. Md has joined St. Thomas' Church : as one of the staff. Mr. Riker will have more particularly as his duties the care of the younger mem bers of the congregation. With Rev. Dr. Bishop, senior assistant, and Chaplain Scott, who has just retired from the Army, he will help the rec tor at the services tomorrow. SERVICES IN FRENCH. Dr. Vurpillot to End Series on John ; the Baptist. Rev. Pr. Fionan Vurpillot, French vicar in charge of the French con gregation that meets each Sunday and Friday at St. John's Church, La fayette square, has announced his pro gram of services for the coming week, he will preach the last of his series ,»f Advent sermons on the life of John the Baptist, choosing for his text “Danse et Martyr." Friday at 5 o'clock I he will preach his last Advent ser- j mon in the life of Christ, speaking on j • Jesus Chez Nous." On Christmas day at 9 o'clock will be a communion service in French, j without music. There will be a serv- j ice at 3:30 p.m. and at 4 o'clock. As j is the custom, all these services are I in the French tongue throughout, and the general public is invited to attend. M. A. MALONE TO TALK. "Unkept Christmas’’ to Be Topic of , Rev. F. B. Harris. Rev. Frederick Brown Harris, pastor j of Foundry Methodist Episcopal Church, will prpach tomorrow morn ing on the rheme “The Unkept Christ inas" and in the evening his subject will be “Bread Upon the Waters.” i At the Epvvorth League service at 7 o'clock. M. A. Malone will speak on j "The History of the Student Volunteer j Movement.” Christmas day the morning service ! will be broadcast by WRC and in the j evening there will be a Christmas : pageant,-"The Way.” PLAN PEW RALLY. Rev. J. L. S. Holloman to Preach on “Invitation to Peace.'* At Second Baptist Church, Third street between H and I streets, the j pastor. Rev. J. L. S. Holloman will | preach tomorrow at 11 a.m. on “The Royal Invitation to Heavenly Feace.” Baptism will be conferred at the close •if this service. At 3:30 p.m. the Men’s Club will hold a pew rally service. The pastor will have for his subject ! at X p.m. “The Thoughtlessness of Sinners.” The Bible school will meet at 9:30 a.m. and the R. Y. P. U. will meet at 6 p.m. DR. HENRY WILL SPEAK. | Peace Commission Secretary on Brethren Church Program. Dr. J. M. Henry, secretary of the ! Peso* Commission, will speak tumor- ! row at the Brethren Church, Fourth ! street and North Carolina avenue southeast at 8 p.m. At the 11 o’clock I worship. Rev. .1. H. Hollinger of this ; city, will give an address on “Whither j Bound in Moral Standards?” The subject for the Young Peoples meeting ai 7:15 p.m is "Rule* for the Game of Life." Church Prepares for Christmas. Services totnorow at the Church of the Transfiguration will belt oly com munion at 7:3ti a.m., morning prayer and sermon at 11 a.m.: evening prayer and short instruction at 7:30 p.m. and ' church school at 9:30 a.m. Prepara lions for the Christmas services pie ■ being made THE EVENING STATE WASHINGTON, T>. C.. SATURDAY* DECEMBER. 17. 1927. I BISHOP ID PREACH! ! AT EVENSONG HERE British Prelate Will Speak at Service in Cathedral Chapel Tomorrow. Right Rev. Frederic Llewellyn Deane. Bishop of Aberdeen and j Orkney, w ill be the preacher at the i | people's evensong tomorrow at 4 p.nt. j j ip Bethlehem Chapel of Washington I Cathedral. This service and sermon j will be broadcast bv tadio over WRC. The lord bishop, accompanied by Very Rev. H. Erskine Hill, provost of Ist. Andrew's Cathedral. Aberdeen. I Scotland, is in America in the inter ests of the proposed reconstruction of j St. Andrew's Cathedral its a memorial j of the consecration there in Novein (her, 1784. of Right Rev. Samuel Sea j but v as th“ first American bishop. At the 11 a.m. service tomorrow in ! Bethlehem Chapel Rißht Rev. Philip M. Rhinelander, former Bishop of Pennsylvania and warden of the Col lege of Preachers, will be the preacher ind deliver the last of a series of tout j Advent sermons he has given for the ! past month. The full list of services in Bet hie j hem Chapel tomorrow is as follows: j 7:3(t s.m., holy communion: 10 a.m., morning prayer and Litany 11 a.m,! holy communion and sermon; 4 p.m,. i people s evensong. TWO TOPICS ANNOUNCED. i Rev. Mark Depp to Preach Twice ; Tomorrow at Calvary. Rev. Mark Depp, minister in Cal- | vary Methodist Episcopal Church, Co lumbia road near Fifteenth street, will preach «t both service* tomor row. The theme at the 11 o'clock serv ice will he "The Master's Mind.” and j in the evening at 8 o’clock, "Holy vs. Profane." The church achool meets at 9:45 a.m.. The Young People s meeting is at 7 j'clock in Guild Hall. OTHKKSKKVIUKN. HALL MISSION 623 LA. AVE. N.W. For the Promotion of Scriptural Holiness Sunday Service. 2:30 p.m. Preaching hr the Pastor. H. W. Mitchell. Prayer Meeting Thursday. 8 P.M. AM, WE LOOM F. LUTHERAN. Grace Lutheran Church Joppa Hall, tlth and Upshur Sts. X.W. GERHARD E. LENSKI. Pastor. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 1J :00 a m—Morning Worship. 7T/YKT Bth and r St*. N.W 4.1V/l* Pastor. Klrhard Arhmldt, P. P. 4 V 9.30. German service. It): English 11. Rianch Upshur and 2nd at* 4. S . 9 30 am Luther League. 7:15 p.m Worship. 8 ST. MARK'S' R and *(h St* 4 W. Br. Have*. Pa*tor The "Homey" Church SUNDAY 9 45 am —Rihle School 11.00 am—Th( Service and Sermon 745 n m.— Veaoers and Sermon. Wednesday. * o.m.—L. L. Prayer Service Church of the Atonement N Capitol St and Rhode Island At* Hev. HOWARD E. SNYDER. Pastor. Services Ham and 8 o.m Sunday School. 9:45 _____ Trinity Lutheran Church 4th and K St*. N.W. (MISSOURI SYNOD) HI GO W. HEN NIG. Pastor. Services - a 30 a m.—German service. 9:4.5 ant —S inday School I 1 00 a.m —English Service Topic: “Hallowed Be Thy Name” CHRIST LUTHERAN (MISSOURI SYNOD » New Jersey Ave. bet. M and N Sta. J. FREDERIC WKMHF.I. Pastor. 11 :(M» A.M.—Sermon on “The Church, The House of God” “Subject to the Divine Judgment.” Sunday School 9 45 a.m Thursday Service, 7:45 p.m. A Church with a Spiritual message, ~ ST. PAUL’S English Lutheran Church ('o>Pastor»: i REV JOHN T. HI BPI.E. B. D. REV W C. WAI.TKMYER B. D ST. PA 1)1/8 BRANCH Eleventh anil H Sta. N.W 9:30—Sunday School. II 00 a.m.—S ermnn by Rev. Waltemyer. 7:00 p m.—Christian Endeavor. *:00—Vesper*—Sermon by Pr. I' Huddle. j 8:00 pm. Wednesday. Dec. 21. !, White Gifts Xmas Serv- | EPIPHANY BRANCH bivteenth and ti Sts. N.W 9 30am—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Sermon b.y Dr. Huddle. 7:00 p.m.—Luther la-ague 8.00 pm. Thursday. Dec. 22. White Gifts Xmas Service. N C AR N AT I ON Northeast cor Two «nuare* west of Ga ave. Rev. H. MANKF.N. Jr.. Tastor. 9:45—School. II :00 a.m.—Seri ice. 7:00 pm—Rihle School Services "White (•nests for the Kina.” Tuesday, 8 o.m.—“The Nativity.” A Christmas pageant \ Welcome and a Klrssine Await 100. LUTHER PLACE MEMORIAL CHURCH (At Thomas Circle N \V ) Rev. fi. M Diffenderfer, D. I).. Pastor 9 45 a.m.—Bible School. 11 00 a m —Service with sermon by pas tor “The Son* of Zarlmrlas.” 8 45 p.m.—Senior arid Intermediate Christian Endeavor. 8 ;00 p m.—Service with sermon by pas tor “Born Again.” QUARTET 50pran0........ Mra B H Smart Contralto... Mrs Marian Carle Tenor Mr R D Filltu* Rass Mr 1 Walter Humphrey Director Mr I Walter Humphrey rvrniisi M'ss Maresret 4iUe* EVERvRonr WELCfIME SEATS FREE KE I l.h It WEMORIAI MTHKRAN CHURCH. Mint* nri 4vftmf 4iiH Ninth M. VIC. s T MMIIM.AS II l>. I’AMitr. Sunday School at *):30 A.M. Wiles Bible Class for Men. Morning Service at 11 :00 j “The Herald of The King” Evening Service at 7:45 “As Ye Would” ; Young People’s Socictic* at 6:45 THE HOMELIKE CHURCH Church of Reformation Se.nrid and B St* S E JOHN WKIDI.EY. B. B. Pastor. j 9 20 a.m —Sunday School I l I oo a ni —Morning worship. 7 011 o m —Christian Endeavor 7 45 p m —Evening worship | I CONCORDIA CHURCH ! (Evangelical Svnod of N A.) tilth mid G his. N.W Rev. Charles Enders, Pastor W 45 A.M.—Bible School Id do k m —(inn an Service. II 15 A M —English Service * no p M —Evening Worshm 800 P M Wednesday Bi bit j Study Hour nver>body Welcome i ;; \ “ j ! Ordination Anniversary I I | - 11 ■■ : - < —~^ A. A M mjm KKV. JOSKUH K. SI ZOO. TOPIC FOR SERMON. i “Keeping Step With Jpsiis" will he (the topic tomorrow morning at 11 | o’clock at Georgetown Lutheran Church by Rev. Harold K. Beatty The junior church meets also at 11 ; a.m. "Imitation* and BeaHties” will lie j the subject at tbe 8 p.m. service. i P KIKNDN. Friends i r v.r!* u sts a,, N w. j Ml RRXV S. RENWORTHV. Pastor. Sunday School 9 45: Meeting 11. Christian Endeavor. 8 45 Prav»r Mectitit Thursday 7:45. I Friends Meeting 1811 Eye St. N.W. Meeting at 11 a.m. Sunday School Si 4 5 HERBERT LEWIS. Clerk. 88 Eastern Ave. Takoma Park. ALL ARE INVITED - ( IYIXI,, SUIKNC t DIVINE SCIENCE National Center of Christ Healing and Christ Service Noon meeting* Wednesdays. Healing ministry daily from II to 1 and 4 to 0. Pro ale instruction to pupils. Studio. National Press Bldg. Room 1718 EMMA GRAY. Pres. ‘ SKt l I.AK I.KAt.I K The SECULAR LEAGUE Musicians’ Hall. ItMlrt K St. .‘4 P M *‘Kv«hitio»»—Tlmt Retain* Go<l and Bible.” J. W. BENSON. i Admianinn Free’ ■ Oiietimmi» KKMm.VIKII. runCT 13th and Alonroe sis. N.W. nival Pr JAMES 11. BIHRER Pastor, i 1:00 a.m.—“The Group Arouod the: slaoger 8 00 p ni. —"Jean* in Conversation/’ 945 a.m.—S. S. 7 p m.—C. E. S. I'D Anr '»f h snd (» N.W. 'inALC IIKNR4 H R4NCK l» l» Pastor 11:00—Mr. George H. Winslow speaks on j “Ministerial Pensions." »:Oo—"The Christ of the Indian Road." U 40—Sunday School. 7_p.m. —-('. F.. 1 uxitkTi bkethrex. Memorial United Brethren Church North Capitol and K St*. Rev. Simpson B Daugherty. B. D„ Minister. The Manse 2 Adams St N.W MORNING—"If W> Had No Christ.” EVENING—“Christ or Caesar.” Sermons bv Dr. 4 B Daugherty. Special music by the choir. Sunday S(hoot 8:40: C E. Societies 7 j COME AND VOU WILL COME AGAIN | ha r uni SECOND BAPTIST 4th Ht. and Va. Ave. S.E. ELLIS C. PRIMM Pastor. 11:00 a.m. —“The Materials of Church Success.” Two Night Services—Same Sermon, j 6:3Qp.m.—East Capitol St. Branch. 17th and E. Capitol Sts. B:oop.m.—At the Church. Subject: “KEEP TO THE RIGHT’ Rrief, Bright, Hnf>f>y Services — Come.’ i National Baptist |j I Memorial | *!* To Rrligioux Liberty y X. Ifilh St. and Columbia Rd. J •f GROVE G. JOHNSON. D. 8.. Pastor V 11 AM. T f “WHEN HE CAME” * Y* T i “WHY HE CAME” ¥ *!* Christmas Prayer Meeting Yhurs- f. »!* lav evening at 8. Sunday School enter- J, tainment on Friday evening at 8. J £ “Timothy's doest’ T HIGHLANDS BAPTIST CHURCH Fourteenth and Jefferson Street* N.W. Rev. Newton Mercer Simmond*. Pastor. II oo—“Holding Your Place." 8 00—“A Program or a Person. Church Sohooi. 9:od, B. 3 . P. L. tt .45. Midweek meeting Thursday. 8 p.m. A friendly welenme for all. PETWORTH Where Seeker* of the Gospel Can Find Same In the Sermon* of RKV HENRY J. SMITH Pastor 11 A.M “Prophetic Certaintiei” 8 P.M “Cod’* Aspiration for Man” j Graded Church School for A11—9:30 A.M. iB. y. p. n. at 11 A M. gild 8:45 P.M. Come to The Friendliest Church In Washington 7th and Randolph Streets N.W. Nineteenth Street Baptist Church N'ineteeioh and I *«lreet* N.W. Rev. Walter H. Brooks, D. D., Pastor Rev Henrs J Booker. Th. H.. AsalslMl. Rev. Georgs A. Parker. 1.1.. 8.. Assistant. 9 3« a m —Sunday v hool. „ 11,00 a.m.—“Unanswered Prayer, Dr. Brooks. , ... 8:00 p.m.— 'Masonle Ktereise*. a Oil pni l ii' SiJay—<• E soi icl.v 800 pm Thursday—Pra.vor Scivlre Aiwa** a Smile for (lie Stranger. Caltmrp Jtoptist I Sth and H Sts. N.W. Rev. W. S. Abernethy, Minister ! | , 10:50 AM. □ p*| Sermon # |7l “Music*Love in Search of a Word” pj I Dedication of the New Organ—Largest Church Organ in the Capital — Prof. Thomas Moss, Organist 7:45 PM. Rev. P. H. .1. Lerrigo, D.D., of New York City n Continuation of Spenal Musical Program Incidental to r- Dedication of the New $50,000 Organ 11 a.m. Junior Church 9;JO a.m. Sunday School. Rev. H. .1. Councilor. 6:45 p.m Young People's Socierie*. "MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE UNTO THE LORD ” Z i i n [—————i i n [===3 Z <> I DR. SIZOO TO MARK HIS ANNIVERSARY Special Sermon Tomorrow Evening at New York Ave nue Presbyterian Church. The anniversary of the ordination of Rev. Joseph R. Sizoo. pastor of the Now Y'ork Avenue Presbyterian Church, to the ministry will be ob served tomorrow. Dr. Sizoo preaches a special sermon every year on this occasion and to morrow evening at 8 o'clock he will have for his theme “America and the State of Religion.” >lis theme at the II o’clock service is “The Courage of Waiting." . The church will observe its annual Christmas party next Saturday eve ning at 6 o'clock for the children of the church and Sunday School. Topic for Sermon. At the Sixth Presbyterian Church tomorrow morning Rev. Godfrey Chobot will preach on "The Watch •nan.” ! Zion Baptist Church F St. bet. 3rd end 4 Vi Sts. S.W. Key WM 1,. WASHINGTON Pastm a 30 s m.—Sundav School 11 oo a.m.—Sei-inpn h.v Pastor— "THE GREAT TEACHER.” Annual distribution of Church Calen- I dais All members urged to lie present. 5:0(1 p ni.—Junior Christian Endeavor i 8:00 p m.—Senior Christian Endeavor. 8:00 p.m.—Sermon by Rev. A. H. Johnson. KENDALL BAPTIST 9th near B St. S.W. C. I*. R VI.A Nil. Pastor. Subiert* tomorrow —II am.: "Interpretating Service.” 8:00 n.m.—“Mission of Jesus. S. S.. 9:30 a.m.: B. Y. P. L.. < Pm. Our Church Invites You. West Washington Baptist Church Cor. Mist and N St*. N.W. CHARLES B. AUSTIN Pastor 10:00 a.m.—Hon. W. IT. Varney will ad dress Be.tean Bible Cla • 11:00 a.m. and 8 p.m.—Pastor will preach. 9:45—Sundav School. .: no M in.—b v. p c Chevy Chase Baptist (Western Avenue Near the Circlel Edward O. Clark. Pastor 11 AM. “REALITY IN WORSHIP" 8 P.M. "TIIF. LOST WORD" Church school at 9 46 B Y P IT a( 8 45 on ICr Hth and Sioutli Carolina Avr. B.E ItIYALE. Pastor. F W. JOHNSON. 9 :|o—Bible School Classes for all. 1 | no—“ The Christian's Spare Tlmr." 7.4 s—“ When Job Prayed for HI, Friends." 8:45-—Young People. Church nraver niee'ing Thursday at 8, ———— •mranminiigrw, • »V!? y aigeft TEMPLE BAPTIST ? CHURCH . Tenth and N Sfß. N.W. REV. THOMAS E. BOORDE Minister 11 A.M “To NVhat Purpose?” : 8 P.M.-" A Talk Bv the Wav side.” 7:00 P.M.—B. Y. F. U. meet ings. Thursday, 8:00 p.m.—Prayer meeting. i m Bible School 0:30 a.m. Gasses you will like. Come. GIVE A GLAD HAND THIS CHRISTMAS Fifth Baptist fi,, "7" DR. JOHN E. BRIGGS will preach ll:oos.m.—“The Christ of Prophecy.” 7:40 p.m.—“Five Way* of Spending Christmas.” Bring a Free Will Offering for the Chrlst ! mas Basket Fund, and the names of those in I need. S. S. Christmas tree entertainment at the main church on Wednesday and the I Chapel on 4Vi at. s.w. on Friday night. 9. S.. 9:30- Chapel 3. R. V. P. IT.. 8:30 Congressman B. G. Lowrv of Mississippi will teach the Berea Bible ( las*. THE CHURCH THAT CARES, COME! I METROPOLITAN SIXTH AMI A STS. N.K. JOHN COMPTON BALL. Pastor Morning at Eleven “WHICH CHAIR AT THE TABLE?” Evening at Seven Forty-Five “THE 7 WONDERS OF CHRISTIANITY” 9 30. Bible School' 10. Men meet In Auditorium: 8 45. Four Societies of Young People: 7:45 Songs and Sermon Still Glowing, Going. Growing EH»t Paator. How a Wash •A(v 4 -'WUllf mg ton woman got free treatment from a Dentiat!" 8 P.M. Free easy chair* (men like them > : prayers for all. 11 A.M.. "Servitorshto.” Centen nial Bant. Ch (Fundamentalists. Debtless, i 7th & Eye X C First Baptist Church Ifith and II Sfreels. Dr. Samuel J. Porter, Pastor 11 a.m.-"He Leads Us On.” Music h.v Quartet Choir 8 p.m.—Photoplay: “Lst’s Fin- I ish the Job.” Presented by Mr. C. R. Hall. It i* social, domestic, economic, moral, spiritual, humorous, serious, pathetic and eloquent. S. S., 9:30 a m.—2o-piere or chestra Come and hear them. B. Y P. IT. 8:45 to 7:45. J. W. Row j ley. president. In th» Hesrt of Washington For the Heart of Washington Beth anv tTw «*&* Rev. HUGH T. STEVENSON. Minister. At 1 I and 8 p m —Divine worship with preaching Bible School at 9:30 Junior church II am. B Y. P. IT.’*. 0:45 Midweek serv "•e Thursday 7 45 pm. Christian Endeavor The “Flying Squadron” of the Dis trict of Columbia Christian Endeavor Cnlon will meet with Metropolitan! Presbyterian Christian Endeavor So ciety tomorrow evening at 7:45 o'clock and conduct the regular eve ning services. Many Kndea vorers last Tuesday evening went to Vermont Avenue Christian Church to hear E. F. (“Jack”) Huppertz. Christian En deavor field secretary for Texas, lead hia “pep” meeting. The host society. Alpha Christian Endeavor of Ver mont Avenue Christian, published a special edition of its C. E. News for the occasion. During the social re freshments were served. Mr. Hup pertz announced ail the Protestant denominations have accepted the "Crusading with Christ” program for j their denominations, this program, being sponsored for Christian En-: deavor for tlie next two years. I NEW CHl'Ki H (Sv ilenborglan). Church of the Holy City j Irtth above 0. Northwest 0:45 —Classes of Sabbath School. JO no—Arcana Clan, led by Dr. John K Ph. D. 11:00 —Morning worship, with pastors sermon. “((OOP WILL." 1 on tralto solo b.v Mrs. Ralph P. Bar nard. „ _ Chorus Choir, tinder Miss Maud G. Sew,ill, F A. (i. O. Free Lending Library Open Daily Pit St or. Key. Pa u I Sperry SPIRITUALIST. Mrs. Rizpah Eldon •1721 14th St. N.W Spiritual message meetings every Monday , 8 p.m Readings daily. * Mystic Church of Christ * Lecture Healing Messages Sunday and Tuesday & o.m : Sunday— Messages f rom l-lowers Spiritual Advice Daily 12 5 P.M Kev. F. 1.. Doneeel j _ Oil NAV * Spiritual Science Church of Christ I*l9 Adams Mill Kd. (0 doors from Columbia ltd. N.W.) Disine Seri ire Kvery Sunday, 8 P.M. Pastor, Rev. Jane B. Coates Sllhioct ''The Ark of the Covenant." Spirit Messages Follow Service. Never I,ess Than Twenty. Dr. Coates has a seance every Tuesday. 2 do p.m. ali reached. Private reading daily and evening. Phone Col. H 227. Spe cial Healing and Developing Treatments Friday. 8 p.m. card party here All wel come. Refreshments. • Dr. Zaida Brown Kates —will hold a lecture followed by message, at the Modern Woodman's Hall. 935 Grant Place. N W Sunday, December 18th, at 8 PM. Circles Tuesdays and Fridays, lit Bth St tie _ Itc.'iduiys Daily SI.OO Unity Spiritualist Church At Playhouse. 1811 N St. N.W. St MIA V. AT 8 P.M. Lecture by Rev. H. P. Strack Spirit Greetings by Mrs. Carolina Mister. I No midweek menace Eprvire Hi flftft Pa. \ve. H.i:. Kev. Ida E. Ntrark U tilling en recementii wot of the elty. The First Spiritualist Church Lecture hv the Pastor REV. ALFRED H. TERRV. Snhiect “REIXCARXATIOX FACT OR MYTH?” Followed hv healing demon.tration. Followed hy spirit messages. “1 am a believer in reincarnation."—Henry Ford. Sunday 8 pm. at Pythian Temple i 1012 Pth St. N.W. Second floor. All we!- ; come. • __ BAHAI. Bahai Meeting Sunday, Dec. 18, 8 P.M. The Playhouse, 1814 N St. Subject “The Coming Civilization” t'HKISI'tAN SCIKM L (New). : THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PARENT CHURCH j Founded upon Christian Science as con tained in the Bthle and writings of Mary 1 Baker Eddv. Kstablished in London Enc | land and Washington. D. C under the lead ■ ership of .Mrs. Annie C Bill. Regntar Sunday Nervier* at 11 a.m. in Assembly Room, Hotel La Fayette. A Message from Mrs. Bill will be read on the subject of the lesson: “EVOLUTION” Sunday Sell on I. ‘lO Jackson Dare, at It A.M. Public Reading Room 20 Jackson Place not rs. o A.M. to a r.ti. EPISCOPAL. ST. JOHN’S CHURCH Lafayette Square Service*. 8 a.m.. 11 a.m. j Preacher at J 1 A M.—The Rev. Erskine ! I Hilt. Provost of S. Andrew's Cathedral Aberdeen. Scotland. j Lecture at 8 P.M. by Dr. Johnston GRACE CHURCH (Georgetown) Wisconsin Avenue Below M. Rev M. 51. Perkins in Charge. 7:30 a m—Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m— Sunday School. 11 :0(t a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon 8:00 p.m—Evening Prayer and sermon! by Rev. Clarence Parker. j Cpipfjanp <» St. near 13th Rev. Z. B. Phillips, D.D, Reel or. 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 0:30 a.m.—Cliurrh School 0:30 a.m.—Rector's Bible Class 11:00—.Morning Prayer and Ser mon by the Risliop of Aberdeen. 8:00 p.nt. —Evening Prayer and Lecture Sermon by the Rector on the Religion of Zoroaster. Thursday and Saints’ Days—Holy Communion, 7:30 ami II a.m. st: mark s church Third and A St* H.K. KEV. WILLIAM HENRY PETTIS. Rector REV. DANIEL W. ALLEN. Assistant. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ADVENT 7 30a.m.—Holy Communion 9:30—Church school and adult Bible class. 11 00 am.—Morning prayer and sermon. 0:011 o.m.—Yourg People's Service League. 8 on p.m—Evening prayer and sermon. Wednesday tSt Thomas' Day t and Thursday 11 :00 a tn.—Holv Communion. CHRISTMAS SERVICES. Christmas Eve.. 11 :30 p.nt. —it'd.' Communion CHRISTMAS DAY. 7:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 11—Holy Communion and sermon. 7 30 p.nt.—Church School Festival Sen - ice. * CORDIAL WELCOME To ALL Christ Church, Georgetown O and Thirty ttrst Sts REV. E. PINKNEY - tVRUTH. Rector. 7:3oam. —Holy Communion. 1) :.10 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. S :OP n ni.—Evening Prayer and Address ST. JOHN S CHURCH - 1 GEORGETOWN PARISH 3210 O Street N.W. Rev. F. BLAND TUCKER. Rector. Fouith Sunday In Advent. 7:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:3oa.m.—Church School. 11:90 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. 7:30 p.m.—Eirning Prayer and Address. WEDNESDAY. ST. THOMAS' DAY. 10:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. THURSDAY. 19:09 a.m.—Morning Prayer and l.itany. , The Nativity nff 1 Children'* Eucharist, 10 a m. The Resurrection. 15th A G n » . 7:30. 4. The Annunciation. Cong. Cemetery. 0:15 Parochial Mission *t Nativity. All Wslconw. Catholics and ProVtstam*. > HEAR LIEUT. MAITLAND. Fathers and Sons Gather at St. Stephen's Church. The annual father and sort celebra tion of the Men’.* Club of St. Stephen’s episcopal Church was held at the parish hall, December S, with Presi dent Arthur C. Housjhton presiding Lieut. Lester Maitland. IT. S. A., save a recountal of his flight across the Pacific, Secretary William Knowles Cooper of the y. M. C. A. told of his recent trip abroad. A Boy Scout dem onstration and several musical num bers were given and refreshments were served. ~~ episcopal? " | St. Margaret’s j Conn Avo. anil ftanrrnft I*l nr* 1 Rev. Herbert Scott Smith, D. D Kartnr ! 1 :.*lO a.m.—M#i|> Communion. ( uni* miiiiirunt •*’ l.engue. ; 11.00 a.m.— Morning t»m>rr. with *rrmon hy I lie rrrtor, I :‘stl p.m.—Kveinniiis, with pennon hy thi* Hr%. Robert Shorei. Wednesday. St.' Ipnstle. Molt ( 'nmmiininn, 7 and I I n.m. Thursday. Holy Communion. I 1 a m. WASHINGTON CATHEDRAL „. lem IHK BETHLEHEM CHAPEL WISCONSIN AVENUE N VV . NEAR WOOD LEY ROAD. HOLY COMMON ION ~ 7:30 AM j MOKXINU PRAYER AND LIT AN V 10 00 A M ■ HOLY COMMUNION AND SER- I MON PREACHER. THE RT. R*-V PHILIP M RHINE LANDI K ji o ii 00AM PEOPLE’S EVENSONG AND SERMON. PREACHER. THE RT REV FREDERIC I. DEANE, n. n LORD BISHOP OK ABERDEEN AND ORK XEY 4:00 P M TAKE WISCONSIN AVENUE <\RS OR WOODLEY ROM) Bfs LINE St. Thomas’ lsth Between P and (J Near Du punt Circle (Take Conn Are, Cars.l s mi—Hnly Eii' hanet. J !':3<l—Sunday School. 11 mii—Maun* and sermon by Rector. Rev. C. Ernest >miih. D i L.. no THE CASE OF BI«HOP BARNES. 4 Oft—Evening prayer. 4 .TO—Rible i-lasee. enndui leij >.v Ree- Inr anil Re\. Win. S. Bishop. D. P. ‘ i S IS—Young People. Social Hour. CHRISTMAS* EVE 11:4 s pm.—Holy Ku>hari*t. Christmas day service*. 7. A and 11. No P.M. service*. St. Stephen’s Church TO 17 I Oh St. VW. Clergy : Key. George K. Dudley. I». It.. Reetor. Key. (irorge |„ Grumbs, Assistant. .Services: Holy Communion 7 to a m Morning Prayer | 1 : <)<j an , Subieci of Sermon: "The (Tniri-h and Our Peace." Church School H :>m a m Tilling P title * Society. ft ;jn t> m j Everune Prayer s ou p.m Subiei t of Sermon: . “Asleep." j Healing Son ne and Holy Com i munion—Tuesday 10TO A M i i Holy Communion—Wednesday . . T mu a M Holy Communion—Thursday . . |i .so aSi Christmas Sery ices Holy Communion Midnight, 7 :T<> and I <i-TO AM. Church of the Advent second and toil VW K*v. Wm. •». sharkiert*. Rector • '•R* 9.111. —Holy Communion, j J 1 00 a m.—Sne« a iat Servire* * on p m.—Pareant hr v. p c \ t th* fhip§ fle fliwv g»jf| i in th p Phimh "on will hear the unad»iJ ! Gospel All urhoni* ROCK CREEK PARISH ST. pait.’x nil mu Roek Creek ( Hureh Ril. and Webster St. , The Only Country Church in the Citv 5 to. »:30. 11:00 A M.: 7 P.M. HOLY COMFORTER CHAPEL Georgia Ave. and Mndisnn St. I _ ■ TO. 9:30, 11:00 A.M. 7TO PM ST. JAMES’ CHURCH' Rth St. Near Mas*. Ave. N.E. Rtv. GEORGE W. ATKINSON. D D. Rector SUNDAY SERVICES: i .TO lO .TO. 11 am. 7 45 pm. . Daily Mass at 7 a m. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH ?Xrd Street near Washington Clrele The Rev. Arlinetnn A, MeCallum. Reetor. I Services 7:30 and 11 00 a m. Church School. 1 I :00 a m Daily 7:30 am., except Thursday at I 11:00 a m. A Spiritual Healing Service —for the sick and aftli<to<J conducted in j St. Paul* Parish Hal! at 8:00 pm. bv the i Rev. William Thomas Reynold*. , Nil are wch-onic. trresperti ve of rare and ] ST. AGNES’ CHURCH 4 0 One Street N.W. ! <Ela. ave. or N Capitol st. cars.) i Service* Sunday—7 and 11 am. and S p.m i Daily n)as*. 7 a m. Evensong and interce*- j sions, Friday, 8 p.m. ASCENSION Mass. Ave. at 12th St. NAY. Clergy: H**v. Thomas Worthington Cooke, Reetor. Rev. Thomas MeClintoek. Rev. Flush Y. Clary. Service*, 8 and It A.M. and 1:30 P. M. ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH N*. H. Ave. and V St. N.W. REV. J. J. BIMON. D. D . Rector Service* 8:00—Holy Communion. 0 3<)—Sunday Si'hool. I I 00—Morning service and xernion. B:oo—Evening service and sermon. ALL WELCOME. PRESBYTERIAN. , CHEVY CHASE PRESBYTERIAN THE CIRCLE. 0: ts—Church School. all department*. I I :ol> Wnrtiitir W nrship. I I :llo—Junior Christiitit Fntleavnr. 0:15 Intermediate ClirUtian Kn* j tinuor. H:4.V—Senior Christ inn Endeavor. REV. 4. HIM.WAN HOI.I.ISTER. Pastor. Peck Memorial Chapel Pn. Ave.. ;Bth and .M Sts. N.W IRVING W. KETCH! M. Minister 11 :00 n.m.—Public Worshin and Sermon. “Is ; Trouble a Good or an Evil Thing?” 7:45 p m—“Traveler* to the King.” Other Service*- 10 00 a m.—Rible Class Dr. Miller. 3 00 p.m —Sunday School. 7:00 p.m —f’hristia* Endeavor. Wednesday 8 P.M Sunday School Christmas Service. j Georgetown Church , I* St. Near 31st N.W. Kev. James T. Marshall, It. D.. Pastor. Organized 1780 It 15 am —Sunday School. 10:00 ant.—Men s Bitde U|as* II 00 a m —Mmmug worship and sermon “Getting Ready for God.” 7 15 p.m Christian Unde i'm 8:00 pm.—“ The Pick and Spade in Bible | I. an il *.” illustrated. Rev George S. Duncan. II Church of the Covenant 1 Conn. Ave. and N St. jjjj jfl REV. CHARLES WOOD, D. D , Minister 33 jTj Rev. William A. Eisenberger, Assistant AU sty 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. [Wj n 11:00a.m.—Morning Worship. Sermon by Dr. Wood: 4M jt*E “The Longing of the World for Christ” L h Music by the Quartet UJj FT 11:00 am.—Kindergarten; Light Bearers. f T 8:00 p.m.—Evening Worship. Sermon by Dr. Wood: Aj ft “Signs of Progress Seen in a World Tour, 53 ft Bali-Pearl of the Pacific ” Thursday, 8 p.m.—Midweek Service. Dr. Wood. jjjjj A General Invitation to All Servicet It Extended piemivilkian Central Presbyterian Church IMU THERN VnnK'IRI \ > nt<'r«Aot,on of f'iffnr.nih and Sixteenth ml lrvimf St* N W Rrr 4\WES H. TAM Oft IV D.. I’nMor. !♦ :fii m Sunday school H 00 n m -—Sermon by Or. Tnylor. h <M» II fit Wryit mill's (• t l^f/tgue. d 1 .*> r» m —Ntn jai Hour * on |i m—< En<*<»avor Bno i) r\\ tninn >\ !)r. T<i.vlor. 8 oil n m Thtir*tl,iv —Pt fh)Mr>ii fur tin ring th* mort» ne arrvt»#» 14th <t nr r»r ‘ Mount fir or 10th *.t hu* to Irving METROPOLITAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH fornpr till and II Sta. S.F. * a l*ri»tN9r»tion for < hriat** I.« aubifft of Mr Rohrer s aermon 11 o>lo' k r v with th* afjtrviron r>f the District fJnion have the e pnim ter' , ufp at ? t.i fi't-lor k. ro.M f wk vv \nt vor -- Church of the Pilgrims Soiith#*rn \^»»ntb!r Rpv \mlrpw Reid Rirtl. Minister j Mornini? WoraJiip II \W.Y m1» ViittHin it \l;i \ Ronrr During tin* \titiinin and Winter Peinlin*’ fonatru'^!t>n t>f N>’a Chur h RuiYditie: Df'pmhrr M—'*KK\H NOT.** Kvrnin? W«»rahij». 7 :.'*o P.M.. Karh Min di*% in thi»i»pl of the Old rvi*nfv-arrnnd V W. Sul»i«*rt. “40V.** Rihlr onl anrl Mithvpfk N«*rv J rp at 1-M H T'Vfnh Afcniiil . N.W. New \ ork Avenue Presbyterian Church New York Ave.. H and 13th Sts. I)r. Joseph R. Sizoo In tbe Heart of the City For the Heart of the City SERVICES: 9 .45 A M —Sunday School. 11 -Of) A M. — Morning Worship. “The Courage of Waiting” 6 00 P.M.— Fellowship andL.E. 8:00 P .M.— Evening Worship. “America and the State of Religion.” NORTHMINSTER llth Street and Rhode (aland Avenne N.W. Rev Hugh Kerr Fulton. Paator 14:4.0 am.— Rib!* Study 1 I DO a.m.—Srrvif** of worship. t> 45 n.m.—4'hn*tian Emleavor NOKTI«MIN>TKR t H \la*ska anil Georgia \%enuefi N. W f> .'7D a m —Sunday School. 4 <><» n.m —Srrvme f»f W”t>r*hip. E ‘lO n m —Christian Kntleavor Eastern Presbyterian Church Md. Avc & sixth St. V E. Rev. ALFRED E. BARROWS. D. P.. Tastor. . 1 nil , m.—••FRIENDS OF 4E.SI S.” '4:30 arr..—Bible School. 10.00 a.m.—Men * Bible Ctaa# 7»tlO p m.—C. E. Societies 7:15 nm. —“MtMsTERING SPIRtTS,” WESTERN Presbyterian Church H St. het. 19th and JOth St*. N.W. Rev. J. Harvey Dunham, Patter 11 on a m “THE ST VK IN THE EAST.” s On P M "WHILE SHEPHERD* W XTUHEO THEIR FLOCKS RY NIGHT." Music tiv the Quartet. Gunton-Temple Memorial llith and Newton St» Rev. BERNARD BKASKAMP. M. A.. Pastor. : 0:45 a.m.—Sunday School ! 11:00 ani.—Sermon. “Youth Demand* n Hearing. Why Not?” Music by t'horua rhoir. i 0 45 n.m—t’hnstian Endeavor Meetings. ! 8-00 D.m —Sermon. “How We Often Limit God’s Power.” Special music, instrument,d and vocal. White Gift Christmas Service. Friday. 8 p.m. SIXTH PRESBYTERIAN lttth and Kennedy St*. N.W, REV. (iODFREY ChOBOT Pastor f) 30 a.m.—Graded Sabbath School. | 11.00 a.m —Morning worshin with sermon. "The Wutrhman." 7:00 p.m.—Uhristian Endeavor j 8:00 D.m. —Evening worship with sermon. Cantata hv Solo Quartet. VISITORS ALW \YS WELCOME First Presbyterian Church John Marshall Plaee N.W. 14AS St. Bet. C A Dl REV. WM. .A. KISENBERGER will preach at 14 a.m. No evening service. S. S at 0:30 a.m. [ Mid-wpck prayer meeting Thursday. 8 p.m ! CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL. Eckington Presbyterian Church North Capitol St. ami Florida Ave. HENRY K WOODING Minuter. Sunday School 9 30 Mcning Service I I Theme: “The Fullness of Time.” Young People * Meeting. 7 Evening Service. 8. Topic- “Seeing the Invisible,” ””■———■•■«W Fourth Presbyterian l.’ttli and Fairmont Street* N.W Rev. James H. Miers, D. D. n a.m.— “A New Discovery Regarding Prayer” 8 P.M “DANIEL IN THE LION’S DEN” Friday. Dp< . **:?. at Fiffht- O s ( loc k White Gift Vnmc Service Sunday. Dec. *4.5. Vmmi day. at the mnniine ic*p wt u »t| ohsertp the Sacrament of the Lord’s Suppfr. Washington Heights Presbyterian Church Rev -loliii Palmer, IL 11.. Alinisfer ('tiliimbin ami K:ilor»iHß RcU. 0 45—Sunday School. 11 :otl~ Morning wnrsliip. Sermon by Dr Palme). Anniversary sainion. 7 no—Yi>itt)g People* Meeting. 8 no—“Tlie F:fHoary of Prayer.” COMMA!, WELCOME TO ALL. 11