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TRADE IS QUIETER IN BOND MARKET Only Moderate Amount of Profit-Taking Noted —Some Gains Are Scored. BT CHARLES F. SPEARE. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. Dec* miber 17.—Trad in speculative industrial bonds Quieted down considerably today, but the prices quoted for them indicated on ’y a moderate amount of profit taking in spite of the large advances fegistered during the week. Evident ly holders are looking for even larger Profits in a continuation of an active demand for stocks The best gain in this group was made by Porto Rican Tobacco con vertible 6s. which recently declined over 3 points, but today advanced ’ points in sympathy with tin* rise : several points in Congress Cigar stock. U. S. Rubber t.s recov ered a portion of yesterday s loss. The rail list was irregular. Denver A Rio Grande r>s were quite active and advanced half. The Erie. Rock Island. Seaboard Air Line. Frisco. Missouri Pacific. Southern Railway and Western Maryland junior issue have ail l>ecn slipping off gradually during the week. United States Government issues were steadier, particularly the first Liberty G'.-s and the fourth 4 v *s In the foreign list the heaviness in Italian and Polish issues continued and Japanese s < unties were a trifle easier. Mexicans were firm. Uruguay 6s have been well bought recently around the highest prices of the year. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET CHICAGO. Deoemlier 17 (United States Department of Agriculture).— Hogs—Receipts. 5.000 head: trade ac tive; market steady to strong: several loads butchers. 240 to 270 pounds. 8.55; top, 8.55; hulk desirable. 210 to 300 pound averages, 8.25a5.50; most 160 to 200 pound averages, 7.90a8.25; bulk pigs. 7.00a7.50; selected lots up to 7.75: most parking sows, 7.25a7.50; esti mated holdover, 1.000. Cattle—Receipts, 400 head: com pared week ago, fat steers and year lings, 75 to 2.00 lower; yearlings gen erally 1.00 to 2.00 loyver; better grades off most, sharpest break of year; Stockers and feeders, 5 lower; fat cows. 25 to 75 off; heifers generally I. down; cutter cows about steady; • bulls, 25 to 40 off; vealers, 2.00 lower; only specialties of steers and yearlings class sold above 17.75; extreme top yearlings, 18.00: heavies, 18.75; most fed steers, 14.75 doyvnward to 11.00; , ■ lop medium bulls, 7.50; vealers, late, 11. Sheep—Receipts. 3,000 head; practi cally' none on sale today; for yveek— Lightweight fat lambs closing 65 to 75 loyver; heavies unevenly, 75 to 1.25 lower; sheep weak; feeding lambs weak to 25 lower; week's top, fat na tives and fed Westerns, 14.25; slaugh ter yearling wethers. 11.35; fat ewes, 7.25; feeding lamhe, 14.00; bulk fat na tive lambs, 12.25a12.35; fed lambs, 12.50a14.00; fat eyves, 6.00a6 75. Washington Stock Exchange SALES. Capital Traction ss—#soo at 104. Potomac Electric Ist 55—55,000 at 101 >4 Os 8 —55,000 at 107,' #54)00 at 107. #3.000 at 107. WMkinrton Rwy & Electric 45—51.000 •t 01 V #I.OOO at 91 % Washington Gas Light—s at 84*4. 10 Washington Rwy. A Elec. pfd.—lo at 100%. io at 100% . Lanstnn Monotype—"7 at 110. 50 at 110 10 at HO. 10 at 110. 10 at 110. AFTER CALL. „ National Mtge. A Inv. pfd.—3o at s’l 10 at 6*« . Washington Gas Light—lo at 84. Union Trust Co.—s at 301. „ Potomac Electri" 5%s pfd.—lo at 107 100 at 107. 10 at 107. 20 at 107. . American Security A Trust Co.—l at 452. 10 at 450. Capital Traction Co. —10 at 100**. BONDS. Bid and Asked Prices. PUBLIC UTILITY _ , . _ , _ Bid. Asked. Amer. Tel. A Telga. 4* 99 % Amer. Tel. A Telga. 4‘As 101 % Am. Tel. A Tel. ctl. tr. 55... 105 Anacostia A Pot. R R os . 09% 100 Ana. A Pot. guar. 5s 99<4 100 CAP. Telephone 5s 100 C. A P. Tel. of Va. 5s 103 .... Capital Traction R. R 55.... 104 City A Suburban 5s 99 100 Georgetown Gas Ist 5s 103% Potomac Elec Ist os 101% 101% Potomac Elec, cons 5« 103% ..... Potomac Elec. 6s 1953 10K Wash.. Alex. A Mt. Ver ss. .. 4 Wash.. Alex. A Mt. Ver. etfs. 3% Wash., Balt. A Annap. ss. . . 88 Washington Gas 5s 105 Wash. Gas os. series A.. . . 105% 106% Wash. Gas 6s series B ... 106% 107 Wash. Rwy. A Elec. 4s 91% 91% Wash. Rwy. A Elec. gen. 65.. 104 MISCELLANEOUS. Barber A Ross. Jne.. 6%5... 94 95% Chestnut Farms Dairy 6%5.. 105% 106 Chevy Chase Club 5 % 5.... . 101% . D. C. Paper 6s 93 97 Pot. Joint Stock L’d Bk. 05... 100 Wash. Mkt Cold Storage 5s .. 96% Wardman Park Hotel 5%*.. 93 95% PUBLIC UTILITY American Tel. A Telga 181% , Capital Traction *109% 109% “Washington Gas 83% 84% Norfolk A Wash. Steamboat. 300 310 Potomac Elec pfd 6s 11 2 113% Potomac Elec. pfd. 5%s 106% 107 Wash. Rwy. A Elec com ... 455 461 Wash. Rwy. A Elec, pfd.... 100% 101 NATIONAL BANK National Capital 275 Columbia 390 Commercial 267 270 District ...... 246 251 Farmers A Mechanics' .Tin Fcderal-Ameri'-au 338 340 Liberty 245 260 Lincoln 380 National Metropolitan 400 420 Riggs 490 4 98 Second Nat. Bank 264 National Bank of Wash 310 TRUST COMPANY Amer. Security A Trust so 445 452 Continental Trust 130 Merchants' Bank... 151 155 National Savings A TrtM . ... 515 524 Union Trust... t3Ol .310 Wash. Loan A Trust 495 .. . SAVINGS BANK Bank of Bethesda 56 Commerce & Savings 315 East Wash. Savings 55 .... Potomac Saving* 300 Security Sav. A Com. hank. cot 475 Seventh Street 290 • United States 550 .. . Washington Mechanic* .. . 50 FIRE INSURANCE American 300 .... Corcoran .. 170 . Firemens 25 30 National Union . . . 19 TITLE INSURANCE. Columbia Title . 12% neat Estate 195 Titla Inv. Co of Md. coni . 55 ... MISCELLANEOUS Rarber A Ross. Inc.. <oin ... 34% 35% ?hevy Ch;iM! Dairy old. . ... 10.5 ins Commercial Nat 1 Co Pfd .. 105 U 0 Paper Mfg pfd 90 Vol Sand A Gravel pfd 105 107 Federal Storage pfd 102 110 Federal:Amen 1 an com 37 39% Federal-American Pfd. ... Itil % ... lanston Monotype. . . . 109% lin -Merchants’ Transfer & Stor 125 135 Merchants' Tran A Stor. nfd 100% 1<.7 > . MergentUalcr Linotype *105% 106 Nnt'l Mtge. A Inv. pfd 5% 5% People* Drug Store* Ptd... 120 121 Security Storage 131 Sanitary Grocery Co. 01d... 105 mr>% U? Rk & Whsg. Corn . . 5o . «• a«h Convention Hall pfd . 97% Wash Mech Mtge. com.. 11 14 Wash Medical Bldg. Corp 125 woodward A Lothrop pt<l Jo? 108% W *E* dividend. U7i extra. ;«% extra. Unlisted Department. ernese securities nht listed under Exchange * t nBDC rules > BONDS. Bid Asked ■S- s "*" - «. Anacostia Bank 325 375 SBs&i *v“ - 1 * •' ■- ■-. ShriatUa'‘'keuHch ‘Brewery '. io !! i!! to FranTbn N-'V’.' al Bank ' too _ .'... &'^r^2 ank : f ::::: p., ~1, cavinffl Bunk ’v • • • • * Rank:-: ‘i2% ::::: Titlo Tnw Co. 11 ••• • • s u ßk i-U ::::: FINANCIAL!. I j j ON NEW YORK BONDS STOCK EXCHANGE] S' Baceivcd by Private Wire Direct to Tbe Star Office UNIT ED STATES. I Sale* ir* n $1 000 I Sales High l/iw Close Lib 3 %•... 41 10130 10126 10130 Lib Ist 4% » 60 103 I Lib 3d «% b 38 100 22 100 19 100 22 f! Lth 4th 4%5! 2 46 103 1 103 2* 103 31 US3 *4 s . 1 107 15 107 15 107 15 j US 4S 1944. 26 110 17 110 17 110 17 O 8 414 s 51. 51 115 17 115 15 115 17 FOREIGN. sales Hich l»w Close Argentine &• i 91% 91% 91% I Argentine Hs Jll »*» 1 100 100 100 Argentine 6»0ct59 2 100 99% 94% Argentine 6s 8.... 3 100 99% 100 Argentine 6s A ... 1 100% 100% 100% Australia 59 1 955 . . 15 98% 98% !8% > j Australia 5s 1957 .. 11 97% 97% 97% j Austria 7s ’ 101 101% 103% 1 | Brnk of Chile «%s 8 95'- 95 95% Belgium 6s 9 99 98% 98% : Belgium «%a 25 103% 108% 108% I Belgium 7s I 955... 6 106% 106'* 106% ' Belgium 7s 1966... 10 104% 104 104 . Belgium 7%s | HI 1 114% 111% j Bolivia *s. 4 108% 103% 103% ’Bordeaux sis 2 99 98% 98% Brazil fi%s 22 93% 93% 98% i Braxtl 7s 8 97 96 * 97 Brazil sis 30 107% 107 107 Bremen. State. 7a. .8 lor-, 101 ’v 101%j Buenos A Ires 7s 57 8 96 * 96% 96% Buenos Aires 7sfiS 8 96% 96% 96% Canada 5s 1952.... 7 108 108 108 Canada 554 s 1929.. 1 102 102 102 Chile 7s 1943 5 100V* 100% 100% Chile Ss 1941 1 104% 109% 109% Con f’ow Japan 7s. 2 98 98 98 . I Copenhagen 6s ct.. 2 95% 95*4 95% ’ 'Copenhagen 5 Hs.. 5 101% to l 101% | Gzncho 7 %.* rets... 4 105% 105% 105% j , I'zsoho *s 1951 4 108% 108 10S j Czecho 8s 52 5 108 108 10-t j Denmark «• 2 105% 105% 105% I Dutch Hast I sis 62 9 105 105 105 j ; El Salvador 8s 48.. 1 108% lost* ios% 1 F inland sf 6s 4ft... 1 94% 941... 94% Finland 7s 2 100% 100 100 j Framerlcan 7 %s.. 2 104% 104% 104% I French 7 s 6 105% 105 % 105% French 7%s 7 114% 114% 114% French 8s 32 110 * ilo% 110% 1 German 7s 15 106% 106% 106% I Ger Am Bank 75... 2 99% 99% 99% j Ger Gen Elec 75.... 2 103% 103% 103% 1 Greek 7s 16 96 96 96 1 Hungary 7%s 3 102% 102% 102% i Italy 7s 37 96% 96% 96% | Italy Pub 7s 3 98% 93% 93% 1 Japanese 4s 11 91% 91% 91% ; Japanese ft%s 8 101% 101% 101% i Marseille 6s 2 99 99 99 Mexico «s 04 asntd. 2 26 s * 26% 26% Mexico 4s 10 asntd. 20 26% 26% 26% Mexico 5s asntd... 21 39% 39 39 Milan 6 *4s 16 90 89% 89% Netherlands 6s 64. s 102% 102% 102% Nord 6%s 21 99% 99% 99% Norway 5%s S 101 101 101 Norway 6s 1944.... 6 102% 102% 102% Orient Dev deb 6s. 15 94% 94% 94% ! Paris-Ly-Med 65.. 31 94% 94% 94% Parls-Ly-Med 75.. 5 101% 101% 101% P«ru 7s 13 102% 102V* 102%) Peru 7%s 1 106% 106% 106%] Peru 7%s 1566 9 106% 106% 106%! Peru 8s 1 i«9% 109% 109% Poland 7s (ret5)...145 89 88% 88% Porto Alegre 85.... 1 105% 105% 105% Queensland 7s 8 115 115 115 Khinelbe Un i 5.... 3 111% 111% 111% Rio de Jan 8s 47... l 105 105 105 RtoGr Do Sul Ss.. 1 106 106 106 Rome 6%s 48 90% 90% 90% Sao Paulo 8s 1936.. 3 106 106 106 Sao Paulo 1950.... 45 107 107 107 Saxon (PW) 75.... 2 100% 100% iOO% Seine 7s 42 8 103% 103% 103% Serbs Crot Slo Bs.. 4 98 97% 97% Sweden 5%s 3 104% 104% 104% Sweden 6s 4 103% 103% 103% Swiss 6%s 1946.... 4 103 * 103% 103% i Swiss Confed 85... 7 112% 112% 112% l'oho Elec Pow 7».. 5 98% 98% 98% Tokio 5%s 1961... 2 88 87% 88 Utd Kingm 5%s 29 3 117% 117% 117% Utd Klngm 5%s 37 5 106% 106 106% Utd Steam Copen 6.‘ 15 95 94% 95 Uruguay 8s 2 109 109 109 Yokohama 6s w 1.. 3 94% 94 94% MISCELLANEOUS. Am AgTl Chem 7V4» 4 104% 104% 104% Am Repub deb 65.. 3 lO2V* 102% 102% Am Smlt & R 65.... 5 108% 108% 108% Am Sugar ref 65... 9 105% 105% 105% I Am T&Tcl tr 45.. 12 99% 99% 99% j AmTATcI tr 65.. 12 105% 105% 105% I AmT&Tsf 05.... 7 105% 105% 105% Am T& T deb 6%s 33 109% 108% 108% j Am Water Wks6s. 1 100% 100'* 100% ! Am Writing Pap 6s 4 94 94 94 ; Anaconda Ist 68... 25 105% 105% 105% ' Anaconda cv db 7s. 170 115Y* 114% 115% I Andes Cop 7s rets. 293 128 127 i 27% j Armour&Co 41As 39 5 92% 92 92 Armour Del 6%5. . 14 isß% 88% 88% Associated Oil 65.. *503% 103V* 103% Barnsdall 6s 1940.. 8 100% 100% 100'% j Bell Tel Pa as 8... 2 106 * 106V* 106% I Bell Tel Pa 5s C... 18 109% 109% 109% I Beth Steel rs 55... 1 102 * 102 102% | Beth Steel pm 65.. 6 102% 102% 102% j Beth Steel 6%s 63. 5 102 101% 102 j Beth Steel 6s 18 105 101% 105 1 Bklyn Ed gen 68... 2 106% 106 106% | Bklyn Union 5%5.. 10 237% 237% 237% Chile Copper 55.... 16 96% 96 96V* j Con Coal Md Ist 6s 2 83 82% 82% ! Consumers Pow 5s 14 1057% 105 105 1 Det Edison ref 63.. 6 108% 108% 108% Dodge 6s 105 89% 89% 89% Donner Steel 75.... 5 95 95 95 j Goodyear 6s rets.. 44 94% 94% 94% j Uersneys%s 6 102% 102% 1027* Hoe &Co 6%s 2 97% 97% 97% 1 Humble Oil 5s 77 100% 100% 100% Humble O& R 6%s 2 102% 102 : * 102-% Illinois Bell Ist 6s. 22 105% 105% 105% i Illinois Steel 4%5. 4 100% 99% 100% Indiana Steel 6a... 1 105% 105'% 105% Int Mer Marine 6s. 4 105% 105'* 1037* 1 Inter Paper fd 65.. 3 104% 104 104 1 Int Tei&Teleg 4%s 41 96% 96 96% j J Kayser &CO 6%s 10 106% 1067* 1067* i KanCP&L 5s A 62. 7 105% 105% 105% Kan G & El 6s 62.. 1 1057* 105% 105% Laclede G 5%s 62. 6 106 105% 106 Lorlllard (P) 55... 2 987 7 * 9874. 98% Manati Sug sf 7Hs 1 105% 105% 10571 Alidvale Steel bs. . 30 101% 101% 101% N Y Edison 5s 44.. 4 105% 105% 10.57* N Y Edison 6%5... 5 116% 116% 116% NVOEL H&P 4s. 10 97 H 97 s * 97% NYGKL H&P 6s. 3 109% 109% 109% N Y Tel 4%s 24 101% 101% 101% iN Y Tel 6s 41 28 108 7 /* 108% 108% N Y Tel 63 49 2 111% 111% 111% North Am Edls 65.. 6 102 101% 102 Nor Ohio T& L sis. 1 102% 102% 102% Nor States Pow ss. 6 102% 102% 102% Pac Gas &El 05..., 2 103. 103 103 Pac T & T Ist 65... 5 104% 104'% 104% i Pao T & T 5s 62.... I 106% 1 Pan-Amer Pete 6s. 8 103 102v* 103 Peoples Gas 55.... 1 105’% 105'% 105% Phils Co 5%s 38 ... 103 1047* 103'% 104 ! PhilaCo rs 6s A... 8 1041* 104 101% I Phlla& Rd C& 16s 3 102 102 102 ! Plerne-Arrow Bs. . 16 9874 9874 98% j Por Rio Am Tob 6s 161 105% 104% 105 ' Public Service SVjS 10 105 104% 10.5 Public Service sis.. 1 107% 107'* 107% | P Serv Gas 5%s 69 1 105% 1057* 105V* ; P Serv Gas 5%s 64 7 105 105 105 ■ Punta Alegre 75... 5 106 106 106 ; Remington Arms 6t 9 93 977* 98 ‘ Sharon Stl H 85... 2 108% 108% 108% Sinclair oil 65..,. 11 97 96% u7 Sinclair Oil 6%5. . 19 9.5% 95 95% | Sinclair Oil 15..... 37 100 99 100 Sin Pipe Line sis... 28 91 93% 91 ; Skeily Oil 5%8.... 1 94 7 * 94% 94% Sou Bell Tel 55.... 6 104% 104% 104% ! Southwest Bell fts. 5 106'/* 106% 106'/* j Standard Oil NJ 6s 8 103% 103% 103',v Sug East Orient 7s 1 100% 100% 100% Tenn Elec Pow sis. 2 107 107 107 Toledo Edn Ist 7s. 1 108% 108% 108 s * United Drug 65.., 16 108 107% 108 U 8 Rub Ist rt 65.. 33 96% 96 96% U S Rub 7%s 2 105% 105% 105% U S Steel sffis.... 4 108% 108% 108% . Utah Pow &Lt ss. 5 102 101% 102 ] Vertlentes Sug 7s. 1 100 100 100 Warner Sug Is 39., 1 88% 88% 88% Warner Sug 7s 4).. 3 106% 106'/* 106% vVest Elec 6s 1 103% 103% 103% Weetinghouse 65.. 9 104 104 104 Wilson &Go Ist sis 9 101% 101% 10D. i Youngstn S&T sis.. 4 105 105 105 RAILROAD ‘ Atchison een 4e .. 35 98% 97% 98 • Atlantic C L Ist «s 38 99 98 99 • All & Dan Ist 4s 48 1 83 83 8! • B& O Gold 4s 34 97% 96% 97% • BSrOcv*%» 14 100% 100% 100% .' B& O Ist Ss ct.... 4 1097* 1097* 109% • | B& O ref sis 1! 104% 104% 104% ;jB& O 5s 2000 D... 13 105% 105 105% • B& O sis 5 102% 102% 102% • 1 B& O rs imo 65.... 5 111% 111% 111% 13 &OSW 6s 50.... 5 106% 106% 106% mE EVENING STAR, WASTTTXGTOX. D. C„ SATURDAY. DECEMBER 17, 1927. Ssler High Low Close 1 8.10 Toledo 45... 3 89V. 89 89 i Brdwy & 7th Av fts 3 69% 64 69% 1 Bkivn Manhat fit.. 17 96% 96% 96% j Buff R & Pltf 4 %s. 1 98 98 98 I Can Nat 4%557... 55 100% 100% 100% ■ Canad North 6 %s. 4 121% 121% 121% I Can Pac 4%« *6... |() nil 101 101 ! Cent of Ga 6% s 4 108 108 log Cent of Ga sis 2 102 101% LOtV, Central Pacific 4S. L 95% Cent Pac Ist 6s 90. 5 , (U , 4 l(J11/4 ; Chesa Corp 6s wl.. 46 99% 99% 99% Ches & O gn 4%5.. 10 103% 103'* 1037, Cht B& Q gen 4s fiß 2 97% 97% <l7l. CB & Q-111 div 4s. 1 98% 98'a 98% Chi & E 111 gn 6s 61 3 92% 92% 9%* Chi Gt West 4s 69. 05 7., 7 7 : 27. CM&StPdb«s... “3 70 70 70 CM& St Pov 4 Vis. 170 Vi 70% 707* I CM&SPCV4 %s32cfs 2 70% 70% 70% CM*StPgn4%s 2 101 101 pH CM&St Pcv 55.. 2 69% 69% 69% C M&St Pcv Ss cfs 5 64% 69% 69% CMKStPfis . . 2 ,03% 103% 103% £h £V7S 92057< 5104 104 i» 4 Chi RI& Tgn 45.. 5 9.v* 9:1 92 ' '?r ® P rs 4"" I! ' 95% 95% ! K 1 I'ac w.J. 22 97 9697 i '’"l? 1 ? ,a 5s 44 l 1047* 1047, 104% I Cht & W lnd cn 4S. 35 91% 91% ; C & W I fiUs 62... 19 104 * 104% 104% | CCC &StL rs sis A 4 103% 102% 103% , Co!o&Sou 4%5... 6 100 100 100 ! Cuba R R ss o 97 7 it y"t 4 97ki ; Cuba Nor s%sets.. 16 97 96% 97 Del & Hud Ist rs 4s 2 967 fr 96% 96% i Den & Rio Gen 4s. 9 931% 93 93 D & Rio G Imp 65.. 1 100 100 100 ] D Rio O West 65... 90 88% 86% 87% Erie Ist cons 45... 29 91% 89’% 91% ] Erie gen 4s « 85 84% 85 j Erie conv 4s A .. 3 87% 87% 87% j Erie evt 5s 67 wl.. 41 98% 98% 98% I Erie Se Jersey 6s. >. 5m% 114% 114% i Fla EC sis 74 29 88% 88 88% Or Trunk stdb 69. . 1 109% 109% 109% Grand Trunk 75... 2 116% 116% 116% I Great North 4 %sw .36 100 99% 991, |Gr Nor gen 7s . s 115 nr, 115 Hav El Ry 5%s 51. 1 BUI 81% 81% Hud & Man rer 6s. 10 101% 101% 101% Hud & Man al 65... 7 92% 92% 92% 111 Cent 4s 53...... 5 93 93 93 111 Cent 4Vs 66.... 30 101% 101% ini% Int Rapid Tran 6s. 4 77% 77 77 Int Rap Tr sis stpd. 2 77 77 77 Int Rap Tran 65... 1 77% 777* 77;^ Int Rap Tran 75... 2 98% 98% 98% Int & G Nor ad sis.. 2 97% 97 97% Int * G Nor Ist sis. 1 107% 107% 107% Int Rys CA 6s 72.. 13 84V* 83% 84% Int Rv C A 6%s ret 1 90% 90% 90% lowa Cent Ist 55... 16 40% 40 40 Kan City Term 4s. 3 94 94 94 Kansas City Sfis.. 1 102 102 102 Lake Shore 4s SI.. 5 99% 99% 99% Long Is rs 4s 49... 1 94 91 94 Louts&Nash uni 4s 7 98% 98% 98% Louis & Nash fi%s. 127 109% 109% 109% j Louis* Nash 75;.. 1 104% 104% 104% ; Man Ry 2d 4s 2013. 2 61% 61% 61% ] Mil El Ry AL5s 61 1 103% 103% 103% jMSt P & SSM cn 4s 7 91% 91% 91% iMStP&SSMfi%s 17 102% 102% 102% ! M K&T4S B 1 91 91 91 MK * T adl 65.... 4 109 109 109 M K A T pr In 6s A. 1 104% 104% 104% MK&T6sC 5 102% 102% 102% Mo Pacific cen 45.. 28 82% 82% 82% Mo Pac 6s F 77.... 21 102 101% 101% Mob & Ohio 4%s 77 13 99% 99% 99% N O Tex &M 6s 8.. 1 102% 102% 102% N Y Cent 4s 98.... 2 98% 98% 98% NYChI&StL SHsA. 3 107% 107 107% NYCh lAStL 6 % sB. 5 107 107 107 NYCA St L sis A . 3 103% 103% 103% NY N Hav&H 4s 56 1 86 86 86 NY NH&H db 4s 67 5 81 81 81 NY NH&H cv db 6s 10 114 7 * 114% 114% NY N HavAH clt 6» 1 10.5% 105% 10.5% NY Rys sis 65 38 12% 12 12 NYStateßy 6%s 62 1 64 64 64 NYWABoa4tts. 5 90 90 90 Norfolk &W cn 4s. 35 98% 98% 98% Nor Pac 3s 2047... 21 72 72 72 Northern Pao 45... 1 97% 97% 97% Northern Pac r 1 sis 3 115T* 115% 115% Ore Short L rfs 4s. 4 99% 99% 99% Pennsyl gen 4%5.. 14 104% 104% 104% Pennsyl 5s 64 41 105% 105 105 Pennsyl 6%s 15 113 113 113 Pennsyl gold 75... 35 105% 105% 105% Peo &Elt 4s 40... 4 91% 91% 91% Here Mara Ist 65.. 3 105 105 105 ; Port R L&P 5s 42. 40 98% 97% 97% ! Port RLP 6s 47... 2 101% 103% 10 l% ! Reading gep 4%5.. 4 103% 103% 103% I Rio G West el 45... 11 83% 88 88 iR 1 Ark A L 4%5.. 8 99 98V* 98% !St L IM&S RAG 4s 6 96% 96 96 : StLASFpi 4S A. 2 92 92 92 St LA S Fpr in be. I 103% 103% 103% IStL A S Fadj 65.. 22 101% 101% 101% :StLA S F tno «... 27 99% 98% 98% !StL S w con 4s 32. 5 97% 97% 97% St P & KCShL 4%s 4 97% 97% 97% 1 San AAAm P 45.. 17 94% 94 94 i Seab A L ref 45.... 2 70% 70% 70% ! Seab A Ladl 65.... 4 79 79 79 1 Seab A L con 65... 6 95% 95% 95% ISB All Fla 6s 35 A. 5 94% 94% 94% ,SB All Fla 6s 358.. I 94'-* 94% 94% 1 Sou Pao 4s 29 10 99% 99% 99 7 * ; Sou Pacific ref 45.. 4 97% 97% 97% i Sou Pac 4%sA 77.. 1 103% 103V* 103% i Sou Ry gen 4s 45 92% 92 92% Sou Ry Con sis 94.. 2 113% 113% 113% i Sou Ry sis 66 7 120% 120% 120% j Term Asso S L 45.. 2 92% 92% 92% : Term Asso St L 6s. 6 106% 106V* 106V* ! Tex Ark FS 6%s 60 2 106% 106% 106% ] Tex & Pao 5s 77 rts 5 102% 102%. 102 s * , Third Ave ad) 55.. 2 68 58 58 Union Pao Ist rs 4s 1 97 97 97 Un Pao 4V48 67.... 2 100V* 100% 100% Union Pac cv sis... 6 101 101 101 Virginia Ry Ist 6s. 2 109% 109% 109% Va Ry A P 6s 1 101%. 101%. 101%. Wabash 5s 76 8... 2 104V* 104% 104% 1 West Maryland 4s. 9 86 85% 85% j West Md 5%s 77... 6 102 101% 102 ■ Western Pacific sis. 14 100%. 100% 100 Va ! West Shore 4s 2381 1 92 92 92 1 Wis Cen gn 4s 49.. 1 88 88 88 CHICAGO STOCK MARKET. By Si*- ial Leased Wire to The Star. Sale*. STOCKS. High. Low. Close. 30 Adam* Royalty.. 21 2i 21 lu All Ainer Had... 4% 4>/i 9% J.» Ami-uniltMart pf 100 100 100 I 55 Am snipbldg ... 115% 115% 115*4 4 2 Am States 11 4% 4% 4 % I 530 Am States war.. % j* % 20 Armour Del pf.. 85 85 85 210 Armour ill pi... 07% 07 07% I 36 Assoc luv C 0.... 37 37 37 Out) Auburn Motor .. 119% 118% 119 lOOßasttan Blessing.. ’23*l 23 V* 23% I 050 Bendix . . ..... 55% 7)5 55 % i 1700 Borg & Beck ... 82 81 81 210 Bruch & Sons... 20 19 20 I JlO Butler Bros .... 22 22 22 240 Cumbt Wy&C Fdy 34% 34 34 | 160 Celotex t;:i% 03 03 20 Cent 111 P S pi.. Wti 1*5% 90 i 50 Cent A S West.. 70 09% 70 27. Cent SOW PL pf. 103% 103% 103% 40 Cent S O W pf. . 99 99 99 loochi Clt & CK pf 20 20 20 50 Chi Dec Mfg A . 3 3 3 5 Chi K.vs Ser 35.. % % . % 10o( hi Kwvb Ser 4*. % % *,* 825 club Aluminum.. 40 80% 40 20 Connnonwlth Ed . 109 109 109 ■lot) Consumers Co .. 8% 8% 8% JO Eddy Paper .... 82 37 32 30 Kmp OAK pi 75.. 99 % 99 % 99% 10 Krnp G&K pf Bs.. 108% 108% 108% 400 F.van* Auto Lg A 58 7)8 58 Ml Evans Auto Lg II 58% 58% 68% 300 Foote Clear 19 18% JB‘, 1 o 1 (iotlehaux 3% 3% 3% 100 Go-sard H W 43 43 43 5o Great J. Dredge.. 200200 200 300 Hartman B .... 20% 20% 20% 175 Kellogg Switch.. 18 13 13 2.5 Hr,lit Cheese ~ . 54% 54% 54% 1 HIM) Meadow* Mlg Co. 10% IO JO% 3000 Marvel (ail) .... 00% 58 % 00% 150 MiCord Had A” 11 II 11 ■ 75 M. Qunde Norris.. 23% 23% 23% I 50 Mid Stl Prod 99% 99% 99% I 10 Mid West nr 1... 12.5% 125 % 17.) % 1 It) Mid West Os pid. 94% 94 94 3.50 Mid West ltd... 123 122% 123 4.5 Mul W Util 7s pt 1 18% 118% 118% 200 M mn-Honey well . 32% 32% 32% 106 Minn-Hon pfd.... 100 DIO 100 , 2000 Montgoni Ward.. 119% 117% 118 I 1 old Morgan Litho.... 7.5 s * 74 % 75 ! 900 Monsanto, h .... 38% 38% 38% 4.50 Nat El Po w A” 28 27 28 25 Natl Radiator.... 38% 38% 38% 4900 Nat Standard.... 39% 38% 39% 50 North Am Car 32 32 32 25 No West Ut pr 1.101 101 101 20 N West Ut 7s pf. 99% 99 99% 200 Novadel ram 9% 9% 9% 10 Okla (la* A El. 109 109 109 25 Pick Barth pfd.. 20% 20% 20% 50 Pines Wlnterfr.. 50 50 50 110 (Junker Oats 255 250 255 87 Quaker Oats pid. 112 112 112 POORS Music 40 4o 40 225 Reo Motor 20% 20% 20 s * 50 Ryan Car.. .... 1(1 10 10 8150 Sears-Roebuck 89% 87 89% 200 So Colo Pow A.. 25 2.5 25 HO Steel Tube 51 50% 51 2250 Stew Warner.... 83% 83 83 350 Swift & Co 125% 125 125% 1030 Swift lntl 25 Va 25 25% 45 Teun Plod 15 15 15 130 Cn Biscuit <BO% 80 80 % 25 Vesta Battery ... 12 12 12 1010 Warner Gear ... 33 32% 32% 100 Wm oil Antoni. .8 8 8 1 7.50 Wolf Mfs cfs % % % . 150 Wrigley 71 70 71 , 250 Yates Machine .. 10% 10% 10% 150 Yellow Cab 43 43 43 1 Total sales. 39.500 shares. . BONDS , 5000 Chi C A Con R 5« «!> % 09% 00% 0000 Metro El K Ist 4s 79% *O% 79% » 1000 Pa,- Coast (’em «s 98% 08% 98% i JBVOfswm Ist 5s ... 102% 102% 102% jSTOCKSCOMEBACK IN WEEK’S TRADING Strong Investment Situation Supported by Continued Easy Money. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. December 17.—When the stock market broke in October, as a result of an over-extended bull position. United States Steel new com mon stock declined below !29 after selling above 160. This week it has been back to 150. In the interval conditions in the iron and steel trade have been uti- - favorable. Prices have allowed small profits to manufacturers, ingot pro duction his dropped to the lowest total for this season in several years, j and new contracts have been disap- j pointing. Especially has there been an absence of demand from the auto mobile trade in spite of predictions that December would witness a rapid expansion in the number of contracts from this quarter. When I T . S. Steel declined over 30 j points in the Autumn. General Motors new common stock went from 141 to U’s, where it met astonishing support. It now is only about eight points higher than at that time. General Electric dropped 20 points and lias rallied 14 points. Kail Shares Not So Buoyant. Except for Atchison common, which <hls month duplicated its previous high tigure of S2OO a share; Canadian Pio itic, whose December price is 15 points better than that of October, and Southern Railway common, now on an 8 per cent basis instead of 7 per cent previously, there has been no duplication of the buoyancy in invest ment. railroad shares which at dif ferent times emphasized the demand for strong equity issues earning a sub ; stantial margin over dividends. The same conditions may tie said to ! obtain in tlie investment group of public utility stocks, of which there I are a considerable number now selling ■it prices approximating the high grade rails and the gilt-edged in this week there have been a great rnanv stocks added to the long list of those at record prices for the vear Membership in this group has been secured by numerous metal shares, chiefly due to the psychologi cal effect on speculative sentiment of the more cordial relations apparently established between the United States and Mexico since Lindbergh’s spec tacular flight from Washington to Mexico City. Mexico Move Important. The effort to create an entente cor diale not only with Mexico but with Central America and some of the South American republics is well worth making on behalf of American business at a time when European countries are placing themselves in a position to compete in those mar kets with American goods. So far as Mexico is concerned, it is equally im portant that relations be created that will permit the free production of her resources, such as oil, copper and sil ver, in which American capital has a very large stake. Another and possi bly the most important of all develop ments growing out of more intimate political relations south of the Rio Grande would be in the way of open ing up the vast territory to public utility development and duplicating there some of the success that has already been achieved in Central and South America. The hesitancy in General Motors stock, after its months of leadership and prior speculative position over United States Steel common, is an indication that Wall Street anticipates a year of severe competition with the Ford Motor Co. and smaller earnings per share than during either 1926 or 1927. It apparently bolds a dif ferent view regarding a number of the smaller automobile manufacturers who are not placed in such a direct line of attack as is General Motors and whose stocks have been among those in public demand at the high est prices of the year. There is in this an element of speculation based on the possibility of merging several Small units for their mutual protec tion and more economical operation during the period of intense selling activity. Money Question Paramount. Altogether the market this week has again moved against the facts of business, which are not satisfactory, but in harmony with the investment situation, whose foundations are strong and continue to be supported by easy money. It is important, there fore, to consider whether money is to remain abundant and cheap in the fu ture. This question is intimately related to the present barge flow of gold out of the country. In the past week Holland and Sweden nave joined the list of nations buying our gold, and most important of all, an additional $7,500,000 has been sent to London. We are on the eve of the adoption of policies that may determine the discount rates of the Federal Reserve Banks as well as of the Bank of England and the Bank of Germany so” the next six months. Associated with this is the proposed stabilization of the currencies of Italy and France in the early part of 1928. Bankers’ Meeting Recalled. It will be remembered that early in July the beads of all of the large central banks of Europe met here with the governor of the Federal Re serve Bank cf New York. A month later the Federal reserve rediscount rate was reduced from 4 per cent to 3per cent. Subsequently the Bank of Germany discount advanced to 7 per cent. The Rank of England had unwisely reduced its rediscount rate to 4% per cent, and was only able to keep it ‘here during the Summer be cause of the lower rate here. Following these events sterling ex change began to tise when, according to seasonal precedence, it should have declined. The currencies of Holland, Germany and Scandinavia followed. Argentine and Brazil negotiated large loans in New Y'ork and drew gold out of this market in payment. Poland went on a cold basis and she, toto, srcured the payment of a portion of the proceeds of her loan in yellow metal. It has been the-policy of the Gov ernment, acting through the Federal Reserve Board, to maintain low in terest rates during the second half of the year. There have been two pur poses in mind impelling this policy. The first was to aid the refunding op erations of t lie Government, which must be continued Into 1928 when the third Liberty 4%s mature, and the sec ond the need of assisting European countries during their transition from depreciated currencies to a gold basis. Mellon Explains Policy. There are two significant paragraphs in the last report of Secretary Mel lon, which present the official view of this subject. Dealing with the move ment of gold between the United States, England and other European countries, h*e says: “The reserve pol icy is at least in part responsible, not simply through specific operations de signed to deal with gold movements, but principally by the pursuance of a larger plan, which Ins had as its ob jective the restoration of the gold standard throughout the world and which has found expression in the granting of credits to a number of European banks of issue, and in a discount and open market policy which, as far as possible, has avoided a rate position which would attract NEW.YORK CURB MARKET 71 Received by Private Wire Direct to The Star Office Following is the list of stocks and bonds traded in on the New Y'ork Curb Market today: | Sale* in INDUSTRIALS, hundreds. High. Low. Close. I 6Are to 1 nr 31 % ;(1 % 31** % Ala lit South pfd 159% 1st!) % 159% 3 A!h P Bar A pfd 20% 20% 20% 7 Alison Drug A. 21% 20% 21% 3 Alum Co n.... 128% 127% 128% 2 Alum Co n pfd. 104% 104% 104% , % Am Cigar 138% 138% 138% lAm Dept Strs. . 12 12 12 2ft Am Fo Pw rts. . ft % ft ft % 3 Am A El.. 122 120% 120% I .* m Hawaiian SS Hi 16 10 % Am I. & Trac. . 174 17-4 174 %Am Mfg 80% 80% 80% 4Am N Gas 1!) 18% 111 OAm Rayon Prod 14% 13% 13% 10 Am Rolling M.. 07% 97% 07% 1 Amslr Trad. . . 43 43 43 11 Am SACh p pld 20 28% 20 lAm Superp B. . 39% 39% 30% lAm Superp pr pf 28% 28% 28% 4 Asho Gas A El. fio 49% 50 02 A G A E rts’wi 1% 1% 1% 10 Atl Fruit Oft .00 .95 13 Atlas Plywood.. 03% 03 % 03% 28 At To SK rts wi 3% 3% 3% 3 Rahea Co 10% It), 10 3 Bahea Co pfd. . 14% 14% 14 % 02 Baneitoly Corp. . 138% 137% 138 0 Bliss EWn. .. . 22% 21 % 21 % 1 Blyn Shoes Inc. 5% 5% 5% 1 Blum S 33% .33% 33% % Bohaek H C Co. 248 235 248 I 8 Bohn Alum.... 34% 34% 34% j 3 Borden Co 104% 103 103 , 1 Itridgep Mach ... 2% 2% 2% 1 Brillo Mfg ... . . 14% 14% 14% 2 Brillo Mfg A. .. . 27% 27 27% 11 Broekw Mot n. . . 50 4ft 60 13 Bklyn City R R.. 4 3% 4 90 Bucyrus Erie wi. 31 30 30 8 Buoy E C pfd wi 35% 35% 35% 4 Bucvru* Co COD. 89% 88% 88% 32 Bus Niag A E rts 2 1% 1H I 8 Campbell Wy wi .'84% 34 34 61 Can Marconi W 2% 2A 2% 1 Carnation Milk,. 20% 20% 29% ICase Plow 6 6 6 12 Caterpil Tract n. 61% 59 69 lOCelan Cor Am n 07% 95% 9.% 3 Celluloid Co n. . . 115 108 115 1 Ceiotex Co 64 63 63 1 1 Ceiotex Co pfd ... 8/ % 87 % 87 % 1 % Cen Aguirre Sug. 129 129, 120 i 3 Cent Pip C0r.... 12% 12% 12% 1 Cent Pub Serv A 21 21 21 1 Cent A Southw.. 70% <O% <O% % Cent Sou pr lien 104 104 104 1 % Cent Sta El pfd. 102% 102 102% IOC G Sp A Bump 12% 12 12 3C M A 8P n wi 24% 24% 24% 4 City Ice A Fup! . . 36% 36 36% 7 Club Alum Uteri. 39% 39% 39% 2 Col Graph rets . 36% 35% 35% 1 Common P n pfd 103% 103% 103% 2 Consol Laund.... 16 16 16 1 Consol Tract.... 64 64 64 1 Copel Prod A. . . 77 7 1 Crowley Mil wi. 35% 35% 35% 1 Crown WUm vtc 14% 14% 14% 1 Cuba Tob Co vtc 51 51 51 3% Deere A Co 241% 238% 241 2De For R C vtc 2 2 2 5 DFRC vtc cfs dep .98 98 .98 J Dixon Crucible. 170 169% 170 1 Dochler Die C C 15% 15% 15% 1 Dominion St Ltd. 104 104 104 24 Dubilier C A R-. 3% 3% 3% I 2 Durant Mot .... 9 % 9 % i) % 128 El BASh n Corn 82% 81 % 82% 32 El Invest 1nc.... 45% 45% 45% 6EI PAL optl war. 13% 13% 13% 2Em Pow Cor n. . 32 % 32 % 32 % 1 Kste.v Welt Cor A 1 % L % 1 % 2% Fajardo Sitg Co.. 163 160% 163 53 Fansteel Prod ... 38 3rt% 36% 2 Fedder* Mfg A.. 31 31 31 19 Fed Metals T.... 20 19 20 2 Federal Water A. 34% 34% 34% 7% Firestone Tire ..206 201 203% 1 Firest T 7s pfd.. 108 107% 107% % Ford Mot Co Can 610 605 605 4 Foundat For A.. 9% 8% 8% 80 Fox Theaters A. 22% 21% 21% 2 Freed Eisem RC. 3% 3% 3% 24 Freshman Chas.. 11 10 10 8 Fulton Sylphon.. 46% 45% 4*6% 1 Gamewell Co ... 63 63 63 5 Gen Alloy* 13% 13% 13% 2 Garod Corp 95 .95 .95 3 Gen Bak A 76 % 76 % 76 % 14 Gen Bak B. .. . 8% 8% 8% 3 Gen Bronze .... 37 36% 36% 4 Gen Ice Cream . 62 62 62 12 Gen Laund Mach 21% 21 21% 3 Gen Pub Ser 15% 15% 15% % Gen Pub S pfd.. 112% 112% 112% 1 Georgia Pow- pfd 103 103 103 14 Glen Alden Coal. . 167% 166 166% 15 Gold Seal Elec... 16% 15% jy 1 Gorham Mfg ... 48% 48% 48% 3 Grand Stores ... 96% 96 V, 96% % G AAP TC 1 pfd. 118% 118% lis% 3 Greens Tap A Die 12% 12% 12% II Happiness C St.. 76% 7 4 He.vden Chem N.. 8 7 % R 2 Hires Ch A 23 23 23 17 Holland Furnace. 43 43 43 6 Horn A Hardart . 56% 55% 56 1 Huylers ... ... 16% 16% 16% 3 H.vgrade Wood .. 25% 25% 25% -04 Ind Ray Cor A.. 19% 19 19% 9 Insur Co N A... 86 % 86% 86% 1 IntCigMach Co n 90% 90% 90% 46 Intern Util B. . . 10% 9% 9% 8 Johns-Manv n... 125% 124% 124% l Keimer Wms St.. 16% 16% 16% 14* . Kroeger GrAßk C 145 144% 145 1 Kruskal A Krus.. 17 17' 17 sLa<’kawan Sec n.. 54% 54% 54% 3 Lei court Real pf. 38% 38 38% 2 2Eeh Pow n .... *20% 20% 20% 7 L’h Val C rfs. . . 35% 35% 35% 1 Lch Val C Sales.. 64% *54 % 64% 9 Lemur Co 15 15 is 2 Lib Owens Sh G1 135 135 135 low*" I &> vma , n A I**4 18 10 Marc Wire Lon. 8% r% r ,2 Marmon Mot... 47 47 47 i, l Marvel Carb... 59 59 59 J % M aryl Casualty. 195 193 195 % Mass Gas C 0... 113% 113% 113% J; Mavis Bottling.. 16% 16 16% 15 Mot all Corp rts 1 % 1% 1% 1 Mead Johnson.. 58% 58% 58% % Met Shoe Co pfd 11 0 110 110 2>„ Mpn > rel 80x... 60 56 56 <1 Mesabi 1r0n.... 3% 2% 3 1 Mid West Util. 123% 123% 123% 7 Mohawk Hu Pw 31 % 31% 31% % Morgan Lith. . . 103 103 103 2 Municipal Serv. 14% 14% 14% 10 Mu Rad Radio.. .10 .10 10* 1 Nat Bak 9 9 f» 18 Nat El Pw A.. 27 % 26% 27 % 1 Nat Food Prod. 514 5% *5% 2 Nat Leather 3% 3% 3% •Si PAL 7s pfd. 108% 108% 108% 6 Nat Pub Ser A 22 % 22% 22% 2 Nat Tile 34 % 34 34 % - Neisner 8r05... 62% 62% 62% > Newb J .1 pfrl.. 105% 105% 105% % Newport Co P.. 119 11!) 119 J. y Tel Co pfd. 115 115 115 ~ N‘ch A Shep. . 32% 32% 32% 7 Niles Beni Pd 11. 30 20% 30 ,2 Nineteen HW M 24% 24 % •’4% ’« NlnP96s cpf 100 100 100 11 North O Pw C. 17% 17 17% 6 Nor Sta P C A. . 1.35% 134% 134% i~b° r Sta P C pfd 109% 109% 109% 12 Northe Pow n. . . 22 % 21 -- % 1 Ohio Brass B ..107% 107 107% } £"f pfd. . 48% 48% 48% 1 Palmolive C 0.... 95 95 !)5 1 Pender p Groc A 49 % 49 % 4!) % I+Pender D Groc B 35% 34 35% 5 Penn Ohio Sec... 12% 12% 12% % Penn OE 6s pfd 94% 94% 94% 3 Penn O E p pfd 107% 107% 107% % Peon Salt. 100 99 100 P«<>p Drug Store. 50 45 50 * nS 1 66 % 56% 1 Philip Morris... 9% 9% 9% j P ot ero Sug wi. .. 14 14 14* 5 £° w „ s CfHT Corp. 13 12% 13 A £ u f. sPA L. . 35% 35% 35% •* i* s°l * Boyce Pfd 4% 4% 4% 2% Safeway Stores. 326 326 326 % Shaefer Pen.... 84 84 84 g erv El C„ r p 50 .30 .50 54 Serv El n vtc wi 4% 3% 4 J Silica Gel vtc.. 19% 19% H)% 1. S" s *",'; .Mfg .. . 430 429 430 3 Sou Cal E B old 26 25% 26 % Sou Cit TJt pfd. . 7% 71, 7ix § ou fiLn.. 44 <2 44 441? 7 Sou P A L war 14% 14% 14% % Southw Bell pfd 119 119 119 , L Southw PA Lpf 111 in in SP a n k 8 J?' thins • 35 % 35% 8 St Reg Pap 58 57 5# * 2 Stand Com Tob. . 33 33 33 17 Stand Pow A Lt 31% 30% 31% island PAL pfd 103% 103% 103% 1 Stand Sanit Mfg. 108 10K 108 4 Stanley Co n.... 19% is% 18% o Mot 19 % 18 % 18 % 2 Swift Inti 25 25 -5 J Svrae Wash M B 14 14 14 1 Timken Axle ... 12% 12% 12% % Tol E7s pfd. . .111 ill 111 ‘ 7Tnco Prod 20 % 28% 29 7 Trans Lux Piet. . 4% 4% 4% 1 Trumbull St) .. . 11 n n 1 Tubize AS B vtc 474 470 474 3 Tung Sol Lam A 20% 20% 20% U;l| Biscuit A... 66% 65 66% B Uni Biscuit B .. . 15% 15 15% .-Uni Am 38% 38% 38% 48 Uni El Coal vtc 35% 34 .35 2 Uni Eng A F n 52% 52% 52% 7 Uni G Imp C. . 113% 113 113 123 Uni Lt A P n A 13% 13% 13% 4 Uni LA P A pfd 93% 93% 93% 1 Uni LAP 11 B 1!) 19 19 3 Uni LA P B pfd 52% 52 % 52% 1 Uni Shoe MiC. . . 64% 64% 641 l 14 TT S Freight n. . 84% 83% S 3 % 1 % TT s Gynstirn.... 86 86 86 1 TT S L BafTefl* B 10 ]0 10 lb S R Real 9% *(| T' 2 Util P A 1, vtc B 20% 20% °O% 27 Warner Bros Pic 11% 9 % 10 % gold to this country and put a Strain on the European money market.’* Again he says: “It is indeed fortu nate in this disturbed period in mone tary affairs, when so large responsi bilities have been placed upon this country, that we have had in the Fed eral Reserve System an agency ca pable not only of exercising an im portant influence towards stability in our money markets, but also of aiding in financial reconstruction abroad.” Low Rates In Prospect. Inasmuch as these movements of gold apparently will continue for a while longer, the interpretation to he placed on the Secretary’s words is that the machinery of the Federal Re serve Banks will bo employed to off set any effects these movements might have no money rates and that low discounts here will be maintained as long as possible to assist in the recon struction of Europe. This is believed to he the purpose of the return visit which Gov. Strong of the Federal Re serve Bank and Representative Me- Fadden are making to European bank heads. If it were not for this situation it would be difficult to find excuse for the rising prices of speculative securi ties. as trade, broadly speaking, is not good. Some investigation this week of earnings of the iron and steel com panies and of the Eastern and South ern railroads for the December quarter reveals the fact that actually it is ex remely bad. 3 Warner Gear A. . 33% 33 33% 7 Watson J W .... 20% 20 20% 1 Watt A Bond A . 26 26 26 2 West Auto S pfd 2!) % 29% 29% I 3 Wesson OASn vtc 69% 69 69 | 3 Wheatsworth Inc 33% 33% 33% 2 Whi Sew M d rts 11% 11 11 1 Y'el Taxi CN Y n 15% ’15% 15 % j Sales in MINING STOCKS, hundreds. 20 Am Con MAM Lt .06 .05 .05 BAm Explora 1 % I A 1 A 1 Anglo Chil C N\. 25% 25% 25% 50 Am Globe C 04 .03 .04 3 Beaver Cons 1 % 1 % 1 % 6 Bunker Hill 142 140 140 13 Carnegie Metals.. 18 16 17% 24 Con Cop Mines.. 6% 6 6% 1 Cop Range 21 21 21 5 Cresson G01d..... 2 2 30 Divide Extens 04 .04 .01 6 Dolores Esper 50 .50 .50 3 East Butte 2 % 2% 2% 1 Eng Gold M Ltd I 2 2 2 11 Golden Cent M... 2% 2% 2% 10 Golden State 09 .0!* .09 4 Heel a Min 16% 16% 16% 8 Mason Val I % I % I % 9 New Cornelia.. . 28 % 28% 28% 8 New mop t Mining 128 127% 128 1 N Y A Hond Rns 11 II 11 2 Ninissing 6% 6% 6% 8 Noranda 2.1% 22% 23% 57 Ohio Cop | .95 .99 19 Shattuek Demi. . 13% 11 % 11 % 6 Tech Hughes ... 10% 10% 10% 6 Tono Belmont .11 1 10 Tonopah Ext . .12 .13 .12 12 Uni Verde Ext . 28% 28% 28%. | 7 Ut ah Apex 5% 4% 4% 3 Wenden Cop . 1 % 1 % 1 % , 10 West End Ext . .02 .02 .02 Sale* INDEPENDENT OIL STOCKS in hundreds. 76 Am Con Oilflds . .85 .80 85 12 Am Marai-aibo Co 3% 3% :t % 1 Bnt-Am Oil n .. 35% 35% 35% 6 Carib Synd .... 18% 18% 18% 19 City Serv n .. . . 52 % 52 % 52 % 5 Cit Serv n pf 94 % 94 % '94 % 2 Columbia Synd . . 1 % 1 % 1 % 83 Creole Synd 10 9 % 10 11 Crown Cen Pet . .69 .65 .65 2 Darby Pet 75 .75 75 1 Emp GAF7s pf 99 % 99% 99% 0 Emp G A F 7s pf 108 107% 107 % 5 Gibson Oil Cor . . 2 1 % 1 % 7 gulf Oil Pa . ..105 104% 104% 4 Houston Gulf Gas 11% 11% 11% 4 Inter Pet. 2 % 2 % 2 % 1 Kirby Pet 1 % 1 % 1 % I Lon Siar G n Del 55 55 55 4 Magda! Synd ... 1 % 1 % 1% I SO Hex Oil . . 39 .32 32 29 Mount Prod . ... 26% 25 % 26% 6 New Bradford O. ,5% 5 % 5% 10 New Eng Fuel O, 28 38 78 1 New Mex Land.. 10 10 jl) 78 Pandeni Oil .... 5% 5% 7,% 21 Panteper Oil .. in % 9% 9 v 1 Pennok Oil Cor.. 15% 15% 15% 7 Reiter-Foster Oil. 6% 0% 6% 10 Royal Con O A R .12 .12 .12 3 Ryan foil 5% 5% '5% 94 Salt Ck Pro . ... 33% 32% 32% 3 Venezeulan Mex. 16% 16% 16% 3 Venezuelan Pet.. 4 % 4% 4% 1 Woodley Pet n. . 6% 6 % 6% 2 ’Y” Oil n 2% 2% 2% Sales STANDARD OIL ISSUES AND FOR in units MER SUBSIDIARIES—STOCKS. 4500 Cont’l Oil n. .. . 18% 18% 18% 200 Gai Sig 0i1.... 4<i 3% a % 130 Gal S O pfd old -to 40 4u 3 10 Gal S O t>f(i 11, , 28 28 28 7300 Humble Oil A R tit! % 65% 66 7> 11 p i v . iso,; 500 Imp 0 fan 11. . . 59 % 59% 59% 4100 inter Pet f Ltd 36 % 30 '1 36% 200 Nat Transit ... 21 % 21% 21 1 4 400 Ohio Oil 66% 66 66% 300 Pen Mex Fuel.. 33% 3.3% .33% 1900 Prairie O A G ri 48% 48% 48^ 200 Prairie P I 182 % 182% 18-% 000 South Penn O n 37 % 37 % .27 5? 100 South PL n 21 21% : *i % 4 -o!nS o J nd *0 42 79% ?»£ -00 S O Xy 123% 122% 12-% 400 S O Neb n 42 U 4T% 4-% 50 S O Ohio n 77% 77% 77% 400 Vacuum Oil . . 142% 142% 142% Sales in BONDS, thousand*. 194 Ala Pow 4%s wi 95% 95% 95% 1% Alum Co Am 55.. 101 % lnl% 101% 10 Am Cyanamid ss. 95% 95% 95% 7Am Gas A E! 6s. 108% 108% 108% lAm Na Gas 6%s 99% 99% 99% 13 Am Pow A Lt 6s. 107% 107 % 107% 5 Am Seating M5...103% 103% 103% 2Am Rad 4%5... 99 98 % 98% 31 Appal El Pow fts 99% 99% 99% «« A "r ( » r ’ E 5%*.. 102% 101 % 103 * 13 Ark P A L fts. . . 99 98% 98% ■ F.I 5%s 104 104 104 40 Atl Fruit Bs. .. 2) 19% "0% 27 Bates Valve B 6s 100 98% 100 iߧ* 1! A r x? n 3! * a --1“4% 104% 104% 19Bost AMess AC 98 97*, 98 o BrunTAE7 % wfdii 40 40 40 *<■■-. 1“3% 103% 103% Jl ChiMAStP ftsAnwi 64 63% 63% 6 Chi Pneu Tl 5%s 99% 9!) 99 sCin St Ry 5% g a 101 •% 101% 101% 4 Cit Set v 5s 9! 90 v' 91 * ,! g«TV rt» 103 % 103% 103% ~4fit Ser Gas 5%s 95% 95 9517 10 Cu Ser Pow 5%s 97% 97% >l7 % e Pb'ByP&L 4% s A 95% 95% )),ft % ? P° mw Efl 1%» D 101 % lo) s, 101 % ol Tex 85.... 9.5 95 95 2 ?vuba Co 6*. ... 97% 97% 97% 1 fildahy 5%* ... 97% 97% 97 K 00 R*’’ Pj v G ss B . 103% Ift3* a 103% ~lt 2 , 'k* • ■ 100 1°" 100 .. R Pt I" 1 ! 100 100 100 1 i ° G 6%s A 99% sis)% Oft U ti tl n e< i n - Srhil r,a 97 *.j !I8 ]2 g 1 «8 70% 69% 69% 13 Km O Sr R 94 it qi "■I £">'stone tar 5s 96% 96% 96% 1 0%*.. 98% 98 % 98% inf- a P^ 1 -* 5* 97% 97% !)7% lOGair Roht 5%s !I7 97 ~ 97 4 Gatineau Pow 5s 99 % 99 % 9!)% 1 Gatineau Pow 6s]o2C 107% 102 ion n In i>s A 1.37% 137* t 137*. {; a '%M 6% * 100 100 100 ~ Gen Vend 05.... 97% 97% <17% 2 < ’'’ 5s 99% 99% <19% ' f'l,, 5s ’2B 100% 100% loo*., 3 1 ” ulf . P 47 101% 1014 1011., O Hood Ruh 5%5. !)6 *4 96% 96% C*y«rrade F 6s i4-> 11.» ‘ . ... 4 “2 Ind. Oil A Gas 6s 96% 95% iiiju 4 H"2, la l J’*b 5s A 100*; 100 1(10% 41 Inti Match 5s .. !)!) !)8 % <l9 3 Inter PS,s E 95% 95% <lsl, ~ln Corp Ani 5s a 97 97 <l7 ft !1 T V i*r n h x s * A 10 “ I'“' lOH fl lo N LAP fts A 97 > + 97 97 1 ~ ~S 11 « - 162 4 t I * L os . .')!) 98 % <|l| 18 ltd'll ?®e A 10rt, 7 I"''% D'6‘ - '8 Lib McN A Lss 96*, 96 915% 10 Mam Pw 5%s A 102% 102% 1 !)•’•% o Midwest G 7s A 9!) 99 99 * Mi I wan g 4% s. 101 101 101 J,M K T 4%« Dwi 100 100 ]no - wd’ p s* A 101 '? i"i % 101 % - Mor & Co .%s !)8% 98% 98' j r 3s A 101*; nil 101% ,15 5 K CUE 6,... 9!) 99 99 I P A[' 4 i s 96*4 95% 96*; nov- loh . c , S , h( ‘P os 120*, 120% 120% 32Nr AGLI6s wi 94*, 94 91 1 1 x- r I'J d £.? 5s G 100% 100% 100% 1 Nr Sta PM 6%5103% ]O3 % loir =?MoS P M 6 % s*C 130 129% i3o 8 1 Ohio Pw 75... 100 106 D'ft 1.1 Pw 6s 100% 100% 1011% °J tE 4 E “8 4 “8% !)8% I QPar Fam Las 6s !i9 % 99% 99*8 8 P O Ed 6s A ww 103', 103% 103*2 In a £fl j B 10.31.4 103% 103% Pj PAL fts D '53 103% 103% 103% ’72 106 * 105*4 105% •'Phillips Pet ft'.s 95 95 95 5 P'tt SABolt 5%s 99% 99 % 99 % 1 Potero Sug 7s. 98% 98 % 98% 3 1 Potomac E fts E 99 99 99 .'"Cm NY 5% s 99% 99% <i!) % “T 4% s . !)!) * 4 9!) % 99 i f - n A D*l ’« 104*, lot % 5 Riehfld O Os a 98% 98% !)8 % 5 Serve! Del 65... 18 17% 1.8 3 Schulte RE6s X 89% 89% 8!ia 4 o shawsheeti 75.. 99% 99% 90 18 ?h M' A P 4%s A 96% 96 96% 3/ Snider Pack 65.. 103% 103 J 0.3% 0 Sohav Am fts A 9S 7 , *)S T 4 <lB% OSou Cal G 5s 57 100% 100% 100% 7 Soothe P A T, 6s 107’, 107*4 107% 6 Staley Mfg 05... !)0 % 99% 99 l, 2 Stand Invpst 55.. 108% 108% 108 V. act o ?‘« r . 6 i£ s 104% 104 104% 4 Stand P A L 6s, 99% 99 99 A Co 6s. . 100% 100% 100% iA? PXas p & U ss. 100% 100% 100% JO rranscont Oil 7s. 114% 11+ 114 T B s e s U !f A i!,ini 101 101 8 Uni Ind 6% s .. , 93 93 <l3 Pilin' U A R 5%s 99 98% 99 h Rll 6% * '34 100% 100 % 100% oU SRu6 % * ’39 101 101 101 ."{IS 8A R 5 *■■• s 92% 92 9-li 44 Warner B P 6%g 92 90 <lO * Warner Omn 6s. 101 ini % inn 5 Webster Mil 6%s 96 96 96 4 f al f» , FOREIGN BONDS in thousands. 2 Adriatic Elec 7s 94 94 91 13 Asti M B Os ’47 89% 89% "l , A Akn M B 7-s '46 9.8 98 4 J 7s !>7A« -r I 2 Bank Prussia 6s 95 95 * J 1 10 Batavia Pet t%* 94% 941; :,V, I 40 Brazil 6%» ’57 * 93% 93,* ! 4 4 Brisbane 5s ’57.. 94 94 * 94 4 ' l Buenos A 7* ’52 98 98 I £ 5 Burmeis A VV 6s 96*4 oilu. ~ “8 Cent B G S 6s B 9ti *t *7 I 107 F?;«* 081*4 jift 3 It), Free St Pru* 6* 92% 92 n-> |Krr|;, p -s„S'i: m i Mendion E 7s a 93% !! !‘ *2 Mor B Bogota 7s 9-*; 92 % mM 4 I 1 ; J Muni Medellin 7" 921i-** H!.'" 4 : 15% n k I iS^7*v m : 45 m\i ■?}’ n {} J* 'p* wa v’ -fg tin o.^ 4 u:\il > J Swls« Govt 51. U 10’ 10‘» in. ** 3 Tyrol Hvd El 7s !)4 93% •M I, ni i' 1 AH* a 0014 9() i' •hx-diVHiond. * * • 1 BOSTON STOCK MARKET. By Special Wire to The Star. BOSTON, December 17.—Following is a list of today’s highest, lowest and closing prices for the most active stocks dealt in here: 9a,e .*ft . , High. Low. Close. 38 Arcadian 2 % 2 % 2 % 575 Arizona Com ... 6% 6% yU 1140 Bingham Mines.. 61 60*, 60% 5 Boston A Maine... 56% 66 % 50% 370 Calu A Hecla. . . 22% 22 V, 22% 380 Copper Range .. 21% 20% 2t 84 Dorn Stores 106 106 106 160 Edison Elec .... 257 256 -56 25 Island Creek ... 57 57 57 55 Mass Gas 113% 112% 11-% 46 Mayflower O C.. 70 70 7(1 190 Mergenthaler ...106% 106 100 95 Mohawk 50 50 ay 34 Nat Leather ... 3% 3% 3% 160 Old Dominion... 12 % 12% 12% 400 Quincy 17 16% 16*1 351 St Mary* Land.. 31 30% 31 B*t Swift Internat. .. 24% 24% 24 V, 15 Tower Mfg .... 4 4 4 15 United Shoe M.. 64% 64% 04% FINANCIAL/ TRADERS ARE BUSY ON CURB MARKET List Absorbs Profit-Taking and Most of Recent Gains Are Held. BY WILLIAM F. IIEFFERNAN. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, December 17.—One of the busiest half-sessions of the year prevailed on the Curb Exchange to day. Almost as much business as pos sible was crowded into the two-hour session and prices save another ex hibition of general strength. The in troduction of profit-taking sales gave the list a spotty appearance at times, but the absorbing capacity of the mar ket proved itself. Issues such as Firestone Tire. Nor | them States Power and the 6% pe'r I cent convertible bonds, together with | Quaker Oats, which scored sensation al advances during yesterday’s ses sion. were less conspicuous in the dealings today, but all held the gains established. and Firestone Tire touched 205, a new high record for the year. Sheaffer Pen. which has been on the trading list onlv three days and which started off at 665 and sold up to 84!), continued to sell around its high. There is talk of a split-up in the stock. Lehigh Valley Coal, Bucvrus-Erie, Oelanez. Ford of Canada, Fox Thea ters and Johns-Mansville were promi nent in trading and all scored good ! gains. Public utilities continued in the lead. | Electric Bond & Share was in the APPLICATIONS INVITED for LOANS on IMPROVED PROPERTY Located in the District of Columbia and adjacent Suburbs in Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties, Md. 5V 2 % INTEREST Ai>£ 1 y to H. L. RUST COMPANY LOAN CORRESPONDENT The PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY of AMERICA I * “ 1001 15th Street N.W. Main 8100 I ; • ' ———— Hammer It Into Shape * 1 IT IS an old Chinese belief that Panka, the first man, who was a giant in build and brawn, hammered the world into shape with an adze. Sometimes when you get started on a spending splurge it requires some good hard blows with the adze of common sense before you can hammer your financial program back into shape. But you’ll find that a well-formed and faithfully followed plan of monthly expenditure that calls for regular saving and investment works out best . . . especially if your investments are such sound securities as the 6% First Mortgage Notes offered through Swartzell, Rheem & Hensey Company. ■ Swartzell, S Hensey Co., Jrfortsa§c Bankers 727-15 th. Street v \.‘W,'Washinslcß.lXC. 58 Years Without Loss To An Investor SAFE FIRST MORTGAGES ® CHARLES M. SCHWAB —says: ‘‘lt is not so important to accumulate money for the proverbial ‘rainy day* as it is to have it at hand for the day of ! larger opportunity.’* Our Over a Third 6% FIRST MORTGAGES of a C eut , ir —represent the safest custody j mlouL you can give your sur P lus j funds, returning you regular interest income without wear ' ing themselves out in so doing, as you await the “day of larger opportunity.” B. F. SAUL CO. Main 2100 923 15th St N.W. ! there IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR SAFETY vanguard, selling at a new high for th® year around 81% and an advance of more than a point. Electric In vestors, American Gas & Electric. Lehigh Power and Southeastern Power ruled strong. Bancitaly established a new high on the current recovery with sales abov. 138, and Newmont Mining rose on ex pectations of a 5 per cent stock divi dend. Standard Oils were firm, a! though they did not assume a prom | inent part in the operations. Inde pendent oils just about held their o\\ n — - *. ROYAL TYPEWRITER. NEW YORK. December 16 (A 3 ). , Royal Typewriter Co. declared an 1 extra dividend of $1 a share on th common stock, with the regular semi annual dividend of the same amount, both payable January 17 to holders of ’ record January 10. The regular semi annual dividend of $3.50 a share or. the preferred stock also was au . thorized, payable January 17 to stock • of record January 16. - » - , ... ■ NEW SALES RECORD. WINSTON SALEM, N. C.. Decern ber 16 UP). —Establishing a new sale - record of 50,263.416 pounds since tie . opening in October, the Winston • Salem Tobacco Market closed yester i day for the Christmas holidays ami - will reopen January 3 The average - price paid for the weed this season ; was $21.84 per 100 pounds t • . : RUBBER ADVANCES. ? NEW YORK. December 17 (Special), s —Crude rubber, smoked ribbed sheets. I advanced a quarter of a cent at today's quotation of 40% cents. This com ) pares with 37% cents a month ago and 37% a year ago. - t’rumtit Action 1 First Mortgage Loans j Dower Kites* ot -merest ano Uoturn lesion i Thoma* J. Fisher & Company, Inc. 15