Newspaper Page Text
OLD ORPHAN HOME BEING MODERNIZED Business Buildings Erected in Entire Block on ! Fourteenth Street. —. 1 Improvements of an entire block on thp past side of Fourteenth street between Riggs and S streets. which was acquired from the Washington t ity Orphan Asvlum hv .Tamos L Karrirk, sr., about a year ago. now is in progress with the const motion of niod»rn husinoss t.vpp buildings. the total cost of which, it is estimated nill run close to s3oo,non. An addition of modern t\po with limestone front now is rapidly being completed in front of the old building which for many years housed th« eiphanage, and an app! ration for pet jnit to erect an adjoining: building of similar height and stylo on the prop ct'ty immediately south of the build . lng was filed this week with the Dis trict building: inspector. _The two building projects of Mr. Karrirk, when completed, w ill provide a store and office building having a frontage of about 20*1 feet on Four teenth street. On tie second and third floors of the building or addition j which it is planned to erect on the ; southern portion of the block will be : devoted to howling alleys according to present plans, while thp first floor •pace will he for automobile show •pace and stores or shops. The cost of this port ion of the total •trueture is estimated at alwuit #2o°,• <T°O, while the portion in front of the j old asylum building w hen completed , will cost about > 1 n0.0.m. The build- * irgs were designed by R. H. Davis. ELECTION CONTEST CASE IS CONTINUED Court Delays Contest, but Prom ises Hearing Before New Men Take Office. By » Staff Correspondent of Thp Star. COURTHOUSE. Arlington County Va.. December IT.—Judge Samuel G. ; Bren/ yesterday continued indefinitely j the election contest case, involving ai-j leged frauds and irregularities in the 1 election last month of Sheriff How ard B Fields. The judge announced that lie would hear the case before the end of the year, however, when the new" officers of the county will begin their terms. Some of the charges against Fields indirectly affect the election of all other officers, and the complainants against the sheriff, therefore, have asked the court to declare the whole election of November s null and void. Sheriff Fields, in his answer to the charges of vote buying and influenc ing the voters with liquor and ether Inducements, entered a categorical denial and requested the court to dismiss the petition. Several of the signers of the peti tion in the meantime have asked the court to remove their names from the document, contending they had been led to believe it was merely a request for a new election. YEAR 1927 NEARS CLOSE WITH LABOR RECONCILED Xittle Prospect of Any Important Strike or Controversy in Build ing Industry in U. S. NEW YORK. December IT.—The close of 1927 finds labor conditions in the buiding industry unusually quiet with little prospect of any important •♦tikes or wage controversies be fore Spring, according to the na tional monthly building labor review ; of the American Bond A Mortgage Co. “Possibility of any serious labor ! troubles in the building industry in the near future.” said the review, “is rSther remote, as building crafts men are showing little inclination to Tress wage demands or place undue •tress on the five-day week plan. “The decline in the volume of new building and seasonal low activity is already being felt in a number of localities and a surplus of skilled mechanics as w ell as laborers is de\ el- ( oping. Union craftsmen are accept- j lng the situation calmly but threaten j resistance to any effort that may he I made to reduce present wage sched- i Ules.” JEWS PLAN OBSERVANCE OF NATIONAL FUND DAY •Afounff Woman Members of Zionist Societies Will Solicit Contribu tions Tomorrow. Simultaneously with the opening of the Chanukah Festival, or Feast of Lights, Jew ish National Fund day t<>. ; morrow will he celebrated by Jews throughout the world. Collections will he taken up bv young woman members of the v arious Zionis: societies, including the Junior Hadassah, Daughters of Zi<*n, Junior Poale Zion. Young Judea and Junioi Mizrachi. The Jewish National Fund is one of ! the bulwarks of the Zionist move-' ment. Money raised is devoted only to the purchase of land in Palestine Many Jewish homes display National i Fund coin boxes and once each yeai the contents ar« emptied out and turned over to the cause. The District Zionist organization has called upon ail of its members • this year to contribute liberally t - the fund. $8,950.00 $500.00 Cash FREE 5 Tons of Coal ami Your Christmas Dinner FREE ONLY ONE LEFT The purchase: «>l tin- home re eeivee the riimve it Uu- h»u~e wild Irfore ('hristnms -e i<»,,ni-. porches oak (loot s throne hoiii tile hath, built 111 tub artiste eleHro fixtures light cellar lain. Jot 1803 16th STREET S.E. T»*rniK In Suit J. E. WHITE & CO. 823 lath SI. SAY. Main 9451 MONEY for Construction j / tn mediately .4 vaiiahle Irt eapeettve of .1 mount. B. F. SAUL CO. & Main 2100 925 15th St c ■ ’R T. AL T?T ATT*. NEW BUILDING AT CEMETERY I | New office ami residence of superintendent of Prospect Hill Cemeery. North Capitol and \$ Greets, which recently was completed. 26 NEW DWELLINGS INCLUDED IN WEEK S BUILDING PROJECT ! from Seventeenth Paged one 2 story frame dwelling. 20*11 New ’ -on street northeast dot 39. square : ;:_'3t. to cost $9,000. <>. c. Montgomery, owner: to make .’.pairs, 1109 Seventh street dot 69, square ssni. to cost -doc. .1. M. Henderson, owner and builder. : to erect one concrete block garage. ; | 7it.‘,3 Blair road dots 33 and 34. square ! j 11 >7). to cost SSOO. S. F. Cameron, owner: I'pman <s• j Adams, archite. ts: J. B. Tiffey. build er: to erect one 1-story frame addition. •190 l Sixteenth street (lot 810, square i’TIO), to cost sßs*l. Miss Frances Perry, owner: William Rider, builder; to make repairs. 3210 Thirty-eighth street (lot 33, square 1 SIT), to cost $80(1. L. S. Lipscomb, own®! - and builder; M. T. Allpress, designer: to erect brick addition. 313 315 Fourteenth street dots 811 and 812, square 25T), to cost : >4,600. A. G. Herrmann, owner: R. C. Hess. ■ designer and builder; to erect, one j 1-story brick garage. Tsl Eleventh street southeast (lot 50, square 974). to > ■ost ss(>o. A. J. Walker, owner: Joseph IV. Ged- ! des. designer; William L. Morrison. ! builder: to erect one 2-story brick addi tion. 3913 Jocelyn street (lot 21, square, 1751). to cost $5,000. T. Fishbin, owner: to erect hri< k private garage. 1515 Upshur street dot j 12. square 2697), to cost SSOO, D. R. Hart s’. owner; Roy Greer, builder: 10 erect two metal garages. 1422 Morse street northeast (lot To, square 40T2), to cost S3OO. Roscoe Mowena. owner; D. L. Chenv, builder; to make repairs, 12oT Staples street northeast dot 5, square 4067), to cost S3OO. Alice Monroe, owner: Penn Improve ment Co.. Inc., builders; to erect one metal garage, 1210 C street southeast (lot 109. square 1015), to cost S3OO. Store and Dwelling. Jacob Bialek. owner: Morris H. : Berk man, architect; to erect one 2-1 ! story brick stole and dwelling. 2123 : c street (lot 803. square 87), to cost ! 37.000. E. W. Russell, owner; Lohr and Harris, builder; to erect one metal garage. 1313 Fairmont street (lot 35, I square 28601, to cost $350. M. Hart, owner and builder: Harris j Bros. Co., designers; to erect one 1- story frame dwelling, 1110 Fifty-first j street northeast (lot 18, square 5201). j t<- cost $3,000. L. E. F. Prince, owner and builder; Whelan, Inc., builders; to make re- j pairs, 611 Eleventh street northeast ; (lot 38, square 983) to cost SSOO. C. A. Fuller, owner: McConihe i Whelan, Inc., builders ; to make re ! pairs. 2402 Wyoming avenue (lot 804. • square 2504). to cost S3OO. Western Union Telegraph Co., own ers; C. A. Campbell, builder: to make repairs. 1317 New York avenue (lot 11. square 251*. to cost S6OO. The Jacobs Transfer Co., Inc., own ers and builders; to make repairs, 66 L street northeast (lot B**9, square 673*. to cost $2,000. Vincent L. Tourney, owner; to make repairs ] North Champlain place (lot S2l, square 2563*. to cost SSOO. i Columbia Sand & Gravel Co., own j °rs and builders; to erect addition. [ i 3**36 K street (lot 803, square 1173*. to; | cost S.vOO. John G. Linthieum, owner, designer ; land builder; to erect one. 1-storv frame i —— North Cleveland Park Exhibit Home—37l < Windom Place N.W. PRICE $11,950 to SI3.9SO—TERMS Two Covered Porches ❖ /CHARMINGLY set on large Full Tile Hath V*J lots, with an abundance of shrubs, tedg e« and evergreens. j Full Tile Lavatory unusually pleasing in design Open Fireplace and the interior is attractively. Cedar Closets >' et ver >' practically, arranged ' with large living room, dining Fleetrical Refrigerator y . , , . room and an immaculate model Composition Kitchen Floor kitchen; very cheerful and Full Moored Attic ample bedrooms, all expertly Large Front and Side Yards decorated and fitted. AN IDEAL HOME INVESTMENT Inspect Today or Sunday Drive out Mass. Ave., then north to Windom Place and then east one and one-half blocks to Exhibit Home J. €. Bouglas# Co. Exclusive .-i gents 1621 K St. N.W. Franklin 5678 i THE TTYNTyO ST AT?. TCASTTTXr.TOT P. C. SATTRPAT, TVFTTTMTiET? TT. T92T. dwelling. 2429 Otis street northeast j (lot 51. square 42931, to cost $4,500. George U. Small, owner and builder; George T. Santmyers. architect; to j erect four 2-story brick dwellings. 3613-21 Van Ness street (lots 42 to 45. square 1896). to cost $34,000. I Joseph H. Godsey, owner: to make repairs, 4630 Fourth street (lot 103, jsquare 3249), to cost $350. Sarah Mathews, owner: to make , repairs, 15 K street, southeast (lot I R<»l, square 697), to cost S4OO. Dome Oil Co., owners; to erect steel platform, 4925-27 Blair road tint 809, square 31SS), to cost SSOO. A. I. Krvnitsky, owner: to erect concrete retaining wall, 4824 Forty first street (lot 40, square 1736), to cost S3OO. Bertie Dougherty, owner; L. D. Hayes, builder; to erect frame ga rage, 2601 Thirtieth street northeast (lot 35, square 4353), to cost S3OO. Joseph Wilhelm, owner and builder: to erect one brick garage, 1620 Minnesota avenue northeast (lot 9. square 5169), to cost S6OO. ,T. W. Gilmore, owner; to erect one brick garage. 211 Ninth street j southwest (lot 63, square 383), to I cost S4OO. Elsie C. Gulli. owner; to make re pairs, 4624 Fourth street (lot. 106, i square 3249). to cost $350. j Frank Tomlinson, owner; George j Tomlinson, huilder, to erect eight | concrete and tile private garages, j alley rear 1630 Park road (lots 1031 to 1038, square 26f*8), to cost $3,500. Nathan Tolstoi, owner and builder; A. £. J. Atkinson, architect; to erect one 1-story brick addition, 3225 M street (lols 102 and 851, square 1207), to cost $2,500. Isam Mason, owner; E. W. Spink, designer and huilder; to erect one 2-story frame dwelling. 1410 Holly street (lot 43, square 2737), to cost f, 0.800. | Owens & Baur. owners and builders; jto make repairs. 700 Sixth street : southwest (lot 35. square 497), to cos* j S3OO. William Notes, owner: to make re pairs. 1024 Otis street northeast (lot 8»»4, square 3883*. to cost SSOO. A. G. Bailey, owner; to erect retain ing wall. 306-308 Carroll street (lot S2O, square 3354), to cost $1,500. Repairs to Apartment. Carrollton Apartment House -Co , | owners: J. R. Latimer Co.. Inc., build I ers; to make repairs, 2852 Ontario road I (lot 118, square 2583). to cost S4OO. .Miss Rav Palkin, owner: E. E. Ward, builder: to rfroof 1231-1243 D street , southeast (lots 31 to 37, square 1018), i to cost SBOO. Mary D. King, owner; Fred Drew Construction Co., builders: to make re pairs. 3145 .Seventeenth street (lot 651, square 2596), to cost $1,200. J. A. Purcell, owner and huilder: L. W. Giles, designer: to erect one 2-story rear porch. 2530 Thirteenth street (lot s2l, square 2866). to cost S3OO. Louis Acpert, owner; A. L. Titcomh, j builder: to erect one 1-story'brick ad dition, 3158 Mount Pleasant street (lot 865. square 2596). 10 cost ssoi*. A. R. Thair, owner and builder: Ar thur B. Heaton, architect; to erect one 2-story brick laundry and dry cleaning plant, 925 Florida avenue (lots 195 and 196, square 2873), to cost >15.0(10. j John C. Letts, owner: Charles Bar -1 ton Keen, designer: Warren Spencer. | huilder; to erect one k-storv brick ad | dition. 3200 Ellicott street (lot 800, ' square 2**35). to cost $9,000. CAPITAL REALTORS 10 LEM IAN. ZO Stopovers at Pinchurst and New Orleans Planned for Party. Washington delegates to the Mid w inter meeting of the National Asso- j 1 elution of Real Estate Boards at Houston, Tex., January 25-27, will leave here on January 20, according to plans for the trip which now are being completed by the committee of the Washington Real Estate Board arranging for the convention. Plans for the trip, which will he I made in special cars, call for a stop -1 nn-r at Pinchurst, N. C.. and at New Orleans, while on the return trip to Washington side tours are planned to j Fnlia, Florida. Mexico City and other] points of interest. The committee in j charge is composed of Clarence F I jtnnohoe, chairman; Theodore M. Judd j and Percy H. Russell. The MeFadden act and repercussion j which it may he expected to have on real estate financing and on real estate | mortgage banking will be an impor- j j tant topic to come before the mort- | i cage and finance division of the Na 1 jtional Association of Real Estate) j Boards w hen it meets at Houston in connection with the coming annual i ! business meeting of the association. ! The 1928 outlook as to business con j ditions as they affect real estate will ) he a leading report before the broker-' . division of the association. This divi j sion, together with the mortgage and j finance division, the home builders j and subdividers division, the property j management division, the industrial) 1 property division and the realtor see- I ret arias' division, will hold simultane- 1 ous round table meetings all day Jan uary 26. The provision of the MeFadden act which places the national hanks in a position to direct their funds to a | considerably larger extent into real i psMte mortgages will be one phase of The act the probable effect of which, will be studied in the round table meeting of the finance division. Dis cussion will also center on action : which may be expected particularly j with regard to real estate bond issues j as a, result of a second provision at the art permitting national banks to | deal in investment securities. Do usury and redemption laws pro tect. the public? This will he another j inquiry which the mortgage division will take up. Air mail service between Tokyo and Ftikauka, Japan, has just been inaugurated. 1 % BUllt! ffc 7cn Only 1 left! You will have to wait a long time before you can duplicate this chance $59.50 to own a fine home at such low p er Month price and exceptional terms. . . Exhibit Home Fine Location '7 S T' 3619 18th St. N. E. Bright living room and din ing room, well arranged kitchen with built-in refrig- Open Till 9 P. M. erator, white enamel sink, gas range and cupboards, fine bed rooms and tiled bath with m shower, automatic hot water m Jf heater and fine hot water Bwß MJKWW mjf heat, garage. a. Klfi Eye St. V \Y. [ft|ALTORSI Main 8949 - ** Privt out Tthodtt Island Ave. to tfith St. .V. H.. turn left to Otis. of take Brool. /find Bus to ISth and I ‘D IT OVn vr^kAP A D/C/V A/ 9P Monrot and walk north, or BLYONU LUMPAKISUN Close-In! >■ ' '“i -i 1 !-. JSssfraMM Dis ti n c ti ve — Complete— ~~~] our rock-bottom 910-18 price and amazingly ifts; EASY TERMS, this group 1 of brand-new brick homes . St. N.E. just one block off R. I. Ave. will ALI, BE SOLD Sample within two weeks! Drive House 01,1 Sunday to choose Open > o,,rs ‘ Dailv UL $8250 Fifteen minutes by trolley from Treasury. Ten minutes * drive out R. /. Ave. to 10th St.—one square left to Evarts 1 IV. L. Salisbury Co., Inc. 1418 Eye St. N.W. Main 5904 REIS STRUGGLES 10 PROVE INSANITY Wife Slayer Battles With I Alienists, Who Deny Plea. Jury Soon to Get Case. Bv the Associated Press. I TXCINNATI, Deeemher 17. Fighting to convince a jury of two j women and 10 men that he was | crazy when he shot and killed his ] estranged wife. Jmogene. last Octo ber 6, George Remus today faced an other struggle with a man who, qualified as learned in diseases of the mind, had joined two confreres in a declaration Remus was sane not only when he fired the fatal shot but sane now. Cross-examining a witness for the 1 first time since his murder trial j started flvew eeks ago. Remus, now ; sane by his own affirmation as well j as the report of the psychiatrists, } was deep in a battle of wuts with i Dr. E. A. Baber when court adjourned ! yesterday. j After an overnight study of a hypo thetical question covering I**9 pages ! of foolscap paper, Judge Chester R. j Shook promised a decision today upon (whether the question should he asked (the alienists. Should he rule in favor of Remus, who burned the midnight I electricity night after night in his jail cell as he struggled in preparing the 1 interrogation, the trial would be lengthened by at least two days. It was said by some lawyers that j unless Judge Shook limited the] j length of the question it would set a I ! record for such things, nearly dou- i j hling in length that asked in Harry’ iK. Thaw's trial for the slaying of I ! Stanford White. Prosecutor Charles P. Taft. 2d, and Charles H. Elston, co-counsel with Remus, were of the opinion, however, that should Judge Shook limit the length of the hypothetical question some of the arguments might be reached before adjournment today. Under that schedule the caseprob- ■ ahlv would go to the jury late Monday ! , evening, they said. Church hells are tuned by chipping j the edge until the proper note is oh- I tained. - FACING CATHEDRAL 3508 Garfield St. N.W. Open, liclilnl evrrv ijav DETACHED. TEN ROOMS I Three hath!-, -leeping porch, Ray oil ; i burner. *-le«- . Frigiilaire. weather ►»ripped. , ■nvnins«, screens, slate roof, two-ear ; STUART G. McALISTKR Investment Ituiblins. Main 7013 -■ - = | AMERICA’S SMARTEST COLONY OF ENGLISH GROL P HOMES j jj® If your time is limited, call a taxi and he taken to the model home. 1705 SL RRE3 LANE, N.W. j (South of Reservoir Road!, Foxhall Village, where our representative will pay the the tariff. 9 minutes ><j from Dupont Circle. BOSS AND PHELPS, 1417 K Street N.W., Main 9300, Owners and Developers. j^j j| :rm xnrTnx tnt ttk ttr tui ttz tht. ? ~oni — me— 'SC's—^—— /'"**+<• $J -... _ ... !" Open C^lF ji m . " t Sunday lm ’’ mL - -< /\ all day, and until 9 P.M. A home faithfully reflecting an architectural motif entirely in keeping with its neighbors in . . . Below this home is Rock Creek Valley, affording a never-ending panorama of scenic heautv . . . and surrounding it are shrubs, trees and flowers. It contains 8 rooms, 2 modern baths and the most complete accessories. Th ere is also a spacious garage. \ our criti cal inspection will prove a pleasant experience. I jQ&rfyreunmger & Sons Main 6140 706 Colorado Building (or $350 Cash $55 Monthly PRICE $6,985 Famous Fort Stevens Homes Visit Our Office, 611 Rittenhouse St. N. VV. Open Every Day Until 9 P. M. Drive out 16th St., through Colorado Ave. to Rittenhouse: or Georgia Ave. car to Rit tenhouse, then east; or 14th St. cars marked “Takoma'’ to Rittenhouse, then west. Telephone Columbia 59H4 WardaaaN 1437 K St. N. W. Main 3839 _ W. 6 House Ovtr of Washington's Pjopulatiom - tTFAE FTS-TATET. 19