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— 1 —1 % 1 gaaaaaaa Xmas Memorial Wreathes, 53.50 MENT ANYWHERE. A STORE 7407 // st. • Telephone Main 3707 Jtocninft Skrf Xijnniisms »”■I Bradley Pharmacy— 7th & Maryland Ave. N.E. Is a Star Branch Office I Want* usually occur unex pectedly but they can be promptly supplied through a Classified Advertisement in The Star. You'll save time by taking advantage of the facil* i ities of The Star Branch Of xn| fices—there’s one in practi cally every neighborhood in Pgftja and around Washington imam&L. where copy for The Star Clas* sified Section may be left. No fees are charged for Branch Office service; only regular I THE rates. ABOVE SIGN DISPLAYED I'he Star prints such an over gy wheliningly greater volume of AUTHORIZED Classified Advertising every STAR day than any other Washing- BRANCH ton paper that there can he no OFFICES I question as to which will give l« you the best results. “Around the Corner” is a Star Branch Office ■■ 1 '7- j ...its 1 j .■ 1 1 , .i "msassss- A Bureau message will be broadcast on Monday, De cember 19th, through th« courtesy of Station WMAL. / / W y T ■ “Will You Recommend a Good- , ‘ ' . * - « ■ • tilt Mt»l , -i * Investment Bank or financial house — Merchant, etc. — -That I Can Safely Deal With?” These inquiries are constantly being addressed to the Washington Better Business Bureau. And it is always answered in this way —“The Better Business Bureau Recommends Nothing!” t The Bureau investigates and tells the Facts! It does not endorse or condemn, neither does it praise nor disparage. No attempt is made to influence the in quirer to do, or not to do business with the individual or firm about whom he is seeking information. lie is merely given the facts, to use as he sees fit. If a salesman should ever say to you: “Vou needn’t worry about our firm; we’re endorsed by the Better Business Bureau!” —he on your guard! There’s something wrong there! The appearance of this ad vertisement in these col umns is evidence that this publication co - operates ■ •■■■ with and supports the Bet ter Business Bureau for your protection. The Better Business Bureau of Washington 336 Evening Star Building Telephone Main 8164 THE EVENING STAB. WASTUXOTOy. T). r.. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 17. NEW MERGER PLAN IS SEEN IN COUNTY ; ’ Prince Geodes Commi" to Oppose Separate Mary land City. Special I>i-t*;itfli to Thp Star HYATTS NT LIJ-:. .Md., Iteeember 17 | —Abandonment of the plan to effect mercer ot various upper I’rince (leorges fount y communities into the .Maryland t'itv tiy creating a spe cial tax area outside of the county will he recommended to the January meeting of the Chamber of t’ommoive of Hyattsville tty the chamber's com inittee. which is studying the merger proposit ion. It will be suggested by the com mittee that efforts be made to get the communities to merge into a munici pality lhat would still he a part ol tlie county Such a city, it is pointed out. would have its schools maintained by the county, find like other incorporated areas would re ceive road rebate funds each year from the county. A city tax at a rale satisfactory to all communities doubt less could be fixed, it is believed, to further swell the municipality's in i come. Tax Kate Question. j It has hern estimated that a city lax rate of about 40 cents on each , s 1 till would he fair, niasinurh as this strikes a balance as to the rate now befog paid in tlie various incorporated towns in the proposed city. It has (been suggested that a scheme might he worked out whereby those sections of the projected municipality which i are not now paying town taxes could 1 begin pitying only at a minimum rat- Jp|OU needn’t have any hesitation on the score of cost. Our charges are marked by the utmost moderation —same as j our service is notably satisfactory. Long ex perience has made us most efficient, i Phone Potomac 4600 for AlmusßSpeare j Funeral Director Succeeding V. R. Speare Co. 1623 Conn. Avenue I and as they began receiving improve ! tnents incident to incorporation theti ; rate could be increased proportion ! ately. Arthur I’ Owens, chairman, said the • committee had not been convinced | tha't the special tax area would not be ; in the best interests of the people, hut ' that tliere were too many obstacles at present in the way of carrying it ■ through with dispatch. The commit tee ;eit that a campaign toward this end would be a long-drawn nut affair, i inasmuch as it would require an | ani'-ndincnt to the State constitution land doubtless would be opposed by I some who would not wish to see the i count v deprived of its most populous i section which pays the bulk of the , ounty taxes. This opposition, it was felt, unquestionably would have been j particularly manifest in the lower sec tion of tite county and would conic from persons not desiring the county to lose prestige If the Chamber of Commerce agrees 1 with its committee that it would be more feasible to try to bring about the merger hv not separating from the county this proposition "ill be laid before the people of the area to obtain : something definite to lay before the j legislature. .Mr Owens and his com- | mitt'c plan to draw a charter for tin- j proposed citv and have been assured of tin* aid of an organization expert : diced in drafting charters for munici polities The committee believes that i if the scheme is reduced to more ton crete farm better progress can hr i mad ' toward informing the people j just what is proposed. If the chamber aurees that t lie plan to merge without ating from the county is more desirable, the committee plans to lay I the 'barter for the proposed city he fore t tie people of the area, to obtain their views on it. and if it meets with favor it i.' probable that legislation in furtherance of the plan will he sought from the next season of the l.egisla tore in January. 1329. Ciitil the chamber's meeting next I month the committee will confine its : work chiefly to collecting figures and other data on the merger proposition. It has been decided by the commit (op to meet regularly hereafter the I second Tuesday in eacli month. INDIVIDUAL ACTION BY GERMANY URGED Must Be Given Job Sans For eign Supervision, Gil bert Declares. By the A fp>o< - i ;• tPress, r.KKU.W DocemlW 17.—The sup gestion that Cermany he given a definite task t<> pet form without for eign supervision is made in the an nual rep at of S. Parker Hilbert. American agent general for repara- I ions, published t ofiuy. •\Ve an still in a testing period.'; Gilbert concludes, "and further ex perience is needed before it w ill be j i possible to form the nmSessary judg | rnents of the reparations problem. I \ Hut confidence in general is already ; l restored and as time goes on practi- i cal experiences accumulate. "ll is becoming always clearer that neither reparations problem nor other j dependent problems will be finally j ! solved until Germany is given a j definite task to perform on her own j responsibility, without foreign super- j vision and w ithout transfer protoc- i tions." The report stresses that German commerce and industry have been "more active in recent months than at anr time sime stabilization. Ihe | prioritv of reparations over German, i external loans is emphasized in tic . report. German borrowing is con- j sidered by the report to be a logical phase in redistribution. Most German newspapers in com menting on the report, stress Gil bert's admission that the translm system is faulty and that the sum total of Germany's reparations must l, e ‘fixed. This, they believe, will have a sensational effect. .Most papers point out that Gil bert's criticisms are conciliatory in tone, though none the less positive in fact than the criticisms ill the much discussed memorandum. —— • Deaths Reported. Panic F. Haivcv. 88 3*10? Lowell -t. *. IN m l? liiji'f ti Ka S*.M 4th si n.«*. Thomas M Cha'ard. it*. J7IH Rhode jVihri H* Par-tv 76. 3015 Conne. t" Jit iae Julia A Whit ins. .4, Epiphan.v tliiii'h ! H Phi tin .T. Roche. 74. 1731 Hi-** , , Kra ill; It. Foltz 74. " a Her Re- d Hospital. Ilei rietta P Black. HO. 141 K he. Marie S Repp. tt» 'llls W aider at. Nne v K Bowers* *St> 4408 Tunlaw id. Isaac Isaael. OS. OKI K »4. - Claude K Kins. 04. nB, Columbia rd. Alice 51. Wat-on. 64. I tit Harvard *t. Hairy A.- ohnan 01. 5664 1 4tli «t. Thomas M. Doyly oK, Walter Reel Hoe ""patriek McNally. 50. Cnitcd States Sol dier-’ Home Hospital John A Kiernair. 54. 1414 Mohican avr. Frank W. Haliieman, 44, 1.440 Fairmont \l»t. Blanche H Edna Brooks. 4!». 1845 New Hampshire ave. John E. Fowler, jr.. 44. !)01 Kitten house st. . . Klton G. Bender. 31. St. Elizabeth s Hos pital Joseph Semhly, 08, "414 M -t. Thomas A Cox. jr.. 54. 4407 13th st. Births Reported. John 1,, and Marion K. Hailey, boy. Giovanni and Kli/a Hove. gel. Eugene and Estelle Long. mil. William M and Marietta Wilson, girl. Russell A. and Hazel Cordrey girl. Henrv A. and Abby Willard girl. Donah) M. and Louise D. Karll. girl. Charles K. anil Marjorie Wheatley, boy. Daniel and Lillian Karin, bov. David M. and Anna 'lash. Uov. John D. and Carolyn Sorrell, boy. William R. and Virginia T. Thomas, boy. Walter T. anil Ruth McCarthy, boy. Arthur B. and Thelma B. Hayes, jr hoy. George B. and Anne V. Thompson, boy. William and Mary bee buy. Fred D. ; lid Ernestine Butler, boy. John and Anna Robinson, boy. Edward and Josephine Hayes hoy. Hvd*ert M. and El«ie Sparks, boy. William and F.lsie Douglas, boy. Jinius J. and Maud Bryan girl. ■lnliti and Essie Holton, girl. TUXEDO SUITS, $29 $35 Value. On Liberal Terms EISEMAN'S, 7th & F Sturtevant Blowers for Burning Buckwheat Coal FRIES, BEALL & SHARP 734 10th St. N.W. wmmmgmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT AT EISEMAN’S, 7th & F I Every day more people say they like . 1 . the wav its a v J mildness appeals * r f rrmnrrn ipmnrirTrrrrrrrri )\%( t^jfirrni imnniXliniSlliLfniCl -jV' | S 1438 | j PARK ROAD j This very dcsiraHle | modern limestone | IS front store, vvi th 4 ji| ls| room and hath apart- jjj j ji| ment above can he |j| !!j rented at an exception |||| ally low price. It is r j, |]| located just afew doors jj|| from the new entrance 0 j|| to the Arcade Market, | and is suitahle for any j. I business. This is the |i |j only vacant store in || !! this block. Possession I j |! ; at once. 1 Shannon : jc luchS' 1} Leasing Department 1435 K Street N.W. | Main 2345 jj MRS. CARRIE HARVEY DIES! i Former D. A. R. Regent, 88. Wasj Native of Vermont. Mrs. Currie F. Harvey, SS years nld. widow of A. C. Harvey and a resident of this city since l‘.H_’. died at her home, 3607 Ijiwell street, ve.sierda.v after a short illness. She was a native of Vermont and a descendant of early colonial ancestors. Mrs. Harvey is survived by two j laughters, Miss Kathrins I, Harvey, i past regent of Victory Chapter, I). A i 11., and vice chairman in charge of the preservation of historic spots. Dis I trici of Columbia, 1). A. FI., and Mrs i Arthur S. Fields, first vice president of Ibe Woman's I’resbyterial Society of the District of Columbia. funeral services are being conduct- | ed at the residence this afternoon j with interment in Rock Creek j < "emetery. RITES FOR T. M. CHATARD. ! m | funeral services for Thomas Marean Chntard, formerly a mining engineer ! with the United States Geological Sur j vey. who died at his residence. 171 li j Rhode Island avenue. Thursday, were (•ondueted in the Catholic Cathedral, ' f’.altimore, today, at 10:30 o'clock. In- I terment was private. Mr. Chntard who was 70 years old, bad been a resident of this city for ; the past 35 years, lie was a member I of the Metropolitan Club and a former I member of the Cosmos Club. SHIPPING NEWS j I Arrivals at and Sailings From New Vnrk ARRIVED YESTERDAY. | Stavanger fjord—Oslo December 0 DI E TODAY. Rolivior—Antwerp . . OLE TOMORROW , —Port I.imon in '’••lntnhns—Rrcrnprhavpn Dp**r*mbf*r !• '• —Danzicr Dp**pmbpr , r » ■ Franconia—Livprfiool f)r»c*>mber 9 DIE MONO A V PELEM RER 10 , \mpri» an Farrppr—[.ondoii . . . Ppcpmbpr in ' •,! r:»r:isi—MfiM-.iibo npt-pmbpr in I^fitia—Gla«srmv . f)p«*«*nibpr in M ntipvoia—London TV*«*emtier in A n*oP'si—Sir't ha oioton ........ H»*« ember 0 V* 'V York—Hambursr ... T>pff*mbpr !* rburinffia Hambnrsr Dtvpmhpr ! ' iiamo—San .fnnn . Ibpfmbor J."» i P*»rf.o Rifo— .Ilian . . .Oecrmbpr l 1 Mart inniuo—Pnrrlo (’obimbia ... Dwomber 0 OPK riFSHAV DKG KM RKR '?0. \Ifoo«to Mil—(iijon November IT j \ lit-oil—Prietohal Oeoember 11 I •'fyyai r \ T;»n»nico Opfpmlier 1 ft ; Phro- -V*ali»ara Noveml»er .*’o : Roifnlonnai**- Ronlranx ...... . Op«*ember in Pan--\inerb a—Buennm .. . Oepember 1 S'hoopv—Havana Opppn'ber t* \f.*»»p*tip—So»ifhamofon o*»ppmbpr I*' \»*ncn*iva«—Rprmud.'i f»pcpmbft IS \ilzarir* —T.ivpn»ool Oe«*ember 10 4 DDE WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 41. "onto TVanoamano—Gpfioa . . . . npr*pmbprll (.^vlathan—Southampton . . . . Oer*emher 1 .*» Manchuria—San Krnin i«t‘n . . . Dpoeniber •’! T>f T E THTRSPAY. DKCEMBKR 2*!. j Vietoria—Rprmuda DpppnH>er °0 ; s Ivia —Si John** . ~ Dumber 1"i • M -tanau Marta npppmbrr I'* Ryndam—Rottprciam Deppmber 10 DT’K FRIDAY DEORMRER ‘!3. President Hardinsr— Bremerhavpn. T)o<-pnil»pr' I * Rochambpau—Havre Der^emher 14 Ot TGOING STEAMERS. S AIDING TODAY Alannia—Plyn outh. Havrp and London, twin**—Oiiwu'tiwn and f.ivprnool, Muinp'vaska—Ghorbounr and London. Mavari Kimraton and Puerto Co lombia f.a PI a v.«—Puerto Cortez. Puerto Barrio* and I j \ in ..'*»ton Poloa -Havana. Cn«tobal and Port Union, "‘in .Tuan—San Juan. Nova Scotia—St. Thomas St. Croix and Rar bailos. Southern Cross—Rio de Janeiro. Santo?. Montevideo and Bueno* Aire*. Patria— Nanles arid Palermo. Ameri«*an Banker— London. Roussillon—V'tffti and Bor* eaux. Orizaba—Havana. Reliance—We.*l Indian entire. N’er'ssa—St John** and Halifax. Fort St GeurrfF—Bermuda SAILING TOMORROW. Kentoekian—Cristobal and Paeifie Coa*t. SAILING MONDAY. DECEMBER 19. Manuel Cal vo—-Cadiz and Ra reel on a . Stuttsrart—Plymouth Cherbourg and Bremen. 1 • SAILING TCESDAY. DECEMBER *lO. Polyearn—Para. f*eara and Pernambuco. Franconia—^West Indies ernise. SAILING WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER ?1. Albert Ballin—Cherbourz. Southampton and Hambursr. Santa Marta—K»ns«iuti. Cristobal. Puerto Colombia an*! SantdM^Ra. I Faleon—San Juan. ■■Vua.vra and Mara eaibo. Fort Vietoria—Bermuda Columbus—Kingston. We«t Indie.** cruise. 1 St. Mihiel —Cristobal. SAILING THURSDAY. DECEMBER Alfonso XIII —Coruna. Santander and Bilbao. I Am Tieavi Merchant—Plymouth and London. Estonia—Copenhaceu and Danzir. • President Van Ruren—Havana. Cristobal and San Francisco taroumt the worhli. : Santa Ana —-Cristobal, lauique and Valpa raiso SAILING FRIDAY. DECEMBER *!:!. Majestic—l'herboiirff and Southampton. Minnesota—Boulogne ami London. >1 tin a ixo—Nassau. Luna —La Guayra. Puerto Cahello and Mara caibo, Flora—lnazua. Cape Haytien and Port ait P; 1 m e ~ |OST BAR PIN diamond, on Friday, Dpoembvr It. betwppn Garfirnkrl's and 4444 Qur st. n.w. | Kindi*.' lileasf telephony Potomac 4tilt>. Re ward j BILLFOLD. I'ontaining D. C. permit and reg- I istration card. Return to Mr. Garner. 1630 I Florida ave. n.w. or 5618 Conn. ave. n.w. Phone Cleve 4100. Reward. Sfi. 1 BOSTON TERRIER, while face, brown feet. I year old: "Peter” on collar: liberal reward. I 1 74* Corcoran st. n.wy 17* BENCH OF KEYS in case, between center I Soldiers’ Home and Georgia ave. via Park road. Reward. Phone Pot, "OHO-J. BijNCH OF KEYS, on a ring, cither on 40th i st.. near F or on F st.. between IHth anil j 40th n.w. I Oak st. smith. Clarendon. Va., or | File Section. Winder Bldg.. 17t.h i F. CAMEO PIN. large profile set in plain old fashioned wire setting Nov. 30 Return 1 740 N. Cap. or Detective Bureau. Police Headouarb ra. 17* I'di.hlK—Sable anil white, male; license tag 460i>. Call West 780. Reward. 10^_ DIAMOND EARRING, on Thursday night helwcen Carlton Hotel and National Theater: pussiblr in a taxi. Dilieral reward. Report to Carlton Hotel. 11l IG—Wire-haired lox t.i*rrier: tag No. ]l7liti- Wednesday night- brown ears, black spot on side of body ltd mil to 5044 Reno rd n.w.. or call Cloy. 4 15. Reward. | IMiG—German pnliee. light tan oolm: lost | Saturday morning. Reward. 4041 -Mass. ' :iv-. n.w. I DOG—Water spaniel, reddiah brown: strayed Horn home Sunday. Return to 734 Kenyon ! st n.w. and receive reward. 17* KAKKING diamond screw earring, sometime Thursday. Reward. 4745 Conn, ave. ENGLISH BULK TERRIER, white, full grown, undipped ears, name Buck, black collar. Maryland tag. Telephone Wisconsin 4444 or bring dog' to Ab-Cube. Brookville rd. and Williams Lane. Chevy Chase Md. R r\v ;m I. FOREIGN STAMPS. Yvert catalogue. 1045 on Alexandria or Anacostia car. Dec. 14. Re ward. The Fairway. 714 Giratilt ave.. Alex andria. Va. * FOX TERRIER, wire-haired: reward. Tele phone Newton Brewer. Clev. 14 4 GLASSES, horn-rimmed, in black case. Re ward. Call Main 8744. * COLD MESH BAG containing money and papers, at Croyden Inn or Fox Theater: re- I w-"d. Adams 3540, 18* j HANDBAG, brown, containing glasses, small I change, cards ami other articles, on I.4th | and D car. Return Florence Court W. Apt 401, 4405 California »t. n.w. Reward. 18* HOUND —Large- black-white, name on col lar L D. 'Tharp. Reward 1413 40th st n w. North 7811, | IRISH'SETTER—Red: eollar and D. C. lag. Rritig lo 1515 401 h si. n.w. or leleohoue Pot. 4000. Reward. 18* j KEYS—Big bunch of small fiat keys. 441 4. II vv._ l- raidiliil 087 1. Reward. Kids, bomli 'fhoi-sday night, la-twi-cn I llli and 15th s|-. and G and I n.w. Re ward if returned. Call W. It. Mehler Col. 83113. I 7* LEATHER I YSE containing type form. Kc iitm In the liullctiii. 510 14th st ii.w. ilc w aid. _ _ I’lN—Horse m action: rhinestone and silver; [on Friday in downtown sei-lion. Reward. I North 443. 18* | I’dl.lCE D(M! dark brown fed: lost Tues day Northwest vicinitv. Telephone Norlh HP76 I’CRSE black leather, coin, containing 534 in bills Liberal reward. Call Main 8081. Ant. 160. * RAINCOATS two. boys', one red. one yellow. Left on Bth st. & Pa ave. bus Thursday a I |pmoon Georgia 718, . • SETTER DOG. white and red. male. Liberal reward 610 14th st. n.e Atlantic 1058 W. ffMBRKLLA. Friday in Lauehurgh's telephone booth lady's black silk, with carved ivory handle and black tassel. Reward. Call Col. 77 4 1 Apt 304 south. W ATCH gold, lady's, in Col. rd.; opposite Wyoming Apt Reward. 1614 Webster Cob 4444. WHITE SPITZ, male dog. one brown ear: reward. Adams WILL PARTY WHO PICKED UP Christmas package by mistake in Hecht’s Dept. Store containing lady's pur-e and -pans with the name "Marion on card please leave at lost and fnpnd rtesk He- hT - . • Sit'd—lsth and M sts. n.w. Reward. Lu cas, 1445 T st. n.w. * ! MAJ. E. G. DE COEN DIES. J i Field Artillery Officer Succumbs at Fort Sill. Mai. Emile (’., T).> Coen. Field Artil lery, died at Fort Sill. Okla.. Wednes day. according to War Department ad vices. He was a native of New York. After two years' service in the ranks of the Army, he was appointed first i lieutenant in the Field Artillery in No-, | vemher lltlii and served as a major j i during the World War. POCKETS "FRISKPROOF.” ; I Latest Trousers Offer Protection j From Pickpockets. ('Hit \\< JO. December 17 OP>.— What | the well dressed man will wear has been augmented bv trousers with "ifiskproof" pockets, designed to foil J pickpockets and perhaps, prohibition! agents. The latest suit accessory ■ j displayed by South State street mer-j eha nts. A system of intricately arranged j snaps and buttons makes a false pocket impregnable to all but the j I wearer. THE WEATHER I District of Columbia— Fair and o< n \ I tinned cold tonight and tomorrow; | minimum tempetature tonight about j Us; degrees. Mat.viand, \ iiginia and AYest Vir- . gittia Fair and continued cold tonight ; and tomorrow. Record for tt Hours, i Thermometer —t p.m., 41; S pm., St: • 12 midnight, 31; 4 am., CO; 8 a.m., 27: j 11 a.m., 31. j Rarometer —4 p.m.. 2'.*.31; 8 p.m., ; 29.17; 12 mi I night. 20.7.1; 4 am., 20.70. i 8 a.m., 20.88, 11 a.m.. 20.00. | Highest temperature, 43, occurred] j at 2 p.m. yesterday. ! Lowest temperature, 27, occur red at j 8:3o a m. today. ■ Temperature same date last year— | I Highest, 30; lowest, 17. Tide Tables. (Furnished by the Fnited States Coast and (ieodetic Survey.) Today- Low tide. 0:22 a.m. and In i p.m.; liigh tide. 2:42 a.m. and 3:14 |*. Tomorrow Low tide, 10:11 a in. and 10:10 p.m.; high tide, 3:34 a.m. and 4:03 p.m. | The Sun and Moon. Today—Sun rose 7:21 a.m.: sun set* 4:47 p.m. 1 Tomorrow —Sun rises 7:22 a.m.: sun j sets 4:47 p.m. Moon rises 1:01 a.m.: sets 121 p.m. Automobile lamps to be lighted one : half hotit after sunset. Condition of the Water. i Great Falls—Slightly muddy. Weather in Various Cities. r Temperaluia r 3 , 1 5 ;i »i Station* J Z% J- VV sat tier i ff \ Abilene .. . . 29.98 50 20 .... Clear Albany ... 20 us to 28 n2B Pt . luudy Atlanta ...,:i0.04 5o 24 o.(»2 Clear Atlantic cm 20. St .‘>2 20 (*..'( 4 Clear Haiti more .. 20. SO 50 28 0.08 Clear Kirniinghani. 50.1 <* 58 20 .... Clear Bismarck .. 2 -In .. . . 4 't -»c Huston .....211.52 42 an I is clear I Buffalo ...20 0 4 42 20 n.Sfi s,„, w Charleston . 20.0 SO4 5 4 0.22 Clear ( he-asm 18 8 .... I lear Cincinnati .20 On 28 22 . . . < lear Cleveland .2014 2-S 20 9.1*6 Cl hi- Col'nihia.S.C. 28 .. . Clear Driller :10.2 4 4u 14 008 Sim* Detroit ....20.08 24 20 .. . Cl«nd.V HI Paso 20.02 50 2s .... Plt-ar Halve -toil ..:in.u2 48 44 .... Clear Helena 20.44 28 IS O.OS 1 1-ni.ty Huron. S. D -in.22 0 -2 .. . Clear Indianapolis. 21*.50 24 20 .. . . * lear Jacksonville. 50.92 12 04 0.22 c unity Kansas City. .‘to. 12 114 10 .... 1 lear [.os Angeles. 50.00 00 50 .... Clear Louisville .20.00 54 2 4 .... Clear Miami. Fla.. 20 04 82 In 0.1*4 (lear N Orleans . .'SO 12 48 58 .... Rain New York... 20.18 s'* 20 1>..'545 Clear Okla Citv".so 10 415 28 .... Cloudy Omaha ..50 Id 22 « .• - . H >ar ■ Philadelphia. 20 84 52 2s 0.18 * I-nr Phoenix .. 50 III* 50 28 .... Clear Pittsburgh 20 St 40 is 0.54 Clear Portland.Me 20.48 28 22 i,o Clear Port land Ore 50.48 all 54 .... I Raleigh N.O. 20.08 58 20 o.llt Clear i S. Lake City 50.28 52 Hi 0.20 (dear San Antonio. 20.00 52 54 .... < lear ‘v'W f>*’ 4t» .... f lf*sr 1 s' Franrisco. 50.10 50 48 .... Clear si Louis. ...’Mb 1 00 28 22 .... Clear 8| Paul .. . 20 88 2 -4 ... Clear Seattle . 50 48 40 52 .... Cloudy Spokane '. . 50.00 20 0 .... Snow WASH.. D.C. 20.88 40 27 0.15 Clear FIIKMIIN. 17 am.. Greenwich time today* Stations. Temperature Weather. London. England. 20 Clear Paris Fram-e.. IS Part i-loudy Vienna. Austria 18 Snow Berlin. Germany 18 Part cloudy Copenhagen. Denmark.... 18 * tear Stockholm. Sweden 18 Snow i Noon. Gteenvwoh time, today.* Horta (Kavali. Azores... 58 Cloudy (Current Observations. > San .Juan Porto Ri«-0... 70 Clear Havana. Cuba 72 ( tear | S I .(-a- IBeatbf. 5 :50 n Pm'. 1 1 1 JOSEPH ° EDWARD CARL, aged 8 vears. lielnved sop of John M. and Anna R. Cart. Funeral (private* on Sat urday. December 17. at 2:5(4 p.m., from late residence 1020 V st. s.e. CLEMONDS. Departed this life. Saturday morning. December 17. 1927. at her resi dence 815 Ist si. n.w.. afler a brief ill n.-ss ROS A CLEMONDS beloved daughter of Della Jenkins. She also leaves six chil dren and many friends. Remains resting temporarily at John P. Rhine* & (o. funeral chapel. srd and Lye sts. S- I *'- Notice of funeral later. COIt KI DON. On Saturday. December 17. ];»27. at 12:55 a.m.. JOHN J. ( ORRIDON, aged .s!' Funeral from lus late residence Jstf4 East Capitol st.. Monday. Pei-ember j<* thpni-e to Holy Comforter Church, where mass will be said at !* am. Inter ment at Mount Olivet Cemetery. 18 DONATO. On Friday. December 10. 1927 at his residence. 17(di Pa. ave. n w < KIS j*OLO C DONATO, beloved husband of Frances (i Donato. Body resting at Gaw ler's chapel. 1750 Pa ave. n.w.. al which address funeral services will be held on Monday alteriionii. December 19 at - o'clock, inlernient Glenwood Cemetery. 18 K 1.1.15. Dcparte I this life on Thmsilay, I *c.-ember 15 1927. at 17.45 V 4 illard st n w MARGARET P. beloved wile of * diaries \V Ellis, daughter o William ami lua Hedgeman. sister nl Wilhelmina and Bernarii Heilsenian rti neral Monday. I>eccni*«-r 19. at 1 o clock, from Salem Baptist Church N -t. between 9th mid 10th sts. Friends and relatives inv itfid. FORTUNE. Departed this life December 14 1927. at fi am.. SADIE L. FORTUNE de salted wife of Shirle.v Fortune, mother of Natalino and Karl she also leases a de voted mother Mis. Fannie I* Taylor: one brother Jesse J. Ta.vlor: 2 sistets. Augelme Conway and Dorothy Taylor: also a host of other relatives and triends. Services will he held Saturday night at 8:50 at her late residence 1755 Willard st. n.w. Fu neral services will be held at St. Stephen s Baptist Church. Sunday. Decern tier IS. at 12 o'clock sharp in King George County, Va.. conducted by Rev. Richard Grynies. pastor us Salem Baptist Church. Remains now resting at the George B. Clarke Co., funeral chapel. 141(1 Florida ave. n.e. 17 FORTUNE. On Wednesday. Dei-ember 14. 1927. at Freedmeii s Hospital. WILLIE FORTUNE, devoted son of Sarah Allen: hr ither ot Edward. Walter. Percy. Charles Allen and Martha Fortune. Funeral on Monday Deoeinfier 19. at 1 p.m.. from the W. Ernest Jarvis Co. funeral parlors. 2222 Georgia ave. n.w. 18 GAI.A WAV. On Saturday. December 17, 1927 at her residence. 5020 Porter st. n.w ALICE FERRIS, wife of the late William Galaway. sister of Mrs F. C. Fnsbv and Adaly F.-Towne. Funeral from A Inin's R Speares luneial parlor. 1(525 I'nuiipcticiit ave . on Monday. December 19, at I(l a m. I 8 GOItSI C)l. On Friday D-cemU-i' I*s. 1927 ELIZABETH ANN GIIRSCCII aunt of Mi' Flora C Eekhaidi. Keniaui' resting at V. L. Sin-are Co. lutlil II si. n.w. Fu neral -ervici-s and inlciiicnt al Baltimore Cemetery Ball unoi c Mil. on .Monday. Pe cemls-r 19. at II a ail. HAWKINS. On December 111 1927. al 9 51' n. at her residence, *ll*s K st. lew.. * 'MARGARET E I MAGGIE • D-loved sisier ol Evaline Hawkins and Bennie K Haw kins and Mrs. Kalie Hawkins Stroud. Funeral Irom Winslow Chanel. Dei-enilier 17 8 pan Interment at T. H.. Prince Georges County. Md. Pecenilier 18, at 1 o. m HEItKON. Departed this life December I I 192 7 In Philadelphia. Pa RICHARD HEBRON beloved son of the late Petra and Henrietta V Hebron and brother of Essie and Hanv and the late Hrncimuv Hebron Funeral Saturday December I*. at 12 o'clock, front Stewart s funeral par lor. 50 H -t n c * IIOI.LAND, do Friday December til, 1927, at Tuberculosis Hospital VERA HOL LAND devoted daughter ol Elisabeth Holland. She also leaves to mourn then loss three hrother* and three si»ter» Nnt.ce if funeral hereafter Remains resting at the W Ernest Jarvis Co. fu neral parlors 2222 Georgia ave. nw. 18 U CKKTT. On Friday. December 192 7. at Geoigepivvn Ciiivpi»it.v Hosnifal. JAMES, belov ed son of Frail* I* and Ha.-.ei Lllckett. 552(4 5(5(h st.. Mount Rainier. Mil Fu neral from the slime residence on Monday. D“*ember 19 at 9:5(1 a.m . (hence to St Janie*' Catholic Church, where ma?« will be sa,d at I'* a.m. for th» renose of hi* soul. Interment at Mount Olivet lemc- i tery. Relatives and friends invited. 1& 7 Sratfis. Mil I Kill Friday. Decern tier 10. 19*;7. at los re-n cm . 1108 F. si. n.e.. WILLIAM S aged 82 husband of Elizabeth T. B. Mi-Ctirdv. Funeral services at ttie Ninth sirecl ( hri'lian Church. Monday. Decem- D-r 19, 192 J. at 2 p.m. Friend* and reta in rs ini Bed. 18* \M I Kl>> . A M»*fi »l r*f Joppa ],o(U«v No \. A M Will \*> b*?ld •*n .Vl(>n«ta\ !>♦ ••• mr l!» . at 14. i rn lor ih pmitosr u| thi' fu lit-dl Ol Hrotl»* i WILLIAM Md'l Kl>\ . < H AKI» J. AK.M li. ii. I.ANK No- Master. 18 'ILI.I l\«i. On 18 *v\f.TJK WKLhl.Nii >i ilu- f «*f h#*i Im»|o\ M il.ouhtci. Mk Mary ( Na.v- Inf ni. »j\. Hfffd *>, ypii-M. Knnpral Itnm bf'r lair i'OMilfiu♦ . »Mi{. Na> lor rd nr on Monday. IS*, at *J pm. InicffUf’ot ('oiu;f>*vsn»n;*i l>nifitf*rv. K^la fi v «* onl fi'ifin.N iii\ ife«l t«» attend 18 On Fro lav I** •. KfF'fMlnam ■» • . KIWV Nlv I * i'KH L * dt vote i h'l'li md of T»oi'f»thy Pro*#* wm nl J.a .mi;. I* Kohmson anil lather of i >nv i i ano I >olphus Prifi-. «>i fiinern! hi*reaftef UrmaiiK ) at thr Kriifd. Jarvi* F<». funeral parlor*. • L-oi yi i ave. n 18 d HNKIIdiK. SioMfnlv Friday T)eoemt>-r Id 1!»IT ii »i :*d t» . at her residence. J* n i n w U\« hr \L r.l.i/.X -LKTH Nf’HN FIPKK -> amlmother of Ed wm M and >!nr»*!ani| XV. Sthnrnh*'- Serv icps ,it s H Him** <o. home. * 1 ] Mli «*» n w Mornia.v D*o-mhei 1i» Id :t<» ain Inttrnn nt. private. Ro«*k Creek ( dfr* |pf> 18 nMIIII TVoaiietl thU I»f*v smldenly. on riddsflav I »<‘•ember IN 15 **- . at her re«t d»*f. • !.■*.»« Bth **t. n u ll>\ W.VHRKN > MITH widow of the lass John Miuth. dauu r «»t tlie lab* Manny Warren and devoted mother ot «'harlr*v HoN*rt ;md John Smith Mr-s Fdenoi a Fernljee and the |;|tr M• - Ev a FiiMlei kivandmotlier of Uovd stwa 11 and Julia smith: srrrat x i iminior fa* t»f ( hat ir-s Slewarl. Funeral Irom St AiifctMiio' ‘ hnn h on Monday. Intend**!- 1!» ulki»- ma>* ’-vi'l i>e >ai<l ?.t Id i m Interment Mount Olivet. Omc* tei.v A’EEkS. (m EruJ-n Dr ]♦». al Froviden.-e Ho-»>ltal. MA KV E. »vdu\*d wile ol Eafavette D VVeeks in her sdth : Near. Funeral front her late re^idem-**, ;;n NiehoL -e on Momiav l>erem bf*i lU at i) to. Interment m Cedar Hill remmery. W ill iK. On Thin <wlay Droaiiher la, IS**!T at IVovidem*r wile »r l-Mward s Whit** Funeral from her late re-iden-e .*5 41-4 Rhode Inland a\e. 11. Ol) Mordav Ileeember 111 at 8 -*d • i • fhenee to st. Janv"4 ! t’hureh Moifid Rainier Md where nnd will fliinsr at It .am relatives and friend** invited to at' nd. Interment Mount Olivet Crme terv 18 W ISE. On F'fdav I>eeeniN*r Id l'F'7. FLOP* EM F W tVIBF the beloved daugh ter of Vumnn Ann iik l William S. Har li'. wife of Randolph T Wise and «»*ter of Veiling William*. Ravtnond and f harle« Fmif mI from the of h«»r » I'otbcr. \‘l $ CJue *t n w T'lewiTiy r>ei-«*pi- V»rr *’<* at 1 i> ?>i re-dinar at tlitre', funeral home f*th and VVeatnun*trr td . Sunda.N and Monday If* 3n iHemortam. 1 CIssKI,. 11l nicmni-v nf rn*- dear hUsliaiH. 1 HENRY I'HSEL, vvhu departed till? life nine year- ago today. Deceniliei 17. 1918. j It vernu *»o hard that you were taken. From our happ' honi'*. so brijfht; Bib the bD-,i d Rib! • telN u f|f)<« but what, i- nsrht. HIS LONELY \v IKE. NETTIE I. ( ISSEL. * (R( Ml*. In sad tint l iving reniemtirance of cur dear limfher. SAMI’EL CRUMP, who die ! Decemher 17 15*15. We only a'k in live etch day so when life's .nurse i- done That we may meei -on brother ilear. In the land beyond the -mi. HIS sI'TKRS. EMMA WILLIAMS AND BCRNSENA SMITH. * ETTING. A tribute of love to I lie memory of mv dear husband. ALFRED H. El- TING, who d ed one year ago today. De eenilier 17. I:*2ts. 'J.oved in life, lemerubered in <leafh NELLIE • FRAZIER. In memory of our mother and rcorhei-m-law L.'DIA M. FRAZIER, who dieii eight vears ago today. December 17. 1919. HER SDN. D.ACGHTEK IN-LAW AND SISTER. * GARRISON. In memory of our dear father, ROBERT GARRISON who passed away one year ago today Decoupler IT. 192*5 We shall lie er forget von. father, and did not when you were here: But to wait till we can see you. very often bring- a tear. Yet we know that vou are happy in that city over there: AV ■ shall ever cherish memories of your lonesome vacant chair. FAMILY. * fi U.1.. In sail but loving memory of my lat ner Dr JEREMIAH M. HALL, who lell asleep eleven year* ago today. De«s»m- U-, 17. 191*5. "Loved in life, remembered in death.'’ DACGHTEK. M ITT IE HALL CARR. * SJf A I.IAV(M»D. In sad but loving remem brance (it our d-ar husband and fathei GEORGE >M ALLWOOD. who departed this hie twent.v-six years ago today. De cember 17. J !»•* 1. fpright and faithful in all hi? ways. Beautilul character to the end of lus day?. Loving husband and father so kind. What a sweet memory he left behind. LOVING WIFE AND CHILDREN. * SWEENEY. Sacred to the memory of my be loved husband ami our devoted father. EDWARD SWEENEY who departed (his life tw mil-three year* ago belay. Decem le-r 17. 1901. Anniversary mass at St. Alovsisii Church His LOVING WIFE AND FAMILY. • THOMAS. In sad anil loving remembrance ni my dear wife. MAGGIE THOMAS, who pa—rd into eternal rest one year ago to day. December 17. 192*5. J stood beside her bedside And saw her soul depart. Bui w hen I saw that ?h» »a? dead It nearly broke my heart. Some may have forgotten you. Though on earth you are no more. But your ( herring words and loving smih- Were a pleasure to ns all. A home on thp beautiful hill of God. By the valley of rest, so fair Some day some time, when our task 1? o'er. We shall meet on the' beautiful shore HER HI'S BAND. JOSEPH THOMAS. K 26 B st. s.e. • THOMAS. In sad and loving remembrance of my dear daughter. MAGGIE THOMAS, who passi » into eternal rest one year ago today. December 17. 19245. I-ik“ ivy on a withered oak. When other things decay. My love fur you. dear child. Will never fade awav. HER FATHER. RICrt.ARD SCOTT. • THOMAS. Jn sad and loving remembrance of my dear sister-in-law. MAGGIE THOMAS, who passed info eternal rest one year ago today. December 17. 1928 liar h.v day we grow mere lonesome, Lone«nnie as the moments fly : Often we find ourselves wondering Why our loved ones must die. HER SISTER-IN-LAW. MAMIE. * W.VKRKX. In loving memory of our mother. MARY J warren who departed th'S life ten years ago today. December 17 15*17. Anniversary mass at Holy Nanm Chunk. ELMER AND MINNIE. • FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ESTABLISHED 1876. JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. P. A. TALTAVULL H. 4. TALTAVULL. Mgr. 450 7th St. S.AV. SI I8<» \(> BRANCH OFFICE CHAS. S. ZURHORST 54(11 KASI CACI Idl. ST. Phone l/io«‘nhi T. F. COSTELLO 1724. N Capitol St N((RTH 75*78 Joseph F. B f rch's Sons (ISAAC BIRCH I ¥)v4 M ‘st \ T \V Phone-West 9« OUD4 At -l IN 'V KstaHished 1841 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successors ot nor conneetea with the original W R Speare eetshKsh ok"' u- . H St. N.W. Phone Frank *5(52(4 EurmerlT 940 F St. N.AV. Quick Dignified Efficient Service. Automohile Service Chapel W. W. Deal & Co. 81*5 H B|. N.e. LINCOLN 8700. 4. aVII.I.IAIM I.EE. Funeral Director non Emhalmer. I.ivery It* coiiiiertion. Commie . -biius chanel Modern Crematoriums Mcrler sie prices. 452 Pa. Ave. \AV. Call M. C<9s W. Warren Taltavull 14th & Spring lid. Col. 464 Timothy Hanlon 641 H St N E Phone L 554 5 Wm. H. Sardo & Co. Private l.imousine Ambulance «»»" Lincoln 524 ALMUS r. speare Su.cceoding the Original \v.R.Bi>eare<:o 1623 Connecticut Arc. POTOM a c m nogSgaSTrS: Frank Geicr's Sons Co. Ill) SEVENTH S'l N W 7M71 Modern Chanel l’elenhrme mßln I I NEKALDKSHiNsT GEO. C SHAFFER KAl’KEsslA K KI.HK Al EMBLEMS Al All ID EBATK PRICES. TEL M. 106. M. 2416. Our Only Store, 14th & Eye BL ACKISTONE, 1407 H Beautiful Floral Designs, $5 and up. call main in*? Prompt Auto Delivery Sereico Arustn*— -«»orf«»ive—inexpensive Gude Bros* Co*, 1212 F St*