Newspaper Page Text
14 '* PROFITS! K November Earnings Show Gain Over Same Period in Previous Year. m l H\Y \Kl> V. STONK. The Washington Gas Light Co, had *< t rooirc for the month of Novetn or of J-t'cSM.74. comparoti with a not . :> ,irn of $69.fC9.06 in November, 1926. according to tho roinirt tiled with tlit? I'uhlie Utilities Commission. Operating revenues in November, U’CT, were $470,450.20, against *469.- 637.73 in 1926. Operating expenses totaled $413,459.66, as compared with $320,545.28 :n the previous Not ember, leaving a not operating income of 8122.634.32, compared with $111,9,*8.9» it: 1926. Naturally the shorter days and much colder weather put the November earnings far ahead of October, the October net after the deduction of unusually heavy expenses being $25,829.58. The summaries for the lirst 11 months of 1927 show net corporate income of $522.053.15. Kx tension of mains and other outlays have run expenses up this year so that the net income is lower than in the first 11 months of 1926, when it amounted to $689,966. Georgetown Statement Also Filed. The Georgetown Gas Light Co. re ports a net income for November, 1927, of $9,707.56. against $6,932.55 for the same month in 1926. Operating reve nues were also higher, being $70,898.84. -.gainst $61,579.31 in November, 1926. expenses also were larger, this figure being $ 4,340.74. in comparison v. ah 848.450.44 in the previous year. The am party reported operating income or the month amounting to $13,4.>a.25. ,’s against $10,378.58. The first 11 months of 1927 yielded the Georgetown Gas Co. a net income of $86,912.07. A year ago the 11 months' net stood at $60,811.68, thus -hewing a substantial gain in favor of the 1927. Ifoehling Returns to Metropolitan. Former Associate Justice of the Dis trict of Columbia Supreme Court Adolph A. Hoehling yesterday was elected vice president and general counsel of the National Metropolitan Dank and also chosen to membership on the board of directors. , Justice Hoehling was the Metropoli tan's first trust officer and was also secretary of the board of directors when appointed to the bench hv Presi ■ ent Harding in 1921. He resigned his adgeship only a few days ago in or der to return to the financial district. Justice Hoehling has an unusually urge acquaintance m Washington. He .as born in Philadelphia on Novem •er 3, 1868. and came here when a ~oy. He took his course in what is now the George Washington Law school and was admitted to the bar .n 1890. He practiced law here for many years before going on the l»eneh and has the distinction of being a former president of the District ot Columbia Bar Association. # Leahy Joins Merchants Directorate. William E. Leahy, widely known Washington attorney, has been elected a director in the Merchants' Bank & Trust Co., to fill the vacancy caused :,y the death of William Henry White. At the annual meeting these directors were re-elected: Harry E. Allen. Bay H Arnold. Noble V. Barnes. J. M. Biddle, Rolph E. Bolling. Harry R. Carroll, Peter M. fiorach. Peter A. Drury, Mark F. Fin lev, Ernest Gerstenberg. Frank E. Ghiseili, Frank P. Harman, jr.; Hol land W. Jenks. R. L. Lamb. Walter McNlchol, R. C. Marshall, jr.; J. Ernest Mitchell. C. C. Murray. Alvin 1 L. Newmver. Frank O'Hara, Joseph v. Rafferty. Roland S. Robbins. L. K. .'•"hreiner. J. L Sherwood, M. Thayer. A. O. Waller and John Zanler. Officers re-elected were: Fetor A. Drury, president; Rolfe E. Bolling. Frank P. Harman, jr.. and Frank E. Ghiseili. vice presidents; H. J. Dono chue. treasurer; Ralphs M. Wolfe udKor, and Wade H. Ellis, counsel, officers re-elected who are at the branch offices were Luth*-r K. fvhrei ner. vice jyreeident, and W. ( ». Baden and Henry S. Wattles, assistant treas urers. Dupont branch; J. L. Sherwood, vice president, and W. Clarke Ver nons. assistant treasurer. Brobkland branch: Krr.<*«t Oerstenberg. vice pres ident, Pennsylvania avenue and Twen tieth street northwest branch. B Ashby Leavell was elected trust officer, having been connected with this department of the bank since its rganteMton. Mr. Icavc-H has made e special study of trust matters arid written books on the subject. JH Iso is a lecturer of the faculty of Washington chapter, American In stitute of Banking. Booker Employes Given Bonus. Employes of the investment bank ing firm of Y. E. Booker & Co were ibiiant yesterday when ea< h re • f ivwi a check ocjulvslent to 21 per < en» of his annual salary. Th'-w '■he'ks represent the amount due t's'h employer under the profit sbar g plan put Into effect by the firm oortiy after it was established in • u-d. Approtimately 25 i-r <«nt of :> earnings, above an amount equlva mt to tn'dest salaries for tn'-mle rs , ' she firm, is distributed to »he « m • .ove.t at the end of e-v h calendar ; car. New Real Katafe Urm ll»-re. The Capita) has another real e-t a »e, r or’gage and Investment firm, L II • iUnices & Co, located at 1424 K Mr. r.’harles, bead of the firm, c&s formerly immagcr of the mort g« department «.-f McKeeve« A- Go.-* - ■ I *,". pat . • > lit a: d !• ;> final;':-; •j» ai d have a <lepa; ftic-r t to man- | ; -t* and table properties. | t rceniafi l.rtier* Brokerage House, '.V )iUk m V k r fee man, for <-<- v* ih ! j -1 a manager of the loea! o!l>‘ e or j • A-*fd 15. «i«»h u Im Co. t.-u Join'd hole! department of C M 1* ] urphy & < o , tW tr.e downtown of-j -1/ k J! Street. of , . < - , tin U uoul.'.eie the d'-jt}. if) w York of Id lump lie bad (,«<•) I ti: trine ,v.-i iou* oje-ration is-rf-iisiwl at,out - months ago Mi . , -P- v-ns oi» tho ot ga 10/e) s of 'ti* 73o'M I,* .aiige firm in 126 and was a it m. *; figure it ■ i cue. t He Was ,< b n.o truUt'l So club*, belonging to. < amri-et I'.j.-'ng fto< k Turf ,d J-i*jd ord I'ie •.; .< < and ’t l imits ,u» ;n }*fcvy yoir itegrtr Banks l arnlnjs Off 1 i • ■ .< Board reports a i«aiOini- s of tin 12 i • r.«l « Banks d» cii«* d 14,680,000 in ..j.,- , hi eot »>pon&)i» Inci earn d hii,»c. tgioMf - amount'd f 43.020,000 wi;Ue m 1926 tr.ey w-»e rpji; 000 Imtp) MUt fotwi< d <27 040 o,i and | '.'"j in <aimngs for tin hi banks wm< . o .*. Vji/ a* compared With 4J«, 000 t-,< i 926, 'deigt nibab « htiongM 'I oday. 4> rso-ntmrS*.i Linotype coi>) op to , or, to* W eij inoton f e- o ,r*j • oy 1 a Pita I 'ilaellon * .line <,*'• iii I'.ophs Jnog at i.:' I'uton j* -*’/,» t „ pci < * ),t pi* f* Mod at JOH •l the o per cent »-lo< k a* 111% i i-to> u a Vi *i *. eijoog a* v.'i* < * - V* I ngt' n * .-■ S t f ~ t . 11, a i nr 8 A * *.,., o lon k lb.t-1 e all t | , y I >■ t :i*,i, lit * / i FINANCTAT^r NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE " Received by Private Wire Direct to The Star Office. ‘ Open High now Close Abitlbl Powiß). 142 142 W 142 142 Abntlmi&iStraus 109% 109% 107% lt><% AhrA St i as> ,’%pf U 2 H 2 112 112 Adams Ex (6).. 199 202 199 202 I Adams Ex psi&) 97% 97% 97% 97% ' Ail v Kumley.... 12% I2'» 124 Adv Kumley pf. 374 374 374 3i l < Ahunmda head, 34 34 34 34 Air Keductnt t7) 183% IS>4 192% 1854 Ajax Kutiher.... 13>* 134 12% 134 Alaska Juneau.. 1111 Ailmy Cap pf (7) 994 994 994 994 Allied Cbein id) 153% 154 1514 l->4 Allied Cm pf t7) 122% 123 122% 123 : Allis Chaim i6>. 117 117 117 117 1 Amai Leather... 134 134 11% 11% .Amerada t ii) .... 304 30 4 30 4 304 Am Agriuul Chm 18% IS’* 18 184 1 Am Agrt Cb pf.. 684 684 oi>4 674 . Ant Bank Nt tS). 80 80 80 80 „ Am Kk ,\ pf i3j. 6.">4 604 6.)'* 654 Ant Keel Sug ... 17 17 17 17 Am Bosch 214 cl 4 21 21 , AmßrSh'JlfOt 434 434 42% 434 Am U |>f(7» 12,>4 1254 125 12 i .Am Brown Bov. I*% 15% 144 1.>% Am Brown Bo pf 62 62 62 62 Ain Can 1 2 )..... 7314 744 72% 75% Am CauVPdy <# 1094 10j4 107 I(l7‘> Am Cham pr (?) lol•*. 101*4 1014 101% Am Chicle (3).. 724 724 72 »2 AmChic pr pft7) 107 107 107 107 Am Drug tine). 134 15% 154 13% Am Encau (2.40) (>44 544 64tv 544 Am Express t«) 173 174% 1724 t 73 Am at For Cow.. 24 24 _34 234 Am For Potvr ru 44 44 44 44 Am Hide it L pf. 50% 56% 65 65 Am Ho B 1240). t>64 (>64 oo*» t>6 .American lcet2) 504 31 304 30 4 Am Ice pf t 0)... 904 904 904 904 Am lniemailt2) 73V« 73% 71 724 Am LaFr&Foam t> 6 6 6 Am Linseed 644 644 62% 634 Am Linseed pf.. 88% 88 i. 8S 88 Am Locomul t 8) 113 1134 110% 1114 Am Loco pf(7).. 1274 1274 1274 1274 AmMch&Fy(f3) 1754 17a4 175 176 AniMaatFy pt(7) 113% 113% 113% 113% Am Alehaia (3).. 454 454 44% 4a Anilhano 20% 20% 20% 20% Am ihatio pf (7) »64 864 864 804 Am i’o &Ll t|l) 634 63% 634 634 Aru Bad la tor 16) 1374 1374 t 34 133 Am By Exp »6). 113 , 11.>4 H. 34 n;4 Am Bepuoiic.... 73 73 -» 08 ,2 Am Sat Ba* Ml 4 «>7% ai4 o7 % 57 Am Seating tj«r 40 «y 09,* 39% Am Silipliidg t 8) no l * 1 lot 4 HO4 ao% aiu amp & com. 3., 4 o n 4 Am smelting tar 1824 182% 1764 178', Amsnuaus).. 141 141 141 141 Am snuff pr t 6). 102 102 102 102 Am Sll Fdya ti) o;» o 5 4 03 4 644 AinStl Fy pt(7). 114 1144 113 113 Am Sugar t 0)... 73 73% 70 4 73% Am Sugar pf (7) 1084 109 108 s, 108% Am Suuraua.... 014 014 60 00% Am Telr&Ca (5). 30% 30% 30% 30% Am Ter at lei (9 17»% f? 94 178% 1794 Am Tohacco (8). 173 173 1714 Wl4 Amiohaccoßiß) 172A 4 17o*4 Am iohac pf (6) 1194 1194 jij w lia 7 k Ami 4ype pi 17). 1104 1104 Uu4 1104 Am vv w tmsuc) 60% 004 3s 5s Am VV \V ks pf t 6) lu 1 101*.» 101% 101% Aiu Woolen 22 22 21% 214 Am V\ ooieu pf.. 634 i>34 624 62v 4 Am Zinc pi 414 414 41 41 Atiacouua ti)... 67% 6»% 054 67 Arcaer 19an (3). o?% 67% 56, 06 Armour Del pi (7) 80% 90 sb% 90 Armour ollUtA) 134 14 i2* 134 Armour olllitB) »% »4 7% 84 Armour 111 pl(7> 71% 714 704 71% Arnold ConecCo.. 48% 484 464 4a4 Artioom U).... 43 43 43 43 asso cry u 124, 474 474 47% 47% Asso Uiitf3.2o)., 39 29% 3aV» 386. AtOl.aon ifiur.. 1924 192% lao'4 191% Aicnison pf to;. 1024 1024 1024 102 v, AUCoast LtT 10) 180 fOo 184% 180 All Uuil it VVi.. .94 33% 394 394 Ati ItenuiUK 14). 103 1084 lUO% lus , Alias Tack 84 9 84 9 Austin-.Nicliols. 6 04 Austin-.Nich pf.. 26 31 26 31 * Auto sales » 8 8 s Autostrap A (8) 434 44 434 434 Baldwin L (7).. 255 255 264 54 BailoetUi#)... 11l 117% 116% U 64 uailo <* Utl pf 14. 82 62 62 8* Barubgr pf tb 4). 1114 1114 1124 1114 Bang at AT U 4; 09 69 09 09 ok comerce fi«. 570 671 570 671 carusdi a V O24) Liayus Ist pf ts) 109 109 1084 1084 Beacon UU 17% 174 li 17 i>eecnnutiT3.6o) 76 73 754 c,eiamg Bros (2) 19 i» i«% uest&Co t«)... 644 55 644 65 Bern renew steel 67% 67% 664 «?% Beta Sll pf (7 )• . 120 1204 120 1204 <iioowui*uaie... 44-, 44>> Ui/% Bluuicutiial pf.. 904 904 95 9o BwU Auti Cl At 4) 064 00 oa4 06 Boom Fisheries. 04 04 6 04 uootn tisn rat.. 4<4 41% 474 47% Borden Milk (6). 100% 1054 1034 104 ““eaa Siia >-0.. 26 *0 Bruian Empire.. r% >u ‘n, BiiUsn Emp 2d.. 3 a u * m cairsotj tS; 215 215% 211 214 Okryn-alan (4). 664 „04 04% 06 Baiyn Ln vasto; 149% 149% 149% ,43% Brown snoet2% 48 4 c% 43 4» Biunaarca ti (*; oas, ~34 034 Brunswick Ter.. 10% ;0 . ;**„ ,<? BuUacousq pi t*; 604 60% 004 60>. Burns Bios tB;. ff , Burrougns Ail 14 14| j 4i ... Busn leim to2>. 014 014 01 014 Busn ier a. ,< /. 1084 1084 lUo% 1064 Busn iriii pi (2) 110% 4104 uJ, BuliSCop touc). 44 4% 44 44 Buticr.caCo.... 4o 4<4 46 42% BOUeswsup mt (2) iu 104 iu J 0 a> «‘ ** 100,. 99 9VJ want i'acag t<). 70% 76% 75% eg. B-ai I'sun ut.. 24.„ ‘l* vartanan Arne... 2 2 walomet at Ar to, 112 HO4 lu .^ Bare A irecut t 2; ~2% 22% 214 -wni9,y U 4 A). 004 „0, It . ll* vaUß;. *ll4 fc J2% .(;«.. Can l acillc 2d pd 2094 2104 iU e4 2064 --.-Siuieau*,,., .02 .04 , -ent Aiioy 13;.. o1 r* „2% ~v* ul -. cent ABvy pf (7; iU9>, 103., 1094 loi% -crone <'ascot*; 09% o„% 07% o(% -eiur.n r«eu .«» no% ..9 ~ L to C<ji tsu (f i > 4 4 7 4 -.j V wiiA<4<i \a<i; •«.,*. f, 7- .. Cnanumi iiotpf. 17% 174 17% onacs .vat ii tio> „<2 p U/ „ b y s-hat 1 n Bauo;. o7s o»a n7.> ns, cues ra onto tiu; *03% „ns>» . 02% 201 v <at9 4oipn ,4;. 00% 784 75% fit A j lOU « s • • /V| . Cni a A<um pf.. 11% jj . n % Jt ” Mb &. mast 111 pf 74% ,4*4 , j 7. ' u ‘ Great West.. j.,,» BUILt West PI.. 28% ..6 4 26% *B% 818 Mil Aat B 194 16% ln% Ij% mr AIU *«IB pf ./;% 0 , „ * • B-lrwatl-cls.. j*9% I*9*4 16 -, rj ‘ B aißßll- pr cfs- ,0% 20% „o% 204 in %,, wn t«).. 87 fc/ 80*. b7 ; BUI rne looj to; 131% 1214 J2l J2i Btr) liock Is to;. 111% ill ;. ,| M J ( „, j chi i«BowC<«;. 42 *2 4/ 4 , ; Ctriids 112 62 62 614 „i , j Lillie Cn al% 41% 40 4%,. i cinisuutuii;. 87% 89% 86k B i 4 NIB ysrer Co« 14; oi% 01% n 9% 09% I ./.lysrei p/A.B; 1J4% |)4% JU , jLi 1 y .3tor Aii % t n.i% 63% 62% 634 -liy BUiies llli, 1,3% 02% 02% t,2% j Llueil 1-eaO to;. 7 % 7*4 7a ,2 .on*, a *6;.,. L.i% 129% 1284 126% ! -chin* % a,sir; imp,, jo«% 10i , a *b r* u«i % hoi, 77% v«% 704 Vo -WfiWMylM; 71% 74% 744 71% .u, *,9 a % r-i Ia r 20% 9, 22% y (J , v<B y*6 pi A l«; (08 JUrt ,08 108 ,01 LSI non *«;.. 6*,% a|% p O % 91% >pf 11%, 23% 234 234 .3% «B.< ,1 pi 11 ,3;. 2,4% 24% 24% 2.% ; l<bi, lirv St 00;.. ~1% Oi 4 Ml 01 Mu in 1, „| 8% on .9.. I. , ~6 Lorn BOi **«!•<• I io6 ,0 , ,04 ,06 Obb i'ow# .24; sci-% 04% 04 04 t.wlßhißhl;.. 4*9% 49,% 49% 49^ * >ii%i.i«viii l.aif .«% .6% % , ~, ‘ ‘B*a Lgi si M 4; 79% go 73% -,.j CoKLiaais < 84% 84% 43 fti j * obisib insti ihot i% 1% 1% ,% 'aWMIdW «*#,, 122 * (234 111 12. *, < ,Of,a*,j< las pf 16 | 16, >» iO/,% |i,.; 162% ■ L.BBtiH 1,6., pi S 71% ,i % 70 ,(, 6uiit*ii is* 1 He,, 4% 4% 4 4 % o»B llasg a it! 4*"•* 19 «8 49 <7*9l*< llsk'hs M-. 6% 6g* 6% 6*4 : *.*,61 Lak t<f <*|, 63 9-t 6*3 9,1 * mil Call <6;,,,, 84 84 8,1 84% - ' 661 < 'air j,r <ll , 121 124 173 (24 * i/tit I Inn 121 ~ . 86% 81 80 fvO% uni 6i*iiß •*<;«; in % 104 10*, jo% mu I'lu*l 'll) *. '>. 65'. i,44 64% -:*,) y me 135', 120% i;'4‘*. r.'o-t* I utflhlsd'esl til 89% 664 88% 5.1% ' 6bs <.'tut Hngsi 14 74 04 0% h.6s I'miiu H'i Os 51* . '! 14 36% 3114 i * 'ill,s 1 iiiiipi.liy 2*. *. *3*i% 26 0 I *' '.ban *hi I* 111 2.:v» it .'*,* :*l% 224 * -'U'Jsby i'kk («;, n<»% 66% 64 t 654 TTTF; KV’RNTyn KTATf, WASHTNOTOTsT, D. C„ TTTTTT?ST)AY t .TANTTATSY 5, 1928. » Open High Low Close Curtiss Aero.... ii:t% t. 3%, 554 09% % Curtis Apf (7).. 117% 117% 117% 117% Cuvsmel Fruit.. 514 614 61 61 Davison Chem.. 414 444 424 414 '* DoeieV-Co pf t?) 1181* 1184 118% 118% * Del * Mud (9).. 183 183 1824 |BJ4 ' Del L« VV (t7). 140 110 138% 139'% * DK (J VVst pt... 68% 68% 68 68 11 Detroit Ed 18). . 1t.7% H% % 1(17 I(*7 * Devoe Ki 2 «0) 43 4 ! 404 42 DevoeAr it Istt 7) 112% 113 112% 113 s Dtatnd MtciltM). 137<v 158 1374 13S Dodge Uros Cl A 244 244 214 224 Dodge pf 1 7).... 761* 75V* 72 73% Dome Mines (I). 12% 12% 12V9 124 * Dul SS & Atlnn. 64 0% 64 t> v DulSS&Atlpf. 84 9% 8% 84 * Dunum mi 6ti<s 604 604 50% » Du Font *ll4 %) 510% 317 310 317 Dui’ont deb t«). 120 1204 120 1204 * Uuquesne pf (?) 1154 1154 1154 11.>4 Eastman «tS ) ... 104 104 103% 104 , Eastman pf (7). 129 129 1:9 129 Eaton Axie CO.. 20% 204 204 20% g Eiseniohi Jft Oro. 12'* 124 124 12t-n Ehsculohr pf 1 7). 834 884 884 HB4 g El AutoLt I T#4; 104% .105 103 lu4 . Electric 80at... 16 15 14% 14% , Elec Dowel ii Lt 304 304 29% 29% Eleo t’&Lt pf (7) lOVV* am* 10 <% low* ihiec Ketrmeratn 124 12% 114 12 , Eleo Stor Hat(s) 744 74V* .3% 74 a Ena John (t 0;... 774 774 70% 77 Engineers I'ub S 364 85V* 04% 34% , Ensure PS pf(7) 109 109 109 109 j, Equa Uldg (?).. ill 91 91 91 Ene lilt 05% 0.1% 03% 04V* Erie Ist pf 03 03 02% 02% , Erie Sim St 24) 30% 30% ~0% 80V* , ErieSttnS cfs 24 304 304 35 35 * , Eureka 1f? 1 4 ).. Exchange 114). 2IV* 214 214 214 1 Fairbanks (3).. 824 324 324 324 Fed Llglihl.4o). 43 43 42V* 42V* > Fed LAti pt t 6).. 994 994 994 994 r hed MotTirsuc) 20% 20% 20 20% Fid I'll oo Ins(s). 193 193 193 193 1 First fsaiSt 14). 284 28V* 284 284 Fisk liubber.... 17% 17% 10% 17 , Fisk Ist pt cv(7) 97% 97% 9. % 97% » Fleischmntt3 4) t>9Vx 09% 08% 09% 1 Foundation Co.. 404 47V* 4k 404 Fox Film At«). 84% 84% 82 84 a Franlt-S pf (7).. 11l 111 111 ill FreeptTexi f 5 4) 10l 104 % 102% 10 ,% * Gabriel Sn (3 4) 27 28% 27 28% 1 Gardner Motor.. 11% 14% 134 1.6% ‘ Oeu Am lnmo. t,6V» 064 03% 04.* Gen Asphalt.... 86% B.* 824 50 * Gen Asph pf (5). 120 180 120 110 Gen Cable At*).. 58% 684 684 681 Gun Cigars t«).. 71 71 09% 71 * Gen Eleo if 6)... 136 130 133% 13(4 GenElec sptOoc) 11% 114 11% 11% ‘ Gen GasAtol4) 30 30% 30 30% Gen Gas pfA (7) 105V4 IOS'% 1084 1084 i Gen Mot tT74).. 138 1384 134% 135% 1 Gen Mot pf (7).. 120 120 125% 1204 * Gen Uutdr Adt2) 49% 60% 49V* 604 ! Gen Ky SIR 16). 119 119% lli’S 118% * Gen Ky Spf t 6). 1084 10s4 1084 108% * Gen lielrao (3). 78% 794 70% 774 “ Gillette Salittfr) lolV* lolV* 100% 100% Gunbel 8r05.... 30 37 30 37 Gtmbl Ur pf (7).. 94% 90 94% 954 » Utidden Co 20% 22% 20', * 2 1% 1 Glldden pr pf(7) 964 97 95% 90 Gold Lust (*)... 74% 74% 73 74% Goodrich Hu 1 4) 93% 95 93 94 *« Goodrich pf *7>. llo'% llu% 1104 11U « Goodyear Tire.. <O% <O% 67% 08% * Goodyr Ist pf(7) 95% 98% 97% 98** * Goihiri llos f 2 %. 79 bo 78 80 ; Gothm new <2%. 75% 504 784 KOV» > Gould Coupler Ab% 8% 8% 8% Granby Con Min 4.% 42% 41% 42 * Gri North pf (6) 9i4 97% 90% 97 * GrtNorOtlVto). 22% 22*. 224 22% Grt Wes Stf.ho) 30% .*O% 80% 804 Gt West Spf (7) 120 120 120 120 Green Canan.... 160% li*44 139 148% Gulf Mo & Nor.. 66 60 65 60 * Guan Sug pits).. 107 107 107 10? HacknskWtlVi) 23 234 23 23% Hack pf At 1 %.),. 27 27 27 27 Hanna Ist pf.... 654 b7 054 67 Hartman A (2).. 24 24 24 24 Hltu B bin%Slk. 20 20% 60 20% Helms (T?) 113% 113% 112% 112% Hershey Corp... 26% 36% 3,% 36% llershey pf 744 7(4 73V* 74 * Hcrshy pr pft6) 101% 1014 101% 1014 Hollander 4k Son 32V* 32% 32 32 tlomesuke (f 7). 7U 70 70 70 Household tt4). 66% 66% 66% t*6% ' Houston 0i1.... 153 163 148% 161V* Howe Sound (4). 4f% 444 42% 434 Hud Man (24). 61% 51% 61 61 Hud Man pf (6). b'J 89 89 8.1 Hudson Mot (6) 83% 844 80% b 2% Hupp Mott 1.40). 24 34 324 33 Illinois Cen (7). 133 133 133 133 111 Cen lsd 11 (4). 84 84 84 84 IndepUil (1).... 25% 25% 26% 25% Indian Mot 1 1 4) 44 444 44 44 Indian Kenning. 104 104 10 lo Indian Kefg ctfs 9 94 0 9% lnd lief pf(?)... 1024 1024 1024 1024 lngersoii pf (C). 116 116 )HS r ll6 inland St <24;. 694 60 69 69.* lnspiiktlon Copr 204 20% 20 20 Liicontl Kubtl2l4 21% 20 4 zi interborolUpXr 29 29V* 29 29% Internal Agrl... 16% 16V* |6% 15% Hit Agilcul prior 6hV» 684 684 buj lnt Hus Ala (6).. 117 117 11 H* U 64 Ini Cement <*).. u« t)4 l>B 60% lnt Cement pf (7) 109 lt,y 109 109 Hit Com Eng <2) o 3 *34 49 61% Hit Comb pf (7). 106 10a 104Vk 11144 IIH Harv I 2424 2124 237 .394 Inter Har pr (7). 140% 140% 140% Ho% Hi IM tch pf 1 3 20) *44 101 4 935* 99L Hit 51 er Alarms. 4% 44 4*» 4% Hit Mer Mar pf. 41 4 414 40 % 41 lnt Nickel (31... 84% hi * 81% 83% Inter .Nick pf (6) 110% 110% 1104 1104 Inti I'sper <2 40) 71 714 70 71% lot I'aper rts.... 4 4 % v* mt i%pei nf i7i 107 107V* 107 107 lnt Ky CA pf(6). 714 714 70 70 Hill Sliver pf(7) 128 128 128 12g Hit Tel A lei id) 1474 14?% 1454 146V* Iniertypettl 4). 33 33 32 32 Jewel Tea 84 84% 83% 84% Junes Uius 1 ea. 33% 37% 33V* 37 Jones Ac Lau (7) 121 121% 121 121 V. Jordan Motor... 14 14 1.34 I3v» Kan City South. 61% 62 60 61V* Kun CSo pr (4). 724 724 724 72% Kay eei J 1«).... 63% 63% 6*2<% 62% Kelly Spring..,, 25% 2-,% 22V* 24* Kelly Hie 8% pf h.i% 83% 81 8) Kwla-llayes 12). 23% 23% 23% 2i‘» Held Wh pf (7). 1094 1105* 1095* 110 Keimecotl c < 6». 86 86 84% if »* Kraft Ch (| |4; 63% 03% nil 61% Kresge 11.20).,. 695* 70 69% «;»(> Kupenhm pf(7). 1104 1104 1105* Ho Laclede Gpf (6) 1004 1005* 1(1 I 100 1 LaaoGll 1(60).. .44 344 .4 ~44 * Lambert Co MO) 81% hit* mt* m Lee Tire A Hub. 18% i 9 17% |h% Lehigh Vail *4; 5i2% 9,3 0;;% * at. Lehr) A Flub 1 4) 405* 40% 3*j jiyi. Lire Hf»v 1 I ell) . . 325* . 25* 315, 3|% LlgAMyrsU tf 4) 122% 1 225 s 121% IV| ,» Lima Locuii).. 63 6*4 1,2 -. 63 Li<i '’ail, tS «S(M. 76% 7.% 7.1 74% l.oew'e 100 (18;., 69% 69% 1,35* £,9 l.oft 6% 6 -.* lit), g% Long Hell < A ).. : ?5* 275* 2/** 2 /5* 1 |*hm« Wilil 40 • (T.| ,73% 1.1 h ~,*!, Louse VV Ist (7) 1214 l?l% 121*. I. D, LoiillerdCo ~ 38% 38V* 37% „,**, i Looiai.iTht <;il,., 11% (it. |j j|-h. La Oil pr 104). 103* i,0% 110% 900 . I.uuisi JtiaA 1 I ib) 25) 2.1 ;•«% .Ho, Louis A Nash! 1 ) 162% 16,5% 162 if, 3 l.tidlooi fciiceli 2) „7 ;,*/ . g-q * lleliiiyie 1* II),. 27% 27% 27% 27% ' Me 1 01 yli fell). Mi 80 86 l-li Obll ’ioi yBI 1«0 86% B.7V* 86 es % 1 Mack liocb'S) 1*145. loft 1015* |O4 , Mucks y pf 1 41 69 69 61) 69 * Mud So Ui tl%) .3'* .3’* 73 73 1 ilsgoiu ‘ 'op 1 2;, f, I's <i4 % Wi |,;»% fttalllaoii A Co. . . 1,5* I ?*i» |7% 1 7% Mrtlllaoo of 8.15* 8:0 * !>:,*, 895* Maiidel !<%).,, 395* ,sU% 395* 310* Men El Mop (61. 1,4 14 ;,;•** 1,3 * v Mall El m M ?db) 41% *H* 41% 41% ’ Mun Mlt Ii I (*),,, 84 3| 81 8| Maiacailio <i11.,. 1 n*% Jo*% |;i% 16 iluil.iiift i|lf ». ~6i* 86<, 4% oi l , . Mui Hock 1(J % ) 49'* 4.0, 4«*% 4 h *» 1 Will,tut,.,n 1*; |74 i I 4'* 12."., 1 I's I Mar liupt H <4), 88% 83 * M 2% hit Msytas •)<) ~ 8,1% ,18 5* HU<* 33% , Me'iui) nf 1 | HU) 27,% v,% 26% aft% Me* I'eirlin (|7) H%u aßft 32ft 32A , vie*lo,, l, kesii.,, .3 iw* ft n% Miami <'op 11 ),, 1»% ik% 17% In*, 1 Vtld I'optHlßlil. , 89 .9', ,BV* 811*% Middle gists* .» 2% lit* 7V, 85, * Mid Hisiss <ill el 1% 8% 1% 91% , Midland pfr ||2) 274% 87ft 2d2 266% , 51111*;) Ktibbei . . 2ft 2ft 2ft 2(7 , 5) inn a m Lei.. 94 25* 2'.* 24 , MSI I'A SUM pf. 19% 7:0% 79% 795, V Mu Kan a Ist 405* 405* 40 40, * Mo Ka’( pf 108 108 10 1% 01*14 Missouri I*.k iflrt 7*l <. f,8% 7*11 , *. I'* * Missouri fill! bf. II ' IIJ. (|l% il l * Mvdi(an,i> W(4), I-I (.',/* liu% 173'* Upon High Low Cl»fl« Moon M0t0r.... 7% 7% 6% 7 Mother L (6*<S). 3 3 3 Motor Met (3 60) o'i 21 20% i!O% Motor VVhl (2).. :’6% 26% 26 26 Mullins Body, 75% 76V« 73 71 1 < Munstngwr (S >. 48% 48% 48% 4814 Murray Cor on.. 21)14 30Vi 28 28'4 Nash Motor(t6) 99% 99% 97% 98 Nat Acme (sta) 8% 9 8% 8% Nat Bellas I less 4274* 41!% 42% 42% Natßlless of<7) 90% 90% 90% 90% Nat Blscultt t7) 171 >4 172% 169% 16 )% Nat Cash It tA >3 60 50% 4!) 49% Nat City Bk (20) 761 <7B 761 774% Natl Palrv <3).. 65% 66% 65 66% Nat Dept Stores. 21% 21% 21% 21% Nat Distillers .. 61% 66% 63 .65% Nat Distillers nf 65% 65% 65% 67% Nat Enamel /it S. 26% 26% 26% 26% Nat I,e iit < r>) . 136% 16% 136% 126% Nat Lead prA(7> 139 139 139 139 Nat Led nf B (ft) 116% 116% 116% 116% Nat Park Bk<24> 612 643 ‘ , 12 612 Nat PwX-l.t <Boe 82% 22% 22% 22% Nat HadlatortS) 71% 37% 57% 37% Nat Rad pf (?).. 97% 97% 97% 97% Nat ttv Men I'd 2% 2% 2% 2% Nat Supply <t6). 95 95 95 95 Nat Surety < 10) "40 316 340 84:? Nat Tea (4) 170 170 170 170 Nevada CM %).. 19% 19% 18% 18% NV AlrßrU).. 45% 45% 45% 45% N Y Cent <R) 162 162% 160% 161% NY C&StL («).. 130 130 121 129% NYC&SfL pf(6) 109% 109% |09% 109% NV Dock . 60% 60% tO% 60% NY & Harlem(s) 168% 174 168% 178 NY NH* Hart.. 63% 66% 63% 65% NY NHftll uf(7) 113% 113% 111*% 113% NYOntA VV(l). 31% 32% 31% 31% NY State Rys... 10 10 10 10 NY Steam pf ■«) 99% 100 99% 100 NY Stm nf A (7) 111 111 111 111 Norfolk South 49 49 49 40 Nor&Wstn (*10) 189% 189% 1 S’» 189% Norf &\V pf (4) . 87 87 87 87 Nor Am b|o%atk 59% 59% 58% 59% North Pan (5)... 98% 98% 56% 971,v, Nor Pae ofs(K) 95% 95% 95% 9.5% Northwn Tel (3) 50 60 50 50 Norwalk Tire. .. 3% 3% 3% 374 Nunnally (%)... 8% 8% 8% 8% Oil Well Slip.... 37% 77% 35% 07 Oil Well S pf.... 108 108 108 108 Omnibus. 1:1 13 12% I>% Omnihus pf (8). 9! 92 92 92 Opnhm Col (4).. K<; 86% 85% 86% Ornhenm Cfr *2) ?;!% >4 221-4 24 Orpheum pf (8). 10* lo > 10; 102 Otis Elevator («) 151% 151% 1 ig% 149% OtlsSteel 12 12% 11% 11% Otfs St! nr!or(7) 85 85 85 85 Outlet Co (4)... 90% 91 90% 91 Owens Bot (ct 4) 78% 79% 78% 78% Pac Coast 15t.... 70 70 70 70 Pacific Oas (2).. 47% 47% 47% 47% Pao Oil Stubs... 1% 1% 1% 1% Pan Tel & Tel (7> 151% 152% 151 152% Pac Tel & Tel pf 115 116 115 116 Packard (3).... 62% 63 60% 61% Paige M0t0r.... 20% 20% 19% 20% Pan-Am Petrolrn 44 45 43% 44% Pan-Am Pet (B). 44 46% 42% 46 Pan-Am West B. 20% 20% 20% 20% Panhandle .... 15% 16 15% 16 Panhandle pf... 79% 79% 79% 7914 Parmt-Fnm (18) 11:5% 115% 113% 111 Park * Til ford.. 36% 37% 26% 37 Park Utah (80c) 13% 14% 12% 14 Pafhe Exchange 2% 4 3% 4 Paths Ft A (4). 17% 17% 17 17 Patino (n 2 10).. 24% 25% 24% 25 Peerless Motor.. 22 2 2 20% 21 Penlck * Ford.. 22% 22% ‘*2% 22% Penlek&F nf (7) 101% 104% 101% 101% Penn CAr Coke.. 14% 14% 14% 11% PennOlt Cmf(2) 23 73 22% "2% Pa Dlx Ct pf (7). 94 94 94 9t Penna R R Peoples Cas (8). 159% 159% 157 159% Pere Man (t 8). 127 127 125 125 PhHaCo6< 52% 52% 52% 5■% Phils* no 1... 38% 38% 38% 38% Phillips Pet »3). 41% 42 40% 42 Phoenix pf (7).. 100 100 100 100 Pierre- Arrow .. 11% m% 14% 14^ Pierce Arrow pf. 50 50 50 50 Pierce Oil % a; % % Pierce Petrolm.. 3% 4 3% 4 PUlshtiry (1 SO). 33% 33% 314 23 Plllshrv pf<6%) 108 108 108 108 Pitts Coal .... 51 51 f,i 54 PlttsTerm Coal. 35% 35% 3.% 35% PorßlcoTohA (7) 78 78 78 7s Porto Rico To B. 30 21% 29% 30 Possum (5) .... 126% 127% 124% 126 Pr»«!*ed St| Car. 75 75% 75 75% Pres St I Car (n). 25% 25% 25% ?5% Pr St I Car nf (7) Ml 86 86 S 6 Prod * Refiners. 2f% 25 24% 25 Pub Sere NJ (J) 42% 42% 41% 4 ? Pub S*rv nf (6) 194% 104% 104'% 104% PuhSß*o pf(«) no no 110 HO PuilmnCornKl. 83% M 82% 83% Punt a Alee Suit. 33% 33% ;p*% 3n, Pure Oil (titki. 26% 37% 26% 27% Purity RakA (3). 68% 59 68% 69 Purltv rtak n (2) 99% 109% 99% 109% Pnrltvßak pf(7) 108 108 108 108 Radio Corn of A 90% 91 88% 90% Radio Cps 13%) 64% 65 64% 65 R S 111 Ccfs *4). 80 80 80 80 Hand M fal 04). 41% 41% 41% 41% Readlne (t 0... 103*4 104% |03% 104 Heal Silk line ~ 26 26 25% 25% HcmlruMn Hand 21% 21% 21% "4% Flensed r*S«r (7) 146'. 146% 146% 148% Rfto Motor ttl ). 25% 26 26% 25% Rep (r * Stl (41. 60% 60% 69% 60% Reynold* Snotrs 8% 8% 8% B*4 Rev Toh RM(S%) 159 |69 158 158% HIchOeMOM 1 15' 27% 27% -*7% 27% Rnaeta Ins (#).. 182 IH.» |73 178% Rutland of .... 67 67% 57 67% *tt Jo* Lead Ml) 43 43 42% 4'% St LA- SnnFrt*) 110% l|2 MO% 111% St LASanF pf(6) 1 (>| 101 ]o 1 |oI St I, Southw e«t. 77% 77% 76% 77% St L Swn pf (6). 91% 95 92% 9.3 Sa vaee Arms.... 62% 02% 62% 69% Schulte ' 3 •*.),.. 62% 52% 61% 61% Schulte pf M1)... 120% 1'.'0% |"O% 120% Snahd Air 1,1n#.. 29% 29% 29 29% Scab Air 1. pf .. 37% 37% 37 37 Seas'rave (el 20) 19% 19% 13 13 lea re R <n2 %). 88% 88% 85% 88% Seneca Coner... 2% 2% 2% 2% Shatiuck FH (|> 90% 91 90% 91 Shell tin (I 40). 25% 25% ■5% **r»t, Shoher The <5). 6(5% 66% 65 66 Simmons (2).... 66% 65% 83 04 Stroms Pete. .. .. 2"% 21% 2.3% 24% Sinclair Oil .... 20% 21% 20V* 21% Sinclair pf (3).. 102% |02% |u *% R) »u Skellv Oil <2) . 7% •7% 7 * 70, Solder Packtr Co 12% 12% 12% 12% Solder Pkif pf . 44% 45% 41 45% So Por Hlo R(f2) 98 3ft 97% 38<4 South Par pf iA) 134% 134% 134% 131% South Calif fCd . 41 41 43% 43% South Dairies A '7% 27% 2.5% 26% Sou Dairies 8... 10 10 9% o», South Pac 'B l 122% 122% 122% l"2*t Southern Kv (A). 145% MSH 143% 14,V* South ttv pf <5» l"0% 100% 100% loi)i. KpauldiMK Pf (7) 1(19% 109% 10u% |09% Spicer Ms» . "4 24 21 24 Std I) %M (A %) 68% 68% 5H% 58% SldO*Kf.f(«) «6 t.f, 86 #U Std Mill (ft) ... »00*4 l"l% 100 101% Mtd Mlllir pf (A) - 102*. 10. 102*4 10.5 SIdOIICaR *2% 1 .6% 66% '5% ', ,1, MidOII N.K tI % ) .39% 39% ,99 1 * 99 , Std OII.NV't «0> .91 91% ,0% 3|H Sid plate files* 2% 2% 2% 3% HI ell 8 Prod 1171. 139% 1.5 9% (37 LI? Slewed War (A) 8 1 |..| 81% 82H Siudetmlter tM fV*% 69*i 60 tin, Htudrbitk i»f *7 ) Ik.t •» |*4 ) 29% |24 Sohmei Ins Host. 1% 4% 4% 4% Sim Oil o 1).,.. .3 l<. 31 % 3|% 3|n, Superior Oil ... 3% 3% 3% 3% Henn sos Amer, II ) ( 19% j 4 Hymlmiliiii . . 0% 0% !,% j Symington FI A , I I 14 j;i | j rxlsotooie i6oe) 16% % m jo I‘eiitt Cnp|>er Ml II I! |n% |n% fl) 53% M 63% 64 l’e» fJolf Hoi (41 79 79'*. il„ 71% le« & I'Bciflt) .. JO) K)| 100 100 let I'M'AO 1 (top) 14% 14% m |4 t’el Lend I’rat i» 27% 37% *%u» ’*7% I'll a toh 01 Mfil 22% 23 22 2.9 I'hstolirnf **do 1 48*4 IH% 48% 48% I’lie I'elt 1 a 40) 96 36 95 35% I'lllld A venue 2!»% 90 28t* ,21% Thoidpsit ,H *1 *4) til til 60% tio% ridnwsii As 011 16% |t,% Ti<l W AsOßof •AI 86 % 87 86*. H i I’ldew itr Oil Alto 22 22 y;j IMe VV Oil |.f ih) 87% 87% t- , »» m/ % l ioikno ■ Oil HHII, 190 128%, 130% foliec plod It) I 12% l| Hr |oll% | |O% I'otiiK! Prod A(7 120 120 ||9 ||9% ll.tOeoiOll 1 )|| f <% y j,ij h H‘% I'liOiiHii A Will in % it 46% (6% IViii City It 14) 60 60 id) ho Model wood Ml 61% fl’ft* 65% 67% Underwit pf f7) 176 1.3. (20 125 Hit Rt# * Pm |.«r 48 48 *7 47 Mould I'aili tAI Upv 144% HIH I 4 *. Pnloli 0(1 11 i% | 4i|t, 44<t, 49% 41% Mllltlll Part I III) It).’ IU3 100% itt|% I 111 Ptl.tllhl pf M) 64** 6pi l>l»k h|% llptop Isoli 16), 129 124 IBij 123 Lid in&dult, ~ ~ 116% 3b% 66% iP*** PRICES SAG BADLY ON STOCK MARKET a— Losses Almost Universal. Recent Specialty Favorites * Drop Most. 4 ■ , BY OKORGK T. HLI-HKS. Special Dispatch to The Star. ", NEW YORK, December 6.—The '■> stock market broke sharply today. J Heavy selling Was encountered (H --4 reotly from the start and prices lost 4 ground rapidly. The stocks which had been bid up most recklessly In recent sessions suffered the most, hut losses , were almost universal to a greater ■, or less extent. , The ostensible reason for the break was the increase In brokers’ loans an nounced by the Stock Exchange after the close yesterday. The total for / 4 December was not only a new high t record for all time, hut represented u larger Increase than the aggregate of the weekly reports of the Federal /„ Reserve Board. The two compilations 4 do not cover exactly the same Held, but the street was unpleasantly sur -4 prised, nevertheless. Call Money at 4!4 Per Cent. *■ It made no difference in the call money market. Loans were renewed at 4Vsi per cent, which was the low rate of yesterday. It has been urged all along that the total of brokers’ " loans was not disturbing as long as call funds were obtainable on such ’ easy terms. This sort of reasoning 7 did not reassure today. * The wide open breaks were, as , always, in the volatile issues. For . instance, Greene Cananea at 139 was 4 down 13 points from the preceding close and over 25 points from the high of yesterday. This, of course, repre -7 sented only a readjustment of an over extended speculative account. It had V nothing to do with the trade position in general or with the situation of the company involved. * The standard shares were offered In * largo blocks at sharp concessions. General Motors dipped over three points before the day was half over. * D\ S. Steel was down three points at 148. General Electric lost over three <, points. Montgomery Ward, which j had attracted a large following on v the upward movement, was pressed for sale. , Rubbers and coppers generally were 4 weak. American Smelting and Re •x lining was down at one time five points. Calumet and Arizona slumped * a point or more between sales. All the rubber stocks which had been i leaders of the rise earlier in the week came down easily. Nothing in Business News. There was nothing In the business news to Induce selling. Reports from the steel centers were favorable, un ofllclal estimates were that the un « filled tonnage statement for Decem- V hep would show ii gain for the month v of over 200,000 tons, the largest ln i crease in a single month since De cember, 1925. The steel corporation 1 also was reported operating at 70 l per cent of capacity against 60 per cent during the preceding week. * Railroad shares held relatively bet * ter than the industrials. Before the liquidation became extensive New Haven hail made another new high, * the best since 1916, as it sold around 65, There was active buying of St. * Louls-San Francisco likewise early in the session. The new financing plan of the road will be announced next week and the stock was evi dently interpreting the plan favor -1 ably. In general, however, the rails sold off with the rest of the list. The losses were not so large because the rails had not gone up as much. TREASURY CERTIFICATES. I R-p,irted tiy J. A W Sellirman A Co.I , Rate—Maturity ltt<l * Offer •3« Mar. 15. 1078 .. !•» CA..13 99 30-32 3% * Mar. 15. 10*28... 99.30.32 100 , .*l%» Sect. 15. 10.32. 00 .30-32 100 4-32 , ;»%■ Mar. 15. 19.33... 99 30-32 1001-32 1 1 Utd Blscut pf(7) lim 114% 114% 114% UMt’grSi't’HOc) 31% .32% ;»l% 31% , (ltd Cgr St lift 6) 109 109 108% 108% United Drug (») 194% 194% 190 192 Utd Drg Ist (3% 60% 60% 60% 60% . Utd FrultitSVi). 142 U» 141% 141 USC 1 PAP lift) 210 I*lo 209% 209% U 8 Distributing 19 19 18% 18% US Dlst |>f n(7). 88% 88% 88% 88% U S Hoffman («) 7,0% 5i% 60% 50% , U S Alcohol (6). 106% 107% 104 108% , US Leather wl. 23 23% 22% 22% U S Leather A.. 52 62 52 62 , US Leafprpf(7) 106 106 106 106 . U 8 Realty («).. 65% 65% 65 65 II 8 Rubber 60% 61% 68% 60 ns Hob let (8). 107% 107% 106 107% U 8 Smelt 13% I. 44% 44% 44 44% ÜBBm pf 11%). 63% 63% 53% 63% U 8 Steel (7) .. 150 160% (48 149 11 8 Steel of (7) . 138% | ,8% l sg% |3s% Un Leaf Tab (3) 74% 75% 74 74% Uni Rio let pf<«) 98% 99% 98% 99% Unlv Rlpeit'2%) 25 25% 24% 24% ' Uni Pipe pf (7). 90 90 88 88 Utl PALI A <e2) 20% 29% 29'4 29% Vanadium (t 41.. 64% 6414 fii% 63% Vlcksbg SAP(S). 105 105 105 105 VcksbK&Spf i 5). 10.1 % 10!% 101% loi% v l,*k Plieni < 4),. 59% 69% 59% 69% Victor Tlk Mob.. 51 63% 53 f„3% Victor cv pf ll). 110% 111% 109% 110% Ve ('tiro (’hem.. 13% 13% 1,31* 13 Va i’ar fit fi% nf 4? 47% 46% 47% V’a-Csr Oh of (7) 90 90 90 90 Vlvndou (bid),.. 24% 21% .3 «3% Vulcan Detln.... 26% 26% 26 26 Wehaah 64% 64% 63% 64% Waldorf M %).. 19% 20 19% ,0 WalUMirth M 20) 17% 17% 16% iti% Ward Cl A (»).. lio |)& Ho |ls Ward llaklhM U. 27% 27% 26% 2f Wai net Pie A... 22% 23% 22 23% Warner U'llnO) .31% 31% 30% «jl Warren RrsMs). 15. f% 155 153% IM% Warren Bros ris Ih% 18% 17% 17, Warmi I m pfiS) 5t 61 5| s,j VVarF.V Pipe t’or. 19% 19% p|, 4 j, ( , k Web ,9 Hell 65 65% 61% 0r,,, W Penn El A (7) 107% 108 R1,% |pa W Penn El pfd) 101% 101% Ri|% b>i% W I 'mi 11 El |tf ill 112% I | .'% 111% 1113, WeatPPolAl 112 IL3 11.! m W eat I* Po pf •7 ) 111% 114% 114% IU% W'eat Dairy Al 4) 54 {>4 64 j Western Dairy II 22% V 3 20% j*l% Weal Maryland 46% 47% 45% 4,^, Weal Mdl’dpf,. 46% 46% 4.% 4,^ Weal Paoilto . . 36% 36% 35% *151., Weatll Paolfli, pf 61% 63 61% oa W«M Dnion it 1 175 178 178% \ Wealhae A Rig) 46% 4;>% 41 % 49% Weal Inalise 141 KBt* 89% BS% 09‘x Weal line l„i 14). 96 96 96% 9*, White Enisle ll), 21% ’% 21% 22% •Vhlie Mol if)., 40% 40% 38% 3,% White Itucll 113), 36 36 3 , 38 While Hem Macli 42% 42% 40 41% While N.M pf 1 4 >. 66 86 61 i,B w Hive ijverlend 20% t*o% tu% 20 WHive Ihi pf (1) 94% 95 94% 0> W Haul, .Vi',, .. UR* 12% 13 lv% Wllnoiil 'o pf A., 24% 24% 22% 24 Wlltoni A t'll pf-« 68 68% 63 68 vVoulworth 1 tv)., 190% 190% t«3% uni WOl Uni Pump., 28% 2-% 28 28 W I'lMtit Aero 11) 82% 62% V<% 80% Wriuley Im% >, VI 71 70% 71 I ellow 1% nek , .32 82% 81% 32 Vet TrAl’tl pf ll) 88 Mi 88 H« \ uniinain him t, | 98 * po 95% 90 J liniirly S.ilcn nu N. V M.ilhcl Main,, 688 Otto I<i 111.. ~ 1811400 I pin 2 203 400 4 pm.. 2. (Hi,990 1 IHMOiiiiit «, •, ** limn 111 16a almVa ia>l* oa il*r Moiioal a»6 iiavlllrnln hand on the "p'*! illailuMV ,11 ,»i( ',mi» ||. ,-%i all.ill* , ihriMlan iiiiled -a 41 • m ineclal ,l|*l e**<l» are *m*i oehnled * Hut il nadotv '"•» >ll Mm 100 aliaipa < I'ariiy mo a I I'ln* I* in «io. h 4 {•«* *hle lu iiiMiiniii *(,.,'li 4 l 4 lo» u nil 1.. ,I|JV» a Paid Mil* rear -no leaulai tal, • lan oil' -iii>| n .(iinllion 1. oavabl* ! % >« .piaiiem li,<»6‘A in «io>% I Pa* aide »li-, a riled a ,‘ataMa In aali pi -Ini H ( .'lua )|l 4 111 «6<< U I l*h|a i AO 6 if,- i, *i „% I, (*|.t« *1 •• -liata It anie'lal lot i, (*l••• .>'4 in theifc Pin* 3 4 n> (til l, It Par aloe i ill ol M ll lle ntiul I, . ■ ill I 1,0 4 -look i*'*hi* 1)1 »t k ol'a ilr alii, a o Ploam’i In •'‘ WMI wvl >4A• v I i * ('ln. one hall n{ eotAm umk, | Mortgage Money Loaned at Low Interest Rates Lrnnomlr ConillHona Tyler & Rutherford Lon n Cot reap undent Mnl mil Bencllt Life In*. Co. 1520 K Street Main 475 § Unusually Attractive Investment We have a limited number of First Trust Notes—amply secured on high-class residential property —paying 6V4 Ready for immediate delivery 1415 K St. M. 4752 Guaranty Trust Company of New York 140 Broadway 1 LONDON PARIS BRUSSELS LIVERPOOL HAVRE ANTWERP Condensed Statement, December 31, 1927 RESOURCES Cash on Hand, in Federal Reserve Bank and Due from Banks and Bankers $209,991,163.17 U. S. Government Bonds and Certificates 43,151,31730 Public Securities 7,497,393.61 Other Securities. 22,958,096.42 Loans and Bills Purchased 181,785.400.41 Real Estate Bonds and Mortgages 4,231,86333 Items in Transit with Foreign Branches 6,178371.87 Credits Granted on Acceptances 58,685,15634 Real Estate 7387,509.75 Accrued Interest and Accounts Receivable 8,434,087.68 $850300359.88 LIABILITIES Capital $30,000,000.00 Surplus Fund 30,000,000.00 Undivided Profits 7,036,720.97 $67,036,720.97 Accrued Interest, Reserve for Taxes, etc. 4,549311.14 Acceptances 58,685,15634 Deposits $676,356,30239 Outstanding Checks 43,672,869.04 720,029,i71.43 $850300,359.88 I gr" j -j! Standards oP measurement / j'.*' NO. 2. THE BARLEYCORN I j jj li i 4 ?HEN you purchase a pair of shoos ami 1/1/ tell the salesman the size you wear, you r f are probably not aware that the meas urement is based on the barleycorn. Originally, this measurement was taken from the length of a grain of barleycorn and has now been standardized as one-third of an inch. A standard of measurement of the safety of an in vestment. is the integrity and good name of the house ottering the investment. Swart sell, Kheem ami Hensey Company has stood for safety in First Mortgages for over fifty-eight years and so the securities offered by this house have come to be recognized by many investors as the criterion by winch the safety of other investments mav be measured. mv . ji lhe advantages of this prestige are yours when you purchase a First Mortgage through us. Swartzel 1. pSkvitjptihf Bunlprs Til FIFTEENTH STREET.N.W. Washington. l>. C. | S s iC»» YEARS WITHOUT LOSS TO AN INVESTOR “" rrr ™- (j - $ FINA M I A L ' —* ! - Ist Trust Loans \ An« Amount D. C. and Montgomery County I/uko Conatrurtion Project* FRED T. NESBIT 1010 Vermont **e M »;«« /3SM2 5V 2 % Loans on Real Estate gjj 3, S or 10 Years p' gi WE BELIEVE OUR ECONOMICAL PLAN d OF MAKING LOANS WILL APPEAL TO H Y °U P ; Residence*, Apartment* and Business Prop -55 erties in the District and nearby Montgomery g Co, Md. |j 1 RO^ SMPH Etps I 1 L/ Founded 1907 ** |y f.oari Correspondent Si !nj John Hancoek Insurance Co. 1417 K St. Main 9300 First Mortgage Notes BEARING INTEREST AT 6% | Secured no Residences in D. C. »VIR^GOSC,^ 1 I Hr* »■ A i.rri t» «s j Mortar air* Bankers' Aeon of America Washington, D C.