Newspaper Page Text
- SPECULATIVE LIST OF BONDS LOWER 'Some Buying of High-Grade Issues —Effect of Stock v Break Felt. * m ill XRI.F.S F. srKAKK. teiW. I»i Dispatch to The Star. NFAV YORK.. January t*.—The abrupt decline in call money tales to* from »>'.i per cent to t’r per cent encouraged some buying in high pPKde bond issues. On the other hand, ti e weakness in stocks affect* ed speculative bonds. especially those of the convertible type, and riiec declined quite sharply. The movements in the latter group attract nig most attention were the V beenk of 2 points in Brooklyn Union Oits TO-js, over 3 points in Liquid Carbonic 6s. a point in Andes Copper 7s about the same in Anaconda Cop per 7s. and three-fourths of a point m Dodge (>*. The volume of business p \ n these issues was much smaller on the reaction than it had been at the advance. International l’aper 6s. V other industrials that moved con * * tr.»ry to this list were international Caper 6s. which advanced to l Cuba Cane Sugar ss, Anglo-Chilean Nitrate 7s, with an advance ot a point in a. broader market than they have had for some time; Arn'mir 7> , iiS. tip about **: Republic li> n %v Steel 6 4s. and International Mercan tile Marine os. There was less pressure on tt.e local traction group, without muea recovery in it. . _, Kr'e 4s, the improvement os. t.uat TV ester n 4s. Missouri PaeiUc iA;s, New York. ‘Westchester W Ive»on * i..<, a na Frisco incomes were strong , 1, expected that the new Frisco -mate’a! set-up will be announced in about a week. As this involves th. ret'—ement of the adjustment and in come fs at par these bonds have been moving accordingly. S. A. L Bonds Act Better. Seaboard Air Line junior bonds acted better. The Georgia, Florida «v Alabama 6s offered yesterday at y-ar were several times over sub scribed. „ . New issues today were small in z \ olume. The week will show the f r lowest total of new offerings in many months. The Street is trying to clean up the unsold 1927 bonds out of cur rent investment funds. Several new high prices were reach ed in the foreign department, among I them French 7 1 - J s ar.d Mortgage Bank of Chile 6 s 4 s. In general continental European bonds were strong as well us those of Japan and South Ameri can countries. < The United States Government list was quiet but steady. Specialists in Government securities are now trying to figure out the basis on which the Treasury will refund the third Liberty 4L*s due next September. Washington Stock Exchange Sales. Washington Gas f*s “B" —$1,000 at 108. \Yardman Park Hotel a^s —$500 at 95. Potomac Electric 208 Washington Gas Light—s at 84. Barber Yfc Ross com.—7s at 34. Columbia Sand & Gravel pfd.—lo at 104. 11 at I*4. Mergenthaler Linotype—lo at R'fi. Peoples Drug Stores pfd.—lo nt 322. National Mtge. & Invest. pfd.—loo at 58.- After Call. « apital Traction Co.—la at 110. Capital Traction 55—52,000 at 104*•*. Mergenthaler Linotype—lo at 106 Ej. 30 at 10684. * Columbia Sand & Gravel pfd.—3 at 104 E*. Potomac Electric 5 J a * pfd.—3o at 108. ' Potomac Electric 6s pfd.—s at 1118;, 20 at 111 V Money—Cail loans, a and 6 per cent. Bid and Asked Prices. ‘ BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY Bid Asked. American T-i A Tei. 4* .. .. UU % ASwn'iP Ts. it Tvlftt. 4*%S 99% Acs Tei, lc Tel. ctl tr. £*... I*>s i ArsiC'wtii At Pol K It. an . . Wt Asa & Pet. rtsar. 5s 99 ... * At P T* irtifconc ft* . I**o% 201% CAP Tel <•! Va 5#.... M'4 Capital Tra -titm R. R. &»... J‘»4 . . . . City A ftjbsibsß 5* MS 14 6t* lit 5*....., . ... Pntomsc sec 111 6» 10/ - •• ■ I’utoßiao rrm* '•* ..... 303 J't.i 1, P'ltena' Elec th 1953. ... 10714 108% Wa,n a s-.n A Mt V« r. ft*.. 4 ■ w*,h. A>* A Mt V. fit*.. 1 . ... W*«h. Bail A AiifiAP &*.... ** . .. WMhtmrtun 6m f>».. ...... 1 Os, W**». Gas *B* •ernes A .... 105 N 100 '4 Km!i, <, •«* e,» wrrSc* 1i,... 307 w**h. R*y At KW: 4*. Ml % . Wuh. Bv. >■. A Kir/ *<rii 6» . 103 4 304 *, MISCELLANEOUS Bw+sr A Hum. In" *l%* . 04 95% CbMittrot Fare:* Dairy 0 -4* 10f. ; 4 CTw-vy Cbaw Club 6%».. . 3'4 1> C Paurr A,* . , 03 S*7 Pet J„ ft St/s I? T.<l Jik !■- 3->0 . . . W’i»h M ,'t * 'lid '•Ujtnie* ft* . k ... Wardißiuu p a;* r,4* !,f, 90*4 STOCKS. pM'.Lic nun < • ' < r« A TMss •! ■- , t»j -I ■*< !).,n I<id% no IA fe.Mijft ,ij /,n». , S3V, "4‘4 ,'f- ik /, Ww. S‘-si;.v>at fit . S f ', P i . 1-t‘i O* . , ... !1i >4 1!2 *4 PM-.* s- 1*1) ft. JOS I'iS‘i 5 ■ > ■ • A . . 45S f«3 Via,*, B y, A K:«- pfd ... SOI % 101 >4 NATIONAL BANKS 'kti'/t,*; St7o ... '.uiutiiU.* KdO , « iv .. aJ ..tbit f:00 » ....... Ills. 27,J i»' itrt, A M,r<',*r 0 * fJ3O . , . . 4' .>• a. A au ..•040 844 Ll»m> 046 27,0 *y.< .. 3AO S’lit.'.rsaJ M«t.” tr.atan .. .. 4'¥, 420 P. rr, . .... 4W 600 w .... 360 ..... Ear / ~f Wmli SOw .... . TRUST c,;Mt'A»»KS / «,i r h*'"-j).'/ A 7 art ‘ *44 , 4 07, ‘ rrn'ai Trurt , J3T u BmS i'.; 2 7,4 v'fc- 1 A 6)7, r, I 1 ,1 * 306 Wtt,,. L-,*!, A ft <•! .V/0 Mr* feAV3NOB BANKS, liim i.f Beti.ciwt* ..... 0'» ' A h.w, ... Is)!, ) *l-1 . ...... -ib ..... 1-1,1. ~ »<• 800 , . *»*■.• •> Say A * ',fii );,(.* 4tr 476 <, ti« . 250 . ' :'/-/! hsb, fcV, kM, ;,*,.,* , , Co ..... IJHE JNEURANCK An.r<-h.n TOO ..... ( »■..»•« '< 5 I *4 •EiTEE IKM.'RAN' e '• T,• > U,* ... , JH ..... f 'in'* fco.l , ... . 1 j. • Cv ~1 me tj.t/i f,2 l ' ~ MJ'- .Ei.EA NKI/I.S U*| Ik, 4 It*.», I#.,' tt.ut -4 ts, * t.t .y ' f,.. , i,l i JO6 /I N' ~ t,JO 7 /, E (Oim Wiy 1.1,1 !,0 ' ■ . . !- ,' •) 4 . ft I t,l‘i 10.5./. 104 > .1.1) • r* i,(d * 10 1 3i" t .At mi /, infr.l ■ a,< i«,u, 11, G :is 14 l*i.rO,», *l>* I'd# 110 M.f',. 3'a-'. * St-„uy, 3*6 .1)7, /• 1 l,*i.M i«a, Am,,, ))1 j ',l, At 1/1 1,11*141 J. 1.,i,i- jo",*„ } i, .0!) Wt.. A !«•» „«•) . . 7, f>«Z E. „«,)»• L,MK Mi„.» f . jV.I *, 4 IV 1 J, l» !**/,'• ,/• , . Hfc ) if, '*,.,1*1/ »* I. |,M Jo44* Jo7, 7,1 HI/ A VVi.y t ~11, 7/, W*«)l * ,I.V* .'."'ll, Jivil III*) Ills Wo.). Ml#' 11 J« Ami, 10..* C„.i, ) :i7, . .. W>. 4 Is Iht'/U ni l . JOE V> . . *E, . *i. vf-.Sa *,,f WILL L’LKKE OFFLHIBIO J-.W y«/l'K L,i»oi.»/ 6 '4', jin * . n tuiifc* ) ■(<()',(, ~((•) ii,oi<nofi in I' by tbi, l.htii I<l Ei;j 1, a pi,,i fog poi a lion 1 0 *O,, » *#, ■ I y l/thflt* tt i ib,a (io*;, will i„. pooijiJ until t A lull lAt tti >•!, 1 » I,ft* ring at a )•»„/ of tJI.I « »),; 11 ~t; not intuit: unlit Juilte ‘J I, ,M of I ),*; tit'K/k , #livldend In till'*. ii,< i,:it 1-11,1 J* was -ff. leh si $!;<« 'j la . mill uatiHtl pJl't «,f r-’nj * 1.0,11,v/ ( J|# Ji(#*E TINANCTACC | ON NEW YORK ‘BONDS STOCK EXCHANGE] | lUceivcd hv Private Wire Direct to The Star OSes ' UNITED STATES. (Sale* are in $1,000.1 Sale* High Low. Clom* LtbSVfca... 25 10120 101 10 UU 1:> Lib l«t 484* 17 103 14 103 10 103 14 Lib .Id 4 84a 308 100 20 100 18 100 10 Lib 4th 484a SO 103 30 103 28 103 23 US3\a... 1 107 20 107 29 107 20 IJS 4a 1944. 04 110 26 110 23 110 23 US 4)43 62. 14 115 25 115 22 115 22 FOREIGN. Sale*. High. Low. Close. Argentine fia 2 02V4 92G 02 1 -* Argentine 6s Ju 59 IS UhH* 100 N 100 Vs Argentine 6s Oct6o 17 10044 100 iOO Argentine 6s A.... 10 100's 100 VS 100's Argentine «» 8.... 21 100 00-i* 100 ‘ Australia 6» 1956., 16 98% 08v t 28v* Australia 6s 1967.. 68 OS 07 * 07 s Austria la 12 10314 103% 103'*, Bank of Chile 6Hs. 25 06% 06 06 Belgium 65....... 31 90% 00 09 Belgium 644* 20 103% 103% 10344 Belgium ?s 1956... 14 106 7 s 106% 106% Belgium 7s 1966... 36 104% 104'a 104% Belgium J%a 30 115 114% 114% ! Belgium 85......... 6 100% 109% 100% j Bolivia Ss 21 104'% 103% 104% j Bordeaux 65....... 6 100 00% 100 ; Bratll 6%5........ 30 04% 03% 94 i Brasil i 5.......... 10 07% 07 07% Hraill 8s 13 107% 107% 107% Bremen, State. 7a., 3 101% 101% 101% Buenos Aires 7s 67 23 97 »>6% y t;,* Buenos Aires 7s 68 V 06% 06% 06% Canada 6s 195 t.... 5 102% 102% 102% Canada 6a 1962 20 108% 108 108 1 Canada 6%s 1929.e 15 10.% 102 102 ; Chile 7s 1943 2 101 100% 100% j Chinese Gov Ry 6s. l 25% 25% 25% ! Con Pow Japan 75.. 6 98 97% I Copenhagen 6s ct.. 12 06 06* *>6 Copenhagen 6%a.. 12 101% 101% liil% Cuba 6%s 5 103 102% 103 Cxecho 7%■ rota... 2 105% 106% 10544 Ciecho 8s 1951.... 0 100 105% ios% j Czecho 8s 63 16 108% 108% los% Danish Munic 8s A 1 110% UO% 110% j L'enmarK bs 21 105% 105% 105% Dutch Bast 16s 47. 1 lOuV* 105 105% | Dutch East 1 6s 62. 21 105% 105% 105% K1 Salvador 8s 48.. 7 107% u>? ,» 107% r lmarid sf 8a 44... 1 ygvs 05% s CrenchiHa 63 116% U 6% no% French 8s 01 110% 110% 110% German Ft P 6 445. 2 95% 05% 0",% Ger Gen Klee 7b..„ 4 103% 103 * 103% German 7s 61 106% 106% 106% Ger Am Bank 7a... 10 100 00% 100 Ureek 7s 7 07 06% 06% Hungary 7Vis 6 103 102% 102 H Italy 7s ... 55 99% 00% 09% Italy Pub 7a 60 06% 95% 96% i Japanese4a....R 02% 02 o’ Japanese b%a 43 101% 101% 101% Jergeris UM 6a 47.. 5 104% 101% 104% Lyon 6s 2 09% 99% 99% Marseille 6a 7 100 100 100 Mexico 4s (14 asntd. 2 27 27 k7 Mexico 4s 10 asotd. 28 26% 26% 26% Mexico 6s asntd.,. 5 40% 40% 40% , Milan 6%a 181 02% 02 92% . Montevideo 7a 16 103 102% 102% Netherlands 6s 54.. 5 103 102% 103 Nord 6 4*s 6 100% 100% 100% Norway 644 s 26 102% tol% 102% . Norway 63 1943... 3 1024* 102% 102% J Norway 6s 1944.... 5 103 102% 102% • Norway 6s 1962.... 5 102% 102% 102% unent Dev deb 6s. 26 96% 95% 06% Paris-Ly.&led 65.. 61 06% 06% 96% Pans-Ly-Med 7a.. 7 102% 102 102'* Paris Orleans 7s. 27 lu2 104*4 101% Peru's 14 103% 103 103 Peru 7 44a 0 106% 106% 106 * Peru 7%s 1966..... 7 106% 106% 106% Peru 8s 13 109% 100% 109% Poland 6s 40 5 80% 80% 80% Poland 7s (rets).., 82 90 89% 90 , Po.and 8» 36 09 98% 99 ■ Porto Alegre 8a.... 8 106 105% 106 Prague 7448....... 10 106 106% 105% Queensland 6a 2 107 107 107 Queensland 7a..... 9 114% 114% 111% Bhineibe Un 7a.... 1 113% 113% 113% mode Jan 8s 194*. 7 105% 105 105 Hio de Jan Sa 47... 15 105% 105 105% i Home 6 44* 129 92% 92% 92H i Sao Paulo City Ba.. 2 112 % 112% 112% Sao Paulo 8s 1936. . I 106% 106% 106% i dao Paulo 1960.... 7 107% 106% 10?% j Saxon tPW) 7t.... 10 90% 99% 99% ! Seine 7a 42........ 12 105 104% 101% i i Serbs Crot Slo Bs,. 10 98 »7% 98 ! Ooissonsl 98% 98% 95% | Sweden 544a 10 105% 104% 105 Sweden 6a 3 10l 104 104 Swiss 644a 1946.... 2 104% 104'% 1044% Swiss Coded 65... 13 112% 112% 112% iono Klee Pow la.. 5 98 98 98 l okio 6s 2 76% 76% 76% Eoklo 6 44* 1941... 16 rkv* hb 88 Utd ivlngin 6**s29 2 117% ll?% 117% Utd Kingth 644*87 4 106% 106% 106% Utd Steam Copen 6i 4 95% 95% 95% Uruguay »s io»% 109% 109% : Eokobatna (itl.. 20 94% 94% 94% MISCELLANEOUS. Am AgrtCn«m 144> 17 106% (04% 105% ;Am Stall A H Ist 6a 8 102 101% 101% !Am Stnlt Alt 65.... 2 108% 108 108% Arn Sugar ref 65.. 8 105% (05% 105% Axn It Tel tr 48.. 64 100 99% 99% Am T & Tcl tr 6a.. 9 105% 105% 105% : Am T & T as 6a.... 35 106% (05% 105% 'AmT A T deb 6% a 14 109 108% 108 . iAm Water Wka6s. 12 101 100% lot : Ant Writing Pap 6s 1 91% 91% 91% ; Anaconda (st 6a.. 38 106% 105% 105% ! Anaconda cv db 78.112 112% lilt* 112% ! Anoea Cop 7a rets. 1 <3 124% 122% 122% i Armour&Co 4%589 28 92'* 91% 92% Armour l>ei 64*5.. Sot 89% 88% Hg% ; AUanuo Kefln 6a.. 13 103 10254 102% J Hoe ACo 6 44a 3 97 97 97 i Humble UU 6a..... 48 100% 100% 100% HumbieU A H 6V4S 2 102% 102% (02% (Ulnotaßell Ist 6s. 9 105% 105% 105% lot Mer Marine 6a. 3 106 106 100 lot Paper 6s 47. ... 10 102 102 102 inter Paper fd 6a.. 64 105 104% 10,i lot TeiATeieg 4 44a 34 96'% 96% 96% J Kay set A Co 6448 38 106% 106% 106% Kan CPAL 6S A 62. 3 105% (05 (055% Kan G A K.I 6# 62. . H 106% 106% 106% Keiiy-Bpriug 85.... 2 109 loh% 108% ; Ui;kawi,6 WliU... 1 102% 102'/* 102% ' uaciede *J b%s 62. 4 105% 105% 100% • Liguetl A Myera 5s 1 104% 104% 104% \ Liggett A Myers la 1 122% 12*% 122% Doruiard iP> 6a... 2 92% 98 98 : l/oilliard (P> 7a... ) lid 110 110 | Loulsv (1 AE6e 62 1 10354 10344 103% ! Mid Cone 44s 40... 6 105 104% 105 j Midvsje ateei sa.. 3 101% ioi% 101% j Mur's ACo Ist 444 s 13 80% 80% 80% j New Kng i'tl 65... 1 107 107 107 !ti t Kdisob 4%5... 2 117% 1(0% 117% 87UU HAP 6s. 12 109% 109% 103;. iN X (%l 4%S 6 102% 102 102% • N V lSi «S 41..... 12 108% (08% (08% 'rt t Tel 4s 49 2 110 • (10% 110% Nurtb Am Kdlsfis. 25 103% 102'% 102% Nor onto 1A L 6s. 4 (02% 102% 102% t I Nut Stales Pow 6a. 3 103% 105 103% | Nor States Pow 6s. 3 106% 100% 106% Pao VEas A Kit 65.,. 21 103% 10,2% 10.349 Pan T A T Ist 65.,. 4 (04% 104% 104% Pao EA 1 6s 6k. ... 2 106% 100% 106% lOu-Aiiiir Pete 6s. 7 103,* to.i j 03% Pau-Aincr Pete 7s. 1 105% 105% 105% Pnlla Co 6%■ *6... 10 105% 102% 102% Pima Co rl 6a A.,. 11 104% 104 lo t Phils AHOCA 1 6s J 101% 101% 101% i Pierce-Arrow ks.. 2 a?% 97% 97% j Por (tic Am Tob 6s 104% 10. i% 104% j t'ublio tost Vlus 6%• 6 104% 10444 104% i pom to Service 65.. 7 107% 107 |O7 P Hei v Gaa 6%■ 69 4 105 105 10,-, P h*> v <(«• 6%a 64 I 105 105 Jig, | Puiita Alegre 7a... 8 (0 ,44 103% 105% i libit.iinttou Arina 6* 2 98 97% uh | Hmo air %li «•.... 5 97% 97% 97% 1 SiMClaif Ull 6%8,. 50 98 u7% 97% < tliuilall 011 11 15 100% 100% 100% j 4lb Crude Uli «»... 7 100/* 100 100 ; Sib Pipe LUts 6a.., 29 54% 94% 94% ! rtkeiiy <#ii 6 %a,.., 2 95 95 93 | E,o<j Hell Tei 65.,.. 4 104% 104% 104% -,ooli«w*«i Bell ts. 4 106% i 06% jt|i,., ; Bten,laid Ull HJ6e 82 104 i 0.1% 104 | sug EviatU/isni 7a 2 100 100 100 i Ittuu Klee Pow 6a. I 107% 107% J 07% lOMi, MO tit la 8 108% 106 (08 j United Drug 6e,,. 2 108% inn* 107% Iti ti it*it, lei rl 65.. 40 ati% 90 91, <J «It *,b !%S. .... 0 106% 103% I Os. % |«1 6 Riaei at 6a.. 1 9 jO9 106% 108% Utah Pow ALt 6a. 7 101% lo 144 lOJ% Vertientes Mog 7a. 9 100% 09% JOO% Wernei Hug 7e *6. 10 87 h7 82/ Wem*i Bug 7e 41, 3 JO6 J 0« 100 Weal Rise 6g, 10 104 104 104 W«efb tlfllon «%S 20 112% 112% 112% 1 WesiiujrbooM 6e , 3 104 > 10474 104% j Wlllya »1V 6%s 66 4 |O2 102 102 WliM',n A I'd let •• 2Jo pH, Jol 44 \IH# WJncbseter A 7%e 1 100% jo«% 100% ! Pained,,ll 6s 1940 82 101 \ |t)o% 1007, | Bell I«tPe Oe J». , V 107% 100% 10/ Uefb Steel uin 6s, 11 102% 102 102% ! ti*in Elec! it La.., I 103a iO* 153 D#UIOWOIf VI I'JW ‘541. J 04% THE EVENING jSTAIf. SYASTTTNTITON. TS. T„ TITtrRf?T)AY. JABVXBX S’. JS6ft’ Ralp* High. Low. Close. Bklyn Ed gen 55... 13 105% 10544 105% Bklyn Union 6<%a.. 29 '64 203 263 Hush T Bldg 6s 60. 3 104% 104% 104% Chile Copper 6a... 18 96% 96 96% Con Coal Md Ist 6s C 80% 80 80 Con Gas Nlf 6V4». IS 106V* 10644 106% Consumers Pow 6s 6 104 % 104% 104% Cuba Cane cv 15... 2 92% 92% 92% Cuba Cane cv 85... 9 96% 95% 96 Cuban Am Bug Bs.. 7 107% 107% 1071* Dery iDQ) 75.... .! 51 50% 51 Det Edison ref 65.. 4 108% 108% 108 % Dodge 6s .. 270 92V* 91% 92 Donner Steel 75.... 2 95 94% 95 Fisk Uubber 85.... 3 118% 118% 118% Goodrich 6%s 2 107 % 107% 107% Goodyear 6s rets.. 140 95% 96V* 25% RAILROAD. Ann Arbor 4s 2 81 Si 84 Atchison adj 45,... 5 93% 92% 95% Atchison Ken 4e... 30 98% 98 98% Atlantic CL cl 45.. 17 91% 94% 94% BAG Gold 4s 1 97% 97% 97% 1140 cv 4% s 8 10054 100% 100' B& U 653000 D... 15 105 101% 101% BAOretOs Hi 105 104% 101% USOrf into sis 16 111 % 111% 111% i B& O SVV 6s 60. ... 3 106 % 106% 106 % BA O Toledo 45... 10 90 90 90 Brdwy & Jth Av 6s 1 08% 68% 68% Brooklyn Kiev 6%s 7 91% 91% 34% Bklyn Manhai Hs. 39 97 90% 90% Buff H & Pitt 4 %s. 7 9 1% 97% 97% Can Nat 4%530... 3 100'4 100% 100% Can Nat 4%s 67... '1 100% 100% 100% Uanad North 6%5.. 7 121* 121* 121"'* Canad North 75...„ 3 IP''* 116‘* 116% Canad Pac deb 45.. 15 90 * 90% 90% Can Pao 4%s 46... .21 101 Hio.% »01 Central Pacific 45.. 25 96' : 96 96'v Cent Pac Ist 6* 00. 8 104% 104% 104 , Car Cllnch&U 6s 62 1 10,*'* 108% 108'. Che3aCorp&s wl.. 70 99 * 99% 99% i'hes & Uov 4%5.. 12 100** 100% 100% Ches AOgn 4 %».. 10 102 * 102% 102 . Chi & Alton 3 %s.. 47 62 61% 61% Jhl B& (J gen 4S 63 16 98% 98 98% CB Ay 4V*3 77 B. II 102% 102'4 102 CB & <4-111 3 Via... 2" 91% 91% 91% Chi A K 111 gn os 61 47 92'* 92% 92, Chi Ut West 4S 69. 34 72% 72 <2 CM & Puget S 45.. ! 71% 71% 71'v C M&StP 4s 25 cfs. 2 71'a 71V.- 7i% C M &"St Pgn 89.. 1 92 92 92 CM&SPcV4V*s32Cf(IO2 72 71**. 71% CMASt Pgn 4 Vis 43 101% 101% iol% CM ASP rs 4%s Ct. 7 72 ■* 72% 72% C M&St Pcv 5s cfa. 2 71 71 71 CMA St P6s 11 104 104 104 ChINW 4 Vis 2037.. 42 104% 104%, 104% Chi & NVV 7s J ! 106V* 106 106V* Chi Rys 6s I 86 86 86 Clll lil&Pgn 48.. 5 93% 93% 95% Chi ft lAP rs 43.. IS 96% 96% 96% CR 1 l’ac 4% 8 w.l. 127 97% 97% 97.% Chi Tll Inc 6s 60.. 39 97 96% 90v« Chi Union Sta 6s 44 9 104% 104% 104% Cht Union Sta 6%s 2 118% 118% 118 * Chi & W Ind cn 45.. 15 92% 92% 92% C& WI 5 V4s 62. . . 5 106'* 105% 105% CCCAStL&s 6 104% 104% 104% CCC AStLrf 6s A. 2 102% 102% b)2H CAS Ist 43 29 7 100 99% 99 , Colo A Sou 4 % s.. . 5 100 99 % 100 Cuba Nor 6%seta.. 6 97 96 * 97 Cuba RH 6s 7 98% 98% 98% Cuba RR 7 Via 9 109 108% 103 Del A Hud Ist rs 4s 18 95% 95% 95% I Del A HUd 6%5.... 25 106% lt'6% 106%! Del A Hud 7s 30..., 2 100% 166% 106;* Den A Rio Gcn 43. 20 93% 3,> * 93:* DenAUloG 4%s 36. II 97 97 97 D & Rio G imp 65.. 1 100 100 100 D Rio G West 65... 122 80 * 69% 59% Krie Ist cons 4a.... 11 90 83 » 90 Krie geu 45........ 58 86% 86% r 6% Krte conv 4s A.... 11l 83 bs% 89 Krieconv 4s 8.... 63 89 88%, 89 Kriecvt &S 67 Wl., 114 99% 9*% 99% Erls conv ext 75.. * It 105% 1"5% 105* Fla KC6s 74 32 89 83 % 8»% Grand Trunk 75... 1 116'% 116 * 116% Gt Nor 4%s /6 D. . 3 100% 100% 100 • Great North 4 %«w 43 100% »""% 100 *' ureal North 55.... jl lt>7‘/» Ui7 I"<% ! Great Norm & Via,. * V 113% 112% 112%' Gr Nor gen 7a..... s (15% (15V* lt.-%! llav Kl Ry 5%s 51. 9 774* 77% 77 •. i Hud A Mao ret 6s. 22a 102% 102% (02 . tlud A Man sj &s.. 103 93 92V# y 3 111 Cent 4s 63 51 93% 93% 93% j 111 Cent ret 43..... I 97% 97% 97 » ItlCent «%5«6.... *5 102 lul% l"l% 111-C-C StLANU 6s. 9 106% 106% 106 . (nt Rapid Tran 6s. 1! 75% .5% ,~% Hit Rap tt &s stpd 31 75% *5% 75% (nt Rap Tran tts... 37 7 3 1 1 % 71% Int Rap Tran Vs... 63 yt>% 95% 96% lnt A U Nor Ist 6s. 1 1074* Ui7% 107 % (nt P.ysC A6s 72.. 3 83V* 83 83 ini Ry C A 6«*s rot 4 91% 91% 91% lowa Cent rs 45.... 2 12 : * 12% 12 Kansas City S as.. 2 79% .9 * 79a 1 Kansas City S 65.. 3 102% 102% 102% Kan City Term 4a. 5 94% 94 94% Lake Shore 4a 28.. 21 iOO 9j% 99% Lake Shore is 21.. 7 99% 99% 99 1 Lehigh Vsi cn 45.. 1 93% 93% 93% Lehigh Val con 4VxB 1 1"0% 100% 100% Lehigh Vai ns 2003 6 11IV* Ell '-w 111% Long Is db 6s 34... 7 100 99% 99% LouisANluib Utu 4s 8 98% 98 t 98% Louis A Nash 75... 3 104% 104% 104 * Man Ry Ist 90 5 69 03 69 Market St Is 40.... 11 99% y 9% 93% Mil E2U(y ALSS 61 I 163 163 163 MSt P A SSM cn 4k 27 92% 93 93 MStl'A.HSMss3Bgtd 9 100% 100% 100 W 51 St PA SSM 6%S 3 94% 94 * 94% 51 St P A SSM 6‘AS 9 102 * l"2i* 102 . 51 KAT 4s B 1 92% S'2% 92% M K. A X adj 65.... ■£ 108%, ,01* 108 % MKATprin 6s A. 5 104% 104% 164'% Mo Pacific gen 45.. 67 82% 82% 62% Mo Pac 6b A 66.... 20 163% 103% l"3i» Mo Pao 6s F 77.... 1 6 162% (62% 102'* Mob A Ulilo 4As 77 61 99% 99% 99% Nassau Kl 4s 61.... 19 58% t>7% &a% NUXeXAMbsB. 11 101 101 l')i«, NU’XAM 6A8..., 10 16.,% 10.,% T<).,% N X Cant deb 45... 12 as * as 1 /* ak% N X Ccn gen 3 As., 2 8/ 6? h< N X Crf (in 4 A*.•• 9 lot 103% 10l N X Cent r 1 6a.... 1 '2B Hot* J HP* 110% N X Cent deb 65... .1 10,* (67% (0s N X Cent I.S cl AA» I 85 8 , mi NVCASt Ldb 4s. . 3 100 lo ) |66 Si X CtllAStL 6A «A •' 11>7 A i ut,% t ol< % N It C A St L 6a A. H 103 MU'* JO.,'. NY N Uav Al4i A« 1 77 A 77% 77% NY N HavAll mot 0 8!', go * sii N X NlLvll db t» 61 8 83 81V* 83 NX N HavAEtClt 6» 20 105% 106 16.,, ti X Nil All CV db 6s ( )!•-% 110% ill,;, N X Uni W Ist 4a.. 1 79% V 3% vo'. NYUAWgetiiskk .1 £0 ,9* *6 N X Rys t>»46 12 14% 14 J) ti X Slate ity 4 As. 0 1,2 M* ~ls*. N X W A Bos 4 %S. 84 01A 90, 91% Nor A S gen ba 64. . 12 00% 90% yt, > Norfolk AW cn 48. 1 9HA 9*,% ug * Nos Pao 4a 2047... 8 <2 71A 72 Noruisrn Psu 48... 2 u7A 97% op* Norlhsru Panr Ila 9 lib * HO iiii J J«S Htliirt Is rfs 48. I'i 99% 99 * 99* Ura Short Leo 6a.. 1 Hui* I lot. Hot, Uts Wash Ist 45... 9 94% 94 94% Psnnayl eon 4 A*.• l 100* D'6% I')','* I‘snnayi gsu 4%5«. HI 164% t"l% (u(% Peblisyl 6s 64.. • ••- 23 to ,% 10t,!» 16,,:, I'cntiisyl lla* 411 II . H, , I'ennsy< gold (5... 10 (0,»% 100% io:,*. t't;CAdlL 6a 14 76.. Ji 114* (14 111 ('SIS M.Ul| (St 6». . 1 MID* loll* (64 , Poet It LAP 6S 42, I 98 9n Un ! Poll It L P«5«7... I 103% 10.1% KM,! Pot l RLAP lAs 46 2 167A 107% {«)/ , j (tedding gou 4 A*. . 8 109% (Oat, Mill 1 ., | Keailllig JL 4S 61, . “ 96 * 96% 96% KtAISALtA*.. * 98% 98% 9 „ gl L ialAB 4» n. . . ' 99 * 99 , 141,, ail. 1 jkiws an 6« Jl b 101% loi% um , St 1. (Mam HA‘J 4s 10 Oiil* .6% ,it, . elLAofpltaA 33 9.1 9.'% :%< , at la akpi iu fcs. ' Mil 10*.% ion, 41 1, 411 II 6AS D, JO 10.1% Mil 1 -, ID,Mi st LAti 1» adj 60., 36 !01% loov* 1 16% jl J, At it H lints. ... 39 99% 99' ■; 9.1 ~ dt 1,4 nl* pi ss O. t 100. nut, mm) ~ at J. ti W Jsl 15.... 1 91 % 91* 91, at I, ti W llOtl 4s 22. 31 981* 91 * 98% St PAt KCHOL 4As ‘ 97 )* 07 * 9i '* Suali A L ret 45»... 21 72% 17 , % 4Mb A JitUJ fs..» 27 8• >* E.‘% I- :% Seal, Al. UUU 6s. * , 120 96;, 9.3 9,, ail Alt it Is 68 26 A . 36 94 % '•<! 94% all All Fla #S26U.. H *.H% • *4*, 9(3. SOU part #• 29. ~.. 31 100 •I * i,9% dm* paullln till 4S. . lo 9D* 94% 94., ami Pseilln tsf 45.. 0 97% 0* * 9,'* kdlE Jtg HSU 15...,. .3/ 95 ‘,*2'% 9,7 sou Ity Gob bs 9*., 1 HU 1 ,, 115% ||(% doutiiaiii Ity »Aa. *• i L'.t*% 120% J Sint A sen Ml i, 6s- f* 106% 10*1% |6n% *•*A,•6% to %e M* 10 166 „ MOiVv 160,* I6* At Man t<* //I IS 5 1 10 1% Mil |6i J lllld AVS i«f 4S kd 5 1)0% 1,1,1* I Olid AV* lal bS 47 1 99% 993, 993, I lit* <1 Avu adj 6« - 21 5 7 ~|J% j,oi, Jol Ti LAP 6a* 0 Bio% Mio% mmm* iJllOil* Mail Ist 4S. . I I 09 Kill* 9H;* Union Pso isl if Is l 97% 97% u/% I 111 pan 4%5#7 , ~ , <7 106% 160% 166% Union pse I»v As-2 too% 100% loot* vttginig Jty Ist 6S. 1) 109 JO9 MM SEA FOOD IS SCARCE IN LOCAL MARKET Shad, Trout and Red Snap pers Among Few of Fresh- Caught Offerings. FrigM weather lifts nuulo a decklml i li.'ttigo iii cnniTitions at Municipal I* ish Market. Fish and oysters were sea I* ’o and high tliis morriinj?. espo 1 inlly the fresh eaughl fish, frozen va rimes being offered at prices quoted l) ( .foro the appoaranoo of cold weather. A sow spotted trout from North 1 'aroliria and slmd. red snappers and King and Spanish market'd were about Uii> only fresh-caught fish to he had. Dealers reported oysters enough on bund I" supply demands the remain ,l,.,- ~f the wei lc at slightly advanced it is ex peeled that weather I'ondiVior.s will change hefore tlie close of ||,e with, however, lo make it pos obio for additional shipments to reach here. Roe Sliml •*»« rents. Roe shad from Florida were quoted ■q 50 eonts. whllo the bucks brought 40 oents Jacks, product of North i-amlina waters, hold nt 10 cents. Frozen ">e shad from the Pacific Coast sold at 25 and tl'e bucks at 15 cents. Canadian smelts were quoted at oonts a Similar price being quoted lor ll’let of haddmk. halibut and sal mon. Lobsters and crab meat wore wine at 75 cents a pound, and there was a fair sfipplv of cooked shrimp to he had for <'•" cents. ("oM wf'alluT li is nffrctvil t.ho market, price of current reeei)»ts going t,, <j mill 13 rents. It is expected that ;l drop in price will follow the prevail ing cold snap. Prices of most com modities this morning were about the sa mo as yesterday. Wholesale Prices Today. Meats, fresh killed —Beef, 20aSu; veal. 24u26: lamb. 2f>a27: fresh hams. 22; Inins, 22n23: fresh shoulders. 18; smoked hams. 20a22: smoked shoul ders 10; strip bacon, 22a2i; lard, I'J’ia 13; calves, alive. 14a 15; lamb, alive. 13. Cotter —One-pound prints, 54a55;tub, 33; store packed, 31. Fresh selected. 4 4nd.,; hen nerv. 48; current receipts, 42a43. IMultrv n!l\, - Turkeys. 3Ka,4"; fowls, •f U's Spring « hick'-ns. 28a30; roosters, j■ qucks, JkftSO: kents. young, 7"a75; idd. 35, Dressed Turkeys, 40a42; Spring ehiekens. 3"a32; roosters. 18, ~,'pons. fancy, heavy. 45a D; small, 1 .is .40; ducks. 23a30; kents, SOuDO. Fruit and Xegdalde Review. i Today's mark, t report on fruits and , vegetables (compiled i'V the Market News Service Bureau of Agricultuial Keonomics) says: Apples - Supplies moderate, demand moderate; market steady; barrels. Pennsylvania, few sales. V. H. No 1, 2\.. inche-- up, Yorks, fi.2aa6.60; Vir ginia, r. S. No. 1. 2'.a inches up. Stay mans, lino quality. 8*50; F. S. No. 1, Slay mans, 2 h inches up, good quality ami condition, 5.(!«,i8.56; unelussitied Stay mans, 2 :v * inches up, wide range prices. 5.00a7.50: l»oxes, Washington, J medium to large size, extra fancy, ! Delicious, 4.00a 1.25; Koines, 3.00a3.25; j Spitz, ids rgs. 3.75; bushel baskets, | Pennsylvania, !*._«. No. 1. Hlayinans, ! 2 3 i inches up. 2.7.3; 2*s inches. 2.2a. i I'abbitgc .Supplies model ate, de im.and light: market steady; New York, sacked, per hundred pounds, Danish type,. 1.00; Texas, barrel i crates, approximately 100 pounds net, round type, 8.50. <viery—-Supplies moderate, demand moderate; market steady; Dalitornia, craM‘B, 5.50; New York, 2-3 crates, 2.2r,u2.50. Ja unee—Kastern supplies light, de mand moderate; market firm for good stock; Florida, P-a-bushel hampers, big Boston type, 2,25u2.50; poorer low us 2.00. Onions Supplies moderate, demand moderate; market steady; Michigan and Ohio, 100-pound sacks, yellows, F. S No. 1, medium to large size, 2.50u2.75. Potato Market Steady. potatoes—Supplies moderate; de mand inodeiut* l , market steady; Michi gan, 150-pound sucks Russet Ruruls, U. S. No. 1, 3.35a3.50; Maine, 120-pound Min ks Uroen Mountains, U. B. No. 1, 2.75a2 00; Idaho, 120 pound sacks round whites, IT. 8. No. 1. 2.75. Ssplnach---Supplies -moderate; demand moderate, market about steady; Tex as, bushel baskets Huvoy type, 2.00a Tomatoes-—Supplies light; demand light, market dull; unknown origin, (-•packed In New York iTry, 3s, Hpes. wrapped, fancy count, 2.23a2.50; choice count, J.73u2.0(i; Florida, originals, ripen and turning, wrapped, fair qual ity and condition, fancy count, 4.00; choice count, 3,0 n. String beans Supplies very light; demand Rood, market stronger; JHor ida, %-bushel hampers, green, 5.00a (i 50, J««gplant—Supplies very light; de mund light, murk* l steady; Floridu, pepper rratw, I nicy, 2 50; iioldovers, ordinary quality and condition, l.&Ou 2.00. I Supplies very light; Flor ida, pep|M'V *-rules, fancy, 2.50u3."0; tno' tlv around 2 75. tfurrots- Sojiphi s light, demund light, market steady: New 7'oik. btisixd baskets, washed, 1.20; sacked rough, 1 51* iniiidredwelghl; California, VVi-sii rii Ji-ltueo enttes, 3,30. Be' i'i Supplies light; demand light, market, Heady, Touts, Wcslein |,q. t"» • • ; rax . 8.25«3 60 Caulltluui-r - HujqdU’s light: demuml ligtd, ( It»-1 steady; Cullforntu, crates, 2 sau2 76, mostly 2.75. • CUSTOMS RECEIPTS DROP. BA I TIM(iRK, January 5 (Specjuli. ('"aloni!* 1 • •«1 jit ** nt Bultiiiiori) last V' " wliowed ,1 ih (U'earfti of 591 ' in (unqaii'il with 192(5 ColleC Duii% io i uiillpg 11, 1, repuH of tlm c<d i*'Dr ut riih'innn, tbe port's I aimer A* <r foi overseas eoiutm ree Tbe ex figures were, ]92(i, f1't,017,126 13; 19 7, 1)4.961,73^16, • FOREIGN EXCHANGE. ! <(4Ui,i.,u„,,i bn uifttie.t liy VV li MlOtiaAOsl SiiJi) Stjlllll* I'lini-U# Vttlii# 1 m| oar 1 Itilicy. I I * Mil,a 1 (it,uin) , .... If ( sails li (H* V* !,M I,it 11 tih| .I■. 11 a<-, , Jon I i.a fi«M. ... lid o;b*:i»4 bni««rl*. t.* ss .... 1 at* KMB * tlm 111.11 )< .... 9 la'! " I ill, iii,l , , ltd 63)8 Zi|i li )t jl ,111, .... Ill) 16 J" illu i,!, >li(,< !,(,.„ .. . 16 ) hi .( M-eJr.d (»•««,u .. I a.l 17"a Vll hum *. 1,11*11% 1*069 14 id II ,(.. ,• U«.,. , , I tlO 17 iM I*l ittt ut, ciiihii , 6'IUH'4 w.,,„„(* *lm% ,iua H m 1 „lie, lu.Bfi. > li*»l.. '6B -'its) *Mm m„*ii , "6N "65? -■*(..«4,1*1061. i imHII. , "68 ';09»l • ... ■ . FEDERAL LAND HANK BONDS, 1 OfiuU-'Miv AU.» Hit.Sh A 'Mill* 1 i<tnluu 1 ll,ill. M.IIMIII.V hid 4*l,V 1, 1,1 Mt, ililtj ,91 Ilia 1119% all* nut j 1,11 ,1 M> I M> 1 % 969 1%» Slav |oj -1 1 I'M % I" ", lUa j I,u 111'.; Mr' % ( 110 I% * .1,1, (lift 199 I o'! Ill" aUS i >!,* I,,ty ] ;*.'*-( .19 I" ' Mi'? % 1 III! j ■?, * I,lit 1*33 99 |*l i % 11,1 % 9 till *•; * n.i, M> . 1 11 nt I, io % au; I, *I~I v 11*54 91 j" I"( iiii', 4,1! I■,* .1 Mca 95 In" ■*, | n.i % 4 lui I',. 1,,, (1166 96 in" % lull, |mi l'% 1, July jo .0 16 I'd % til'j % 9 tl| 4% • lut 16, \3 j' . Mil % M>" % 109 I, h„v 116,7 9, lid 11)I 4* ,9 85 , Bi*l«* It(j*l* (.IIS. Close Va ll y A l' hs I 161% 16|% Ml|% VValtasN %l S* ~, li 105 I"a 103 Wabash ft* 111 1t.,. Y ini', Mid, |oa% WulmiMb ft % a 16.,, :! |63% 163% 1447,4% vvm»i M«*vunit 4s, 1 hi>% ati% Mi% Wssi Mil ft%* 17,. J 102% I'D III;' W*nlmi 11 I'acallo As 16 166% MUM* Mill Wmhl Hliuib 4* BSHI ll.Cj (11% W?% WIKI *I.W• t 4 %| I) 91% WtH* 96% WIS *.'*» gll la JO Bo ti, *9% 89% | To Keturii to Itunk A. A. IIOKHUNG. Former justice of the Supreme Court of the District «»r Columbia, who yes terday, whs elected vice president, gen eral counsel ami director of the Na tional .Metropolitan Hank. Justice lloeliling became the first trust officer of the hank, which in turn was the first National Bank hi l the Cnited States to he granted fldu clary powers under the Federal Re serve act, and lie continued to serve the hank in that capacity, and also as secretary of the hoard of directors, of which lie was a member, until his > elevation In the bench in 1021. I N. Y. C. SHOPMEN RETURN. RUCYRFS, Ohio, January 5 (Spe ‘ ci.-tD. —After being unemployed since December 9, 280 shopmen returned ; to work this week in the New York ’ Central shops here. MONEY __ _ , TO LOAN " ' I 1 on Rea! Have You a Maturing D*c.and Mortgage to Refinance? Vicinity flCome in and consult us about a new I OWFST loan. We have abundant funds for loans on j INTEREST Real Estate in Washington and vicinity, , j ard and will handle your application promptly. : r ft mrri«ion II ° ur management and ownership are | ‘ ' identical with that of the Commercial 1 1 National Bank. Our 6% FIRST MORTGAGE NOTES are Excellent Investments. Sold Out right or on the Monthly Payment Plan. Conference and Correspondence Invited ;| The Commercial National Co. Paid-Up'Cash Capita!, $700,000.00 | Commercial National Bank Building, 14th and G I- L ! \ The Men Who “ 3 I GUARANTY ! I bonds | 1 * Off\<n> and Dtrtcftt •/ the Keel Etta It •} ' | j y Marifait Os guaranty Corperetie* d jq Lt ?r°“ What Yield Do You Expect i/* l. r. atiwiMtt aiw - JL t | | y Cnitwin C.•,««« | i: y i f #i«ti rittism CiTiiim Stnati B»»« so v » J > iq R - wssssr from Your January > |t* Mimn sr mi Bo of tw Dmwtt tr Ckisw ** * J £ ! THOMAS SOMERVILLB q » 1 \l\ Investments; ? i L j P»»* Sttnacs fu> 1 d , I 7 j Otlttros Ni(W»«t. MII(Of<HITM !)»*« ‘ ‘ PlMlfrMt W>MMk.TO« Ttlti CotT» WOIU A • j f j fIIHNII WIMHIM tun W»S<t Vv t l i jl* M«j. Gtn. ANTON STEPHAN f i$ zirztz We Offer You Da* i f Chwiw faißtii Nomu Cmi if T ft > Y* DIUtKT Os C'9>o«*U * *\ it* Co«ai>«» (.imtu «f T»t.t» Nwta • P . J \\ and (guaranteed Safety s . A Aimcuikm J 1 j v* j W. r. STICKLE WY i 1* Set rfldry 1 J • j| ’JttZSSZ:'— \ TONEY in the bond market is now commanding the f If. PH EH DREW Vi , ~ , . V pniißMtrueo..*cstiftM.tae. jLVA lowest prices tn sixteen years Un the hasi> of co •} l l »U»<K>M ««» dSHMtI * d » \l »wmu*emmmeHum representative bonds Standard Statistics estimate* that the f | 5 HAYDEN JOHNSON * , i j(» tw»iß«*» average yield of high grade bonds now is less than 4V t > I , '/# Diiinoiiaoliiwm N«e«tVitww O' O O • I V *'*»* < On the other hand, GUARANTY RONDS which embody y 1 !" the highest degree of teal estate security, and which arc * * T.m.?.'. unequivocally guaranteed by the Real Estate Mortgage and 5 l Guaranty Corporation, arc being issued to yield 6'“'. with ; , £ maturity dates varying from one to ten years. { r. •K£7.“<£3T e GUARANTY B JNDS arc secured by first mortgages upon ■' completed, income producing properties in and near Wash- { OtlitiO* Ftnittt Aatants Nnw*(i li,l nit-ton. The security of each Kind is based on the dchbcr- Ii : -«ank„ #te j udgmcnt of the officers and 1 directors of the Real 2 ; 'I Estate Mortgage and Guaranty Corporation .As vou tv.ll Y .L * M1.,., t ........ m Nw..mi, see by glancing at the accompanying panel, ten of these IJ I iV IM 111 IWfIMI «l UKIlt Inin ‘ , | . ... . l I T* < ii ANIYKKW LDEEI.BH directors arc also directors of Washington banks Iwo are I [: bank presidents The others are widely known capitalists. £ merchants, engineers and lawyers. J I / MiMfti l t auMinil A Sail. f *• ( a.iliiKiitvM t uMfMI _ . <* HOI, LANHHUHOH fV/iTE )VM Jfi'Ut MpJH tbtS \tJf J in\ tstwmt3 ') l ‘’ 1 * unit to *j or cJi tit OUT otfictj for furthtr If; lui iioßAi'E o. smithy nmhrj dkont GUARANTY BONDS . | ... I Viu fiiußim «i,u iMiimit N t lxinii * J l* i t a»f*x» UK. K**t a«t*u <r V Mom Diiimo Niimmi IMn _ , ■ > l REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE l i l tuanna r««» *«»(«.» n«*. \ } '"“s;:” Guaranty Corporation * ! c ’-'r'.: capital * surplus { V MUITIARL A. w l>l I *>W * S f111,V1,l WHO! I MIIIAIM I Iw , a . />>, . rtf . V f ui..*ih tumm*. i *w4t un ao lALKaUtN rwVv.U * 4 ■ Pt*Hl*a LLflWt I.MMfMI *) 4 V UllltlH MIPIIUII IhM IM tltlt t'tWM ' ■ ; } * ? V *\ cijni vs> iSuwivy vS>*w v.v v>' jL * '' 111 ' inmmmm T SEAT PRICES ADVANCE. i ~i Belief That Produce Exchange Will Add to Listings Cause. NEW YORK. January 5 (A*). —The price of seats on the New York Prod- i uco Exchange again advanced to a new high record yesterday with a sale at. $4,000. About a week ago the prevail ing quotation was around SI,BOO. This ' shnnp advance is attributed to a grow ing belief that the exchange will estab lish a market for securities to take over, at. least in part, tho over-the counter trade. William Beatty, president of the Produce Exchange, asserted that the plan for a securities department had not yet developed sufficiently to war rant a conference with associations of dealers in unlisted securities. Official announcement of tho extent to which plans have been formulated was with held. Tho repdht that, the Produce Ex change soon would enter the security field was given impetus by an an nouncement by tho New York attor ney general's office that an Investiga tion into unlisted security dealings was in progress. . PAY ROLLS INCREASE. I PORTLAND, Oreg., January 5 - (Special).—lndustrial plant pay rolls . in Portland Increased $1,659,700 in . 1927. During the same period, 21 in dustries added investments In new t building and equipment amounting i to $1,105,500. i • WESTERN PACIFIC. * NEW YORK, January 5 UP). —Net > Income of the Western Pacific Rail , road for tho first 11 months of 1927 * dropped to $97,873 from $2,448,497 in the corresponding 1926 period. No . vember showed a deficit of $34,233 in contrast to net income of $148,565 in November, 1926. Money to Loan I Secured by first deed of trust on real estate. . Prcvallitix interest nnd commission ‘ Joseph I. WeHerffira, 'j f Jgf. The Bank of Personal Service ! TTTTE’RE well equipped to provide service of wmM maximum efficiency, and JSBm feel that it’ll'be to your ad- ( *«||l , l*lLf vantage to intrust us with , S in&m some of_ jjjjjjgl an!!!! 1 " I Your New Year Banking Business IV* PAY MORE INTEREST on .-.jiMiXfet--' Savings Accounts than any other National Bank in Washington The Commercial National Bank i'npHal & Surplus, $1,100,000.00 Kpsourr**, Oyw $18,060,900.04 Corner Fourteenth and G St*. iHwiTiiTErg ' nr, ■ vrjTJi/uir.^u £ a * ■ I ■ !' Baltimore a ohio pacific gas a elect. e.'i. i>«pont * PENNSYLVANIA R. R. STANDARD OIL N. J. HILLMAN CORP. 11 GENERAL MOTORS LNITED STATES STEEL ALMS-CHALMERS ■ I PL’BIJC SERVICE N. J F. W. WOOLWORTH INTERNATL. >|(.KE). ■ : CONSOL. CAS N. Y. ANACONDA COPPER AMERICAN TOBACCO E ■ 4 F ■ ■ ■ » 3 The above stocks and 83 other listed securities of equal merit are held in trust by the Empire Trust * Company of New York as security for the issuance of ■ I INVESTMENT TRUST SHARES | by the '% Investment Corporation of North America i these certificates provide the most convenient » method ever devised of spreading a small investment * over a great number of individual corporations en j gaged in widely-diversified lines of industry. | ■ ■ Full details will be furnished on request. Just fill out S * and mail the coupon below. a < * * • i _ • s A. S. Goulden & Company j I Telephone Main 2000 • Woodward Bldg., Washington, Q, C. I f A. S. GOUIDEN & CO. a | Woodward EUg., Waahington, D. C. ■II . * * I Ple»*e send me. without obligation, full detail* regarding i * Inve*tmemTru*t Share*. ! ' fi :• ~ i ! - J 3 i FTTTAWCTAn/ * 15