Newspaper Page Text
IN THE IHICK OF Till P (.HUNG W ITH NICARAUIAN REBELS. Maj G. O. Hatfield (standing in n. r). ('Oinmander of the .Marines at Ocotal. and a group of Ins men with a flag captured from Nicaraguan VJI TiV?" 1 ? > f «■*’ ft?"/" ' T h "l *? ~le, V l,s ‘ f, ‘ w At * h * .! « f ,or disti " K,,U ' ,e d ‘""very during Ids service. who was Killed in the rerent _ Wide W orld Photon. Bb*£ ' iMHEhuS L '"— *■ - ——«» - —mVt&immmmmrnm <iLl lING A NEW SLANT ON IHK WINTER SPORT HERE FOR THE NEWS KEEL. Find the cameraman in till* chain of speeding ice skater* <«i the reflecting pool. A second look shows him prone on the Ice between the gliding legs and Sharp skate edges of the speeding fine as lie gets the “low down ' on correct form. One perfectly good camera was put out of commission to produce this novelty for the screen. Copyright by I’. & A. Photos. PRESIDENT NEARER JUDGESHIP CHOICE i Names Sifted to Only Few in Consideration of Successor to Hoehlmg. P; .-sio-fit ' 'ookdge »a< t*-pr* e.j today we, being still of an open mind in the matter of filling the vacanty on the Supreme Court bench of th*- District of Columbia caused by the resignation of Adolph A. Hoeh- Png, jr. Although the President has j reßched no com*union, he has b*-< n , ;.r;vlng the matter of making this ap- j puinfmetit serious attention arid it "as I said in hi* behalf today that h<- is •-wmaderably nearer solving the prob* * Iff in than be was several days ago. It . Is thought likely that he may make j the dwjsion soon probably before the e?,d of the present week. It is known that President Coolidge | has progressed jn hi* consideration of | those who have been suggested to him j to the extent of discarding all but * several of these names from further consideration Put on Preferred IAM i he names which he has la-fore him tow have survived the at id test and s' r ny of At»ori.«-y <;*i,rral Kargent, i t» shorn *h*- President delegated th* tasg of investig-iting those suggested aod have been pul upoi the Brest <}> f t s so-'va ii'd preferred liVt J* j;- understood that of Mane tUr. • re four names to b* fur;her rotund <mo by the president only two an *• re u to be resident* of tins city 7 ■ Piesiden! has indlcapd t|..d ,* ! 'ot infeoUon confine MtiiM if i ‘< >• < tleg Witt one horn among the j v ■<;? of H i ln»,tii< f of ('oiunhis i f! ob I ,1,1 /Isl .- Alt Ut f ; hrtiiimg Highest stand ild sough! * :*• W* ma lt It plain that hi , tin ! • obtain If . >•' I'Vir ' of sou, oh* *-* 1 i-' t' »<r,;;»jbii : at a n lards ond dt'i < stloi «d S* j' 1 tnl< I t and that e ' o* s r i/f j rojiose to in lehlf.i led t n; s< ai'< it fin such J poison, 'ft I* sr-n to Irefieye from on* v*. *.o House S.iin * 'oat Ji e.,* I- Ad ■t - t- * ' • t . - iv, local m.-mis i s •b* n who im i !*<-<-a put u |sn • JO e »<Je l • * pi• fened lief fra fr-,, i|n d today Hi: l solnr I sugg. ftfloiift mnue in !',i, vd* nt tni iildr the nanus : it V, ;Oiu ji V', i atlr > Who iiyei, m ■•vise Md . but |n .iHlir.l in ! to, ai.d *<• .i/i < Klniift li is on ■ »•.■!< t on s im ve la I'#. ' ' ted t/.v tin V, i,n Hour. to A! - i/ii• .■ a; ig. i foi all ftofl MEXICANS ASK $175,000. * it I'loitiunt hull* i.y Js mili*: • f Met) hint n i/» Dalis* ’l' i a mi- Up 1.5, Ai r - t :■ " <•' 1"‘ iii- .UU'! ri,.o, ,gr Alii M till r| ••m f. / Ifi* fain!).. of linn, f>B>j Win 'i * .-hot |»y l/Ml iI -s f> < • god v.iUi an i. |,, i njn cl ill standing inward of Sbbfi lot — di ad bunk iobf irs m 'fr as it w„s iiii'irnriil yer.leirtay by M«iin»ii ' on. of H ! a MU i.a r n (' 'J| >.,.T Buiilmi* mfloh, as s *■/ ot i 1 ti.r vs iff tin mar'. ( .Has to fin. action Mi l .mi said ' * iini/A, ~-nd li*- UiHb d. pu<y en* rifle f.• ‘ « n.ui-n i fnalgis tni l|,. 1- 'Mum of filial.a, fV.ile / and /sorlauiii If / il. / 1 ... 11 1 of I honk lit .Mat; on I Vp loi Hail . U. pWfonfi .id !i,< O i. I, at ).- id li,i •hr*< i : *■'. i • of f 4 44A* ili« RED CROSS RUSHES BUILDING PLANS f $330,000 Raised in Addition to $150,000 Federal Aid. $50,000 More Asked. ate being rushed to start vvors , on the new $500,000 Ked Cross JJuild mg to iff erected on the northw.-st * i corner of the site now occupied by the ] National Headquarters building ! Building operations are expe* teri to he j ■ under way early In ,e Summer. This was disclosed today by Chair-! rum i.une of th*- House committee on j the library when h«- Introduced a bill j calling tor an additional iippropriatioii of $50,000 from the Kerleral Treasury , f»r this tie-moria! building. About four years ago Congress appropriated . $160,000 for this purpose on the condi i lion that the Red Crt mu, through prl-I j vote subscription, would collect a like j - urn Miss JlaW ltoardman, who was j J h ehitrge of this drive for fund*, has | f ained from private suhacrlptloti, en tirely distinct from the ordinary relief ; ‘contributions and not through any as ; f-hsment on member*, the sum of i 7330,000, making a total of $400,000 \ provided fur the proponed building, I •'•’tilt 15,0(10 sjs-iit In preliminary work i 475,000 is now availahle. Including j in hited* fees, the nost of the new i | structure will ts- 1504,000 As it was' originally stalled as it 60 50 propose' Won betv.iifi the Culled Hlates arid! pilvutr rubsi i iption, It is now pto ■ i»o»e'i that the J i-detiil Jioverrunent i uiake ati additional appropriatlull of i $30,000, bringing its total up to S2OO “ ,,u Miss Ituafdio.ili has assured !lie • tuiirmen i.f tin- Hcnate and House ( * oiiiuilttee on tin Übiarv that she j vwl! be able li, Culleet from privitl' cuuirfbutiuns a sum suftieiem to < um | JrJc » <" f Ji* f lif’l UM> i ll** {(iff lift ilviVf » If 1/14 /> ;$ } J pi ovi * 1 by the Ifuildiirg Commission • umpnacd oi Ibe cl,airmen of ||„ House and h' isit* committees on the iilis.i, y, the He,«,-tary of War, the ! piesideut of lh<- Auiiiimi) Hell ,’iosr ami a i epies, ~iafjv >. of (he central • ‘ ommillcc of the ,‘ioMS, j l Iff new building is lo »,c „ deriem- ! fri w bli 1, melllbe (ol 'ie i« let > iii/in ail , ve, Ihe eoiii.- I '» y will b. shown u,. ; various hram h, * ‘ ' * i ' # Mr,-.!- »* u* r wiii k how !/*•: fJoni PADLOCK CASE AGAIN BEFORE SUPREME COURT' 'in hutml Perplexed Ove, R, y j,, junction and Order* Appeal lieatgufcd if> I/- iilU-j) I'/ifsk iia 'lUf Hllon Wlielbc, pi. n„ace V a • ii.ii i,y pcsons eonyj. led of viola* ing III! pfohibltlon law inn t„. i'll II d .s again b. lo,i Um hup,,,,,. 1 jhh f I •it *1 i's J**hih Atfii * 0.,i,5.i i tin John A Cioehcd l *b*l Hi- hal'd <'apb* bad objin led lo in |..iuiis king oi business pi open y own*d by tie in ~i yyj, ( Blgbli. nli, ii. i t is troll, on lie ground that (bo j oft, /.ding n minis have but n nn*i <-d j , ai.d tie (iovf i iiii/t iti bad supported ! I tie padlock llijiili. llon, 11,0 Blip, em« ' 0011 found ils if Jil l pie*td an.) i„ if* ** *1 liu ia s* ioa * g ut: if .ii/liojfoi ' ii/eiiil Miti bell l Oidendsd when fie case was reaiited fn» u iguinofg that lb* liu is jutsi bit.) i wai lb* Jnwc, cnuit in appie ! . bonding (but fb« lidifiuhce would ‘’till | f inue, although He old leuaul bad va < • and and Ie jn.ualuiJ Mp jHidloel, bad j luoje rly bia ii apjii *, i 'mmss! lot | tie juopu ly owls r» v ,um«• d lic it - - % i..:T!TF: -,• Tr.vßTmmroy:- nr-” tr.f iWffWffitr. ' .-' *;■; -M%j v ffiH JnfliA 'j ; -J /Hi a- ■'Bp 1 I MHk ■Hr- „ I - ; I-1 B ■rW ! B BHT m i^VvGtvi - V' V* ifwni JH WIBIBEiiCTMaB>,-j3r#r MWr^sftrrftr Ssimi '***'*’'*"* \ 4 I fall- s ? "7-- ; "H. .m -X" 'b lK|fV flw- '' r i* w, -i k'Li A .SI mm* c. lhe\wUiimhilng* to ruiiiplete arrsi'gemerits fw It lift to Mr, i , i' 5 111 d * n, ‘* *h« Mulely old measure* meeting at the home of Mrs. Ilenry t\ IliniiHk aS^B^ W %iiaSSwte r gJLi , «»!«fc^Smis ,^E^.; MC J....1 w%., Mr. TurhrrmMi., S UM, lS3s« B ICE JAMS THREATEN VILLAGES IN IDAHO Hivei Washrii Aw«y Indian Houiett and Inundates High way*. IJy lit» AnirUf f iUil |*fV(»a, KJ'OICA NI s, WrtMli , ,l*4ii I iuiy f> i Hi vers find creeks, swollen by melt Pig I KlinfVH and blocked lit, places by lee ! Jama, ne-naicl iiurthern Idaho com | munitle* today, with aerluua damage fi an d, arid snow from the miumtalnn ioiua-d U, teals at several oasiorn Washington points In the diwlrlcl around Bowlsion Idaho, lie t Jcarwater BiViu Strain.,l ■.'if da bonds, Inundated sumo Mgi I ways, wa«h*d away aoveial linlian | liiumcs aiid forced rosldeufs to tics \ j family of si* was imifiwnied m iro, ' i.,i»s idciiac. d by fdt« rlv. i lain for ..-vend liousH The points Hu call fa d by lb<- Bleu wafer extended from lh« bydsool.a tri«' dam at J,owlston to a pun,! 4.1 miles nj, Ihe river Thera were lluso big i. c jams and snVfual min.a jams wiii-n the. id) was l.ktsled out in one of I 111 Hf, 12 fillies above BiVViidi.n, 11 highway was ltoo.l. .1, sending |,.-.,pio scurrying fill »h< Her li. low Allow Juui llon, a |,«rn was lU to 20 feet high with th,. Vnite.l rapidly hacking up la bind (ho b t l.i,in lust night, a, lug liu font jam ul Myrth went nut, releasing „ (ij font l wail of water and In. The f, ,1.«« ~1 ! lids flood was broken by anntino jam Id mill and a hair above Aimw said In be 25 feet higb Otorgm Hitiik ciunrti AI.iMNV fin , lanuaiy 3 tA') 'liu j tieoigia National Bank horn billed to j cjian tor business yneb iduy, a nnlise 1 jioftle.l on Him douis aniioun. lng II bad • Insod by lusoluUnn ot 11,0 1,0,11.1 j of db. ' toirt and Hud a iialluiad bank j os.iinlla 1 bad taken > baige 'I be bank inplbdly. d „| |2OIMUUI and ii t d j“ o « of ~i ui §?i)i) atifi H"» have nothin* to do with re- Melon. She learned on arrival yes- terday that her lecture engagements m Boston and I likago had been ('.‘HM'i'lril. AssociiitPd Press Photo* Suitor of Woman Blackmailer Sees Gold Mine of Stories in Her Life ! *»*>■ Amu. .ule.J Per,' NI .U % « *1 £K, Jmitimy J1 Net ley jl.iuar- rt, Hellish author, who hi live ■ voiuincM imh • «hi,r' ti luriii ur.., 1 »ta,i made furthei (<onf#«it6n and <i• i Milttad ids liiidiu*fs» Ivan nit a mytli, I «•!< ItM, hi/wevnl , lll'listed 1,0 M ill I man y "PhirtiKo May" Fhmeldll, f»l, turin«*r hntorhius 1 <'limittli'i’. I util paing la marry Iho veiiernhle iiit wav I*, us hi in lima lii'i'ii t tinned,” I" tut Id "Kin' Ih vim v i-lltil lultiK alal I I !, ta fwiHinnuul In her, Further i httti WORLD-WAR CHILDREN HELD COLD-BLOODED i Kn i .lt-i f'uiumeiits an Crime an He j Mil) of Ulouilthirsty I a lie rii IIIH'K as Youth. i liV lilt A a«ftP I’tlMl |*| re* | NI’AV VOIIK, .la ll ani v a Tim I Wui Hi War made iho • liil<ti i n »,f la jiluy n "hhiaih hit si V Mini eald hlanileil" j i>n n< ui generathith Frit* Knottier,* j v lallnliti, hum yes! today mi his il ium j tram ah eight maiilh lam at F.urapti tin l.imilm-, tram llm Aipthanln In ashed tepiirttHs what hail lulieii pluee i in Anno lea timing Id* ahtamea Amatir jollier ihlngs. ho iviiu lalil as the Hlek Jm in inlinlitl i iinii ami al her rei enl i hi linen "ll In llntse VailOH people who Were • lillilreii la the wui mat vv|»a heard as Iho Hlls'ialli Biailllea as Ufa ulut hiiolll la have lliliillloil all the hlnailshvil and i i mliy as wm," he said '1 lit law I tse.e II 111 I hell fates mat 111 I hell ail tone " " I hunk l jail It Is not Mm soldiers," ;he added, "They mine titti li iit cut mat wem V Ullit Nell toil down • Mmiilu late a movement io t let i a muyar iliiil will hall) the tittlrw evtrlu j elvelv, (instead at Mat ell y iiiHliaii In* i vine la In J* rnpni it jeit, «« »i I |M in Mifflin* old (wore* by throwing a dozen city officials out of office when lie took over the mayor’s job in the Bay State town. 1 Wide World Photos, ■Wran| ' jp| p i -j^j^KaB|aPSJßß|:fe WC ■ ' "•j.,--;" 9 flfiSK'i HBggPgl|af:‘' /f ”pS *P •-■ .By#?* »■’-',; • ajlfc; "M £&j£§3.3 jgwwggfc-rffffiff? »'lf . mSi IBk .j&L \: uMM i F'v.iMj>^yi»?cC'; < A ft a|ifc : *l*le .Jm - itsSk gl- i jEjTjC .1 r ..sjfifw': tfe£We« • W‘iM&tmti§&fi jo£? v " ■ '*' •■ *•■' * 'V 1 * I .* .•' *; ?:' H -*| R.;" ■ ■■•' • j&*,,-. ~ * p\? r-r : .f t .*'jiM&£t*.:: THESE GOLFERS DON’T LET WINTER INTERFERE WITH THEIR GAME. Die hard devotees of the game playing over the new 18-hele in door K»tf course of the Pertn*)||vaiiia Athletic Club of Philadelphia. The course, recently opened on the fourteenth floor of the club building, is about l.'*o yards long and the members are making the most of it as an opportunity to improve their short shots. Wide World Ph< •>•-. dial ;»ha la a K»>lil mine as t rime stuff "It 1* partly a Inisine** proposition, My puhllshers pnretieallv Insist an ii ; Wa have all sort* at hna alters, Jt> ; laa g I a thing la torn ilawii, W e wra wafiiltTfnllv matt heil >Klia hue plenty ta ronfes* amt, it t do way It 1 myself, there are f.nv wlm know haw la eallfexs ally Is-Ht-r than I do." one as his Volumes Os ' VanfeMSlan*" •ays I,lima aerveil twa terms in Hrittsh reform mliaals hut ho (Umleit he ever I hml heeii in Jail IgANG CHIEFS' BAKERY RAKED WITH BULLETS Aiello Brut hers’ JMani J» Alteek eil—SallU Sum Bailie far SIOO,OOO h> iiii« a *«itt i.t(«tt Vn At* I ’ll h ‘AI io, hiiuttti \ I’ram |,aiai>M la ImlleU was Ilia uhuUMura Fill j •ation gang lighting took vosteidiv i The Aloha Inal hi is whose untune : have hewn peraisirntlv mentioned l>\ pajii eas h ah is nf (he mill \l l.'apano Kuni-'slei«, were (he inlemteil vleUmoi as iho la tool ai 1 1 In 11 at mi attnek mi tile Aiello htkerv hist night None of the viellaa was present When IWa ailimil men entered (lie shop mill I all ml II With hiillet* A f 10(1,(100 nnit agoi list the pollen WHa fthal liy 'l'aliuU ,|a»t" No Ills, who ellrtiKeil he hail hern twhe lililniipeh hv I'.illeo anil lu.ftlo in rash lal.en fram him "Haiti* amt Mm anil he damned"’ I I input v • ‘aiinnh-Hianei ii i'iinmn laid! Ills 'll let lives "We'll give him phtnl) as i limit e la tile male billin'' • -* i'main ll Im Kei»teih, hamnaiv i ’aUan 'af I ‘aiiierhm v, ri i i nlly ite i lure*l Ih'il » vi v elinieli In |!ii iaml slmiiht ha• • a new inn pirinia mpUl amt Shaw apprapi lute (lima every M aiel.i v, i HOUSE MEMBER DEFENDS NAVY IN RESCUE ATTEMPTS AFTER SUBMARINE lull* Krnrr icnla five la Guardia of New York (in center), returning to the Boston nan yard on the submarine s « ship of the ill-fated SI. after a cruise on the submersible to the scene of the -inking of tin- M \f f e r his >„r vey of tin* salvage work Representative I-a Guardia said Congress should send the naval men engaged in it i it vote of ronfldfiKT for their efforts. t*v p ak \ Pho* ,! - LOCAL C. OF C. PLANS j FOR BIGGEST DINNER ; Chamber Arranging Banner Affair for Observance of 2lst Anni versary January 24 rile annual Ismullet of the ll.eli I inatou t’luunfier as t'amuieree. to t»e held at the Mayflower Hotel danuurv In leleluatlan of the twetitv tlrst anniversary of the foumllng at the organisation, will he Staged nil a larger saute than tn |vi*t years, ae eardlng (a an nnnoum'eiuent taduv hv j Ivan •’ Weld, ehalrman of the earn 101 l lea |n elnu ge The program will tnetmle an ad I dress hv a speaker oi national prom inenee amt tin eiiiei toinment h\ pro , f fesstonal talent Mr, W eld sold Mem i hers es the eontiuitteo as-a-tie Mi j W eld were onitanneed as follows lioheit N tlm per, V\ II litem I' «Jude I I‘Sinlv \\ Halloo ileoi&e K Pe N. ite, \ i Frank • l*. Fenwiek. Ilona Kina j i Arthur t»‘ Murks, wihur »’ smith | i 'nton Siephnn, I'iiarlea ,1 stis kinan, i [ W iliuor .1 W alter, IV .1 Falkihnn. I | Atheit Svliulleis, tna>ie liuil-s Iktourd’ \, Ilnur, Walter F HahleiMan. Merrill In t’hanee, tlemv l» i‘iainplan, .lames !It tlender,sen, Finest F itevrell |lh niv T orfleistlnger. Ultleaiv I jiiffiilt, h t* Melvin Blimp**, ,lahn ’A t Walker, A. l.ettWleli Sim lair lea H | Xhellvethy, tlevirgv* F Xnkato Uearg*‘j jll lhawn, tlemv F Fvde, Harry C j Frogg, .laseph I* llrevfuss W illiam jll lluVilv, Thames 1* I liUepage I Arthur F Ma»eu and r*aear A. v’ II a lmtler. A M hers iisslstliiii are Hi esldent j M.iftlii ,X Hesse, FlierAe* W Hai r Harsev W livde H liudaiph .lose, Iw F Ivemtell mid Joseph Ptevdias • II 15 riytn A>|ieim Air Metl lattti > HIM V Hern. Janmirv h i4'» An Amerhun. Mai Uivw at (he \metivoa ■ naval ud««|an, Ih w Mu* hist plane tn the inuiiisnuit. il as an aeiiul toad servieri hwlwein l Una and Hpillns Mai Hi aw Anade ilia 111 si trip Monday la a hidi.ip, in* DETENTION HOME : SITE SUBMITTED Mrs. Van Winkle Suggests Unfinished Apartment Build ing as Compromise. Aii unfinished apnitment building on Delaware avenue southwest near K street ha# been recommended to the I ‘istrict t.'nimmsationor* by U«ut. Mina t\ Van Winkle. of the Wo- I man s Unman of the Police IV'nsrt- I mi nt as the future home of the House jof Detention. i Mrs. V&n Winkle believes the building? van be converter! into quor :t* ns sattsfaetory not only for her bateau anil the Detention Hot!no t.y; al.-v* the medical rllnies of the Pis trict Health Department which al ready have been motol from the .tianirle area south of Pennsylvania avenue into temporary quarters tn the ilalHnger and Tuberculosis Hospitals Favored Old Hotel District oltteia Is who hat e !wn ! studytnK the <iuos.tum of reloxytttnj: the blouse of Detention, had virtually decided to move it to the old St, James j Hotel at Sixth street and Pend'.sy’vania : avenue, but Mrs. Van Winkle has so vigorously opposed this plan that other proposed quarters are being in \ estivated. Commissioner Ptwnw 1. Dougherty 1 pointed out that while the unfinished apartment building would Uko’.y bo 1 acceptable to the t'ommlssioners •;* •< j doubtful if it could be completed and ; converted with the available appro prtation The deficiency bill carries ■ j only $17,000 for new quartet s for 'ho House of Ivtentioo, ho explained. atnl this amount must last IS months. < Proposal | Mrs. Van Winkle has consistently advocated leosing »>f the *!> iVsigo Hotel as a puttUc welfare budding l which would house the xletention home I and the Woman’s Uureau She ms* ! post'd the unttntahext apartment build .mg as a compromise. There ts -,nttt j eient at vice lit the rear »>f t!>e building | for a playground she said. Isick et ! play spaeo has been one of her strong 'er 1 objections (o the uro it( the sCsl hotel budding j The detention house quethion is ex | peeted to be set that saon in view of a Iteceni uUlmatmu trout the Ti > tsun 1 lvpartment that it desdsal the build me at Fifteenth street and Ohio ave < one vacated so tli.xt there will be no I interrupt lon In excavation* now unde* J way on the site of the new .iVpnrt j im'ut of idmmeivo Ituilding A »om jmtttee headed hi \|ij 1 D Mkm» j Vsalstant Kuglttoer lAnninKstonet ts j st inly tun the subject, uni he is now ’ prepoilng a report for the Maud of I t'ent mis* loners ’«'■ .»■ • j ZANE GREY SUED. j Coast Man A»ks Han on Sale of Novelist's Hock tOS INHbtKS. J a v ft d v i Vn tnhmetlou sou to prevent tiane! they, author, flvmi selling any mote copies of Ids book the Vhundcihtg Held, til* been tiled In Federal emut hete bt t'htrle# \ Maddux id this elti l he petition also dem imbst an acvHtuniing of piotit s alleged m j fimgemeid of et‘p> right. Maddux ttsseil* that they'* book J heats a marked resemblance to on entitled *' The Mottle* and the tint fold," which was written by the 1«t K'hn H tVok and published hi IW. He declared t\>ok died tutesiaie tn i t ttf. attvi that ht* wtdow assigned to l Ahwhiox alt lights to the book 17 INTIMATES WILBUR II BARRED OFFICERS ijMagrutier Tells House Group Navy Men Were Told to Stay Away From Probe. * __ : H> lu? Associated Press rj Intimations that Seitvia.y \\ jU*u» ' j prevented attendance of naval o:8 . cers at the House naval t- ’. mater 1 hearings while Hear Admiral T!• ■■tv-.o P. Maitruxler was on the stand were .''given to that committee today, when the dejossexl comnuiKkr x»f the Phi'«« d ;pb:a X ix y Yard rev: .. at * ■ >. ’ (ti'.ony. ! An effort to bring the twvtvut: > o ' | fore the committee was made Him* ‘ di.tfe'i by He presen tattve Ma' Untie, IVmoerat. r 'ktahoma. Chair" 'van l.utler refused to entertain the mo iron until later in the proceeding*, .however ar j he assn rial tin' r'kla J honia member that ronsidwaiitwi »*f ' an mwainui for Htvref.iry Wilbur to i apivar vv on Id ! v In orxlei Qthiti's Mevsage lit Oflker. l ( Questioned tv Mia'Untic. Magruder ’ Mid his er.ii infs': mation. x't* the Wtb bur matter bad N n revem-d a bn'ther otb r. "t'he s'ftiiVi' ant rasa go ire , je. eivcd. Magiader s* ,1 ‘ This liter ‘ sage was 'the Si. d.i ' d»v-s r.s't d* t sue any eftUvr attacfiexi fs> io»> d> J partmenf to attend any b arings .'f the tls'use committee wlv.'.e . i Hear Ashtural >lagru.tcr -a w ;aes* ' • befeiv that rvmmitM'. That quot.y , T lion s' the en'v 'us ■ rt.»>» t '-rvc 1 * Mev ‘.mac d-.'C«o*vl the ■. ‘ s isibdltx j«H tvmox g the New belle. ’ tv\o»n » eilusiiivsi'.o hoe ts» warm- r waters *t»d ,Magruder saat that., wb. A* h * stet wou'sl Mir : • iley it! senn* i»'s|ve!». hsi tlHHtgbt ’.hat much suhm t. ate tsstn ing shs>nhl tv slette m Neitbct- w i .•• * . U» %svustom the s'revx s ts' the haw! slulls of thsise s'ittnates. Ik'Wlilx's Ptw im'eiew it t .anv ws'itisl prvivue the , vws is : ; Cvtmi'.»igns vvhveh might N' wagv\! 't* I j Cither the Not the! II I'a. c s>; Ns-tt’s vt ii v . ic.i \ be ad.hst M * . | tovxit ssuiire s'tt which ihs< S I sunk .as * spi,)i>,Usl tt d \Viiis.' I'tie liviliMiis Have tws> siihtiKat m, iseiiage loss 's rt\i;i»iw! ti»r piAUMpPi ialxtip, submoism-s. h, tvdsl the »• »: mutex*, Oskbiig it was iuiptactis a! ts>i i ter.stci ts* ues's'inp ,m a submatiue x" t»i»'ii trip i t'h.tiiN au ttutlei mteiiurusd the ex ominatHm ts» *-»i vbat t>«' wvv'nl b, ! glaxt ts* s>'U*»st xml the ssmmrvixv x he is n*i" si s*f tbs' m ■ % ix>uim j Is* hs i West s*i x'lviFkwi.o S x' i Magi i-vlet -"ltd K*'* Vl -Si 1 xd o x \ advantages fm such .* txisx* • 1 WOMAN ARCHITECT WINS. Het Plan* Heleotswi tot S*hxke*px'.x Mcuictial Theatet m Htitatn t.t'Nt'x'N .Vxivwati ,x \ x s*.. hhvgUsh woman **s *f t. iven mips. * atx'hdevt ot the new >H,tksi*ts\X'.x' \b mot ml Vhialvt at hasttloidsm \xo | Vho sh .vgit s i HD atv.'lt >cv*U .tawgx Stef **» a tkwitnemomh tkvtyn w.s> j WHammeusii *elxvted Pom m.we th., .l> •übmitted ts* ths> AWs,h* VmotKvt • tKiles-Uott tNnnmtttexx j "iss f»s's»tt xS'tUsss ti\*m t Ixmlk tlihltxvts Uet plan* aie stvssi'h. ia* t boM and .plends.l xvww'pttp l etknA mil iditi i x*,,* s«t ths- Ivan fut s'll thx» ls*t*kx S'l th* X ,