Newspaper Page Text
18 SOCIETY The President and Mrs. Coolidge to Be Hosts at Reception Tonight in Honor of the Judiciary. »rs HE Chief Executive and Mrs. I Coolidge will give .. reception I this evening at the \\ hite j House, at 9 o’clock, in honor of the judiciary. Mrs. Coolidge will he the honor jri'ost of the Congressional Club tom or row, at tea. at 3 o’clock. This party will take the place of the p ‘, h t pine reception given annually for the Fl«wt Lady of the Land, and only members of the club are expected. Amo up those who will pour tea are. Mrs. Joe Cmil of California Ms. •Tames P. Glynn of Connecticut. Mts. li. nrv E. Harbour of California amt M,a. Frank L. Greene of Vermont <Uhers assisting are to be Mrs. Lmot H Brigham of Vermont. M,s Colton of I’tah, Mrs. John - 1 - * ".1 nan of Missouri and Mrs. Judson CUm cuts. _____ Diplomat* to Attend Tennis Exhibitions. The Ambassador of Argentina tun Senora dc Fueyrredon will occupy a box at the tennis exhibition tomor row eveninp a: the Arcadia, ''bet. <•■ hibitions will bo given by Mr. u>> lam T Tilden, 2d. six times the world champion, and Mr. 1- 1 ant n- 1. Hunter who together won the world championship for doubles last year I. Senor Manuel Alonso, captain of the Spanish team in the Davis c up con test. and Mr. Emmet Pare. Otocrs who will occupy boxes will he the Ambassador of Mexico and Sonora de the Ambassador of Spain and Senora de Fadilla. Invitations have been extended to the President and Mrs. Coolidpe and the Secretarv of War and Mrs. Dwipht F Davis. The Secretary is the donor of the Davis Cup for world cham pions. The Ambassador of Mexico and Senora de Tellez were the honor guests at dinner last eveninp of Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Neuhauser. The other pnests were the Minister of Persia, Mirza Davoud Kahn Meftah: Commissioner and Mrs Sidney F. Tal iaferro Engineer Commissioner and Mrs William D. Ladue. Miss Isabella Fulton. Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Amos A. Fries, Maj. Gen. William Holbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Ilimes. Mr. and Mrs. Asa E. Phillips, Mrs. Georgia Knox Berry. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Harriman and the first secretary of the Epyptian legation, Mr. Ramses Chaff ey. The Ambassador of France nnd Mme. Claudel entertained at luncheon today, having as their guests M. M. O. du Pont de Nemours and Mme. du Pont de Nemours, M. P. S. du Pont de Nemours, and Mme. du Pont de Ne mours. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Odell. Mr. and Mrs. Scott, M. and Mme. Hullihen. Mr. and Mrs. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Reese. Viscount Alain de Ie Che, M, de Gouvenel, Mr. Kirk bride. M. Oujjen, Mile. Marie Antoin ette Claudel and Mile. Reine Claudel, daughters of the hosts, and M. Jules Henry% secretary’ of the embassy. Following the luncheon the Ambas sador presented to M. P. S. du Pont de Nemours the rosette of the Legion of Honor of France. The Minister of Uruguay. Dr. Va rela, has returned from New York, where he spent two days. He was en tertained at luncheon while in New York by the board of a large trust company. Mme. Peter, wife of the Minister of Switzerland, will be at home tomor row afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock at 2031 Q street. Mme. Sze, wife of the Minister of China, was the honor guest at lunch eon today of Mrs. Wilbur J. Carr. 500 Smart Hats I -—That were made to sell from SSM to $8.75 —Choice /%r I Felts. Satins, liengalittes, Met allies . . . for Misses & Women Gold'a Millinery Department present* another achievement in value-tfivintf. Nearly S(X) of the amarteat hata >f the •eaaon are offered for Friday and Saturday at tfreat aavinga in price. Many of the hata are ideal for early Spring. All colors and newest trimmings. LARGE AND SMALL HEAD SIZES I ■■■■■Si lil4 F St.BBHHBBi 1 SOCIETY. wife of the Assistant Secretary of State, who entertained a party of 12. The Minister of Colombia and Senora de Olava went to New York last eve ning. and will sail Saturday for Havana, where the former will be chairman of the Colombian delegation to the sixth Pan American Conference, which will open there Monday, Janu ary K>. The first secretary of the legation, Senor lion Jose M. Coronado, will bo charge d'affaires during the Minister's absence. Senorita Dona Maria Padilla, daugh ter of the Ambassador of Spain and Senora de Padilla, has gone to Cali fornia to spend about a fortnight. Mrs. Charles L. McNarv entertained at luncheon yesterday, following Mrs. Townsend's musical at the Mayflower Hotel. The guests included Mme. Sarada. wife of the counselor of the Japanese embassy; Mrs. Frank R. Goodin. Mme. Lipa, wife of the coun selor of the legation of Czechoslovakia; Mrs. William C. Harllee and Miss Mary Louise Morton. Representative Aiming S. Frail of New York entertained last evening at his apartment at the Carlton in honor of Senator Robert F. Wagner. Representative J. J. O'Connor of New York was also a guest. The third secretary of the British embassy and Mrs. Hopkinson, who are spending their honeymoon at Bermuda, had as their guest recently Mr. Amos Eno, brother of Mrs. Hop kinson. Rear Admiral and Mrs. Frank H. Schofield entertained at dinner last evening, when their guests included the commandant of the Marine Corps and Mrs. John A. Lejeune, Rear Admiral and Mrs. Edward AV. Eberle, Rear Admiral and Mrs. Thomas .T. Senn. Rear Admiral and Mrs. Lucius A. Rostwiek, Capt. and Mrs. Freder ick J. Horne, Capt. and Mrs. Ralph Griswold, Capt. and Mrs. Stephen Rowan, Col. and Richard Mal eom Cults. Comdr. and Mrs. A. B. Court, Comdr. and Mrs. Ernest Small, Comdr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Gillum, Capt. Donald C. Bingham, Miss Eugenie Le Merle, Mr. S. P. Schofield of New York and Mrs. Thomas W ool wine of Los Angeles. The Alien Property Custodian and Mrs. Howard Sutherland entertained a company of 30 at a buffet supper last evening. Mrs. Proctor L. Dougherty, with of the Commissioner, will be at home tomorrow’ afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock, at 3733 Jenifer street. She will have with her Mrs. William B. Ladue, wife of the Engineer Commis sioner. Mrs. Herbert M. wife of the director of the Bureau of the Budget, will receive informally tomorrow afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. The Assistant Secretary of State, Mr. Nelson Johnson, will speak on “Functions and Activities of the I>e partment of State,” under the aus pices of the Bureau of Commercial Economies, at the Wardinan Park Theater, Sunday evening at 9 o’clock. Judge O. M. Barber of the United States Court of Customs Appeals and Mrs. Barber entertained Informally at dinner last evening at the Wardinan Park Hotel, having as their guests Chaplain and Mrs. William Reese Scott, who returned In the Autumn from a tour of duty in the Philippines; Rear Admiral George R. Clarke, U. S. N\, retired, and Mrs. Clarke, and Mrs. John R. Kahle, wife of Maj. Kahle. Gen. and Mrs. Merrltte W. Ireland will be hosts at dinner at the Willard the EYflymro star wasttototon, n. n, tottrsday, .tanttahy s, tom On Assembly Board - I SIKS KOHKItT I.ANSING. Important in the permanent establish ment of the Washington Assembly, whieh gives the third of Its series of costume balls at the Mayflower Hotel the evening of January 11. tomorrow evening preceding the Army dance at the Willard. Gen. and Mrs. W. J. Nicholson have Issued cards for a dinner at the Wil lard tomorrow’ night. They will later take their guests to the Army dance, which will be held at the Willard. Others who will entertain at the Willard tomorrow will Include Col. 8. A. Nugent, Col. F. Leeocq and Maj. C. L. Sampson. Col. and Mrs. Stephen L’H. Slocum have gone to Florida to spend the re mainder of the Winter. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Belmont, who recently returned to their Washington house for the season, will give a small dance there Saturday, February 4. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Fairfax will entertain at the dinner dance at the Wardman Park Hotel Saturday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kauffmann. Baroness von Below entertained at luncheon today in honor of Countess Seher-Thoss. daughter of the late for mor United States Ambassador to Mildred Shop 1415 F St. NAV. Manufacturers 9 Sale Entire Lines of New Spring Dresses $ 7- 90 v”£ 2 for $14.95 All New Shades and Materials Sizes 14 to 48 Tomorrow is the day! Annual Remn ant Sale 135 DRESSES 10 75 THE FORMER PRICES OF WHICH WE GUARANTEE WERE From $29- 75 to $89*50 20 DRESSES WERE $29.75 .10 DRESSES WERE $59.75 15 DRESSES WERE $39.75 25 DRESSES WERE $69.75 35 DRESSES WERE $49.75 10 DRESSES WERE $89.50 Wc naatirc you that these dre»*e» are value* far greater than we have ever pre«ented In our previou* Annual Remnant Sale* which have made hlvtory. Alio None Churned 25 Silk Dresses None Cxehunged |5 Open *):!5 A . M. sun 1316 G Street 3% &gfiS? a, > aiih «*• sfjjtSSS •- 1.. T. n. - hr a France, Mr. Henry White. The guests Included Mrs. William Howard Taft, Mrs. Harlan Flske Stone, Mrs. John B. Kendrick, Frnu Kiep, wife of tho charge d’affaires of Germany; Mrs. John B. Henderson, Mrs. Arthur O'Brien, Mrs. Elinor Glynn, Mrs. Sid ney F. Taliaferro. Mrs. Peter A. Drury and Mrs. Harley l*. Wilson. Capt. Avery G. Holmes was host at supper last evening at the Club Boheme at the Carlton In compliment to Miss Helen Townsley and Capt. Levin Allen, whoso engagement was recently announced. Covers were laid for 22. Miss Joan Bird of Salt Lake City nrrlved last evening nnd will he the guest of Miss Evelyn Gordon, daugh ter of District Attorney and Mrs. Pey ton Gordon. Miss Gordon will entertain Infor mally at luncheon Friday in compli ment to her house guest. Mrs. Riggs, wife of Capt. Charles Edward Riggs. IT. S. N., will receive Informally tomorrow afternoon from 4 to 6 o’clock In her quarters at the Naval Hospital. No cards have been Issued. Mrs. Charles C. Glover, jr., is in Now York, where she is staying at the Ambassador Hotel. The lion. J. H. Grlsdale, deputy minister, department of agriculture, Dominion of Canada, arrived in Wash ton today and is at the Willard, where he plans to remain several days. Engagement Announced of Miss Medary to Mr. Norris. Mr. nnd Mrs. Milton B. Medary of Forty-seventh street and City Line, Philadelphia, announce the engage ment of their daughter Nancy to Mr. William L. Norris, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Norris of Washington. The wedding will take place in Febru ary in Philadelphia. Col. and Mrs. Chalmers G. Hall have returned to the Army War College, after having spent the holidays in New York and Lakewood. Mrs. Theodore S. Shuey sailed yes terday aboard the George Washington for a two-month stay in Paris, where she will join her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Grondal. Mrs. Frank W. Bacon, who will be at the Mayflower for several months, entertained at luncheon yesterday In the presidential dining room, following ihe morning musical. Her guests were Mrs. Victor Kauffmann, Mrs. David Meade Lea and Mrs. Emerson Howe. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H. Dodd were hosts at dinner last evening, having as I The L OUVRE ] f 1115111 Z F STREET J 1 Tills is Your * Opportunity It* a sale for clearance—but the reductions make bargains of even' Street, Sport and Afternoon Dress (except the $16.50 group)—and every Coat and Evening Wrap—and bargained at a time when t the advantage is greatest. These garments have all been features of our stock this season—exclusive models; and exception ally good values at the original prices, which still remain on the tickets. You make the deduction when you make your selection. Choice of the Street, Sports and After noon Dresses at off! Choice of the Dress and Sports Coats ants Velvet and Metallic Evening Wraps AU selections must he final—no returns can Its accepted, or exchanges made. their guests the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and Mrs. Carl T Sehuneman, Mr. and Mrs. Walton Green, Mr. and Mrs. George Hewitt Myerw. Mr. and Mrs. Reeve Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Mellett. Mrs. Anthony Wayne Cook enter tained at luncheon yesterday at the Mayflower Hotel In honor of Mrs Henry F. Dlmock and Mlaa Theodorla Catalanl. Among the guests were Mrs. Curtis Dwight Wilbur, wife of tho Secretary of tho Navy; Mrs. Her bert Hoover, wife of the Secretary of Commerce; Mrs. James J. Davis, wife of the Secretary of Labor; Mrs. Ed ward T. Hanford, Mrs. Lawrence I>. Tyson, Mrs. Frank B. Wltlls, Mrs. F’rederlck M Sackett, Mrs. Frank H. Briggs, Mrs. Lee Slater Overman, Mrs. Herbert M. Lord, Mrs. Lindley H. Hadley, Mrs. James T. Begg, Mrs. Arthur L. Willard. Mrs. John A. Lejeune, Mrs. Arthur O’Brien, Mrs. Gilbert 11. Grosvenor, Mrs. Walter It. Tuekortnan, Mrs. Brewster Marwick, Mrs. Robert 1 .analog, Mrs. Charles Houghton Wood, Mrs. Frank W. Mon dell, Mrs. Thomas W. Phillips, jr.; Mrs. Harry K. Daugherty, Mrs. Cloyd H. Marvin. Mrs. John B. Henderson. Mrs. Edward 11. Gheon, Mrs. Edward A. Harriman. Mrs. Ell A. Helmick, ‘ Mrs. Harry Lee Rust, Mrs. Joshua j Evans, Mrs. C. C. Worthington, Mrs. W. F. Robertson of Cincinnati, Ohio; Countess Cornelia Szechenyl, Miss ( Violet James, Miss Janet Phillips, | Miss Martha Lantar Ellis, Miss Evelyn I Walker, Miss Mary Pago Jullien, Miss j Francesca McKenney, Miss Katharine Carlisle, Miss Elizabeth Ives, Miss r Maud Tilton, Miss Florence Marlatt, [ Miss Frances Montague Hill, Miss I Eugenia Lejeune, Miss Marjorie Mon- j dell, Miss Helen Livingston Strauss, [ Miss Elizabeth Ransley, Miss Rose- r mat y Griffin, Miss Saliie Hews Phillips ' and Mrs. George Pulver. Mrs. Thomas Lee Woolwine of Txis [j Angples is tho guest for a few days D of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gates in 0 their apartment at Chatham Courts, jj Mrs. Carey Randolph entertained at 0 luncheon yesterday following Mrs. 0 Townsend's musical at the Mayflower r . Hotel. The guests included Mrs. Ella Herbert Micou, Mrs. Thomas Walker Page, Mrs. William Laird Dunlop, jr., Miss Mary L. Gildersleeve. Mrs. Dnn- DO YOU NEED NEW DRAP ERIES and WINDOW SHADES? Wo would ba pleased to send you an «»timate ConnultinK Decorator lxii r st. Main rmi Wholnwl* and Krtall lei Holden and Mrs. William C. Gwynn. Mr*. Carl Jeansen entertained at luncheon at the Cosmos Club yester day In compliment-to her cousin. Miss Orecn, who Is spending the Winter at the Grace Dodge Hotel. Mr. William Gibbs McAdoo lias re turned to Washington and Is again at the Wurdman Park Hotel, having spent the holidays with Mrs. McAdoo and their children in Los Angeles, where the latter will remain for the W'lnter und early Spring. Mrs. Joseph HHeiTwall will he at home Informally tomorrow afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Christian of Brookline have returned to their apartment at the Carlton, offer an automobile trip through Virginia. Miss Margaret Wentworth of Port land, Oreg., who was the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Geddas during the holidays, has returned to the Southern Seminary at Buena Vista, Va. Miss Bertha Jtlce and Miss Fannie Klee of Connecticut avenue, enter (Contlnued on Nineteenth P.ig<) 1 ffcj S | Moflttr snnf\ g I 1 COLUMBIA RD. at 18ht$T *| g OPPOSITE AMSASSAOOR. 3 H -pUI | TONIGHT 5 Until 7:30 [3 4-Course — g § Chicken 7Ua § j Dinner i vv> f Columbia 5042 Ul|J /Mill SIKES °TDorjbnc Farrell (■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MHMHBHMMaHnMHaBBMHaaaMBaBaaBBHHMHHBaMMMHnaBaBBHHMMMBWBBMHMaaBBHMMHaHMHMMMWMaaBVMBMaaJ i AinifTfßilil/ ! The Best Cellar Gift Shop. I jt | T; 1623 H Street NW. rs £ 1 »mqCONNICTICUT Av»>\ I The latest sensation in chic— > r/ € f » homespun apparel—voted and / ** —continuing— passed upon by the correct as with a gay whirl of alert Wash- the smartest wear for sports and P-'y * ingtonians who know and wait for afternoon. .. __ _ /yy /I si the truly wonderful values of NOTE Pasternak's Semi-annual Clear- —* price more amazing t.ian a ance Sale. sale. A group of afternoon, dinner Homespun Dress, $55. At Last! and evening gowns. '°u may choose your own colors STKt, Off Formerly s7s—now $45. and design—the homespun is „„ n F A group of afternoon, dinner woven here and a very wonderful “°n a.l fall stock, and evening gowns. tailleur makes it according to your This include* coats, sports togs. Formerly s9B—now $65. wishes. . . _ . afternoon and evening dresses— Sports and daytime dresses. Satisiaction guaranteed. Orders a ;j hats 5500. One group each. are coming in thick and last This inetresting annual event s2s—ss3 —$45. Pla« your* today-the price lasts of francise is looked forward to Hats, $lO and $l5. only until January 15th. 5y manv Fur Coats J* J* .g Francise never carries any —of finest quality in sports and stock over to the following sea- • dress—greatly reduced. Imniedi- . s °. n :n:s necessitates, * complete ate selections are advisable. /TT."" sale—regardless 01 prices. •'The Holton" model which has J Jk *- * ■ 1 y"-j Promise yourself to see these arrived at this shop is unusually 4(/9 rea. reductions. smart for sports and Palm Beach —Beilin* Out— 1919 Street, wear—it is fashioned of silk and “ 8 wool jersey in a 3-piece Cardigan all French models (direct import >1 ‘ jl Ijl jl suit with nonchalant scarf and which formerly were $l5O, 5175 ' ring—in a variety of colors—guar- and $2OO. Now priced far below anteed washable. cost, prices from $4O to $lOO. $45. • These are amazing values—and YSo A"\\ rniMl jl 0* M will be snapped up quickly, so uuu,uj\jL come early! cVDh. Beginning next week The Betty —is busy with coming and going XlAP**!/ Hanna will show a number of of smart shoppers who are tak ultra-smart sports models—and ing advantage of the extensive an entirely new line of gay chit- sale. fons—whreh Paris is sending over Ail imported articles. VW t 0 this lovc,v 20% reduced. —remember— , ... —Sale— the prices mentioned on the ■ Peauca:re one without For tinv tots French models arc for this week */’- v al—a compliment to giver and lor uny 101 s only> receiver. This u an epportunitv All coats, suits, dresses, baby {bi , } 5 Sati-davs to P a perfect gv.t tor the clothes, brother and sister suits at „oon a 1)1 wedding, birthday, ar.msersarr or for little boys and girls up to whatever the occasion mav be—a 1 seven years—greatly reduced— J* d* jt few are—many lovely shapes of t many prices cut in half. enitian glass, pieces of carved 1 Early to come—first to choose. Your face ivory, jade book i Note band-kmtted slip-over is your for- / ends. Danish pewter, sweaters for boys and two-piece tune—so it is / French desk acces suits for girls have just arrived BpgL•• jin^Jthat distin- f\ series, mini attires from Shetland, Scotland—s6.7s to iySH guished wo- and manv more. $16.75. Just ’round the corner men all over ji Mrs. J. Maury Derr* * from Connecticut. the world re- I jr„ suggests you ' 1929 Que Street *'■ - v '|| tain their \ U / come early, for they ; ji j* -V* uty r with vfcikV * re »*pp*i! the famous up quickly. Memories of 3iCU vV ' Elizabeth I**l9 Conn. Aves t .£/ childhood's happy x ' > .< Arden treat- JCL da vs ate recalled * ments and g| j| j XTaTiT best by Under- preperations. li-TjUL wood 6c Under- Prepare vour skin for a busy L wood baby por- da.v "ith Elizabeth Arden prepa- MKS. CORDLEY traits. rations which make your com- —ha* just received from Italv— I' [KHllinj There is a spe- t;*c\ton a clean, healthy one of from the Palace of Cardinal Della *A-- cial arti't at this tinest. smoothest texture- lele- Genga—l2 chairs of the seven " Studio who does l’ ,K ' n# ti's »PlHMritinent. teenth century in their original baby photographs which are . frank,m 4A*4 condition. This very remarkable i really perfect likeness of happy, , 0 exquisite negligees, lingerie collection is now on vfisplav. roguish little ones. a«ul ,„ t ,mate little accessories in _l 4 test craze for old English From a number of proofs you I shades are found trays find expression here in a L may aelect the ones which ptease at the hluabeth Arden balon, IU7 few choice lacquer inlaid with you most. There arc a number Connecticut Avenue. a ,.j original painting*—«Q | of ways in which they may be jM jt are very beautiful, finished. % —and »t is here. too. that vou find Every mother and father is • Dulai * a lovely »v'rtrait oval—the much proud to own a beautiful picture xSS r r . v in demand architectural * of their child and Underwood 6: lingere courr ! hi * pnt »* *«'* th * Grand Canal Underwood baby pictures are u»- » pieds. ’traveling w rivaled, sets and bon- . ‘ !ie m this *hc>p of Babies grow and change so doir evervthmes wiUrnanonal reputation is educa rapidly that vou cannot atlord to m n 4 *.. i c., tional-each piece is a iare b-t put otf having a picture made, im potted ot hmtoiv. Telephone Main 44fkV laces are love- X r *. v » rv,' «'v invite* you to 1250 Connecticut Avenue. |,<t than ever— fom< ‘ ’ n **'d ks‘k about. M jg .9 , , *l*o Dulany’s 15W Connecticut Avenue, sachet and perfume. __________ Everything for milady's boudoir Jt jl ji usii c m Mr "‘ PWMM .{*m, I .g .g jl trom tamdics ot m nobihtv i have r\ Start off on f/MPlnt\S «« te r m ingled i Wx' a\ lO the 1 ight tvx*t »s[fll EjH IM *h o * and ( I JLY' iMMu •* nvl S" dancing tragexly in un- V thtough i9_tt to raHaralßl ■* nJ Prettiest laities tb<« tune ot l ouatmg desqin* > —find popular place at Tally-Ho Waidman Patk and color* m Tavern, v «| Hotel Dance P'wcs ot letugee w^wknunahip —considered the wndeavou* by V/ffilW iHchestra. tv> u * (,vVW Near Washingtonians beaense of the y/ hVM laiitahsmg 1 delicious deluaciea made from <{f i*HWJ "N times, delicious * hc, » «* M *»hes hws and tb* the best Ingredient* that money delicacies, turn cwuntties ui which thev have fixed j can buy—delighttul and couiteous •!'#> t <Mp*«y *** «»'dds the gieat variety service -the cltaimiug and cosy *t b'l*M V, Watdman way ot vtexign-eacb one is d tfezvnt— k colonial atmospheie and icasoii- £}¥ *»d have made mtugmug and inteoMtmg. able prices, fi 1 J " ardman Bark *T»cea very, very k'w—cn order 'l.l 1 > ’ Dances the to assvue quick tut nonet and apnointmeuf. m,HM * **" ‘*voutc place "to *0“- of th„ market tor tW constantly arrfy. | n '""win* tan sutaitgomg wsieb sets. *»g »h»pment*~ these product* ate ,! Franklin HrVi.l Dance each night, except Sim- the tetugee*' curbr emidx'tmeet w Tu«„t*„ day, Id pm —» am, and mean* of mamteuauce, 1 bight speiial du net Ciuiveit charges, Monday to luucheon sets, tunnera. hang *“• te »“ - aattsttf > L, *, 1 elcphotic t oUunhia Akkt for thtng* you should see at H, ° , ' t, ' NJf aiiangemenia j IAH Uumevtwut Avenue 4Kb— s.—'.-.-Aiuoafesa.i. - if SOCTKTT. JuliusGarfinckel&Co. WASHINGTON PARIS A Very Remarkable Cl earance Sale of Fine Quality Apparel for Infants, Girls and Small Boys At Greatly Reduced Prices Real and Worthwhile Values Coats reduced to $5, $7.5 0 { $10.50, $14.50 to $45 Dresses reduced to $2.95, $3.50, $5.95, $8.50 to $12.50 Boys* Suits reduced to $1.25, $1.95, $2.95 $4.95 to $9.75 Creepers reduced to 75c, sl, $1.50, $2.00 to $3.00 Hats reduced to sl, $2.50, $3.75, $6.50 to $12.50 Caps reduced to 95c, $1.45, $2.95, $4.50 to $7.50 Sweaters reduced to $1.45, $2.45, $2.95 and $3.75 Shirts reduced to 50c and SI.OO Hosiery reduced to 25c F Street Corner of 13™