Newspaper Page Text
SOCIETY t - (Continued from Eighteenth Page.)_ tained at dinner last evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Rice and Mr. and Mrs. Mayer D. Rosenbaoh of Atlantic City, prior to their de parture for California, their future home. Among the guests were Dr. and Mrs. Morton Gittleman of Eliza beth. X. »1.: Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rice of Warrenton, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rosenbaoh of Atlantic City, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Rice. Mr. and Mrs. I. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Rice and Miss Audrey Alexander. Mine. Philippe C. Soyez and Miss T.iiita Dawson will go to New York Thursday preparatory to sailing for Havana to attend the Pan-American conference. While in Xow York they w ill vis t the Brazilian consul general and Maie. Sampaio. Mr. Frank 1,. Triminghum, jr.; Mr. Edward Hudson and Mr. Andrew Jer kinson of California, who wore here for a short visit, sailed Tuesday for several months’ stay in France, Bel gium and other continental countries. They will return to this country in o Spring, and will join Mr. Triming ham's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Trimingham. in their California home. Washington \sseml*ly Has Important Floor Committee. Mr. I.eander MeCormiek-Gooilhart. r iuesenting the diplomatic corps, and Mr. .1. Theodore Marrinor, chief of the uivison of Western European affairs * f the State Department, representing America, will be joint chairmen of the n 'n s floor committee for the third Washington Assembly, which is to take place Wednesday evening. Janu ary n, at 10 o’clock, in the Mayflower Hotel. Associated with Mr. McCor mick-Goodhart will he the Minister of Czechoslovakia. Air. Zdenok Fier linger; Brig. Gen. Augusto Villa, mili tary attache of the Italian embassy, and Capt. the Hon. A. Stopford, R. X., naval attache of the British embassy. Mr. Marriner has invited as his aides Rear Admiral Andrew T. Long. Mr. James C. Dunn, ceremonial officer at the White House, and Mr. Henry Car ter and Mr. Warden Wilson, both of the State Department. Maj. and Mrs. Samuel Burleigh Mil ton entertained at dinner last evening in honor of the Minister of China and Mme. Sze. Those invited to meet them were Senator Thomas J. Walsh of Montana, Senator and Mrs. McMaster of South Dakota, Miss Ana Teresa Orisanti. daughter of the Minister of Venezuela ard Senora de Grisanti; Mrs. Daisy Seymour Fronheiser. sis ter. and Mr. Chalmers Seymour Mc- Connell son of the hostess. Mr. McConnell and Mrs. Fronheiser will sail Saturday from Xew York for Havana. Cuba, where the former has been engaged by the Cuban govern ment in connection with the sixth Pan-American Conference, which will open Monday, January 16. Mrs. Fron heiser will probably remain in Cuba with Mr. McConnell until his return about March 1. Mrs. Henry Alvah Strong of Xew York has taken an apartment at the Mayflower for the remainder of the Winter. Mrs. Elinor Glyn has returned to her apartment at the Carlton for several days. Cadet William Laird Dunlop. 3d, will return to the Augusta Military Academy today. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Slater have arrived in Washington from their home in Virginia and will be at the Mayflower until the end of January when they will take a trip to Cuba to be absent several months. Mr. and Mrs. Slater had guests dining with them last evening in the palm court of the Mayflower. Mr. J. J. Heard, Mr. Howard How ell and Mr. Fred Schafer, jr., have re turned to their home in Washington, OUR CLEARANCE SALE Now in Progress Offers Unprecedented Values in “Pasternak Quality” Apparel for every occasion Afternoon Gowns Goats Evening Gowns Costume Suits Evening Wraps Fur Coats Sports Wear Hats Now available at savings that suggest quick action for those who know and ap preciate UNUSUAL VALUES. MPASTEKNAK # ■ ft 1719 Connecticut El Wl r House of youth I Y«MUNffi LADDIES SMDP 1229 G STREET. N.W. $1 Continuing Our Tremendous Sale of % Entire Stock Bought of Maison Louise, % Together With Our Own High-Grade Merchandise, at Astounding Prices! "tA Lar «* Size U Dresses V 1 $ 14 50 \ Hegular $22.50 J) $29.50 J! Vuluei >ll / All Sales IYQ / COA IS \ r; I A/ L m ° re / t i OFF I All $0Q.75 | -~- II ft Size* U*/ I NO On all \ H egu lar $7H.00 J C.O.D.S % fur V 'V!ST J R^-nd. COATS Charges after being entertained ns the guests of relatives and friends during tho holidays in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. William Ten Eyck, Jr., who spent tho holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. william Ten Eyck, has resumed his studies at the Lehigh University, at Bethlehem, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. "j. Henry Lancashire of Xew York are now In Washington and will be at tho Mayflower for a week. Mrs. William Atherton Du Puy, for mer national president of the League of American Pen Women, sailed to day from Xew York, to spend the Winter months in Santo Domingo. In Santo Domingo City she will be the guest of her brother, Mr. Norman L. Orme, American deputy collector of customs. Mr. Orme has been visiting Washington for some weeks and is re turning to his post with his sister. Society Horse Show Afternoon and Evening. The benefit society horse show at the Riding and Hunt tomorrow after noon and evening is engaging the at tention of Washington society folk. Box holders for the afternoon perform ance. of which Mrs. Cary T. Gray son is chairman, are: Countess Szeeh enyi. Mrs. Frank Cheatam. Mrs. Henry T. C. Allen. Mrs. Edward Campbell. Mrs. Ogden L. Mills. Miss Mabel Boardman. Mrs. William 11. Castle, Mrs. Blaine Lipscomb, Mrs. Joseph 11. Hines. Mrs. Joseph Loiter, Countess de Renque. Mrs. Eugene Meyer, jr.; Mrs. B. K. B.aui. Mrs. Frank B. Freyer, Mrs. Richard M. Cults and Airs. Charles Boughton Wood. A pic turesque touch will be added to the evening performance by the judges in their gay “pink" formal hunt attire. The afternoon performance will he gin promptly at 11:15 o’clock, the pro gram of events to consist of niTfc? classes and a parade of winners. Many of the season's debutantes will ride their favorite mounts. The riding of the younger children in the pony class promises to be an interesting fea ture. Six-year-old Elbe Wood Keith of Charlottesville, Va.. will give an ox hibition of jumping. The subdebs will be on hand with programs and trays of refreshments. The evening performance will begin at 8 o'clock, the program to consist of eight classes. Alany prominent Wash ington women have entered their fa vorite mounts in the ladies' hunter class. A social feature will be the diplomatic class, open to all members and families of the foreign eml>as sies and legations and to members of the State Department. The show is being given by the Woman's Army and Xavy League, of which Airs. Calvin Coolidge is honor ary president, and Airs. Dwight F. Davis and Airs. Curtis D. Wilbur, hon orary vice presidents. Airs. William F. Dennis will he hostess to members of the District League of American Pen Women at a tea which she will give in her home, at 175a R street tomorrow afternoon, from 4:30 to 6 o’clock. ATrs. John F. Dryden is in charge of boxes for the charity txill to be held at the Willard Hotel Monday night. Additional boxholders include Mrs. Elmer Schlesinger of Xew York, who is coming expressly for this event; Mrs. Frederick Parkhurst. Mrs. Perry Belmont. Mrs. Joseph Loiter and Airs. Walter Schoellkopf. It was expected that the newly appointed Ambassador of Germany and Frau Prittwitz would be here for the l>ali. but members of the German embassy staff will oc cupy their box. Washington women are making reservations for the seventh annual luncheon of the Woman's National Republican Club, to be given Satur day, January 14. at the Waldorf- Astoria. Always observed during the early part of January as a formal inauguration of the coming year's 'activities, the luncheon this year will have more than the usual interest on account of the forthcoming presiden tial election. A!ore than 1.500 men ami women Republican leaders from all TTTE EVENING STATE, WASTTTNOTGN,' T). G„ TTtTTRSTfAT, XANYTATIT 5, parts of the country, will attend. From Washington will he Mrs. John W. Davidge, Airs. Frances Parkinson Keyes, Mrs. W. J. Boardman, Mrs. Thomas W. Phillips, jr.; Mrs. George P. McLean, Mrs. Ogden L. Mills, Mrs. Dwight F. Davis, Mrs. E. Truboe Davison, Mrs. James S. Parker, Alins Mario L. Ohenauer, Mrs. J. C. O’Laughlin, Airs. Theodore Douglas Robinson. Mrs. M. 1). Cameron, Mrs. Robert B. Roosevelt. Mrs. Frederick Huntington Gillctt and Aliss Mabel T. Boardman. The luncheon this year is being given in honor of Secretary of the Treasury, Air. Andrew W. Mellon. Speakers will be the former Senator William Butler, chairman of tho Re publican national committee; Repre sentative Florence Kahn, from Call fornia, and Air. Julian Mason, man aging editor of the New York Evening Post. Mrs. Francis A. Winslow is chair man of the luncheon committee. Serv ing on tho board of directors of the Woman’s National Republican Club are: Miss Sarah Schuyler Butler, Airs. Henry R. Caraway, Airs. George Orvis. Mrs. Fairfax Landstreet. Airs. Arthur L- Livermore, Mrs. John T. Pratt, Mrs. Thomas D. Heed, Mrs. Amasa Stone Mather, Mrs. Charles H. Sabin, Airs. H. S Shonnard, Mrs. William Yana moo, Airs. Coffin Van Rensselaer ami Airs. Travis Whitney. The Art Promoters Club is arrang ing a second series of studio talks in the olubrooms at 1409 Twentieth street northwest, opening tomorrow evening at 8 o’clock, on “Art and Travel in the Orient,” by Aliss Ger trude Richardson Brigham, assisted by Aliss Alittie Burch. The talk will he illustrated, and will he followed by a general discussion. The Alpha Chapter of Theta Alpha Chi Sorority held a benefit card party last evening. Tho committee in charge was composed of Aliss Vivian Miller, Miss Ruth Brown, Ali-s Caroline Mc- Lean and Aliss Olga Meissner. BOMBING UNIT MOVED. •19th Squadron Planes .to Go to Langley From Aberdeen. The immediate transfer of the 49th Bombardment Squadron of the Army Air Corps from Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md„ to Langley Field, Va., was announced at the War Depart ment yesterday. The transfer was ordered to hotter facilitate tho training, administration, supply and operations of the squad ron. The unit will proceed to Langley Field with organization equipment ex cept such as will be required to oper ate three combardment and two ob servation planes at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. > The largest span bridge in the world, 3.500 feet long, will he built across the Hudson River between Fort Washington and Fort Lee. ■ flhtltpjsborn j !l f 606-614 A ELEVENTH ST. In the Inexpensive Dress Shop ", Spring Frocks I .. Frocks that tell of a new season—in a new way. A j, timely offering just when you want smart , new things. Ll 15 1 / Im/Mk \ It is Springtime in our Inexpensive ‘M miS* f»Vy Dress Department, and every woman m »VX. w ill want at least one of these new r C TOt f/BjnSfijjff- nHBti frocks that are so typical of tlie qual m WWHmmfJl \\ ity usually found in higher priced ■9 #rtkl\ I frocks, Fashions just introduced by 5 EH jU j Paris are so minutely copied that they Ml \B^J%§S» Bl B mjflKy almost scent to he original. The val- j |l A Fashion Show in Itself )( \V —is this stunning collection. Flut taring jabots, clever drapes, netv | i lFv scarf collars, uneven hemlines, bow, \< • j I pi|| buckles and other interesting sea / I ■imP Ink tares. Developed in Satin, (ieor- I li tWjßi gette, Tweeds, Flat Crepes, Taf • \ i{ / « TOIbBIw^‘ tßtti fetas and Jerseys. Frocks for I imlHflflaiuP u Dance, Day and Sports IF ear. ; fja AW Greens, Reds, Tans and BfjlP s Hr owns along with the ever-present II I\avy and Hlack ore popular for j s || j clearance ■ I J I hi* price on mucli I j l)re*»e* rvproienli B M B ,|. f / / i lie Inii word in tj/ B m ,|{ lli I)n »w* llittl arc popohu riltlil now. Stylo* I II \ \ iliut mo licinjt worn Ity woll-diomiod womon who I j I Vk \ |hi it! much hi|(hor price* lor ihoui. look for *K rk II *uporh iputlily and wnrkinuu*ltip novor found in I *t— K »j(- ** • ~ CONVICT'S WIFE FOUND STRANGLED TO DEATH Companion Held by Police After Woman Is Murdered in Detroit. By tho Associated Press. DETROIT, January s.—The body of Mrs. Ethel Porter, 33, said to have been the wife of a West Virginia Penitentiahy convict, was found early today in her room in Highland Park. Police said she had been strangled. Charles Gibson, alias Porter, who said he came here three weeks ago from Louisville, ivy., with Mrs. Por ter. is held by police for investigation. Gibson told police he found Airs. Porter slain when lie returned to their apartment early this morning. Police said they found $3,500 concealed in Gibson’s socks. He said tho money was owned jointly by him and Mrs. Porter and that lie carried it con cealed because he feared it might be stolen. Publisher Held on Postal Charge. XEW YORK, January 6 (4b.—Sam uel Roth, publisher of the Two Worlds Monthly and the Two Worlds Quarter ly, was arrested and held in $3,000 bond yesterday on charges of sending obscene matter through the mails. The charges were based on advertis ing circulars from tho "Kama Shastra Society," in the offices of which post office inspectors said they found Roth, under the alias of Roger Sinclair. r —Christmas Money >j $ —That You Invest in ||| jjf Henderson Furniture : —will pay dividends of com- ( fort, utility and satisfaction, for 5j m a lifetime. Impressive values in Suites and Odd Pieces for ( |j Jj every room. h i | James B. Henderson M Fine Furm'fure, Lacet, UphtJitery, Paperhanging, Painting W Births Reported. The following birth* have been reported to Mm Health Department In the last 24 hour*: Kraiii-t* X and Katbeen C Fuhrman, girl .lame* 1). and Alice P. Teague girl. Daniel A, and Mabel Hurd, girl. lloiimoii If. and Ida K. Goldman. girl. Aden 0. and Myrtle C: Dean, girl. Kupcrt W. and Loulso Lundgron, girl ’ Aiitone and Frances 1,. Bought, girl. Peter W. and Ague* C. Hlppchcn, boy Donald 11. and l’carl It Gfew, boy. Aubrey C and Christina Carter, boy. Joseph 11. and Bella llordas. boy. James I), and Ellen It. Rogers, boy, James J and Anna K, Cushman, boy. Archio K. and Mary C. Preston, boy. David ami Lillian Kichner. boy. Joseph M and Naomi K. Cohen, boy. Louis W. and Helen M. Prentiss, boy, Walter A. and Helen Wood. jr.. boy. William and Frances Stivers, boy. Phillip and Lena Shapiro, boy. Frank and Ruth K. Kidwelt. Kiri. Kllwood C and Mar.v I>. Dixon, girl Benjamin F. and Julia E. Noyes. Kiri. Lewis C. and Elizabeth Hedges, girl. Nicholas and Elsie F. Corvelll, girl. Fuller and Effle Sydnor, girl. On key V. and Mary A. Sligor. boy. Eugene W. and Ethel M. Mason, boy. Lester D. and I-elia Oates, girl. James C. and Annie E. Minor, boy. Clement L. and Sophie E. Greenhorn, boy George and Mena Gardner, girl. Elmer It. and Otealla L. Alexander, girl. James C. and Josephine Harris, girl. Richard L V. Alice Coates, girl. James and Katie MeCrae. girl. Henry and Resina Cole. girl. William J. and Lottie Thompson, boy. James and Oleotha Tyler, boy. Walter 1. and Hortense V. Daugherty, boy. . - ■• • ■■ Deaths Reported. The following deaths have been reported to the Health Department tn the last 24 hours: John Hall, 82. U. S. Soldiers’ Homo Hos I,l 'Michael H. McDonald. 03. 1031 K «t. Mario V. Alban. 52, George Washington Hospital. Ruth E. Kieffner. 24. 835 Klttenhouse st. Loulso %Booth. 5*5. Tuberculosis Hospital. Fannie I>ee, 4!>. Gallinger Hospital. Oyana C. Walker. 1 Va, 1623 N. J. ave. Infant of Benjamin and Irene Pratt. 2 days, Freedmen's Hospital. Ordered to Havana. MaJ. Jnmea C. It. Schwenck, U. B. Cavalry, has been relieved from duty with the 6th Cavalry Division with station at Kansas City, Mo., and or dered to Havana, Cuba, for duty as military attache at the U. S. Em bassy. Before proceeding to Havana ho will come to this city for tem porary duty in the office of the as sistant chief of staff, G-2, and prob ably will reach the Cuban capital he fore the assembling of the Pan- American Congress Inter in the month. in order to reduce our stocks ive are CLOSING OUT 9 Open Stock Dinner ware Patterns 'yPa K v** ' V- The Gothic: Rich Ivory Body, Octagonal Shapes, Hand-Painted Decorations Dinner Plates. Were $7.75 NOW $6.00 Tea Plates. W r ere $6.00 NOW $4.50 Bread and Butter Plates. W r ere $5.00 NOW r $3.00 Tea Cup and Saucer. Were $7.25 NOW $6.00 Covered Dish. Was $5.25 NOW $3.00 53-piece Dinner Set, was $33.00 XOW $22.50 The Autumn:- Rich Hand-Decorated Floral Sprays Under Glaze, Ivory Body Dinner Plates. Were $6.75.. NOW $5.00 Tea Plates. W’ere $5.50 NOW $4.00 Bread and Butter Plates. W’cre $4.50 NOW $3.50 Tea Cup and Saucer. Were $8 00... NOW $6.00 Covered Dish. Was $4.00 NOW $2.25 Pareek-Romeo: Blue Line Center, Cosmos Decoration on Ivory Ground Dinner Plates. Were $5.00 NOW $4.00 Tea Plates. Were $3.00 NOW $2.50 Bread and Butter Plates. Were SI.BO NOW $1.50 Covered Dish. Was $2.75 ....... NOW' $1.50 32-picce Dinner Set, was SS.SO .V Oil’ $4.00 100-piccc Dinner Set, avs $32.00 XOW $20.00 Pareek-Wildflower: Rich Ivory Body With Wreath of Wildflowcr and Center Basket Decoration Dinner Plates. Were $850.... NOW $6.50 Tea Plates. Were $6.00 NOW $4.50 Bread and Butter Plates. Were $4.00... NOW $3.00 Tea Cup and Saucer. Were SB.OO NOW $6.00 Covered Dish. Was $4.75 NOW $2.75 32-piece Dinner Set, was $13.00 .YOU* $7.50 100-piece Dinner Set, was $62.35 XOW $35.00 English Crown Ducal: Gold Lined and ; Sprays of Enameled Flowers; Unusual Shape Dinner Plates. Were $12.50 NOW SIO.OO Bread and Butter Plates. Were S6OO NOW $4.75 Tea Plates. Were $8 50 NOW $<,.75 Tea Cup and Saucer. Were $12.00.... NOW $9.50 Tea Pot. Was $4 75 NOW $2.50 Sugar. Was $2 75 .. NOW $1.50 Cream. Was $1.75 NOW .90 B, & Co., Limoges, France: Exquisite Pattern, Gold Edge and Handles, Band of Powdered Blue With Medallion of Basket and Flowers Dinner Plates. Were sl6 50... NOW" $13.00 'lea Plates. Were $12.50... .NOW SIO.OO Bread and Butter Plates. Were $9.50 ...NOW $7.50 Tea Cup ami Saucer. Were SIB.OO NOW $14.00 Chop Plates. Were $4 25 NOW jyl.oo Covered Dish. Was $8.50. ,NOW $4.25 100-piece Dinner Set. was SIOI.OO .YOU' $ } 52-piece Dinner Set, tow $53.50 XOW s4o.tkf English Crescent Ivory: Maytime Decoration, Embossed Raised Design in Colors Under Glaze Dinner Plates Were SIO.OO NOW’ ss.oo Tea Plates. Were $7.tW NOW’ $5.50 Bread and Butter Plates. Were $4.50 NOW $3.50 Tea Cup and Saucer. Were $9 00 NOW $7.00 Cream Soup Cups and Plates. Were SISOO NOW SIO.IXI 100-piece Dinner Set. m is $75.25 XOW $45.(h ) j 51-pieee Dinner Set. mw $33.00 .YOU’ >\Y 5i 1 32-piece Cottage Set. mw $15.00 .YOU' SIO.OO Adams English Titianware: Old Ivory Body, Decorated in Fruits Under Glaze Dinner Plates. Were $800... . NOW $<,.50 Tea Plates, Were $6.00 ~.. ... .. ..... ...NOW S4.SO Bread and Butter Plates Were S4OO NOW $3.25 Tea Cup and Saucer. Were SBOO ...NOW' $6.50 Meat Dish. 14 moh. Was $3 25 NOW $2.00 Open Vegetable Dish. Was $1.35 ..NOW SI.OO 97-piece Dinner Set, mw $59,95 XOW $35.0* 32-piece Cottage Set. mi s $13.00 .YOU' s9Ah' Meakins English, Argyle Pattern: Embossed Edge, Double Band of Laurel Leaves on Blue, Center Decorated With Urn of Flowers Dinner Plates Were $9 00. NOW $7.00 Tea Plates. Were S6OO ... . ...... ..NOW $4.75 Bread amt Buttei Plate> Wete s4lk> NOW $3,(10 Tea Cup and Saueei Weie $8 0> .. ..... ~..N0W s<v,so Covered Dish. Was $5 00 . ..NOW s*,so Butter Dish. Was $3 00 NOW $1,50 32 piece Cottage Set, mw sl3 00 .YOU’ Chas. Field Havlland: Rich Gold Handles, AH Pieces Decorated With Sprays of Flowers, and Basket of Flowers, With Embossed Basket Weave on Edge 35 piece Dinner Set, xahte, $25 00. Sl'l'Cl.ll, sl3 50 ,w; SECOND FLOOR—CHINA SECTION ] HOURS: 8 4S TO 5 30 PiIONK M \IN Dulin tfc Martin Co.; k si hi :v r u*u is u sm:i Seeks SIO,OOO Damages. Suit to recover 110,000 damages was filed In the District Supreme Court yesterday by Maurice Milstone, admin lstrator of Moses Mankier, against Eva D. Quinn, 2742 Fourteenth street, and Harry B. Hilton, 3223 Hiatt place. According to Attorneys Simon. Koe nigsber ger, Young & Brez, Moses Hackler died October 15 last as the result of injuries sustained the pre ceding day when struck by a falling limb cut by Hilton from a tree In front of the Quinn residence. X BE^ SURE you get or a blend or Tea Bag containing India Tea Ask for any of these brands ALMAR. ASCO. ASTOR. BANQUET. BUNGALOE. BUTLER'S ORANGE PEKOE. CONQUEST. GOLDEN WEDDING. GRANDMOTHERS. GRISDALE. HOUSE of COMMONS HOUSE OF LORDS. JEWEL] INDIA. killa]rney. LIGGETT’S OPEKO. UPTON’S. MARCELLA. MAXWELL HOUSE. MERCO MISSION GARDEN. MONARCH. NECTAR. PARKE'S GOLD CAMEL. REEVES BEST. RIDGWAYS. SALADA. SORMACO. S. S. P. S AHIB. SUNBEAM. TAO TETLEY’S. THE **4oo ” THOMAS J. WEBB. U PH AM’S. W ORTH MORE |jl India Tea stimulate* - the system as no other drink can. |!j India Tea is equally delicious either hot or iced. 4T I hot* uho knou and appr+cia t* food tea ulu'OM prtfwr IS PI A ffd > ) ,'ijU Tim ■ > 19