Newspaper Page Text
20 PREACHERS STUDY .TECHNIQUE OF WORK leading Speakers of Episco pal Church Meet in Ca thedral Library. The technique of preaching—where to preach, what to preach and how to preach it—is l>eing studied by leading preachers of the country at Washing ton Cathedral this week. Under the •usfpiees of the College of Preachers, these men today took up ways and means of increasing the effectiveness of noonday preaching as a method of advancing the interest of religion throughout the country. The conclusions of the gathering trill be made available to clergymen all over the country, so that they may have an opportunity to improve their work. The week's conference is con cerned with the study of preaching in theaters, downtown churches and other locations where people can con veniently gather at the lunch hour. Later meettngs will take up other technical phases of preaching. The purpose and objective of noon day services, methods and technique and the material most adaptable for use in short sermons, are under con sideration. The discussions are being held in the memorial wing of the Cathedral library. Rt. Rev. James E. Freeman. Bishop of Washington, is presiding. He is assisted by Rt. Rev. Granville Gay lord Bennett, Bishop of Duluth. Among the clergymen in attendance and invited to participate are: Rt Rev. Charles Fiske, Bishop of Central New Tork; Rev. George P. Atwater, Grace Church, Brooklyn. N. Y.; Rev, Hugh Birckhead. Emmanuel Church, Balti more. Md.: Very Rev. Robert Scott Chalmers, dean of St. Matthew's Cathedral. Dallas, Tex.: Rev. Frederic S. Fleming, St. Stephen's Church. Providence, R. I.; Rev. Stephen E. Keeler, St. Paul's Church. Akron, Ohio: Rev. Z. B. T. Phillips, Church of the Epiphany, Washington; Rev. Belvo Z. Stambaugh. Church of Our Savior, Akron, Ohio; Rev, Edwin J. Van Etten. Calvary Church. Pittsburgh. Pa.; Rev. Granville Williams, St. Paul’s Church. Brooklyn, N. I*., and the Rt. Rev, Philip M. Rhinelander. Iformer Bishop of Pennsylvania and warden to the College of Preachers. ALUMNI OF W. AND M. PLAN BUFFET SUPPER College President to Be Guest of Honor at Club Affair Tomorrow. Dr. J. A. C. Chandler, president of William and Mary College, is to be the guest of honor at a buffet •upper at the University Club to morrow night, arranged by Rear Admiral Cary T. Grayson, president of tfce Washington chapter of the alumni. Ninety-seven members of the alumni have been invited. Prominent alumni invited guests in dude Dr. W. T. Hodges, alumni sec retary of the college, who is to be a guest of honor; John W. H. Crim. former Assistant Attorney General; Representatives R. Walton Moore and 8. Otie Bland of Virginia; William Patton Kent, United States Foreign Service, retired, and W. L. Taliaferro. The last two named were graduated In the class of 1876. Russians Deny Ship Sinking. MOSCOW, January 5 (4*>.—The So viet Commercial Fleet Co. yesterday denied reports from Bucharest and Berlin of the sinking of the Russian •learner Ogoja in the Black Sea with the lose of 200 live*. U) ft W/ Semi-Annual V Clearance l J f\\CS CONNECTICUT AVENUE Sale Still Greater Reductions l All Winter Hats Now $5, $7.50, $lO and sls f Original Value* sls to $45 All Christmas Novelties 20% Off. mjatsjmmmtmjmmmmammmmmmmmmmmtmammmmr m «m Continuing JB&Fffl Our Semi-Annual Sale of | Barrtetttgu, Shoes In 2 Special Groups •I" 5 an 4 S lO S 5 Our enure «uxk of (hoe* included at the*? price*—*lw» many *tylt» added to the \7.KX group. 0**1227 F St. 1 N.W. "Shorn - For- Every - ihunion** Abe Martin Says: “I don't know how Latrn American fed about it. but I don't like C have folks drop in on me, 'specially if I’m fightin’,’’ said Mrs. Ike Lark, when she read Lindy’s program. Who recalls th' good ole days when ther wuz a long closed season fer carrots. (Copyright, 1928 1 SCHOOL TRIAL PUSHED AS M’ANDREW QUITS Chicago Superintendent. Accused of Favoring British. May Sue for $5,000 Back Pay. By the Aa*o,iated Press. CHICAGO, January s.—William Mc- Andrew will finish his superintendency of Chicago schools next Monday, when his contract expires, but his trial on charges of being pro-British and in subordinate will go on. An effort to brifig the long school board trial to a showdown was balked yesterday when a motion calling for an immediate vote on McAndrew’s dis missal was ruled out by J. Lewis Coath, president, who said Mr. Mc- Andrew’s side had not yet been heard. It was indicated that the issue will he pressed, with the possibility that Me Andrew may go into court later to collect salary withheld during the trial. There is $5,000 due him on his contract. Allen B. Pond, vice president of the English-Speaking Union, and Mrs. John D. McCune, also a member of the union, were asked to testifj. but neither appeared. Pond announced that he refused to “dignify the farclal school board with his presence.” Other witnesses, among them sev eral principals, continued the attacks on McAndrew's methods. - " • —— People who lived in Switzerland in the Stone Age before the use of metals was discovered knew how to decorate cloth with embroidery. GOODHART’S STATIONERY OF DISTINCTION A bos of personal stationer* nun s moat acceptable rift From SI.OO to $2.75 por Box Inoludin* name and address or mono rram on paper and envelopes. Ws soy voitaos on out-of-town orders 82S 11th St. N.W. Main 8172 TTTE 'FITKNTyrfi STAB. WASTTTNOTOX, n. C, THTTRSTIAY. -TANTTABT .V 1028. .tf* Choice-of-the-Market Sales hdflk*’ —and FRIDAY! vSgr A JLj And Now! —a January combination sure to create enthusiasm at Jelleff’s! Because it is FRIDAY we have taken sharp reductions on seasonable, desirable merchandise—and be- * Ijiy cause “CHOICE-OF-THE-MARKET SALES” are in progress we offer hundreds of new spe- * VjL cial purchases. " New merchandise in profuse assortments marked way down because of manufacturers’ dis- % ______ counts —and ends of lines at truly amazing reductions. Thus the first Friday of _ toTc the New Year sets a fast pace for real value saving. It will be to your advan- / '“7o*d o m?*®r«‘ to sl7h tage stuc jy we || this page! The Savings are important—the opportunities nwiy $25 to mso no. Fur Coats Coau for *125 j'Women’s Coats—Four Sale Groups the Lar s er Mill further reductions m * ¥T|7 t this wonderful Friday group f Most Unusual Opportunity to Select a Smart Jclleff Quality Coat at Substantial Savings WOlTldl* —all of Jclleff quality furs — 12—larger women’B »12S to si» beautifully matched and per- I—women’s $55 tan craighleigh ] 2—women’s $75 dress coats—Tan coats—Maims. broadcloth or - , 1 oprißTti rr»AT Ad ' end brown with matching wolf shawl Kashmir twill with luxurious col fectlv made. spohts loat-s.z* , collar. and cuff , ■ $45 , arß and cuff , of fOJt , , k unk or 1—5225 brown kid caracul—fox i 2—WOMEN’S $49.50 FUR-COLLARED I I—WOMAN’S $69.50 DRESB COAT— Bi>ck * ” ew ta " and collar—sl2s. TRAVEL COATS—Tan and ruat. Bi«aa | Blua venisa with pointed wolf animal S '* ea 4Z /* t 0 W/2 185 4—5225 and $250 sealinca, attrac- 34 and 40 sls i acarf collar and cuffs .$45 a area wnuPN t *llO ♦« nips, five trimming, of l.op.rd, ..If 1 —,170 .00 BROWN VELVETEEN _ DRESS CO ATS--Bra,dc loth N,n ,nd brown to. -*125. 5 WOMENS $39.80 IMPORTED MIX- .A 3 *' osP* Z..h! or fibril 1—5225 American opouum self TURES TOPCOATS—SmartIy tailored | \ | 1 “ W ui S ! 115 *?J TA CLOTH COAT : ! Straightline with diagonal tuck-' trimmed—sl2s. with self material collars. Tan, brown I W I 11 With blonde wolf tuxedo to the hem ■ mg* and shawl or muihroom col -I—B«,r,r«tte—l.op.rd trim - ,nd gr.,. Si... 34 .„d 40 *ls | * V 1-WOMAN S»98.!o MALINA ' 1- S,nirr.l.„._.lf trimmed 2-WOMEN'S 135 WOOLTEX TOP- I Sitar’inli Si«. 4Z/, L W/. *» —sl2s. COATS—Brown mixture*. 8i*e«34.516 I 3—WOMEN’S $79.50 FUR-TRIMMED . w 2 $250 Krimmar—*elf trimmed— -t LITTLE WOMAN’S exq *n dress COATS—BIue and tan broadcloth with H 25 I—LITTLE WOMANS $69.50 DREBS wolf co || ar and border and pointex 2—5275' Pony—with raccoon collar. COAT-Black Estrella with pointed j wolf tuxedo collar. Size* 36 & 38.. .$45 J —sl2s. wolf co,,ar - S,xa 15 -a 15 3—WOMEN'S $125 FUR - TRIMMED _ Fur Salon—Fourth Floor COATS —Red and grey with fox or I n f M equirrel ahawl collar* and cuffs. Sizes 1-/lOSSOS FOl Fnr the* NFW YFAR Fridnxjt Ruat color auad « cloth with badg*r 4—WOMEN'S $98.50 SHAWL COLLAR- -1 f rorine lytLW irnaay. lhawl C oii.r. s.z. 34 $25 ed COATS-T.n md grey with fox or the Laraer a skunk want-deep shawl collars and I Cvl SnAfteiirADl*! 2—LITTLE WOMEN’S $79.50 BLACK cuffs. Sizes 38 and 40 $65 ___ a COATS —Broadtail cloth with skunk atc rr OADTAIL Ats| a.,. m T * i , . ■ __j ..j CLOTH COATS — With rich skunk and WW Oltlvll, sls Velveteen Jackets and c ° d euff, ‘ s,z,# | iyn* ahawi collar* and cuff*, size* 34 Blouses 19 * 128 « WOMEN’S" SB9 50 BLACK* ’ BRO/UQ S “ '6—LARGER WOMEN’S to - , . . . . 2—WOMEN’S $6960 FUR-TRIMMED CLOTH COATS—With cross Smart models for sports and dress SPORTS COATS—Red and black plaid ™ room collar S .„^34^ \ W* J afternoon and tailored models in wear. Cardigan and slipover style. with black fox collar. Siza 38... $25 W room collar and cuffs. Sizes 34 and satin, georgette or flat crepe, with converge and notched collars. /a* ■ 15—WOMEN’S * $79 W)‘ DRESS "coatl Tiara, tunics, flares and jabots. Plain, striped and .plaid effects—all in 1-WOMAN’S $55 SPORTS COAT—Red j Black orta n wit hiblack shawlooT Some ir » combination with valvet good color,. 110. .»d t.o mi.tor. with rod so. ooll.r I S... ««« 0.m.t., T.h. Oort. rod. t*: ei oc S,M 36 I I—little woman’s sfio shawl ?J. d b ! u %J? r# * n and black - s, f*? sweaters .po.yb WOMAN’S SPORTS COAT— COLLARED COAT—Tan Norma cloth 1 0 2 $8.50 Sweaters $5 Blue and grey mixture with civet cat " ith " olf ahawl coll * r ■ nd cuffs, i 7—LARGER WOMEN'S $35 to $3960 —A wonderful assortment of good co "* r ' 8,,a34 2 LITTLE * WOMEN'S $79.50 COATS— altin aelreiitte^nd looking slipon models, lomi of pure 3—WOMEN’S $45 TOPCOATS—Tan Lus- Tan and black broadcloth or suede fl at CP#D . fop .fiAnoon wea zephyr wool, othera of fine jersey. tpah and , an and brown mixture*. fabric with pointed wolf or kit fox Ro „ na b | ua brown taupe and - w~~r. c~, u»r-n*e ri~ t.„.r tv.rn.n-. F,~k Sk.p-S.'..j Sportswear Shop—Fourth Floor - --7 ■ 7-:.:-- ■ Floor r 1 For the NEW YEAR Friday! | 1 For the NEW YEAR Friday! ... , p | ■ For the NEW YEAR Friday! Misses’ Frocks 1 Womens Frocks. Misses’ Coats * * UCIVO • 10-WOMEN’S $16.50 TAILORED FROCKS —Crepe 5- $19.50 to $25 FROCKS-One and two piece style, in wool iVA&u" L^Ji ß^- 50 t 0 $69 ?* E 25 COATS-Bro.dcloth and sued. fiannnaHa aj.a. j ail tmar *iu * nc * ••• •* •••••••• * *** **. • finished fabric*, in smart straiflhtline models, with mufEtr or shawt r.H And he o! velvet trimmed. Black, green, red and beige $7.90 very amart styles, in wool georgette, wool crepe, . MISSEV SfitU DRFtt rniTt-tn*. uith Milan P > r > 12-MISSES’ $1960 to $2960 FROCKS-Afternoon models in flat crepe, aatin and flat crepe-al.o aome velvet combinations. 5 J*ul other. wXh D jTo Tox of Br^ldcloth georgette and velvet and. some tailored frock, in wool or o n. and two piece models, in black, cocoa and navy h InA r, P «n P f ° Broadcloth kasha. Pleated and ahirred skirts and rhinestone pins. Choice of blue *’o _ *"»• “* dllaek * *" d ®? al '' *'' * black, red, beige, navy blue and green $lO 20—WOMEN’S $25 TO $29.50 FROCKS —All in good -G—MISSES $79.50 to 559.50 DRESS COATS—One-of-a-kmd models. 8— MISSES’ $25 to $2960 FROCKS—Printed velvet, georgette and etyl# treatments and beautiful materials. Choice m desirable coatings, with shawl or muffler collars and deep fur satin combinations, flat creps. wool crepe and Fantomeen. One of satin, flat and velvet combinations, .n one -nd 0 Cho and two pises styles with flared or pleated skirts—some with stun- and two type, pleated, fagotted. tucked and *■[»*JV nd , b °^ d * *' 9. h . ' * ' ® *l"’ 9 * * 1 6 s49 * s ° ning tunic Black, navy blua, graan, rad and c0c0a.... .$12*50 flarad. Rad, graan, Marina blua, navy blua and 6-—’MISSES $89.50 to sllO SPORTS COATS—Rich plaids and t\*aads. MISSES’ 129.50 «. ,39.80 FROCKS-F,.,W..1 !.«».,, TO WFiO AFTERNOON FROCKS SSS "JSS, •v’n’l'a »'r"“. y gracefully’ fllr,d*'ni,7k.’gr..n'°ru.:,. and orchid. ,15 --S.HH. cr.p. Bern., 12— MISSES' ,29.50 FROCKS-D.yf.u,. frock, of ...In,, F.c IZW lld. °n..y blu.. Vn? F^'.'h''^.".“d • < , h ,*7;,t r r.T‘ , .T"rr C . o ,"* r *' S °'” W ' ,h b ‘ >r ‘“ r ‘ & tomeen and flat crepe frocks. Some velvet trimmed, others tai- green $19.50 . ».iccect •, mc-ri m PT ,uc ' '' lored with white collars and cuffs. For evening wear quite a choice 20—WOMEN'S $39.50 FROCKS—Quite a variety, in- 0 MISSfcS 5125 DISTINCTIVE DRESS COATS Na na. Broadc ot K of aatm and metal cloth frocks $18.75 eluding tweeds, velvete, flat crepes, satins and vel- or ta 7 A J ri A Cb * b o'? ar * a " d d **° cuffs o f skunx. bad 20—MISSES’ $2960 to $49.50 FROCKS—Smart tweeds, stunning vsl- v*t combinations. On# and two p<*c* models, some « #r ’ tch and b ack <o *- B ack, new tan. brown and green. $796c vat and metal cloth combinations, transparent velvet, satin and flat tailored—other# softly informal. Black, navy blue. Misses' Coot Shop Third Floor crape. Tailored and more informal models featuring good looking French blue, brown and rad. flares, pleats, fagotting and lac* trimming. Some charming velvet 18—WOMEN'S $49.50 AFTERNOON AND EVENING bodice-top frock* with tulle skirt* for evening. Colors include FROCKS—As distinctive as can be—lovely sheer ' black, brown, grssn and roe# $23.75 ersp# Romas, lustroufc satins, fin* velvets and stun- ; 14—MISSES' $45 and $49.50 FROCKS—Choice of recent arrivals in ."lUr'wo?ncfud°ed*'in A the* W a rou*o ' *'Chofce^of transparent, velvet and metal cloth combinations, satin, georgette . . . n *w hlu* and French blue for dav- O 1 C. HP *1 ■ • f ■nd chiffon. M..U,, on.-.f-.-kind .t,U. ,«• f.m. w«r* i"d biuS “i X .hd'"... t .v.r,”g balC Os 1 OlletflCS . wear. Choica of black, brown, red, fleeh color and black and wear. Sixea 36 to 42 $35 m va avw • white * • $28.76 ” wmr - 13- $49.50 to $59.50 FROCKS-Good looking model, of heavy Women a Froc* Shop-Sscond Floor $2 50 Bourjo.a Elizabeth, velvet trimmed, georgette stitched in metal thread, xtv Sm Tern Combination ?box cow ,n * * >o * ) Stunningly draped transparent velvete. all-over metal cloths, chiffons & s ‘d.r T ar,d bak.lTt. powder ,arV $1 *t Denny’s Milk Bath ?S< studded with rhinestones for evening wear. Black, brown, blue, green and flesh $33.76’ Frock Shop—Third Floor 0316! lTcUluDclgS . [___ «*• iiie.l7 p 1 $3 Leather Handbag—sl , Ilininrft V—... r* rOCKS They ar* just Slightly marred from handling, but $1.55 Chiffon Silk 75c and $1.65 $1.50 Sports v UUIUI O Year* m a VvlmO it's scarcely perceptible In most cases—and you have 0 q. • • q. » • 6 JUNIORS' $16.50 to $25 FROCKS-Tailorad and afternoon styles. '” th#r ' StOCkingS—sl.3s sport» stocking* Mocking* in georatttx and valvtt combinations—and a few two-piact froeka 9 ® ® • • * Soma with stlk aar- 50c Si 35 Pf with vtMvat Jackata and flannal akirta. Navy blue, black and red. $5 and $6.50 Handbag! $3.95 te? heme—othera with Sizes 13, 15, 17 * Just on* or two of each kind, but so many smart cotton tops. Choice ot L>sl* and rayon mix- Wool and cotton mix 4—JUNIORS' $25 to $2960 FROCKS—Choica of flannel, canton crepe, types. Leathers and valvata in top-atrap and back- grain, gun metal, evon jure# in a wide choice Utr*, in softly pat velvet trimmed and wool crape. Each frock an exceptional strap pouch bag*. Brown, tan, blue, green and black. glow, moonlight, men- of charming patterns t#rn#d check design*. V,lu * $7.50 to $8.50 Handbags $5 pot i n * aVl°*sii#« # s{*.» and colors, but not all Tans and grey*. Not all Junior Frock Shop—Third Floor Wonderfully smart antelope susde end velvets— pair. sues. sues. tailored back-strap and underarm stylos. All con ■■■■■— —— - " vonisntly fitted. Black, rsd, brown, tan and gr#y— $5. n n ■■■■■■■ ■ m —————w—— $1 and $1.25 Lovely ,$3 and $4 Silk Scarf. s*.r~s„.., n~ V-\A~„ inthe Down,lair. Fabric Glove* 75c , JV?? mui-bu, ... " . rTlday Shoe Shop Tailored alip-ons of a surprisingly stunning. Extra heavy quality erspe 11 1 f light-weight and double-woven fabric, <U chine or radium silk blocked in I l(XllClftV0F0O101 •> A C„ A .’ I or novelty cuff styles with the cuffs colorful modsrnistio patterns. Soft. WOnCiffrilJl opCCISI I UTCIIHSC Ol turned back and embroidered in con- richly blsndsd beige and tan tonasi an J ORc Women** Handkerchief • ______ .. _ _ __ _ trasting color*. Tan, mods, sand, grey bluaa, graans, rose, red, grey, black , ° IVII7\X7 H and whita—all Sizes in the lot—7sc. and whita. 15c Each; 2 for 25c 11l r.W jOFOSIS 1 UIIIDS Plain whita Hnan with •* and 1-16 inch hams Underwear Reduced! All-linsn initialed, with woven cord bordara and I S $3 Silk Underwear—sl.9s $5.50 Glove Silk ;;. n ii. r bii ,#d 7sl flM * ° n,y A ‘ J * R * nd T » IIC7 cn ' *J Ar era A p. # ”: ,n chin. fl .up m * . W n r d U c P h:. , Bloomers— 50c Women’, and Men’s Handkerchief. Regularly $7.50 pan miee#—cleverly tailored and laca Splendid heavy quality, full cut, 35c Each* *1 for $1 " sOT y'OUT CtlOtCC at ""Jr trimmed. Flaah color, peach, mla wall tailored, with extra-long rain vn » ° ror ▼* green and orchid. torearnant and triple stay at crotch. Choice of pure linens, white or white with colors. \,-w Spring >(vlri ami new Stun g m th.s gtc.u i. *7 OB CJII, C|:_. Peach white, nil. grssn and orchid. Ever so many lovely pattern.. guu.p uudr up durtng .* lull m the gtC4t Souvcu iavtorv—.and oi X? ?I , Sf i S.aoo 8. «. 7. $3-60. f A || ft|> ton A Puff Cxi. QC.. lirrr at ihor vvoulmhik sjvmi;' U>r t!ul »c4mVV Youvft ?**»«'«. Sizsa 34 to 44 in hesa heavy Cn p| QIIL XF»OUcir AllCl vUlt ijClSt «OC mtc s»\lci— drcM\ uiUnod x?\!ca .uivl vr» } *,» v ' Width' crape da chin# alips, aoma trimmed JtD.tKI IjilOVC 2>llK 7 ...... with Valenciennes lares, others tai- a,. ~r> Plain tailored hnana in amart atylea fur tailored '' ' ' • lured with hemstitched hand top viiOWlH”“sJ.yu froeka—and ecru. Lac* seta for afternoon frocke. or, whit!, tan, black and navy blue damty dnnbll‘ °n!'Vuld'ar«!*nil^th! NCW Boudoir SlipUCfS 2Ulcl MlllCS $5 and $5.90 Silk PUSS S& Th * —pfa. of « unknown M ln a Great Sale Friday Undic* —53.95 i«. 17. $;196. mo#»M/ac#urpr with ihM* and vnd* of out *” (.rope tie china atap-ina and cha- __ C| «... OM»n itock brings this beautiful thtfc s “' 4t puivtuacd I.m the New \ v\*. > >*'.c RlnnmJr. 1 Ck>tK Mulaa-U^ with lace# and fine net. Flosh col- OlOOmorS - $ I .OO hcttclunade, Ami -i vhonc ol V' > or, peach, nil. green and orchid. A favorite with miaaas —heavy ww J f OttUif hlettdiugi. Broken alzae. glove allk, full cut and aplandidly . .. .. > a u > «• ac aiA «.„ #4| , ~ M oe reinforced. Flesh color only. Size* ,S/*ct ki//v nA l.itiupll $3.50 to $lO W omen a Sample Mule* $lO Silk Undid! —56.85 I 6, ft, 7. sl6». /4»fifr»’J S| .00 ImiMits as wvll U1 dwmoth t>»*c* m thw gvxwn\ amt Vour choica of heavenly gowns. /■/ I 4 wide chyme ot e\yvt»*ite v'y'K'tuig* smAH nuttetuK pajamas, dance eat* (bandaaua and J.J Vftllitv Silk /'MiltIV A , , , r . .. step in.) and «hernia**. Bom. tn Bloomer, ( Stan-in* Ordinarily Sold at $2 to $ 2.50 i.roM|» HI 800 I pus Slipper*—KeguUrlv $2 to $3.50 $1.45 iuatrou# crap# aatm, aoma in heavy mourners, x nentlses, 3iep dlt itvlc* m xid.oiuhd ynuhts thHtikur radium ailk and crap# da china, - $2 50 Smart, new jewelry vuiturs to wr«i with »m*tl end .mite ■* ghvwe ot gysnt Vcdy'tc- Sue* 3 to Jt aoma cleverly tailored, com* dam- , iaMiuie ami evening roctUlHev -4U altou* tlmi (,» »mat tily lac. trimmed. Fleeh color, or- . A ••*"* wiirth-whllo oavlnge on t| t oHecliu,,. oh,d ~..h .nd nil. Xroh.n hi) Inch lie.ll* t 0,,.. , l.i .W.-h-d . ..V, *5 .nd *5.90 Rayon KStiJIS P«il* cU.r. Factory Purchaa*. Sale of to jq Naxlizac. $3 gjSeSUJT Soro.i. $lO to Sls footwear ..H, ly Th~ ad, etriped and checked in etunning $1.85 Novelty n(WllllCt**~B«rring« <«ntl htOOilteal r.*y!n rn LJ n pen * w'ool * r Olid* eua. * *«/"•*«*» the bloom.. . ‘ArtIH.UI f * r^a **—***• IWaffeo. Jiteie only. titer Shups Second Fleet Jewelry Shop Street Hoes ... 0 - w - r_l