SALK—AIJTO.MOHII.ES. * BUICK used cars. '27 Buick Standard Coun try Club Coupe... .St.CX '23 Buick 6 Roadster 3; '23 Buick 6 4-pass. Coupe 3> ’23 Buick 7-pass. Sedan.. 3: '23 Buick 4-cyl. Touring. 2i '23 Buick 6-cvl. Touring. 2‘. '24 Buick Master Sedan.. 6: '24 Ruick Master Tour... 4: , *’4 Buick 4-pass. Coupe.. 61 *24 Buick 7-pass. Sedan.. 6. ! '24 Buick Master Rdstr.. 4f *25 Buick 4-pass. Coupe.. 7: ’25 Buick 7-pass. Tour... 51 '25 Buick 5-pas. Std. Sdn. 6: '26 Buick 5-pas. Mas Sdn. 1.0 '26 Buick 7-pas. Mas. Sdn. 1.2? '26 Buick Std. 6 Cp., 4-pas. 8C '26 Buick Std. 2-dr. Sdn.. 80 '27 Ruick Master Sedan.. 1.30 ’2o Stude. Special Sedan. 35 '23 Stude. Big 6 Speedster, 40 '25 Stude. Std. Coach 60 '25 Stude. Spec. Duplex.. 50 '26 Nash Adv\ 6 Coach... 80 ’24 Nash 6 Touring 40 '23 Dodge Touring 15' '24 Dodge Sedan 40 '25 Dodge Touring 40 *24 Dodge Coupe 30i '25 Dodge Coupe 50 '25 Chevrolet Touring.... 17: '26 Hudson Coach 60 '26 Cleveland Sedan 50 ST AXr. E V 11. HO RXF. R. 1N C 1015-1111 14th St. X W. Main 5800. iTUFmoriTd For a really coot buy in n iirnl oar then J* no lietter place Jo to than Molt Motor. In Used Car Department Here you wii find a r niai Kably fine selection at the mos reasonable onoes: $ S VALVES $ S ’2O Hupp s Sedan SB2? '-4 Hupp 4 Touring 2Ut ’23 Hupn 4 Touring In' '2b Chevrolet Coupe 35f ’fit Ohrrrolet Landau-Sedan 40t *25 Reo I>e Luxe Sedan 08? *25 Jewett ft Sedan 00? *2B .Vw'tt New Day 8 Sedan SOf *22 Stud-baker *t Sedan lit? *25 Ford l\>-va!ve Roadster SR Also , • Hupp Sedan*. Cout>e*. Touring*. See Them. MOTT MOTORS, INC., 1507 14th St. N.W. Used Car Department Phone Frank 4277-42 IS. NOTICE THESE SPECIALS Daniel* 8 Tourinir. for unpaid note* . . $37? Oakland Sedan ate model ... 20' Bmek 4-pas* Coupe, '24 4-wh brake* 301 Buiek Touring. 1921 lfw Dvjre Coupe late model. 4 pas*. ...... 32? Buick Touring. 2-1 like new 2d' Cleveland Coach, late model 15t Dodge Sedan .... 7.* Stutz Touring lot; Buiek Roadster 23 ITS Ford Racer, new tires 65 D>lre Delivery j»t Old* 4 Touring 73 Old* 4 Sedan 175 Studebaker Special 6. '23 15ti Dodre Tourinr lie Hudson Coach.. loti Cadillac Phaeton ... 175 Chevrolet Coup-, late model .'too Buick 4-pas* Sport Touting ’25. new tine* runs and inoka like new . ... 575 Buiek 5-oaa*. Touring 24 325 Ford Truck. ’2B. with dump txxly 150 tVe*ieo't Snort Touring rood condition. 150 Many other*. Term* or trade arranged ROBERT HERSONS AUTO EXCHANGE 1 100 Fla /.ye, N.E. North 10408, 8» DON’T GUESS. . These are real bargains and priced to sell quickly. 1928 Buick Brougllim-Sedan. 1926 Packard “6” Sedan. 3924 Buick “6” Sedan. 1925 Chandler Coach. 1926 Chandler Sedan. 1925 Olds Coach. 1924 Dodge Coupe. 3925 Jewett Coach, model 6-50. 1924 Hudson Sedan. 1926 Buick Master Sedan. 1926 Oakland Sport Roadster. 1926 Chevrolet Sedan. 1926 Chrysler Coach. 3923 Tordah Coach. 1927 Reo Flying Cloud Brom. 1927 Wolverine "Reo" Brom. • , 1927 Reo Flying Cloud Sedan. 3925-26 Reo Sedan and Coupes VERT CONVENIENT TERMS THE TREW MOTOR CO., 1526-28 14th St. Decatur 1910. Open Evenings Sond»r» Until 5P M. OWENS. Honest Cars at Honest Prices. Buy Here and Save at Least $25. 1927 Chevrolet cabriolet.. .$425 1927 Chevrolet coach 575 3926 Chevrolet coach 375 3926 Chev, landau-sedan... 450 3925 Chevrolet coupe 300 3925 Chevrolet coach 275 1925 Chevrolet touring.... 175 1924 Chevrolet touring.... 50 J 923 Chevrolet «cdan 75 1926 Essex coach 290 4924 Essex coach 250 1924 Overland touring 60 , 1926 l ord roadster 175 Easy Terms. 3 . OWENS MOTOR CO, 6323 Georgia Ave. Phone Georgia 100. Direct Factory Dealers for Chevrolet. ~~ ~ HUDSON—ESSJTXC Practically new cars at Win ter prices. You can save 10% to 30% by purchasing now. F>-KX “>» COACH )TT*t nred three *>»>•* mill iu'ikmi in im tlt 1 >ioUt a* H'ii r mI»»» mII mi O'" sba'ic . 1)26 »>-i y. •;? sedan hi fi/ti/miPl»o*t l-.e 1 U'tnt iiin til* tin- mio.pPloilaoo* J; DON SpOfeT BROUGHAM hiU: ItnArl /•any Hm-tai feature* hardly WiM ill ill'll l4tljT * I'M 1111 It All t thr Btturti*** *«■ -ii, *#.. iliill it, ,Ui I,* .i* i,tit i ii*ufi him** mmi44l ft,ul Will »' VI- Id Mi, y Ihnutoli‘l liiiit* Ilf 4f 40* P'/lUliOl, ; Hilly OTH kTTm AK IS. .-*1 */ja*h i,y«n,M>d*4 m,‘l * i.i ninMl V iit*• 4"&’ CHEVROLET “if, SEDAN tin* . *r La* Mia iLH4*LO HI trhM Hill Min) l» m ruitllat,i • igk'ill 'll. tv> EM) *14,91. CO) HE lU‘ ‘i \ p*,» « H*i*i*i lii iyh •Ml 'll I MJ’I 111-11 l mlimiii it »”*' pAilit 01 Vi* It •'»« U|,|« a ,un* 111 *• * * Ptiti*l 111 • .ml* 'JAI h*'ih*,y, "ii a sEpAh <,ii*i«,*i liiiiAii iil" 1.l v yallt liil < ijliilil i.u liii 11111 l , fully couipiAm nmly for lL« i Reputattoti Youi Guaranty Lambert Hudson t o„ 17li L St. N.W, AUTOMOBILES, ETC.’ __ MUTT AND JEFF —Even Then the Stickpin Will Be Nothing to Write Home About. By BUD FISHER f FF* NOW THAT Tt>vj \ SCNTtMeNTj / f|fjg!9 SCHutTZ ai'auPN " /i»gDTAiui VE 2j‘/wip|A / f 11A HP Ig V ' ? (miss XCHOLT2 H*uc J/«» \ I THAT ooft 1 C h.uT CERTAINLY NOT*; • \|| / THAT IS IF \ , £ 00 / Vooft oSv CoSTTHIftTV Bucks Its SHrtTTGRCb 'TOO / o eT ußwl X'M SAVING ALt SIAALt g / 1 CAM (FIA»!> 6 Pjece } >0 MUST r/l'uciu t KN4UI XHe'tt SUMT / W WONT ANY OSft / BeTuRN FROM €M6A«CM€NtI ( JAb€ SHAWL/ « T6 MC- W.THOur-W /IT AT t=ot% NV V * T * J RINGS ANb \WttCW t Gftt 1 k CMOOGH^^/ -n right Jamv Ring So \cnomgh of tHcm *'m gonwaJ : >0 I HGLLOI I UMtH to | Vt)VJ‘U. RCTVJttMjT! 7 ser 00 / J cowvtßSc norm 7 r WCW? - around a Piece oB JAMj §. /4/ 1 /TJ^\ OT | Hi~.l WW.T.!y- |ll ® ' - 1 ' ’—~ i.i. I. .Mu. ° - v SAI.K—AITUMORII.ES. X) = if) S-T-U-D-E-B-A-K-E-R J: USED CAR DEPT. 0 SEE THESE OUTSTANDING O' VALUES BEFORE BUYING. 5 Monthly Payments If Desired. Stude. “Dictator" dem $1,195 * 1922 I.incoln phaeton.... 795 1924 Sport Jordan tour... 400 1926 Chrysler "70" coach. 1926 Hudson brougham.. 850 . 1926 Stude. stand. 6 coach 750 | 1926 Peerless 6-80 sedan. 945 •e) 1926 Nash adv. 6 sedan. ,; 995 n 1925 Reo sedan 845 j 1925 Stude. stan. 6 pliae.. 495 ,1925 Jewett 6 sedan 695 : 1925 Paige brougham.... 695 R 1926 Nash coach 850 ;; j 1925 Stude. stand. 6 coach 535 •'{! 1926 Stude. stand. 6 sedan 795 £ 1925 Buick master coach. 695 0 1925 Stude. big 6 phaeton 745 1926 Essex coach 375 Packard touring, single 6. 450 1925 Hudson coach 550 1923 Maxwell sport 250 1923 Olds sport tour 225 ■j 1922 Studebaker touring. 125 5 Ford coupe 50 <’• CERTIFIKD CARS HACKED BV STUDE |J BAKER NATIONALLY ADVG. PLEDGE IOSF.PH Me REYNOLDS, STUDEBAKER BUILDING, g Cor. 14th and R N.W. 6 1707 14th st. N.W. 5 . WHITE FRONT LOT. 1700 14th N.W. [; Open Evenings and Sundays. !! „ OCR MODERN SERVICE STATION r, Rant** »ve. and Upshur «t.. op*>n daily and [» Sunday from 8 am. to 12 ora. I I LATE MODEL 8 BARGAINS. 28 Buick Coach (new)..51,298 27 Buick Coupe 950 '2B Stude. Commander... 1,050 I 27 Essex Coach 450 '2B Nash Cabriolet 1,150 35 Other Cars. SSO Casli And up. Sec our special display of used cars without delav. WALLACE, 1709 L St. M. 7612. NEW YEAR SALE. Clwvroift Coup* 13.000 mil**). s4f»6 tSCi, Ford Road«*r «25 11*20 Chevrolet Cout»f> 395 1928 Stud«bakev Big 8 Roadster , _ mimbk. wati 850 I.i2S Dodr* Bu*. Coup*, new lire*. . . 460 1«27 Essex Coach 4SO £ hry f 1 *' r 70 , s l ***!***- » • 960 }g2« Frank ;n beilan 1.8.60 11*2*1 Franklin Coupe J 860 Ohi Trob-t Cabriolet, rumble aeat. 626 1926 Packanl *1 Sedan 1 176 K ora Truck all new tire*.. 30(1 ; 1020 Lhe\ rul-t '"oach 37R jj* ; |s l 3'“* lr v,. * »6o Huop Touriiif. »fw tire*...... *j?s Chevrolet Touring 200 SOUTHERN MOTOR SALES, STERRETT & FLEMING. Inc. Whippet—Willys-Knight. usetTcar • DEPARTMENT. ALL GUARANTEED IN WRITING. ANNUAL CLEAN-UP. PRICES ARE LOW. TERMS EASY. 1 1922 Dodge Sedan .S2OO ; 1925 Essex Coach 295 I -1925 Dodge Roadster 295 1 1926 Nash Coach 850 1 1923 Buick Sedan 375 1 1926 Whippet Coach 495 1925 Jewett Brougham.... 495 1923 Olds Brougham 295 1924 Hupp Club Sedan.... 475 1925 Willys-Knight 66 Sdn. 995 1923 Willys-Knight Coupe. 275 1923 Hupp Sedan 275 1927 Whippet Roadster..., 645 STERRETT Inc, , ' Home of the “Gold Seal” Cars. 1711 14th St. N.W. Champlain StTaTkalorama Rd Col. 5050, J . CHRYSLER 5 USED CAR DEPARTMENT. 0 i, 1027 Chevrolet Coupe $195 ! 1926 Hudson Coach 550 1927 hs&ex Coach 425! i 1926 Ford Touring 145 1 I j 1924 Nash Touring.,,,,,, 165 i * , 1927 Chrytler 60 Rdstr..,, Ksbi i 1925 Wills St. Clair Rd... 795 ' 1924 Chrysler 70 8un.,., 6751 1928 Chrysler 52 Rdstr... 745 1926 Hupp 6 Sedan 750{ , 1926 Ford Coupe 2951 i 1927 Chrysler 50 Rdstr... 675 j 6 1924 Overland Sedan 1751 1927 Clnysicr 70 Rdstr. ~1,225 " AND OTHERS, h EA S V TERMS. ' IE B El ARY.Yk , 6 BROS . 1321 14th St. NAV. Phone N. fjK26. Opeti Evenitigs and Sunday*, ♦ THE EVENING STAB, WASHINGTON, D. C.. THTTBSDAT, JANUARY 5. 1028.' SAI.K—AUTUMOKII-KN. CARS RIGHT PRICES RIGHT. EVERY CUSTOMER SATISFIED. 1 Oakland Coavh $726 Oakland Stiian 175 ' Pontiac Cabriolet 760 Davi* Coupe 225 Lexington Coupe 250 Willys-Knight Tour 150 Studebaker Touring 150 Star Touring ]"• i’Hudson Coach I M Uft.ll* I.KT US HELP yo'i r FeiXyl*l to an* oundlUon ! mliTim kn j oKof"C'iMknuifTiON him I'l.'s f #fW « . * GltO. F, BfUJNK, ' Bui get stir to H M Mi uuk i 800 8 81 Nft I .in. *6*l | rnmmtimtmmmm a MOIIYIN I i IISINIII || 1 Gi»o»r7oi.m 6 windows: I soorbaro aspostrfe well Iqrnlvbsd fwfn I God nw tin it* i "Util* m ii tlned nieii , •*o*» #aem meal* optional Poiiousa 1 00, • t ROOMS—FURNISHED. (Continued.) i«§ T V X»V L ? r ** «iotibl« front room*. $1 $ s2<) and $(15: large *mglo room*. sl2 and $lo: large rooms, running water, sltj and $18: basement bedroom*, water, elec tricitly. $8 Transient* $1 day up fcYank tin 2308. ~ ■*Tr> 18th ST NW.—t’nusiiall.v large, bright second-floor front rourn. attractively lnr nisbed hath on sameTlnor with continuous hot water: electricity, hot-water heat: pri vate home- phone excellent meal* within j block: on nil car line*. Owner. Adam* IT'’! i Uctit s■'(() month for two. • 1870 WYOMING AVE*. NW. Ant. .'IoJZ ! Nicely furnished room, private bath: quiet I neighborhood; gentleman only. j lT:t 1 CHAPIN 9T; NW—Beautifully fim -1 nl-du-d 4 window* 2 hath*, in colonial house near 14th *1 ear: garnge optional; gentleman- S2O e • I N N W I i k ample beat electric light* 113 eye: S's N W—One lurniaffed room. ' seioiui floor, front. tt» 13(12 KPi'LID ST - South room nral bath, coptlnuoii* hot water; gentleman. 5* | . 1104 loth Wh w I I Ni'Wly fiiriilMhfHf, « 111 l : rejutoiubt* r*f* < rr»>ns)a Box 287-X. star_olßee.« 3 OR 4 FURNI9HED L.H K. ROOMS, north cast or southeast: not over SSO a month E II Long. 11 Kl Ist st. s.e. 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS with l.h!k”priv- Heges in private home: 2 adult# - moderate rent. Address Box 27H-J, Star oflb-e. 7* WANTED—ROOMS AND HOARD. BY YOLNO MAN, Government employe home in private family or chance to work for board and rooni: state full details in first letter. Myron Tlelkemeier. 1803' G st APARTMENTS—FURNISHED ATTRACTIVELY AND '-COMPLETELY FI R*- nished front apt., living room, tiedroom. breakfast -ooni. kitchen, gas range, sink, ■ahinet. instantaneous hot-water heater, bath janitor service, excellent heat: all outside room*: on wide avenue; 14 block of school* and cars- walking distance of downtown section of city; rent, $45 mo.: garage if desired for $5 mo. 017 New Jersey ave bw. Apply OWNER. Adams 4724. 2415 *Bth st ti.w. * 814 CONNECTICUT AVE.—StXOLF Dou ble rooms well furnished: dose in - kitchen etts optional: S2O up: plenty heat, hot | water: phone* ft* THE IOWA. 18th AND O STS.. APT. 55- Ideal location; four rooms, kitchen, bath unusually furnished, library. Oriental rug* rent leasonable - reference# Call or plume Franklin 3»trtO-J. j* APARTMENTS. LARGE ROOM AND KlTCH enet»e each. Beautifully furnished - e!e. tru ttv hardwixKl floors: rood heat very reason utile. One to party who could take charge of house or would rent a* fnrntshi-d house at low rental. Apply North 10000. Apt. 348. after tt 2434* FRANKL|N 9T N E TDi NG DO!L Wikhlridge, via Mill* ave.i—4 r.. b.. hall. 2 iwirche# whole floor: eink gas elec 2nd ft $25 50 mo Otsn LELAND BARTON. 1310 Eye n w, •J LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeping room# second floor front: gas range sink, electricity, continuous hot water, hot- Water heat, telephone: $7.50 week. IMtll 4th ilf _ 11* DOWNTOWN 1)2(1 GRANT l*L. N.W ~ Large room kitchen. 1 bath, gas elec s4') month: basement 2 rooms, kitchen stit • mu k St n w—front room si it ubln for two sdioimnr bath. S2O jnontlr front living room and l>etlro«»m. tuuntug W tier Ih It 45)1 month. » 1732 1 nth st n w-TWtritooMS. fn^WT en. bath, in private home. All ImprovenHurt*. Dt-iti Tmli sT n wnEar" nidjiNf < Tr i lc— -’ room housekeeping apartments; a»p t ideal clean, 3r . PRiv-AtrrTßTfri: front, Ih.k.. beautiful M«1 are ,-omfortable homer, cheerful handy sll weekly. I,tne. 3337. • $45 TO RI3SPo"nSTBLE TENANTS' CAN arrange two tiedroom*. Eicellent apt house: h -w.h. An 4. 40 Tat n w ON EdfloOM A PART'iit £nT~I, ARGR CLOSET, bath and reception hall. Reauiltully fur nished Maid service _Dccatur 32H8 tl* 414 H $T N R —BEAUTIFUL 2 aVD 3 room apartments elegantly and completely furnished for housekeeping reasonable tan min 3i)Q5. OVKRLfKIKIjTo RftCK CREEK PARK—3 light airy rooms end r-ath gas telephone and electricity included >OS. 1817 Kenyon st. Telcphnlie Col *|7l)t 28(17 ONTA RIO RD 2 RO()MB~RTn HE'N bath, porch, hell 4 (-l«»#et» h wh . instan taneous heater: conveuient location, reason able WESTOVisR 2501 PA. AViOt W”rn-h nhv locution, first floor Reasonable Pot (lii2tl. ANTWfcSp. not 2itth‘ sf”PT-KEMIi'F fill (•arliDlur «|it 1 n»4im. Huh, liM-ntum: Ih k : $1.%, Pol. wV'fl fur m«nv WOODRIDGE 2377 It, I. XvR UTTERS rooms and bath completely furnished, to eluding bent llgbl ami ga» only *45. Pre fer employed . oui-lr I ail North 720.1 NEAR SoLDiF.Rw Hi IM E BCB~ rooms, tiatli a.tub, l.h k : tefined adults very reasonabte Call alter 3 pm. Adame 2278 ail.v) Worrier st LaKuE HKIGHT ltd IM 7n.l FI oolt Ih k. elrx- . lust h w ; quiet home: $25 twr month. 1417 N C, ave. 11 e • 2541) I Kit MT --H ANt 181 )M El.tTpU It N ISM ED front apnrtrpeni 5 room* amt hath, purche* Apnlv 1)78 14th «t FranUlm 777 t2i)t f» "c’ n k"—'Sickly ‘FUkSiSItED housekeeping apt front room#, elec,, phone i-onliDUnU* Imt water, owner s home, adult* 5* 1840 PA RK RD.-2 RODMB KiTCHEN lath 2nd floor xa*. electricity furnished reasonable. Adult*. ~ ) «>oc Col 4t)Ni » semi Instil entire 3nt floor. *a# eltH-trielty, Inst hot weler furnlghed' $43 month dihTinctivk atthac “ t lean Home like, exclus *|it* and room- ID Apt 37 8* "The Mon i an \, 173 fl M HI N iV. *IY)| Franklin 4588 Furnished apartment of t room receptn n hell un At), *3B 8U flh eiiaj (I st* 11 w ft r and t> ~ 37(10 up • iENKY »LIIAO’KRr 338 Jtjhti M*>eh 4 il I* 412 tt|al ST BLDCK EHOM Oidon Htelloiil-—Two rooms, bath amt aitch auglte. 111 new auei ipient huiktlne at th# IrAIjMVIfM.CTIS, WwnjßfHtwFi'mstgtwE siialily situated end aneugm) tamaisilug nt two fieetiuenl loom* is eidlon 100 m an-t Isvatoj * ho algal nt (taint tiait ot bnildins ti w. Tclephiute ni an coni,nilkirtnal i.ihh ary n V » 100 m and bath apaomeot, 3 w h ga* ay milt will rupafr leducnd lo $35 inoiitU also I 1".'7!!7 hi saine pia-e tor *'.'u month 1 j titid;' Ilian* lot* \v 01 Fi-mlalm Ml 48 as IMI If ARVARft 8T FRONT AIT It Unto 11*8)8*. kil tooknliuti halt bath 3 lotith# Hl' •.'fit'! Hesldniit Mauagwi ft* FOR I'FNT . ONFI UNIBHKD 4 I,Mbit r-uima nntl hath iltfn t rUt st n w |Uat , 5* 8|« MARYLAND AVF NL - XITRAC low J 1 JC). halt, kit amt li*t)i Vftfl. Maiu tftVll, N*s Vht-k avg APARTMENTS—UNFURMSHKD. tt'ontlniigd.) (. ROANOKE APT.. 1348 EUCLID ST. N.W.— 1- s*x large, outside rooms, bath and porch, f facing large lawn, SBS per month. Apply janitor or Columbia 3830. 6» 907 N. Y. AVE. N.W.—3 RMS.. KIT. & B e 918 N. Y. ave. n.w.—3 r., kit., bath, porch M. 8179, C. XV. KING, jr„ 907 S. Y, ave. 8* • ATTRACTIVE 4-ROOM APT.. Ist FLOOR— --; car line. 325 V st. ne. 14* _ CONN. AVE—DELIGHTFUL APT FOUR - outside rooms, bath. Inclosed porch open r fireplace. Radiantflre. French windows. Ad (. ms 5511. 9* _ 1788 IRVING ST—TWO ROOMS KITr'HEN ami bath: nice bright apt#.; newly decorated; J rent rsssmaM* _ DESIRABLiTAPARTSf7-:NT"6p ONE ROOM. 1. dining-ab-ove kit'-hen and bath. $45 month i- Apply janitor 1483 Florida avenue n.w . • 83 YOU ST. N XV.—LOVEI.Y 4-R & M . V southern exposure. SSB tier month. Further • ilftaijs phone North 9942. * _ THE NORTHUMBERLAND— FIVE LARGE rooms, kitchen and bath. Veg-y light, at tractive and reasonably priced. Call man 's a«a*r North 3288. . , , >• COLORED. NEAR 14th A YOU—ft ROOMS. bath electricity, heal, janitor, rent reduced : W D SI LLIVAN CO. 1408 Eve St. N W. Main 4314. - 3814 12th ST. NTE.—2 ROOM s. IMKOK ' por>h for 1.h.k., on car line. Only $25 mo ■ No children • 1129 4th ST. N E —TWO ROOMS. KIT* HEN and hath, newly decorated; gas and ‘ elc.*-ic lights included Well_heated. •_ ' FIVE LARGE. BRIGHT. CLEAN ROOMS, - bath, porch: newly decorated: south front: '• aor. house: to adults: excellent location: •- $75 58 See Janitor 1501 Park nt n.w, « , 2489 18th ST. N.W!—3 ROOMS AND BATH over store: heat and hot water: good loc-a tion: reasonable. Col, 838 1287 GIRARD ST N.W.—4-ROOM. BATH k ant., a.m.1.; imduding ele»th and reception hall ail ! necesaary lepeus will Is- mad*'. Rent rrawui ; aide. r. A SNOW CO., 71 (X I'll! A! -Kt . trth AND KENYON STS 2 rooms dining ah-ove. kitchen and bath s7ft fttl. Electric refttawration tree W. H. WKST CO., »18 iftth $1 Mam 9*BB ST. NICHOLAS APTS. 77»8 California $1 N W Tiler* ia nun* nctt*r .*ll have two or three bath* and two screened norvhe* Sur b»w_ renta.a SBB OA-737 I TVh" 'sw-Tjßrni 4o 88—,,111 12 y h rtn* li 58—rtrtt) Kemou 11 « 3 rtn*. b 1 COt,i IKED s<>—3Bl Due n M 4 mia ,b, ;|4 - V ** * rm* . b .10 utl—2Bo 4x» e w ft nu* i* THOS. n. WALSH. 5,1 ft Uih *l. n xv Mam 755a r.W» 1411 HAK\ \KH Sl'. N W IX (nielli comfortable room# tlicit bath l.l* porch all for SB2 58 Apt No 8 open for maneetmn, u K F PRtNCK ;it4 l« 11 slnienl Mils 1430CHAPIN SI. N W 2 room* kilt lum mi.l bath $4 T 58 W. 11. WKST CO,, _W# |ftth SI, Mam 9988 ct *1 OKI’ h. lIAKt,AIN. S37M 2M®W MOSKLAWM ttft Iflth ST N,C wtuMlful Ih%* Uughi hKiiUi Wv** httx Lt ii. Mi** tpimmviiHr Niiwfx' Hsxs» i Hm t*r iHiiMitx M 111 COCOKIU UM/ sth N.W i NUxHeh, |««%||%; MitM vammHlumi j NtMIH ThR CAMItUIA, M urn* ST N w Non housekeeping apartment .viislatliK 01 7 room# mid bath C A SNOW CO., 5| nw _—Htijaasiw. l ow K! N 1 \l s NEXV MODERN APT NEAR CAPtWXI bar## living hUjiu kitchen dinette lxr#a dn aamg loom and L.»th $37 58 amt S3B 59 v AIM ITU. 1111 1. APTS. «n *»» SI‘I Cl A t . col OKI U Many awtf v 3 t iirnm* amt bath gat and #ieo Man* niXUse# 4 ft tt f loom* and balk aa* and »k-c till ME$ A (3* lout K $1 S> Mam ftfllf ATt'RAffm C APARTMENT XVITtt At t i.Xitaide looina io«»i»iin* of him i.mi, \ r vepimn kali, kit-bn* a«d bath Rca#ona»'te wmptir V*xw CHboo'.m tst, M XM. APARTMENTS, ETC. AFAKTMKNTO—U NFIJRNISH ED. : 1413 GIRARD ST. N.W. i. Kxeerdinrly denirable In location, arrant*- y merit, condition and moderatene** of rent: 2 room*, hall, complete kitchen and bath, f 14(50 Irvine at. n w.—very deairabie . apartmrnte. *35 to $55. • SEE RESIDENT MANAGER OR LEE D. LATIMER CO., 5 912 15th St. P. REDUCED RENTALS. « • 303.1 10th ST. N.W. (The Karlinrton Apartment). )t;th and Col. fUI 2 room*, kit. ami bath $47.50 and *SO 00 4 room*, kit and hath. . . . 72.50 and 75.00 . NEWf.Y DECORATED—PARQUET FLOORS. _ Rcpr.'ecntativr on orrmiw* Apartment* lighted until 10 p.m. J J. BENSON THOMAS CO., ' * u - 1 'Htotna* Circle Phone Main H 416-8417 ONLY ONE LEFT—S39.SO. f „ 930 EMERSON ST. N W. . Thrt*« rrrnm*. kit'ton. tiJe bath, excellent janitor «nus. . THE IOSF.PH SHAPIRO CO., B _Ql*» tyn St. N.W. Main 5949, ’ THE SUSQUEHANNA, V 1430 W ST. N.W. d Several very attractive apartment* ran*- in* in *ixe lrom three to four room*, kitch f en and hath, with porche*. All apartment* completely repainted ard repapered. Bea oonable rental*. • C. A. SNOW CO.. H Te|, Ma n 7503. 710 »th St. N.W, 1 THE SCHENLEY, : 2121 H St. N.W. - r 74 Apartments—69 Rented. ii New eight- story elevator l building. Convenient to Gov ■ ernment departments, George 7 Washington University and car • and bus service. All apartments • in perfect condition. - Resident Manager, Apt 109. 1 room, kit. & bath. 0 1 $40.00 to $42.50 • 2 rooms, kit. & bath. • S4B 50 to $59.50 B. F. SAUL CO.. ) Main 2100. 925 15th St. N.W. I. • THE RIVERSIDE, 2145 C ST. NW. OVERLOOKING LINCOLN MEMORIAL. 1 ROOM KITCHEN AND BATH ... 548 (MV i •- ROOMS KITCHEN AND RATH 70.00 SEE RESIDENT MANAGER OR W. H. WEST CO.. 15th «T NW MAIN POOP : THE ARGONNE, j 16th and Columbia Rd. (**Fi vA-e+ion4 'SpkVfhicnt two bedroom*, bath. i Unra rokcption hail, dinm* room, livm* room ami mtrhen; fount apartment with *p«ciou*. , airy (> nisi tie riwm* southern exposure, front, f («* on rd ATfKfT'Vvg APARTMENT WITH ALL ouisule room* ronaiaimg of three room*. rV'»t«r«n halt, kitchen, hath and porch, rea sonable rental. See resident man i*er. THE ARGON NE. loth AND COLUMBIA ROAD N.W. THE LEU MASS. 1201 Que SL NX No. 402—4 room* and bath *43.00 , > THE ALAMO. 1223 12th St. N W. No. 21—I room* ami hath 355.75 No 23—3 room* and bath.... 45 00 I THE CLIFFBOURNE, 1555 Calven St. N.W j INo 31—5 rooms and bath .... .372 50 j THE CARLETON. 1741 Lamer PL NW. No. 21—3 ni.mii anil bath 350 SG THE ROCHESTER. 143 S Mendiaa PI N W No 4*—4 rmvni and bath *SO iM‘ No, 27—1 room and bath 27 30 THE DE SOTO. 1300 Mas* Ave. N W No 24—3 room* and bath 305.00 THE ST Paul. 1522 13th St N.W, No. 7—3 room* and hath.. 44000 No. !»—5 room* and hath . 32 50 THE PARKER. 3.HMI mth St N W No 301—3 rwim* and bath J>(> IW CHAS F TRIhHY M<> ?'*t Nat Bk Dt> I'h . M «77S m*ht ph . Col i«t?M KEW GARDENS. 2700 QUE ST. N.W. Apartments in this modern, ! retined apartment house avail able at most reasonable rates. Switchboard service, case, ; playground for children, beau- ; tifully landscaped gardens: j large, richly furnished lobby ; and reception rooms. Resident Manager on Premises. Lighted Until 9 P.M. 1 4 r., kit. & bath $115.00 2 rs.. k. & b. .SSOOO to $67.50 1 r.. k. & b. .$37 50 to $47.50 B, F. SAUL CO., M. 2100. 925 15th St. NW. 6645 Georgia ayT j Delightful Location Near Walter Reetl Hospital j 1 9 AND -4 ROOM* KITCHEN AND BATH $37.50 and Up WEAVER BROS. INC.. ! (SOQJLStbSt N.W, Main 9486 ' the iTTcruvTlw. *. tath and Clifton St N w Overlook* Kntin* Citv t Pimm, kitchm* •»**! bath . .... .94d 11. R. HOWENSTEtN CO., , 1311 HStN W. Main 908 ; itifTtihirs-i wnpiTih' ,«( 4 plot*** tv.vii hall iihl hath übbUrv ‘ tmiiduiji Rpu«,-,Ct yn,»m» i James mokWls wakidw vrd K.v,;t..r ! t• I Mill St \\v _____ { R l' 1 H A ED RE \ I 1 TH E Sl MM IT It 12 SI MM IT |'t W lm> !>!<«. V* It,up t«th »«*l id Vk> ,u iitnl .this 2 *st*hi twin,. kitchen. its ISSth Will ISSHS-WI (1,, S»w H<*«.lvdt M«n«*vi U:\Hl Sunt mil IN Al‘l "<»s Phou* M.m 80141* S ' ATIRACTU K vPtHYMfcST WIVH At * : b OtltM.h. t«*w \*. bulk 2 umn.l k»..h*u mst h*Ah * r»b>uu M|. k*n avhl »wtn ftv, Ai iv Hot. Mwintkn. Dm v^iulltTo, SAB 14th U Htm AHtHA APART.MKN’TR—UNyCKNfHHKn. NR. WAR DMAN PARK SSO. _ 2K30 23th ST, N.W. __ Two Blook* from Conn. Ay*. Two tiriiKrtmlly |ar**> room* imactou* kibh *n. til* rmth. h*ii. Ur»* flo**r* wapW n 'tor*, tf'-ellent J*nlt//r eerelee. Op*n and Li*ht*#l Until 10 P M. SLR MANAGER. APT 14. L w P rooms non-hoi ;h ekeeping »f>»rtmrni btjlidinz. Rental 132.50 r*, month. THE CAMBRTA, . hXwaRDKN 1410 R~ST. N W 5 room* *nd hath .*7O 00 - Glad»(on*. 1423 R St. N.W, 5 room; and bash ~ *7» rui . Valoi*. 1330 Mm. Ave N W 4 room* »nd hath 973 00 . 1919 B 9t. N fe. a -oom* *rd hath ... *«o vi a _ VW Clifton St. N W 5 room* *nd oath ........... ... «ao no 4092 14th St. NW 4 room* and (rath. . *4l no . Carlvton. Sioi il St o room* and hath aij* #)o Panama. 013 M 9t. N.W 3 .oom* and hath . I*7 an . 1012 14th St NW. .1 room* am 1 hath. . ... *lO on _ ’ 1302 Park JM N W 3 -oom* and hath.. $53.00 , Dakota 1410 Girard St. 5 room* and bath aai 00 Onegin la. 70 New York Are. N E 3 room* and hath *3O 00 . (KKi Era st. N.W. 3 room* and bath $45 09 FLATS—UNHEATED —» rixm l* hath. .347 59 2512 17th *t—o room* hath 09 1793 Eurlid »t —*i room* Oath. . *5 00 642 V< Morton *t. ne—4 room* hath 25 59 526 9th *t n.w.—4 mom* hath ... 49 .Vi 1676 Irvin* »t.—s room*, hath .... *49 09 HEDGES & MIDDLETON, Inc., Realtor*. 1412 Ere St. N W Franklin 9SA* THE HOLMES, 3020 DENT PL. N.W. Very attractive apt. mnstntnr of 4 room*, kitchen anil bath: price. SSO. C. A. SNOW CO., 710 Sth N.W. Mam 7503. 900 19th ST. (Cor. 19th & Eye Sts.) Modern 8-Story Building. 1 room, kit. & bath, i 2 rooms, kit. & bath. 3 rooms, kit. & bath. “Frigidaire.” Elevators and Switchboard 24-hour Service. Manager on Premises. SHANNON & LUCHS. INC., 1435 K St. N.W. Main 2345. ■■ - - - - . _ REDUCED RENTALS. 2920 ONTARIO ROAD N.W. 1 On* Sonar* North of Columbia Rd_ Between 17th and 18th Sla. N.W? Several very desirable apart ments in this building, conven iently located to 18th and Co lumbia rd. and 14th st shop ping district, two car lines and 16th st. bus line, schools and Rock Creek Park. • 2 r., kit. & bath $45.00 :| 3 r., kit & bath. .$50.00 to $70.00 , Lighted Until 9 P.M. See Resident Manager, Apt 107. B. F. SAUL CO. Main 2100. 925 15th St N.W. 1 ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT WITH AIX outside room*. i'on*i*tißS of on* room, in ception hall, kitchen and hath: reaaocubta I rental. See rendent manager. THE ARGONNE. 16th AND COLUMBIA ROAD N.W, NEW APARTMENTS. Mass. Ave. and Bay St, Bet 17th and 18th Sts. S.E. All apartm-ot* ham arndmi front and Ones porch**, mparat* rear rarda and lame front yard* Inctal ed radio aerial*, vkclntiiy. Areola heat: hock nrut inu> nbi* at SB oer month. Ctonecn i iMt to ichoot*. churvhw and •tore* three «uu*re» from East ern Hlrh School «ee (aoifoe ia i? 00 Bay *t. *.aL. ertranen on l«th *t. . 3 rooms, kit and hath, $42.00 to $45 00. 2 rooms, kit. and bath, $39.00. B. F. SAUL CO., Mara 2100. 025 15th 94. N.W. ! WAKEFIELD HALL, ! _ N H. AVE T AND 15th STS, I Idea! to, awn >u*t *S 16th *t. ovarionh ina Meridian Park Apartaaaot* unutualty ittra.uve. alt with tVewt Wad raany wtu hu:!nn bed* electr.c refrtreratcr* * S*?*" roe**, kitchen and Rendr t Manaier'on jhemurk*** W W. H. WEST CO.. 916 l&th St Main »OD6. THE CEDRIC. . 4tw l*th ST NW Mxlern Prrprot'f elevator built** all apart meet* newly rede.-w*:ed. See rwiJert ■ nanaker. f I ph«*«. reception hall amt bath $53 00 ! « rww* reception hall and hath .. 65 ■>» THE SIBLEY. 13 M NT. N.W ('on,ementi' heated euihhnf. with ',ar*e. i*hl rw«» ie» papet and paint aud Boer* vroiahed Rrti,le<,t manarer Ana '54 J * ROOMS AND RATM j ). C. WEEDON COMPANY. 15th St N w Main O^AB. [ NEAR 14th AND PARK RD KKNTS SSSSQ AND UP i LWI idth St N W t'vmr Monroe . R*auUfUt ars .>* 7 larce rvo—* apaoecu* kitchen, tile b»l> nsaiPe’ed rant*. rt.KMTv'R ('twt! Vk* f .til 16 P M SFK RFSI: V \ VGKB APT 70 THE SUSQUEHANNA. 1439 * ST N w M'tral Very alt « t-*e tivrtwrh -Mpu vi cite teem three to* re*, \ when and ■vath, with iknvhe, f ,;w latent, v eparated and rvpatv v,: K-cycole ren»a?a C. A. SNOW CO., Tin Bth st X W Ma.«_Jsfp* COLORED APARTMENTS. LOW RENTALS. Sherman Ave. N \\\ 3 recent* and bath (Q 60 1745 Kalordma RU N W. 1 recMU* recvtdtPM hall and baih $33 )4 1426 12th St. N W S mom* and bath $3; 50 HXVt K St. S l\ 4 !cH«n»» and Kith scrf v All «l the a’v»i* apartment* am in **\w3 (mat ,\,»chtH>t». ). DALLAS GRADY, BH I4«k m N W, Mam *l*l. \m KM OR \\! \ RD \ W FIRFPUOt>K APARTMENT. RENTS REDUCED 3 rooms aiu{ Ishtb.,,,. SSOOO 4 rtH>tn* Rut) bdth.,.,, , SS.UO A S GARDINER, 'K\2 Investment BUlg Maid ,M 4 THKWVIHC, 1 ■ '* aiVHintMt* csntki.tiv* el A rwena aitch THE PRESIDENTIAL, »(Hk AND L *t* . I'M MS ■H-Al* v*.m %% A RVHI MIM I KmK 3 VVKMIVU n-WPsTCo,. 01« thth St. Mam 41