42 lAPAKTMKNTS—UNFURNISHED. • _ MARYLAND COURTS* MD. AVE. AT 9th ST..N.E. New Elevators Radio Aerials Mirrored Doors Attractive Lobbies Convenient Location Telephone Switchboard Resident Manager, So. Bldg. 1 mi., rcc. hall & b., at $32.50 to 4 mis., rec. hall & b., at $69.50. B. F. SAUL CO., Main 2100. 925 15th St. N.W. THE WINONA, 410 11th ST. N.E. Terr attractive apartment. consisting of font -oom*. kilohon mveption hall, bath and li:.r norcta; ami. Rental $45 per month C V SNOW CO. 710 Bth St_S#_ Slain 7562. MADISON 1730 EYE ST. 1 ROOM ANDbXTH $35 50 *38.50 CARVEL RALI-. 1015 K ST. 1 ROOM KIT AND BATH.. $37.50-$43.60 CORDOVA. 20th AND FLA _AVB. 5 ROOMS AND BATH SB3 st)-S9O 50 3 ROOMS AND BATH 67.£0 « ROOMS AND BATH .. w ! • • •,K • ROOMS AND BATH tDTTPLEXI.. .112 60 NEW CORDOVA 1809 20th ST 4 RMS AND BATH. REC HALL $62.50 VIRGINIA. 2120 G ST a. 4. 5 RMS AND BATH 537.50-56C.60 734 PARK* RD • RMS.. KIT. AND BATH S4O 50-S4VSO 3 RMS KIT AND BATH . . ... 60 50 COVWOOD. 1225 L ST. 6 ROOMS AND BATH *71.00 CARLTON TERRACE 2377 Chamnlain St' 8 ROOMS AND BATH $42.50-$45.60 4 ROOMS AND BATH 47 60 DECATUR 2131 FLORIDA AVE 4 ROOMS AND BATH *25 52 5 ROOMS AND BATH 82 50 6 BOOMS AND BATH 05.60 TIVERTON 1121 54th ST. 1 ROOM. GRIIX BATH $31.50-sM.ss irn Bfc !.{&•. v.v.'. 53 ‘ ??: as 1 ROOM. GRILL AND BATH 35.60 L. W. CROOMES, 1416 F ST. THE EMBASSY, 1613 Harvard St. N.W, Lace* Public Park. 1 mom. Murphy and bath $45 00 5 room* kitohen and bath 8- 50 4 rootna kitchen and bath XOO 00 H. R. HOWENSTEIN CO.. 1311 H St. N.W. Main 908. THE ARGONNE, 1629 Columbia Rd. Very desirable apartment Two large, light rooms, over looking Rock Creek Park; bath with built-in fixtures; recep tion hall, kitchen and balcony; 24-hour service. Resident man ager on premises, NEAR 14th AND PARK RD. 3534 10th ST. NAY. New apartment building in good residential section, con veniently located to car lines, stores, schools and Park road bus line. All apartments in perfect condition. Lighted Until 9 P.M. Resident Manager. Apt. 201. 2 r., kit. & b. .542.50 to $52.50 lr., kit. & b $37.50 B. F. SAUL CO., M. 2100. 925 15th St. NAV. ON MASSACHUSETTS AVE. An unusual opportunity to procure a delightful . modern suite of fargfe reception hall, immense drawing and dining rooms, three master bedrooms, inclosed sleeping* porch, but ler's pantry, well equipped kitchen and two baths. This magnificent apartment occupies an entire floor. Every conven ience, including Frigidaire, ele vator, servant's room, garage for one car and splendid service. One of the finest residential lo cations on exclusive Massachu setts ave. between Dupont and Scott Circles. The rental of two hundred and fifty dollars for this unusually desirable apartment is quite moderate. Available February 1. For ap pointment to inspect call DAVIDSON & DAVIDSON, REALTORS. 1013 15th St. N W Mum 1612. tXFUR* i iOOM*! Kit AND fcAfw ssC/fiTt* I *- furnished $62.76 furnished. 6621 Ceorffla •v» WAVtoT—APARTMENT*. apa a¥m r jc icely evrslsW •d Bea»> enable Give full Oee-ftolion and I*n'* A4 yard aa(ia-at« <*tlar aivi heating ttlant. *xt*. n-u Adam* 1199 J * Ktvi 3 KITKMSHKir *?i r To^Tr.i77w-rT _ TWTrauoK^r I- tom iiornt <\ ten-he, hot » a ter heat eie-trn- IlgllU tiled Lath modern through -.-it If rented at --a tuht .ill a<6 Lou,*,*/<* ave n«. Main 4M4 360 n'%7 fc W 4 W/'iKt TjA'IH 'aND garage rent $36 59 tsouer in a-z-al <<;•• dit.-Ki t; w SI CO 1924 Vrr moot »«a liiuihini 6700 “TKEvr TTWIB <4P«f !*»<]# I J»|j AelaM fPi* •» 4‘i • ► rVPn E-ti R a’B . . ■"'f'Mi OO 3*46 On tarn- rd « w r A 2 L. . . 60.00 'HAS K 7RIKRV 610 Dat bat hk Bida fzar oi-'-'-a M 477* nirut itu«z»»« 0-1 wtlli ff/TS fPXtW.k' — *s< VeuaOla | »4i o month 6/0 f »..l, _ 7 A ROM A BARK.-~RKM XTioN’t IK PRICKa if t«keli*.a fel-» i/ii/ id 34012 W _ t'Oh ZfH ~kM< N ' RKHIDKMt K MOI/KR 5 tbivoxhubt > *,>->.!(.rut t/>- atl-/M lit ilia < -/ti-i/i-.i-l 14 121/0 yuiiax »< i< » »*« ««' fr 567" aIOO M/ -N/vr 622 Old/ HOMR NEVER ' uui-’-l f lu:vy t'baar D C 4 bedrwiMia 2 Latli* tul/ •/•-! ahoaci tiiiu /> ' 10 i-x/ii** .2 Lalt-a - <»i ,*•/«,. i air !al*a and rl/a-i* 4*ora. In -*>n! -1-/-* I-/ H-.-» iiiri I'aiN u*ai *-><»- »-4l—li ' •-mi r>r -»i» and bo» Hooaa n fill/ in-a-i //-*(> 1. ,ih,h*lM* truant n/rri t *>> Jiptfl l»t iff OUI.V ftt-ii vr/| -r mtfifut l/lr I'h-aa t lr -»laud 331/4 14®* »/ "-3 * E * -.-Ujiiia) r, i...,i>. ai,-j tirib L--ii<* |//< atr/ E*l#|»(, I>ni>« *k a-.-1 Lin- --In r*f 4 ; i/U/3lll'/ii Rai rt-T/ rd •• f 46 4 A4 fell 6 I4tk A R. M ESTATI'.' RENT HOUSES—tTNFURNISHED. H'nntlnnnt.) BRAND-NEW HOME. CONVENIENT Tt I'hmvh/i. srhtv 1«. biistnera I'enter Chrvj Cheap Circle 4 br-lioome, 2 hatha, tub am 1 ahower: open fircpla-r: front, rear and aleepine potvhea. M ain 3483. * EOR COLORED. 606 M at. w e.—6 rma. and bath... .$33.60 1388 D at. n.e.—6 rnta.. bath, furnace brat 45 0(1 1227 22nii at. n.xv—6 r.. eaa. water. 37,50 Get our hat of houaea for pent. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD Realtor. 723 20th St. N.W. 605 Oth ST. N.E —6 RMS.. BATH $40.00 3000 Davenport n.w,—o r.. b„ h.-w,h. 45.00 604 6th at. a.w.—rt rm».. «0.5 t TERRIE McLKAN, Room 210. Milla Bide.. 17th A Pa. Ave. N Main 10318. . 3832 31 at ST. MT RAINIER MD. I-aree dcta- he-1 houae. « roonta. T«r --na--e heat, electric lishta. 'cry la're jtid. Formerly renicl at SSO. Owner will acivpt S4O from a permanent tenant. C Ar HITZ, ~*.* n.voA | 14th AK. LJM 2405 PA AVE. N W.—-0 RtH>MB. 2 bath*, h.-w. heat. dec., aicemne poroho* 2103 H at. n'.w.—B nnima and path, h.-a.h.. elec • ®«.00 • 727 20th at n w.—o rma.. 2 batha. lAtrobe heat, elec. ....».••■• • •• • i* 00 603 22nd at. n.w —8 rma.. bath. h. a. ■ heat elec 55 00 250 S M at ' n.w —» rma. and bath. hot-air heat 65 00 . 1380 D at. n.e.—6 rma. b. h.-ah... 45 00 1 2318 Eye at n.w —tl rma water.. 25 (Hi 1 402 T at. aw.—7 room* and bath.. 35 00 1 1125 44 sth at n e.—lat floor. 5 rma and bath, elec., h -w h 35.00 JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD. Realtor 723 201 h St. N.W. 5 4329 2nd ST. N.W: , Corner home. 6 large room a: h.-w.h„ elec- J tne light, built-in garage: only $55. THOMAS A. .TAMESOV CO.. I nod New York Ave N.W. ; FOR COLORED. - ) 1253 4 Sat. aw.—Six room*, gaa. lat robe heat; good condition. 03 N at. *».—4 rooma, bath, latroho: S3O. I 1268 Harrison at. a.w.—4 rooma. bath, latrobe; S3O , R. T. QUINN, Main 754 226 Milla Bldg., 17th Je Ta. Ave. , FOR GOOD COLORED TENANTS. 2268 Bth St. N.W. 1 Very attractive house of 5 rooms and hath; good condition; large back 1 yard !. .$38.50 • 1235 7th ST N.W. . Three large moms and t>ath. in exocl , lent condition. Front mom can be us/vl for business $35.00 CAKRITBZ. , 14th AK. M. 8060. FOR COLORED. 2511 H at. n.w.—t rooma. bath $35 00 1025 30th at. n.w.—B rooma 35.00 1751 Seaton at. n.w.—6 rooms, bath. 40.00 408 Richardson si. n.w.—s rms.. gas.. 35.00 1810 34th st nw —6 rms,. gas 30.00 PF.RRIE McLKAN. Room 218 Mills Bldg.. 17th A l’a Ave. N.W. Mam lOill 8 A REAL OPPORTUNITY. 34 NEW YORK AVE. N.E. Convenient to everything; eix large rooma. tiled hath, hoi-water heat, electric lights, garage: all freshly decorated: only $541 mo. J. BENSON THOMAS CO., *1 Thomas Circle. Main 8116. 1315 12th N.W—ll ROOMS AND BATH: electric light: good order; $75. To colored—l 234 6th at. n.w.—7 rooma and bath. S6O. > 946 Fla. ave. n.w—6 rooma. SSO. LEE D. LATIMER CO., * 912 15th St. 629 KENYON ST. N.W. Six rooma. bath, h.-w.h.. 2 garages. S6O 1462 NEWTON ST. N.W. Seven rooma. bath, elec.; S6O. R. L QUINN, Main 754. 228 Mills Bide.. 17th A Pa. Ave. CHEVY CHASE. D. C. A lovely detached home, situ ated one-halt block off Conn. ave. and only a few minute*' walk from the Circle, public echool. store*, etc. There are erven bright, comfortable rooma (four bedrooms t, tile bath, sleeping porch, .iving room with fireplace, large dining room, kitchen and pantry; unusually wide front and side porches attic with maid a room: all modem improvements. Onlv slls per month. Schwab, Valk & Canby, 1704 CONNECTICUT AVE. Pot. 830. 418 DELAFIELD PL. N W Brand-new home containing 6 spacious room*, bath and shower: large porches built-in garage: rent reduced to S6O. CA FRITZ, 14th A K, M. 80$0. $65.00—4913 44th N.W.: 7 RMS.. 3 B. 60.00—1246 Irving n.w.- 9 rma.. b. • 60.00—617 A a.e.: 8 rma. b. 55.00—h0i Phils, are.. Blair. Md.. 7 r_ b., 40.00—f1l C B*.: 6 rma.. b. 40.00—1112 Mill »*.: 6 rma, b. :tii.50—122» Good Hope rd.. 5 rma.. b. 30.50 1210 Potomac n.w.: 6 rms.. B. 27.50 1008 M a.e.: 7 rms.. b. COLORED. $65.00—636 L n.w.: 8 rma.. b. t;.V00—1414 Bth n.w.- $ rma.. b. MO,(HI—818 lat n.w.: 7 r.. b. 32 50—819 24th n.w.: 5 rma.. b. 27.50 14(»6 34th n.w : 6 rma . b. wrek 4 18.50 123 E n.w : 4 rma. , THOS. D. WAUSHI ' }, jl 815 11th St NW Mam 75.58-755 C . j ij/j.i * i FOR COLORED. Good Condition. ... 67 P St. NAY. 8 r. and b.; elec .$42 50 426 F.lm St, N.W. 6 rooma and bath ~542 50 1530 N, Carolina Ave. N.E. 5 rooms and bath S4O 00 1515 N. Carolina Ave. N.E. 4 rooms ~...525 00 917 6th St. S.E. 6 rooma and bath ~*37 50 521 Morion PI. N.W. 4 rooma and bath: elec S4O 00 1349 Que St. N.W. 12 rooma and bath $75 00 J. DALLAS GRADY, 904 14th St. N.W. Main 6181. WANTED TO RKNT—HOI SKfl. 1 *3O >WI RdOM'HOf Sl. BATH. GARAGT. bested in Diatnct Heighta or Forealvtlle Addraas Box 286-1. Htaf ulflce. * FOR COLORED. 1 ! W» have daily sppUcatione for houaea by I e.,|„f*6 tenaota If you have vacant houaea r i at right rentals, we can rent them for you R. J. QUINN, Main 754, 228 Milla Bktar . 17th A Pa Ave jl- .'-agiegr, ;agaaa—a 1 RENT—HT<»K Mb r l ioFTnIT ST.—FINE. LARGS' 1 tiled soh /•olored. ami 7(19 711 4lh st ow Call r HARRt fARRDLL M 10439 9110 at n w MT PY.KABANT—TW?/ "TORE* ONE «0 : ft. deep the othef 34 feet deep et/gllent display window splendidly lighted heat furnished These art (he most teasonabla t priced sViret in this aectton. Downtown 14lh at —Newly remodeled and redecorated store Mpiirosimately 66 * feet deep heal f urriiah..! suitable for " most any IniMnaas Bali»f(i uuir* lot full panucnlsre I.H AH D HAGER Mam 36 934 K(h 8t N.W, , *l4 M 141 *i K If N W ) TWO DOWNTOWN 1/8 ATIONH Ona eaptv lally snltable for a aandwteh n ehop the oti/er for a h(gh-cl**a irariier a|ik 1413 Eve Ht NW Flunk 111. Of, 9s H $62 50 1915 —lU SINKNS IwErtT’ ’ INVESTMENT. *~ ) Store building. GeorKin ave. near Colony Thrater: leaat>d to responsible partv for I three years at $175. This conservative in vestment will show an excellent return and | Improve in value. C A FRIT*. » 14th and K. M. 9080. GAS STATION SITE, ON THOROUGHFARE. EXPOSED TO 4 STREETS. . Triangle corner on Vermont ave. n.w. above lowa Circle; Ist commercial on all aidea; wonderful location: cheap and on easy terms. Address Box 278-X. Star office. 7* 14th NEAR RANDOLPH? Modern briele home of six rooms and bath. Lot Mt feet wide and hack to an alley: two car garage. Commercial zone. No incum brance. Price sl2 500. Good terms. Call sales dent. Main 1653 _ WALTER A. HROWN. 1100 H CONN. AVE. Near Dupont Circle. Four-story building, suitable for remodel ing into storea and apt* : alley in rear. First trust. $31,090. Priceil well under $50,000; absolutely tlie cheapest property now available in this highly developed sec tlon. CALL MR GREENBERG. M. 5904. CORNF.R COMMERCIAL. • 100% LEASED. Rusinrs* property consisting of four stores gml two apartments, on a good business I s street in the n.w. No vacancies for a long 1 time. Property now leased for $t 140 per 1 year. Price $40,000 on any reasonable, terms 1 or owner will exchange for larger property. Call sales dent.. M. 1653 Walter a. brown. i4oo h. 2nd COMMERCIAL ZONE GOOD I/HlA tion for auto repair shop or similar business. Lot 24x1-33. on corner of alley. One-story brick stl»o" F6it’ 1*1!R itia*.' of i !/■ air. lll liuamsaa tzroiigniaa ids aa* furmah itarli/'ulara Ad6ri-a» Attornrj," I Bi »' ll" *llv *ll muirr i-itlttvalion. Dairy i barn »><>ilng Projirity ha* 0-rimm honk* with niithiiihling* and nmilcrn it loom tjoil** with *!/•/trli- light*, hratlog |d«Mt running water, eti- The , low 9it*'# aiifak* for iiwif Thin la a ' leal buy Pibv't at a **■ rlh>e. CALL VIENNA 24F 31. f " ’ X..- .|y y . "---~ y-. • , j, ' ivA IFH FRONT PROPKRTV. UNgi ESTIONABLY THE FINEST DUCK lug ahofx in the Smith now taking gubariili lion* lof Iraw? tall Room 1263, Hahlglt Hotel • 5 At RES SCAR DKEKNHE HIGHWAY Snnth River. *mi {forth 1103 . ", I -- zttm~:anr* ■ " ~a=J- ■■ ■ e:-ini», gwq—Baaa—«» J W \ N'TKI >—»AVTHr > WILI. fefct HANGE ” FtSiT " MDUT'GaGE i mile for goi/d Int 4-ieat of etu nndn amat. In ; I/i.l,let > If HROWN 3401 iltth *1 wr. havk to o rfm bRVr.HAr* TrtArTM D« WonhllDlMH • Dot i offi/ijf'Loii ill tniU in lli« DrtlM Ml l»# i/tfi t'tMt w||D |i liiourr Hit R Mtfl* * lttM «»* valoinnent ut the in ai fllfuie yet are avail aid* at (aim land ttfitWa in MW’t I* Mliglii* in ai/i Doiii five t.i file hiilid'tnl aria* Allan E. Walker tt Go., Inc., * ESTABLISHED 1901 5 Main 5690 1113 1 6th St N W IB WVMKII- INVKMTMKNT I*llol*. HAVE SOME rUßltfc AVAILABLE . TO INVEST V 91 «9t«l| tn,*lH/»* 91119**11** that an well rented 9*l fn i-oiner »|nr# With tin fc I ~9ai 'm«nt aiv# nnutlih I* d.ini* gg In 91 ' '■ , Dual* -ad teiilai* in ftl*t |rtl*r. A'UH** Bm SUS A fclal «/*•/«. EXCHANGE. i WtLL EXCHANGE MODERN HOUftlft fN 1 A i liiislon < imiitv for modern house m fin.v ! good sent lon of city. Addre** Post Olflct Box ami. ritv, ?_ „ WILL KXCHaMR EQUITY IN SMAT.I 0 apartment houw\ mibjrut t« on* tniPt. mis . pny cflih for *qui(y »n lnrir« npartmont. An • liia**l ami on par i iial sourer. A I’onfldrntlftl. |irofi'B»lonnl scrv ir ice of tins character. lutsed on many yeari of training and experience, Is avallaldi through my office. Have no property foi » sale: acting exclusively as consultant am: adviser.- Consultations by appointment. Ap proprtate fee for service rendered. Descrip live booklet on request. JOHN A. PETTY, Consultant. 20 Years' Real Estate Service 7 Suite 305. I 415 K St. N.W. Main 8943. [ 120 ACRES. 7th ST. PIKE: LARGE .REST i ilencc; for large hoiiPC or pmnll apt. in otj { clear). , . Chicken farm: bungalow, modern chickcn houHcs. incubatorp, tractor, etc. Lxchangf . ideal' for house lu city or nearby suburbs Main fitltl. A BRA Nib NEW “COLORED APART M ENT, five stories. .'lO apartments, fllllv rented. Its I location and rental schedule insure it being a permanent Investment. Property subject i to a first trust. Owner will entertain any reasonable trade. • investigate this property, see Mr. TOWBES, Business Properties Department, : TTIF. I OSHPH SHAPI RO CO., 1410 Eye St. N.W. Phone Main 8049. 1 anTkxcf.i7lf.nt OPPORTUNITY. Will trade a substantial equity in a Chevy f'hn«»e home priced under !$ 16.000 for a well located bueineee pi-opetty and an apartment not to exceed $.0,000 This Is a nice 6 room brick home. 1 bloek from • car. Look into it. : \V. H. WEST ro„ , 916 15th St. Main 0000. AAI.EOR EXCHANGE. NICE HOME. CHEVY- CHASE OR NEW Hampabire ave. " i°. r , «S*, r .n "«> Chase. D. C. QUICK REALTY CO.. M. 5432 $3,000 FIRST TRCST. 'rtUE~APRtI,.' 103(l' tin thirty three acrea near ML Vernon, foi elear lot Chew Chase. D. C. A. H. GREEN WOOD M. 5433. _ _* Vm. LATIMER CO„ * . 6| J 15th St. i •f.-yv.. 1 fgffj/n fj/HKA -•• • RJONBBB (pm® • fftfi WANIMI-MUMV ''nil MORTtiAOE NOTE WELL rtfCUßff! ; wa* Id 7MI *• ol March Ill'll i* payable *oioolhlv tni’iudui* 'My*v lot»i«*l bat mica now it 124 UH 2 all diie” Match lUdll f*erty will *»H *• diariiuol litla i'*rtifl cate tnaiiraiic*. «ti> . uobided Ptnma riant, , (in Tim «*• | MM ( IAI. NOTH I . Eight V*l f mlnabl* otecea of a ciillacllon toimaVly aafdblteil id the l‘< onayDaitla Mu ■mini «od mioioutn* A lieau, wood tailing pulyi liiom* of about infill A hind wood calving glided ndlquaiy of about I fifth An tvoi* Iflu made lu Die guleeuth **n leculh ieuluil«« 1 A large Fgudiati a amb wiili lailntblt* »l Ainauhotrp fit and hi* UllMni tspi i At* ottiicd Im *ab id a* ndlateMl for i*ri» ats lnan o| |7 hho Addrta* Bu* 2Utlk |ta« uffl'g, I SAI.F—SI HIUnAN PROPERTY. R TIKOMA PARR—REDUCTIONS IN PRICES y If taken now SHEPHERD 3002-W, ■* " ” TAKOMA PARK HOMES - 3 room* and rnrave tile construct ion: lot L- 75x1 fto. paved st.. Til.ooo. 7 room*, ra Main 6013 . AVANTEI)—NI!mJkIL\N I’KOI'KItTV. \ TO RENT—S OR tl ROOM BUNGALOW .. am i, and garage, preferably garden ami ’ shade: Clarendon or Ballston: must be rea suitable- give description, location and rental ’ no agents. Address Box 373-X. Star office. __ ft* ■. SMALL HOUSE. WITH YARD AND CHICK" en house, in Maryland near city; must tic reasonable. Franklin 5000. SMALL FARM, WITH IN 15 MILES OF Wi.shiiigtiin: 4 to tl room hous,* with elec tricity; must be reasonable. Address Box t 277-X, Star office. • 1 SALE—HOUSES. t $6.750—547.50 PER MONTH BUYS THIS new brick $7,500 house; M rooms; a.m l.: 3 covered porches' built-in refrigerator, one piece -mk IIARTT.KTT REALTY CO.. Own er. 101)2 K -i. n.w. Mam 332. - OWN VOUR OWN HOME IN ATTRACTIVE suburb for the rent, you pay. No cash down. _ Newly built modern houses: a.m.i. Owner. V Main 3300: res.. Columbia.s43. y SPLENDID 3-ROOM NK. COI/INIAL HOME near Lincoln Park Garage: 2 sleeping parches, elec., h.-w. heal: $7,350. Atlantic r 3631-J. 3* i A FINE HOME—WONDERFUL I.OCATION: 1627 Kennedy pi., ono square west of 16th st Suitable for entertaining. Open for - inspection, i IDEAL CORNER HOME—IO BOOMS. 2 i baths; garage and large lawn. 7310 Alaska ■ * T *. Drive out Iflth st NEW YEAR BARGAIN. $6,500: s.e.; well located: prewar built: 6 large rooms, tile bath elee.. h.-w.h.. cel lar, large yard, alley: vacant: first trust. . bldg. assn. S4.SOU. payable $43 per mo: . $1,700 rash: owner must sell. GLADMAN. , R"altor. 303 Pa. ave. s.e Lincoln 340 (ask . for Mr. Tripp>. MUST SACRIFICE 20-FOOT COIiONIAL brick home, a.m.t.: good n.w, section $6.H50. Particular*. Col. 3310-W. 7* 126 13th ARE FROM EAST ern High School —All nuslcrn Improvement*, front snd double back porches. Bargain, $6,100; SSO cash. SSO monthly. I STEIIART BROS.. JNC.. f 141 13th ST. N.E Line. 6300. _ r _/ COLORED 1 43 K ST. N.E. f First time offered; 7 rooms and hath, h.-w.h., elee : first-class condition. Price. I $7,050; easy term*. To inspect call ARTHUR LKWEY. ■ 1105 Vt. Main 4255. ■ PRICED FOR QUICK SALE.- 8-ROOM AND BATH BRICK' HOME. ONLY $5.650—5100 CASH. A wonderful buy in a aplendid Northeast location, on a wide street, convenient to c*r • and bus lines. Six rooms and bath, hot water heat, electricity and modern conven icni-es. This home i* offered for quick sale at $5 630; sloo cash and monthly payment* of $55. It will pay you to see thia home today snd aave money—tomorrow may he ’ t«o late, Call Georgia 602-J alter 6 pm. for further details and appointment to , Inspect, _________ NEW CENTER-HALL COLONIAL BRICK HOME, CHEVY CHASE. $21,000. This house Is surrounded by stately trees Th* first floor contain* a large living room 27 feet long with an old-fashmoned brick fireplate. Acros» the hail is the dining room snd butler's pantrv and a apectaJly equipped kitch, n with a lavatory opening off the rear of the hr.ll. On the ae.-nnd floor there are four 'arge light liediooni* with two com , pletel.v eqtlippol tmlhs Oil the thlnl floor 1 there is attic spa.w sufficiently large to per mit one or two servants’ rooms besides ample storage spa.e. Thera is plenty of , room for either a 1 or 2 car garage, This hum* can l«e Is.tight at a price wheh 1* far under the nii.-e asked for similar home* In this neighborhood I Phone Wisconsin 376.7 during th# day. or after 3 p m Wisconsin 3375 A Real Bargain for Colored. $6,950. Vacant ready to move into at once A two-storv brick in good downtown section; 20 feel wide 3 room* «*d bath 14 bed looms, hot water heal In first commercial •one This Is * real bn.v. See it at once if you are realty looking foe a bargain, . PHONE MAIN 11300 UNTIL 0 PM. BOSS & PHELPS. REALTORS. | 1417 K St Male *3OO. 1 CHEVY CHASE BUNGALOW, $8,950. This beautiful 5-room and bath shingle , bungalow is located on a Iw.utitul tot 60x1 32 S. facing on a concrete street It is the most moderate priced home in this part , of Chevy Chase Vetv convenient term* mg* be arranged Phone Wiaconain 3763 during the dgv, or after 5 n m Wbetinsln **375 COLOR Kl»‘ Open *unday all day amt 5 to 6 p m. eaeh day. 1010 Rosedale at n.e,. aampl*. See these new 6 room tiled bath brick home*, h » h elec . hardwood floor* Term* rea* «0 told. E. M AIKF.N M. 35.56. #v. Atl X.IW-J. 4* COLORED. NEAR NAVY YARD. 6-Room Home With Garage, Only $3.950 —$100 Cash. A rkal bargain for colored. Big 6-room brick home with garage, near Navy Yard in good condition, with many modern sea lure* Laige front amt rear yard* Act quickly if vuil are really looking for a borne , Only $3 0.56 $lO6 cash ami ...»* monthly payments of $45 will boy it Must he sold at once Call Adams 3217 for further .letalls W ON D E R F U LB U Y. On 16th St, Near Spring Road, Owner will aell beautiful home 4 be.l . room*. 3 tile hatha sleeping porch Itnlahed attic; downstairs, large living room tire liluee. dialog room, breakfast room; double garage hot water beat twit buy In Wash iogtoo. under $36,060 will consider trade ,1 oi easy terms Mr G SMITH. North 4533. t Adams 3ft tft k , John F. Donohue vt Sons. Realtors, 314 Pennsylvania Avenue S.E. Wa-hflye tlie prvpfrtg. to »mi yod » A Pfolitahlf Home to Buv in a value increasing location These are brand new Home* of vary , mg types wholly detached surrounded try pretty lawn*. 1 * Quinev Terrace. QUINCY And 33nd STS 51 nil modern Hontea in ty|te and char acter that vou will find anywhere, and • the* am exceptionally well built and eiutiiuied Tin* la the most pteluraaqu* iiruhliortuind m Washington, and it* fully protected by Homes of our design and superior construction. Very low price, very easy terms. . Open for inspection "every day and evening including Sunday, if Take car* leaving tftth and 0 tit n w tiding to Rhode Itland avenue and 23ml at n,e, turn to the lett and a abort, pleasant walk bring* you In th* liomr* Or a tma will bring you to within two sunarea HARRY A. KITE, t Incorporated ) . 1010 tftltv ST NW MAIN 4St6 RFSOI A I*. to study *our rent money on account nl puritiaaing a homo This will ln> a mac. li< si New Yrai s ievolution, and w» will sa si»t In tiiiMiiciog Also many ciiv and tub urban hmi>o* for lisdo Before ituvioa, uaditia or renting vonguH ua HI year* ctpeiloucc N. E, RYON CO.. INC, Main 4ft6T . ~ . . . 1433 F St. f oiumliia tft If 34 13 441 »v At < * I "AM MUM VSiUhmi 111 tl - ISth AND < lion i tuivunient lo *i bools slurct. thtticlm* and tl Muslim taUgli ( uiruul ii m lele tivuit t porch re> nothin t.all n uousUhllv laig* iimni* and 2 tiled hath* with mull to hx f title* bis kd' lum coiutdetelv euuliuted out •tun tnudiv »v|lh mult m lolrtgo alm Ai Met It; tleoiirailuu luudwoud thiol* IhruUKU i out In mil I tut llglilluk llvimt** niloied tile 111 Itatli* stone iqieit niotda •>, oat mal Itaid wood trim Hos water heal with latent Ivpa ladlatlon aleiliUily and all mndeiu oouven f leto < » I mi- i«ls rallai with laundry lint lavatory snd hig built In «*>*«* 111 exc*i r Isnt cmiditlmi Hediued flonl AIM t 66 to *l6 660 oil Vary spiarlUg faiki*. Addi»*4 Ifoa 11211 A. hlai uAco. SALK—HOI'SKS. i (Contlnaeri. > DETACHED HOME OF 5 ROOMS AND bath. In best southeast section. A real bar t gain at $4,050 and terms that you can . afford. i. _ ARTHUR LKWEY. $18,500. Detached Brick. 8 Rooms, 2 Baths. - Chew Chase. * : You can make a much more advan ♦ ataoua purchase of a home *t this time than hr putting off until Spring Thia particular property represent* the a utmost In value, and we do not be • liev# It will tie available after January tftth. Here ta nn opportunity to oh tain a beautiful center-hall-plan home in r a perfect setting of rare old oak tree*. , on a lot 06x120: a delightful situation and lust one-half block off Conn, ave It ia new and ready for occupancy • living room about 26*15 with col.mis' fireplace and French dnora opening ti poormoua "acreened-in" aide porch' din inr room about 16*16: pantry, model f. kitchen: four splendid bedroom* with ~ two beautifully equipped tile bath*, one . with til# shower: clear while oak floors throughout, slate roof, every modern convenience and a two-ear garage. Rea • amiable terms ean lie arranged. ' EVKNINO PHONE BERVIUK 7 TO 9. f Schwab, Valk & Canhy, 1704 Conn. Ave. Pot. 830. NEAR iItir&DECATUR STS. $14,500. : semi-detaehed briek : 3 niee room*. 2 com " plete baths, large attie. colonial front and 2 rear porches. THIS IS A LOVELY HOME Washington s Finest Residential Section. _ PRICED AT SACRIFICE FOR QUICK 3AI.E YOUR IMMEDIATE INSPECTION URGED. c WAPLE & JAMES, ~ 1118 14th at. N.W. Main 10280, CORNER BRICK HOME ‘ IN CLEVELAND PARK. SII,OOO. . You will realize that an opportunity to . purchase a home of this type m exclusive • Cleveland Park ia a ehance you cannot af ‘ ford to overlook. This i* a very attractive • tapestry brick corner house, hsvmr six larxe rooms, colonial front porch, tiled hath, hard ■7 wood floor, hot-water heat, screened porches; In splendid condition throughout. Deep lot with an especially nice yard. j N. L. SANSBURY CO., INC., » 1418 Eve St. N.W. Msin 5904. _ Ptm n,> Aervice Until 9P M ; $12,500. r 7 Rooms, 2 Baths. : Cleveland Park. i New homea in this popular close-in suhiirfi at the price quoted above are ex tremely scarce, and we are confident th)* fiarticular property will warrant jronr nspection. Only one aqua re from Conn, ave. It ia a gemi-detached brick, con taina *eve n room*, two complete tile bath* 1 one with shower t. breakfast t room, hardwood floors throughout, well equipped kitchen. antomatic storage r water heater, hot-water heat, electricity. • large built-in garage. Li lien! term*. EVENING PHONE SERVICE 7 JO 0. ■ Schwab, Valk & Canbv, 1704 Conn. Ave. Pot. 830. PRICED FOR QUICK SALK. BIG 8 ROOM HOME—BUILT IN GARAGE. ONLY *7.050 —$100 CASH. If you am looking for a real bargain in a good Northwest section, it will pay you to in*iie«'t this big 6-room home with 3 Urge covered torches, on s high elevation, con venient to store* school*, churches and trans portation f.i. ilttie*. Tiled hath with built-in tub snd shower: master bedroom across en tire front of house: well equipped kitchen: (xmcrete collar with double laundry trays: built-in enrage. «toep lot to paved alley. In tierfecl .omlition: newly de.orated and paint t ed. ft*.,:v;o-u1 floor*, electricity and all mod i' ern convenience*. This home is nrtced for • immediate sale at $7,950. Only SIOO cash - and *t-v monthly payments. Call Georgia * 2243 after 6 pm. for appointment to Inspect. i - " CHEVY CHASE BRICK. ’ $16,500. Detached brick *om> tn excellent section, near Conn. ave. Reception hall living room with open flraiuaca. model kitchen large covered concrete p--rch, four cheerful bedroom* full tit# bath and tile lavatory. Garage to match house. Metal weather •tripped and screened throughout. | Near cart, buotea and stores. i J. E. DOUGLASS CO.. 1621 K St N.W. Frank. 5678. > Evening Phone Service Till 0 P.M. ; $19,500. • Cleveland Park. i If vou are seeking the utmost in value in a new home of brick construction r this property will merit your promp* inspection. The location (* ideal—high elevation, convenient to the Cathedral ear and hu* lines and near the John F.Hon Sch«wd. There are eicht well pro portioned room* i four splendid bed room*), two hesutifully equipped tilt i bsth* one with tile shower- model kitch en with tiled walla, enamel cabinet and th* latest innovations tn equipment: aun parlor, oak Boor* throughout, attic with I mind's room. Isrge pantry with electro rgfrixerator livtnx room with Oreptace copper M-reens and metal weather atrip mn« Every eonvemence for your eom fort ts to be found, including "Qu'ci May" oil burner There ta a splendid lot and von wll alao And a two-car built-in rarsge, • Evcninjf Phone Service 7to 9. Schwab. Valk & Canhv. I 1 T_>4 ronn Ave Tot #3O : si4,(xx). I Detached. r Chevy (’base. D. C. A delightful home property, situated west of Conn are tn that choir#, local ity of attractive detached homes where more expensive properties predominate ’’“hi* house is an out standing exaninlr of the hitheat standard of con*truction i* attractive in atuiearam-e and well planned' there ts a wnle trout imrch ex tending around to one aide, reception ball entrance large living room with fl replace, dining room with hoy window nanlrv and kitchen .second floor hv four bedrooms and verv large tile bath ample cloael* attic with finished romp and *t»r*x« apace: slat* roof hol-water heat, elei-tficttv and ever.v convenience Int .56x130. numeroua shade tree* and , various »hruh* Vacant, Term* EVENING PHONE "SERVICE 7 TO 0 ■ Schwab, N’alk tS: Canhv, 17(U Conn. Ave. Pbt. J^U). • i EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. CHEVY CHASE, MD. t $13,750. A new home with individuality. r built Kv MARK Wairvn This fully detached home ha* *ix deltaht* p tul room* snd hath reception hall and ! detached aarage: it i» nt»t a little let different and modern tn everv respect Th<* t* th* l»*t of etxhteei. home* reventlv built Phone Wieonstn 376-1 or. after .5 pro Wisconsin 237.5 .eC" MT. PI.EASANT. Motifrn I'our-Bfdrwm Brick. $»),5(X>. Tht* home could not pnaaibly he reprvntu'xnl in H» ev.ellent hs ation at the flgure which we have |u*t Iwan aulhorurd to quote There are Iwn enmpteta bath* large cheerful room* (HiiHillioh IhniUlmtMl* A n»®l itxl *«nl |. !•!. DOUGLASS CO , • ’ HF M.TORH 163| K st. N W Frank .5618 Evening Phone Bervlee Cnlil 6 P M N l \ R DUPONT i.TRCLE. SB,S(X). , 10 ROOMS. 2 BATHS. HOT-WATER HEAT, ELEC. WIDE STREET. BRICK. ACT QUICKLY. STONE vS. FAIRFAX, Main 2424. SO* I7ih Si, N.W. ! MUST BS SOLD v r ONCE* Bitffi-Rnom 11 mm* Wuh Garage. Only $7,850-465 a Month. A woudetfvil cohunal buck houv* th a aplandi.l leabteiilial comnoodtv •"unvauleni to two vai tine* buaeea I w Hutiik stmo% . ttd . tuo- hr* Rvvyp i JilhV ball 6 Isis* looms beautiful H.H with built in Mature*. h*t«ht i klbhan with o.oiliv t\dooi#l trout P»lch sml two ,-oioirl ewu«st iv*> Sshcbe* cvmvsetc. , liar with duubl# attivdly tin* da*,, ,*nt wilh «ara«v> roctlnqlVy lM , w p, , vvePr it coil ' Hun i,id water to vt sle*'trh4tv amt v 1 HiiHlei.k couvsuieu.y* *.'ivf>>S snd •?*** IhioiMhout Mii.t W *t»M *1 vtt.no. tiniv si Sfto with smslL ’'l , B.,l'4*hient snd to until' navtueolf h» Wit *Cr tht* HidM# Vial*' PHOBK BERVt*'4l C NTH, 9 P M .... . . CAFKfU. • 11. 4 a M MS * fIAf.R—HOINKS 2-FAMILY APARTMENT, j Mt. Pleasant. $13,500. A rood bom# and Investment enm- Hn#d Thia la not a remodeled build Inr. but «)■ built for two-family war. U CO fart to width and ha* a»t»*r*i* entrances and aeparatr hot water heat- Inr plant*. The Aret-Aoor apartment haa A room* and tilr bath, and ia now rrntrd for $55 prr month: thr second floor haa *l* wall arranrrd room# and tilr bath, now occupied by thr ownrr. and poanraaion will br rivrn: two-oar garage; located in a desirable neighborhood. wrrt of loth at,, nrar bu* and oar linr and arrrral ohuroboa. Convenient terms. evening phone service UNTIL It P.M. HEDGES & MIDDLETON, Inc. Rraltora. Err St. N.W. Franklin 11503. COLORED. Many houara. all tlr.ra and location#. Prior and tarn* very rraaonahlr; will txcbanfa. P. T>. HOLMEfr,OD.. 1004 K St N.W. Main 3(177. Clara. HIT. Xw» Mt , *.~l A,*. X.E. V“d" lub ‘- . WAGGAMAN & BRAWNER, INC., 1700 Eye St. N.W. Frank. 7485. , IT WILL PAY YOU MANY TIMES OVER IN DOLLARS AND CENTS TO CAREFULLY READ THIS AND THEN SEE 2202 37th ST. N.W. • (THE MODEL HOME.) We are emphatic in our praiae of tbeae splendid colonial brick a. and aasure you that you can etart the New Tear right in buying a real bargain on amazingly eaay term*. Thear home* are within a fraction of 20 feet in width, with wide covered front porches with cement floor#: floored throughout with oak. The room# are all bright, beautifully decorated and of good «*e. The lareakfart and sleeping porches are unusually spacious, with French-door entrance from the dining room, and entrances from two bedrooms to the sleeping porch. The kitchen ia splendidly equipped with ultra-modern convenience*, including a Fngidaire. A storage heater, servant'# toilet and built-in garage occupy the haa* ment. The house# are finely built of excellent material and priced at SSM>SQ. OPEN DAILY UNTIL 9 PM. COME OPT AND #EE THEM AT ONCE. Drive nut Que at. to Wisconsin are . north to R at., weat to 37th at . north to intersection ol 37th at and Tuniaw rd. BOSS & PHELPS, 1417 K St. Realtors. Main 9300. OR YOCR OWN BROKER. $9.950—1n Excellent Detached-Home Section. Northwest. Situated on new. wide, paved boulevard near Waiter Reed Hospital practically aew. d*iach»d on beautifully improved lot Wole front porch very large living room with open fireplace: large, cheerful dining room complete kitchen, outside pantry and large breakfast porch S«cnnd floor has three «pa«-i.*ue bedroom# ami tiled hath. Feature# include oak floors, built-in refnreralor hoi water heat electricity screen* and awmnga. Entire house weather-stripped Garage to match house: paved alley All eonvemeoc*#. car line, schools, stores, etc. close by. Must be sold. Sl.OOO caah. balance on eaay .term*. $9.875 —A Four-Bed room Bargain in Northwest Facing the most attractive section of a beautiful Government reservation. In a locality of homa owner* whose line communstv spirit and well kept homes are a matter of public pride Two-«t«ry and attic colonial brick of superior construction cement covered front porch fireplace m large living room dining room and iock»*ed beeakfaa* room' kitchen has outside pantry. Sromil floor „f four bright cheerful Mc«mi and large tiled bath numerous clothe# and linen cloeel* floored attic. The lot ha* ample shrubs and flower* front and rear. Garage on pared alley. Most reasonable terms and immediate po**e*#io»i. 514.750 —A Lovely Home in Chevy Cha>e. D. C. In a moat convenient location, but 1•» equates west of Connecticut ave and ths business acclion of Chevy Chase The owner, tewing city, must sell this attractive home, built by Rom A Phrlps The first floor ha* a large rrcepfon hall, rositny bv>ag room with beautiful flrrplsee and wonderfully big dining room bright and cheerful Four bedroom* tastefully decorated two m\iling hath*, one with iknsw screened ale* gang porch spacious closet* and atuc storage. Tha entire property is in excellent COodiUOW A real bargain. sls.ooo—Tn 16th St. Highlands. Sixteenth Street Highland* has developed in the space of a very few year# mt* sase of the city a most fashionable area* Here t* a home iust a few steps east of this famenta boulevard of semi-bungalow type simple tu lines and excellent in peop>>-t»o« am] arrange ment Seven room*, hath and additional lavatory. Ip to the minute tn every detail amd in excellent condition The lot ■* 150 feet deep to a paved alley with garage. Haa been priced for a quick aalc and worth your immediate inspection. sl6.soo—Detached Home in Cleveland Park. Situated in a highly developed and much-sought after community of flw# hem an. A home unusual in plan and workmanship and modem throughout «oac*out living and dining rooms ideal for entertaining, a sun mum. eattlv adaptable for break fast usage bright, sunny kitchen with pantry and all con vev tetters and extra lavatory leldvm found in home* at this price Four unusually large bedrooms with good bed spacing and plenty of i'liiW room The lot t* large and the outlook m*»»t attractive facing a lovely estate This property repress*-.!* the best value offered in many months, and any one see king such an environment shook! phone at twice for an inspection. * sl7.soo—Corner Briok Facing Lincoln Park. One of the most !* readily This home i* an excep tionally hoe niece of property of bnck end stone cuattrtK-tiow con lata me ten apvcieu* room* entirely modem in every respect and in good condition. Garage ll wilt p*y you to investigate this at twice. Phone Main 9300 Until 9 F.M. BOSS & PHELPS. Realtors. 1417 K St. . Main 9300. i , » JUST OFF 14th ST.—Xearlv New—sB,9so, Ctrcvimdamy* make necessary the immediate' sale nf tht* demratde tnodeep i.vticstr.v Prick residence It ha* a vouth front no a pared street, between lit! and Kith street* ami within a short walk of flat-fed Heart i'hurvh The house t# an uncovered-porch type, containing «i\ Urge well li«htrd rooms, also an tm-H-wd sleeping porch full tile bath, oak floors on forth flr»l ami second floor* h wk elec lichla and built-in tirctwoot carafe. You could hardly bo«w tu and a better value than is oflrred here Term* WASHINGTON HEIGHTS—OnIy $10,500. Here is a very well built three story brick residence a flue neighborhood, near l>oth Ml Pleasant ami Chevy t'haw csr bur*, that i* oflenrd at a *mbculewaly l«» figure to immediate buyer The hours- t* iu splendid repair, ha* ,tX largw Isslrooma. 1 irge living room, dining room kitchen tod issntry h wh. eh*- tight* and other feature* If ha* also a «k*ep lot an,! tvrvck garage Well worth seeing. X EAR THE CAT 11F. D R.V1,—526,500. A most appealing -leiached home Kw-atcd within a »t>nve» throw of |t, new t'athrdr.*t, near John Eaton -b-hool out the tni* seivn-e. The house ,« r* Iwrtvcv ciUiditiiHV mod livable m at s angewn-ct ami emiwsbe* all asshm appsontment* There are four taige lei|i>,wi* ami two tile bath* on the avewl Ibmr. two n«m* * and ,-omplete bath on the third flopr ,mi a v.-rv s|vactous dot fl,»>r arrangement The grounds are efleet-ve|v landscaped ami then- is a garage that match** the house in cotiatt uctmn IVcuhsUy one of the outstanding home buy* in tht* sectiem (i FOR(; 1 .TOW X— Fine Oltl llmne—sl(v(W. This fine -vk! home located in one of the (-nsid**atic-p Owner is mod anwoot to tell and will commler any reaematde v>fler E\ cuing phone serxice until P.M. HEDGES MIDDLETON. INC. MVMRKRA t‘F TNK WtvHIM.WS REAL EATAtK RtURP 1412 Eve Street N.W , Eraukltn *>si\l A GROUP OF EXCEI LENT HOMES THAT WARRANTS VOI R IMMEDIATE INSPECTION. $7,750 EXCELLENT 20 EOO t r ilOME. .0 rwl hnuai, «n| ill Imv kkl tvjilN froni h ih* Ihrxnuhout HM iu iftvt umaunm Hi‘t hiier ht*%. *W*rw*t? aM lift, semi i mvi |erw» $10,500 IWROOM SEMI-BUNGALOW, UHEVY CHASE, Aemi buiiaatow style vMachevt home !tt inoma and f .-omok-te balha 2 hash jJMtttU AUM lulh 'Mt I WHU \Hm HkHU 111 AiUrvl |« trivkiitl# A\W jSuflhtMi \H uwMviu MmuwtUMtuilm, hAt\Uu\>| ilvhm* E\kviWto « $5.350 EtU R ID DROiWI HOME IN* GEORGETOWN, kawdh-nt hw itimt tn the cent,u o( ari*t,weatty Georgetown surrounded to yome of the city » fl.iest hon*-« A vnv desti ,»vh- } «,sm» wait aol I'atb now tin bn-k home cffr-,st to* v*k ,t , t .-b,uh-i»»i., K»w prove Hot wate* heat, , 'e, tn, ily amt *** etc Immediate aaW eatwvted phone wow. sn,oni) McKinley st„ chevy chase, home, tht a lot flo ivy Itd b'. | m the heart „f beautiful Vhew rhaar, !» 0 Attrwe, live detached home ,amtainin« t room, ami Ktik with v>ww*owt* t„ guo lavalwy house slwmt S test« ok! atut uv amvi that** House it i*»tM V reammsibW tenant hut iwissesmuu can tw had Kv n-i-mimsc ‘ ran iw arrange,! .nrswawi sn,siH) \ SPACIOUS SEMI DETACHED HOME, 10l ,T;t bv I'jf fuel with ampk »tva,w to, | g.vag,* ia« kvma* itself T\ an wt.iw bavin* IP r,*l *,w,m. new tv papeivd p-nowd ,»,| wutm \ l.'uuh- M'siein tn ntvpivomnenla v well ~uv,tim-le,l uki h,uu, tw,u*2) m W,. Mn*t iWaitabW 111,1 vyvnv MMeut bw-at.mi iu tVlurnm* HaiThta u.t» l t%)t *t^ We Will Be (ilail (*» lunviah \ vui \titliiHtnnl InLdniAlbvit k\k\t\G emv.vk vtuMi k itt ppm SHANNON X Ll CHS, INC, • R»*lu'ta. 1435 K Stieet N W, Main 234. V Mfcf "«i »™ ti hat.l " ir ~ READ ESTATE. BALR—HOPMM. HOI H ST. BE— CORNER HOC#*. UtA*- ly new hardwood floor# and trim, all mid on improvement#. Bargain. 57.150: SflO caah HfK) mnnt hly. STEL’ART HBOS.. INC.. Line. (1200. 141 13th St. N.g. COLORED BARGAINS. 1022 flth n.w.—fl-r. and b. briok, hot-air hrat in prrfrot rrpair: C-atory double brloh garage;.vacant. low prior, only $5OO oaah rnjuirrd. belabor monthly. 753 Hobart n.w.—fl-r. and b. mlonial * brioic. modern: pric* and trrma wary attrae tl»r. 241 14th a.r.—fl-r. and b. briok. In rood repair: big lot, pared atreet; bargain prie* on SI 00 *a*h. balanor eaay. 202 4»th n.e.—About 3 squares from tha District line rara. big lot. A-room bungalow, nr#. (City improvement# will ba available aoon.) lAI7 Kraemer n e.—Juat weat of Roaedale Plavground: 5-room frame, water in the kitchen. paved alley: in good repair* re 'hi'-'d prior; raeh payment *5O. balance easy Will consider renting any of the above houaev, excepting flth at. N. E. RYON CO., INC., 3410 14th. 1423 P St.