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6 GATHEDRAL SCHOOL OFFICIAL IS DEAD •Wiss Webster Had Notable Career as Teacher —Fu- neral Tomorrow. Miss Helen Livemore Webster 74 years old a endemic bend or the Nn tional Cathedral School for Hi.-in.. on avenue, s.n-e 191.1. aim .KOgnlvt as one of the foremos womhn educators of the country, .bed . t th school last night alter a loll). Tines* She was a grandniece of Daniel Webster. , Although in failing health for In past several years. Miss \ ' active in her work at the schooluntil within the past few weeks, when naiess force.! her 10 rest. Authorities at he school today expressed the K'ea " to the institution by her deat.i • • the good influence on . cised and the high ooao.einK staivdng she l ad helped maintain at the s. 1 mol during her administration a. a., head. Won Degree at Zurich. Dorr in Boston. Mass., Web s-er eariv in life expressed a d she to t » ioh She obtained a not mat *;.ho,i education in Salem. Mass., after which she taught for a whtU at Randolph. Mass, in she was awarded a Dh D. degree at the l;n versity of Zu ieh being one ol the lirs, thr»H' >v<*nicn to recoup » there and among the first women to receive such hon rs in Europe. She was graduated with sununa cum laude. . , . She 'aught at Vassnr College during the s. - -.on of I'n.' and IS9o. at the same time giving a course of lectures i n comparative philology it Barnard College. From ISP<> to 1899 she was professor of comparative philology at Wellesley College; served as principal of the Wilkes-Barre. Pa.. Institute from 18D to IP' I *, and was a teacher at Miss Porter’s School at Farmington. Conn., from 1904 to 1913, when she came to this city. She was the author of a treatise on the “Gutteral Question in Gothic”; was editor of the Legends of the Micmacs in 1893. and had contributed to various educational periodicals. Funeral Services Tomorrow. She is survived by two nephews. Dr. Fivd A. Webster of South Hamilton. Mass, and Frank C. Webster of Bos ton. and two nieces, Mis. Lula Wood land of Chelsea, Mass., and Mrs. J. Smith Carder of Miami. Fia. Funeral services will be conducted in the Bethlehem Chapel of the Wash ington Cathedral tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock. Bishop James K. Free man will officiate, assisted by Very Rev G. C. F. Bratenahl of the Wash ington Cathedral, who will officiate at burial at Lynn. Mass The student body of the school will attend the service here. MRS. HUNT SLATER DIES ON TRAIN IN FRANCE Termer Resident of Capital Was Known as Devotee of Music. Mrs Hunt Slater, formerly Miss Fjud Hunt, widely Jtnown in society circles of this city and New York, died while on a train bound from Dinard to Paris, France, Tuesday, ac cording to word received here. She was on her way to visit Mrs. Paul Bartlett, wife of The sculptor. She had been in France since last Sep tember. Mrs. Slater was interested in music and bad aided several proteges to ob tain an education. She was the aunt «>f Hunt Diederich, the sculptor, who iow Jives in Gagnes Sur-Mer. When in this city she made her home at 2105 Sixteenth street. Mrs. Slater was the daughter of William Morris Hu fit, artist, whose portrait of Abraham Lincoln was ex h Piled at th« Metropolitan Museum •f Art. in New York. Ejectment Suit Filed. •John If. Eaell, 2316 Seventeenth has filed in the District Hu Prerne Court a suit in ejectment against Georg* \V. Brown arid Outh '•ert B. Biow n for possession of lot 54 ■ n square 401, which he values at X j and it- a.-ks damages of X.'j.W't for alleged illegal detention of property. The land is located on fc- south side of Pennsylvania avenue between Six'll and Seventh street* I urthwest. Fuel! sues as the nephew and only heir of Mary Easter Jackson FOR SALE 5120 Chevy Chase Parkway One-half block Wmet of Conn. Ave. Beautiful New Horns « enter Hall Plan 4 Bedrooms and 1 Dressing Hoorn, ? Bathrooms Vapor Heating System Modern Price Today, $31,344 Price Tomorrow, $31,111 m ßuy When the Prite Suitt You“ M+H<r4 H 1,4 tt,,rn I i,t)l U t' M, GEO. W. LINKINS 1 733 De Sales St. Walth Thit Ad Each Day ~r~ ii.i j4u.f AVOID UGLY | PIMPLES A pimply f»ee will rtoi em* hurra** you tiiueh longer »f you get a packags <d Dr lidward*' # ll»v« fabler*. Ilia tint »hould begin to clear alter you have taken the tablet* a few night*. Cleanse the blood, bowel* and liver with Dr I'dward*' Oliva I I ablet*, the *utx«t*ful *ub»titute for calomel; there’a no aickoe** or pain after taking them lit. I'd ward* Oliv* I ahlrt* do that which calomel doe*, and ju*t a* effectively, but their ailion i* gentle and *af« instead ol severe ai d irnlatmg No one who take# Oliva Tab let* i* ever <«t»ed with a “dark i brown ta*le,’' a bad breath, a | dull, liktiett, “no Aw'd” let-hog, constipation, torpid iivtr, had dit j pokitiori, or pimply faic. Olive lahlet* era a purely S v egetable < ofiipound mined Willi H olive oil; know them by then flj olive color. I Dr I'dwaid* »pciit yeara among I patient* afflicted with liver and ■ bowel "iinplainl* and Olive I ub- I let * ale the immensely effective | result lake nightly for a week I bee how triuch better you feel ■ and look 15c. Mlc Ode. CONGRESS ORATORY STIRRED BY DEBATE I OVER NICARAGUA I (Continued from Flbst Pag*.) ■i time when "our ambassador of good will," Col Chnrloa A. Lindbergh, was i visiting Latin American republic'' and ’ virtually flying over the battleground. Ash* Referendum. Mr. Huddleston added that he did not believe the "real rulers" of the United States, the American people, had spoken in the rending of the 1 Marines to Nicaragua and that he tell ' there should ho a referendum on the j question. Mr. Hogg declared that American I Marines had been in Nicaragua from - 1595 to 1924 and "at the request ol 1 the Nicaraguan government." He said that the present was no time tor , an "Inflammatory speech" and that the situation afforded a "most glorious opportunity for a man who wants to . be careless with his facts." The Ohioan argued that it was the duty ol the United States to protect the lives of its citizens wherever they might be and that the Monroe doctrine must either be enforced or repealed, lie contended that if American Ma rines had not been sent to Nicaragua Great Britain. France, Japan and Italy would have ordered warships into Nicaraguan waters. Representative Boylan, Democrat, New York, issued a statement attack ing the administrations Nicaraguan policy as a "series of blunders,” while Representative Bloom, another New York Democrat, introduced a resolu tion demanding information concern ing the recent engagements in which Marines had participated. Bread served at a banquet in Brus sels recently was made from wheat believed to be 3,000 years old and ■ which was found in the’Pyramid*, and ■ ] the butter used was churned during ; j the reign of Queen Elisabeth. a cMn extraordinary offer : * —at all PEOPLES DRUG STORES Sjf /0 ''One Tull Size f%d/ :\ 65* Package (Mt\ \ ffATCY / W RUIIA J® Qjfe-r-i?* ( j|@Bß \/ packages at tary pad that out of 10 women v m the advice of their doctor or nurse. in other Q regular no words...O gsyto/*-/0U Millions of women know the convenience, the sanitary qualities of Kotox. IMs* a ••aids u« easily an a piece of tissue. No laundry, no embarrassment, Ask for m them by name, liny during this sale.—get one package FREE with the purchase J '.I two phut, ut Vbc~~you taut ‘',. "All Over Town”—the better to serve you i. 1 tttk Kvrcymm ktat?. wa ktttnnton - . tt. c„ TmTRSPAY, taottary s, Ttm’ BALLOTS IN VARE CONTEST ORDERED Senate Committe Demands Remainder of Evidence in Election Case. By the Associated Pies*. Subpoenas commanding the removal to Washington of the remainder of the ballots cast in the Vine Wilson senatorial contest in Pennsylvania In 1 ;i2li were issued today by the Senate privileges and elections committee. This step was taken after confer ences between Chairman Shortridge and counsel for William 8. Vare. the successful Republican candidate, and \\ iiltam B. Wilson, his Democratic opponent. It is preliminary to start ing the count of nil of the ballots east in the election which Wilson now is contesting. t Mr. Wilson iwas given permission to tile tin amended petition of con test within the next 10 days, and I he committee probably will defer the beginning of tho count at least until that has been received. Ballots and other documents used in Philadelphia and Allegheny Coun ties already are in possession of the Senate, having been seized Ihst year by the special campaign funds com mittee. At the conference today with Chair man Shortridge, Vare, who lias been denied the oath of office by the Sen ate. was represented by Francis S, Brown pf Philadelphia, while Wilson was represented by David Wallerstein of Philadelphia and Roland B. Ma- j baity of Washington. Constantinople has less than a d<>7. | cn auto tilling stations. SENATE PUTS WORK OVER UNTIL MONDAY Resolution for Tariff Reduction Policy Only Measure Before Body Except Bridgo Bill. With only one bill on Its calendar of business, the Senate agreed to adjourn over from today until Monday, Besides the lone bill —a bridge bill— ground out of the committee grists of the thousands sent to them by the Sen ate for preliminary study, the Senate also had before it a resolution to de clare a policy favoring general re duction In tariff rates. This resolution by Senator McMna ter. Republican, South Dakota, which has been causing Republican bailers some concern, was put over until Mon day with an agreement that it would he taken tip for action then. WWIIIIW II —lTl—BT—rill Milan I—II 11mi— i——— i THE VALUE OF SOUND TEETH cannot be mentiUTil by tbe r«*t of their miUren. The cost need net be einenNive Our twenty-si* year, of denfid service at Hinder, ite twice. ii. Mire. you of work that I* cntin nccninpli.hed without tiayliiK 11 bone nrlre. | Triple Patent Suction, Guarantied—slo.oo, $15,011, S'iO.on. SIO.OO t’O.MK TO DIC. FREIOT \NI» STAFF OF EXPERT, CAREFUL AND SKILLED DEM ISTS I’I.ATKS THAT I IT Our Specialty (301.1) CROWN AMI HR I IK! K UtllSli I'l It TOOTH. !Ctl ,t *». «>• IRWTKni Twenty-mi* year, nf tenod bnae.t dentistry U mir reenrd. I linn ,«f .ati.tlrd paticntH In Wa.biiiHton and oariniindinK cille. and town* I. pn.tlve proof nf nur reliability nnd for dcntiHtrv Hint is natural InnkiiiK. lamtlnr and I* ituurnntred Tre« evainlaatina. ; I.ARtiK (OMKORTARI.i: OKI K Rff ENTRANCK NEAT TO K U’S JEWELRY STORE tiR.AIII \TE AMI RECISTEREfI IIENTISTS ARE IN CONSTANT | READINESS KIR \PI It ATTENTION The entire mreond floor nf two bnlldlna. ttlven to operative anil meolianleal dentUlry. Fverytlilnc pertalnitiK to the comfort of nur patient* you will Ond here, ( I.EAN 1,1 NESS IS l»\t til til It SIRIhlNli I K ITI llt.S AERY SPEITAI. ATTENTION TO NERYPIS I’I.PI’I.E * OarUe for Extritrtiue When Ollier Work I* Rein* Pone Hour*: 0 A 11, to 0 I’.AI. Spndny*: 10 A..AI. to 1 P.M. „ .... f, . ,r Name. PR KKKIOT Hod APPRESS j He Sure \on t3et Into tbe Itiylit Office Phone Alain 10 GETS NAVY AIR CONTRACT. Buffalo Company to Build Three NY-2 Type Planes. The Consolidated Aircraft Corpora tion of Buffalo, N. Y., ha* been awarded a, contract by tho Navy De partment for tho construction of three . NY'-2 type seaplanes. The contract calls for Wright .1-5 whirlwind ftir i cooled motors. Tho total cost, Includ ing spare parts, will l»o SOB,OOO, ’ Cook to Be Named. Tim Civil Service Commission today . announced it. will receive application* until January 10 to till a vacancy in tho position of cook in the House of Detention of tho Metropolitan Police Department, at $1,140 a year. Full information and application blank* may !«' obtained from the commission, J 1724 F street. I A stork eats more than a pound of flsh, insect.* and frogs in a day. I p --W fflto ofcto aril & mothfop • Down Stairs Store •* — /f» | Friday is Remnant Day " Remnant Day Merchandise is not returnable or exchangeable; not sent C. O. D. or on approval; Phone or Mail Orders not accepted f Afternoon Frocks Sports Frocks, 5 5 95 m. 75. $1C.50 Were $lO • IT vIC 25 Sports Frocks, including one and two piece , models, of jersey, a few silk* and georgettes, 17 Afternoon Frocks, including kaibmir and and velveteen and flannel combinations. Ru?t! satin, and velvet and satin combinations, also green, blue and tan. flat crepes. Sizes 13 to 15; 14 to 20 and V, to 40. DoWs ' ‘ ,TAIIi * £TrjRK | 14 Satin Afternoon Frocke, $9.75; were $19.75 __ _ _ and $25. Horne la< e trimmed. Cocoa, helve Ilf 7 #* a 7C and blue. 14 to H W OIUCU StOUtS. 9 , ‘® 12 Attractive Silk Frocke, $6.75; were $lO. ' * Georgettes, flat erepes and satins, In black m fir , and navy only. Hlzea 14, 18, 2C, 38, 48, 50, 44>4, Were Sllu 5w.« D 45V4, SG•/*. __ 10 Plain and Fur-trimmed Winter Coats, v *** # ” Sports Dresses, $6.75; were $lO. warmly interlined and lined Sizes 14 to 40 One and two piece models. Brown, red and . vivv black. Sizes 13-19 and 14-20. 5 Misses and JW, omen • Wmter Coats, $3.95; were sls and $19.7». •zej Iv 18, 4-') and A2. 7 Afternoon and Dinner Frocks, $7.75; were 5 Misses’ and Women’s “Plyt.ex"’ Raincoats, $16.50. 5 are sleeveless models. Sizes 10 to 20 $1.95; were $5.95. and 36 and 38. ! DOWN STAIRS STORE. DOWN STAIR' STORE. Women’s Pumps and Oxfords ' earance jI 300 pairs, including many desirable styles. All splendid values. C* Some are soiled and tableworn from display. Shown in i broken size range, including many small and narrow sizes. Women’s Arch-rest Oxfords, special, $2.95. <SO Children’s Pumps, Oxfords and High Shoes. pairs of fine quality kid with Goodyear welt Special, sl. 100 pair?, in de-irable styles, but soles and leather heels. Broken sizes—ma- broken size range. Greatly reduced for quick : jority 4 to 5 and S to 10. clearance. Woman’s Storm and Low-cut Rubbers, spacial, Women’s House Slippers. 45c; were sl. 79 45c. 100 Pairs, to fit low’ or military heels. pairs broken size range reduced because Sizes 3 to 8. shopworn from display. • DOWN STAIR? STORE Silk Chiffon and Children’s Apparel Service Hose, 75c Greatly Reduced Some Irregular* of $1.50 Grade Full-fashioned Silk Hose with lisle feet. m 4 u * s *f fr °™ d - sp^ y ’ All popular shades; sizes S l * to 10 In *0 Vanta Union Su>ts, for Tots, 35c; were Si assortment. Shewn in broken sizes. SOO Pairs Chiffon Silk Hose. 65c. IRREG- .. tl A ULARS OF sl.lß GRACE—mock seams nsnflnA(Tt lftl* and lisle soles. Black, gun metal and IIQIIUUfIg®, U vv light beige. Sizes to 19. Were sl. JOO Imitation leather ;»*>■': velveteen handbags. Black, tan and grav. iteduced for |. IZ.J /xi a* clearance. Novelty Kid Gloves, $1 100 pairs, including attractive styles, in llalOy vlj WCIC tjrX.UeJ Ku ff w " ,w *. s ** a^ 1 fi 7~ :s attractive mode’s reduced for immediate and white with black or tan cuffs, in clearance. v " We * ‘75 Ftawar*. IB*r were 50c and -75*.- •* * - DOWN STATUS STORE. DOWN STAIRS STORE “Glosknit” Rayon Underwear Seconds —Low Priced vo v Bloomers and Chemise, 85c Vests, 58c Seconds of $1.15 Grade Seconds of 85c Grade 468 Garment? of this well known make Mill Ends— » shown in pastel shades. Practically all sizes in assortment. * * \ ‘Sunbeam” Sports Bloomara, 55 Long-line Braasierea, 35c; 40 Girdles and Corset*. 50c$ “Second*”, 85c. 239 patra. In- war# sl. Models with back were $t and $2. Small ».i«Sk eluding tan. navy, gray and >tenini?s Si,os because soiled frvmvx green. Slavs 25 and 27. 23Garter Brassieres. 50c; war# 1 «.,• .. Fl „. .. u . tl . $1 and $2.95. Soiled and mus- 2 Crepe de Chine Negligees. str 1 Striped Flannelette Robs, fl; aed from display. Stars 34 wen* $3 95. Medium s'.ses. In was $3.95. Medium size. and 44. flesh and henna. DOWN STAIRS STORE 2 ; / Bedding—Reduced Rugs—Reduced 240 Pillowcases, 20c each; were 280. Two popu- 1 9x12 Heavy Seamiest Velvet Rug. $22.50; was lur at sea —42x36 mut 45x36, Heavy grade— $35. freo from dressing. *) O%J| , Mayflower Reversible Ruga. sl-50* 9 Rayon Bedspreads. $2.25; ware $5.25. Twin- wera $2-25. * bed alto soiled from display. j Seamless Velvet Ruga. sls; were $2250. *’• J - siconos -\ 2 6x9 Seamless Asm n»ter Rugs. "SECONDS,* , Turkish Towpls 25c 1 111 IVIOII lUIYCIOf ujv 14 JVM Heavy Axminater Ruga. $2.95: "SEO- War# 50c. 2SS very absorbent towels, large alee; ONDS of SJ. 5 grade, slightly soiled. 200 Turkish Towels. Special. 20e. ST.IdHTt.Y QilL’C <ri| • ti'Ara « HUtlvUl'LAU —with fancy colonist borders. SzsJv J»a»> VfvlC vi,bd _ _ ;\H' yard.x of flat civjx* and prime,! »Uka. tn at- V _ j HI J tractive evdona and patterns. l*riced for cleans Lamps and dtiadCS Silk Short Lengths. Reduced qto H. were * 50c to $6. 15 Georgette Bed Lamps, $1.50; war# $1.95, Drapery and Cotton Short Lengths greatly Attractive colors, duced for clearance, 15 China Boudoir Osset. 50c; were sl. 8 Silk Boudoir Shades, 75cj were $1.50, Slightly s 11 rt -tei Aprons—Reduced 5 Silk Junior Shadea, $3; were $7.50. tttlghtty damaged. 38 Uniform* and Nooxer Apron*. $1.55; were * »«-■•••««-. »ue..... «m» «. wwm ‘ •'« ,» * n " 27 White Hoover’ Apron* and Uniform*, sv>*t I Table Base. s2i was $4,95. \\ ith double socket. were sl. Soiled and nnv»*ed. Hue* *S to 4$ Blightly damaged, t n tot, DOWN gT%|RS STORK DOWN ttUKf StV'R* Men's Furnishings—Lower Priced M«n’* Broadcloth Shirt*, $1.15 Rayon and Lisle Socks. 30c * JTw H Hixtadalutb wMvta. ptatn wht|e and go natte In a xavletv of attractive pattern* m u .» »v u, M*a’« Psjsms*. $1.15 Wool and Cotton Sock*. 40,- *f?» War* mare 15 |x*lre of mp*lt« and Anm*- 199 tw»r*> alight uregxdara »‘acA xndjß ktwg duth. •tightly anlled Nteea A, It. U, *nd It. ih»WN Sl’ytHx xixvrr ■'Ax. ’s4. *=- •' Hi —• ’I