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iPICKARD NAMING ' 1 UPHELD BY SYKES Appointment to Radio Com-; Emission Defended by Act ing Chairman. { K O. Sykes. acting chairman of the * Radio Commission. today to the aHi of Sam Pickard, one of hie associates on the Radio Control Hoard. The eligibilit* of Pickard for service on the commission lias been challenged before the Senate inter state commerce committee because of doubt of his politic*l affiliations The nominations of Pickard. *>• H. Caid xvetl of New York and H. A. I-a Fount inf Ptah will come before the commit tee tomorrow. Pickard, according to a letter sent 4,v s\ kes to Chairman Watson of the committee, is exceptionally well quail to he a nienilter of the commis sion because of his radio activities, especial!'’ among tiic farmers of the Middle West. •As regards certain technicalities which have arisen as to Mr. Pickard s qualifications to serve." Mr. Sykes jotter said, "I am certain that he can .positivelj establish the fact tiiat In* is IVmocrat in view of thr fact that he lets voted only the Democratic ticket. Regarding h.s aettial legal residence, the Kansas State Colbge. ; where Mr. Pickard was employed as agricultural editor and radio director, kept his i>nsition open for his return PHtil a few months ago. when he was appointed to the commission. Mr Sykes - letter alluded to Pick aids war service, where he was an aviator with many hours of Hying service over the* lines. The d:«v he fore the armistice he was shot down in a horning plane, and spent several months in a hospital recovering from injuries. Meanwhile, Norman Baker, operator of Station KTXT at Muscatine, lowa, is marsh?ling the forces in opposition to Pickard. Caldwell and T.a Fount, j ard will appear Bt the hearing tomorrow. AVIATION TROPHY . COMMITTEE TO MEET « Annual Collier Award for Greatest Achievement in America to Be Decided. A committee to consider applica tions for the award of the PoPier Trophy, presented annually l*y ihe National Aeronautic Association “for sh“ greatest achievement in aviation in America, the value of which has been demonstrated by actual use dur ing the preceding year,” has lieen ap pointed and directed to meet here within the next few weeks by Porter Adams president of the association, ft was announced today. The committee is composed of Charles .1. Bell, president of the Amer ican Security A Trust Co. and a pin neer aeronauta-al enthusiast in Wash ington. Karl N. Findley, editor of IV P. Air Services magazine; Edgar X. Oott. tu-esidem of the Keystone Air plane Manufacturing Co. of Bristol. Fa.. Oapt. Emory S. assistant chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics. Dr. George W. la>wi*. director of re search. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics; Capt. Burdette S AVrighJ. chief of Ihe information divi sion. Armv Air Corps, and Maj. Clar ence M. Young, director of aeronau its ;h 0 f *fisrtm*vtt of ( ommtrw. «ail ;i no <iai« wa* m»r vywpmwv. uony I I 'SIMMONS SURVEYS DISTRICT PRIOR TO BUDGET HEARINGS Intensive Survey Precedes Hearings Monday on $40.- 000.000 Total. Subcommittee Head Finds Charitable Institutions in % I Good Condition. ■ • i In order to prepare himself for most ! intelligent consideration of the s!<• 000.1*00 I > (strict budget, on which ; heatings begin Monday, Chairman | Simmons of the subcommittee has I made a personal tour of many of the eleemosynary and.penal institutions. He is making a special s tudy of Hie school system, lteoattse this culls for about one-third of the entire Distiict ; appropriations. Representative Sim mons is giving particular attention to the delay in erecting school buildings after funds have been appropriated. He is also making a close analysis re garding the iecommendat ion for ap proximatel* 100 new teachers. This is the third District hill that Mi. Simmons lias worked on. and the first of which he will have direct charge. The Home School for Feeble Mind ed at Annapolis Junction, housing 200 defectives who wete previously farmed out in the District and in nearby States, impressed Mr. Simmons. Three buildings have been completed and money is available for two more, i Mr. Simmons said he will recom mend a second. About 90 additional inmates are being sent to this institu tion this week. The five buildings can accommodate about 400. He next visited the National Train ing School for Clrls and was stir prised at the excellent accommodations. Each git’i has a separate room. Four teachers are provided for 2o or 2f> inmates. The Industrial Home School for Col ored Children and the Home for the Aged and Infirm at Blue Plains were also carefully inspected and their pro grams discussed with officials. At the District Workhouse at Occo quan and the Reformatory at Horton j Mr. Simmons spent a day. He found : several men m shackles, hut savs ibex LODGE FETES WOMEN. Ball at Mayflower Marks Centen nial of Hiram Group. F. A. A. M. | Hiram latdge. No. 10. F. A. A. M. ; entertained with a indies - night Iwll at the Mayflower Hotel last night, j More than I,nno iieraons attended. In | addition to dancing there were several vaudeville acts. During the evening j Grand Master of Masons James T. Gibbs, accompHnietf by Mrs. Gibbs and Past Grand Master Grata E. Dun | ktm: visited the gathering ! Hiram lodge is celebrating its ran tennial anniversary, It was chartered j December 27. 1R27, and its charter j signed January 8. 1928. A member ! ship liamjuet will be held at the May | flower Saturday night. The lodge will 'close the celebration Sunday night with a religious service at the Con i cordia l-utheran Church, at which Rev. John C. Palmer, grand chaplain, will i speak. Cold Hitt Maryland Wheat. Spec,a! Pi .Dutch Ui The Star. HAGERSTOWN. January f». Wheat, in this section has suffered i heavily from the cold, because it has not been protected hv a blanket of 1 snow. Milton D. Moore, county agent. • aid 1 1 tdu v THK FiVKNTNO STAB, WASITTXfITOX. T>. C, THURSDAY. .TANTA UY 5. 1028. Hr jjH H M Jk RKI’RUSESTATIVK MIMMONS. frankly admitted the punishment was deserved. He says he looked in vain for armed'guards and saw the prison- I ers working in the open. Mr. Sint- J mons declared that the brick plant lat Occoquan is a most valuable Dis trict asset and that it must be kept • in excellent condition. The heating plant at Kortou had Ueen strengthened by four large boil ei s from surplus at Camp Humphreys, he found, and a steam shovel for the shale liit! at Orcnqnan had been loan led The auto tag plant, which proved j its worth in supplying license plates : for the cut rent year; the canning plant, which has been in operation to i handle Fail crops; the foundry, which is just being started up, and a clot it ing factory, which is being started in a small way, all impressed Mr. Sim ! mons. He believes that all of these insti tutions are being wa ll housed and are in many reaper-is model plants. Many applications are being receiv 'd from oil teens - associations and in i rthiduals who wish to be heard when (he District items are being consid ered All of these are being listed and hearings will, as far as possible i>e allowed when the subcommittee | has completed its hearing of officials. : Sex era I members of Congress will be I b«ard next week. ! “MACHINE ARMY” TEST. Mechanical Fighting Flu lined for Summer at Camp' Meade. The first large-scale experiment in Ihe fritted States to mechanize Armv units, providing not only mechanical transportation for troops, weapons and material, but also calling for ac tual fighting operations from motor vehicles, will he carried out next Sum trier at Camp Meade. Md , under direc tion of the commanding general of the 3d Corps Area. Ten units will participate. They will include a Imitation of Infantry, i tank, platoon, a Field Artillery bat talion, 1 Coast Artillery battery, an I Engineer eortjpany a signal company, I medical detachment, an ammuni tion train and an observation squad ton front Mitehel Field. Dong Island One troop of cavalry will be trained in use of mechanical equipment and will operate with a mechanized force Faiton Trial March 12. RICHMOND. Va.. January f. <**i Jrhn Wesley Faison, former Hermit i age Club manager, will go on trial March 12 for the second time, charged with the murder of Mrs, Elsie Holt 1 Snipes, prettv young music teacher The dal* was set » esteidav SHORT SESSION BILLi IIP AGAIN ! HOUSE Senate Passes Proposal. 67- 6. —Norris. Sponsor. Sees Action Likely. 'l'll*' pro|)uv»*d I'nnsl it m imiMl .iiiifiid to have mow iiii’iiilh i m of ('on s -ivn( begin I heir I dins \\ i i liiti lun monllis all or lilt* Novdnlit'i rli'eliim, thd'i'li.v eliminating lll>' .so (Mill'll' I "liimo dnek " so.-sioiis. ont o inori' is up in ihi' Moils**. Imvim; imssdl ilii' Smile \ eslei day for the fntirth tilin' i by n sole of I*. to ti. In pievloiis yi’ar.s tlx* rosolniion lots lit'di rciionfit out liy I louse imnmii : (pi's. Init never Ims lid'ii a |i|iro\oil In tin* debate y**st*»rtiu\ Stiiiilor Noi i is. lt*>|Milil id* ii. Nebraska. nut Inn of; llio |»ro|>osul, fX|»rt‘Ssi'tl belief (lint I iloiist' nctioti is more likely this your, j II,: believe* sent inu'iil in i'hvih' of the! measure is inn rasing in tlit* i oimlrv.j President lii iii January. I'ntii'i' this i«*miiiiitii.ii tlir l’il'.siili'iit j :ll|il Niif I'l'e.sitleill Would tilht* litliff ,I a n 11 : 11 ■ > I■» insf dii I of Mmii'li 4, mill fonsri'ssioiiiil tortus would start .l.nui jury Unis bringing in elerled ; lin Xm diilicr within two inouths. In i : stead of the short session ending an j lomatie.illy on .March 4 ever' other; t ear. Senator Nui tin helieVes (tide : would he two sessions of nearly ei|ita| i lent;lh in each Congress. Senators Biipport inn flit* change called ;i t tent ion teslerday to its value in reducing likelihood of tilihusters. which frequently mark the dost* of a short session. Hits Ihiwo,' Rules Man. This phase of the debate prompted iwo Senators to refer i<> the effect this change of law would have on the. campaign of Vice !*rosident Dawes for new rules lo exjwaJite transaction of business in Ihe Senate. Comment log on what Senator Nor 1 i is said regarding fllihusters. Senatoi Walsh. Democrat, Montana, observed;' “As I understand the Senator, tin Vice President's oecuiwtion will not lie mine, hut his issue will he none.” i,ater Senator McKellar. Demociat Tennessee. ashed if the Norris amend menl would do away with the neces sit\ for I In* new rules suggested In file \*. e Pie.sideol and Senator Nor-i 1 ill said he lieheved it Would. JUNK DEALER HELD. Accused of Receiving 2.M00 Founds of Brass Stolen From Navy. Louts |i'ainheift. junk dealer, of 1!7 L afreet southeast, was held iiudei | 51,000 horn) for Hie Mellon of the grand jury hv .Indue Itohert K. Mat ting')' in Police i'oiim thia iiuniiing | on a charge of receiving stolen prop erty iii eoiineclloti with an alleged purchase of 3no |miiiiuls of Inass for the immufad me of cartridge' eases, alleged to have heen stolen j from the Navy Va •<! December IS ; jby I'd. H HoiiMii, I'nited Stales Marine t'orps. Kalnheix is said to have fold ! } Honldm that If in* had nnythiiiK to j sell to dump i! into ins hack >at«J . and lie would gDe him a fair price linn Id in testified that he received S4O The brass was located by llcadqnat teis Detective 11. C. Callahan, w In* | received a complaint from the Navy i Yard. K«inberg did mu report the ' | 'purchase t»f the stolen material to j police as is required by law. ! Chinese linkers use quantities of rose flavoring in candy anil confec ! inriK I Mood of Measure** (lonfronlH As Session Resumes A llcod of bills and resolutions, second otllx to lint of opening thtv. was built up today in the Senate and House witli tile recoil veiling of Congress alter tin- Christ mas recess. Nearly ever*' member bad some* legislative idea. IH'W or old, 'ii i»lfi»i and some Senators bid a.- mam as a dozen or more. The re •.u 11 was that tlie hillroom fore* s bad to be MUgliii'ltled so tlie \aiious measures luigbl be lisleil and made ready for the Coxeiti nu-nt I'rin|lug t mice. The measures dealt vvitb Hood eonirol, radio eoinniunieal ions ' * merlenti oecupntioii of Nieara 'lie SI disaster, erop insurance P nsions. Hie natal oil reserxes *!a ins and a variety of oilier sob ■ civ, •nine of whieb are treated .a bills and resoltll ions Wtiieti were iiii.idut-ed during the opening XX i< I of t 'dlU'l'l ss. - • Candidate for Judgeship. ! "**jt*t i.i! hmp il' hlo The Sfar 1 lilt'll ,M< l.NI). Va.. January &.* - ' Wlin tlie Rielimond i!ai Assiw-iul ion j inee-is tomorrow to indorse a candidate j for tba judgeship of tbe Hustings ‘ Court, to be fillen at tin* coming *es -ion of tbe General Assembly, it "ill find ju t one candidate, Justice John ! 1,. In jam who now presides over the Police Court. He is expected to re ceive ilia unanimous recommendation of tlie bar. j§ BerberichJ’ I HALF-YEARLY II C A T T? \ 111 J-/H/ ; l3ll§ .• > svi n Just as surely as January and July roll around llliPl comes the news of reductions on thousands of pair* OMB of tine Berberich Shoes. Our policy does not permit of the regular weekly or monthly “Special Salt' i, |P|! Events.’’ Twice a year our manufacturer* co-operate j|g§ S OUR REGULAR STOCKS. 11l U Reductions Effective ill Mgl on Many Styles in Our 111 * M Nationally Knoicn Brands: ||m||j MS *J» Our liO-year adherence to the policy |g|H A LEANING HOUSE twice a year has taught HI ■ Hie public to await eagerly these Reductions 111 A IN* THIS GREAT PRICE EVENT ARE IN SB t LUDED MANY PAIRS OK SUCH FAMOUS BBr makes as selz. iohnston & murphy §|l|§| and ARCH PRESERVER for MEN: RED |i| - # CROSS. HAN AN AND CELEBRATED Mill Bl BROOKLYN-MADE H.VND-TVRNED HI SHOES for WOMEN and the PIED PIPER HI ■ jSHOES for CHILDREN. 11l MLjffkJfJir -o?HsM4~Hr HIM Unretlrieteil Choice of ill Women’s Footwear ANY P\IR ||h| 111 the I'miiHuin Kihiiii , Ip| o NKNV STYLES HHDUCKH -t / _ , °* . . 11 owS 5 5 J<5 now $ 2 W 72 Johnston & Murphy I 111 A NKVV STYI.KS KKIH'CKI) 1/ Shoes ||l 4VZ *s* niw *4-” V 4 . u, h, IHI Issg*7» now *3*% ' *ll1 13 •f j ” ' ™ hornier Price ■ ■ ■ lii r* NliW STVI.KS RKDl'Clil) 1/ HI 5 S 7' ,KI NOW ss'-* l /4 I SECOND FLOOR I Hi PIED PIPER SHOES HANAN. RED CROSS —for Children AMI CI I.KHHATi n Due Me/./.iliiiuc Id, mi* Oilers 4 i It RROOKLA N MADE i|H Many Slvles of the I'nmmis J /0 !] Il»nd-Tur«ed Shoes for Women ill "PIHI> I'll’KK" Junior Imh.i- ; f REDUCED wear al SI'MI ANNDAI. DIS- 1/. |/ ... 1/ iH| COt IN I'S. /4k J 72 ANI) 74 I | BerberichT m TWELFTH-F STS. j EFFECT OF SMITH ABSENCE DOUBTFUL __ Ocirocrats Fail to Announce if Any Others Will ■ Shun Dinner. r ; liy dll' A»r<M i.llcl I'r,•(,*». i Tin' I'li.’iii 11 nimivt Iv id.ii 'd fm i ' i . Kmilii id New York .«t III” t ihl«> ii hi >• j 111 ,n| 1 1 v Ihi' In iniß-i iitii- («ii *1 > ini it." .humus IL' .hud.*nui d;iv din I ,mi will In' Viiiimi. A i l« si mi if will I i*i.i hf mi u|iifd I* x Ihf gnvf riiiu. mid ! j ; In* giitln ring Inuki-d u|iuu ji> ! si li'il minis lufiding nl *>• |.u«- il illlif-, will h.'iv** to gil Minim with j mil tin' |i| i Mi’lu •• id mis nf tin* Inulilli! iildflidfix II I nnl piispihlf I'nw In 1 1 * tfi mm* Wlllit (ffl'i'l 'hf gOVfI'IIHI B ilfclillM linn In ii f tfiiil will Imvf mi tin- plans d' tlif Di Him i niif mit iunai I'limniitli'*'. , . | will* h will hf hn.*f In tin g;ithfling. ; ii It wmb Ini)ini lii li'tvi Mi rfrnilii i -j l if* id with ol In i'<4 win hiivn his n si me nlinmd I'm-Ihf nnmiiiMl inn mid tu . jli ivn him dflivt'i mi Jiddrens on Ih** j I i.■-■nf- nl tlif lfh’X flii'linn l U'hllhfl iiliv Hlhfi |inl*nli;il i-umli • :d.'t**« hnvi* iii'i'i*|»i«'d m d*'*'lim'd Ihf j j dinn**i invliiitinii'* ha« not honn iin-| i ; linn in i'it tit n.'itmnal inmnlillPf li**ii*l- | i|iiai li*i». , * '!**in Shaver. **oinniitt**«»' ••haiiman, is out of the cilv. nr,il h is , office is !*■:(V’inK to him any statements j to tin road*-. ’ j I Whwi fitst tila os lor the dinner j won* an non n< aft it w.i* made clear filial every branch »»r tb»* imrly tv wild hr* r**pi evented aml that ever y a* j pirant for the nofiiioatinn itvmM have o|»|roi I 'loll' to hi h*ard. John j W. Ila vis. Ih'lmh ir:!ir nominee in ItlM. ha* be* ri cbdsen as th" toast-. "lislfl Although th*' .1 i k-a n day dinner has lira orna a pititv in-t oin ion i" j was !a>-i held In I !l.O. Then <*ov. ' * *(i:,. who ivim f h** nomination. ami ill r>| HO* oUii-ir* ill I hr* pre convention rate. attended llml discussed e'lfre I ' naiyn Issuer*. Tio same pinßiam la i planm-d (01 thf .I tnnarv l:J inrr ’inK liming ihr- week th** national nan initial* v. ill n-im a convention < itv •inrt allalit,*" d* tails »(• Ihr 1 m l? nan»• pttisrn. • REPORTS ARE STUDIED. Brown and D. C. Head* Confer on Efficiency Surveys. Herbert I) Brown. rtiief of the Fed eral Km ran of Ufficirrifj' ami th*- f> > 11 iet <'otnnbKidnners «re conferring this ! afternoon on some of the' bureau's re rent report* concerning the engine* r-' | iiig »l"|iartments of the municipal gnv *u inm-iit. j The most important of these reports j recommend* th*- aholltitrti of the c**n ! tr at hoard and tin* iistdgnrnent of the j vv»rk of award!ns contracts to the pur , chasing office. Others relate to the j methods of tnoeediire in the purcha*- i ’ ing offif e. ITALIAN CHOIR SINGERS ; REPUDIATED BY VATICAN Otyanistation Touring U. S. Is Not Sponsored by Pope. Says 3'fatement. Hv (it trie t>( T tie <f I' Ullll the Sf* To*:- Wor I*l KO.MK. .lanuary it —The papal nr Ran. <iset rvafore Knrnano. last night published an offieia I statement tha ’ i hoirs of thr- Statin** fhaiiet and St peter « have never left Korne for toiji - abroad ami that the Holv Father hal - intention of allowing choir* t* Koine* basilicas to i# depleted it such enterprises. The organ warned the public am dad • specially in to*- Ifuterj /I4)tes, th* choirs now tom mg there who preterro to h**)**riK tli ihos* churches are strn oly professionsls who .if their utir risk and peril ate. on fh*-;r ow n a* imini atvl nnihi their own exohn**v» i responsibility. undertaking tatirs ot the f'nit**d Stales with w hah *h< Holy S“c and the Itonian is*«ciia have nothing in common." Describing a pamphlet nowrimilat ing in the Fritted State* under *b> ; auspices of the K .man Polvpbons tfhoirs. the Os*ci Vatorc <*ft*sses ft i<- a litlior i/*‘d to declare that neith***" th* Popes aijt'giaph nor th*- picture t* ttie i irnilar* ha ve anv ronne* t;«*n \vjfr the choir* tmir that rhe imir wa*• n fc ver authorized in an' - wav bv ti Holy See arnl still less by »b« Pop* This unusual declaration is couch*/ in epetgetic terms and caused a 1 ter among the tnemfrers of she bas ti*. choirs who have resented th«* to»jr !»n alleced Ststtne <’har»ei eh«>ir. whi'» the fact i- the-- have n**ver 'eft Pom* 1 * i 7