Newspaper Page Text
I ONE NEAR jig | > Aunt Jemima Campbell’s HERSHEY’S I | Pancake BEANS COCOA S y 1/i4b • size % > 2 Pkgs. 21c p er Can 7c 2 for 25c > iyr » r \ < “v. 10 lbs, < > LOG CABIN prkTAT nFQ 00LD BAND I | SYRUP POIAIOUS BUTTER | > Per Can 23c I 2 9c J Per Lb. 59c | X It has that delicious flavor X < Special This Week CriSCO, I-lb., ZSC *•’•< - < < -n ! 1 N r < ><V^*VSi\N*VV»N»\*WVS*V*W*AAAA***AAAiV»S | Gold Bag Coffee Per Lb. 38c | X The Coffee That Has the Right Taste AH the Time x \ QUAKER OATS, 1f „ SUNMAID PRUNES, | >}\ > > Package 11C 1-pound package # X GOLD MEDAL BUCKWHEAT, f | SUNMAID PRUNES, C X < Package lIC 2-lb. package * > MORTON S SALT, | ~ X X VA. SWEET PAN CAKE, jt f Package lUC C X Package 11C K RIMM’S MAC., SPAO. OR /X q X X NAVY BEANS, O C NOODLES, 3 for C X 3 pounds w LIKE ME PEAS, C X > l, p. a »m eans : 10c MOTHER’S DELIGHT CORN, q cj X 2 cans X SCHINDLER’S PEANUT RUMFORD BAKING POWDER, \ O t € BUTTER, 16 oz i/ 2 .|b. can IOC / X W EBER’S HONEY, t DEL MONTE No. 1 SQUARE -J E~ C X 8-oz. jar lyt MAM. ASPARAGUS OOt # | American Beauty Sliced Bacon, Lb., 39c | XMA BROWN SWEET MIXED ___ . C X PICKLES, pint jar Zyl |y/||7' \ # > LARGE STUFFED OLIVES, ?Q r X O X X# 12-oz. jars X J BUFFET SIZE SLICED l n,. Rib Roast Beef lb., 35c > f PEACHES, per can lUI X C DEL MONTE SARDINES, it r Pot Roast Beef lb., 25c < y 2 cans. / alu/ v < P c«n. 32c Loin Pork Roast.. lb., 29c > 5 P io bar. oAP ' 39c Fresh Hams lb., 24c % C KIRKMAN'S BORAX SOAP, S > 4 b * r ‘ I c Fresh Shoulders .. .lb., 19c < y CAMAY SOAP, 2*5C X < Jn'ra-Tra r, , Mrs. Faunce’s Sausage S > p " «■ *2 C Meat lb., 35c < > SCOT TISSUE TOILET PAPER, f f | X C R# " Home Dressed Chickens > X PRO TEC TO MAICHES, At all our stores at reasonable prices y Dozen Uv X |'^^ICETPERPK^r7r V^| I All Our Stores have AUTH’S PORK PRODUCTS | S Known to our patrons to be “not the cheapest, but the best.” Bearing the C y government inspection stamp, No. 336. % x Our Stores Are Now Handling OF* LEA NO’S # % Chestnut Farms Milk BUTT-R-NAISE < v The milk well known to all Wash* . . . _ . „, u . X X . . . ...... A new product, made with Butter f f ingtonians and is highly recom- . . * .. .! u * „„„ X X and contains all the vitamines, at our v ‘ _ . stores. C \ Pint 9C Quart 15c 8-oz. Jar 29c J '£ 32c DORSCH’S \ > Pl< k ur /jS‘A 12-iH. - n , A ,OA,A Or* < jrlOUr sSf?\ it.g SVC bkkaii C < <WWVWVWWVVWVV I Tetley’s Tea | > ~7 :::»ru t 23 c Bread &He | | Corby’s white i Holmes’ Pies < > Rose Bread ... 1 At all DOS Stores J THE EVENING STAR, WASHTNGTOyT, D. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, IfflS. WAY WORKERS PLAN REALTY SALE Employes of Southern to Dis pose of Property if Office Is Moved. With removal of the offluen of the Southern Railway from the prenent location at Thirteenth street ami Pennsylvania avenue virtually cer tain through passage by the Senate yest* relay of the Elliott hill, providing for purchase of the "triangle" for Government building, employee of the railway company have initiated a move to form a co operative real es tate organization for disposal of their real estate in case the Southern moves Its headquarters from Wash ington to another city. K. S. Wynn, vice president of the railway company, however, stood pat on the statement of Fairfax Harri son, president of the road, that the SoutheiiJi has made no decision re garding removal of the general offices from the present structure In the "triangle," and, pending a decision, would not make any announcement of the company’s plans. Those behind the move to organize the co-operative real estate company declined to re veal their names or further details of their plans, although they said re moval of the offices of the company to another city would work ‘’great hardship" on many of the 2,200 em ployes of the road in Washington. "Removal of the general offices from Washington means disaster to hun dreds of people," a spokesman for the employes’ group declared. “It. means homes broken up, families separated, property values destroyed and finan cial difficulties for many. Hundreds are now paying for homes that would have to be sacrificed. Either these conditions or the a’ ernative—which would result in a situation equally dis astrous—the giving up by many em ployes of a life’s work for which they i had equipped themselves during many years of training. What this would mean to the clerks long In the service and who are buying homes is obvious.” TUXEDO SUITS, $29 $35 Value, On Liberal Terms EISEMAN'S, 7th & F CLYDE J. NICHOLS, Inc. UNDERTAKERS 4209 flth St. N.W. rlrrte 4 VlrlinU. I’rM. Formerl* Vie* rre.idrnt-SMTttary W H Npmrr Co. Phone Col. «9!4 OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT AT EISEMAN’S, 7th & F /VYYVYWYYWYVYY\ r* ■ 4SW-4 K Sidney West < N< €/ (INCORPORATED) / iMttiVTG Streets N. W.< Clearance Sale < > °f £ > Fancy Neckwear $ Cut and Knitted Silks > Formerly Now >/ $1.50 $1.15 ? 2.00 1.35 > 2.50 & 3.00 1.85 \ > 3.50 & 4.00 2.85 >/ C 5.00 & 6.00 3.45 » naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/ t Government (iuards Your Funds In This Bank sends National Bank Examiners unan nounced and without warning into this bank at least twice a year to examine our books, count our cash, inspect our investments, and make a thorough exam ination of our affairs. Alio about five times a year, at irregular pe riods unknown to us beforehand, we are re quired to forward to the Comptroller of the Currency a sworn statement of the condi tion of this bank. Lincoln National Bank 7th & D Sn. 17th & H Sti. | THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Fair tonight and tomorrow; slowly rising tempera ture; lowest temperature tonight about 20 degrees, Maryland—Fair tonight and tomor row: somewhat warmer In west and Houth portions tonight; rising tempera ture tomorrow. Virginia and West Virginia—Fair tonight and tomorrow; slowly rising temperature. Record for Twenty-four Hours. Thermometer—4 p.m„ 29; 8 p.m., 24; 12 midnight, 21; 4 a.m., 17; 8 a.m., lf>; noon, 33. Barometer—4 p.m., 80.49; 8 p.m., 30.46; 12 midnight, 30.44; 4 a.m., 30.41; 8 a.m., 30.50; noon, 30.61. Highest temperature, 33. occurred at noon today, lowest temperature, 13, occurred at 5:50 a.m. today. Temperature same date last year— Highest, 47; lowest, 36. Tide Tables. (Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Today—Low tide, 12:30 a.m. and 12:35 p.m.; high tide, 6:09 n.m. and 6:37 p.m. Tomorrow—Low tide, 1:25 a.m. and 1:31 p.m.; high tide, 7:07 a.m. and 7:32 p.m. The Sun and Moon. Today—Sun rose 7:27 a.m.; sun sets 4:59 p.m. Tomorrow—Sun rises 7:27 a.m.; sun sets 5 p.m. Moon rises 3:29 p.m.; sets 5:49 a.m. Automobile lamps to be lighted one half hour after sunset. Condition of the Water. Great Falls—Clear. Weather In Various Cities. Tenioeraiura o a3 sr~ 31 5 n ’ IS Station*. 1*? o— Weather 5 Zj » t or •» :: r 3 Abilene .'to 48 41 : JS .. . . Cloudy ~ Albany 30.22 20 20 Pt cloudy Atlanta ....30.5H 32 )* .... Clear Atlantic Citv 30.40 2S 20 .... Clear Baltimore .. 30.4 H2H 20 .... Clear ltirminirham. 30.6 H 32 IS .... Clear Bmmarek ...30.00 lit S 0.00 Clear Boston 30.12 30 22 .... Clear Buffalo 30.30 24 20 0.00 Snow Charleston . 30.00 30 20 Clear Cincinnati .. 30 50 20 IK Clear Cleveland ..30.40 23 20 ....Cloudy Col mbia S.C. 30 00 .. 10 .... fear lienvcr 30 34 40 30 .... C ear 30 40 22 20 .... Cloudy E! Paso... 30.24 Oil 3H Clear Galveston .. 30 53 42 40 .... Clear Helena 30.20 4S 30 .... Cloudy Huron S. p. 30.14 14 « Clear Indianapolis 30.52 24 18 .. ■ • ?,jea r Jacksonville. 30 50 42 2K .... Clear Kansas Citv. 30 40 30 24 Cloudy I.<is Amreles. 30.10 So 5H t ear tatulsville ..30 00 20 20 .... Clear Miami. Fla.. 30.3 HO4 44 C ear N Orleans... 30 00 42 32 .... Clear New York... 30.34 2S IK Clear Oltla City... 30 48 44 28 r. ! l Pir l Omaha 30 24 32 22 <Joudy Philadelphia 30 40 28 22 Pt eioudy flioenix .. . 30.14 72 40 Clear ittsbureh . 30.50 20 10 .. . Cloudy orllano.Me 30.02 20 20 .... Clear Porlland.Ore. 30 22 42 34 008 Rain ! Raloitrh N.C. 30.50 32 22 Clear S I.nke Citv. 30 50 44 32 San Antonio. 30 52 50 38 .... Cloudy San Dirrn. .30 00 OS 52 .... Clear ! S Krannseo 30.24 00 40 Cloudy St. Lmlla. ..30 52 32 22 ....Clear St Paul 30H0 10 2 .... < lotidy ’Seattle 30 118 54 42 0,10 Rato Spokane ...3o 28 28 28 .... Cloudy WASH . DC.3O 50 30 13 Clear roRKION. n am. Greenwich time, today ! Stations. Temi>eraturr weather Loiidotu En el and 40 Clear Parla. France 44 Part cloudy Vienna. Austria JO Snow Stockholm. Sweden 28 Part cloudy Gibraltar. Spain 50 Clear • Noon Greenwich time today.! Horta (Fayall. A lores .. 50 Cloudy I Current obaervaUpn*,! Hamilton. Bermuda. .... 68 Part cloudy San Juan. Porto Rico.... 78 Cloudy Havana. Cuba ”2 Cloudy 1 Colon. Canal Zone 74 Cloudy W. D. HINDS DIES. Founder of Toilet Preparation Firm Found Dead. BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., January 5 (A*). —Walter D. Kind*. 63. founder of a famous toilet preparation manu facturlnjf company which bears his name, was found dead In his bed at Ids Winter home here yesterday. The body will be taken to Portland, Me., Hinds’ former home, where fu neral services will be held. Francis A. Macknutt Dies. RICHMOND, Ind., January f» (/P). — Francis Augustus Macknutt, 64, for mer Richmond resident, died Decem ber 30 at Hchloss llatzotz, Hrlxen, Italy, according to an announcement received here today. He had been secretary of the American Legation at Constantinople and at Madrid, and later became the first American to be appointed high chamberlain to the Pope at Rome. Macknutt is also the author of several books of historical nature and a contributor to maga zines. ’ SHIPPING NEWS . Arrivals at nnd Sailings From New York. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Fi ance—Havre December 28 Mongolia—San Francisoo Irei-ember 17 AntiUama—Southampton December 20 Franconia—Havana January 1 Western World—Huenos Airus. . Dei-eiida.-i lb Haiti —Paramaribo Jieceniber 24 Cleveland—Hamburg December 24 DDK TODAY. Fort st. George—Bermuda January 3 Silvia—St. John's.... January J Bogota—Puerto Colombia December 24 Za«ai>a —Santa Marta Decern tier 27 Munargo—Nassau January 1 Suffren—Havre December 24 DUE TOMORROW. Hamilton—Norfolk January ft Antonio bonea —Barcelona ....December 3 DUE SATURDAY. JANUARY 7. Iroquois—Bermuda January 6 Columbia—West Indies cruise. DUE SUNDAY. JANUARY 8. Ascania—Southampton December 2f> Republic—Bremen December 28 Toloa—Port Linton December 31 DUE MONDAY. JANUARY 0. American Banker—London December 31 Caledonia—Glasgow December 31 Fort Victoria—Bermuda January 7 Hamburg—Hamburg De-ember 30 Laconia—Liverpool December 31 Lauren tie—Liverpool .December 31 Minnewaska—London De<s;mher 31 Santa Luisa— Valparaiso December 21 San Lorenzo—San Juan January A DUE TUESDAY. JANUARY 10. Araguaya—Bermuda January 8 Orizaba—Havana January 7 President Polk —World cruise. Majestic—Southampton ....... .January 4 Baiacoa—Puerton Colombia. ... December 3o DUE WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 11. Paris—-Havre January 4 Devonian—Antwerp December 30 OUTGO! mTsTKA M ERS. SAILING TODAY Cnamo—San Juan and Santo Domingo City. Haiti—St. Thomas. Martinique and Para maribo. Dominica—St. Thomas. Martinique and Trinidad. Oscar ll—Chrlstiansand Oslo and Copen hagen. President Hayes—-Cristobal and Pacific Coast, Santa Elisa—Cristobal. Iqulque and Val paraiso. Ameri. an Trader—Plymouth and London. Araguaya—Bermuda. SAILING TOMORROW. Lgpl&inl—Halifax. Plymouth. Cherbourg and Antwerp. Resolute—Cruise around the world, Aouiiania—Cherbourg and Southampton. Frame—Mediterranean cruise A man ne—lnegua. Cape Haiti and Port an Prince Batch us—La Guayra. Puerto Cabeilo and Maracaibo. Munsrgo—Nassau. Bolivar—Port au Prince. Cartagena and Puerto Colombia. SAILING SATURDAY. JANUARY 7. Adriatic—Mediterranean cruise. Minnekahds—Plymouth. Boulogne and Lon don Andama—Queenstown and Liverpool. I Franconia—Cruise around the world. | Athrnia—MoviUc and Glasgow. , Antonia—Plymouth. Havre and London. ; He banco—bruise to the West Indies, i Kina E.—lhierto Plata. Maeorls and Santo Domingo City. San Juan—San Ju An. Yauban—Rio de Janeiro. Montevideo and Buenos A tree. V olendam—Plymouth. Roulogne and Rot terdam. Port St George—Bermuda Ulua—Havana. Cristobal and Port Limon. Carrillo—Santiago. Kingston. Tela and Puerto Barrios. Suffren—Havre. Slboney—Havana. Ham—Si. Thomas. Martinique and St. Vincent. Maraval—Grenada. Trinidad and George town Silvia—Halilax and St. John'e. Manaqui—Santiago. Kingston and Puerto Colombia. SAILING MONDAY. JANUARY 0. Columbus—Plymouth. Cherbourg and Bre men . SAILING TUESDAY. JANUARY 10. Antonio latpez—Uadis am! Barcelona. 1 Canada—Ornn. Algiers ami Tunis ! Cristobal—Port an Prince and Cristobal. . Mexico— Havana SAILING WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 11. Caraboho— San Juan. La Guayra and Puer to Cabeilo Edison—Plr.ieus. Patras and Beirut ! Zsc.ip.v—Kingston, Cristobal. Puerto Colom bia and Santa Marta SAILING THURSDAY. JANUARY 12. ! American Shipper—Plymouth and London. ; ban Lorenso—San Juan ami Santo Domingo I city. ; Mongolia—Havana. Cristobal and Pacific Coast. I Tam*—Cristobal. Iqttique ami Valparaiso Cleveland—Queenstown. Cherbourg and Ham burg Arnguava—Bermuda. LOST. AIR E DaTeTuP Pr 4~nmMhs old rtsl cob lar Reward i( returned to 2304 Maasachu > setts a* e _ ___ _ li* Ill)STt>N HAG. leather containing shotgun • hells which fell I runt automobile Monday, probably on Pa. »v* or Marlboro id. Phone ShaiKls Frank 040 _ A* BOS’foS TFRMIKR brio,Vie with while on neck amt face uncltpptd ears t year old answers to name "Lucky" license lag No l tllU A Reward, Call Adams Atl, 3100 Woodland drive IlßAiLLET—Anisth.v.l and nearls January 3 Finder nleaae phone, after 0 pm, or 8 am nl Adams 083 ft _ CLASS PIN, item I studded onyx, with gold ship initials "T. II 8 " Finder please phone Potomac 4410 Reward COl.Llk large, Mown. tour white’UJ?| and while spot on forehead: answering to the Halite of "Jewel," Finder return to 1133 I Mh st n w reward • i DIAMOND RING in ballroom at Mayflower Hotel night lhrcemtier 27 ltt'J, Hr want. Wisconsin '.’KA7 •** D<H« Sot all while .-oltle with light SreVR Simla _ Reward Phone C.jeve 241 UElr PIN. siber on F »t »at or oth H sts, uw very valuable as keepsake Reward. Phone 8108 Mrs Jarman * MONEY In Mod together, between 2nd an, :lr*t mi Penn,* a*e nw or voiint* litwra treat'd. Address Box 774 S, Htar ottl.c «• DVFIINIi.IIT HAU Is-tween Westminster ■p<d Heist,, slow n dew aid. Helm it to Mis Ida U»,lr 02T M 8t ns PACKET brown lealhrr, loose leaf taoil lin ing cheeks, passe* and nlhot pajwrs » atuatde In owner only lost Saturday. Ikwemt'ei *1 Ant 1 07 ‘•oott Retnmnt id • PIN Small Itowkunl pin, diamond m ceotci and 7 emeralds, safely catch lewatai. Call Franklin DUO PtN A su'd no,ul pin. on Januai* 3 Re want If ivtitrnrsl l„ 304 4 t» nw, Phono West ltd • POCIiF t'IUIOK. cont,doing sold l*m’il. In i hall into i, .4only tot tenant to owner, Ant 7 nun u ft • P'H KF I'RikiK black sain* iw-tween lAtb anil R tnih amt l and UoktenW'ig » Rewaid Phone lira,He* 12| J •'P iiu, male, 3 veil* old extra toes on Itiiiti Ira initials H U N. C on guitar (date tow ant l ine,do P 0.14 Pvtl II I! P* |* Sunday evening Return to Hl’l Bsi n w reward PURSE woman’s initials on t'.oh "tl R V Lost Monday afternoon at !»h and Pa ate o** R,war,l 'Viifviudn or. A* 811 VRItWARi' 4"niece* near Navy Vary! ICW aid Call Potomac ,*»4* 'VA’i't H lad* • white void Elgin Initial* ”<* 8 M 1 Reward 1200 living nw. Mis Ma, W.vTHI l H.\IN with Masonic ring and holla alia, bed neat 81a, building Phone 1 C w\eeh> Mj)i)t 8818 Ri waot * iVIIIW tVATtii Swl** make leather stiap initials ’F, V 3, ' Phono Wiscynisin 47*2, Hew ant ' » 8.12 At 7ill and Shenherd *l» n w 2 ten*. 2 , live* ami 2. tints" ’yrwaPi— HNKIUI HKMIHNM. Mil** tw li Siiirlo#/ Glide Bros, Co., 1212 F St. GEO, C SHAFFER Our Only Store, 14th A Rye BLACKISTONFa. 1407 H I IW'dbtiibl I'lot a I '‘‘'ai’kiVostr Cart of Cftanbs W••DONAI,D. The family of MICHAEL H McDONALD wi*h to expms* ihnir *>n'-ere appreciation to the many friend* for th«>lr sympathy nn>l U-.niti I 'll floral tribute* at the time of hi* death. • JBeatfjs. ftOOTIf. On Monday, January 2. 1028 at 'I übr-rrtilosi* Hospital. l/if'IHK BOOTH. Funeral Saturday. January 7. 9 am.. St, Cyprian’* Church. Interment Mt. Olivet Cemetery. • liOVD. Departed thin life <ni<Werily on Jan iiaiy 2, 1928, at Philadelphia. Pa.. CHABLKB H. BOYD, beloved eon of Came Boyd Smith, loving brother of William ilitinkyi Bovd. devoted grandson of Laura Bovd mid nephew of Ali<-e Boyd Hender eon of Baltimore, Md. and (Lolly) Helen Bovd She leave* many other relative* and friend*. Funeral from hi* late residence, 211 t Blh »i. n.w.. Saturday, January 7. at 2 rim. Rev. Robert Anderson officiating. Relative* and friend* Invited to attend. Remain* resting at the W. F.rnest Jarvi* funeral parlor. 2222 Georgia ave. n.w. « (OKKEV. Suddenly on Tuesday. January it, 1928. at 1 it.m.. at Casually Hospital JOHN J COFFEY l/eloved »on of the late Miehael and Margaret Coffey. ri neral from hi* late re aide nee. Jill o *t *.e . Kridav. January 9, at 8 .10 a m ; thenen to St. Peter * Church, where re iiulem ma** will lie aaid at it am. Mili tary interrnegt at Arlington Cemetery, under the auspiee* of the Gen. Nelson A Mile* Camp. No. 1. United Spanish War Veterans. ft* DOUGLASS. Thursday, January ft 1028. at 11 am., at her re»idence, 818 A st, n.e.. I.Atilt A A. DOUGLASS. tieloved wife of the late Charie* K. Douglas*. Funeral »n --nouneement later • DOV. On Tuesday, January 3. 1023. at 7:4ft pm,, at hi* residenee. 2110 Ward pi. n w DANIEL R. LOV. the beloved husband of Be*»ie Mallory Lov. only sou of Kuhcti A. and Cora K. Doy inee Wheelert. Fu neral Sunday. January 8. at 1 ©clock from the Mt. Zion M. E. Church. FI AhO. On Wednesday. January 4. 1927, at hi* reside in e. 120 ft Taibert st. se.. ED WARL FLAGG. Funeral from the ahovs residence on Friday. January «. at 10 a m. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. ft FOWI.FIK. On Monday. Jar.uarv 2. 11128. at her residence. Oakland. Md., ROSETTA E beloved wife of George A. Fowler, aired 74 yea: *. Funeral from the above resideme ■ on Friday. January d. at 19.10 am serv- j Has* at Forentville Episcopal Church at ; 11 a.m Relative* and friends invited.! Interment Forestville Cemetery. ft j FOX. Tuesday, January 1028. at 4pm. j EMMA JANE FOX < nee Lewisi. wife - f ! Joseph W Fox. Funeral Friday, January j ti. at 12:20 pm. from her late residence. ft.VI 14th *t. s.e. Relative* and friends in vited Interment at Alexandria. Va. (Alexandria and Baltimore papers please copy. I (j GOODRICH. On Wednesday. Jan ia-y 4 IM2B. at the re*iden< ; of Mr*. la-ne Adt 900 It st. n.e.. MARY H. GOODRICH Servees will fie hell at Zurborst funeral parlor*. .’lOl East Capitol st . on Friday. January 0 at 2 p.m. Interment in Glen wood Cemetery. GRIFFIN. Departed this life on W'ednesday January 4. IP2B. alter a lingering illness. MARY GRIFF’IN. She leaves three sis ters. one brother, one nieie. one nephew, many other relative* and friend*. Funeral Saturday. January 7. at 1 p.m.. from the ie*!de'iee of her ei*ter, Mr*. Carrie Battle. 2212 M st. n w. R-v C. C. Williams offi ciating Relative* and friends invited. In terment at Payne's Cemetery. 8* GRIFFITH. Peacefully, at Annapolis. Mil., on November 17 11127 MARY r WORTH INGTON MILNOR widow of Dr. Monte Griffith of Washington. I). C., daughter of John Nelson Lloyd Milnor and 9u*an Johns S* mme* sister of Llovd Milnor and the lS'.~ Joseph Ksrkh>-ide Milnor. in th<- 74th veer of her axe. Funeral from the chapel. ■ Gtcenmount Cemetery Baltimore Md.. at 2 o'clock. Saturday. January 7. 11*28. j i New York and Richmond papers please • court *>• HAMMOND. On Wednesday. January 4. 1928 I.AVRA M HAMMOND beloved mother of the late John G. Krohr. Funeral from Zurhorst funeral parlor. 3rd and East Capitol st*.. Saturday. January 7 at van a m ; thence to Holy Trimtr Church at sclft am., where mass will be said for the repose of her soul. Relatives and friends Invited Interment Glenwood Cemetery, ti* HARRIS. On Tuesday. January 3. 1928. after a brief illness at hi.*, re*iderve 2239 13'h st P . ALBERT R HARRIS, de voted hu»oand of Jarue Hill Harris. Fu neral Saturday. January 7. at 1 .10 p m at Lincoln Temple Church. 11th and R st*. ii.w. Fnend# ami relatives invited • Baltimore. New York Harrisburg. Pitts burgh papers please t HKNDKRKOV Departed this life on Tues- i day. January 3 1928, at her residence. I -145 L *t. nw„ after a long illness. MAI DE M . beio.-e I wife of Walter T Henderson Funeral Friuav. January *U at ‘ ~ pm . from Janifer * funeral parlors i Ills 22nd st. nw. Interment Wood'.awn ! Cemetery. HIM.. Departed this life Wednesday mom- ; ing January 4 1928 it 8 29 o'clock, after ) a brief illness LOUISE, wife of the late Euxen* E Hill »rwi rrother of Alonzo L Eugene G and I. Charles Hill: sister of j Henrietta Goodwin of Philadelphia. Pa. Fu neral Saturday January 7. at 1 n m . front i Asbury M £ Church 11th and K sis. n.w ! H 11.1.. A1! members of Richard H. Gleaves ] Asaembiy. No. 2 Order of the Gokleu Circle. i are requested to assemble at 1528 loth et n.w, Friday. January «, 1928. at 8 nm. ta hold twilight service* over the ' remains of our. departed sister. Loyal i*ady LOUISE HILL. „ BSRWa WALL Lora! Lady Ruler. H. REBECCA BEASON. Loyal Lady Sect. 6* HIM- The officers ajvl members of Electa Chapter. No 8. O. E. 8 will please meet Saturday. January 7. 192.8. 12 39 pm at Asbtfry M. E Church. 11th and K ste n w . to attend the iuneral of our Pa«t Matron El.tZ A BETH HILL Be order of: MA! DK KING Royal Matron. COLEMAN. Royal Patron BLANCHE COCHILL. See 8 HIM- The Ladies' Ciissrock Society an nounce* the death of Mr# LOUISE HILL i Funeral Satunlay. January 7 isrjfl. at 1- p m . Irom Asbury M. E. Church, comer 11th and K sta. ti w. _ w , L. J HART, president. T. M. RIRIELL. Secretary HILL Menders of Oueen Victoria House hold of Ruth. No. 1.11, G, U. 0. o! 0. F . are urgently requested to attend a call meeting Frid*y. January 8. at 8 pm. at the hall to arrange for the funeral of our late inmate. LOUISE HILL GEORGIA A SMITH M N. G. FREDERICK A SABRS W R * JACKB4IN. Ente-ed sternal rest. Wclnesilay January 4 1928. at 842 pn> after a twieC illness, which she bore with Chris tian fortitude Mrs EMMA L. JACKSON Iwioved mother of Mr* Mary Mullen am? niolher-m-Uw of Sergt. John Mulieii She leave* to mourn their Was many niece* and nephew* F'smeral trevm chape! of Ikivd and Wsison. H»th am? L sts it* i Friday. January 6. at 8p m Fr e:n!« \o>! j relative# invils! Hem tins will twr taken : to Troy. Va. for burial. * | IiiHAmIA. ivpartfsl this life Monday Jan- I n*rv 2 at Fieedmen a Ho»t>ital, alter a short illness ANNIE A„ wite of the Sate Rn-haPl Johnwui, she leaves to mourn I thnr 1o*» one sister, one brother and ; other re’sttvr* *;id Ir.emte Remit:!’* ry»s- ! ins at Jv'hu T Rhine* A Co.'s isinera! i chnjw-l. dtv! and Eye »t* s.w F'uneral 1 Friday January d 130 pm. fryiu 1 Shiloh Baptist thurch. 5 I i JOHNSON. Tuewtay , January 3 1928. at j 19:25 mi at her residency. ltt*l J1 tuner »f N Rrentwoo.l, Miss KLI2\«ETM • I.usiei JOHNst'N. itrvotevl sister ot Mr» M ’ll*i:it' V*iK»r, W.i> r 3 I V v rr nirtv*. i>np n*»i'hrw artvl b.'%\ us otvr i j-tKiUvi** FfuUr I .UiiUArjr « t ia»iu llrrutHfKHi A M K turn ( Church, at 1 pm. Rev \V R Jones i oRn-isting lotr-ment Harmony Cemetery Ssrrtnl of Govt, well Anie Praise Nr thy new eniploy; Ami while eternal ages mil. Rest m thy Master s toy, THE FAMILY. • Mt \t BK. On WMI newt ay January 4. 4928 !l UlllAßtT twlovevl wile ot the tale . Kerry Krause F'noeral fivtti the less ceri.e ot her vianghter. Mss Mse lVwhng 4T3vt t’th st. n w on Satnrvlay. Jannsty | . at 939 ant Beryt.v-» si the First Rrliunml Church t.ith »ikl Mon:>*e si* ii » at 111 o cloi K ReSatives ami friends timtevl. 1 liternreot Ukiismtl vVnrrte v. 9* I.FVt Is. thi Tursilay. January 3. 1928. at 1 *9 Pm . at her lesuieu y, ItHl M.tsst vhusetts live nw , KLTz.aBKTH HOW.tRh LEW 18 Iwknpl wile ol Dr Sleph i J , Lewi*, ami mother of Niephtvt J Lewis, j •v ' vianghter of the late Ke<v end am l 1 Mr*, Williatii J. How arvl. ami sister of the laic Amne It How arvl, Bertha How anl i ColUn* Dr. Wiltiam J How ad. I.ovtv«- Jlowaryl Pack. Joa tla I* Howard, Irwva i flow arvl .Allen. ai«it Roih AV How sty! Fu nei al !*y>m her Sale restdeo-e Friday at 1 .19 pm Relatives and friends mvitevt j I.RMIV Olßiti* and memt«ers ot the T It A A are notUte>! ot the death v*t Mrs Kl.tlS.aßElM HOW \R!' LEWIS F V v. MERRITT, Dtvsv.ieot, J 1 GRAY. Secretary !IVM M. »>ii Wislm-w!yy rvrnnif January 4 j tt»2B at her residem-e 2|97 Oat , A.SN V ROBAI.I A. the second rUSesv tw-.i’y o ilanyhier ot the late John Arthur am! < Maria lonise lyoyh Funeral trunv the •tie lr*idem-e t hems' to 8t Matthews' vat hone t'hvuvh on Ratuiylav Janna»y t. } at it o chwK intertneot at Mount t'hyvi s tVmeterv, 9* iMi AI AHt*N On AA'eybvrsvlay, Jan cat v 4 tMvh al the t.swill) lysvii. me . , Don HecttiUl vve nw. v'v'R SE» It Mils vUustvlt-r id FianA J ami 1 niUao U M. ; Motion Bom the ohnr\'h o! 8t Thomas llie Ano«lk>, AA omli.-y ni amt ' Ih : st ii w on Fitilwv. Jaouaiv 9, at >i ant jh lends touted Inlet tiuni at A'dvyoy MttttßK. SmMeotv oo January 3 Id's it |9s icsnKi'ie 4809 slu-tilt id ne Jy'HN MiHiRK lelevoi hustvamt id Bai?i Vy.....y- He ivave* yuie yMittthter, hie sou* ami a biist of isdauyey tyi uunirn thetr !yi»» R, uiatiis leslio* at the AA Finest Ja«y»s t o luneral ti*r)ot« 2»'42 Ga aie n w N,‘ltye id tuoyoal letsi AIHR AN MtnMenly Tue» lai. Janos, t .1 1928 at 2a in El I'RENCfc t Mi'HW ?t totieikemy Hosiulat Fonnat seivl.y* min Leo's yhapet .'ii, tV|oi»,ll\a».a to nw AatoryU.' Jatittai V ?, at ’ pm s F* tend* my Hist Intei un tit at t\*>t r* stonal tvwu tm y ti* MtJßßlftttN, tin AAsvlnesd*.) JAiiiia y 4 IBVR. at her >Y;i‘h’oyy al. Fast i'ip.t.l it , ANNA aRi*MaA FIL twdoVyy ynte vs M Mimtsiut Neiyt.y*y will I*l Kehi > Cil Imtnirst tuoeoa. no.Kn« wt Ka>t tap i lid st on B*toiylav }me »-» i, at M nut nleinnut UI»n»i>ol tv meter) 8 I' tht t'Hntwiay Jannai* K, A928. at the testikutyi' of In . dan*Kin*. * », | dame* t Htodvi H.,Aw\ A widow ol ! Ahe lata Avtll\*«t Vat*er. >W h>v tsl j tnothir of t'liaiWa A \\iwns anit Mao s I , feliidwl. in the Riba .Avar ot he* *a j \ um-roi Batoola> **HUar) 1 sA 8 Ayi a ttt , theityp to Mt IS.tntnty » ) huri n w lone .auon ui ma»* wtH ?w »U"« iA, 9 e tn. for the ryoyvst of wee syutl Rata ] Anas »nd JtiemAs In tied Inlet meet at Gleowyiml t yoovtin v ilLinw.u* PM8"• j tvtaase Witt I r *J T, frs A-qrj A.! V& ! PAY NR deiolvd ylahshlei yd 1m > a*nt the tat* .ptndt Fa'oe aster of Lati wj l‘vi)«, E'Kna AA s«Ktoytyin nod F. iott ANue > Notv.e *'J (uneral lain Rnitain* lesA'ivg I 9 Statljs. POLLEV. Or. Wcdncwlay, January 4. 1928, HENRY G b»-loved husbaod of Fthef Policy Foreral from the .esirlein-e of hi* father, William G. Pollev. 149 A st. n,e„ Saturday. January 7. at 8:39 am. therie.- to 8t Joseph * Church where mas* will be said at !» o'clock for the repo**- of her soul. Interment private at Ar lington National Cemetery. Pteawj omit flower*. 6 NAIITW. Passed to the great beyerd Jan iiary 4 J92H CALIP BMITH of Imi H *t. ne. He leave* a devote/I mother a number of t»ro»her* an<l *l-ter* also a host of other relative* ao<l friem!*. Fo neral Thursday Jar.iiary .7 at 1 r> m f-osn the George B. f.larke Co, f’lne-aj chapel. 14:9 Florida ave. n e Interment Indian Head. Md. 3.MITH. Suddenly, on January 3 1 923 at h.a residence 314 Oakdale st. n.w MOR GAN SMITH Ndove.l brother of Afrt Net tin Bvrnan Alice Sanford and Percy Smith. Remain* resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis Bo • t ineral parlor* 2222 Ga are n vt. Funeral from 122.7 Urkkri *t. n.e . F**idav. at 7 p m R»-v. Barroi Edward offi'iaring. Interment F'ort Valley, Ga. THfiMA.B. On Wednewlav. January 4 ]?*2k at Southern R*diel Horn* 240.1 pernsy.- yam a ave o * EMMA J. THOM A 8 Se.vir-e* at the a ;f H, ri e, o, f;r,r r a home. 2001 14th st n.w.. on Friday J*r uary 9 at 19 39 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery TYLER. Budd • niy on January 3 1928 »t re* < 1992 Vt. ave r. -» WIL LIAM J- TYLER chairman of trie hos'd of trustee* of .he Vermont Avenue !!»r>- tiwt Church. t»e,overt ~ .©and of H:Jda •> Tvier, devoted father <,f Laura Edward F annie Ge»<rre and William J Tv Body well he in *tat* at church from 8 a.m *o 1 p.m. Friday. ¥.•«;»*»: Fri day Jan .a y 9. frr.m the Vermont Avenue Baptist Ohur< h at 1 pm. «iey. Jume* fl Willi*, pastor. Fr.end* ir vited Interment Harmony f >me!enr . family lot. 5 TVLFIR. A speejal 'i>mm ;nUatio n of War ren Lodge No. 8 V. A A M wpl be held Friday. Januirv 9 for tiw p j-p*,*e of attending the funeral of P>»t Ma*ter WILLIAM J TYLER Funeral from V. nioiit A venire Pontist Ch-ireß 1 pm n-• cnely RALPH J O BARPEP. Mister W. ft WF.BTROY 8 <. AA AI.KF.R. On Tuesday. Jar iary 3. 1923 at the residence of hi* grand mot he' 192-5 New Jersey ave 1; GYaMA BX-IFORD ■ W’ALKfIR. are>l 21 month* Finera: Friday 11 am., January 9 from X-*m 4t Allen* f parlors. 12th and Florida ! ave. n.w. • I W ILL!AMBDV On Wednesday. January 4 1928 at 1:30 pm . at her re*id*n<r f 431 1 st s.e . CLARA V'.. helovad wife of William A Williamson and daughter of the late William B am! Marr M. I>of*ev ami devoted mother of Mrs John E Fort of Ke\*er. W. Va - Mr* Garnsoti W Be ; of Gaither«hurg Md.. and the late William Wdiiajrson. Funerai from the Methodist F.piwopal Church 14th and V »t* »e.. Friday. January 9 at 2 39 pm Relative* and friend* invite-: to attend, j Imerment at Congressional Cemetery. ♦ W ,O" January 4. Ifr2B WILLIAM ELMER feioved son of John F and Rote D. Windsor agerl 4 4 year*. Funerai from W W. Deal * tineral home. 819 H «t n.e. Servt'v* on January 7. a; Forrests 1 # Md Eoisfonal Choi, h at 11 am. Relative* and friend# invited to attend. Intertneot Forrestville. Md. q N IN.Bf.OW. Departe.l this life Wednearjsy n V? r y 4 1929 at 119 pm. at the b 4P*i*« Home VIRGINIA F WINSLOW widow of the late Liisfser Winsji.w, mother of I»ttie W.nli'* and the late Lindsey V inslow. tr. and sister of Mrs. Mmerva Brown. Notice ot fu neral hereafter. • j EIF-R. On January 4 1928 at the home of t l, - . r ‘\ T - v ‘"Harle^ B oIF.R of fTitla Je.'ph.ia Site of ion C Pt. n f \\ ißtumr.on D. C. Notice of fu nerai later. Jn fUemoriam. Ir> Jnving memory of my "inher. FtF.TTIE < RANSTON GILKEV d!*vi Jan uary 292 1. LILLIE. • CI.AMOII. In *u! bn: r»ruen: branoo «»u ami brother. MILTON N. GLA>* BE. who departed this !*.le four years ago today. January 5. 1924. Four T-ars ago with al! Its change*. Hifve death strangely bade 3» Part: Cut dear Milton, with all Ms haace*. Cannot take you from h»arte . THE FAMILT. • HAMPTON. In loe ng ’ rememb'yn'W 0 f m belored wife MARTHA HAMPTON whi departe<s tin* iife two year* agj todty. Jan uary ft. lt»2d. Ti* «wcet to be re«nemlvered. And a pleasant thing u» find. Although you may be ahse-t i Vom are i]*ajr« in niy m.nd H H B AMPTON SO HrSBAN 'D THOMAS HANEY. In !oy;or ritmemb»ar»cg of my dear father J.4MEB W HANEY who de : parted «h s life seventeen year* ago Uslv. January 5. 1911 HIS DAUGHTER EFTTE. • : LANK. Saere*f to th* meni' -v of my de voted son. WILLIAM H LAST who left me four year* ago today. January 5. 1924. j So tow was the voice of Jesus That :t di-1 not nra*-h err ears. 1 But he he.)it the sou-si ..f h;« Master Ami was full of ;or ami -beer LOVING MOTHER Another rear has just ended. Another sun has set Oh this work! w >uld be hke beaver If I coil Ui hear Wjl'ism * voice again DEVOTED SIBTER NELLIE • MILLER. In sad but to'irvg rrasrmbrance 2/,. *-ar sistr IDA ELI7.ABET3 MILLER, who departed ti:# !if* 16 year* ago today. January 5. 1912. We cannot tel! who next may fall Beneath Thy 'hastening tvwj. One must be first, but let us all Prepare l*> me-t our Gvh: HF.R BINTER. HATTIE MILLER • MOSS. In memory of our daring daughter ard sister HaRRIETTE ELI Ja3ETH MOb« who feii aswen m wtir Fathers keeping or.e year ago today Rest, beloved stunt, rest, tn heaven blest. LONELY MOTHER. PADDT AND Louise • MI SK. la loving Temembrance of cur ki tug Uushaiwl and lather LEONARD MI SE, who depaitcd this life two yeans ago today. January ft. 1928 Tis sweet ti' be reswembered And a pleasant thing to 5 -4, A!thi>ugh yvni may N* aiwent You are 3>» *y* 'n our nurd HIS WIFE L'VILLE. AND DAUGHTER LUCILLE JR. • MUSE. In sad but lovitur reaie’ of { £JU. ***! LEONARD KX'4-v KIT i Mt SE. whti <fepa-t«*l ih « life January 4. 1928. two years ,vg» tod A', SSeyv on, .Var le-veia-d we <it. „ « •vm-ng through bhx»f sr.f tears We II share she story i.wnher «wv ‘ay. WVy fbev ia>.!ot m-t tine ■> inn i Hiß devoted mother and father Hitt UK. L* Limg rs'iicniß-rariie of e’ ! r Va* so- J harry 4>'\vkr depa-i#.! j I, B ’'!.,’.'** I ** ur A*v> tswta>. Jaauar* | What won!.! we gtee D bold h»s h.u-dA 1 H-S 'tea- fa.e Jv;«t to *«w. H'* lov sn* snufe hi* *»' vie vo*,e. That meant *» vut-i to me HIS LAVING MOTHER AND FATHER SAM AKOW To k'vitij sktutv #* s»* -vjr >V-»r husband to.* lather. MAX 4AM A ; KO'V »h<. . u-G one yva.- ago today Jan | wary ft 192 No one knows tbe hea*<a be* 1 lb'',v th'W who have Loti can tell j Os the t ag* that •» b>ny in vVise FNvr the .Var one we loved *>» wyU MIS DEVOTED WIF E, BELLE SAM A K \V 80N8 • At VHU «. IT AND hi eren daughters mrs RCtst FIRTAQ AND REBa • SMITH. In lov-ng memory of EDGAR j >M!tH, who ttoiwled this •»!* o v year : agvi t'Htav Jai ~» > ft 1927, 'Tia vsrsl to be cement Nr red And a pleasant th :ig tv SsbJ, AStbouth you may V v'-«■ ■ i You arw alw.<v* -\ ~*» v.* EtuKSD m arvha ri \KK \t iMKKrniKS. Cut k ’NgotSed Eh.-sent ne-yue A'ltoaiobte Service Tft«s». I W. W. Deal & Co. 816 R St St t iNv vs- I AliM US R.Bl>f>\RE Suii-eeiliitf the prigtiHtl Vl’ K Sfieag-* 4 *. 1623 Connecticut .Ave. Potomac 4600 !l yra at Iftß* II at . W tra al FIR I »t Timothy Hanlon 1 Ml ft Rl R K • ■ vv» Wm, H. Sardo & Co. i Private l uiuniftisic Aintni'diHif Lincoln 524 Frank Gcicr's Sons Co. » 11 nmsnvii >;* Mnin 2473 - Ai On t tU»N . IV 4‘, - b'.if ItsVIkUMlMt hihv JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. 1,4 1* \4>t‘) >t N " I 'll H«# h.M-tb 4" P. A. TALTAVULL H i TUfIUU. H« *“ "* “ ”"*• CHAS. $. ZURHORST Ml KAMI t \Ft YAH al rtie** l tu.eb» A>4. T, F. COSTELLO l |f|| N Cawtoi ?t nyr.4 Juvienh F. Birch s Snm\s >IS A A)' HlHtß* tt\ij \| ># V V\ kHo.«* tAeat ins , .MV'4 ft! ■ ' ' " Eavat'-mW tsU V. L SPEARE CO. I N-'JIbSI- )be s.'.v.-MK'v* ot -.or oo ei vl I with tb» ftV H V*. *'* MtaMvab KSL Frank « rnwwrt' n* rja > * l U»VI»VM lEE Fwesrwl tUagetw* I*4 kmielwvi Itteiv tw eerteev <w»» twwsssar iltowa ywwiwl At••*!**m AX' ov'ttvMlewA list* It* I*lß iftTs \»* ft « VwftAt I vA.) VV. Warren TaltavttU i AMm Hi CaL 4tM