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ACTION DEFERRED ON AUTO INSURANCE Bill Referred to Interested ' i Parties in Effort to Reach Accord. —— The subcommittee on insurance and banking of the House District commit- i tee after hearing various represent*-; fives of automotive trade associations j and federated citizens of the District | in opposition to the Treadway compul- • son- auto liabilitv insurance bill vester- | dav referred it to a conference of these interested parties to see if they can reach an agreement on a temporary measure. It was emphasized throughout the hearing that the District, being a small area surrounded by Maryland and Vir ginia. should not have such experi mental legislation forced upon it until after the adjacent States had at least indicated what they proposed to do along this line. It was on this account that the attempt to reach an agreement en some temporary measure for the District was suggested by Representative Underhill, who presided. Burden on Autoists. A point in the opposition to the meas ure was that compulsory aut*-,mobile in- . aura nee would call tor an expenditure of mor* than 52.500.000 by autoists in the District with an estimated payment 3v the casualty companies of from S6OA.- COO to $lOO,OOO on personal liability; claims. This is an unfair financial bur cen. it was pointed out. in comparison 1 to the relatively small amount of pro tection afforded. Those who apnea red were Edward M. , Wallace, president of the Washington j Automotive Trade Association: Valter! W&n"The Store for Thrifty People | j | ..HARRY.., I KaufmaNN 1316-1326 Seventh St. N.W. p A Sale Where Economy Counts! ;|j | Men’s Worthy gj I Suits & O’Coats 1 I V 2 Pri ce | I $2O Suits & O’Coats, $lO.OO e! $25 Suits & O’Coats, $12.50 jl! fe ! $3O Suits & O’Coats, $15.00 A\ ( / 8 I $35 Suits & O’Coats, $17.50 / A \i f Al? !g g $4O Suits & O’Coats, $20.00 1 § Choice of the house '"serges excepted) (k & and it means all suits and overcoats must I y) \ P go. Styles, models and fabrics for men h l \L Al/ and young men in sitt* 32 to 46 / AII\/y y j© 0 Bovs’ 53 50 and $4 Plus 4 \ J §j I O- 95 fAi\ 1 § Knickers T I\\ \ \ iS i g Pino quality. Im* 4. lull cut *n<J well tr.vO*. j I \ ' 1 w 1 Boys’ 4 Piece 951 h 0 I ; I $8.95 to $l5 Suits*o== V\j / 1 Small lota to clean up, mostly size* \ / I prf | 15, 16. 17 and 18 1 f J j| I Boys’s6.9B to $8.98 54.75 ml] |j 1 Coats, Mackinaws ‘i— $ £ Extra value*, good patterns, well made. jpp £ P Size* 8 to 17, jg | A Sensational Clearance Sale! | I 236 Pairs Boys’ and Girls’ j| | SHOES & OXFORDS | In order to make room for our new Spring stock, w<* are ar * ranging 236 pahs of our regular stock shoes on tables for a quick >2* %» clearance Among these shoe* you will find many Tan and Black f?c % High Shoes Sturdy Oxfords in ’an and black. Also many with |£ p fancy trimmings Sizes 8 5 ,± to 2 and to 4. 600 Pairs Women’s Pure Silk I FULL-FASHIONED HOSE j I 89c I A direct null ehipmen', at a worthwhile saving, of good qual- p ;<v. even texture pure *iik hose reinforced Hale foot and hem, rv • | in ail the desirable shade* for Spring wear, g) I 1 I The Outstanding Spring Mode | I ff $l4-95 I I Am fa / J . Jt fA,uld appropriately »/*• called »ne head* im P \ light of spring fashion* so universally has Jt ! Eg \ v ;* 1 arcepted by smart dies Mis Comblnationa w wr - yililf / ,j1 plain and printed silks georgHtes He ,in ; m yJfLAtPI&I styles fnr sp»»i"i or afternoon wear Hide by side s*¥ j C with the smartest of new frocks in the advanced {?> | ' 4 epimg style* and otbiu Ail size s 36u, 46 I % IMA Sale of DRESSES S I $6.95 1 m j ' j Continuing tlie sale that created a new stand- nj) L 1 aid of value for hmurt, up-t/i-Uie-minute ra | i f . hot kfc foi eveiy conieivaibie pui|/>se in Mil the ■ M seae/<n * favnied style* and colors. hire# for W ; f j misses and women, 26 to 48 hr Store for 'thrifty Peotiht" i B Guy. counsel for the Washington! Automobile Dealers and the Nation- 1 wide association of dealers. Rdwin S j Hegc. appearing as an individual, hut ! who will make a report to the Citizens’ Advisory Couneil. He is also a member of the Traffic Advisory Council and pre- a ropv ol the resolution adopted by the Federation of Citizens - Associa tions. Others were George vV OfTutt of the American Automobile Association and Arthur V. Tliadcn of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. Mr Wallace argued that the pro posed legislation is an experiment, that the law has been in operation in Massa ! rhusetts only one year and that other : States that have considered it have not adopted it. Chairman Underhill suggested that ! Massachusetts has an interstate pro | vision to cover those who regularly ; travel over the State line. Handicapped in Past. i It was emphasized that the District i I has been handicapped in the past by | not having laws similar to those in i operation in Maryland and Virginia. Mr. Ouy replied to a question by Mr. Underhill, saying that if such a law | were enacted here it would only ae- - centuate the trouble that now exists, j due to the fact that some Virginia resi- j dents register their cars in the Dis- i tried If this law were in force here, lie j said, many District owners of cars would register them in Maryland and . Virginia to save the $2O or $3O that ! the insurance certificate would cost. i I In replv to a question by Mr. Under- j hill. Mr Guy said that sooner or later some such legislation should be passed but the conditions are not yet right ( when the surrounding area is not also similarly covered. He believed the Dis trict should follow’ Maryland and Vir . ginia in such matters. Mr. Offut-t emphasized that the old | principle of an ounce of pro toft ion be ; ing worth more than a pound of cure was the best principle on which to I work. Mr. OfTutt is chairman of the Traffic Advisory Council, and told the ! subcommittee that the American Auto mobile Association, which he repre sents. has a membership of 15,000 in , 'ho District. He thought that in all i such legislation extreme care should be i taken, as Washington would be singled THE EVENIN'*". STAR. WASH INiiTOX. n. C. FRIDAV. EKHI!CARY 17. Ifl2S. out as 0 model for the rest of the couti j try. He dcclaifd this proposition had I boon placed before 28 State lieglMA- I tures, and of all these only one ha? adopted it. Chamber of Commerce Inquiry. Arthur Von Thaden submitted a let ter and the result of an Investigation on District traffic and auto liability ! from the Chamber of Commerce of the I United States. , ... . Representative Jenkins of Ohio was delegated by the subcommittee to rep resent it and the interests of drivers of cheap cal’s in the conferences to be held between Representative Treadway, au thor of the bill, and the representatives of the automobile trade associations. Mr. Treadway said he does not want to inflict any hardship on the people (Im □ - □ 7 □ | \ CANDY TREAT SALE! f t Pecan Mounds—-a delicious combination. Both for 69c. / P/tOllg X nationally tiJlOtcn W£*>* (<*** J * “Be Sure to Take Home a Treat” / f MnuiUS X \ IDC P J i \i / / Main 5215 \\ tIOAKS & -» V % I //*,»*«,»*» s=rA\ TOBACCOS j&Zc'i | / * / I I I 55c Tuxedo Smoking Tobacco, 8-ox. Tin 39c / i X / 1 dmh rrr' M I 50c Granger Smoking Tobacco, 8-ox. Tin 39c ? < MSB -1 \ cc in nr 99 # / sl.loDrum,PicnicTiciatTobacco (11 Tucist) 89c 4 ? f * \\ “All Over Town // Wc Model Smoking Tobacco, 3 for 25c > A round Rox of \ Ij/itji fgp \ \ .1 d** # n / / * J Butter Creams ° \X — t,ie Be “ er ta / / Cinco, Invincible T Regularly 2 for 15c I / ‘WS «« f 60/1 V SerVe / Popper Center 1 Cigar. { i I U SLs \ / Havana Ribbon, P. E. "ff t nr , Of\„ ' ' and a Pound Box of r . O TOT OUC * FI \ Tim Pound* of Pure, Engagement A lW(m nmmd* ) M „ Forty-Four Box of 50 \ \ (rnir'M't leatnam ramir stpiplT I 1,,, S nocifll l , ricP -■ - - I _ _ € P It will »n«tanly mrrf thr fanrv of 'Snltirrlnv flnlv IT' T\ it p rt I *x Hite UlCl I m f * ?o^r\w"«wm. cwniraay inuv i FT c Deliver Free —rreelv n < 'm□•U ■ ■ El > } i j Remarkably Low Prices for Saturday! j i Get mto this'Cirde'T' || SI Size * 50c She Get into this CudfT _ J \ Guarantecl)^Sailings—| Coty’s Mermen's |_Guarantrcd samnqs-H| j / REMEDIES Sto. Crw o 7 TOILETRIES \ J f / 75c Baume Bengue 47c \ Saturday / 50c Mul.ified Cocoanut Oil 33cX J / 35c Scholl’. Zino Pad. 26c \ oT./v 67f . ° n,v / 60c Forhan* Tooth Pa.te 34c \ ' # 40c Fletcher’. Castoria 24c \ ' / 65c Pond . Vam.hmg Cream 41c W * A I $1.50 Gray’. Glycerine Tonic 99c I Bromo ticks l ompeum Danderme I 50c Hind'.H.A A. Cream 33c I ' / I $1.25 Absorbine Junior 83c I Seltzer Salve Creams H, lonic I 35c Frost ilia Skin Lotion 19c i J \tL I I nicinforfani fiQr ■ Saturday Only Saturday Only Saturday Only Saturday Only | 50c Java Rice FaCC Powder 33c § £ i l$lKirJ!SS.:::::::::::::::::::79c / n sic 9 20c . 3 4c . 58c 0 \ 25 cwopd^soa P .4/015°:/ ? i I $1.25 Creomulsion 83c f U —=r 110 c Palmolive Skm Soap 6 for 38c f ; / 1 Jl 50 Petrolacar 81c # \ 50c Pepaodent Tooth Paste 31c m J i \ 35c Frcczonc 27c M " 51.30 Size 25c Size \ 35c Palmolive Shaving Cream 24c m $ ? \ ti I svori# 61c # I ® Ha : , n , \ 35c Odorono Deodorant 21c g 1 \ slZonlte . ...... . . . . , 69c X :: Pwhham Bay * r * \ 65c Barhawl 43c 1 \ $1 Nujol ;....59c '• I eg. Comp. Aspiriti 35c Corega 24c j • si J. 76 J so J. jfc 1 j | Spacious Durable Q g, SITROVX | People . ()Bc Facial Cream Remoter ' SltlDilXj || br^pZ. r — a „, 10c and 25c | 2 washable, - resisting and f b, I j u ,t .v. *_.o U 1 <r kfeplng Very spacious f.iw«V i .jVjM; , INTVfP"t-WM «t»:» hrirtenic umu* »uh wfi f-- e J u» .an. dninn *, d, ily A 10 | | | Detli-Spray Backache? Ad^J° y 'gfjfP'' J J innerticide 7 B/i v holynos Dental Cream s/i\ • o, *« i 4 l „,„i gCjrrtoxgi >. ~ s r ... v/i ;■ i i Deim Scl Cleans So Completely mV \ xojynos removes the rough, stick • coating and washes II C J I I S Vp I / I I*l nI (Jfl/I C gsi . ... awaj the lotwi particles that cling t•* your teeth and gums. I Ia ■ ■ j I - I * < J* fc ***** Ba oISP A scientific blend ot germicides in Kolvnos destroys the 'StSSBOSA J IS ' .j!— t=r— Ff/1 KSJ dangerous mouth germs that start tooth decay. Kolvnos OS’ F.. rnrm , f 7 , ! |«n«w tfj/C. Pr < -w| ATla* polishes tlie tertli to a brilliant luster without destructive L'UafifUi . . £ Ij! Tyt scouring of the enamel, leaving your teeth, gums—your en- Unfit * W nr/i i-c S1 .HU I.IIMCfU j 1 / , 4 , tire mouth—delightfully refreshed and clean. XPffFF* ijiAiHyo r f l l m .... „a ! ? ,™, P, nw .h I .* n if sou an» Io*mr Siw. pep and Kolynos is a double-strength dental cream. A HAI.F- _ , J hCmiOinCtCrS * ■A .Iroying niolli* lieiibug. II vigor on #.<’nnnl of ba< k». h* and ivcmi 1 ~ r\!>v > > i Pannfa. G/A # 1> HMtror. larv M and nv h. o.h-r mlm*nM arl.inf from M.ln*, INCH on aDM brush IS enough. Peoples UHo |FO J '/ *ri,a»,,l oil ih* flnr.t garment, with snfl hUiiiler wn*Lnr»» trr th* ( \.tr* y-v I**! hi G f g ! Price r • C <hF •••uraiif?# rtf no injury to them 18 hour Wt If It <lor» nut %no\* mg l I\" Flail i vV*ils J /* __ M 6 j> r*iS'Sitr»r i. a <l*oilotani u w.l, a* .*u.f*e«nrv. vo„ mav «et a full r. t)(/L U i r,. Sm V- r-w , A inw«ftcld*. fund tFr.i I 4f. I.nfc ’ * __ »htoh will Si »i\t KinS-tviin hr *xra* ♦ *,st «U*r*n’*»'•- te si 1 * # n 0 \ M *r#!l •» * pt***i.r* ir- *.v. »le . P - j — —— j ; II JliIS ° ’’ I m I i A n „ IffjKl H| “• 7_ axtract, which aids digestion by contemn* stanrh i / Quick Relief for Coughs W Colds I Itei *fc*» susm: wild cherry, which ha# the stomach f I f /« whf J jfcwJi tonic effects of rare old buters. and hjrponho*- l -r-rr\ #r 1 a /A pataddu cdai tn utu/vsoiAieefv te m r aqc ■■■■iPlllHHai |H phites of Iron, quinine and strvchntne. uhicn act / J H. 3m ßl as a tonic to the stomach ami nervous system ' y VPHi THROAT-ASTHMA AND OTHER AFFLICTIONS When you can digest >vur hvxi properly and £ / OF THE HEAD-THROAT AND CHEST» tone up the nerves and organs of your body H Bgjs| j 2 V MBS . .... .. . m 1 i,-fiirifii) which carry nourishment throughout the syvs- ■ .ri ■ yr £ UCS9H 1 " i , 1.!? L «r. t' Oltcen Anne Lotion Llstcri/lt tem. being increased and nature is be- B. N .4 ' ,f "* k " *‘ l tri ‘' ly hvg assisted tn carrving on its great wvvrk Nl’- ffl # 5 Z 1 n.unt r "..nyamergetny f,., v* l m r uiug, l ,.,„vn tt G«,er«|« .%*». Mot XJ*. TRAVKN when taken prv»p<rly will readily prv've |H. i for iniiaiiug Htion«ty <.ori.tiu. ini <>i .. ... *J«># iV .){>< *{fse o*l » a merits as a tontc to bring the system energy tW* KL I £ 5 mvrv Mur rnamrir.i .irat, ~«.Unl . omulrtr mil. « oi.e n.iiiie* otse vttalltv §■ » 5 } -JJ2JL ' , r*n" , i , ri.‘«*lS"a”>i.mU! a!,T Queen A tine Is a delightful la- Usterlne ts an efficient; tniat- llus. L COMFLKTB in Uw hnni« •)«knimri or wiiilu navniiiu tion for htH)(hiui; ttiicl lienliug worthy nonixUsoiu)u» »ntisfpuc, 1 omorrpw You Rtc+i%* • Koit/# o/ n* CSS / 5 , '!»«• Hta.r.o stov, m. m.v.i win. a». •< «h 1..* rlmp|N*d skin. It adds a tone of safe, agreeanle and convenient, t r.u-„ tk* !■ . . __ WaiiH / / (kiJsi i";v.*J. v ,:*-v. I ,v‘r;”v:,*;* ,f iV*;, •■•*«•»•••»»*• •»« <<> the complexion a» ide*i prophylactic mouth »r 1 r*.. *. fT * / on* rtr.» in j!.!. ofThan.l t»*i!«**nenuik«nV> n<<!n. Whitens and he mm fie* rough. wash for dally use It teadtly l'urvh*n ml \*tr*tt* *t S!.W 4HQW "Z\ 0 t’Pd and blemished hkln, eliminate# t*ad breath. g Q 5 i , , | . ; A l/==7* I f l.r.a © * ,M , MORFT MIU.K AMOVRS ’ Tsc M*s<* 5 > "Bloch JSfc: a m II (Pronounced Mu tiny Ma-t a Mor) nut IBSi . CtN ? 4 wfrd Beauty" gTt\ Alarm ' FiM* KotCX >\ 4 Wsu Tmnplcx Oock» ICreme, $l.OO ™ damj .. 4 , i 4 X\ 4 HMu ffl a- # 9nr 4 Rapidly gaining U» popularity la this won- V */< 3 fOP 98c ill'Ti\. \ t V JSBiSmSL wrapper - derrm crea e i by Moret-and justly A $ / superior tissue builder and sktu food. 1 x These Hill Fvvlds ate 52.69 i ——— v*' fashioned ot both tan and This sale is to better sequamt ' l,U * V Tlmw. clocks are equipped with L’..., Pninli>r 75r > .. . , , iVnmtete Oarnty women with toe .w J TJrs Twin pies Btropper Uan an effective, clear-sounding top f »*• f I fill fit "j dill , v- Makk leatlier. La mpiete s , fniC testures and V v>t*» •> e 5 economy as well as a conven- bell alarm. They are guaran- „ . , . . . . m | with identihcation card. h t w > n». Front lira first caressing touch of your puff you will 1 ! , ot Kotev Many women h#ve »# $ y°« * *® n,n ftM<l k,,r »' ~nw Instantly recognise Morel as a face powder of tin- - i The eonvement si it un the I I t ,, t w.. ... I / blade esth morning to add more lately. This ia an unusually low u » U al quality and charm it Is soft, It clings, tt is . awvamag* v. m a nv- comfort u> your sliavs. price for such a splendid clock, almost invisible. L j P'h ket, have >ou. j 41—1 I: < ' I 11 ! ot the District or to try out any expori , ment on them, but that his own experi ence has shown him that something ought, to be dune hero. Dies on Duty in China. First Lieut. Robert M. Burrowcs, at tached to the 15th U. S. Infantry, now at Tientsin, China, died there Tuesday, according to War Department, advices. Lieut. Burrowcs was born in Coeymans, N. Y„ April 15. 1893, and was graduated from Yale University in 1915. He was a second lieutenant of Infantry in the Reserve Corps from November. 1917, to October, 1918, when he was appointed a first lieutenant in the Regular In fantry. His father, F. S. Burrowcs, lives in BRAZIL HONORS MEMORY | OF U. S. NAVY OFFICER Rear Admiral Vogelgesang Paid Tribute for Building Up Re public's Sea Defense. Brazil’s tribute to a United States naval officer for the work he performed tn training Brazilian naval officers was paid at the grave In Arlington Ceme tery of Rear Admiral Carl Theodore Vogelgesang yesterday, the first anni versary of nls death. Capt Frederico Villar, Brazilian naval | attache, here, laid a wreath on the ! grave. Those representing the Navy Depart ment at the ceremony were Rear Ad miral Thomas J. Scnn, Rear Admiral R. H. Jackson, Rear Admiral Frank H. Schofield, Rear Admiral Lucian Bostwick, Rear Admiral Arthr L. Wil lard. Rear Admiral George Rock, Capt Clarence S. KcmplT and Capt. David M. le Breton. Rear Admiral Vogelgesang began his service to Brazil in 1916 as professor in the Naval War College there, and later organized and became head of the American naval mission in Brazil. New Zealand expects a boom in the j use of automobiles this year. SOUSA GETS AWARD. | ; Arts and Sciences Society Honors Musician. NEW YORK. February 17 The j Solciety of Arts and Sciences has ; awarded to John Philip Sousa its first gold medal for outstanding achieve- ’ ment in American music. The society announced that in mak ing the award it was influenced "not | only by the versatility of Mr. Sousa’s genius as composer, conductor and • musician, but also by the warmth of ; his personality and the high quality of i 1 his patriotism. ’ ' utilivarß rM The All-Purpose I, WV-efimM Jp o y, r **'i* hot or ro*4 f 0 ? || Phon* Wifi not ntaror v- v > j Main 7859 Walter Morgas\ COMPANY. Inc. Artim' Material*. Sign Makers' Supplies : Paints, Varnishes. Brushes. Gla« - j 421 Tenth Street, N W 11