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14 fEz — = I Wright, Slade & Co. ij vk.vhh A*s ! A era fork stork Krthano* \*ia York Colton Errhnngt t'htrooo Roorit o< Trade Slocks and Bonds Bought and Sold for Cash or Carried on Margin THE MAYFLOWER HOTEL ; Connecticut Aw at De Sales St. ]! Telephone .Main 1581 Resident Partner Ist Trust Loans Any Amount D. C. and Montgomery County Large Construction Projects FRED T. NESBIT 1010 termont Ave. M. 9.392 Buck & Company KKIIhFKH F.«t«hlUhpO 1010 I Stocks Bonds Grain Cotton Write oi co l <Ol week v market terifw .So ob i9anon* BUCK AND COMPANY Evans Bldg. 1429 New York Ave. Franklin 7:100 In Nearby Virginia 51 / fti Prudential 72 /0 Insurance Co. Loans | Commonwealth Investment Co. WE FINANCE —s '. classes of tn''ome-pcortuetne property Large Loans a Specialty t Current intercsi rate and mmmiw* j Higbie & Richardson, Inc. 816 15th st. vw -==* j Monev Available lor FIRST DEED OF TRUST LOANS 6% Reasonable Commission Prompt Replies to Applications JAMES F. SHEA 643 Louisiana Ave. N.W . ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Continental Trust Co. i 14th and H Streets Capital $1,000,000.00 Checking Accounts Savings Accounts Time Deposits Foreign Exchanges . Commercial Credits Travelers* Credits Travelers* Cheques J Acceptance Credits Collections Real Estate Loans Collateral Loans Investment Securities Corporate Trusts Individual Trusts Administrator, Executor Safe Deposit Boxes Continental Trust Co. 14th and H Streets « tllk M OMIl’Mt rtMMrnl Capital $1,000,000.00 llll^ i Cuaranteed Safety Vk HLN you iiiyrrf »«6 ! ■(% " INNI Khll MORI t. ALL BO MIN of tU Ye,\ I eral Nr.urity & Molly ay* j Gotrijraii}, vou know iliai sum lumli air oo< otolitioo ' ally jtoaraiUmJ a |>rolr« (nr feature that a«tua!lv ta mm (hr fiavtoliit of firm * ipal mul itileread, Amir from flii» lalrgujird you ha** 1 llk emu mar rA ade quale *e*urit) amt (hr pin li,, of a • oneer valive eoru (Kill, 4 !,<,% INO Kill MORI <,A ( /K BO NON mr mu an ! ill tonally wuirnnleeii by ti»e I 'joiijlilr Purely t oin fmii> ■t| Nrw York |JU«I*-I tlic j ru|imi>MiM of lire N*.„ York Nalr htmrmut Or purl me id. Maturate* 2 to 10 Year* i i Mail Ihtt tnv/ton TODAY J : Federal Security & Mortgage COMP AO / 1412 1C Street N.W. WAIMIHIiTUN.&I i Cafkai t it.eeti.t ©via ttfoktoowj \ 'IW yrttri la* yuu# Molitf *A. | ifrt’V'td M fa*'**'!* l • , . .... * • »• * • \ i 4(36*t -t ** ■ Jf, 1— FINANCIAL.' : NEW HIGH LEVELS IN LOCAL STOCKS Peoples Drug, Traction and 1 ! National Metropolitan Gain on Exchange. ■ BY EDWARD C. STONE. Today's new high marks on the Washington Stock Exchange were acored by Peoples Drug Stores preferred. Capi tal Traction and National Metropolitan Bank stocks. Peoples went to 126% on a 20-share turnover, while Capital Traction made a fractional gain to 116'j. Trading in this issue was very light, however, only 10 shares chang img hands. There were two small sales ‘in National Metropolitan at 405. about 2 , points above any other sale this year. Mergenthaler was active today. It opened at 107%. went to N. %, and on *to 108. sales totaling 55 shares. Sand ft Gravel sold at 105 n 4. Merchants Transfer <fc Storage preferred at 110. Potomac Electric S'- per cent preferred at 107*2 and Sanitary Grocery pre ferred at 106*2. There was considerable trading in bonds. Gas A bonds moved at 106 *.j, j Barber & Ross 6%s came out at 94. ! Railway Ar Electric 4s registered 93 3 a | and 94. Potomac Electric Consolidated iss 103 l j. and Washington Gas 5s 105 3 4. The market closed with a $3,000 transfer in Railway 6s at 104. Fifth District Rediscounts Drop. Rediscounts in the local Fifth Fed eral Reserve district dropped from $26.- i 919.000 to $21,344,000 during the week ! ending February 15. according to th? reserve board's report. The reserve j ratio was further strengthened, rising I to the 64 96 from 61.3 per cent the I week before. Brokers' loans in the 12 j districts declined $15,635,000. during the j week. $3,819,385,000. Bankers to Consider Convention. The council of administration of the District Bankers' Association will meet next Monday, one of the most lmpor- i tant matters facing settlement being the place of holding the next annual convention. It may not be possible to decide the matter pust yet as a large amount of detailed information has to be available from many different sources The general convention chair man. E. J McQuade. is collecting data as rapidly as possible and the other bankers are awaiting his report with wide interest. The other chairmen of the subcommittees are selecting ‘heir assistants and the full committees will soon be announced. I'tilities and Rails Compared. Ability of the power companies to make money even when general busi ness is depressed is demonstrated by a compilation as to 1927 revenues of 95 representative companies made by the Department of Commerce. This shows that utility gross earnings, exclusive of those of telephone and telegraph com panies. increased about $120,008,000 in 1925 or 6 per cent, in contrast with a decline of 4 per cent in railroad gross operating revenues. Net earnings of the power companies increased approximately $30,000,000 i or 4 per cent, while net operating in come of the railroads declined 12 per cent. General Motors Smashes Records.* The General Motors Corporation for 1927 reports a new record in profits and ; saies. Net earnings of $235,104,826, ! after deducting losses of subsidiaries and preferred and debenture dividends, are equal to $12.99 a share on the com mon and compare with $194,645,462. or I $10.90 a share, for 1926. calculated on a comparable basis. Sales, excluding all intercompany items, totaled $1,269,519- 673. a gain of $211,366,335. or 20 per cent, over the previous year. There were manufactured and sold at retail to users at home and abroad, through branches, distributors and deal ers. 1.554.577 cars. This exceeded all previous records by 338.751 cars and showed an increase of 27.9 per cent over 1926. Dividends paid on the common stock in 1927 aggregated $135,836,081, of which £73,939,478 were regular and 860.896.603 were extra payments. The latter included $42,500,000 extra paid January 3 last. Total cash dividends paid on the common in 1926 were 103.- 930 993. Total of capital stock and surplus increased $123,477,765, of which $94.- 373.598 is accounted for by earnings reinvested in the business and the bal ance of $29,104,167 by the sale of $25.- 000.000 par value of General Motors Corporation 7 per cent preferred stock I in February. 1927 Return From Trust Conference. The Washington bankers who at tended the midwinter trust conference in New York have returned home. The dinner last night was attended by 1.400 bank and trust executives. Walter 8. McLticas. h'-ad of the trust company division of the American Bankers’ As sociation, told the guests that trust ! companies in this country now have * resources of $20,500,000,000, a gam of 127 per cent in the last decade. Per sonal ?rusts in the past four years nave I increased 374 per cent, he added. Banquet Reservations Stopped. Reservations for the institute's an nual banquet Saturday night at the Willard have passed the 800 mark and i the committee has been obliged to stop ! reserving additional plates The at tendance will surpass all previous rec j ords There were a few' less than 700 j guest* at the dinner last "ear, which up to that time was the largest tum ! out recorded A large number of oul-of visitors are to be among those present Chairman T. Hun tun Leith is now trying to arrange for the broad casting of the entertainment feature#. Other Financial Notes At the annual meeting of the Postal 5 Telegraph Co Clarence H Mackey said \ ! hat the acquisition of a radio organ!- j zation placed the company in a posi tion to lake advantage of whatever de- j .Cops in radio including television and •he photographic transmission of mes- ! sages The company is making use of j short ware radio as a supplemental I service. The Federal Reserve Board reports i 294 fewer pank failure* In 1927 then ! in 1926 The total number wa* 662, 124 icing members of the Federal Re j verve system. ! Bernard P. Nlmro has Joined the real | estate firm of L H Charles At Co., in 't<e mortgage investment department i He was formerly with McKeever At Cjoss L P. Riddle, personnel director at * tie American Security A: Trust Co., was one of the speaker# at. the person nel v • 'ion at the trust conference in New York bun Life Report* Good Year. The Bun Life Insurance Co of Can ada repo; ta that during 1927 the com - trail y paid to living policyholders about V 29 000 000 and to b-oefleiaries over It 3 (MiO.OOO The company had the treat y<-ai since 5 871 its total income being more than tl00,00') 000 The undivided surpius is now I 4& 000.000 During the year the Canadian in creased its holding# In United Btate# ■ai mi ties Vc 1175.000,000 last year the concern wrote nearly $350,000,000 In Insurance ft. w«« also announced at the annual meeting that for the eighth conMeutivt year th* dividends paid to I ooii< yholdus would be increased this year The report state* that Hun Life 1# the inrpc *t company in Hie British Empire ar.d sixth among life insurance com pani«.- in the world The company has maintained a Washington office for ear* which is in charge nf A D Car o< n*> i vno aon park* after tire firm's tr ve •• • t<; parti of Virginia end .ienUlii. THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON* D. C., FRIDAY. FKUHCARY 17* 1928. I NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE 1 Received by Private Wira Direct to The Star Office. Quotation# to 2:55 p.m Final Quotation# In 5:30 Edition. Open High lew 2:55 i A hit 111 I Tow (n) . 76 76h. 75 75 Abrahm&Straua 101 U. 1011* 100 100 AhiA-Stras /%pt 11th* 110*.* 110-* 110*4 Adams Ksp (6). 294 294 285 285 Adv Rumtey... 13% 13% It 1.3 Adv Huntley pf. 39% 39% 39 39 Ahuntada Lead. 3% 3% 3% 3*« Air Keductn (5) 187 187% 182 182 Ajas Rubber... 10% 10% 10% 10% Alaska Junea... 3% 3% 3*» 3% Albany PaprtZ) 26V* 26'* 26% 2«'» Allianceßlty tt3) 75 75 75 75 Allied Chain <«> 150% 151% 117% 147% Allis Chaim <6). 119% 119% 116 * 116% Amal Leather.. 13% 13% 11% 11% Amerada 12)... 28% 29% 28 28 Am Aaricul Chm 18% 18% 18 18 AmAgriChpf.. 62% 63% 62 62 Am Bank Nit 3). 81 81 81 81 Am Bosch 17 17 15% 15% Am Hr Shr J1 60) 44% 44% 43% 43% Am Brown Bov. 17 17 16 16 Ant Brown Bo pf 59% 59% 58% 58% AmCan if),... 79% 80% 77 77 Am Can pf <7).. 139% 139% 139% 139% AmCar*Kdy 161 10? iu7 105 105 Am Cit Fps <7l 133 133 132 132 Am Chain pf (7) 99 * 99% 99% 99% Ant Chicle 131.. 74% 71% 72 72 Am Drua <sttc). 12%. 12%. 11%. 11% Am Knca'i (2 40) 56 56 56 56 Am Express <6l 191 195 191 193*4 Am* For Po» . 24 24 23% 23% Artt&Fo Po pf t7 ) 107% 107% 107% 107% Ant Hide & Lea. 11% J 2 11% 11% Ant Hide & L pf. 54 54 52% 62% Am HoP 4240). 62% 62% 60 4>o Am Ice 4t2%).. 31*% 82 31% 31% Ant Icepf 46)... 93% 93% 93% 93% Am lnteinatl42) 77% 78 76'« <6 « Am LaKrXFojm S 3 * 6% 6% 5U Am Linseed.... 73 73 68% 68% Ant l-ocomot<8) 109 109 108 108% Am.Mapfex-w. 112% 112% 112% 112% Am Metals t3>.. 42% 42% 41% 42 Am Metals pf(7> 117% 117% 117% 117% Am Plano 20% 20% 20% 20% Am Piano pf<7). 84% 84% 84% 81% Am i’* LMtl). 66 66 64% 65% Am Radiator «S> 132% 134 132V* 133 Am liy fcixpi6).. 130 136 130 133% Ant Republic... 61% 61% ;»7% 57% Am Sate Kant). 57 57 56V* 56% AmßeatniK »3). 39% 39% oh% 39 Am Ship Ar Com. 4% 4% 4% _t% A m Smelt inti is I 176-4 177% 172% 172% Am SJrKpf t 71. 133 133 133 133 Am Snuff 112 i.. J 54 154 152% 152% Am Snuft pf t 6) 107 107 107 107 Am Sil Kdya (31 t>o 60 54% 55% Ant Sugar 56% 56% 55V* 55% Ant Sugar pff 7) 100% 100% 100 100% Am Sumatra.... 56** 57% 55% 55% Am Tel Hr Teli9) 178% 178% 178V*'178% Am Tobaccoill. 160 160 158 157% Am Tobaccoßr M 160 160 157% 157% Am Type Fo<* 1. 117% 117% 117V* 117% Am Type pfi7). 112% 112% 112% 112% Am W VVT-Elicl I «6% 56% 05% 56% Ain Woolen 24 24 23 2.3 Am Woolen pf.. 59 59V* 56% 56% Ant writ Pa cifa Is 18 18 18 AinWrPa pf cfa. 44 44 44 44 Am line 14% 14% 12% 12% Ant /.Inc Pf 68% 68% 61% 63% Anaconda (3)... 57% 57V* 65% c 5% Archer-Dan 13}. 66% 56% 56 56 ArntourDel pf 17 10% 90% 90% 90% Armour ot lilt A) 14% 14% t4'« 14% Arntourofllli B) 9 9*« B** 8% Armour I!lpfi7) SO 80% 7i'v* 77%. Arnold Con ft Co 45% 45% 44% 44% | Artloom 13).... 42% 42V* 42% 42% j Amso Dry 2 V#) 43% 43% 43V* 43V*. Aaso Oil3B 38 38 38 Atchison i r to). 184% 184% (83 183 j Atch T4S Fe i ts. 3% 3% 3V* 3% Alcltiaon pf <s>. 105%, 104 103% 104 j AUCoast LttlO) 178 178 177 177 | All Gulf ft WI.. 40% 40V* 37% 37% Atl Refining (4) 99 99 9v 98% | Atlan Kefpf (7) 116% 116% 116% 116% j Atlasl'owdert 41 65V* t»S% 65% 65V* j Atlas Pow pf <C> 103 106 106 106 i Atlas Tack ... 12% 12% 10% 10% Auslrn-N'ichols. 4% 4% ■»% 4% j Austtn-Nlch pf. 34% 34% 34% 34% j Austrian Cr 4 52. 73% 73% 73V* 73%: Auto S*.es 9% 9% 8% 9 j AuroSales of <3) 35 35 34% 34% | Autostrap A <2) 44% 44% 44 44 Ba Id Loro pf 17) 120 120 120 120 Balto ft i> >6). 11l 111 109% 109/' Hallo ft Ops t 4) 80 80 79 79 j Bang ft Ai <2 Vi • 75% 75% 75 75 Bang ft As pfr7l 110% 110% 110% 110% Mk < Vomer ce »1$ 659 659 557 557 j Barnet Leather. 47% 47% 47% 47% < Ha rnscl IA« 02 % t 22% 22V* 22% 22% j Uavult Cigars... 116 116 116 116 liavuk lei pf«7) 108V* 108% 108% 108% j Beacon 0i1... .• 15 15 14% 14% 1 Beechnut ( tj).. 78% 78% 75% 75%j Balding Bros 12) 20% 20% 19% 19% ! Belg Rvs pf 4.12- fcs% t>74» 85‘* 85%) Heat ft Co •#)... 57% 67% •6% 56% Beihiehem S'eei 60 60% 58V* 58% | Beth Stt pf <7).. 120% 120*. 120 . 120 d j Htountingdale .. 40% 40% 40 40 | Blmlngdle pf«7) 110% 110% 111) 110 | Hiurnenthai pf.. 94V* 94V* 94% 94% j Bon Anil O A<4) 71 71 69 70 | Borden Milk ill 107 167 166% 166% i Botany C MillsA 21 2l 20 20 ; Brigg* 51 fg Co.. 12% 32% 21% 32 > Uritteh Empire. 4% 4% 4% 4% ; Bkiyn-fcidtson it 233% :3 l% 229 230% j BKlvn Mm M). 57V* 57% 56% 06% ‘ Bklyn Man pf«# h7% 1 8 h<% 87% > BrownSh«Cl2% I 49 49 48% 48V* i Brunswick B <3l :0% 31 30% 30%; Brunswick Ter.. 19% 19% 17 17 j Bucyrus Erie 11) 26% 26% 2.5% 25%: Bucyrus cv «2'%) 34% 34% 33% 33% j Burnt BrosAtk) 93% 9%, 93% 9j% j Burroughs, r 4). 157% 157V* 155% 155% , Bush Tern igZ). 61 61 60% 60%j Butte Cop ft Z... 4% 4'*» 4% 4% j But t est Super <2) 10% 10% 9% 10 ! Butterick Co. ... 46% 46% 46 46 * Bver ft Co 108% 109% 104 106 ) By-Products <2) 70 7u 69 69 j Calif Packs <4). 74% 74% 73% 73'»j (%l i'etrn ctf*... 24'« 24% 24% 24% t.'silattan/me... 2% 2% 2% 2% j Calumet ft Art 6 100 lon 93 95 I CalU ft Heels «2) 21% 2IS 21 21 , CenLtrv O Atari) 64% 64V* 61 61 | Can Pacino 1101 203 203 199% 199% ! i,"s»eThreshgi6) 255 256 252% 252% Cent Alloy U).. 30% 30'% 28% 28% Cent Alloy of «7: 110 110 110 110 Century Rib M.. 13 13 12% 12% Cerode Paecot4) 64% 64V* 63 63 Certain 'lead 14) 58% 58V* 57% 5r% Certo Corprn *4) Chandler Mol pf. 15% 15% 14% 14% Chai-Ph Bki 16) 630 631 625 625 Chee ft urtloi 10) 192% 192% 188% 188% CAuCorpnd). 76 76 73 % 73% Chi A A (too ft** 5% ft% ft** j | Chi ft Alton pf.. 8% 8% 8% 8% 1 ! Chi ft East 111 pi 63% 63% 63% 63% j j Clu (Treat West. 10% lot* 10 )o j ChlGt west pf. 23% 23% 23V* 23% ! Chi MU ft 81 P.. 16% 16V, 1«% 16% I : Chi ft Nwn <«>.. Hi 81V* 80% 80% j Chi I'ne roolti) 130% 131 129 129 | Chi Bock la 161. 108 108V* 106% 106% CIII4P id HI 102% JO2V* 102 102 j Chi Ve/IOwC(4l. 37 37 37 37 j Childs (2 40).... 46% 46% 44% 44% J Chile <%> 12 % ).. 40 40 .T 8 38% I Chr.Sd B 1 120). 121% 121% 119 119 ‘Chrvklet Cor (3) 59 ftW 57% 57% Cilv Stores {ti). 76 76 72% 72% Cloeu l'eab(4|. 89 89% 86 86 Coca-Cola <sl ■.. 133 133 131% 131% Collin* ft Alk> 4 > 92 93 90% 90% Col Fuel • Iron. 75% 75% 71% 72 Col ft Sou dm (3) 108% 108% 108% 108% Colo Sou tel (41 77*» 77% 77V* 77% I’OMjaa ft El |5» 92% 92% »1 91 Col rift EnfA >6) 107% 107% 107% 107'* Col Carbon • 4).. 92% 92V* 91% 91% Corn Crert * 1)... 2IV* 21% 2IV* 21% Com Cl lit B (*) 24 24 24 24 j ComCted IM «% 89% >9% 89% 89% j Corn Inv’lr 3 k'r (»6 » 56'* 56% 56% Corn lo Ti pf 6% 96% 97 95% 95% I Com In Tr pf* 7 ) 106 106 105 105 ] Corn Hoiantark> 181 !6i% 161 161% i r’orn Poo <2%1. 66-* 66% 65 65 {C'»ri<l* Nasi 12),. ft© 50 50 50 (Vongoleuin Nalr 27i 25'* 24% 24% Cons Cigar e 14), 75% 75% 74% 7|% 1 Utu Cigar aril,. 88% 83 * 82 82 Consol inairihoi % 1% % 1% Consol r)aa it) (33% 133% 128 128% -’onßlO'or.# nf » 72% 72% 72% 72% Conaol iexdla.. 3% 3% 3% 3% Colli tiakg A (41 49 44 46% 48% 1 Coni Making I*.. 5% 6% 5% 5% ' Com link pf 111 16 96 95V* 95% 1 I’t/in Can ($),,. 80% 91% 89% 29%, Coni Iriaur (•).. 77 77V* 76% 77 Com Mom rkuci 10% 10% |o% 10% Coin Prod HI). 67% 67% 66% 66% l oir 100 (at) .. 1.14 134 132 132 C» ohll.iaaHleed* 8k 88% 86 86 r’rnelbie pfill,, 114 114 114 111 Colts Cana Moati 6% 8% 6% "||M C#«|* Ho i f 25% ‘2»% 24%t ‘24% *•.(.. C.»mnun* '. *'6 • 2V * • . *,!/»* < | | PC , Open Hiirh Lo* i Cudahv Pkß f«) 68% 68% 66 ««% Curtiss Aero (1) r»9 l 'W f>7H 58 Curtis pf (t7 V* ). 138% 1 :<S'a 138% 138% Cushmn’S <|4 ).. 156% 156', 156% 156% Cuvnmel Fruit.. 5211. 52% 62% 63% Davison Chern. . 18% 39% 37% 37% DeereACo pf<7) 116% US'* llfi'i 116% Del* Hud DM . 166% 166% I#3'* 163% Del LA \V l»7). I SOW. ISO's 130 ISO DRGWstpf... 52% 52 V* 52 V* 52'Sr DevoeAH(2 40) 52% 52'V 49% 48'* Diamond M (til) 153% 153% 153 153 Dodge Bros Cl A 18 1« 17% 17% Dodee nf i7»... 69'i 69% 68% 08% Dunhlll Int 14). 02 02'. 61% 01% DuPont deNtlO) 324% 324% 317V* <17% Duauesne of (7) 116% 110'. 110 V. 118% Eastman 1t»)... 106% 106% 105 165% Eaton Axle *2). 31% 31% 30 30 Klsenlohr A Bro 18% 18% 17 17 Elec Auto Lf«>. 120% 124% 120% 122% Klecirlc 80at... 14% 14% 13% 13% KlecPowrALt. 33% 34 32% 32% Klee PALt of t7) 108% 108% 108% 108% Klee Kefrleerarn 14% 14% 13% 13% Klee Stor Bat iB) 70 70 09% 69% Klk Horn 7% 7% 77 Km-Rrantgmf A) 77 77 Knd-John « 5)... 80 so% 79% T 9• Kndtcolt pf(7).. 123', 123', 123% 123% Knmneers Pub S 34% 34% 34 34 Kngnrs PS pft7» 109 109 109 109 Kquir Bldg (7).. 103% 103% 102 102 Krie Rlt 51% 51% 50% 50% Krie Ist nf 55% "5% 55% 55% Krle Stm S (2%) 35% 35% 35% 35% Eureka Vit%>. 71% 71% 71 71 Far 1,0 A Tr(lß) 690 690 690 690 Feu l, I 4U| 51 5J 49% 49 Fed Min pf 17).. 95 95 95 95 r«u .wdiUUvl lo',« loin lo 18 Ciu l J uv» .vut, -it o', -i/ui, -0r % tII Si .Sal CM i% > ul ul ol ol ti.k Uuuum.... io% 10% 1a.% io\% Fisk lal pi 47> . . 89 * Rita B9.*a 09 ;« Fisk lal pi CX’I?) 9* 94% 94 94% c ieiscMii.dl.Ui4J. <>«)')• .0 <>.'» up;* r ouiiuatiuli x_o. . 4a 4-> 4<> 4 ) rui tmu A it). I<S » Ij MS'* >A% roxFitiu ms;. i m i » ■» v» f ree i>uii t. */.. ...% ij « 71 • 72 * uuci pi pits).. lo.', lu.i iu*, Um Gain leiautua %; 21, _l, 20% 20'« u,iiin« Juno. .. l . '» lt> > 12-» 12 * oeu Am ink. If. ...» ui * i»i■;» Gen Aaplieil. ... 'll <i 73% . Gen Aapn pi x»). 117 V. 11.% ll<% 11. « UCiiUliio AtO. t>2% t>2',» OU% OU% Gcll Clears I«J.. .0% 70S, t>9'« P 9% u«ii klcv |D).,. US’. 129)4 127 127 GeuLlec aptkUC) 11% 11% 11% 11% Geu Gas pi bt7; 10, loi lot loi lieu .Vlulol a vo). iuo% i3u% 13.‘. I0o’« Ueu Juul pi 111. . 124 *. 124*4 124% 124*4 Gcii OulUl A<Ji2; t>' 4 ili9 .7 ueu it* aijj is), to.iUsSk 109 iu,% lieu lielUC li). .1 , 12)0 lU Giilelte iUi «»). K'l lot 100 100 ! villi.Ocl Li IU9. . . . oi* » v>9% uRi no*« i lil.OUeu lu 21 % .1% .1 2I tiiioueil pi pill) 98% 98 k 97% 97% liuiO Dual till. . 102 102 94 9a Goodrich liu it) fco M> el% Sl*» Goodrich pt t7 ) . 109.1 109*4 109, 109% MUuUlCdl 111#.. Ot 1,1 lll.M 01% %uuU>l IslptiJ) 99 99 99 99 liultuu Hus (2 V* 84% 84*. *3 , »3% liultllli Ut» 42%. c4’» 84% 84 84 liuiuui-lVin*. . 1,% 17 % 1 1 17 j Uialiby Cull .111 U 10% •.0-, 59% 39 . j Gil Noll!) pi tot a4% 94% 94 94% j lirt .Nut U<l %) -2% _2 >« 22’% 22 S. Urt VVII Su* 2»0 a2% 52% 31% ~l % I lit West apt «ii 114% 11a 114 il> i Given xjeueu... lod% iu3% ill ii7% j Guantanamo tiug 7V, 7% 7V, 7V* j Guuli Hu* pf 18). 106% 106% 100 106 liu .% A N pi 16). 101% 1041. 104% 104% j tiuli Sute* Steel oS 00 ai ad ; Hackusk VV.I%) 25% 25% 25 25 j j tidck pi A. I■% ). 27 2. 27 27 | j li,tiU4 Ist pi ... 77 .7 16 . 76% i i Haruosti A (•!. 2)% 2aV, 2.,% 25% J liarunn lit 1.20|. 2is» 21% .1.1 ! ilersliey Cut p. . . lit 3.)% 53 5.1 | Hersbey pt < 4).. 71 71 70*. 70% j ileisli) pi ul 16) 102% 102% 102% 102% HueACuA 27% 27'% 27*4 27% iluliamJcr 6c Son 51% SIV» 31*4 31% llousetiuld 1 it) t>6% 86% bh% 66'* Huustun oil. ... 135 135 uil% 131% j Hun« Soma (4) 43 43 42 42 I Hud Mao .2 Vi). 02% a2% aIS 52 i Hudson .Mot .0) 83V, »3 . 73% 7*9% j Hupp Molt I 40) 39% 33% 37 57 i Illinois Cen 17). 136 136 134% 134% jHI Ceut pf 16).. 134% U4V, 134% 134% j ’ illdep Oil 111... 23% 23 % .3 23 j I 1110% 11 5101 1I % ) 39*4 23% 39% 39% i ; Indian Mot pf«7) 102 102 102 102 j | Indian Uemmiß. 9-. 9% 9% 9% j | Indian Hefii cite 8% 8% 8% «% ] I uiKersoli ltd* rsl t*o% 90*» 90% 90 . | In Id St I tpi6 %). 49% 49V, 48 47 j inspiration Copi 19% 19% 18%, 18% | : imei tiuioltapTi ..4% 34% .>4 .>4 j { 11l (cull 11 Itubll) 17 17 16% lb*. < j Internal A*rl... 14 14 13% 13 » | I lilt Akticul prior .7.7% 5.7 Vs 55V» .75% 1 !Im Uu> M« %).. 137% 137% 131 131 j i1 ui Cement ti).. b.,% » 63% 63% j Int Cum feu* «2) ;.0% 50% 46% 48 i liu Comb pf t7). lot lo* lot lo* ] j tut Harv 1)6)... 231 251 227% -28 ! I 111 Midi pri4 20) 100% 101 97% 97% ■ j Int Mel Mar pf. 50% 36% 3 ,»» 35%] j tut Nickel 12)... 9192% 85% k7 ! 101 l l'eper 12 40) 7* 7* 69% 69% • Int I‘epei pf t7 ) 107% 167% 107% 107% I Int Ity Cent Am. 40 40% 40 40% ■ , lot Ity CA psis). 71% 71% 71 % 71% 1 i lutl stiver 160 lo t Itio 163 ! 1 lull Stiver rts... 2.7% 26 2»% 2*7% j JlntTetft I'ei no 142 142% 140% 140 ,' j Island Creek t 4) 51V, 62 51% it 2 1 ; Jewel Tea 1*3% >3% 83% 83% ] ' Jnlins-MerantS) 119% 119% 116 116% | loiien tilus Te*. 33% 53% 32% 32% i Jordan Hotor... 9% 9% 9% 9% | KOI' Hitt 47) 115% 116 115% 116 j t kan City South .74 » ~4% «>2% 52% I 1 Kan CSopf 14 ) . 71% 71% 71% 71% j Aayser J i 4)... 69 » 7n 68 68 I Ketly-Sprlns... 17% 17% 17 17%, J Kelly Tire 1% pf 61 61 61 61 J Keia-Hayea «2). 23% 27% 23% 2'3% Kennecot( Cts). 83 8.3 81% 81% txloney pf ig). .. 94 94 92 92 Kraft Clr 11 IV* ) 65 65 64 64 Kresge fTI gti)., 66% 67 66 66 Kreske Dept S,. 11% 14% 14% 11% KreageDSpf.. 54 51 54 51 Kress i.S H) ID. 9o 90% 88 88 Kroger Urooici) 77% 77% 75% 76 Caito Ol II 76c).. 28% 2*8% 2»8% 28% Lambert Co<a).. 84 84% 83 h 3 Lee Tire A Itub. 19 ;*«% 18% 18% j Lehigh V»li 3% ) 86% 86% 86% 86% > Lehn A Fljiki .1). 43% 43% 41% 41% j Life il 60). 34 34 31% 33% j J LlgAMyerallMS) 107 1«7% 105% 106 Lima Loco 14).. 57% 57% 57% 57% f Lid Carb • 3 #0). 66% 66 » 1i6% 66% | Loew s Ino I tl). 61% t>l% 58R* 58% I Loft 6% 6% 6-» 6% Long*Hall IA ). • 3*2% .32% 32% 32% Loose Wilt I *0) 51% 51% ftl% M>% Loose-W lat< 7 ). 121 12M 121 121 Loi II lard Co-... :i7% 38 37% 37% Louia'iiha 0i1... to 10 |o in LootaHaaAt I 751 2*8% 2*8% 28% 28% tA>oie A Nash 17 ) 147 147 117 147 Ludlutn M'eeK 2) 30% 30% 2*9% 2*9% McCall Corp «2). 60% 1(1% fill'.* 60% McCrory A 12). . 79 79 79 7'* MeCrory pf H). 100% 109% |09% lo»% Mclntyre l* (I). 2*6% 26% 26% 26% Mark Truck i«) Inn 100% 98% 98% Mackav l»f «4).. 70 70% 7« 70% Mttcy Ift II) l(*5) 2*56 256 256 256 Mad Hu Ur 11 •*) 25 25 24*, 24% Magma Cup 11). 46% 48% 45% 46% Mat Ilsur) A CO, . 21% 21*. 21. 21% Malllann pf t?) 91% 91% 9|% »l% ManaHMogai pf 7o 70 70 70 M a Intel 12%),.. 37% 37*. 37% 37 % Man Kl Rup tsl. 53 * 64*. f>2% f>2*. Man F.l 111 g (dbl 43 43 43 43 Man Hlitrl 121, .. 33% 33% 33 33 Maiecutlin 4)11 .. 13 131. 17% 12% Mai ket Mt prior. 43% 48% 4k Is I Mai land Dll ~, .3% 53% .3 1 >33 Marlin Itorki 21. 47 47 46% 46% .Mai lin l‘an y 12% 12% 12% 12% Matlileann AHA) 122% 122% 120% 120% May Depl 8*4)., 79% 79*. 7»% 78% May ing <4ll . . 31', 31% .31% 31% MelruD nfi I g») 76% 26% 26% 86% Mexican Heal)... 6 n 5% 6% Miami Cop II)., 19 19 |M'« |S% Mid Continent.. 26 27% 26 87% Middle Hiaiee. ~ 2% 2% 2% 2 , » Mid Miaiae Oil PI 1% 1% 1% 1% Midland of • 112 I 235 ’.26 21 1 21 1 Miller lliiblier,. 21% 21% 21 21 Minn A Hi Louie 2% 2% 2% 2% MHI I‘AHHM |if 77% 77% 77% 77% MHI I‘ASSM 111 4 I 69 69 69 69 Mo Kan A Teg . 35% 35% 35% 36% M.. KATe* pfi7» H»7% H*7*. H»7% |n7% Miaannii I'anlbo 44% 44% 44 II M>a«euri »**e pf. 107% lok>w |i.'T% nils Open Hi*h Low C 55 Montana Pow IB 153', i 53% 149 149 Montgntry VVttß 144% 145 138% 138% Muon M0t0r.... 6 6 5% 5% MorsA Esk 13V4 ) . 85% 85% 85% 85% Mother L 1611 c). 3 3 2V4 2% Motor Met <3 60) 18 19 18 18 Motor IVhl <2).. 25% 26Vi 25'i 26% Mullins MTS.... 79% 79% 72% 74% Munstngwr (3). 47', 47'/, 47% 47% Murray Corp... 24 24% 23% 23% Nash Mot 1t5%) 83% 84% 82% 82% Nai Acme ista). 11% 11% 11% 11% Nat Bellas Hess 55% 66% 55% 65'. NatßHess psi 7) 98% 98% 98% 98% Nat Biscuit |6) 170 170 166 I6> Nat Cash Ki A)3 60% 50% 49'% 49% Natl Dairy 13).. 67% 68 66 66% Nat Distillers. . 53% 63% 49 49 Nat Enamel AS 25 r % 25% 25% 25% Nat Lead i 5). LtilV, 130% 129% 129', Nat Lead pfA(7) 139 139 139 139 Natl’ow&Li 800 25% 25% 25 25 Nat Kadiatot... 56 36% 35% 35% Nat Uy Mex Ist. 3% 3% 3% 3% Nat Iti Mex 2d.. 2 2% 2 2% Nat Supply 1f 6) 91 91% 91 91% Nat Surety t ID) • .39 t|3 ; , ;32 i ’.:!2% Nat Tea 14) 166 166 166 163 Nevada Ci I% ) 20 « 10 . 19% 19% NO Tex A M'7) 136 136 136 136 N V All Bf 43 ). . 47% 47% 45% 45% N V Cent 18)... 156% 156% 156% i ni'* NY C&SIL.BI 130% 130*. 130 130% N Y C StL pf t 6) 108% 108% 108% 108% NY Dock. 57% 57% 56 56 NYNH&Harttl) *)!% 61% 61% 61% N) NH.vll i,t( i . ,15% 115% i 15% 115% NY Out & W'n. .. 26% 25% 24% 24% N Y Hallways pi 6% 6% tj% 6% NY State Hys pt 30 30 30 30 NY Steam pi <6) Ml *. 102 10144, 102 NY Still pf Ail) 112% 113 112% ID Nlag Fpd 1 | ) 28% 28% 28% 28% Norfolk South.. 41% 41', 41% 41%, Norfolk*VV t NO) 183 183 V, 182 182 No* Am Plo%elk 61% bl% tO'i 60% Not Am Ed pf 47) 103% 103% 103% 103% Not th I’ac 16).. 94 91% 95% 93% NOl I’ac tifsta). 92% ;3% 92% 93% ] Dll \\ ell Sup... 34% :4% 34 34 i Oil Well S pf... 108% 108% 108% 108% ! Umritlnia 12% 12% 12*. 12%; Omnibus pf 187. 96 96 95% 95% Ulla.-uewi 12% 12% 11 ■» 11% Otis all priori!) 86 85% 84 &* I’ac Coast Ist... 58% 58% 58% s**% I’acihc lias tZ>. ,6% .6% .s*, 16 .I’ac Has A Kl rts 2 2 2 2 rac on stubs... 1% 1% t% 1% I’ac Tel A Tel |7 151', 151% 151', 151% Packard Moli3) 68V, 58V, .»7% .57% t’an-Am Petrolm 38% 38% 38V, 38V, I'an-Am Pel «B) 38% 38% 38 38% Pan Am West B 18% 18% 18% 18% Panhandle .... 13 13 12 12 I'al kvV fllford. 31% 34% 34% 34% Pat ml-Fatii« i»l ila% . 15% 11% 113% Paik Utah 18UC) 11', 11% 10% tO'% : Paths Lxchange 3% 3% 3 3 Paths Kx A 13% 13% 12% 12% I'atinoM ia2 19) 25% 25-» 21% 251, Peerless Motor. 16% 17 16% 17 Pemck A Ford.. 24% 24% 23% 21% Penn Oix CmtiZi 2l‘« 25 21% 25 Penn 14 Kl 3% I 63% 64 «.3*» 63% Peie Mata 11s 1 t it) 130 129% 129 V, Pete Marg pfla) 99 9.) 99 99 l’liila<’ob%pfi4i .>2% -2% .>2% 62% Phtla AK C I . 31% 34% 33% 33% Phila&UCAl cfs 32V, p 2% 32% 32% Philip Morris... 16% 16% 16% 16% Phillips I’ei «3i 36% 36% 35% 36V* Phoenix Hosiery 32 22 32 32 j Pierce Arrow pf 42% 42% 40% 40% j Pierce Oil % % % •%; Pierce Petrolm 3% 3% 3% 3% . Pillshurv 11 60) 34% 33 31 Plllsbry pfi6Vy > 109% 109% 109% 103%! Pills 4.*041 4a 45 45 45 j PltteTerm Coal. 32 32 32 32 i Pitts Ter pf 16). 78 78 78 78 i • PittsAW Vai6). 125 125 122% 122'.! I Porto Kico Tob.. 64% 64% 63% 63'*! j Poi to Uico To B 27% 27% 27V« 27V. Post urn •5) 123*. 123% 120 120 j Pressed Stl Car. 21 24 22% 23% | Pr Stl Car pf <7) 85% 85% 85% 85% : Prod A ICehueis ]B'» 19 16 16% Producers*!! pf 42% 43 4H* 41% Prophy Brushi3) 88% 91 88% 91 Pub Ser vNJ• 2) <.2% 43 42% 42% Public Serv rts.. % % % % Pub S NJ of HD. 138% 138% 137V* 137% Pub SKAD pfi*> 109% 109% 109% 109% Pullman Co 14). M-% <**2 >O% W. Punta Aiea Suk. 29 29 28% 28% PureOP. «5Cc)... 20% 20% 20*. 20V. Purity B«kA * 31 67 67 66 66 i Purl!v Hak B<2 131% 131% 130% 130% 1 Purityßak pfi7) 109% 103% 10J% 109% j Radio Corp of A 92% 9'2% S 8 B<% i jR S 111 Ccfs 14) 80% 80% 80% 80% Heading Ity «4). 100% 100, 98% 98% Heal Silk Hos .. 28% 28% 26% 26% j i Real Silk pf 17). >9 . 80 89*. 90 j Peumigin Hand 29% 30% 28% .**•)» j Leo Motors! tl). 21% 24% 24 24 i Ret) Ir A Stl <4) *> 1 % 6|% 56 56 i Hep lAS nf *7) llu% 110’, tlo% |lo% j Remold* Spncs 8% 8% 8% B*-. 1 HevnldsTobßi&t 149% (49% 145% 146 Hlchrteld Oil •I ) 24% .4*. 23% 23% i liossta Insrkl.. :*-2 I>3 178 174 | Royal Da3 13%. 45% 45% 45% 45*. !St Jos Lead <t3> 4! 41 40% 40% i StLASno F i»8) 111 lit 10)% ip) fSt L&SanF pfiC) 101 101 101 loi jSt L&Somhwent. 70 70 o7 T . 67 : » StLSwnofiß). 92% 92% 92 92 | Savage Arms... 66% 68% 66 66 ! Schulte «*Vk 1... 50% 5.0% 50 5,0 V, t Schulte Df «*).. 120% 120% 120 120 { Seabd Air Line. '.0% 20 * 19% 19% i Seal, Air Lpf .. 2*9 29 27 27% 1 Sea crave *el 20) 11% 11% 11% 11% i Sears It In 2 V«). 87 ; » 88% 84 1 . 84% {Srineca Copper.. 2% 2% 2% 2% i Shaltuck FG (2) 84 84 80% 80', j Shell Un • I 40). 24% 24% 24% 24% ! Shuhert The l 5) 61% 61% 61% 61% ! Simmons <21... 62% 62% 61 61 | Simma Pete.... 18'. 18*. 18% is% jSlnclairOll 18 is 17', !7% I Sinclair nf iS).. 103% Hit 103% 104 . Skellv 011 1 2 1... 25% 25% 25% 25% j Sloss-Shef 16).. 125% 125% 125% 125% | Snidet pMckg Co 15% 15'. 14% 14% , Snblet I’kg pf... 50 50 50 50 So Por Hie Sr fj) 34'. 34% 33% 33% South Calif Kd.. 46*. 46% 45% 46 South Dan lea A. ‘.5% .5% 25 25', South Dairies B. 101. 10% 9% 9% South Pac (6).. 119*. 120 . 119’. 119% Soullierli Rv it) 143% 143% 143 142 South Ry pf 15) 100 100 lint 100 SotiHvMAO cfs 4 133 t*23 132% 122% Spear ACo 14% 14% 13 13 Spear ACopf •71 so 60% mi 80%. Spicer M fit 26% 26% 26% 26% Sid <J Ahi< J% ) 1 2 62'. 60% »,0% Sid GAKpf 14 1 6«»'» 66% 66). 66% Sid Mill i 51.... 105 105 101 101 I Sid 51111 kof <*). 103% 103% 103% 103% Standi) Cah 2%) 53% 53% 53% 53', Sidoil NJ it I% ) 38 .8, .',7% 37. Sid OILS Y« I 60) 29% 29% 28% 28*. Sid Plata Gla.a. 4 . 4% 4% 4% Sid PI Glaaa pf.. 17% 17% 17% 17% Sierla Prod 117). 139 139 13 1 139 Stewart* War 16) 81% 81% 78% 78% Sludebaker lb). 62% 63 tiny. t;o% Simlebak pf < 7). 134', 134% 123 . 123 . Submarine Hoal. 3% 3% 3 3 Sun Oil m1).... 57 57 :«% ; 6', Supei 101 Dll ~. 2% 2% 2', 2 , » Sweets of Amer. 13% 14 % 13', 13% Symington Cl A. 13% 15% 15 1.5 rennCoppat it) 11% 11% 10% 10% Texas Corpn 1$) 50% 50% 50 50 Tex Gulf Sul 141 7|% 71% 69% 69% Tex A Paciflo .. 115 115 11.1% 114 3'ex l*CA*)i6flcl. 12% 12% 12% 12% Tax Lend Train 24% 24% 23 23 Thatcher MIL. 24 24 24 24 I The Fair ig 40). 35% 35', 84% 34% Tidewater AaDII 15% 15% 15 15 Tld WAMDllpfi ID 83% 84 «.i% 84 Tide W Oil pflbl 90 90 111) 90 I'imket, 1 •&)..,. 120% I‘l 115% 116% I'nhac Prod 1 hi) 111% 111% 108% liiß% I'obaa Prod Ai7 125 12 * 123'* 123% Tinn.con 1 0i1... 7% 7% 7% 7% I'ri nan* A Will 51% 51% 47% 47% Twin CUv It 1 *) 52 52 52 52 ltdwii•■Kl Fl 41, . 65% 65% 65 85 Union Car h Oil 11'% 138% I »i% 1,36% tin Dll of Calil!) 4>% 4343% 43% Union Pao MID 194 194% 190 190 Un Peolrtn pfi4l N 5% at 85% 8? Ull llmkA Panel 4 1 4 1 42 42 Ultiteil 111*1 I 101. 37% 37% 37% 37% Uidl’aiSDi'gupl 32 32 ll|% 31% Ul*i Cg IHi pftrti 107 107 107 III? Untied Drug «»> 197 197% 195', »»i I tld Pm l»l D% 19% 59't 59% 59', Uld Dyatv pf ill 57% 57', 57% 57% Uld Ft mil Ia % I 138% I3BV| I 17% 157% UHCIPAF'HD 202% .94 .01 .01 II H Dial 1 llmlmu |8 Ik 17 17 U H Dlalri giftT» «5 ksk 5 65 11 H Hoffman 141 52 52 50', 52 I) 8 Alcohol 15) 112% tl '% 10*'. 10. % 1.1 fl Leaihar ai, 73% 3% 23% 2% U H l.iMihei A. • 6l'« HI, 60 Oil WAVE OF SELLING HITS STOCK MARKET Prices Recede While Press ure Continues, but Rally Follows. BY GEORGE T. HUGHES. SpTviril l)!«i>aU'h to Th® Star WALL STREET. New York, Febru ary 17.— Today's stock market was sub jected to another wave of selling Prices receded almost uniformly while the pressure was at Its height, but when it was lifted a rally ensued. Once again the long-predicted wide-open break did | not come. ~ . The important news was all favor able. The General Motor report was | better than had been expected, and there was a decrease in brokers' loans, small, but still a decrease. Initial quo tations were a shade higher General Motors made up the $1.25 dividend which came off the price today, and there were other fractional gains. The improvement, however, was short lived. Heavy selling set in before the session was a half hour over. Loss of Previous Gains. Standard stocks and specialties were atfectcd alike. Steel and General Motor sold off, the former below 143. From the high point of Tuesday the price was off more than 3 points. General Motors lost most of its early gain. Free port Texas had another sinking spell. The copper stocks sold off with the rest. Chile Copper went down nearly 2 points Greene Cananea and Ameri can Smelting and Refining also gave ! way. In the steel list Vanadium started j in up over a point, but met proflt-tak ! ing subsequently. It was still one of the best acting of the steels Other stocks to record lasses Included National Biscuit, off 4 points at 166; Brooklvn Edison, down as much around ' 229; Montana Power. Allied Chemi cal. Montgomery Ward and General Electric. Rails Relatively Steady. The rails were relatively steady. Union Pacific again gave a good account of itself apparently forecasting some spe cial development. Seaboard stocks con tinued soft. New Haven was offered in large blocks at a concession of a point or so and Southern Pacific drop ped below 120. Money renewed at 4% per cent, the same as on Thursday. The belief was widespread among speculators that the Federal Reserve authorities would like to see the market go lower. Bankers were said to be disappointed that the reaction so far had not appreciably di minished the total of brokers' loans. The average trader was disposed to stand aside and await developments. With thus feeling so prevalent it was remarkable that the market held as well ‘ as it did. PRICES ON PARIS ROTJRSE. PARIS. February 17 (4>>.—Prices moved irregularly on the bourse today j Three per cent rentes. 67 francs 75 ! centimes; 5 per cent loan. 85 francs 75 i centimes: exchange on London. 124 i francs 2 centimes The dollar was quoted at 25 francs 44 centimes. The oourse will be closed tomorrow. I . . CANADA GOLD COKING TO V S. NEW YORK. February 17 6*>>.-A shipment of $2,000,000 in gold from Canada was received today by the Bank of Montreal, a total of more than $40,000,000 to return to New York since the movement began in December. RUBBER QUOTATIONS. NEW YORK. February 17 1 Special. 1— Crude rubber, smoked ribbed sheets, declined % at today's noon quotation iof 32. This compares with 39 % a j month ago and 38% a year ago. FEDERAL LAND BANK BONDS • Uuotp*} lijr Alex Blown A Sun* l l<»»l*>«r t Rale—Matum.t Bill. A-ke,! ) lelU S* Max Hmj ;tt .. n*2% str.s aim 5-* Nov 1941-3! 10*7% li'.i a9 l 4%» May J»»*: :C2. 101% lii*2 399 4’-« Jan 1943 33 1«» t-% 19*7 *94 4',* Jan 1953 33 !<U % 19-; 494 4%*J*iH 19.V1-33. 191 % 192 495 M. a Jut* 1953 33 . 19,3 193% 49> 4%» Jan 1951 34 , 193% 194 398 I% X July 1954-34 193% <94 399 4%» J.xi 195.5-35. 197% I<>2 T , 4 9*l [ 4%« Jss» lft.Vl-.3H 197% 193 495 4%, Jut* lft’ri.M. 19! i, 197% 395 4',* Jan 1957,37.. 1”! % 197 >« .3 9*l 4* Nox 1957 37 101 101% 385 Own lt'ih Low 253 OSI Rea’tv 14),, i.:,% t‘3 , 02% i*2% U S Kubtier 52 5! 50% ~-% liSKub 1)1 il) 101% 191% i 99% (9:4% U S Small ism 41 21 40% 40% USSm of «3'»» 52% "2 ! «* 52% 52% U S Steel «7i... ui% 146% 141% 111% Unt Leaf Tob( S • 74% 74% 72 72 Uni Plo Ist i>fi«l 97% 98', 97% 98% Uni Pipe« Ri: i 24 24 21% 21% Uti PALI Aie'2). 29 29 % 29 -9 VsnaOium ! 44). 88% 88% M% >4 . V1i11U«114...,, 9% 9% 9% 9% VttnHaaHepf . .54% 45 . 45 45 Vlcksbu S&IMS) 106 106 196 106 Vick Client i 4) . 64 '. 61%' 62 62 Victor Tlk Men 62% 62% .0 . 60% Victor o us ik 1.. 125% 126% 122% 122 - Vlctor pr <)f *7» 105', !«'»% 105 105 Va-Csro Chem.. 15% 15 * 15% !s‘. V’s-Csi Ch 6% PI 49% 4’*% 45% 48% VlVsOou iblO)., 29'* 24 29% 29% V'Hcan Detm... 28*» 29% 27 27 xVabasn SV. 55 , 5>% 29% xVa Morf ill*).. 21% : 2 21 21 VYalxxortb • I 21)) 16 t<* 16 16 X\ aril Cl A 4«).. 120% 120'* 170 120 XXarO BakuiK 44 2<> 26 24'. 25 « Ward Usk pt |7) 96% 96% 96 96 X) arner I'to A.,. 26% 26% 25 2» xVanier GolniS) 30'» 30% to .30 xVerren Brosi4) 172% 172% 169 169 \Vsrreii I*l pf 1 31 55% .55% .>5% 55% WerFAPipe Cor 19% 19% I** 19 Weti A tlelt 61 61 61 61 vV Penn Ki iif«6> 102% 102 * u».% 102* VV Penn Kl pf *7 111 115 113 It 3 Wesi PPooftl) 115% 115% 115‘* 1 1.»% West on A |2)... 3 1 93 83 33 \V#»l 4Ull'vAl4) 55% 55% 55% 35% xVesiern Dairv H 27% 27% 27 27% Weal Maryland 36 . 36 * 85 85 Weal Md Sd pf.. 38% 88% 3", 88% Weal Pacific.... 82% 32% 81 81 Weatn Pacific pf 5* . 8 38 38 West Union itl 16i% 1«• 7 * 167% 167% X\eatti»e A UtSI 52% 52% 31 31 xveaimKbae «4 1 . 9* 9.,% :»2 92 WeathDO lat 141 100% im) , 9* 99 Wheel A t. Ki ie 70 70 7vi 7x» Wheel AL K |>f. 73 73 73 Vi W hue Kaiile G>) 21 21 20% 20% Willie .Mot DM. . 81% 81% 31 31% While Rock! Ml. 35 35 3 * 85 W hite Hew Mach 4*". 40% 37% 38 WhlleSM|tfi4) 51 84 54 34 W 111 va-Dx ei land I>% l>'» Is. 18% VYilaon A l\i ... 14% 14% 14 14% Wtlaoni'opf A, 31 51 29% 80*. W ilaoii A \'o pf. 72% I :,% 69 * no „ Wool.viii ih ibl 181% 181% 11 '% li'% WorllMi Pump , 2 • 28% 28% 28% Wll chl.4m it 1 2 I •** >' .3% 74'* Wi is ley W (J 1 , .1% 71% 71 11 x allow truck . •’>"% 30 * 30 3o»» YalTlAt'upf 93 9 4 9 4 93 Yeuneairx Sh*k> 98% 9*% 91 94% Hourly Kirit** mi N. \ Mmlri 11 am.,. 462 600 lim ~ , 999 700 lpin ~ l 30. «*OO 4 p nr.. I 576,500 lh<Mo«i)*l <%no» a, ,»«»•* <l* »hr «». h ir** 6a im u-.i *«»h n«,m.-nl, !>a», ,1 « n» i*|a*|,.,,t .1 ual' r,Afl* ,!»»l«t«li.’i , .... 1• -- iilityi a )*« ... *r.l Xl*» ’*• na» i*i n* . lai Ox *<+ nnl m.'lieletl * lin t at *e»» >6*l* *OU , • . *r||* nut * Pin* * 8 o. •U»-k } P*» j tMa <n tviiiMwn .P.« X 4 Pin* (, \i> 1. ! ,|...*k • Paid *lO. year— *n* rvcuiar rai. i h IVn i*ur «m *» s.tnun n •«*>»' 1. ! !% a* tprarteri, .•'■luaft'k m *i.«k : Pax aide «t.en ,»rnr«l e Para* le tn v*a*h .** i .i... k f Put, 1 0 4k in »«.vfc r r ui* I 6»* I .iiare 1% On.'a 6 “in* «1 a «h*ta .«* «ne**.*. link 1 pin# 18k ft. -luck • “Ilia 4% in I tpH*k )*a*am» I ♦'* .<• a *k«r» ,»na*ie. *. ! ui '■ x»» x o.wa *** p'n» 8% m v ; a Par*i» al ,*ai n I Ink *3 In nreteirod rlikyJl I « Pin* *»«# kal* 'I *».nva».>n .(.*) NEW YORK MARKETS NEW YORK, February 17 (Special) [ -U. 8 (trade No. 1. 2 -inch Baldwin apples sold at 7aß per barrel. Mcln toshes realized 9a 11 and Rhode Island ' greenings commanded from 9.50a11.50 ! Western New York yellow onions sold at 2.25a2.50 per 100-pound bag Ar- j rivals from the Middle Western States ; changed hands at 2.50a2.90. Western New York carrots, rarely ex- ! cced 125 per 100-pound bag. State white Danish-type cabbage peddled out on the basis of 13al8 per The Sun Life Insurance Company of America Will Finance Mortgages on Residential Property (In the District of Columbia and Nearby Suburbs in .Montgomery County) Without Commission or Bonus AT 5% nterest Life Insurance for full amount of loan is required to be taken with the Company at the time loan ls granted Net cost of Insurance is extremely low and in most cases is completely offset by savings of the usual commission charges tor real estate loans In event of death of the borrower. Life I Insurance pays ihe mortgage and so vou Leave Your Family a Home—Not a Mortgage YOUNG & SIMON Authorities on Insurance Leopold V. Frendberg. Manager Life Insurance Department 3rd Floor. Woodward Building—Telephone Main 5188 General Agents for SUN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA Incorporated 1890 Equitable Co-Operative Building Assn I JOHN JO* fcDSON. President WALTER S. PH ATT. Jr. Secretary j Organized 18*9 48th IEAR COMPLETED ' Assets 55.292.942.70 Surplus SCSI 1.115.87 j I Subscriptions (or the 94th Issue of Stock Being Received ! o ; *| | Join the Equitable— | i Save Systematically j $ A CA Thousands of thrifty Washing tonians are saving regularly in j “■.TT"- the Equitable. Come in and have cuanc us explain our systematic plan. I SHARE Do now t i ! 915 F STREET ] ' First Mortgage Loans In the District of Columbia and Nearby Maryland • .I—s—lo Year Terms s : Special prepayment privileges Prompt Replies J Houses fff 1 / Office Buildings Apartments J */(rt Stores Randall H. Hagner & Company Mortgage Loan Correspondent New York Life insurance Company 1321 Connecticut Avenue Main 9700 M ■ • fl Home Buyers Demand Our Real Estate Loan Plan ; because— Low interest rates Long term r: j " Immediate action % INQUIRE WEAVER BROC 7V realtors O 809 15th St. N.W. Main 9486 ! Mortgage Loan Correspondent Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 1 " 1 m ' mm ‘ ■■■■‘■'■l —■ I ' .1.1.1 "" ' S A F E FIRS r V. O .5 T G \ G E S : 1 ‘ill IF YOU WISH : II SATISFACTION IN i INVESTING YOUR MONEY PLACE IT - *! j ,uti *t —where the investment ;s not atTeeted hv the ups and downs j (her «) Thsui i»f the nuiket; t , # a - w here 'on can tel! to a pennv. at am time, the value of vom ( '**'*'? holdings, H’uht'nt a Our U>s 6«> FIRST MORTGAGES represent lust >neh investment J opportunities. ij • ; B. F. SAUL CO. Main .MOO 15th St NW. j i 1 i M I’ll FRF iIS NO MltsmTTF FOR SUFTY l| M -li. . . . ■ ■ ■ I FTNANCT AT;. ton. Florida Wakefield brought 125a 1.75 and Flat butch 75a1.50. i Upstate New' York '•ound white 1 po tatoes in sacks of 150 pounds Jobbed i out at 3.35a3 50 Maine, Green Moun tains In similar containers brought 3 83 a3.80 and Long Island offerings com j manded 4 50a4.75 ! $3,000,000 ORDER PLACED —An or der involving $3,000,000 has been placed with American Locomotive bv the Union Pacific for 23 three-cylinder engines and 15 extra tenders.