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SLIGHT REACTION ' NOTED IN BONDS Market Affected by Liquida tion in Stocks —Industrials, Public Utilities Inactive. BY CHARLES F. SPEARE. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. February 17.—Bonds vere to some extent today affected by the liquidation in stocks The specula tive members of the domestic list re-' acted moderately as stocks declined and as they acre affected by con vertible privileges. There was another wave of liquidation in the issues of two of the Southern roads. whl' v > had a somewhat disturbing e‘~ect In this movement Seaboard Alt '.me adjustments declined 3 points, selling 2 points under last week's low level. The refunding 4s broke l points and the various issues of 6 per cent bonds mere off a point. This depression ap parently took no account of the official statement that the outlook for the road was improving, that expenses were under control and traffic prospects bet ter. Florida East Coast refunding 5s continued to react in spite of the tact that they are now on a 6 per cent basis and off 15 points from the high of last : year. Drop in Industrials. Such industrials as J. Kayser 5 l 2» : Liquid Carbonic 6s. Andes Copper 7s. Bethlehem Steel 6s. Marine 6s, Pathe > 7s. Dodge 6s and U. S. Rubber 5s were > Mi lower. The trade situation in the rubber and tire industry is unsat isfac- j iorv and prices of the bonds of the ; companies are feeling the effect of the ; Severe readjustment in the level of j •tocks to which they are related. Public utilities were not so active as > on the day previous, although they held most of their gains. Rails were irregu- ; lar. Fnsco prior lien 4s advanced % in anticipation of the new financing, i Union Pacific 4 Us sold below par for the i first time in some weeks. In the foreign department the strength in Belgian government issues was the outstanding feature. The ,s moved up to 108 U. where they were a , point above German 7s and one-half point higher than French 7s. French j 7u s touched 116%. which duplicated their previous high price. Japanese municipals. Argentine Peruvian. Bra- j Titian and Scandinavian issues were strong. V. S. Treasury Issue j Feature. The demand for United States Treas ury certificates again attracted atten tion. There was a gain of from ’a to % point in the various issues, which are now within point us the best , prices of January. So sass this move ment has had no effect ofi either the first or fourth Liberty 4%5, which are , the only remaining bonds of this group with any considerable length cf life. This week's new issues amounted to only 585.000.000. comparing with 5151,- j 000.000 last week and $208,000,500 two , weeks ago. Washington Stock Exchange SttScs* Wash. Gas 6s “A”—ssoo at 1064. Wash. R. & E. 4s—sl,ooo at 93 4- Barber & Ross 645—51,000 at 94, ■ $2,000 at 94 Natl Metropolitan Bk.—s at 405. 5 at 405. Col. Sand & Gravel pfd.—lo at 105%, 10 at 105 a 4 Merch. Tfr. & Stge. pfd—2o at 110. ilergenthaler Lin —2 at 1074. 2 at 1074. 10 at 107*2. 10 at 107*2, 10 at 1074. 10 at 1074. 10 at 1074- Peoples Drug Str. pfd —2O at 12*4. After Call. Pot. Elec. s*2s pfd.—s at 1074. t Peoples Drug Str. pfd.—2o at 126»,. j Wash. R. Sc E 4s— SI,OOO at #3%. *I,OOO j at 94. Cap. Tract Co. —10 at 1164. Pot. El cons ss—sl,ooo at 1034- Wash. Gas ss—sl,ooo at 105%. Mergenthalser Lin. —1 at 108. Sanitarv Grocery Co. pfd.—2 at 1064-j Wash. R. & E. 6s— $3,000 at 104. Money—Call loans, 5 and 6 per cent. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Ame. Tel 4 Telra 45.. ... *»»% Amt: Tt-i. * Tel«u 4V»» • • }'»} % •••-• AmTti A Tel. S*- - Igg Aoaeosti* a Pot- *. k- •'*- ****4 ..... C4P. Telephone 5* 1W 1014 cap. T*\ ut v». a» 10-i r*t> Iracuue R. R at -... 1 »4 Cstr a suburban of.. ."**7* ..... fceorsetoan Ol» lit R *O4 ..... Potomac Elec. 5* *‘>l % Aomttc Elec, '-out at J".*** ..... Potomac Elac. «• 1- . lOh 4 W*.rs. vOL. kUt V 5* 7 'tut. Aiex. kRt V. 5a ctf. * ••• -• *ws Arcade 6%5... .- • • ljfj* I**- W«*)}.. Ralto k Aisnap sa. . *»» Wataitimw <»** 5* l'»s 44,* Waafc. Gaa 6a. ewi A. ... I<»6 1 ( *)% Wa*&. <»a* «*. anw h .... 105 y* Vui) Ray. k Eire. 4a. .. . 5* *4 93% W *»t. Ray k E*sc eew «•- 103% MISCELLANEOUS Barber k Row*, Inc. 64* -. ,04 % Chestnut Paras hairy 64•• ■ JJfJ ..... «h**y Chase Club SH»- ••• i ! ■ • - i.- • b C. Paper Ulk o*-. . ... 95 w ' Pot Joint Stock L/3 Bk. 6a. 300 W. X. Cold Storage 5a : • , ' Wash. Cost. Title 6a...... >W Wartinaau Pa-k Hotel 54a . 36 ..... STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. A«e.r Tei * T«l«*. :;V « au-oai Traction ’l*6 ild WaabitfM Os* * *>>!/» *, t W steamboat .... -Wj • Potomac El** . Pi'S 6 • il'* :. „; • T'/Hay R4e* &* pt<3 *«' i jS 4 ■•ns Rt»y 4c Ei '«« •■ • • ■**;* f f,, Wash. R*y. 4c El*' pM 30.1* .NATIONAL BAKE Rational Capita; J'9 lU.i. ' iretn-t . * Parmer* A M*' t;aot'« ;■ o „ Fecjeral-AtnerK-ao * %\v. liberty 2.4! 3 V * J>»«";!»> ’if,' tv• 7.7; tlu SI2 kaci of wwisi«% YKUBT UORPAMP* A Troat Co 44 5 463 Tritat * / . Per'-taot* Ban* *«* ,r • ,, * 4io t:o Vl «*t. ,uf M ly>an A 'lrual 507 6-’O ► AVIBCS BANK Park *>f RetlieaOa ......... s'i ..... f 'yfliUJPf'* • . . / • • Paat Waatubptoo *»!» *• • • I'./l'/ffiar .too • 4». ;c. 1 y *a>;i ar A Com ... 4*o 460 r, v*-nt£ etc**! - - ■ "7 1 ..... I nil** H&U* m-AI ..... V* **., i *;» too gr/liMk* 'ki ..... UfeE IKfCMARCK Aaeerb-M F, an . I/O ta’rr;’«>«,- so 1 fM>» BAM P i a 'Jill*. J 4 * 6 k. . Eat ala 'J .tle #OS *! 1 . 4 S< - '•, <.I Mo 56 V Cl, c-.t,. film uldi t/! It”, 4 1 v.kf.i.A Ba<-W A K/m 1»a- "<«. 37 33 < i., . c » lia;,y l>l«i 100 ioe'„ * -.a. Kali Co I/(<1 104 J, * Pata-c 'klr nW bo «• a t,<d jo.-, 4 JO6 ioo»ial r-toiaaio I,l*l J'*f» ill, i wina. Auaii'uii <Olll 36 40 Ac,i: JO'! % J,, ciat'/i; Mo l ,-,1, *J JO 114 Mi-ii’ti Ji«-ii# A Kto»ajw I:5 136 'gt'i-i. 7 1 mi,* 6 Mo, uU JO6JJ'J'o a,. i*« oti.aie, J-coUt* JO,'o Jo,-?, Mta< 4 1„ v t,l<; 6% 6 4'r-opJa J/lur htolta pf<l JV6% J",', f , /11> MJ XI, 135 a ,„l«ly <0 pM *J 06 106 Oil R> * a Iff hit Co, I, 60 Vt ,ai, c.iioifeutiaii Hall oM • 6 OK V> »n M»i< kill uwa *' M V .tail M*.li<a lli<l* Corn J > 140 V* • - 4 lakinoo of'J Joa •r ~ 6i' j 1 > i»'J i H’Mjr . ' ioae'J . —— ■ • ... - —- , Colon of Firecracker*. fiiwwlmit ait uned in China •** y J' Cia jeiigiotife and jniiiiaiy luwtl'iu* And a* OlHitJt and funemk Kr-d tin-- rikiker, «,re for *he wnimon jk*o|>le veUow for Ui* kiikUf iif y fcj,d gi*vj, foi i > ofl; tj* of in* ia,* 1 FINANCIAL’. ON NEW YORK BONDS STOCK EXCHANGE] | Bactlvul bv Private Wire Direct to The Star OBia Quotations to 2:55 p.m.—Final Quotations in 5:30 Edition. UNITED STATES. <4alP' are in $1 (HHJ > Sal"* Hleh I.* w 2:55. l,lb 3 4*. .. 28 10123 10121 10121 IM 4 >4-* 4 103 8 103 1 103 1 Lihsd«*» 48 100 16 100 14 100 15 Lib 4th 4*4* 92 108 24 108 24 103 24 US S* 43-4 110 102 31 102 26 102 31 US3\s... 6 107 25 107 23 107 25 US I* 1944 103 110 22 110 16 110 16 US mass: 119 115.2 115 18 115 22 FOREIGN Sale* Hkli l.iivt J :.<6 Argentine 5s 2 92% 92%, 92% Argentine (is Ju .*>9 . 36 100 99*a 100 : Argentine 6» OetS9 4 100 99 : 4 100 : Argentine 6s A .... 5 100*-* 100% 100% Argentine «s 14.... 19 100 99*i» 100 i Australia &s 1955.. 32 98 97% 97% Australia 5s 1957.. 55 97% 97% 97% ! Austria 7s 6 104 103*a 103% i Hank ot Chile 6%s 6 97% 97% 97% j UelKium6s. 27 100% 100% 100% ! Belgium S%s 48 106% 105% 106% Belgium 7s 1955... 109 108** 108% 108% Belgium 7s 1956... 30 106% 106 106% Belgium 7%s 19 115% 115 115% Belgium 8s 12 110% 110% 110% Bolivia 8s kO 105% 105% 105% Bordeaux «s 10 101 101 101 Brazil 6%s - 83 97 96% 90*, Brazil 7s 12 99% 99% 99% : Brasil 8s S 110% 110 110 ! Bremen State's.. 2 102*4 102% 102% j Buenos Anes 7s 57 79 101 100% 101 1 Buenos Aires 7s 58 20 100% 100*4 100% I Canada Ss 1931.... 10 102 102 102 | Canada 6s 1952.... 3 107% 107% 107% | Canada 5%s 1923.. 11 101% 101% 101% j i Chile 7s 1943 6 102% 102% 102% 1 Chile 8s 1941 16 111% 111% 111% ! Chile 8s 1946 10 110% 110*4 110% | Chinese Gov Ry ss. 12 29 28% 29 ! j Con I’ow Japan 7s. 17 99% 99% 99% I Copenhagen 5s ct.. 19 97% 97% 97% I | Copenhagen 5%5.. 4 101 101 101 ■ j Cuba 5% s 4 104% 104% 104% [ Czecho 7%s rets... 25 105% 105'* 105%] Czecho 8s 1951 .... 2 110% 110% 110%! I Czecho 8s 52 5 110% 110% 110% j Danish Munic Ss B 1 111 111 Ul I Denmark «s 3 105% 105% 105% j j Dutch Last I6s *7. 2 104% 104% 104** j j Dutch East I6s 62. I 104% 104% 101% j j fell Salvador 8s 45.. 2 109% 109% 109'*; j Finland sf 6s 4a... 5 99 98% 99 i Finland 7s 8 100% 100% 100%! ! Framerican 7 %s.. 2 107% 107% 107% | ! French 7s 17 108 107% 107% < ! French 7%s 10 116% 116% 116% j French 8s 6 110% 110% 110%! .German El P 6%a. 1 9s 98 98 ■ ; German 7s 36 107% 107% 107% j I Greek 7s 20 99% 99 99% < Haiti 6s 2 100 100 100 ! ! Hungary 7%s 4 102% 102% 102% i Haly 7s si 99 I.Bu 98% | ; Italy Bub 7s 28 17% i7% 97% j Japanese 4s 7 93% 93% 93% | Japanese 6%s u>2% 102% 102* I Jergens UM 6s 47. I 105% 105% 105% J t-yon 6s 16 101% 101 101 j .Marseille 6s 16 101% 101 101 ! Mexico 4s 10 asntd 5 26 26 26 j j Milan 6%s 26 93% 93 93% | Montevideo 7s 7 103% 103*4 103% i | Netherlands 6s 72. 1108 N 108% 108% i j New So Wales's7s. 11 95% 95% 95% ! New So Wales'sßß. 35 15% 95% 95% Nord «%s 5 102% 102% 102% Norway 6%s 7 101% 101% 101% Norway 6s 1943... 10 102% 102% 102% | Norway «s J 944... 7 102% 102% 102%! Norway 6s 1952... 4 102% 102% 102%! Orient Dew deb 6s. 6 98% 98% 98%! j Paris Ly-Med 65.. 42 99% 99% 99% | 1 Paris-Ly-Med 75.. 11 104 103% 103% 5 | Pans Orleans 75.. 32 104 104 104 i Peru 6s 67 w.1.... 235 92% 91% 92% ! *, Peru 7a 70 103% 103% 103% Peru 7%s 1956.... 2 106', 106% 106% j Peru 8s 7 110% 110% 110% Poland 6s 40 3 84 e4 84 j Poland 7s«rets)... 22 91% 91% 91% ! Poland Ba. 15 100% 100% 100%' Porto Alegre 8a... l 106% 106% 106% j Prague 7%s .3 105% 105% 105%* Queensland 75.... 5 113% 113% 113% KhineJbe Un 7s ... 4 111 111 m j Ktode Jan 8* j;*to. 9 106% 106% 106% j Thode Jan 8s 47... 13 uo% 110% 110% Rome S%s 55 JJ3* 931, Sao Paui0,J950.... l ios% 108% 108% ' Saxon rpVV) 7a.... 2 101% 101% 101%; Seine 7s 42 11 ioo% 106% 106% SerbsCrot Slots.. 31 10% 100 s 100% 1 : Soissona 6s 2 99% 99% 99% i I Swollen 5%a 8 104% 104% 104% | ! Sweden 6a 3 102% 102% 102% Swiss s fen 1946... 9 1u4% 104% 104%! ! Toho El Pow 75.... 11 99% 99% 99% I Tokto 5%s 1**1... 11l 90% 89% 69% j Utd Klngm 5%aX3 1 U&% ng% j Utd Ktngm 4%» 3| 11 106% 106% 106% 1 Uruguay Is 7 109% 109% 109% ! Yokohama 6s w t.. 13 97 <*7 ■, MISCELLANEOUS Ajax Rubber 8a... 2 107% 107% 107% ; Am AgriCbem 74s 9 lo 5 :,» 105% 105% ! Am Cotton Oil 55.. 52 102 101% 101%! Am Repub deb 65.. 6 102% 102% 102%! Am Smlt A K Ist 5s 9 102* 102 102 Am SmltAKSs... 2 108% 108 108 Am Sugar Her 65.. 12 104% 104% 104% ' Am T A Tel tr 45.. 54 100 99% 100 ! Am TATcI tr 55.. 8 105% 105% 105%! AmTATifii.... 11 106 105% 106 ! Am Tel A Tel 6%5. 2 109 109 109 j Am Water Wits ss. 1 100% 100% 100% j Am Writ Paper ts. 10 91 90 90 Anaconda Ist ss... 12 105% 105% 105% , Anaconda cv db 7a. 6 111 111% 111% Andes Copper 7a... 90 122% 122 122% i ArmourACo 4 %s3> l 92% 92% 92% ] Armour Del 5 %■•. 104 91% 90% 90% ! Atlantic Refit, 6a.. 2 101% 101% 101%' Harnsdali «s 1940.. 26 100% 99% 99% Hell Tal Pa 5s 8... 3 108% 10h% 108% ; Bell Tel Pa 5a C... 17 112 111% 112 I Beth Steel 6Vis 53. 7 10%3 103% 103% ! Beth Steel 6s 7 105 105 105 \ Bkiyn Edison 6a... 7 105% 105% 105% Bklyo Union $%•.. 1 270 270 270 j Bush Term Bldg 5a 2 104 103% 103% j Chlia Copper 5a... 18 96% 96% 96%; Col CasAKI deb (a. 20 100% 100 100 ; Con Coal Md Ist 6s 6 80% go 80 ! Coo Gas N Y 6V41.. 3 106% 106% 106%* ! Consumers Pow 6a. 5 105 104% 105 Cuba Cane «a J 9 90% »j% *>9V4 i Denver Gas Ca...., 1 101% 101% 101% Dery (DGj '76.... 2 62% 69% 62% I Dodge «S 52 69% 89 89 j East Cuba Bug 7 Via 11 103% 103% 103%' Flak Rubber as... 6 119% )|9 119% i Gen Mot Ac Cor 6s. 42 103% 103% 103%! Goodrich 6%• 10 107% 107% 107% Goodyear 6srets.. 87 95% 95% 95% Humble Oil 6» 4 100% 100% 100% Humble OA H t Via 1 102% 102% 102% lllmoia Bell lat 6a. 2 106% 105% 106% Int Mer Marine sa. 6 106% 106% 105% Int Paper 6s 47.... 1 101% 101% 101% inter Paper fd Ca.. 1 104% 104% 104%; Int TelATeleg 4%a 49 9&% »&% 96% J Kayaer ACo *%a 114 113 111% m%| Kan City PA L 6s. 1104 b 104% 104%! Kan GAEI 6a 62.. 1 106 100 )06 Kelly-Sprtr,g ta... « 107% 107 107% Lackawanna SU 6s, 1 103% 103% 104% Laciede U» 1 102% 102% 102% Liggett A klyara 7s 11 122% 122% 122% Mid Con 6%a 40... 4 105% 105% 105% Midvale ftteei tea. .. 2 101% 101% 10J% Mont Power 6s '43. 30 100 105 105 Mont Power deb 6a 8 102% 102% 102% MoPsACo lat 4 11 87% 87% 87% New Eh gland Tel 6a 3 110% 110% 110% New York Ed «%• I U«% 110% 110% N YO E L Hit'll 0 98% 98 98% NYG E L HAP 6a. I 110% 110'. 110% N Y Tel 4%a. ~., . 8 102% 1U2% 102% NY Tel 4a 41 14 109 108% 109 NT 7el6a 49 2 110% 110% 110% Nor in Am Edts 6*. li 103 102% 102% Nor Ohio Tr Al. 6e 1 103% 103% 103% Nor Rtate* Pow 6s 6 103 103 103 Nor Sta'es Power 6 m 10*,% 100 106% PacihcCasA Etta, 4 104 103% |03% > pae T A 7'lai tea.., 1 104 104 104 Pao TAT6a62 . , . 2 106% 106% 106% Pan-Aruer Pare 6a. 6 103% 103% 103% Pan ArnerPeta/a 1 105% 106% 106% Pathe Exchange <# 37 66% 631» 63% Peoples <iaa tea 1 106% 106% 105% Phils Cota 41 wI. 110 99% 99% ~9% ; pnila Co rs 6a A,.. 3 103% 103% 103% Phi la A Bead CA Ita 5 100 100 10, 1 Pierce Arrow ta . 5 93% 93% 93% Pot It,a Arn'l ob lie 32 102% 102 102% Public Service 6 f , Id** 106 106 Public «e» vie# 6e . 5 107% 107 107 KeminatonAt da 1$ 3 99 9»% 99 Sriaren Hit H 15,.. 1 107% 107% 107% Sinclair OM 65..... 20 98% 98% 38% ■S nclalr OH •%e . 35 97% 97 97% Sinclair Oil it . 24 100% 100% 100% siit< fait Crude 6Vie •> 96 s . 98'* 98% * Mil Pipe Line tea . 8 96% 95 95% 6 kketiy OM t%» I* 94% 94% 94% * Hf‘ lur Pico Sms 7a 2 109% 109% 109% r, 1 h wear Bell 6e 9 106% 106% |06% i, 51 MiIINILII f 103% |o3‘i 103% jet. ecPow ta 41 1.10, « 107% 107% THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON, D. C„ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 1928. I Sale*. High Low. 2:55. Toledo Kdn Ist 7a. B 107% 107% 107% United Drug 65.... 7 107*4 107*4 107% U S Rub Ist rs 6a.. 79 05% 04% 05 U S Rub 7 Via 15 104 103% 104 U 8 Steel 5f55.... 82 108% 108% 108% Vertlentes Sus 7a.. I 100 100 100 Warner Sng 7s 39.. 8 HV 85 Bt> Warner Sus 7s 41. 10 107 10(*% 10f> ! % West Elec 5s 4 103% 103 103% Westn Union 6Vis. 11 112% 112% 112*4 Westlnchoiise 55.. 3 104 s , 104% 104% Wlllvs-Ov 6%533. 1 102% 102% 102% Wilson &Co Ist 6s 11 103*4 103% 103% Wlnßepeat Ar 7%s l 10(5*7 106% 106% Yngstn S&T 5s wI. 77 100% 100‘e 100% RAILROAD Ann Arbor 4s 5 81** 81% Sl"*' Atchison adj 45... 2 03'% 93% y 3% Atchison gen 45... 2 4 07% 07% 07% Atlantic C L Ist 4s 6 07% 07% 07% Atlan CL 4 Vis 64.. 5 103 103 103 BSi O Gold 4S 23 07% 07*4 07% BAOcv4%» 17 101 100% 100% BAOrerSs 15 104 104 104 B A Oss 21100 D... I 104% 104% 104% B A O let 5s ct.... 12 108% 108*. 108% BAO rr imp 6s .. 13 111% 111% 111% RAO PLEWY 45.. 1 96% 06'* 06% BAOSW 5s 50.... 7 106 105% 105% RAO Toledo 45... 33 80% 80% 89'* j Bang A Arnos 4s 51 2 59% 89 89 ! Brooklyn Elec 6%s 14 97% 07% 97% I Bkiyn Elevated 6 Mr» 40 96'.- 96% 96% j Bklvn Manhst Ks.. 16 99 98% 08*8 j Buff R A Pitt 4 %s. 18 96% 96% 96% • Can Nat 4%s 54... 3 101 101 lIU Can Nat 4%s 57... 11 101 100*8 100*8] ' Can Nor 4'.is 1935. 2 100 , 100% 100% I Canad Pac deh 45.. 0 90% 90% 90% Can Pac4%s 46... 3 100% 100% 100% 1 Chesa Corp 5s wt.. 43 99% 99% 99% j Ches AOcv 4 %s.. 15 100% 100% 100't Ches A O gn 4 %s.. 2 103% 103% 103% I Chi A Alton 3s 8 73% 73% 73% • Cht BArj een 4s 53. 16 97% 97% 97% ICBAy 4%s 77 8.. 15 101% 101% 101% iC B A Q-11l 3Vis... 13 90% 90% 90% ]C B A Q-11l div 4s. P> 97% 97% 97% ChAE 111 gn 5s 51. 37 88% 88% 88% I Chi Gr West 4* 69. 19 70** 70% 70% j C MASt P4s 25 cfs. 13 72% 72% 72% ! CMAStP deb 4s cfs 5 72% 72% 72% j CMASPCV4 Vis32cfs 20 72% 72% 72% I ;CMAStP gn 4%s 1 102% 102% 102% I •CM ASP rs 4%s cf. 5 73% 73% 73% ] CMAStP cv 5s cfs. 3 71** 71** 71%. I CMAStP 6s 1 103% 103% 103% | Cbl ANW gn 3V*S. 1 85 85 85 ] Chi ANW gen 45.. 5 96% 96% 96%' ] Chi NW 4%s 2037. 10 102% 102% 102% I i Chi A NW 7s 1 105% 105% 105% JChlKysSs 14 85*8 84% 84% j . Chi RI A Prf 45.. 18 OS 95% 96 I \C R I Pac 4 Vis wI. 26 96% 96 96% | j Chi THA S E 55.. 10 102% 102% 102% j ! Chi T H inc 6s 60.. 10 97% 96% 96% ! !Chl Un Sta 4Vis... 1 102 102 102 i j Chi Union Sta 55.. 2 104*8 104*8 104** j i Chi Union Sta 5s 44 3 104 103% 103% | • Chi Union Sta 6%s t 119 119 119 Chi A W Inti cn 4s. 17 92% 02% 92% iCA W I s«*s 62. .. 6 105*8 105 105'* ! CCCA St L 4%5. .. 2 100% 100% 100% I | CCC AStLrf«s A. 10 102% 102 102% i Clev Term 5%s 8 109% 100% 109% ! j Cuba RR 5s 10 09% 99% 99% j ! Cuba Nor 5Vi sets. 12 97% 97 97% ! Del A Hud 7s 30... 3 105% 105 105%' I »en A Rio Gcn 4s. 5 93% 93 93% j D A Rio G imp as.. « 100 100 100 i DenAHioG 4%s 36. 3 98 98 98 j D Rio G West ss. . 15 91% 91 91 ! j Erie Ist cons 45... 9 89*. 89% 89%; I Erie gen 4» g 85% 85 85 ! ) Erieconv 4s 8.... 10 87% 87% 87%! Kriecvt 5s 67 wl.. 5 98% 98% 98% j ] Erieconv ext 75... 2 105% 105% 105% I , Erie Genessee R 6s 25 113% 113% 113% 1 Fla EC 5s 74 121 85 84 84 i Or Trunk stdh 6s . 6 109% 109% 109%' Grt Northn I'jsE, 43 100 99% 99%: Great North dVis.. 10 112% 112% 112%j Great Nor gen 75.. 14 115% 115% 115%] I Hav El Ry 5 Vis 51. 1 77 77 77 • ] Hud A Man ref ss. 14 101% 101 101% ! ] Hud A-Man al 5*.. 9 92% 92% 92% iHI Cent ref ss , 97% 97% 97% i 'III Cent 4s 53 8 93% 93 93% j j UlCent «%566.... 11 101% lot% 101% j ill Cent Chi 4 Via.. 10 100 99 100 ; Int Rapid Tran ss. 25 78 77% 77% i 1 int Rap Tr 5a stpd. 30 78 77% 77% ] : int Rap Tran 75... 3 98% 98% 98% | - Int A O Nor ad 65.. 2 97V. 97*. 97% ! Int Ry CAm 6s 41. 3 97% 97% 97% I Int Ry t: A6 %s ret 1 93% 93% 93% ! ! lowa Cent rs 45.... 3 10% 10% 10% j j lowa Cent Ist 5s .. 2 39 39 39 ; Kansas City S 55.. l 102 102 102 | Kan Cn v Term 4s. 11 93% 93% 93% , Lake-Shots 4s 25.. 27 100 99% 100 j Lehigh Val cn 45.. 5 91% 91% 91% ! Lehigh Val 5a 200$ 5 109% 109% 109% ! Long Is rs 4s 49. .. 1 93 93 93 , ; Long Island 5s 37.. 5 100 99% 99% j j LoulsANash uni 4s 63 98% 98% 98% ] LouisA Nash sVis. 5 109% 109% 109% j ; Man Ry Ist 90 4 68% 68% 68% ! ! MSfPASSMSs3SCId 9 100% 99% JIM, i jMSt PA BSM sVis 1 95 95 95 ! jMSt P A SSM 6 ViS 1 102% 102% 102% MK A T Ist 45.... 5 92% 92% 92% AIK A Tad) 5s 11 107% 107% 107% j M K A T pr In 5s A. 13 104% 104% 104% • 510 Pacific gen 45.. 17 81 80% 80% Mo Pac 5s A 65.,.. 5 103 103 103 j | Mo Pacts F 77.... 15 101% 101% lui%| | Mob A Ohio 4 Vis 77 26 99 98% 98% i i Nassau El «s 51... 2 58% 68% 58% 1 ' New Or Term 45... 7 92% 92% 92 % i !N O Tex A.M5s A . 4 102 102 102 j !N O Tex Aslss B. ] 10(1% 100% 100% i !N V Cen gen 3%5.. 8 86% 86 *6% I jX Y Cen 4s 42 50 98 98 98 * * i N Y Cent 4s 98 6 96% 96% 96% ! ;N Y C rs Im 4 Vis... 2 103% 103% 103% ! ) N Y Cent r 1 65.... 3 109% 109% 109% NYChIAStL 6%SA 4 107% 107% 1„7% j NYChiAStL 5%58. 4 107% 107% 107% jNYCASt L6s A. 21 103 103 103 New Haven 3 Vis 54 1 78% 78% 78% i New Haven 4s 65.. 1 »7 87 87 jNY N'HAH 4s 56... 1 86% 86% 86% NY NHAH db 4s 67 2 81% 81% 81% |NY H HavAU clt 6» & 105% 105% 105% jN Y Ont W Ist 45.. 4 80% 80% 80% IN Y Rys 6s 66 29 16% 16 16 I :N Y Jfys6s A 65... 24 84% 84% 84% ! ]N Y Stats Ry 4 %s. 15 53% 53% 63%! jNY W A Bos 4 Vis. 2 90% 90% 90% j j Nor A 8 gen 5s 64.. 24 96** 96% 96% ; ! Norfolk AVV cn 4s. 6 97% yj% 97% ! j Nor Pac 3s 2047... I 71% 71*, 71 % ! j Northern Pac «5... 797 :,6% 96% j Northern Pac 6» D. J 108% 108% j(,8% I Northern Pao rI 6s 1 116'* 116'* 116% Ure Hhort L rfs 4s. 12 99% 99% 99% Ore Short L&» gt«l. 1 lit ill 111 Ore Wash Ist 45... 1 93 93 92 J’ennsy 1 con 4 %*.. 1 106 106 log 1 Pennayi gen 4 Vis.. 15 104% 104% 101% j j Penrisyt6s6* 5 104% 101% 104% i Pennayi 6Vi s 7 113% 112% 112%' I Pennayi gold 75... 7 105% 105% 105% | Pere Mir let 4a 6s. 10 95% 95% 95% j PC C A Hi L 6a A.. 4 113% 113% 113% j Port It LA P6s 42. 4 98% 98% 98% j Port ItLAP 7Vit 48 1 107% 107% 107% Heading gen 4 Vis.. 30 103% 103 108 Rio O Weal cl 45.., 1 88% Bh% 88% It I Ark ALI ViS.. 6 98% 98% 98% St L IMAS 48 29.. . I 99% 99% 99% ! HtL I MAM an 6**l 6 102'% 102 102% iSi L IMAM RAG 4s 6 97% 97% 97% St LAS FpllS A. 68 91% 91% 91% Ml LAHF pr In 6s. I 103% 103% 103% Ml L A H K 6 Vi# D.. 3 102% 102% 102% K* LAMP ad I 6a. . 3 101 101 pil Hi LA H F Inc «». . VI U'l 100% 100% jK<L 8 W COO 4» VI. I 98% ,18% 98% Seaboard A L 4a. . • 10 79 79 79 j Seaboard AL 4s ala 8 8.0 78% 7h% ; Sea I, A L ter In .. 123 t,7 64% (.1% | S*4l, I .. 157 *<,% 63% 63% j Seat, A L con «»• . . 239 90% 89 89% ]MU All Fla 6a $6 A. 130 89% 89 89 SB All F|a 6# *6 fl, 65 89 . 88% «i % ’ Sou Pao 4a 29 ... 6 **9% 9914 99 4 j Sou Paciho »#f 4«.. 78 97% 97% 97% ‘ Hon Ry gen 4s. .... 7 92 92 92 I Sou R v Cor, tea 94 .. 7 113% 113% 113% j Sou Ry 6s 1,6 12 119% 119% U 9% Southern Ry 6ViS. 4 126% 126% 12»j% , Term A mmo M L 4*. . 17 93% 92% 93% lex A Pao 6s 77 lie 33 10.4% 103% 103% Third Avs raf 4s 60 8 69% 68% 69% ; Tli,»d A vet ad I fcs 1 58 68 \ 68 , I Tol Tl LAP fe%* 30 2 101% 101% 101% ! Union Pao lai 4a,. 28 98% 98% 98% •Un Pao I%a 87 ..., 75 100% 99% 100% Union Pao ev 6e,.. Ji 100% |oo% 100% vug,malty ialss. 69 109% |o«% U,«% Waha ah lattes.... 2 10.5% 105',4 160'% ‘ Wanash tea 7# 14.,. 4 103% 103% 103% ’ Wabash 6 Via lb. .. r, 106% 106% 106% WeM fclaryiandla 7 86% 84% «4% ' Western Md 6V4a I 102% 102% 102% ' VVeaiern Pacitlo tea 9 100% |l»0% 100% Weal Shore 4* 2361 2 91% 9|% 91% * Wis Can git 4a 49.. S 3 88% 88% 88% -a Shark fishing U one of Florida's In -4 duatflai projeria. PRICES IRREGULAR IN CURB DEALINGS List Fluctuates Noticeably, With Main Changes on Upward Grade. BY WILLIAM F. HEFI’ERNAN. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, February 17.—Ignoring favorable developments in the over night news, operations for the rise in the curb market today were carried on only in issues where there were special incentives. The list as a whole fluctu ated irregularly, but with the main price changes on the side of advance. There appeared to be no top for the spectacular Bancitaly shares, which were carried up more than 6 points further. Repeated warning of exces sive speculation by officials of the com pany went unheeded and there was rea son to believe that a technical comer i had been brought about. The president of the Bank of Italy was credited witl | the statement today that “there is no i assurance, whatever negotiations may be in progress, that they con cluded.” Tills was in reference to the | proposed merger with Eastern banking j interests. Pipe Line issues were carried into new high ground, with Prairie Pipe still responding to the estimate that 1927 earnings would be around $27 a j share. At 216 the price was up 6 points. Illinois Pipe Line crossed 187 ; after leaving off Thursday at 180. I Northern Pipe Line advanced another j point to a new top at 105. In the case I of this class cf oil companies heavy I production of the past year apparently I has worked out favorably because of m i creased pipeline runs, whereas it has j acted adversely against the producers i and refiners. Vacuum Oil felt the es ; feet of the first cut in crude oil prices ! since last Spring more than most others i The new Drug Products. Inc., capital f stock of no par value, was admitted to trading. The price fluctuated actively between 80 5 B and 80 most of the session Donler Die Casting made a new high, as did Sparks Withington, which was reflecting prospects of increased dis* j tributions Wall Street Features NEW YORK, February 17 (A>).— j Softwood lumber mills of the country ! had orders for 58.000.000 feet in the week ended February 11. or 30 per cent larger than a year ago, the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association re i ports. Shipments and production in creased in much the same proportion. Compared with the preceding week, the I volume of buying was about the same, j with little or no change in production, but shipments fell off noticeably. Un i filled orders of 217 Southern pine and ■ West Coast mills were 541.055.849 feet. ! against 603.644.241 feet for 215 mills * the week before EARNINGS SHOW~ INCREASE—In i contrast to loss of $155,690 in 1926, . Centurv Ribbon Mills. Inc., earned $68,384 in 1927. equal to $4 42 a share jon the 7 per cent preferred stock. ! METAL CO SHOWING.-American i Co.. Ltd., earned $3.63 a share j : in the common in 1927. after preferred : r .. idends, against S 3 88 a share in ■ 1926. Net profit declined to $2,513,764 from $2,657,309. I NOTES ON LEAD PRODUCTION Production of crude lead in the United ; States and Mexico in January was I 76.861 short tons, against 79.072 in De- j j cember, and 79.593 in November, the . American Bureau of Metal Statistics reports. Refined lead was 77.316 tons, j against 77.217 the month before and 1 74.801 in November. Stocks of refined ! lead in the United States and Mexico on January 31 were 36.418 tons, against | 32.365 a month previous and 30,016 at ! the close of November. COTTON SHOWS GAINS IN EARLY TRADING t Advance of 16 to 20 Points Noted,: But Sag Follows Early Buying. j NEW YORK. February 17 (<4*l.—The i cotton market opened steady today at 1 an advance of 10 to 15 points on rela | tively firm Liverpool cables and belief | that rains in west Texas had been ln- I sufficient to relieve droughty conditions. The advance met realizing, but offerings I were comparatively light and buying j continued. May contracts advanced to j 18.28 and October to 18 16 by the end j of the first hour, or about 16 to 20 points net higher. Private cables reported hedging, and Manchester liquidation had been ab- j sorbed by calling and local buying in Liverpool, but that the cloth turnover with India had been disappointing, al- j though China advices were encouraging with improved sales i There were comparatively few buying i orders in evidence after the early de > mand had been supplied and prices sag -1 aed off under realizing by recent bi:y --' » r .s ai d local and commission house sell j lng At midday prices were within 4 or 5 points of yesterday's closing quo tations with May selling around 18 13 and October 18 03. LIVERPOOL. February 17 t.-l’i. - Cot- j ton spot In moderate demand; prices ; higher; American strict good middling, j | 10.80; good middling, 10 50. strict nnd ! dling. 10.35; middling. 10 25; *u*ict low I middling. 10 15; low middling. 10 10; itrlct good ordinary, 9.85, good ordinary. 9 55; sales. 6,000 bales, Including 4,400 American. Receipts, 23,000 bales; American, 14,200 bales. Futures closed steady, March. 9 72; May, 9.68, July, 8 65. October, 9.49; December. 9 4.; January. 946. • RAW SUGAR STEADY. i NEW YORK. February 17 <4>). The raw sugar market was steadier in tone early today, but no sales were reported and price* were unchanged ut 4 14 for Cuban duty puld. More favorable advice* from lamdon and lighter offerings in the spot mar ket hud a strengthening Influence in the raw sugar futures market After opening unchanged to 3 points higher, prices continued fmn throughout the remainder of the forenoon and at mid day were 2 to 3 points net higher Trading, however, wan less active and prices responded to moderate covering from houses with European connections and fresh outside buying for invent inenl. The decline to tire 5 60 level for tine granulated by local refiners failed to create Increased buying and the de mand was again light BAR SILVER PRICES UJNPON, February 17 Bar silver, 2«'< per ounce; money, 3% ikt cent, discount rates, short bills, 4'ja 4% per cent, three-month bills, 44* per cent, NEW YORK, February 17 oTi liar silver, 57'«, Mexican dollars, 43V • Whales in Hard Luck. ♦me hundred and fifty whales chas ing shoals of lien big plunged Into shat low water, became frightened and lashed themselves to death In Moray and Dornoch Fit tips, Heal land. i NEW YORK CURB MARKET Received by Private Wire Direct to Tho Star Offica Following Is the list of stocks and bonds traded in on the New York Curb Market today: Sales INDUSTRIALS. 11l hundreds. Iliirh. Low. 1 :30 (I Aentol Prod A.. .'II .‘lo** .'lO% % Ala «»t South |>fd 1611 *,4 166% 166% 23 Alb J* Itar A old 21 20% 20% 2 Alien A Fisher. . 30% 30% 30% •I \iiiHon Prior A. 11144 19% JOJI a Allison Prior 8.. PI 12% 12% 4 Alum Co Am nfd 106% 106% 166% 2 Am Fun P war. 106% 106% 100% IA F P Ist nd wi 57% 57'* 5< % 4 Amer 8r It El F 76% 6 % .'I Ann’r Chain.... 40 40 40 II Am Color Type. . 24% 24% *-4 % 17 Am Cyunamid H 4.1 41% 41 n lAm Dept Strs . 1!» % 10% 1»% 27 Am (las A EL . . 123% 119 119., 1 Am Gas & El pfd 107% lo< *a 107 % 5Am Hawaiian SS 16% 16 ,16’* %Am I.t & Trap. . 18.1% 18.1 }«•}% %AmLt ATr pfd 118 118 118 16 Am Metals its wi .61 .61 .}t 7Am Nat Gas... 20*4 .20% 20% 2% Am Pw ALt pfd lot!% 105% 10..% :i Am Ravon Prod. 14% 14 V* 14 4Am Rollimr Mill. 10.1% 103 10.4 I 4 Am Superpow A 41% 41% 41 * 35 Am Superpow B 4 % 41% 41 » :! Am Suiwrp p Pf<l 29% -!{% -;[ * 10 Am Thread t pfd 3% 3 * I A“-o Gas A EL 47% 47*4 4, % 1 Atlas Plywood.. <l% <l% •}* it llahta Corp. • ••*'> . , , , 1 Pallia Corp pfd. 10% JO 101 Haneitaly Corp. . 182% 1*9% 180 ,y :i Parnsdail deb its 4% 4 s -J* - Heaverb vie pf. . 60% 40% IWj% 2 ltenson A Hedges 20% 20% 20% 1 Henson A lied pf 28% 28% ~8% an Holm Al A Brass 48% :t liorden Co its wi .> % f»% »% 1 linllo Ml A . .. 2< % 27% -7% I Hroekw Mot .... 49% 4»% 40% 4 Bklyn City R R 57% 5. % *>/% 1 Budd M fir 29 2» a But Nia A K Pow .‘ls 4% 5 IBNAE PAn wt .72 % 32% 62 *4 2 Bullard Ma Tool 48 47 48 II Campbell Wyant. 42% 41 •:<* 41 4 00 Can Marconi W.. .7% 7% •'“» 44 Case Plow 7** 6% < 17 Celan Cor Am... 8.7% 8t 81 .7 Cel an CAm 1 pt’l7o 161* 169 1 Celluloid Co n.. 1011 1«« 10« 1 Cello Co n pfd.. 82 92 02 1 Cel lit Co 1 pfd... 128 129 129 l Celotex Co 61 51 51 % Celotex Co pfd. . 81 81 81 % Cen Airuitre Sug. 122% 122% 122% 1 Cent Pip Cor. . . 10% 10% 10% l Cent Pub Serv A. 21% 21% 21 1 , 12 CMA SP n wi. 22 % 22 % 22;. 12 CM ASP upM wi. .78% ;»7% 38 1 Chi Nipple A .. . 5 5 5 .7 Club Alum t'ten.. .75% 35% .75% 2 Cohn-Hall Marx.. 28 28 28 2% Conimonwltli Ed.. 1711% 170 170 1 Cumimww P pfd. 103% i 0.7% 10.7% 2 Consol Dairy P. . 22 22 22 17 Consol l.aund ... 10 18% 18% 6 Con* Film 19% 19 10** 14 Con* Film pfd... 23% 23 2.7% 2 Cupel Prod A .. . 10% 10% 10% 2 Cointlaulds, Ltd.. .36% 36 36 7 Crowley Milner .. .78% 37% .78 2 Daveira ln< .. . 30% 38% 38% 1 De For R C vto. .7% .3% 3% .74 Doehler D C C. . 20% 18% so 1 * I[Dominion S Ltd. 115 115 115 32 Drilir Pns! wi. . . 80% 80 80% 2 Dur Uup p pfd. . 58 57% 58 1 Dur Co A 6 0 •; 2Et Sta Pow R.. 12% 12% 12% 42 El Bd A S Cor. 93% 00 00 1 El B A Sh nfd. . 100** 109% lo»% , 17 EP A I. on war 13% Hi 16 1 Em Pow Cor. , . 32 .72 .32 2 E-ley VV*| Cor A 'J 2 2 l Evans E 8 A. . . 63 63 63 12 Evans E S If.. 63 tin on 18 Fasetd Mot Co. 3% 2% 3 1 Fanny Ear Inc. . 40% 40% 40% .7 Fan-steel Pixel... 17'* 17% 17% 2 Fed Metals T. . 17 17 17 1 Federal Water A .74% 34% .34% 2 Firestone Tut. . 105 loot*, Ist 1 % 2 Fox Theaters A. 10% 19% 10% % Fr H H.M C nfd 87 87 87 1 Freed Else R C 2 2 2 4 Freshman Cha*. . 6% 6% 6% 6 Fulton Sylphon.. 4.7% 43 43 7 Galesbunr CAD 57 56 56*4 1 Gen Alloy* .... 12% 12% 12% 1 Gen Am Inr wi 67% 57% 57% i 18 Gen Balt A 86% 86% 86% i 122 Gen Bak B 0% 8% 8% 2 Gen Bronze 43% 43% 43 % 3 Gen Eireprfe .. .. lot % pm% 100% 4 Gen Ice Cream. . 60 % 50 50 6 Gen l.aund Mach 20% 20% 20% .7 Gen Puh*Sr : .. . 19% 19% 19% 2 Glen Alden Coal 158 157% 158 5 Gold Seal Elec.. 11 10% 10% 5 Grand Store*.... 55 55 55 % G AAP T C 1 nfd 118 118 us 2 Greens Tan A I> 11 11 11 2 Heilman war. .. 1.3% 13% 13% j 4 Heyden Chcm N. 7 % 7 % 7 % 4 Holland Ftirn»<>e 42 % 42% 42% 2 Horn A Hardart 5.7% 5.7 5.7 2 Hu.vler* 17% 17% 17% 15 H.vxride Knot!., .70% 281* 28% 7 Inin Toh Can. . . 0% 9% p% 20 tnd Rav Cor A. 19% 18% is% 4 lo*ur Co N A, 86% 85% 86% .'lint Cie Mach Co 102 99% 102 2 Intern fill A 46 45% 45% I Intern Util B. K% B*, 8% I 1 HOPS vie nf A. 71% 71% 71% 1 Kawneer A Co. 29% 29% 20% 1 Kemsley Millb. . 16% 16% 16% 2 Kinnear Store*.. 30% 30% 30% 1 Kruskal A Kril* 16% 16% 16% 3 latke Super C.. 7% 6% 6% 1 Lefeourt Rlty nf .77% .77% 37% 1 Lrh Coal A Nav 1 10% 110% 110% 26 l»h Pow 25 24% 24 % 3 Va! C ert, . .72 32 32 1 5 1-eniur Co 27% 27 77 2 I*eon T Ini war 320 320 .770 1% l.iblvy (»w Sh Gl*llrt 115% 115% I Libby M.N A L. 0% o% 9% % I,.*** iteb rt*.. 13% 13% 1.7% 4 Marc Wire Lon. 14 14 it 1 Marmot] Mot ... 41% 41% 41% 8 Man el Carb ... 67 66 66% % Mary I Casualty.. 181 180 180 37 Mavis Bottling. 17% 17 17 12 Mi'KeesiMirt Tin P 67% 67 62% I % M» Iv Shoe 160 155 155 { 10 Me*ahi Iron .... 7% 2% 2% 1 2 Metro Chain Sir* 58 58 58 | 2 Midi Stl Ptod... 05 95 95 2 Mid West Util 132 132 132 j 1 Mid W ft it* wi 2 2 2 ! % Mid W C 6'. nf 99 9!* 99 i 1 Mohawk Hud Pw 30% 30% 30% I Mohawk Vat ... 50 49% 49** I 7 Monsanto ( hem 49% 49 49 1 Municipal Serv 14% 14% 14% in Mu Rad Radio .11 1 1 .7 Nat Bak 7% 7% 7% j 7 Nut El Pow A . .71% 31% .71% | 3 Nat Food Prod 8 % 7% 7 % % Nat P A L 7* nfd 110 110 110 | 16 Nat Pub Ser A . 25% 74% 74% 7 Nci«n Pro* n wt 65 6.5 65 11 NVv Calif El 47 42 47 ! 1 NVwbrrv .1 J... 140% 140 14(1 ! I New Etui PS 64% 64% 64% j % N V Tel Co nfd 114% 114*. 114% 7 Niehol* A Shep, .37 36% 36% 1 Nieh A SHen nr 16% 16% 16*, 1 Nile* |i»ni Pnd. 38 36 38 t North Amer Car 10 10 10 17 Ncrihe l*ow . . 20% 20% 70% 4 1 North O Pow C 23 22% 22 % t Nor S|„ p C A 132% 131% 132% I Nor Sta P C nfd 109% 109% 109% 3 Northw Knsrineer. 32 31% 31% 4 Pac Si I Boiler . 14% 14% 14% 1 Palmolive Co. .. . 92% 92% 92% 1 Parke Davis Co n 40% 40** 40% 2 Penney A lot 104 104 % Penn <>h Ed 6* nf 04 93% 03% 5 Pen Ohio Ed war 1.3% 13% 1.3% i 2 Penn Ohio Six’ .. 13% 1.7% 1.7% 4 !’«xip Drue Store. 5.7% 53 53 I 4 Phtlin Morn* .. . 7«% 6 % 3 13fiily Wiititlv , 27 27 27 j 1 Pun Itoew* PM. 8% s% s% 2 Pill*l> A Lake K 146 146 1 lit j % Pltt»t» PI Gja»* . . 225 223 223 j 4 Porll F.l Pow 50% 50% 5n% 1 Pow Sec Corns 62 62 62 3 Puk SP*I. . . 48% 46 % 46% < % Real Assn Hklyn 300 2143 300 l Ren Mot Trk vto l % i % i % 1 Rich Rad 2.7% 23% 23% % Royal B.ik Pow 261 260 200 % Bold* told . 07% 97% 97% 1 *, Safeway Store* .7.5,5 353 .7.53 % Sanitary Grocery 23S % 2.7 s \ 238 \ 72 Schulte I n wi. . 21 % 21 21 % 42 Sctiu c n 1 p »i l(*n 100 inn 2 Schulte R Eel. 20% 20% 70% I Herman Bros 47% 42 42 8 Seiher R C 38 .77 37% 1 Selfr Pro* Store* 4% 4% 4% ; 10 Serv El II 111 6 % 6 % 6% i 7 shaefler Pen . . 46 4.5 % 4.5% 2 Silver I A H 4.5 45 *5 i I smith Ci, iA O) on no 90 7 South PAL n 4.7% 43% 43% I 1 I South.* PAL ■a- 17% 13% 17% 7 Sou tiroo-ri \ 37 % .76 37 % 1 % Soillliw H Hid 11.6% 118 118% *. Sod A (J A II 14S 14S ns 38 span Gen. . 3% 3,5 .4 A 87 smirk* Within* 61 59 01% 1 Stand Com Tot*. 33% 33 ■% 3.7% 3 Stand Mot. ... I % I % 1 % 15 Stand Pow A U .77% 37% .77% 47 stand p A L nfd 106 lot % 106 Stand Sant Mbf lot! 106 tort 1 Stanley C**. .. , . 49% 40% 49% 7St Reel* P«|*er. , 56 55 55 1 Stein Bloch 15 15 15 1 Slrotx k Co. .. , 38% 38% 38% I Slut* Mot 15% 15% 15% 46 swift 1nt1...... 32 % .71 ,71 3 Swift A C 0... 1.70% 130 130 \ I Syrac Wa Ma B 18% 18% 18% lo Tmiken Axle .. 12% 12% 12% II 7 l*hman Realty 36% .35% 36 7 Tob Prod Eanort .7% 3% 3% ,5 7'ilco Prod 30% 30% 30% llTtunih S cf* del* 11% 11% 11% 3 Till S |dd cf* de 09% 00% 00% 7 Tub Ail 8 B vie 473 467 467 1 Tun Sol Lunin 10% 10% 10% 5 Tun *>.,| I ..mi |, A 7o % 214 % 20% I I’m Blaeint V 60 60 60 .3 Cut Biscuit H 15 % 15 15 47 I'ni G lull* C 115% II 4 % 114% 41 Cm Lt A I* A L 5% 15% 15% 7 Cut Pic. c I* W 54% 53% 53% 4 I ni Ih |Ud D W 108 108 108 1I in Pit shut nfd 17% l"% 13% ( U S Frit w nfd 100 D>o 100 oil S Fremiti 75 73 A 73% 14 4 S L Hulli iV . 93% 9”« 93 ICs I. Butt.-i* H 10% 10% 10% I Util P A L vto B “0% 20% 20% 5 Wmnei llio* ih. 16% *9% 16% 6 W atson .1 W 15 14% 14% 3 Wall A Bond II 10% Hi % 16% II »>. O A Sn vie 70% (9 76 7 VVesi Aub* Sn nf 37 31 31 5 While SM del* rla lo 1 *- H% 8% 71 W ire Wheel Co o 76 % 74% 76 8 W o.lll*w ill 111 Inc 31 % 31 *, 31 *« l Wurth In*! A. 22% 23% 22% Sale* MINING Sl'Ot KS in lnui*tre<ls 57 An* Kxnlora !% J 1 <\* I Ana I'oitqurr , 5 6 5 20 f'arneaie Metal* "3 % 33% 23% f 5 ColU Aiii Mine* 1% j% t% 4 Chief Con* Min 4% 4% 4% 35 Con* Con Mine* It % 6% III* I tn* G M 13*1 I 3% 3% fj% 20 Fmi-hu Cior*u» o*l I**' 06 6 Golden Center M 7% 6% 6(4 to jUwUunu*’ M 1 .03 .03 03 I fleet.* Mill 1 % 1 % 1 % 3 M •>»*..i Val I % i % i % 1 New Cornelia 27 36% 26% 3'! New hi.oil Muon* 165 ;, i 166% 161 % % N .1 gin* 16 4 % 103% ||l4 % , Ni|*l**ln* 4% 4% 4% 5 No. aiula 16 % 18% 18% to Paiuiuc P M l.ld 18 IN IS !| Piruor. 14.3.1 M 7 % 3 3 % 30 Red wart inr 17 I I 1 ; 36 811*1 tuck I ten.. 16% 15% 15% 3 Stl Kin* II II 1| 16 stand SR* Lead Is i* 18 5 TV. h tlufhe* 8% 8% 8 % ?0 Tiiijnuali Ext ,<• 11 .11 II 4 Tonormh Min ... 4% 4 4ft I Uni East Min . . . .63 .9,7 .6-7 3 Uni Verde Ext.. 22% 22% 22 % 23 Wemlen Cop .... I % I % I % 10 Went End Ex Min .0.7 .03 .0.7 Sale** INDEPENDENT OH, STOCKS in hundred**. 11.7 Am Con Oilfld*. .98 .00 .00 5 Ant Muracai Co t .7% ,7'i 3% 0 Ark Nat Gat*. ... . 8% 8% 8% 10 Cardinal Pete... .20 .20 .20 7 Carib Synd 20% 20% 20% .70 Cities Serv n. . . 55% 55 55 4 Cities S B B nfd 05% 05% 05% ICons Royalty... 7'i 7% _7 V* 178 Creole Synd.... 12% 12 12 1 Crown Cent Pete .87 .87 .87 2 Darby Pete.... 0% 0% 0% 1E G A F 7s nfd 99% 00% 00% I E G A F Hs nfd. 100% 100 % 100% 1 Gibson Oil cor.. 1% 1% 1% 8 Gulf Oil of Pa.. 105 104% 101% 5 Houston Gulf G 11% 30 Intercom! Pet.. 2% 2% 2% 5 Leonard 0i1.... 5% 5% 5% 5 Lone Star G Del 53 % 53% 63% 3 M medal Synd... 1 % 1% 1% 7 Mount Prod. .. . 25% 25% 25% 2 Nat Fuel Gas... 2*l % 26% 26% 1 New Bedford O. 4% 4% 4% 6 Pandeni 0i1.... 4% 4% 4 % 2 Pan tei*'>e 0i1.... 0% 0% 0% 1 Reiter Fos Oil.. 4 % 4 % 4% 1 Rich Oil Cal nfd 23% 2.7% 2ft% lo Royal Con OAR .13 .13 .13 1 Salt Ok Cons. . . 6% 6% 6% 13 Salt Ck Prod... 28% 28% 28% 1 Tidal Osasre O. . . 13*4 13',4 13 (4 3 Tel Os O non vt 13% 13', 13% 1 Venezuelan Mex. 26% 26% 26% 6 Venezuelan Pet.. 5% 5 5 1 Wilcox O AG n 21% 21% 21% Sales in STANDARD OIL ISSUES units. AND FORMER SUBSIDIARIES. 3400 Atmlo Ant Oil.. 20 19% 19% ■7OO Buckeye P L. . . *6O 60 60 6800 Conti Oil 16% 16% 16% 200 Cumberland PL n 104 104 104 200 Gal Six Oil 5 5 5 2700 Humble Oil A R 61 60% 60% 1350 111 P L 187% 184% 185 2500 Inter Pet C Ltd. 36% 35% 36 100 Nat Transit ... 23% 23% 23% 200 N Y Transit... 48 48 48 250 Northern PL. . 105 104% 104 % 200 Ohio Oil 59% 59% 59% 2100 Prairie O A G. 49% 49 49% 2800 Prairie P L. . . . 216 209 213 10 Solar Refill ...176 176 176 4800 S O Ind 7.7% 73% 72% 20*t S O Kansas.... 15% 15% 15% COOS O Ky 135 12 4% 124%: 200S O Neb 41% 41% 41% 150 Swan A Finch.. 17 17 17 3600 Vacuum Oil 142% 139 139% Nates BONDS, lit thousands. 48 Ala Pow 4 %s. . 96% 96 96 5 Alum Co Ant 5s 102% 102% I*l2 % 1 Ant Cyattainid ns M.*% 96% On % 12 Am Gas A El 6s 109% 108% 109 20 Am Nat Gas «%* 99 98 % 98% 34 Arn Pow A Lt 6s 108% I*l7 % 108 lAm Roll Mill* 5* 99% 90% 99% 5Am Roll Mill 6s 104 % 104% 104% ft Ant Seatinif 65.. 103% 103% 103% 3 Anaconda 6s A.. 101% 101% 101% 0 Ant al El Pow .Vs loo*» 100% l*m% 14 Ark P A L fts. . 100% 100 I**o 15 As Gas A E 5%5103% 102 102 44 Ass** Elec 5%5. 104% I**4 % 104% 5As Sim Har 6%.* 85% 85% 85% 13 Bates Valve B 6s I**s I*'4% 104% 9 Beil T Can 5s A 105% 105% 105% 12 Bell T Can 5s B 1*15% I*>s% 105% 2 Bos A Me tie M 103% 10.7% 103% 24 Bos A Me 5s AC 98% 98% 98% 1 Caro PAL ns. 103% 103% I**3% 10 Cent Sta Elec s*. 96% 96% 96 % .721 CMAsl* os n wt 95% 95% 9n% 175CMASP5s An wt 6ft 62% *>2% lOCht Pn Tool 5%s 99% 99% 99% 29 Cit Serv 55.... 92% 92% 92% 2 Cit Serv 6* I*l3 103 103 7 Cit Srv Gas 5%# 94% 94% »JA t 17 Cit Srv Pw 5% s 98% 98% 98% Id Term Bid* (is 99% 99% 99% 2 * (im 6s 93 93 93 5 Cons Pub 6% *. 08 98 98 4 Cent GAE 5s A 95 % 9n % W % 2 Con GAE «%s A I**s 105 1 On 28 Conti Oil 5%*.. 97% 97% !% % 38 Conti Sec 5s A l'»8% H>7% 1«'« % 17 Cudahy 5%s ..I**o% 100 100% 1 Ik t City G 6s A 105 % 107% lo* % 2 lk*t City G 5s B 103 103 103 10 Del lntl 6% s. . . 102 102 102 II l)et lntl **....100, 100 100 11 Dixie GO «%» A 99% 99% 99% SEI Reins: 65.... 71 71 «1 25 Emn OAR 5%s 93% 93% 93% 68 Ft rest T A R 5s 97% 97% 97% DlFi.-k Tin- 5 %». 98% 98% 98 % 19 Fla P A L 55.. 98% 98 98% 1 Gatineau Pow 5s If at % loots ]"*'** 2 Gatineau Pow 6s 103 103 10.1 2 Gen Am In 5s A 152 152 1 ■>- sGen Lau M 6%s HHi 100, 100, 47 Georcta Pow ss. I< M * ■» l*m% i*e* •« 4 Hyxra«le Food 6s lilt* 165 165 13 Ind Oil A G 6« 98% 98% 98% 5 Did P A L 5s A l'H *« lot % I*** % 49 fnt! Match ns.. 90% 99% 99% 11 lntl Pow S 7s K 99% 99 99 5 Interstate Po 5* 97% 9, % 9»** 7 Interstate Po 6s 98% 98% 98->» l Inv BASh ns A 96% 96% 96% j 10 lo Neh LAP 5s A 98 % 98 *, 98 % .78 K Gas A C 5».. I*Hl‘, 1(81% lwO% loLehmh Pow 6* A 107% I*»7 % 107% ! 2 Lib McN A Lss 95% 95% 9.> % 12 Icine Star Gas 5s 99% 99% 99% j 13 Lonis PALt 5s 98% t*s% 95% 1 Mtlwau Gas 4%5100% I(H'% l**o-» * 2MI Lt HtAP 5s A 103% I*>3% I*V!% I 1 Morris A C 7%* 99% W»% 99% 2 Nxrraz Co 5- A 104 % 1»1 % l'H % * 7 Nat D Pixel 5%s 9» 99 .99 I 3N Pub 8 (i % * A 105 105 105 I 5 New En* GAK ft* 98% 98% 98% 56 NY XH AH4 %s 93% 93% 9.3% 35 NY P A 1.4%» 95% 95% 9a% 2 Nuh A Shep Os 133 130 1-70 ! 6 Ntc A >h 6s ww 97% 97% 97% 0 011 Pow 4%* D 95% 95% 9.*% 9 Ohio P 5* 52 B li*2 102 102 Par Tam lot* *% 99 99 99 5 P Oh E (% A ww 10.3% 10.3*. 103% a Phil E Ps%s 72 106% 19d% 196% II Phil Pet 5% *. . . 92 % 92 92% 24 Potrero Sue 7s 94 1 Potomac Ed 5s E l'*o 199 1(8* J Proe A Gam 4% s D»o I9*i 190 (IPS E AG 4% * l'O 10*» 190 Jo Re] Stores tis... !•!' 99 99 2 Riehfld Oil 6s A 98% 96 % 98 % 5St L *7 A Coke 6s 96 96 9*5 5 Serve! Co Dss n 61 % 61 % 61 % ! I Sh Stl H 5%* A. 100% 190% 130% I 10 Sh WAP4 %a A 97 *« 97% 97% 1 fi Shawsheen 7s Ob’- 9i* 1 .* !*t* T , 1 4 Shell Pipe Line 5s 97% 97 % 97% 5 Sher Wvo Coal 6s 96 96 96 I 1 Sins* Shelf 6s . . 102 102 I**2 8 Snider Pack (is. 111% 11«% !!"% 11 South PAL 6s 136% DM* % 106% 1 Son Cal E 5* ’st 103% 103% 193% 5 Sou Cal E 5s 52 I**3% 19.7% I**3 >, I** Sou Asltestos (5s D'S I**7 107 I 2 South Dairies 6# 99% 99% 99% 6 Sou Pat* 4%- wt 99% 99% 99% I .7 Stanley Mfc 6* 99% 99% !>9 % j 1 Stand Invest 5*117% 117 1 * 117 % j 2 8 O N Y «%» . 103% 103% 103% i 17 stand P A I. 6s 100 % 100% 109% 6 Sun M Rat 6%s 96% 96% 96% 13 Sun Oil 5%5...D*2 192 I**2 *1 Swift A Co 5s 101% 101 % 1"! % 5 Texas P A L 5a 101 % 101 401 1 Transeont Oil 7a 104 % I**4% 101% 9Cm L A R 5%s 98% 98% !*s % 5 Uni R of H 7% a 112% 112’, 112% 1 US Rub 6*-S .53 102 D’2 102 6 US Rub 6%s .Ift 102 102 102 1 US Rub 6%» ’3B 102 I**2 102 5 Util P A L 5%s 93 9.3 9.5 I I War Br Pic 0%»103% 193 103 .3 War Quin 6s . . 99% 99% 99% i 1 2 Webster Mi! 6%» 97 90% !»7 1 | 1 West P 5% s A 99', 99% 99% ! .5 West Tax U fts A I*7 97 J»7 J (5 Wise Cent V* . !'S % 98% 98% j Sales in FOREIGN BONDS, j thousands ft Ax M* Bk 6s 17 91*, 91% 91% I 6 \C Mi Bk 7s 47 99 99 99 22 Baden 7s ... 99 os', 98’, (IBank Prussia (is 95 % 95% 95% \ 4 Batavia IVt 4%s 9.3% 93% 97% • I .71 ltiaul 6 *,« 57 96% "<l*, !*6% 15 Buenos A 7* 36 102 I**l % 102 ! * .*» Buenos A 7s '52 I**o% l*** ll x D*o*» : J 7 Buenos 7%*, 102 I*U% 101% j 21 Corn APr B 5%a 92% !%’ 92 ! 1 11* Cotxlot'a Arc 7s. t*7 *, 97% 97 % 1 I 10 Cuba Co 6» . 4*B 98 98 I 6 Danish Cons 5%• 81*% >S% »>*%• II Denmark s*, s 191*, D'l 101 . 2-7 Krtx* St l*ru- (is 93 % I*3 S 93j I 3 Free St 4*r 6%s 97 % 97 % 97 % 1 ; ltliJer Con Mm* 7s 99% !»!'% i*’ l V 5 Guant &\'KR 6* 97 97 97 ! 1 Hanover St tl» 96 96 I*6 1 M B Fin 7s D»t', I**l*. l"l', j 2 Irish Kiss* Si 5» 97 97 !*. I 1 Narco lli.l El 7s 94 94 91 ‘ 1 I tamibant F.l 7s \ 97% 97% t*7 5 M M A 8 7» ’ll I"* 1"* 1"* II Men.!.* 7 *-« ’sl 98*, 9S 9S>, i 19 Msfidtotl E 7* A 98% **• % !*.% 14 Motitevnieo 6» A 97 96% 9. j 7 Mor B Bocola 7s 92 91% 91 5, j 13 Mor B Hoc 7a n 97% 97 97 j 7 Mor B IVtt 6s tx 96% mi 96% > 1 Mum Medellin 7s 95 94 % 94 % , 2 North tier L 6* 93% 93% 93 % 50 Nor II K 5% s A 93 92 % 92% 16 Nlt*lH( Kl «%» wi 94% 4% 4% 5 Nureniber* 6* »*.% 9. **.', 47 Rto de J 6%* wl *»7% 9,9.% 7 Rio Gran 7* 6*5 97js 9, % tL » 6 Rio Gran 7s ’67 97% 1*7% %% 27 Santa Fe City 7 Santiago 7s 100% l***' l"0% 5 Sainl.s Fat% 5s A I**2% 1}%% «’?•% 37 Serha 7s U . 90% 90% 90 % 755h11l Klee 6%s 93% {» 9*% .3 Sltn H 7s ’36 wa 95 95 j*;' 2StInII 7a 46 wa 954% 93% 01% 4 Swiss Govt SUsD l % I*l% I*l% 1 Tvro! lb Klee 7* 1*3% 93% 98% 4 Cm FI Sets 7* \ I*G % D • ' 1 L 7 I'm F S 7s V ww 90 96 9*4 10 Cm bid o%* 95% "5% o' 2 I’m S W 6% s A 95% 95% 95 % 15 Vienna *s* ■ 90% 90% 90% • I*'* ill\ utriut • *•**«•* N Y RESERVE BANK REPORT. | NEW YORK, February 11 *l*> The aUlemenl of the condition of the Fed eral Reserve Bank of New York at the close of business February 15 shows j Total gold reserves, $994,996 090 T\*tal reserves, $1,027,151,000 Bills discounted secured by Oyvvern nienl war obligations, sll4 953(HH' Ollier bills discounted. s3s 657.000 Bills bought In o|Min market. $96,396.- 000 Total United HtAtes Oovernment securities. $00,61H.000 Total bills and securities, $330,834,000 Uncollected Items, $33.1797,W0 Federal Reserve notes til actual circu lation, $347,393,000 Due to members Reserve account, $943040, OW Total deihistts, $959,733,000 Rath* of total reserves to deiswlt and Federal Reserve note ItabtHtlea cv*m- Utued. 78 6 per cent - ■,*, *.«. I ton* are still a source of serious trouble on the Cape t»* thuiro Hue, and heidv Ft eWphauta tear up the rails. BOSTON WOOL PRICES ! STILL TEND UPWARD, Fine Products Offer Greatest Op- j portunity for Business—Foreign Markets Report Good Clearances, j BOSTON, February 17 m.— The Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will say: "The wool market Is still rising. Both i In the local market and In the foreign markets prices are against the buyer by par to 5 per cent for the week. Fine wools in the market offer the greatest i opportunity for business, medium wools ' being well nigh exhausted. t “About 110,000,000 pounds of wool are j estimated to have been placed under! contract in the range State of the West, prices are fully maintained throughout the West. "Manufacturers are making slight | advances already on medium-wooled goods, initial openings of which were : made about three weeks ago. "Foreign markets this week are rising, j Good clearances are reported in all primary markets. “Mohair is firm but not very active here, there being little available in the market. Small lots have been taken on the goat's back in Texas. Foreign mar kets are steady. "The rail and water shipments of j wool from Boston from January 1, 1928 to February 16, 1928 inclusive, were 33.217.000 pounds, against 30,660.000 pounds for the same period last year. The receipts from January 1, 1928 to February 16, 1928 inclusive were 32,165.- 400 pounds, against 40,165,600 pounds for thfe same period last year.” - DOMESTIC WINTER WHEAT GOES TO LOWER LEVEL j Chicago Market Affected by Fa vorable Crop Outlook—Grain and Provisions Easier. CHICAGO. February 17 OP).—lnflu enced by snowstorms making crop con ditions more favorable for domestic ; Winter wheat, values averaged lower in the wheat market early today. Be sides, confirmation of reported big pur chases of Canadian wheat for Russia remained lacking. After a start at % decline to a shade advance wheat underwent a moderate general setback. Com, oats and provisions were also easier, com opening unchanged to * 2 a off. and subsequently keeping near to the initial figures. Skepticism about reports of big buy ing of wheat from Canada to be ship ped to Russia showed itself quite pointedly at times today. Liverpool ad vices were to the effect that no trace of any Russian buying was apparent, and it was pointed out here that the j Baltic is usually icebound at this time, remaining so until about the date that | Spring navigation is resumed on the I American Great Lakes j The most definite fresh news avail ; able today concerning breadstuff pur chases for. Russia was that a little flour and wheat, both from North America and Argentina, has been i bought by Russia. It also was stated that Russia will be in the market from i now on, but in a conservative way. j In some quarters it was surmised that i if Russia is deficient in her Winter wheat acreage and desires to increase her Spring wheat area seed wheat from I Canada would be the natural method ! of acquiring necessary seed, and if she ! is short of seed wheat she might easily be in need of wheat for food. f • TREASURY CERTIFICATES t RepurkM h* l t W seium.ui A to » ' Rase—asturii* Bid oaer a* M\> IS io . ... 3 ',* Mar 15. . . 5*5*31-37 IJui* i.v iso* . iw ctKi? !»:i 31-37 j3‘«» fw 15 ! !*•;?< «* 7s*-37 s*;» 31-37 j 3 A»* is l ■*:*--. . s*;< 7:*-;7 ;<:• a I ! 3.liar 13. 1333. . 75*47 :n» 31-37 FOREIGN EXCHANGE. 1 'Quotations furtusited t>r « B HiMwACe* Nomina' ewl*t Seiims • b** *- nlae lorpsu. t.»*vr London Pound . . . SI >**it>s >4 *7 Montreal do.Ui 1 .«*** j Parts f;ar;<- 15*3 .<*3s*3 | BnisMfl*. beiaa i;ts* s £:»i ; Berlin nitrk, ....... ,34>3 ,t;isi ! Ror,» lira . . .... 15*8 *>33j* : Zuri.h franc . . .. !s*B .Ist-; 4 I Athens tiraebnta ,15*4 ol.tA Ma.lrt.! peseta. l!*3 t«t*>3 Vienna, wh.iiine ... .!4<**>s» :4>o« Binluirst penico .74:* !*4> I’-.’u 'r . row n 1 mtm > 7i*7tS t*7s*rt I Warsaw riots !:*:i !’:s*> j t'onenhatn n. frown ,3*M 7'.7n I Oslo, i rown . > tti •' stoffchcdm crown ;ii> 7r->7 NEW YORK. February 17 •F’.—For eign exchanges steady: "quotations tin cents* —Great Britain, demand. 437. s cables. 487 15-32: 60-day bills on banks. 483 3-16. France, demand. 392 **; ca bles. 3.93. Italy, demand. 5.29 1 *; ca bles. 5 29 V Demand-Belgium, 13.91; Germanv. ,23 83*-; Holland. 40 21V Norway 26 60; Sweden. 26.82; Denmark 26 76 |Switzerland. 19 23; Spain. 16 93; Greece 1 32 1 *; Poland, 1135: Crechostovakl-t. 2 96 1 «; Jugoslavia. 176 ! *. Austria. S 1410; Rumania. 61 l a : Argentina. 42 75; Brazil. 12.00; Toklo 45.77;; Shanghai. 63.50: Montreal, 99 81’-*. SHORT TERM SECURITIES. t Reported t>v J AW Seiisman A Co. * ; - Noon—- ' Bui OSer AHt* Chains.*!-* y* UJ3?. 101** 1 A'uui t'o ot Anter. .’*» 15*VC 103 toys, Ant IVI. A Tei s’o 4* 193!* s-.'t;» . **t* .j j Antert. An Thrr .»,( Co <*« Isl'.’N 101 10* '•» ! Anw\'lh!.t Cornvr tis 1 <*7s* 101 \ I>>l j B.dUmor.- A Ohio t*,< ti*44 ItVA, I«»l j Rata* ttut IVt Cor 4*»* 15*47 034. •**'» ! ! CtUt. rnp* IM * AS* ItYtjt 10. 1 >7’** j tn N*t Rv 4Q« 10.10 S*H*‘. t.M s, | Cstt*,** »t* Nor Rv 4H» 1045 IPOS 101 iC A O Rvv* Co 4 V,, 15*40 10**4) SOI . f Coiitnthi* u.v* A El \* lt*s7 lih* lnt*q i lVla. A Hud Kot 7* l**4i* 105 505 S , l'uo;tosn- l.teht 4V»* t!W? J.H**-, UK**. K»li*>*» Kl IH of Rv. 4* i5*7S st;**, liHt.v, : 4>n* Rwv t’o 7* ls>4o 105 l« li*rt'•* ’ Celt Mot \>et> C rts SOU? tivtv, 104 j ; tienend IVt Corn 5* l**4t» 107 V* 1 07 N 'IS *’ t«tHV>*rs, h t'o \* 107!* liNts* 1.40 *, { TAR 5* li»7> It’s'*, H»v*S ; Cr.tnd T*-tsnk ot Ctn «!» Ss*4** !«*)•'> \t*s*v, I I*Oil s'-* ls*47 lt>7 v,* '’.*»* (!m Ct* AC, i'*46 lot’s 105 i Vow York Tel B* 15*4! 10s V. 1 .V'» ' Oirsoii Short Line 4* Is*’.*!* :>!*'* !'!**» i Pure Ot! Corn tU» 15*47 !*;» -, |vn*v, : Sou PA ’ R U Co 4s 15*7!* !>!» A > *-J >td **tl of N V <*»»« t:»44 504’., !*V4I, : Slvl t»i! of V J-r-ov 5s !'*»B l«i i* V* t, jSt 1 Ir Mt AS Rv 4*11*75* l»!» * t « !>!»** J **lit A Co A* 1 !*47 1 iHt ** i.»! v, I Citlon **ll ot Ctlif 5s 1035 00 V CiMon I’t R R Co 6* I**7S 100's loov. C > Ruhhor 7 *». I**3o oi *, lot's , I S SmO'll'U* Co \V,s I**3s l»vl*. !Ot', (Wheel!!** S'.eel v’ \** s lit t S Iv'v'V. UVs 5n ACTIVE~STS£k j j g .*»| | l<A Aw'suttmELcol ..lijj' 1 ' MQetr»«V.V HI«H ASP I.M in I cas »rw •**# a**o a*t { 1,1 avn »vV* *xsv' ** f ” |l aosoit 8 a* #vV Xi l— .. ■ S7~;'XT. '■TT'TrgTPTr-.1..j I*KH SHARK ANALYSIS. \th*t U Hti’k of K*vh whtte. Juno 30, 1077. IVr *h *,e I n*l «"»•» **net» Mil *9 ‘ *e*t notion* Pietwifovl (look and ’.wild* , *lOl 03 Lui*«l4 oui rvut l*itU ... . 40 ot He**. *• wu.l »u*,«*.** ...... 33 64 774 Ot* j * j i Net rttwiliit to. vViUUton . >l4O SO ; I * timuia t» «.»*» f It*'3 1074 1075 1070 1077 i >»St >l7 HO >\**l7 >73 OS >U 03 ‘ sto. k t«AJ» O.v uhn.4 ot >s ihvt.V'k.O* have Iwm pw.3 .v*n.t». ; ,.ovit'v slum 10**4 e\o*i t o< the *«»*. 1077, the j 4»e:.**o >wtw io. 77 tent* Ivin* S 3 Ot At \tS *t*vk ,5*4.4* 4 0 » t(Willi vom ►**..* *, *>. !*i,.A,'r f\., fur. j the. 1.. t 0.... *t.o.. *s to *«!u » k ot th!» ) »t.“ h * S'tai'H'vk ttui to* tviV>«*>.«. , , FINANCIAL. MORTfiAOK 1,0 ANN ANV AMIILNT Secured t,y real estate in D C.. near he MO and Va. “ ' Prevallln* Intere»t and Com mi Minn KENNETH M I.IVIN(i!STONE, fto3 American WOg.. 1317 4 St. N.». Main 700 and ftOl* LIFE 85,000 INSURANCE 811.05 Profeet rnor family—Srml date of tnnr birth for a Low Cost Illustration. LE ROY GOFF Inunranre in All It** CIO Wood ward fllili. Main 310 Second Trust Loans ' Second trust loans secured by D. i C. real estate, made on very reason ! able terms. Prompt attention givea i applications. !\V. H. WEST COMPANY I Founded 1894 ,916 15th St. Nfain 9900, LOANS | I Let us have your applica- I • tions for | LOANS ON REAL | ESTATE Immediate Action Courteous Treatment Our record of 35 years speaks for itself. ; Percy H. Russell Co. 926 15th St N.W. I ——— I Mortgages Investments James Y. Pennebaker | Member Waihinrton Rest Ettate Board f Main 5328 1520 K St- N.W. i Tailor* to * Oeneration^^ tk Smorf Spring Wooltm jjr ! M f rom England and Scot • (5^ ;| p* land are ready for gen • j^S JR tlemen t cho appreciate *Uj i Jffl quality fabrics and tail -920 17™ STREET M.W < pMMMWW-MMMMman Ml ———J Mortgage Money Loaned At Low Interest Rates II Tyler & Rutherford KeoresefiLnit Mat::si Ber.eSt Ufa ls» t> i I.VfO K Street Main 47*. Money to Loon i ■Secured t>* Sr»t deed ol trust on real ft’*’* t Pre*»i!tnr interest and maaiMMXi i Joseph I. Weller !- — f Invest in Guaranteed 6% First Trust \otes Secured on District ot Co lumbia and Montgomery County. Md.. dwellings. Denominations of $250, $503 and SI,OOO Title & Investment Co. of Maryland 1512 K St N.W. Phone Main 2676 -6% FIRST Mortgage Notes Safe —Conservative Mike vcmr 4Q Years* savings a;’d surplus funds Experience work ter you at the highest In fma-ems tniercst rate homes acd tn consistent slse stle o* with absolute these securs safetv. tics Wm H Saindirs Co oc RKAITORS Main 101 S 1433 K Safe 6# Bonds with D. C. Taxes Refunded FIRST Natwnal Bv'nds. legal for Naf ena. Banks, 45*5 b .• interest, prswide fee payment of the Fester*! income tax up to 2’V. *r*J for refund of the I v .<- ; triet of Cotumbi* tax of 5 nulls, * Behind each SI.AV K'Ov! are first mortgage* on real estate val- | ue\l at more thanSl.lhV. Behind | ea* h Kmul. also* '•* the full re sponsibihty of The F*rst Na t!*M\al Compaiyv, of Bahimore* t M*l .with capital *!*J sur\*lus of | S2J44,'M3.<W, an*t total ie •v'uroe* of r,L'3..VU 'l. ui Am *’*»*-«.'•» x ur THE First National G>mpany H.ARR BUILDING .WvttM W avhmgton. \\ C. - • 15