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18 SOCIETY President Coolidge Received Several Thousand Guests at Army and Navy Reception Last Night. RIVALING in brilliancy and color with the fir.*; state reception given by the Chief Executive and Mrs Coolidge to the diplo matic corps was the reception test evening in honor of the Army, fr v y and Marine Corps. Practically all cl the military and naval attaches rtn~' the assistant attaches of the for eign embassies and legations paid their hor.r-go to the President of the United States Their strikingly colorful uni forms. with much gold and silver braid and many decorations, together with the colorful dress uniforms of the fruited States Army. Navy and Marine [Corps, presented a scene which is un excelled in the Nation. The reception !fwas the largest of the state functions, jth'rc being more than 2,300 guests. JTh' Army was well represented, the Severity of their businesslike utility uni- Jfrnr.s relieved by numerous citations ifo” valor. ? The Army. Navy and Marine flags {Were in evidence, and there was the Jusuai artistic arrangement of flowers. Swath the Marine Band Orchestra play er.;: West Point and Annapolis airs dur jcg the reception and later for dancing fi r. the cast room, where guests were fling to b? packed closely in the mass joT humanity just to say that they had jdf'.nced :n the President's house. | Promptly at 9 o'clock, the bugler of fth* Marine Band Orchestra blew "At- Ser.ticn." and then, preceded by his mili tary and naval aides in dress uniform. nii?' President, walking alone, came •down the marble stairway from the j ffioor above to the red corridor. | It was the first time since the Prcsi jrf-nt entered the White House that Mrs fCooiidg’ war not at his side at a state • f unction. Mrs. Coe! dee has been ill cr several days, and while her centSi- j Jen is roper.'d much improved it was t irjot thought advisable for her to under take the task cf greeting so manv 1 sgnests. * Immediately following the Chief Ex- : Secunve were Vice President and Mrs. i ib.vwes and the members of the cabinet. ) f\ down two abreast, in the fol iif-.nng order: The Secretary of State i *>* d Mrs Kellogg, the Secrctemy of the f?-:asury. Mr Mellon, accompanied by »f:s. Hoover, w.fe cf the Secretary cf j JC ••mrtrree. who is absent from the city; j fir- Attorney General, Mr. Sargent, and j Es? daughter. M~s. Ralph Pearsons cf j SLudlew ,'vt.: the Secretary of the Navy ; fcr d Mrs. Wilber, the Secretary of the I Crtericr. Dr. Hubert Work, and his ; {daughter. Mrs. Albert W. Btsscli of fEvcnston. EL: the Secretary of Agri- I jn-lturc and Mrs. Jardine, the Secretary ; fcf Labor and Mrs. James J. Davis, and pbrn. the secretary to the President and Sirs Everett Sanders. The order in jrh‘ch the President's executive family t Bf'lowed him into the blue room varied > jfr'm similar functions, the Secretaries ki the Treasury and Interior quite fre- ! Jcli-ntiv walkmc with the Attorney Gen lefcl in th® absence of Mrs. Sargent. * The Postmaster General and Mrs. be?w were not at the party, haying left flirt week for Florida, where Mr. New is j cer’iterating from an illness. * As the President reached the corridor, the bar d placed ’ Hail to the Chief” as j bt° passed into the blue room and took h£s stand in front of the double win rj-vs which were banked with palms ar.d Spring flowers The Chief of Staff shd Mrs. SummeraH were the first to oe received and then other officers cf general staff then came the chief 3? naval operations. Admiral Charles P Hughes and Mr®. Hughes, and the mem bers of his staff, and the third group received was the commandant of the j Marine Corps with Mrs. John A. Le iC’ine. and Gen L/leune's staff. The personnel, U one might call It | Jbat. cf the blue room changes with cfcch reception and last night it was rtrjctiy military, the members of the rabinet and Vice President Dawes be . 152 almost the only men in the State fra wine room, where the President re bfived. who were not in uniform. Handsome Gcwns and Jew s. The handsome gowns and jewels cf he ladies in the company lent aa al-1 nct Springtime atmosphere to the ! .arty, and many new hints of the cori ng of warmer days were noted in the aim costumes. Mrs. Dawes wore a striking gown of j ade green cjrepe in crusted with silver j aquins and beads, the gown fashioned : Jong straight lines with pointed go- j lets of the material heavily incrusted ; rsth the sequins. She were hose to Ejatch her frock and silver kid slippers f Mrs Kellogg was in a gown of white gr.d gold brocade draped to one side, frith a side sweep of the brocade held fti the left and failing to the floor. J Mrs. Davit, wife of the Secretary of IV ar. was in a robe de style of rose vel frt, embroidered in a dainty design with lifiy gold beads. The bodice was cut flrx a deep oval at the back and the JUirt was quite short at the front and Almost touched the floor at the back. * Mrs Hoover was in a handsome gown if white chiffon, embroidered in gold : •sads. the bodice made with flowing ? fmpery from each shoulder and the ; •klrt gathered and trimmed with a deep fringe of the gold beads. I Mrs. Pearsons bad on a gown of: f-tute chiffon embroidered in a fine j feoign m black jet and crystal, the j frock quite simple in fashion. ; Mrs Wilbur wore a gown of black \ f»pe tla&oratoly embroidered in black and crystals ar.d fashioned with a Lx in at the back, | Mrs BisseU wore a gowa of soft j frtute satin made along straight ltows, ; the n« mime rnarsed by a fluting of the friatensu and a flower fashioned of the fa in caught at the left side. 1 Mrs Jardine was in a watermelon | Idnk georgette crepe gown, fashioned \ frith a draped skirt with a girdle of l fh.nettore? and there was a rhinestone j irnarnent at the left shoulder. i Mrs James J Davis wore a robe de fry ic of lavender taffeta fasnioned with I fitted is/ilt#, v4th a bow with I'lrearners of a d<ep heliotrope velvet |4»m sassing from the deep V at the : w/vx of the bodice to the hemline of full ear' which was banded fr|th tne velvet ribbon the same shade |i that used on the bodice ; M's. Everett Banders was in a gown if giat* gum velvet, the bodice made fi'h a caps effect at the hack and the IC:' t igi.'Jy longer on the side than at frv oack and front i-Mis Frank W. htearns * ore a gown f fuchsia chiffon crepe fashioned with Ift ci aperies from the shoulders, the 4 rs d'Wj/ C at the sides. Mis Jtiimn* rail wore a gown of k v*•i■> et Ja-.nio.niC along vn.\- laped iin'fe. with a rhinestone tijotlf at b* ief< snouidar M; wife of of £- “(Ebe 'll ! : l<£»Uur f ’ f fiiuMhiA iiu f -5 t ; ce»oi**i eeeestatiOß i \ L.vtry W tdntaday ami f'riday livening 1 £ //**</ ; io i- 4 -Course rj f - SiSltA 1 OOD / VI DINMtK or your choice of our g' regular menu tgj l liusincbb Men’s l.tinch p In U.c Gull II Ml Ui * < uluMibu obit {,• jadsyjeidcrjrdr«l«sdtka^j<*llkl&’-&i!im' SOCIETY.' r naval operations, was in white sal in t heavily embroidered in gold. Mrs. Otto I Mimiti daughter of Admiral and Mrs • Hughes was in pale green chiffon i beaded in crystals. Mrs. Lejeune wife of the commandant • ot the Marine Corps, wore sapphire blue 5 velvet, .the bodice trimmed at the front . with cloth of silver, and about her • shoulders she wore a fine silver tissue l i scarf. Miss Laura Lejeune w-as in a . frock of white beaded georgette crepe I and Miss Eujer.ia Leieune was in a \ bouffant gown of apple green taffeta j and tulle. Mrs. Edward W. Ebcrle wore a gown ,-i of white crepe made along straight ; lines and embroidered in brilliants. Mrs William A. Moffett, wife of tlw : chief of naval aeronautics, wore cloth ; of geld designed along straight lines, the skirt trimmed with a deep flounce of handsome gold lace. The bodice of j the gown was quite effective, streamers of the material falling from the 1 shoulders quite long. 1 Miss Mary Randolph, who has been j ill for sever T days, was at the party, I wearing a gown of jade green crepe, incrusted with crystals and fashioned j with a train of green velvet. Other Distinguished Guests. Among others in the largo company were Senator and Mrs. Waterman, Senator Peter Norbeck. Representative and Mrs. Britten. Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Amos A Fries. Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Herbert Crosby. Capt. and Mrs. E. C. Dorn, the Assistant Secretary’ cf War and Mrs. Charles Burton Robbins. Col. and Mrs. Charles Bundell. Col. and Mrs J D. Taylor. Col. and Mrs. J. J Fulmer. Col. and Mrs. T. P. Townsend. Capt. and Mrs. Tom Kurt?. Col. and ! Mrs Claude Miller. Col. and Mrs. R. S Pratt, Maj and Mrs Condon Mc- Cormick. Maj. and Mrs D. C. Cub : bision. Mrs Black, widow of Gen B’aok of Civil War fame; Mr. and Mrs. George F. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Clin j ton Ward. Mrs. Emory Scott Land. Comdr. and Mrs. Timothy Keleher, Mrs. Horace Macfarland. Comdr. j Theodor? Jewell. Mrs. Claude Harris Munn of Philadelphia, Col. and Mrs. Marker Babb. Mrs Ernest AckLss. Mrs W. C. Wright. Mrs. J. M Jovian, widow of Comdr. Jordan of the Navy; Mrs Edward G Hill of Louisville, Ky„ and her charming daughter. Miss Mar jorie Hill, who have just returned from a trip around the world: Miss Bell Wills, daughter of the late Chaplain Wills of the Navy; Miss C. M. Stover. S : i3is , W.W®?; § Washington’* landing Confectioner and Cntrrt r for Sf) Yearn ■£ ; | '-A AhCcssiipc "from § J 'THE accumulated knowledge and skill of nearly Rj J J -a century contribute to the unequaled qual- w >g ity of our products—yet our prices will prove *5 S to be a revelation to many. S > FOR EXAMPLE- 8 1 5 French Pastries ♦ French Creams 5 ? Napoleon? - Tarts $1.35 »*• Cussutti - Eclairs , ~ ~~ _ < -Z . , French I-ady Finger < Luncheon wize Charlotte Russe ~ 3 | 20C P er Portion * 30C Eacfl jj > Our Famous French Creams Delivered ? £ Anywhere at Any Time j S 1520 Connecticut Ave. CHARLES DEMONET, } s Decatur 2100 President. 5 DULIN & MARTIN COMPANY i m \feit-i | ‘iJts&Sr The GLORIA fOur Pattern Number 532) —a *p«*<*ial Feature in moderately priced American Porcelain Ivory Cround If 1 tlt Floral Decoration in filur, Orange and tireen Bread & Butter Plates, each 10c 7ea Plates, eadi J ;j|* Breakfast Plates, each Dinner Plates, ea<h 2.M* Fruit Saucers (2 si/es), eacli, I Jea ( ups anti Saucers, Loth - 32 IV* «* .Vt $4.00 31 $10.50 j HOURS: 8:45 TO 5:30 PHONE MAIN 1294 |: JJulin & Marlin Co. Oar Oulu Shop 12E J7 I Srrri No U Umn hranrh 121118 (i Siren l - r i« T.r7i..... 1 wi 1 i„i 1 , ■£■ TTTE EVENING STATE 'WASHINGTON, 0. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, Ism ! . ——. NAVY BRIDE OF YESTERDAY '(l;v JOHN II: WCIS OKIINSI.AIH. Before her marriage in St. Matthew's Church at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon to Ensign Greenslade she was Miss Rosemary Prindleville Griffin, daughter of Mrs. Taul Bastedo. Ensign Greenslade is on duty at the Fensaeola, Fla., aviation field. Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Henry T. Allen, i Asst. Surg. Gen. and Mrr.. Frank Keefer. Capt. and Mrs. David Le Breton, Comdr. and Mrs. William D. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phillips. Mrs. Henry D. Flood. Mr. and Mrs. G. Gould Lincoln. Col. and Mrs Edward H. De Armond and their daughter. Miss Anne j De Armond: Rear Admiral and Mrs , Edward Rhodes Stitt, Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Frank B Cheatham. Brig. Gen. j and Mrs. Campbell King. Miss Elizabeth Warner, sister of the Assistant Secre tary of Commerce for Aviation;. Maj. Gen. John L. Chamberlain, Miss Caro lyn Chamberlain, Rear Admiral and Mrs. William S. Benson. Rear Admiral and Mrs. Joseph Strauss. Col. and Mrs. William P. Wooten. Col. and Mrs. j Richard M. Cults. Capt. and Mrs. Rob ■ rrt Henderson, Rear Admiral and Mrs. William D. Leigh, Mr. and Mrs. Ben ■ ■■ ■ ■ . —■ " - I I JuliusGarfinckel&Co. WASHINGTON PARIS On Our Fifth Floor Now A Final Great Clearance Os j MISSES', JUNIORS' and GIRLS' ; Winter Apparel COATS DRESSES HATS SWEATERS UNDERWEAR At Low, Greatly Reduced Prices !- . j /~VUR values at this time are very remark able —very worthwhile and real, in smart, specially-made models, suitable for present and late Spring wear. F Street Corner of 13 th ———————— l —*—— l — Presentthe Mode l/j of Prints “Erle-Maid” - CH Frocks UMfi *** • SAiiM&l pi Newness of st\le vie* VS'R with newness of fabrics will in achieving adorably lyr( chic effects. Ciay color comhinations in dashing | I one. two and three piece |d''v’pWfXjd models iti t hittons, Mat Iff ( ropes and Georgette W ' f< Wi't A,T4n Some with the new Ml* 'IA Vionnet neckline, others I3W i trimmed with scarf, Ij4 % yb jahot or (rills. Cleverly key *'* pleated skirts version* ' J ing tiers and drapes and I all the new fashion / / vagaries of coining I I Spring Styles as in- I I mimerahle as are indi* If vidual desires. •• ’ *ls£u,*29M - ___ „ Srlebui her Jeminine'a/pparcl of individuality TWEI.VETEN I WIII.VGTWELVE E STREET McKclway, Rear Admiral and Mrs. Charles B. McVay, Mrs. Samuel A. Klmmerly. Mrs. Eric Scott Carroll, and Mrs. Samuel Price of Chicago. Vice President and Mrs. Dawes Guests at Cabinet Home Tonight. The Vice President and Mrs. Dawes ‘ wl M be the guests of honor at dinner this evening of the Secretary of War and Mrs. Dwight F. Davis, who will en tertain a company of 24. The Ambassador of Italy, Nobile Gia como de Martino, accompanied by the secretary of the embassy. Signor Vltettl, will return tomorrow from New York, where they went yesterday. The Ambassador of Brazil, Scnhor Gurgel do Amaral, will be host to a com pany of 18 at dinner this evening. The Speaker of the House and Mrs. Nicholas Longworth are today celebrat ing the anniversary of their wedding, j w hich took place In 1906 In the White House, when Mrs. Longworth's father, the late Col. Theodore Roosevelt, was President. The Minister of China and Mme. Szo , entertained at dinner last evening, when their guests were the. Minister of the Irish Free State. Mr. Timothy A. Smiddy: Senator Arthur Capper. Rep resentative and Mrs. John Q. Tilson, Representative and Mrs. Sol Bloom. Miss Vera Bloom. Representative and Mrs. J. Charles Linthicum, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Denby. Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward A. Harrlman. Dr. and Mrs. Daven port White, Maj. and Mrs. Samuel Bur leigh Milton and Mrs. Henry A. Strong. The Minister of Norway and Mme. Bachke have accepted the invitation ex tended by the committee for the Mardl Gras Bal Masque to be guests in the box of honor at the hall tonight at the Mayflower Hotel. The Ambassador of Mexico and Sonora de Tellez were among those at, j the performance of ‘‘Die Walkuere" | given by the Washington National ! Opera Co., with Mme. Johanna Gadski as Brunhilde. The enthusiasm ! was spontaneous and. unlike the usual dignified audience in Washington, there w’ere calls of ‘ Bravo!" and cheers at the close of the performance. Others seen at the opera were Nobil Donna An | toinette de Martino, the Ambassador of Germany and Frau von Prittwitz-Gaf fron, the counselor of the German em bassy and Frau Kiep, the secretary of the German embassy and Frau von Sel j zam. Representative Stephen G. Por : ter. the Undersecretary of the Treasury ; and Mrs. Ogden L. Mills. Countess 1 Piercy, Mrs. Jacob Leander Loose, Baron and Baroness von Below. Mrs Mina C. Van Winkle. Mrs. H. L. Rust. ' Mrs. Fred Dennett. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thompson Seton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred- ‘ The Turn«llle Tea Room Cathedral Goers Attention Sunday Dinner, (liirken and Muffle Supjier, Ju.-t around th>‘ i-orner lrom the Cathedral I 3*1.1 .Maeomb SI. crick Frclinghuyscn Dumont, Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Harriman, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gans, Col. and Mrs. George C. Thorpe, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hos mer, and Comdr. and Mrs. Frank Bar rows Freyer. The secretary of the Rumanian lega tion and Mmc. Popovlcl will be assisted j “Coral Band” Hosiery :! Get-Acquainted Offer! ( REDUCED PRICES ONE WEEK ONLY! Throughout the United States every Coral vaj tyfe* Hand dealer once a year is permitted to offer Coral Rand Hosiery at especially reduced prices— Coral Band || Silk riosiery r $1.95 and $2.00 $1.65 and $1.75 j Stockings Stockings ' Oho great feature of the Coral Rand Hosiery i> COLORS it s etVicicnt stop-a-run —no garter run that starts above i t it can possibly pass below the Coral Band. \Yc want A range of 34, von to know the Cora! Band Re-new service which re- including these extra• stores Coral Band Hosiery to its perfect condition. It popa la r shades— completely rebuilds hosiery, no matter how badly they Roseta, Cruiser, Blush, are worn or torn. AND AT A PRICE NEVER MORE Rirosa, Orpha, New - THAN* HALF THAT OF A NEW PAIR. port. Mfidf Jjjt Mm. WUTHFUL APPARIL FOR FVERYWOMH rn izy Tat ‘Tenttx St i i 'gdmmmsjmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmKmwmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmtm . Satisfaction Sincer JBS9 Triangular Scarfs : V///- V/V Seventh St. X.W. Stunning Flowers for Coats or - Frocks, 47c. Street Floor ft Girls’ Spring Wash Frocks ! ; A Splendid Assortment at iwj II Every new style feature being used this /J Spring will he found in these dresses —some are I ]■ n j faithful duplicates of the grown-up styles—shir i % /ffl‘ ring, pleats, hand work, tucks, contrasting colors. %|r H i lift - kick pleats, ribbons, fancy buttons, pipings, novel fig pockets and laces. Broadcloth. Lincne. Printed Cottons f&g Printed Rayons and Charmeusette flHh Plain colors, small prints, polka dots (these are very, very chtc>. checks, plaids, rill guards, stripes and marble patterns. AU fast colors. g \ . : ' Bloomer Dresses. Sizes 7 to 10 \ w Straisihtline Dresses * Sizes 7 to I t \yg iSEN Second Floor—King $ FaUce Pointed Heel and Picot Top | $ J *45 $3 and $4 Fine Kid SUghtly Irregular GLOVES hurts they would sell for $2 25 the pair. I / H i Imperfections consist of slight heavi- j \*l 7C / | j \ < l( 'vs m weave—that's all 1 Y W ••*** f I 1 a famous quality, nationally known and ! X t j! ! advertised, with pointed heel, ts all-silk ex- j wtm eept tor a lisle inner lining at top i 4 | »j; f And another beautiful, sheer quality is .-..a-a e~ee*<-*vcrx \ ; entirely silk from top to toe with the chic j * " 1 j j picot top And stunning shades j mode tas.uoti sponsors—re*tv to \ ! I Nude Riviera Chateati if match harmonious!.. with \our new \ j i Chair {? ! * !l *’ . [I Spring costume Narrow, cmbrv»d --\ 1 Patio Silver nagger ji ' . , , , , . ( \ | 1 Soudan Illusion Rose Tau tv | f:c '* *ntched *ew. tu-.orew vutt>. t \ 1 / Taupe Natural Gunmetai || cut-outs, applique and bra ding— v \ > j Alesan Grain Dust i these are shown Black with wb te. * \ / Kasha Beige Rose Beige While xxh!tc vx . h v u . v . u . xv un , .. JX , « Iv* l And numerous others in the correct tan J " < . . . . j1 \ mu t grey tones We suggest having in otowns. pongee and a ‘ white. LsxxlwJ quantity for future use—for specials hke j| these »ue rare. Note to 5 If B Street HiH>r—Kings Palace | magm x -r—Mg .■MrT7W»e-=ga~i-- | l iMi l,*t I Wr Three Very New Rengo Corset Models At the Attractive Price of 4F^ N'our t*K*tlu*s am! appearance tie . \vV\ ' pent! entirely upon the corset von j wear ami this season partienlarlv it Jis the mode to wear a support ot some • j ? / sort. 'l'hese three models will appeal \ I^fAVV i tti the various t\pes. Average, me One Model a map *n>tmd lot the tall tnH U»u> Jp N%' ginlie, front hooked and made ta\on striped cotton with wide / | gaO 11 Ra'on u ot surgical elastic In / 1 I*/ | stuped cotton with t-anel ot . , . / i T elastic at side Elastic shoulder nei belt h-av.K boned 5 *>tn f it straps and two pan, o» turn 'bovddei straps Iwopaisot i 11/ / J iiose sttppotters bi>>e »«"l'*'ito- V „ IHI a a* 4 Sites 36 to 4M 36 to 43 W d Other Rengo Models , $3.50 8«> '^ mm ASrnSi All eorsru mm,l hv fxpert corsetuacs who c«it »dvtse SStif! uUnSuSv 1 atnl help with yotit cot set problems. « K heavily Kv ctS V taste *t> *ps Seoiut llw« —King's Palace Sim 36 to $0 - 'n. ~ ,Jt 'j m, to „ , iiinii 'i in receiving at their tea this afternoon in the Florentine room at the Wardman Park Hotel by Mme. Bonceaco, wife of the financial counselor of the legation, > and Mrs. Thomas H. Healy, wife of the dean of the Georgetown Foreign Serv- j ice School. Mrs. William W. Bride (Continued on Nineteenth Page.> SOCIETY. SLIP COVERS 3-pc. Set Ineludln* 6 ctmhlon*. anap faatenen Beet trade "itL Bnlrtan linen. Srwlel . wtPtt • On the Sernnrt Ho ot to Hove Too Money clym**tfyyn+fchrlt} Conaoltlng Decorator 1811 r at.—Main 3811 Wholesale ami Retail