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FISCAL RELATIONS STUDY AUTHORIZED Citizens’ Advisory Council Names Committee to Work Out Solution. i Reiterating its stand in favor of the creation of a commission to work out • formula for determining the extent to Which the Federal Government should ■ AMBULANCE Private Service, $4.00 Steel Vaults, $85.00 tnsiunlM hr»t ecf| UP fleth-enTfred r»«krt» Entire Funerals, $75.00 Up Lowest Prices Tha Brown Ston* Fvinrrut Home W. W. Chambers Co. 1400 Chapin St. VW.. Cot. 4*2 II ' Ijou Should Has* Gawier Service 1 i J "Thank yon for the dip- f 1111 L ■ I J* nipcd and efficient way in j | which cxrrytfiivn was man- . I Complete cost, $166.00 ' v ■"-?./? | Gawler* I NON -s C C T A fl t A N SVo~ not all oil is of full VISCOUS body ip! TEXACO GOLDEN MOTOR OIL b checked up £ stand up * When any oil less viscous will give up. FULL BODY Cold pr* —*1 can’t llik congeal it. L~h Engine heat break it down. DEFIES HEAT TEXACO £jg| That’s the sign ink /jfikpj and G OLD E N m [mm that’s the color A |Bp See that you get it— WBm Xlßllll that’s the idea! Wm !|fe| THE TEXAS COMPANY, 17, New York . |Hh (f TtMmt» I'rtrijltmm I'rudmU * ' '" - " J r>\» 'K‘ *V; ~-4i&2£ko v,y - ■ 11 i \ i share In the expenses of the municipal i government, the Citizens’ Advisory | Council last night authorized the ap pointment of a committee of three to : co-operate with committees of equal j size of the Federation of Citizens’ Asso ciations and the Federation of Civic Associations in working for a solution j of the fiscal relations at the current j session of Congress. J The council’s action was taken after I a protracted discussion on a report by | Henry K Bush-Brown, chairman of the ■ fiscal relations committee of the fed eration. The discussion centered upon • the question of whether the pronosed j commission should be permanent or | temporary, but It was ultimately decided I to leave this matter with Congress. | The two bills pending before Congress j to establish amateur boxing in the Dis trict and the appointment of a commis sion to control it were disapproved J The council took the position that box- ! ing Is now permitted and what the bills ! ‘ really intend to seek is the legalizing j : of prize fighting. Bills proposing to make eligible for \ jury service District employes in Fed- j j eral cases and Federal employes in ! District cases and prescribing heavier I penalties for abduction and holding tor ransom were approved. The child Tabor ! bill referred to the council by the Com- j missloners also was approved, with one ; suggested amendment which would • authorize the Board of Education to exercise its discretion in all various i classifications prescribed in the measure. * "‘ " | Clement XIV. by reason of his wide i sympathies and toleration es diverging views, has been called the "Protestant j i Pope." TTIE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON. 0. C„ FRIPAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1928. MISS EMILY CARR, TEACHER, IS DEAD One of First Kindergarten In structors Here—Had Served 28 Years. Miss Emily Christian Carr, one of the j first kindergarten teachers in the Dis i trlct, died at the home of her sister, ! Mrs. Gardner L. Boothe. 711 Princess | street, Alexandria Va.. yesterday. She j had been in failing health for several I months. , Miss Carr was retired February 3 1 after 28 years service. She was then ! kindergarten principal at the Adams | School. Seventeenth and R streets, to j which she was transferred last year : from the Dennison School after serving j 15 years as kindergarten principal there, j Miss Carr was first appointed at the Buchanan Scnool. Thirteenth and E j streets southeast, in 1809. I Asst. Supt. of Schools Robert L. Hay ! cock, in a statement today, praised Miss j Carr's work, declaring "her motherly ! and sympathetic interest in little chil | dren fitted her unusually well for kin j dergarten work. Her fine influence with ; little children won for her the affection of children and mothers alike " Miss Carr, who lived at 2’27 R street. | had long been an active member of St. I Margaret's Church and for more than '2O years taught the Infant Sunday j school class there. She was the cousin | of Mrs. Morven Thompson of rhis city, j Funeral services will be conducted at j the Boothe residence tomorrow mom jmg at 10 o'clock. Interment will be in the Old Btanforil Cemetery, Feters i burg. Va. j Dyed Mourning Black In 24 Hours Carmack Dry Cleaning&DyeingCo 1 h Dupont Circle 2109 18th Si. N.W. j Franklin V.’.V* < nliimtiia «:ln Perry & Walsh Morticians Private Ambulances 29HSt. N.W. Main 984 . _ ' THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Rain tonight and possibly tomorrow morning; colder tomorrow. Maryland and Virginia—Rain tonight and possibly tomorrow morning; colder tomorrow. V'Test Virginia—Rain tonight; tomor row snow and much colder. Record for 24 Hours. Thermometer—4 p.m.. 46; 8 pm, 45; 12 midnight. 41; 4 a m.. 33; 8 a.nv. 37; noon. 45. Barometer—4 p.m., 29.81; 8 pm.. 29.90; 12 midnight, 29 94; 4 am, 30.00; 8 am, 30.05; noon. 29.98. Highest temperature, 47, occurred at 3:30 p.m. yesterday. Lowest temperature. 33, occurred at 6 a m. today. Temperature same date last year— Highest, 71; lowest. 46. Tide Tables. (Furnished by United States Coast and and Geodetic Survey.) Today—Low tide. 11:20 am.; high tide. 4:45 a m. and 5:10 p.m. Tomorrow—Low tide. 12:10 n.m. and 2:11 p.m.; high tide, 5:40 am. and 6:02 pm. The Sun and Moon. . Today—Sun rose 6:59 a.m.; sun sets I 5:46 p.m. Tomorrow—Sun rises 6:58 am.; sun i sets 5:48 p.m. Moon rises 4:26 am.; sets 1:47 p.m. Automobile lamps to be lighted one half hour after sunset. Condition of the Water. Great Falls—Very muddy. Weather in Various Cities. O Temperature *3 5 »§ j % j.’; Weather i Stations ~ " s i* 3 •i 2.* - i a : 5" £ a . ; - 3 Abilene. Tex. SO. I t 14 28 *0.21 Clear Albany . , "!•.!»« 40 .14 ... PI ■ lotniy j Atlanta 52 4*’ ... cloudy At.anile City 30.02 II US .... Clnudi j Haiti more ... 3tv*i4 4S .is (Mil I'lonrij | Birmingham "IM l '.' .*>4 12 .. *'l«>n• i,v ! Bl*mar<k . .10 •»» 20 r! OKI Smiwint j Rnstnn . ...20.02 4 4 .IS ... PI .cloudy , Buffalo . . 211.11 . 32 --’ll 0.02 I't ilnlid.t I *'hstrlr«tnn .30.n0 on is o.os Raining ; j Chicago . ’hiss ay' *.'o .. . . Cloudy I Cincinnati . 23.0 S :|0 32 Cimnl.v I Cleveland . . ■?!»!»* .it .in .... Clounv ! I Columbia . . anon 44 ... cimnl.v > 1 p-mer .. anil an •,’) .... Cloudy j TVlrait ~23 88 ar. 28 .... Cloudy !Cl Paso.... in 24 .... clear Giiveston . 20.08 40 40 ~. Raining i I Helena .10 44* ao an Clear j i Huron 8. D. 30.20 28 4 002 cimnl.v Indiananoli*. 20,04 ao ao cioiulv , .la> ksonviMe 20 112 01 a2 001 Clmnlv | Kan*a< cuv 20 82 42 an .... Cimnl.v 1.0. Angeles anal 04 40 Clear Icrtnsvillr . 20 08 42 :I2 OOt si„,wing Miami Fla anm 8n 71 . . Cimnl.v i New Orleans 20.80 52 50 .... Raining New York, anno 4 1 ao .. cimnly i Okia Citv. .20 08 .'42 22 *i'J4 Clear Omaha 20.0 4 art 18 002 Snowing j Philadelphia .10 Oil 10 .'!8 . . Cloudy I'hoeniv . .'40,10 5 8 al clear i Pittsburgh •’!» 08 art .12 0,02 • tnud.v ! Pm H nd Me. 20 00 12 It! . .. Clear Portland. Ore 30 42 54 .18 .... Clear j Ralevrh ...30.04 54 ,Irt ... Cloudy s,a t Lake C .10,50 32 2 4 . Clear Antonio 30 12 48 ,18 onj Pt clouds j San Pieert. 30,W «2 42 ... Clear is Francisco .10 art ill 18 ... Clear st laani* . 20 88 42 .14 .... Clmnlv St Paul.... .10.00 20 4 ...Clmnlv Seattle .....1040 18 .14 . . cloudy j Sin.'iiaoe ...30 58 47 24 Cloudy wash pc a0.04 47 aa ooa cimtdy FORKIGN. 17 am Greenwich time today ! Stations Temperature Weather, j , London England. ..... 40 Clear j Paris F'anee . . 4 4 cloudy Tlerhn Germany 40 Clear Copenhagen. Denmark . 42 Cloudy 1 Noon Green we h time todav 1 Horta iFayali. Arore*. . fin Part elotidy (Current observation* t Hamilton Rermuda . .. ill Part elotidy ' S'.n .Itian Porto Rieo . 7rt Cloudy Havana Cuba, . . 7 4 Cloudy j Colon,- Canal Zone 80 Clear SHOALS DEBATE AGREED. Senate Will Discuss Norris Reso lution for Plants. With the disposition of the alien j property return bill, now unfinished business, the Senate will take up again the old struggle over the disposition of Muscle Shoals The vehtcle will be the Norris reso lution for Government operation. This was agreed today by the republican steering committee. I * ■■■■■■!■! ■■»'■■■■■ n ' EISEMAN’SI j Seventh & F Sts.- ; 1 *35 *4O $ 45 S SO *55 | SUITS OVERCOATS $ 25 FiVKRY w ord of this ;idvertise ment is true. Actual $35 to $55 garments to be had at $25. About 200 suits and overcoats are in this sale —broken lines of the best sell j inn styles of the season. It is sel dom that an opportunity like this presents itself. Buy now while prices are reduced—pay later on | convenient terms during March, j April and May. * EUROPEAN TRUSTS ARE STUDIED HERE Situation Faced by American Chemical Industry Out lined at Session. The situation faced by the American chemical industry as a result of ex pansion and extension of the interna tional trust organization of foreign competitors was discussed yesterday by leaders of the industry in this coun try with American officials and Ameri -1 can agents called in from abroad, to I meet in conference at the Commerce ! Department. ! William J. Donovan, Assistant. At- , i torney General, in charge of anti-trust j | prosecutions, told the meeting that j i American laws would not prevent the | ! entrance into American trade of thej I European combinations, such as have been attained in dye stuffs and ferti j lizers. but that American Ibw would i operate to prevent such organizations j restraining trade and enhancing prices i in this country. Outlives Merger Plans. William A. Daugherty. American , trade commissioner at Berlin, recounted the recent history of European chemi cal trades, and explained the construc tion of international mergers now on ! foot there. In spit? of the agreements i involving Germap. French and English ! producers in the chemical trades. Com missioner Daugherty said, there was no spirit of hostility to American industry expressed abroad, and there was a dis position to seek to extend the agree- j ments to include American producing j elements. "Our policy is based unon the prin rin'e of comnetition." Donovan said I "That principle includes the ideas of ; equal opportunity, maintenance of in > dividual initiative, freedom from Gov j ernment regulation and absence of j power to control prices or allot terri ; tory or customers. Control Possible Here. "Within its own jurisdiction, a for ; eign government may. of course, evolve I a *rade policy that is directly opposed to our own. If. as a result, there Is established government controlled mo , nopoly and that monopoly comes to our • shores to engage in trade and con- ; forms with our laws. w« cannot d n ny 1 i such a monopoly right to do business ! here "But a different situation is pre- I sented when a foreign monopoly comes into our jurisdiction and attempts to (perform those acts which are forbid den under our law. It is the belief of | the Department of Justice that when a foreign monopoly, though legal in j its place of origin, comes into this ; country and by collusion with our citi | zens. enters into agreements here for ! the restraint of trade and the enhanre | ment of prices, these agreements are 1 just as illegal and just as much sub- j j ject to our laws as they would be if | the corporations and individuals ln- I volved were creatures of our Govern i ment.” The Webb-Pomerene act. Donovan i added, gave American producers the ! right to combine in export trade, and he expressed the opinion that Congress would shortly permit American con cerns to combine for the purpose of | purchasing raw materials abroad. j WOMAN HURT IN CRASH. ! Mrs. Katherine A. Morgan. 11 West Melrose street. Chevy Chase. Md,. was injured this morning when the auto mobile she was driving and a bus of ’the Washington Rapid Transit Co : driven by Frank A. Houston, 3309 ; Thirteenth street, collided on the Ellipse just south of the White House j according to a report to Park Police j Headquarters by Officer C. T. Guillespie. Following the collision Mrs Morgan i was driven by her husband to the office | of Dr. William Gerry Morgan. 1624 I 1 street, for treatment MRS. LUNA G. SLOCUM IS BURIED FROM HOME Wife of Col. Stephen Slocum of Washington Stricken While on Visit to Palm Beach. Funeral services for Mrs. Luna Garrison Slocum, who died of heart disease at Palm Beach, Fla., Tuesday, were conducted at her residence, 2201 R street, this afternoon. Rev. Z. B. Phillips, rector of the Church of the Epiphany, officiated. Interment was In Rock Creek Cemetery. Mrs Slocum was the wife of Col. Stephen L’Hommedieu Slocum, who served as military attache in England during the World War and had served in a similar capacity in Russia and other countries. She was the daughter of the late Daniel Garrison, an execu tive of the Missouri Pacific Railroad. Col. and Mrs. Slocum had been living in this city since Col. Slocum’s retirc ; ment from the Army some years ago. : D. M. PROCTOR DIES. Former Engineer at District Jail \ Served in Union Army. David M. Proctor. 80 years old, for mer engineer at the District Jail, died 1 ! at his residence, 1318 Thirty-fifth street, | I yesterday after an illness of about two i months. Mr. Proctor was a native of Hagers- j town, Md., and enlisted in the Union ! Army as a drummer when about 15 < years old. He had long been a resi- ; dent of Georgetown and was a mem- ! ber oi the Grand Army of the Ropub- j lie. He was engineer at tne jail 30 i years, retiring 10 years ago. Funeral services will be conduted at , the residence of his daughter, Mrs. William H Sparshott. 3539 S street, to- i morrow afternoon at l o'clock. Inter- ‘ will be in Glenwood Cemeterv. Mr Proctor is survived by his widow. Mrs. Emma Bisroe Proctor, one dangh | ter. two sons. Paul W. and Ralph G rroctor: 12 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. FOI .NIL ■ i FuR LOST ANIMALS aTrtil.v Animal R»*ru» Lf.ii.gii>> :;4:i Maryland avg. ».*> Main 8088 1 I LOST. i RROOCH. eanifio in *«!d mnuntins: |o»t imr* i ; Tufsrtav: pn/i>«i for it* atsofialinn: r*«*rd , Columbia 0400 or a<kires» Box 74-C. Star 1 uftic ■. ; BROOCH, ilmmonij amt < rsieraS(j. at Aurtitm I mini Tuemiav .’firrnoon. Feb. 14; reward. * ’ ll "o'* Fra *224. • BI LL DOG. malf. biimllr an*\vrr« to nan* of Brownie' ; rr.xard. Return !*ort .'trrt *t n.w\ Frank 82n-.t, ___ !!t • i COLLIE itm} tan »nh whit,* breaat a mimtii ! a;<i licrnso No giiOii J2(l rrward 1121 X H a>e. (Vr«t 7SO DIAMOND RING. la4v * whitr told. |o«t on <th *t !<•( E ami Eye »t* n w Finder | id :'** rrttirn to t(24 Eye at. n r. and rrofiTe ! “ ■ war-1 in* EARRlNG—Di.imrmd earrm*. “ettms. larse diamond li.inxbosr m >vntnr: lort in front of or in Poll s Thursiiay night. Ffbrtlary lli _ Rrvaril 2oT EARRING—Monday night lrtth near Ml. imitation pr>art. screw earring Notify dealt. 2400 lrtth at n.vr. ! ENVELOPE conlamins *>nok am! money on New York ate. '<etween 4lh and sth *l* n w , Silwral reward John H Peters. 112 rt Ist sf. n w. FRATERNITY I”1N. sidii. ret with rub’es i and i»eari'’ initials R W M on ha> k. R»- ward if rvturtieil ”■ 2121 In »t, n w FRATERNITY PIN. teiween W«rdinan Pars Hotel and White Hou*e. Zeta Ps: tralermly tun. set with diamond*. Rewant if retimed to Senator Edward 1 Edwards. Wanlnian Park Hotel KEYS—2 key* on lost on Mayonib *! : 8-ward. Clev 1147-W i LADY'S RlNG—Platinum ororu melting i containing on- large diamond and meveral ! small -itanionds *ft on sides Lost F-nm arv 10. vicinity Mayflower Hotel 8200 ■re want for return A R A Comoari* 15 William st New York. PACKAGE GoidenNrg * dress rirpt . eon nr j I strap pumps. Regal store t'laek felt hat ■ hotiae dre»» reward 1313 Corbin pi. ne. I !»22i> __ PACKAGE OF CHECKS addressed to Riggs National Bank. Park Road Branch, Lost on 14th at. i ar or loading Platform about 10:30 Monday mown# Reward for prompt deliv cry to girts Bank 1 PEARL NECKLACE hrtween l*t and E Capitol nod Museum. Reward if returned to Mr* Wn-hnrdsoiy l.trt East Capitol. 18* PEARL NECKLACE—SI (KM) reward for the return to Nichols Co. of a peart oecfelav Ist at Colon Station afternoon of February 13 K2rt Bond Bldg Washington PfiCKKTROOk lietween 10th and Pa. are . tod Capitol Wedneeday mommg olac» patent i-ather glasses, keys: -eward Carve) Hal! I 1915 K »l. n PfACKETBDOK cont» n:nt 871 keys, small 1 change, reward. 1112 T st. n.w North j B<i7 t. • I SPARK TIRES i twoi with carrier, lost from automobile Wednesday Phone Franklin .1702 IS* j SPECTACLES shell-rimmed, tn **-oao ieatit ; i c case on l Ith *t. between Columbia arsl ; I Park td» February 13 Call Cleveland 5334 ■ j Branch '-’Ol s»d receive rewv-’ W Rls'!' w\Tt H ladv « white gold n Kano # i dressing room: reward Jimmy's. 504 i* l‘th j I 7 DIAMOND'itto&S. S B. of B. t"iWs. i at Pl>mouth Apt. or tn rea-- tn shop ; v - ! R-w t- I P'nmr M,.m 548 rt is* lIMRAI. IllKKt TUKS ~ ALMUS R.BPFAHE | Succeeding the original W R Speare Co 1623 Connecticut Ave. PotGmac 4600 | •j’SLit j ß * > 43 yre. al W ¥ «*. Timothy Hanlon fill H«t N K Phone I 55 4 3 Wm. H. Sardo & Co. Private Limousine Ambulance Lincoln 524 Frank Gdcr’s Sons Co. | 1113 SEVEN IH ST ntv M*; n 24T3 >fnit-rtt Chattel Teteo'>..'<- ill J _ K-wrARMsHEb IHTrt. I JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. J.l.lTJrtih SI S « Ph.f.r North 47 j P7 A. TALTAVULL II J T At TA4 II I Mgr . iin :th st s « m la* _ Ml IIRAM II IJITMF. I CHAS. S. ZURHPRST nil F\Bl Itl'irtll sr Phnne I Mteti'n 37'f T F. COSTELLO I? II N i strtivl si NORTH 797^ t.' :| IV I'u it it*'-1 lit:, ifit Settle Vnioin.'h.i- s n .vi Chapel W. W. Deal & Co. j 81 tRSI N E 1 IN*VI N WgP 1 Joseph F. Birch's Son 118 VAC RIRCtli icvti \| c, V VV Plums d : iMI Al M twit v; L SPEARE CO. > Neiiher the suevesaors of nor eouneoted i t Ith ihe .tiiiui*! W II Siteare eststrtish Phone Frank Hrt'lrt 1009 H St. N.W. Fstwsws I*Si* F SI. S W Herbert B. Neviu Funeral Home M'S4 New Vnrh Ate. NAV _ __ Main .tMW i Will IAM IFF limrtil fllrsvttti unit ! Imliaimri I Iter* In ron tier 11 tin Cttnttiot- ; limit, t'lmoel Aloilrnt t remilorinto* Al».irr- I 11? P,t Air. NAA Call A| | ISA j W. Warren Taltavull ! 14th & Spring Rd. Col. 464 reMKTKRIKS ! A It lAI I'll 11. t EMt iIUV ll'l ill ! 1 inaikat-lt low iiiii-e m. lu<h-» nript ciio j wlilte ntilv whips Attdui*a Rot C, star l j >■*■». ? MONt MIC NTS. _ \i. fmu r DispL Af~ijfiwrcrrr: All MiHiumsnU invtuvsd for ,40 data. Ik* not base ptpvhasn op Photoarapha oiesentisi i>y asenla Ft'NFRAI lUMIiNS GEO. G SHAFFEtT i , NVi“a ,, .Myv,r l Our Only Store, 14th & Eye : BL ACKISTONE, 1407* H IVrautifwl floral nettena, $5 amt utc t'Afl. M AIN |W * __ I AuVu iWhian itaivu* _ Ar tl ajj y—4» prSMtai * nax tt. «*l t* _ | GuJe Bros, Co., 1212 F S'... p MRS. H. K. FOWLER DIES. Resident of Capital for 20 Years Succumbs to Long Illness. Mrs. Hortense K. Fowler, 81 years old, died at the home of her son. J. Homer Smith, 1728 Euclid street, yesterday after a long illness. She had been a resident of this city for the past 20 *ars and was a member of the First Congregational Church and the Wom an’s Christian Temperance Union. She at one time taught school in Brewster, N. Y. Mrs. Fowler was twice married. Her first husband was the late Dr. J. Homer } Smith. She came to this city several i years after the death of her husband.| the late Ira Fowler. Besides her son, she is survived by a niece, Mrs. Edith Munsey of this city, j Funeral services will be conducted in Lee’s chapel. 332 Pennsylvania avenue, ! tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. In- ' terment will be In Brewster, N. Y. DIES IN CHERRYDALE. i Mrs. E. W. Gillchrest Had Resided ! Here 50 Years. j Mrs, Elvira White Gillchrest. 73 years i old. widow of Joseph L. Gillchrest. died j i suddenly at the home of her daughter, j ; Mrs. Lillie R. Hurley, 203 Columbia j street, Cherrydale, Va., yesterday. Mrs. Gillchrest was born at Clover, j | Va., but. had lived in and near Wash , ington for the past 50 years. Besides Mrs. Hurley, she is survived !by icftr other daughters. Mrs. John | Hange, Mrs. Ada Ransdell, Mrs. John i King and Mrs. George D. Sullivan, and : two sons, Laurence E. Gillchrest and ! Lynn L. Gillchrest, and 12 grandchil l dren and 3 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held from i Mrs. Hurley’s residence tomorrow at | 2:30. Interment will be in Glenwood j Cemetery. • Carb of CJjanfes. ?t IT. Wo wi»b In oxpro«» <v.r sincere thank* ami approbation to onr friend# and reta in»« so- tbotr k!ndno«.« and empathy and i flnrai tr !>ute« Hiring the illties# and at the death of onr he'nv a < father sod hus band t h a RLE- .i «rrr. WIFK AND CHILDREN. * ©ratljs. ! ABRE. At PiamfieM. N J WJLLtAM ABBE Wednesday. February IS. lid*. Funerai »orvi-e« at the I'rowom Avenue Pr»#hv i terian Church. Piainfi»!<i. Saturday alt*-- noon at 3 o'clock Interment private, IT BAKER. On Thursday. February Id. 19C* al Kree*im*t> » Hoemta 1 FRANK .! BAKER of Warrenton. Va devoted v-i of Mrs Fannie Baker. husband of Ida White Faker, lathe- of Carrol! Bak»- hrosher of Ida Ttaker. Emma Gilmore Anne Goodbred. Mrs. Lizzie Anderson and Robert Baker. Fmiera! Mondav, February TO. «t T o rtt.. from the Mount Z oo Bap tist t'hurr-h. W'arrenioo Va. Roman’s re*t i ,ns at the tv. Errest Jarvis Co. lur-e-al i -uarlor* TTTT Ga. a.e. nw. lb BE\>. On Wednesday February 15. IST* at bo- restdrn- e Derwond. Md MAR GARET R BEAN in her s*4th vo-tr Funeral Saturday. February l«. a; Id am from St Mary's Catholic Churt-h. Bock vlie Md Interment f'ruon Cemetery. 1? BtKiANS. Pep -ted th’# life F-iday. V.- *- mt-tr IT 1 !»*'tt her ro-i.-orj, e TT.»'* 11th st n.w. MARY BOGAN? wile o' th- lito E-«cx Bus m# -ih- leave# to rv>itm the:r !o*e cne n:*,- Ge-trud* June# ami two n»nbow# Remains at Franer’.# parlor* MS T st. n.w. Fti n»-al Sunday K"brva-v I{> fr-Mri Vo-mont Avenue Baptist Church 1 30 r m Friend# * ini !ted. 1* Bttt. ANN. Ofli-m an*! -T-mber# of G«’d-n I-tnk Household of Ruth No, G. I* > Q of O F . ar 1 hereby notified to be present a! CMil F-’lou. H.iM M #t be tween Irfih and ITth r w Saturday eve ; lung. February IS l’*Ts 7to #-- rapje for the funeral of ?:*ter MARY BOGAN* Funera' Siinvitv Febr.ta-v I'* *t ! 10 p.m from A'e-mont Aver - Dentist Chrrvh. Ai-te‘»n»ent due next regular m--tife NELLIE BALTIMORE M N G INDIANA M GREEN W R is 800 l H. Departed tb # life •u-'Heo’r. F-:dav Fob— an IT i;»;s J.ANIE PUCKETT BOOTH beloved a:ld devoted w.fe of W : ham H Booth »r ami moth*-r of Wti ’ ham H ’r . Mr* Eleanor Foster Robert L. an t George W Booth. Not c* of ft: n«-a! hereafter, • Saicm-’re and PhtljCe pb-a Pipers please copy.’ • BROAAV o>, Thursday Feb-oarr Id IBS? a; «h» ee»!dep.-e of hi# m*te- STT TTd »; n*„ Rev. PHILL’P BROWN c f Mavlisnr Va the beloved husband of Vinre Mv. Droen t!*\ oied brother of H.v-rv and Esi w-rl Ja-'Stsop Mr# Let t a Cl«sto- M Fannie Campbell, Mr* Mtttrte Haney an 5 Me Ep-Ov Carte- s-rxl y# S'to-da v i evening F'brrarv' 2« S pm., at t-'-’av i h.ijte; 11-wi s *t n « Friend* utyttoj I-ile-tt*enf W'oo«,*vU3e Va IS BRA'AVT. IVmmol this life February 15 IPTs, #t ti pm., at her residence F.i!-- n> irt ave Fairmotn Height* Md ANNE BRIGGS RRA'aVT She e .is tH* »j«urhte of the ate Ha--y ami Catherine Bryaui ■* 1 #!*te- of she lat* ’oh*! H Bryant #be leave* to mourn their loss s»-» sister#. Mrs Alice R Dorse# ami Mr# H»—»t F, Watkins. a:vl sou- n-ee# Mrs Dais# B Thor-’ton Mrs Cathe-t-e Lori, k M*-* i Sarah E-’fcr' and M;»* M.irte D'-»e-i i Fuoe-al <*i Sn—” her late -revS'--,-e Satimfav »b*-v tn IS. at 1 on* B»v Campbe!! offi.ialtne -Columba Char'-* i lot! ami Beaufort s C t’i:»er# i>>i#e 1 eovty, ! i- • iII'NOV. On Friday February j? ’:»T# at Tin ».n* at Harriet t.aoe H-wptta? ; litAi I'oiiptbij rif it # ANN ELIj.A --f BETH BCNI'Y a.—* sr ». .r# v ..arv{ i wife of the .ite Vv i A Bn-» .v ml r,- .!-•. • i rs Maitilf H Bund' Rem at > h •*. s. trrh-’ft - 3*U Fa»t Captto! *! N : - of f-’petai henraflrr ■ Kee-e N M i w*per« ple.vrc ovvnv t lt>* RtriEK. O-t Thtire'ar IV-t .-v ItVJS at her ros'-Vio-e TAM Chami’-ftt *t » i ELIZABETH BITI.E.R .Vvotej - -te- of James TavU— aod » —. of Ire-e Macr • , at!.! Jennie Ktvr-l Funera. s*.f*i-,: *y. Feb- . »rv tu a! 1 n «’• from Hit New Belhe; Baimst Churvh Pth and # *t* ti * R. man s re’l’rs at the W Erne-.! Jarv # Co fmiera' parlors TTTT Georgia avy n.w ! < ! CAMERON. ThttmtSF. Fehntan t.t iot# at sibtev Ho-pttai. Daniel d y.noi hifabsnd of Ne’lie E • interval # a? ihe s H Hines Co f bo-vr Tl»*>! 1 lib st n » Mivh!»v F-broarv >’• at i l'» 3d am. Interment Kook f-eek t'ente ! B".' 19 t AVII'BEI.I. At her rrv,(ei,x IS:’ R »• » « hannah r.thncu , tvs kvitvert t,. t'sittpive:' Fimss*' from tbr abi've resivleiite on M atidtx Fe'vuary T-V «• S3o* n> lhei-,e to St Paul's Chur- h "here ma»* «-ii N- ...mi at 0 »" Rr > C'e* amt f-e-**!* u” ;trd In ter men s Rvk t reek Cemetery IP • I'HEAA'. IhMttnl th# life >i ij IP.'S I »:> a ;»• a‘if !on;mline*s M\RV c CHt'AA » •>» lit: - tbaties C shew nscihcr ot w . - - Jsmes *iv* K#«c?U With • oec Brewr Funeral Saturday Ma-uiv js at T ! Pni frv’m the " Entrst Jarvis ">st t Hi ftineral narto > T>th a t.*. D-m’vi t • a v c n » . HMIIAv On \v r -.u—.in * , . v I:*.# #f Aiarfi.cM Hos.-ita t H AH’. E< the nr loved h .voc-u ot Bessie > v, voievt tsavlhei o as ml - n , - ;v > ■to,; M'» Willy Kivu Bemsins rv-t •;» at Lomax s chapel t 100 <«i - ,» M.v' ‘v seen Thn.svlay Fitisc-a! Loin #?-*>> «■ -aaavrsi r*si*l, Salurvtay • viuty l\ .«t H i m Frieiul# »ov tievt Ink. mrtii Pavux #v - »•'*> 1' - I>II I t»V thi Th '«:n »h- to * < v ■it > i’tv *i t.» t!*'*.( Menu- C H,*si> .» EDITH MAE Ivlev. «,te o' k-#n b: Jhlion amt ,Vv, l-M n-olbc- ««! \ v.! H lhlLui Etm»-.»l Irom h :*!»• he- 11TO t Atm tit! tl * a**’ '‘it a’A> * ' ’ S at T lift j» n» Relatives *;».! f- smis • ■ t’ivtteit tnlb went Es’t tow':* lease 1 to v > Raititnont t'ajv.s n'tie «<»» • I ItIAAI KR On Thnrsvlav Eytwua v tk U> ’> ut ♦ pn» si ihe !es-,i*.i,v *< he- s.n* J Hornet bntDh. 1 ITS E .h i st i* * HO|Tl NSE k - jfJpvl year Enthral entxi at lees chape' .CAT IVnnsi’vaoi* ave t- «* o*v Sslu'v'av Eel rnsrv 1 h at T .hi p.m Intr iv.-nt at B-.eesler N A JS t.ll H»RI—AAEAAEK On AVetne-hla* Eeb luai.y I.A IPTs at he* rw.Vnre St : \ St n s V IRt. iE till HKK V AV VAV *R. j it*u*n»or ot th« late E and S* *> i Gtlhett hnlnt s • ft* ot I'dsarat Weaver; »n«' »!ev,u«st stater cl M « A.toie C’wp*e»t» l Krrmtt Eretivi# J vw* » i.t #a ah vis 'v, t Eitneia! Sumiav EsHrttarv IP iPT# t viv Galbraith A, M E !,««.' CRtn-vh at l »t« pnt Rc» AA D Bait'e oib.-satun t'• hit I I HM>>T SuvhtenSv on Mtu mUy. Feb- j i in arv .1* IPT*> *t the ank-.len e ,-t he ' . vla.tnW- M - | tills K H • v*v T.'S ‘ lolttsntvta ,t Chet rvvtaV V# Vs: | EI AIRA WtUl'E GUM BREST khne * -vivbv it Sv> »to Svt v;av Ev-'.v: ;*:v is liitni itwitl il!rn»vs*vt vetnelv't v IIIMUKMIA IV. r s, ,V ' . * » It IP's m\mi HVNtiERS,»N -v v mot tier of E >vv lot H t »-v-v Ei - all bitltivtav Eeb-na ' I' 1.0-vi lh M.*-:* ' in# tiiishl 800 lvt v huivh oth ami »t siv ii w t svt pm InS.’f menl tt j H annv'ltv l rn'Mev Ren> ilns leaiiii, a*. AA e*le.v At tsh-:i;i,ui TiCA S v,eo-a.» ave ‘ tin E.vmitv vt TIT »AO* »t w# ’ AlanlSv- till,l ll* HKVRA iVp«rlevl this bte on WMneeiA» Jehruiry 15 l» S at Pniabssteft r,a " vkHtNGIhSN va vtevotevi hit.NtTbl of i Cathsrttte Heme Pelovsvt sv»»t y»f the !»*♦ | AAilUant A sibt H*t *N ,1 Hanry nt dvti-os Otv'ha'.vi Mo lv!v*thet pi M-» tV oi# Vempt*tvnv Mt» Eli# Alaiatt M-s Savite Cv»nS#.» apd Thopta# VltM*# Ismael atsl one V Henry > unsral ami UMsitueM i SsUU'ia,v February »$ at lhit*bvtr*h * \ JAtKbV*>- 3'h* vent am# ol RICHARD H 1 J Al Kst'N CAPA be svn at South A »\viy( » ' tumtral tut riot |3\‘t' SvUtlh v apt tv*' »t a# t fiiiwa) Caturvlav IVVitvy IR IP'S at t s'vhsa I twin ihe vhavei * j lOIINA, IVpatievl Ihts lie oo Evbinary lii | I'tTk at Pa-vs. Frattv* Al vWvoivhl e*» of Maw John# EBta HtsmtMti at Pa.i#. j Fiau.v t N*v* Vv»tk patve-s pie*** pops ‘ | MlltAAkt I . im Ftuiav* FVbruaiv i' ItTR at B itti am at he; reatvhshv'St M* Hitt #« • *s EMMA J !wh*vev! nuis of John l j (ii.ivasll an.t tiK-th*’ ct AL'a Jhassph s HtvWta AAiUtatn w lit; ami Ft an A k'.'i t y»*!i Nnttv* of funeral ia»#> A wsifstii »»«# Bom vt# hsa loa*. 1 A vote* ye* iov* <t stt'hei | _ A »v#ry» t» vacant trt ov< boat* nets* cam V* ttikvl. • ißeatbs. t LAI CK. Snd'lenly Feiiniarjr 17. 19T3. •* hi# resnjeme 3((H H st. #•* . ELGEWB K . lelovnl hit'band of June i.aurk. tn th# tTrul year of hi# ag*. Notice of funeral hereafter. MALLOKY. On Thnr#dav Fehrnarr 18. lf*Tk at her re#irle;i»-e TO E st. »e.. Mr*. EVA MALLORY. Hh# i* #urviv#d hv a eon three #i»ter» a host of other relative# m<! friend* Funeral on Monday, Feb ruary TO. from Si Mnmud » Church Hnu’h Canitol and L at*, s vr. THE FAMILY. You are gone hut not forgotten. Fresh vour iov» will ever he For a# long a# there i# memory I will always think of von. i/)ving Niece cabbie queen. • PROCTOR. On February 1H JOT* at 1 »<) am. at hi* reoden'e l.'jlA 35th *t n DAVID M.. ! -elovr<l huybaml <>f Emma Bison# Proctor Funeral from the r»»s- I ilence of ni# daughter Mrs William H Spar'niitt 3530 s #». n •*. on Saturday. Fch.iiary 1h at J D.m Relative* and liiemis invited. IT* PKOfTOK. On Wednesday February 13. I 19:13. at Galtinser Hn*p!tai NAOMf daughter of Eli# Proctor and wife of Matthew Pr-edor she #.#<• .eaves to mourri their lose four children. Re- I main# re«t n<r at the W, Eme-t Jarv * Co. j funeral parlors TTTT Ga. ave n.w. Funeral Monday. February T<i at fl ain from the j Holy Redeemer Church. New ’’ i-« ave -<e tv#een First et. and N*w Jersey ave. r, w. ; <iUH I .'f. Sudderilv of hea-t failure, "i : Tue--dav February it IbT* i* P-> -n I Beach Fla LUN A GARRISON -LO* ’M. 1 helovf-d wife #,f Col. e*c-rihen 1. H. ■m. ■ Funeral -crvu♦« will rm b*-.-i ,r T'l'd R i »t. n.w thi* <tty on Fridav. February IT. i at T p.m 1»T ANTON. On Friday Feb-ayrr 17 IPT». at Kreednien * Ho-nDa MATTIE -T AN TON devoted mother of John H Stanton and f o-a st jmi.n Not * »f * - I i.o,ii later. Re-naue# reeling a' fh* J Ern»«t Jarvis Co. funeral me or#. TTI3 j Ga ave n.w. ; THORNE. On Friday F.-hr- ary IT 1 si i iff. at h># restdeu* •. Tl 3 Cuh i n e RICHARD H helnvrd son of Mar garet c. and the late Hettry C. Thor’;#. Notice ol funeral hereafter • : AVILLI.AMs. On Wr-lnrsday F»br jayr 15, I HITS at Ctlrti# Privats sautarturr.. ) MARION D WILLIAMS, devoted hus band of Annie William* #<11; of Liema f'o>* and father of E#".*: e Ebb# F ,-erai I Sunday. February lit. at 1 from A«bury M. E. C'nnr-h. 11th and K *•*. n.w. Remains resting at the W E-r.e#t Jarvi« Co. fu-’nai pa-lo.#. TTTT Ge-..':* ave. n.w until Friday. February I*. at i 4 pin . thereafier at h.» ia»e resbleure. ! ITTT @th *t n ■*-. Interntent Payne * f j tery. I. AAII LOI GHBA’. On Thursday. Eehrua-y I«. I SIT s at 3 45 am. FREDERI* K J. Ee ■ !ov»>l husband of the late Nam y W - loughhy. ag» #7 #-•»*-« Fine'ai f-on- •-» r'—idenie nf his daughter. Mr*. J W *' B-owp 17*11 Kenilworth ave n » • n Saturday Febma-y 1* a* C -VI 51 In -1 j terment Congressional Cemetery. IT In fHemoriam. ItROOKH. A i- bu'e n* !o»e to the merr"#- of o>ir -vc —1 *, e.* husband and devoe, father GEORGE G who departed tb:* Me j two years ago today February 17. 192*. We ?ry*s him no >*« a* tun* passe* on Than w» d:d on *be rrgbt of his gnteg: For absence can never close the door es *>ur hearts While ihe lamp of ear lor* i* atill Hl* T.DVING 5 ' WIFE JULIA AND DE VOTED CHILDREN EDW.vSD. LOTTIE AND MARY BROOK? * CARTER. Ip loving memory of our beloved 1 1 mother. LUCY CARTER who fell asleep trt Jesus one year ago. February 17. 19T<. la she craverard. sofrv sleeping. Where the Sowers gently wav*. I,—# the one we loved so dearly la the lonely, grave From th;s work! of t>a:n and c-rs* { To a land of peace and rt»> • i Go-i took home our loving Btwther . j We loved her but God loved bej* ’Ti# sweet *o be rent*mbere-' And a r'easanl thing to £t,:d Aiihotigh you may be absent You are alsravs on ot r min-d. FROM THE Family. • (til BERT. In sat but !ovt-g m mem bra * *>: my dariing metber. ANNIE M CC’L BERT wr.o d»ra‘te-: this hie one jeir a£ > ' ; today. February XT. lIKL ! ; oh the memory of that morning When I knew that she was dead: ! 1 My h-g-t ua» . ruehe-J with *orr*»w Ate: rinv tears were shed Day by day I a row more lonesome Lon-'-or. » a# th-- moment* Sy . Oi’en I find myself a wuoiiertr*. 1 Wtjovienng why she had to vi:e. I nave unh vottr memory dear tSMtthr-. To re mem oer my whole fife through Am you ire the cn* I will never forget. For l am asways tfeisstr.* --t xcu YOUR LOVING DAUGHTER. MRs KATHERINE E CABEERRY. t nI.BERT, in sad but mg r»n--*•#■->#:» - # i’d riy dear g-nn-Stp th-’.- ANNIE ’’ ' OLFERT who tn - life one # ,- ago t<#i#y Febmary IT It*T“ Ev.-ry day my heart gr#e« w-mter-.-g T.* i grave not ia- iwjv. Where they laid rt> y.t* grandmother Ju*t • * year a*- today YOUR LOVING GRANDCHILD MARY » CARBERRS". (4NIPCR. In sad b- : t loving —-n’em’—An-r -I - c'v h-sbar t jsi father BENIaM'.n F. COOPER who debarteid tic* Me at v. a: * as j inlay February IT. IfiTT. THE FAMILY. * FALLEN In :nv:-j remetrb-as*e nf er ' dear ntntbe- AGNES MAE. why As parte-: th_» t.fe_e:evea year# ag-j »«w!ay ?»:■«.#’>■ HER ‘LOVING DAUgHTES CCSa E DOLEMAN • EAt I.KNER. lo iv’v-g rr-a- N-j? ' M - vk-ar m.-tbe- JANIE P FaVLKSER wh- ueyarte: tht* Me t, xrteen years ag !;v!« F.-bru try JT 'PI 4 Red an.l saAln m the (til O' one »<> dear 4— t !<’v*-.i >.v Fl'_ ■ HER LOVING DAUGHTER?. EVA AND DOROTHY • IKIS.DKICH. In sal s«t .yvtpg restf-t -->»» a -wided ausNinvi «>1 fiiSr. G'AS H FRiKUBIcJi Who -.epartni ;b.# yea- ago usiay. February 7-. th* the hClsioe snftiy sleeptsg w>c-e tese tail fee* gemly wa#e.* me v—v- w» tvie,* dearly. lit h:*'.v -sileat *ra\- HI? LOVING WIFE and children * HI II AA It.. I- *tj mi Vivn* e-e-mnrv -f - fra- lath-'- CHARLES HELL* IG. who vV; a-’ni thi* hie Sv* years >4l t day »brusry IT li*T3 On the h.' «.> sott'v »>en.-t aa ft--* she fee* gently wave ’ L.»» tbe ->!■-' v»< ' .’v evi s tn h;- i\’ -ely. s' -:it t-ave LOA ING *ON ADOLF AND DAUGHTER N . \'V \ hh 1 Mi. tn v g temfibraeg; -f - - - -Narsf *-vi :*the- I'KASU r* . HELI.A'IG wan eit - S»* years a*.' lit#!## Febrttary 1' ;?T3 • lovrn; a#l #..■*«* t~ # ' fits way*. , ' ;ns .in.* :*t t • tbr e-sJ its -fiy*. ' - - • V ■ • -i I ’ '• ' aa ti at a brant,!. . :• -t..-v be ett >e " Net wv'uki w - i;vf - * asp S;s hanvi. His happy :»e t.’ -ev Tv> beer hi- v - .e tv* see Svs ssc.cs. That r-e-.4”t «*' —r. fe tv* u<‘ HI? LOVING WIFE and FAMILY. * HintiknlmH ta - • ■ cf ear ,Vs- witr s.-vS - 'the- I A.nY MAY HiNTFRNKM'H. W- ,* passe-.; *w *y 5-s 'm . .cr t s*a> February I* '.PT3 HER HI >RkM> AND CHIU'RSN IFNMNV »» a-' *• Wd WMd gs <* • ■ ftttbful an-', 'v'v*»e*: mnt.Ne- EUL-A 1? JFNKIN? <*-,- pttse hi the N»y —T ; a #s .' Md' Friday February U ly vt h J.vs not rv'N us v*f no is* sen -* a:- » estre tv* iv>: -.*« tea >. ;'«# ot ss-h - I tttv’lhr: h.vs:, HER devoted CHILDREN RKOrr. 5 • H'v ■; < -er-.etßiv an-.r -S m* vtb Hi'NSA vSOI'P >■ wßv* 0. n Aw»bty y-r-f-v «-,» t .si A* rehrua-v I'. I’iV > Gone r.t not f o g - HI? SON. • I AAA>t»N. 1- »i. ■* '» '-i-n iarlen » : AAA>« ’ \ .V • V . - I ' o ■ : - .- I ■ sry HI? UFA EX* •' ••' " FANNIE H . AtA'CN • MU K' wad ><tai e el ■ ’ -V- ■ the "\ VA >S* ■ avi-tsG th-.# Me vV*s* yea #».* •; *' tj»*J* a-'* a-.* ,'♦* -■'*?#- »l N\'E V', iS* ws » '--v ' two vm v ago* ' »,-■ - v * ;7 t «>•.*? LCA’Nv. s'.NV'K AND DAUGHTER HA T N SU'I -I OMAHA ♦■* *«.- N '’ a “*-'-*-» <*f i-eloAev* ».w tKAv ;? F a’l'.A ' r »b... • *ii sight vf#?t at” !.#*.' FsV -a ' ' XB.J Vv'THER • r» Re|- 1.1- ,U’ ' * u " •woiV • ALICE PI Rv E' ■ ■**#* Nci'u v #Si- tb'« ■:» th we years **.- to Ivi A’ >-N #* v 1' U»’T> VA* A*ol i t.#l he ttesi' -e»t HK* CHILDREN * NEI'YII-KN I'* s*.i but N»# ryv-v-swiVv* -.* v*t v*wt vsevotesi nw»th#» »»*aA »sib-ta*-'*'e ; I M A STM A iMT! ERA who .V.vutv! ,h # ' •- t»o v .v * .vav* to:a- FxXuary 1' 1 ib't j lv»» b.» .! sv W* <-vv» n,..v» • - I o?'**wvV!*<* «» ’he n-oass#:'* *y. A'ltf'v we tt hi o #•; *.a w,':iV g VAi'**, 4 *- >■* whv vSe t#‘ 1 ,» DAUGHTER’* AND GR aNTN HU X'RVN * WA4IAH AIONROK M V* M the :r --v'i «* tr S' •>«" sv) s hrv';N*r "’. Il am R •SMITH wh v .i-evi w* ' V , '• . ■ . • *. *•"•* *■» 1 • IP I.A vvl • --vt so! v *-a Nl » NBA MONROE who v a#> n'Vy lv hovyHihyr I i l vlv ' w -,' tseft N-v-.v-s* - * ’'x - * Vd'N'S a\'* #'.#•'» S* A.S'T AN’.' v\V?tY * AtAIIVKIt A *• V-.* Oi \*Ve A* Mel Sab ■■o' :- '"-i> . ws4b»' Y\RAii hCA'N# # >l*A’ Av'RD "ho M •#« seat* j m tvwkay. >v*:*- <a*n A?, 1?.,* haJbi a’ sesi HSR A'RU DR»M, * ri KKEt l A > Stse ot bl'«#ii. WWttS? of o -Go uio'vhr B A IvKITT A\N TER R¥\t Who y.t u* T\# Asa'* ago Aadaj. I Feivoarv l> AthVy i Out in Me'# iawhiiK wh*>« spmtAst\« gsww Got t»‘»ivi#vi a soul )»m the e-s«X siti'. Vats'# wvvklw. htl sai’Gwaer. Ivy*, sMCtag. wvut th.A*. «h Dii h* i''t*»tj a hejp* tsaa Abe ksati es A v'Vt "« hat* aoushi ih-Aisgh life a tMvtM et (\SS#« ASt* "# tw o! vNte »w**a k.-Mnw a’l easel with ,fesw \vv«* avwu*avkv r* vk isiwini A»’3 Ahf hesrt v*f v'wt Row*# As*, solts "'vAflVite MAW*" “S-*«vhif''"»'«,~NrcL Cviv: iH»r —’ Mj , 'tt.Rsaa. : . 9