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Closing N. Y. Markets, Pages M and 15 Krt *ifl IvilJ Entered as second class matter O. oU,vhiu, post office, Washington, L>. C. ELECTION OF BECK IS HELD LEGAL BY 1 HOUSE COMMITTEE Recommendation Is Made That Member Be Allowed to Take Seat. 4, , , CITIZENSHIP AFFIRMED IN REPORT OF PROBERS Evidence Declared Sufficient to Show He Is Legally a Pennsylvanian. J:v th« Associated Pres*. Holding that men who have been chosen as Representatives in Congress snould not be excluded unless their rases present a clear violation of the Constitution, a House elections commit , tee today recommended that James M. Heck be permitted to retain his seat *<- a Republican Representative from Pennsylvania. Mr. Beck was elected to succeed Wtl •liam S. Vare. whose right to sit in the Senate has been bitterly contested on the ground that his campaign expendi tures were excessive. Gist of Reports. The report, signed by six Republicans , and one Democratic member of the committee, was accompanied by a minority report which presented the contentions of two Democratic com mitteemen that Beck was not an in habitant of Pennsylvania in the con atitution&l sense at the time of hia election. The. majority report declared that. ‘we must rely upon the integrity* the patriotism and the good sense of the electors in the various districts with respect to the choice of a fit member ship in the House of Representatives. “This Is a part of the very genius of representative government," it contin ued. "And we do not think that it Is proper to seek for strained and captious interpretations of this paragraph of the Constitution to find reasons for rejec ting men who have been chosen through the deliberate will of their constituents as indicated at the polls." Garrett Election. The right of Mr. Beck to take his seat in the House was challenged by Representative Garrett. Democratic House leader, at the opening of the session. The House permitted him to take the oath and referred the case to an elections committee. The committee decided that Mr. Beck is a "citJaen" of Pennsylvania. “We do not think this can be dis puted." it added. "Born in that Btate, after having left it he has returned and maintained a legal residence more than sufficiently long to satisfy the consti tutional provision of thAt State as to c! tlzenship therein. "Mr. Beck is a legal elector In the BUi.e of Pennsylvania. We do not ,-*Tunk this can be disputed. Having - c maintained a legal residence in that Bute more than sufficiently long to qualify him for the electoral privileges, he attended to the formalities thereof, paid the poll tax required, offered him self to the registration board for regis tration. was registered as a voter with out challenge and thereafter and be fore his election performed the privilege of voting in an election without chal lenge. Minority Report. The minority report, signed by Rep resentative# Browning of Tennessee and Wilson of Mississippi, Democrats, de clared that while any constituency should have the right to choose Its Rep resentatives in Congress, that choice “must be within constitutional bounds." "Our charter of liberties, the Consti tution." it asserted, “should stand above v the aspirations of an individual who would subvert It or the action of con stituencies who ignore it. If Mr. Beck U to retain his seat we view the prece de nt. not as a part of the general ‘erosion’ of the Constitution, but as a frontal attack on it, a blasting process which is to weaken the foundation ot w> great American dream of repre sentative government. In a day when a political machine txn select any individual it chooses to put into She House, there are multiplied danger* to those the fathers knew when they made this inhibition," the Demo *■->ats declared. ■ -»■.i—■■■■■»—- ■ ■ ~ GERMANY GETS BLAME FOR BREACH WITH SOVIET # Ruasian Foreign Minister Place* Responsibility for Break in Commereisl Negotiations. A? U.f ItK/ (ntm I'O'M MOSCOW. March 17 - Taw the offi new* agency of the fcoviet regime, announcer that O V. Tehttcherin, the foreign minister, conversed with Count Brockdorff-R&ntzau. the German Am bassador, and placed ail responsibility for tr*e breach m the commercial negc - _ Hattons between ftutsla and Germany ■ upon tiie latter country m M Tchitcherin declared that the go- T sect government always has shown full readiness to meet German proposals and tius allegation, by Berlin, that tiie breach was due to the arrest of Oer n<< jh engineers in trie Don region was “wawmvincihg " ite said that tne Germans were st ar ;vd in strict accordance with ho viet law* which he added, are applica ble to anybody residing in ho net. >et rl- U/ry, and therefore any pressure upon iiti court# would meet v,|th failure GOING TO CAIRO PARLEY. Dr Gilbert Fit*-Patrick of Chicago Bar been named as unofficial represerjt •Sl • r of the United B'ates Army Medical ]>epart m* nt to the International Con giecs of Tiopicai Medicine and Hygiene *o tee rield at Cano, Egypt, beginning Jf>cembe» 11 l>r pita-Patrick hold# th* rank of Iteuterusnt cokmei In tit* Medical Corps feeaerve and will l>e in Cairo in a private rapacity during the congrew; BoJdier* Fight $200,000 File. PUATTfcBUR/J, N V Match 17 'do tvridiera fiom tiie Army barrack* rc.«uning 'lie poat'* fire fighting appara i ,* aeslaUd the city firemen today in Jp «necking a fire which destroyed twe v tneatere and wverai fore# 1 1 it low we# eat Una tad at $200,000 • J^U<4 ig |'ru£ram% i # 30 \VI£ATIIKR. • U * Weather Bureau tViwstl t Cloudy, probably rain or snow to night and tomorrow: lowest tempera ture about 32 degrees. Temperature—Highest. 36. at 11 a m, today: lowest, 33. at 6 p.m. yesterday. Full report on page 7. | Slated for U. S. Attorney 1 ' 11 ■*"! br. By fl |r | 'tpr. M i f gy jESj-gsifiMßrai i JAMES M. PROCTOR. , I Photo Harris Ewinr. COUNTY REFUND ” l ? ! ! 10 G. 0. P. DENIED . t Cook Committee Made No Contribution in 1924. Tea pot Probers Told. By the Associated Press. CHICAGO. March 17.—Additional testimony that the Cook County Repub ■ lisan committee made no contribution of $25,000 to the Republican national committee in 1924 was given today to the Senate teapot dome subcommittee 1 1 at the closing session of its hearings. A notation of such a gift is contained in the records of the late Fred W Upham. national treasurer up to June, ’ 1924, and the Senate investigators are . seeking to determine whether some of j the $60,000 of the Sinclair Liberty bonds I Upham received from Will H. Hays for political use were sold and the proceeds credited to the Cook County committee. Alexander Fvffe, who described him relf as the "harmony chairman" in Cook County during the 1924 campaign, testi i fted that his committee received a total of $100,750 from the Republican na i tional committee, none of which was returned. He added that his commit tee made no contribution to the national ;! party organization. Armour Contributed. ! j Turning to personal contributions to , the Republican national political chest, the Senate investigation learned from : Philip D. Armour, nephew of the late I j. Ogden Armour, and F. Edson White, president of Armour it Co., that on September t. 1914, they contributed 1 $4,000 each. „ . . j They said they hadfiot contributed anv funds in 1921. 1922 fnd 1923. ex : plaining that B. A. Eckhardt, assistant treasurer of the Republican nation.'! committee, had asked them to make gifts during the Coolidge presidential campaign White testified that Eck hart had asked him for $5,000 “But I sent a check for $4,000." he j added. j -Was your attention ever called to j the discrepancy?” Chairman Nye asked "No. sir." White replied. James A. McCoy, secretary to the late Frank D. Stout. Chicago capitalist, tes tified that Stout gave $5,000 to the Republican national campaign in Sep- S tember. 1924. The witness said he was certain that Stout received no reim bursement in the form of Liberty bonds or otherwise for the contribution. To Show Upham Slip*. At the request of Senator Nye, Re oublican. North Dakota. Harold B. Am ber*. general counsel for the First Na tional Bank of Chicago, agreed to fur- I nish the personal deposit slip* of Up | ham for the years 1922. 1923 and 1924. . Irl G. Hipsley and A. V. Leonard reiterated their testimony that Upham had told them Wilbur W. Marsh, trea? ! urer of the Democratic national com mittee. had suggested in 1923 that the two party treasurers refrain from , j making reports of contributions for ; that year Since there was no cam ! paign that year, no reports were re quired and none was made. Marsh has denied that there was any agreement between himself and Upham i He has been summoned to appear at | Washington next Wednesday when the i bearing will be resumed. Hearings Closed. With the examination of Leonard, the subcommittee closed the Chicago ! hearings after Chairman Nye had read into the record a letter from Upham to ■ William J. Louderboek. dated May 4, i 1922, and suggesting that "the Deer ! ing interests" contribute $5,000 to the Fall campaign 1 "President Harding and hts cabinet has performed mighty satisfactorily," 1 Upham wrote, "Although there have been some disappointments at the slow ness of legislation by Congress, when ! you consider that it look from one to ■ ight years to gel us Into such terrible trouble, a lot has really been accom ‘ pin bed during the last year." t Benator Nye, chairman of the com - mittee, said it might be necessary to re * call Hays because of the testimony last * t night of Jame s P. Connery, Chicago !: coal dealer and long-time partner and ! friend of Hays. Supplementing the testimony given M 'Continued on Page 3. Column 4.1 FLYER BARELY ESCAPES j DEATH IN MEXICAN RIVER Pilot Bakers Plsne Takes Nose ‘ > Live in Landing and Ainnan Only Slightly Hint, Hy «i»* Am'itiKi m*»» MEXICO CITY Me, . 17 f>i^- nalciie* fiom Pu*ib, Me; *«» El llnl ’> ; veisaj b>fl«y said that C Kaker, - pilot of one lit tj,e Alnnl Wriphlhlail I planes en route to I'encnia had a nar - nii e,vape in landing at Mlniitltlan yer e i teiday [i Y 'lruliee liavlwm Amohan Al ' i. istwnt Secretary of War for Aviation, 1 1 tond Maj fien James u Fecliet, chief of tf<* Air Clops, apparently were tiot r involved in Uu< accident. Baker, flying ilia plane 2974, took a urns dive into the Coatgacoaico* ftlvei in allgnting in front of the MinatilJsn oil refinery He saved himself by Jump ing overboard aod suffered only a ' bruised nose YU or it are being made to * i efl'/at tiie plane ti*« wings of which -ja/e under the water d Gen Navarro was pti/Ped as saying n Mr liavhx/n derided to |rOst(rOtie his • f flight ter Pa enema and to remain at j MioaUUao until *r«,f lier plane at l ives j Horn Panama JGen l*'i < h'-< < ongratuiatcil r«»*i on JUU lesuna eaturps. ©he Mumititt WITH SUNDAY MORNING EDITION V-/ PROCTOR BELIEVED COOLIDGE’S CHOICE FOR GORDON POST President Said to Have Vir tually Decided on U. S. Attorney Nomination. SELECTION IS DELAYED PENDING JUDGESHIP VOTE Confirmation of Gordon Is Held Certain in White House Circles. l President Coolidge has virtually de ; cided to appoint James M. Proctor. lor more than 20 years, a practicing attor ney here, as United States attorney, to ■ succeed Peyton Gordon, only recently nominated to be an associate justice ol ] the District Supreme Court. This was learned today from an authoritative source, but it is thought doubtful if any formal announcement will be forthcoming from the White House prior to the resignation of Mr Gordon. Hts nomination Is now being considered by the judiciary' committee |of the Senate and his resignation as i attorney will not be turned in until he has been confirmed. The White House is known to feel confident that the Sen ate will act favorably upon Mr. Gordon’* nomination, and for that reason the President is ready to make public the new United States attorney as soon as Mr. Gordon's resignation is received. ! Three Candidates in Field. In centering his aLention upon Mr. Proctor for the attorneyship the Presi- 1 dent is represented as having put aside the names of Leo A. Rover, who Is at present Assistant United States Attor ney for the District, and John Lewis Smith, former president of the District Bar Association, who, along with Mr Proctor, have been the three mast seriously considered by the President for this important local post. Mr. Proctor is understod to have been more or less of an added starter to the field of candidates and Inasmuch as it was first reported that Mr. Rover way likely to be the choice as Maj. Gordon's successor, the fact that the President’s attention Is now centered upon him will no doubt come as some what of a surprise. Mr. Proctor was not a voluntary candidate. His name was first presented to the White House by the executive committee of the Re publican State committee in and for the District of Columbia and since then many indorements of him have been received at the White House. Aside from his long legal practice in this city Mr. Proctor Is represented as being especially well equipped for the United States attorneyship because of the seven year* he spent as assistant United States attorney. Attorney General Sargent, who has personally investigated the various can didates for this office and who has made known his opinion to the Presi dent. is understood to have looked very favorably upon Mr. Proctor. Opposition to Rover. It is known that there was opposition to Mr. Rover's selection on the part of local Republicans because of allegations that he formerly had been a Democrat. In response to this Mr. Rover said that while he was favorable to the nomina tion of the late Champ Clark as the Democratic nominee in 1912, he always has considered himself of the Republi can faith, although his residence In the District of Columbia made it Impossible for him to vote the Republican ticket. Mr. Smith, the other candidate who has been seriously considered, like Mr. Proctor and Mr. Rover, has had the experience of serving as assistant United States attorney for the District.; $274,000 000 NAVAL BILL PASSES HOUSE Comtruction of 15 Cruisers Is Provided For in Measure. { By the A**o*iaUd l*re«e. The $274,000,000 new warship con- Utructlon program was approved today by the House and *ent to the Senate. The vote was 287 to 67. In passing the Butler bill, the House provided for the construction of 15 cruiser* of 10.000 ton* displacement each and one aircraft carrier of 13,800 tons. The measure carries a provision re questing ihe President to urge the "necessity” of another Internationa 1 conference for the limitation of naval armaments and gives him authority lo suspend tii# proposed construction, either in whole or in part. In the event of a limitation agreement. In addition, the hill would proilde that eight of the J 6 pew ships must lie built in navy yards. ENFORCEMENT SESSION CALLED BY MAJ. HESSE Police Officers and New Service League Official Confer on Dry Work. Police officers in charge of prohlhl- Mon enforcement In the District and i Thomas B Jarvis, newly appointed field secretary of the Citizens’ Service Asso ciation, were in conference In Maj. Hesse's office shortly before noon today, It is tnought that the conference was «ailed to effect some change In the polit y of tli police as regards liquor enforcement in Washington Those summoned by Maj Hesse for t lie conference included Inspector if. G | Pratt, Capt, Guy JS. Burlingame and | Hergt George M. Little, head ot the liquor squad. For somr days Mr. Jarvis has been familiarizing himself with the work at Police Court and hy the Police Depart ment with Hie end in view of equipping himself to make practical suggestions Amigned on Forgery Charge Mrs. lorratne Horner and tier sister. Mrs Vivian Tillman, were arraigned today befoie Chief Justice McCoy In Criminal Division I mi a charge of for gery. They entered pleas of not gultly and were continued at liherty on bonds of li.koo each They are charged whit altering physician's prescription* for naif otic* /.iloinr's Newimer King and ./# oh,on and Attorney Harvey L Lwirk# Kpmenlad iha actuasil. WASHINGTON, I). 0„ SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1928-THIRTY RACKS. * '■."VV \ WANTED—A ST. PATRICK!I! SEA DOGS ROW OVER JAZZ BAND; ADMIRAL AND TWO SUSPENDED London Press Clamors for Explanation of Incident on Warship—Naval Court Gives Penalties. By the A*»oci»tpfl Prr#». ' LONDON, March 17.—A dispute over music by a Jazz band for an admiral's dance is said in naval circles to have caused the incident aboard the battle ship Royal Oak because of which three officers were suspended and newspapers today were clamoring to the admiralty for an explanation. The papers criticized the admiralty. I saying the incident happened nearly a week ago ana that the naval heads j should be fully informed by now. The j papers demanded that it be cleared up quickly. ✓ Rear Admiral Bernard Bt. O. Collard. j commanding the battleship squadron at; Malta; Capt. Kenneth O. B. Dewar, com- j manding the battleship Royal Oak, and j Comdr. H. M. Daniel of the same ship j were suspended. The admiralty said it! lacked information and could not ex- j plain the trouble yet. This story was told in naval circles: When the Royal Oak. the flagship, arrived at Malta, Admiral Collard plan- j ned to stage a party and invited the elite of Malta. The battleships Jazz! band would furnish the music, an nounced the admiral. It would not. said Capt Dewar. Comdr. Daniel i backed up his captain. He had no objections to a dance OPPOSES PRECINCT SYSTEM OF FINES i Hart Attacks Proposal to Dispose of Minor Traf fic Cases. Protection of the rights of citizens j was made an issue by Assistant Cor-. poration Counsel Ringgold Hart in' making vigorous objections to the: scheme proposed by the United States Bureau of Efficiency to dispose of minor traffic offenses through a system of fines in precinct stations at a continued hearing before the Gibson subcommit tee today. Mr, Hart's contention that the Bu reau of Efficiency proposal is Impracti cable was supported by Police Judge Bchuldt, who further told the subcom mittee that the four Judges of the Po lice Court doubted the legality of allow ing police officers to make affidavits In the precinct house Instead of swearing to the information in Police Court. The urgent need for a new Police Court building witii adequate sanitary detention ceils was emphasized by Chairman Gibson. Representative Ham mer. Mr Hart and Judge Bchuldt as of paramount Importance, and it was ar gued that such a building would relieve any congestion that now exists as much as any other proixtsal that lias been made Stagger System Proposed. Mr. Hart told the committee that relief In the Police Court will be afford ed more through a stagger system by which different days and various hours would be allocated to precinct officers to bring In minor traffic cases. In this he was supported by Judge Bchuldt, who cited a letter carrying such a recommendation that had been sent from the court sometime ago to the corporation counsel's office. Judge Bchuldt also identified a letter which (Continued on Page 3. Column 3) SENATOR FERRIS GRAVELY! ILL WITH PNEUMONIA leegjslator, 7ft, Ham "Fighting i Chance’’ for Recovery, Family Hays. Senator FenU of Michigan was said by membera of Ills family today to he a "very sick man with a fighting chance of recovery." The Heuator, who is 7f> years old. had been confined to Ids room In the Hotel Washington for a week with a severe cold, which has developed into pneu monia Mrs. Ferris said that llie Henalor had a "very bad night" end Diet a numhei of physli lans had been In attendance lids morning The Michigan Heuator recently an ooiim ed that on account of Ids age he would not iun again for office lie has nol been mi live, on me flour of the Rinata in ractui uunuj*g. aboard the battleship, said the captain to the admiral In diplomatic language, but if the admiral wanted Jazz, he had better Import a band from the shore to pipe for his dancing. His boys had too much work to do in the day, continued the captain, and he did not propose to permit them to stay up most of the night for the amusement iof the ship's guests—even If the ad i miral gave the dance. Capt. Dewar and Comdr. Daniel were suspended by a court of inquiry at Malta | and came to london. The admiral also I was suspended and his flag "struck” from the Royal Oak. but he stayed at | Malta. In the meantime, contradictory re ; ports were current In both London and Malta. One paper today expressed ; astonishment at the incident because of “the particularly happy relation#’’ of ' the officers of the Royal Oak. Another ; paper said it had learned that the trie ! tion aboard the ship had prevailed for j some time and It culminated in an ap peal to the commander-in-chief. Ad j miral Sir Roger Keyes, who. after futile .attempts to smooth things over, allowed 1 Admiral Collard to lower his flag and ! Capt. Dewar and Comdr. Daniel to re turn to England VALETTA. Malta. March 17 ; Rear Admiral Bernard St. G. Collard I is leaving for England tomorrow. TAX AND DIPLOMA MILL BILLS 0. K.D I Senate District Committee Approves Measures —Mar- ket Hearings Planned. Two Important measures, one to ; prevent so-called “diploma mills" irom operating In Washington and the other i to aid the city government In collecting delinquent taxes, were approved by the Senate District committee yesterday afternoon and will be reported to the Senate next week The diploma bill defines eertnin re quirement* to be met by institution* of learning If they confer degrees in the District, and would give the Board of Education authority to administer the regulations. Charles F. Carusl, presi dent of the school board, and Mis? Pearl McCall, assistant District attor ney, told tiie committee several week* ago that there is pressing need for Mich legislation here because of the ease with which a group of person* may estab lish a school here hv taking out articles of incorporation. When the bill rame up for final action yesterday Chair man Capper and Benator Bruce both stressed the necessity for Its enactment. Tax Bill Approved. The delinquent tax bill was approved promptly after Benator Phipps, chair man of tiie subcommittee in charge of District appropriation*, had explained that Its object is to give the Commis sioner* a more effective method of col lecting the tax on properties that no individual tukes over at the present an nual tux sale. Under existing law a tax sale is held every year, at which a number of In dividual* take over some of the prop erties by paving Hie taxes due and rr <(Continued on Page 3, Column s') v Dreiser (Jives His Views Os Soviet Rule in Russia Theodore Dreittr, ma*ter ohaerver uni realiat, r«t'«nilv returned from II neek* % utility of the Soviet experiment for the North American Newapaper Alliance, of which The Ntar ia the Waehington inemher. The reaulta of thia atndy ha haa aet down in a aenaa of 10 artidaa, awarding praiee and meting blame aa he haliavca them maritad. The firat of theae articlea will appear in The Evening Star Monday, the othera following daily. Extraordinary mtrreat and importance mark thia aenea, and the articlea will reward reading by every one. The Star will preaent theae articlea aa the lindinga of an aide and compi ehentive aurvey of the Rnaaian aitnation, without aaanmnig reaponadnlity for the concliiaione reached hy the writer, *• an—mwa.i ll mmi . 111 ■ 11 11 * I MARCH ON CAPITOL BY WORKERS URGED Federal Employes Asked to Show Feeling on Pending Bills Monday. The Government department? today were circularized with a plea that as many Federal employes as can be spared from their duties assemble at the Peace Monument at 9:45 o’clock Monday morning, march up to the House civil service committee room and “show them and the folks back home that we want the Welch bill and the annuity bill passed at the present session of Congress.” _..! The movement to march upon the , ; Capitol, the first time such a method | ! of expressing Federal employe senti- I ment on pending legislation has been i adopted, was originated and Is being backed by Mrs. Margaret Hopkins Wor rell. an assistant attorney in the Bu reau of Indian Affairs of the Depart i ment of the Interior and long Identl- 1 I tied as an individual workers for em- I plo.vcs' legislation. j The plan to impress the House com- . i mittee with the desire* of the Govern- . ment employes does not bear the in dorsement of the Federation of Fedeial Employes as an organization, although the Individual member? are not re strained from taking part. (’all Sent Out. The call sent out to the employes ; as follows: Keep this moving. Is the Welch bill a good bill? "Do you want It to pass? -Do you want the annuity bill? "Are you willing to help?- "If you are In earnest both can be passed at this ession. 1 . "One person cannot do It, neither can 100—but we must all help. Will you? "If you want an increase of S4OO to 1700 in your salary you can get it, but ; you must work for it. Now Is the 1 time for action. “Meet with us at the Peace Monument next Monday morning at 9:45 aharp. and let us all march up to the commtt : tee room to the hearing on this bill. "Let us show them and the folks back home that we want this bill and the j annuity bill both passed at this session 1 Bv concerted action now the bills will i pass. Dojvour part. Give two hour# (Continued on Page 2. Column 7.) JAPAN DELAYS STEPS FOR TREATY WITH U. S. Negotiations With America Will; Await Special Session of Diet April 20. 1 ' Hv tlte l*t rt» I TOKIO, March 17. The foreign J office stated today that there would be j no treaty negotiations with United j States until after the special session of the Diet on April 20. In the mean time the treaty bureau experts were studying both the French and Bryan drafts carefully. The foreign office spokesman empha sized that neither draft presented any Insurmountable obstacle as far as seen at present. He added that the govern ment felt a successful and friendly agreement with America would be reached, probably by Including arbitra tion ami conciliation tn the same treaty, although two treatlea might be necessary depending upon the decision of experts, The only evening paper in Washington with the Associated Press news service. Yesterday’s Circulation, 104,280 (/P) Means Associated Press. S-4 Will Be Raised And Towed to Dock j At Boston Today i I The work of raising the sub- j marine S-4, off Provincctown, where j she was sunk on December 17 in a collision with the Coast Guard destroyer Paulding, was started at 11:05 o'clock this morning, accord ing to advices received at the Navy Department from Capt. King, in command of the salvage force. He estimated that it would require ap- j proximately five hours to pump the j pontoons and get the ill-fated ship to the surface, when the 40-mile trip across Massachusetts Bay to the Boston Navy Yard would begin. It had been indicated that the ves sel probably would be raised tomor row. but dispatches from Capt. King indicated that he started to raise the vessel today because indications were that bad weather was coming. As soon as the vessel is raised she will be towed by ships of the salvage force into dry dock. VMMM : DEMAND IS MET J i Friends Send Money to Free Man Held by Detroit Kidnapers. I Br the Aeeo'iated Prraa. DETROIT, March 17.—James E. Hall, wealthy beverage establishment j operator, kidnaped yesterday and held for SIO,OOO ransom, was re- j leased by his abductors about noon today upon payment of the ransom, his friends announced. By the Aesociated Pr**». DETROIT. March 17 —A SIO,OOO j ransom demanded bv kidnapers for the release of James E. Hall, beverage establishment operator abducted yes terday, has been raised by his friends, ! and sent to an appointed rendezvous his associates said today. The messenger with the ransom money was said to be James L. Shum way. close friend of Hall's, who also had been reported kidnaped but who was I declared to have been negotiating with the kidnapers for payment of the ran som Both Hall and Shorn way are re puted to be wealthy. Hall, wealthy case owner and former hotel operator, was kidnaped from his home in the exclusive Gross? Pointe Village district last night bv two men posing as detectives. Kidnaping Is Denied. ! Joseph Reiman, real estate operator, and friend of both Hall and Shuraway. called In by police, also denied that i Shumway had been kidnaped. Contrary, to the assertions of Shumway’s family.! Reiman declared the man was in De troit, but he also declined to reveal i Shumway's whereabouts Earlv today j police had been unable to locate Shutn- I way. On Monday. Harvev Watson, labor i leader, was kidnaped and held for $25,- j 000 ransom. So far as known, he was I still held by the kidnapers today. The | ransom notes were received by local of ficials of the American Federation of Labor, who turned them over to police i Hall was at dinner with his wife when two pseudo detective* entered : ana forced him to accompany them at the point of pistols. To allav the suspicions of Mrs Hall, the men de clared they were taking her husband io the McClelland Avenue precinct po lice station, but the wife, on calling the ballon, learned that she had been i duped. Shortly afterward two other men arrived at the Hall home with the ransom note. Ask Delay In Probe. Mrs. Hall Informed the police of the threat, but a few hours later friends and relatives of the men held be- j seethed authorities to postpone their | investigating activities pending comple- i Uon of negotiations for the victim's 1 release. Labor officials after retching the ran- ' som demands for Watson, flatly refused to pay the money. Despite the disinclination of victims to furnish police with information, au thorities planned to leave no stone un turned in an effort to smash the gang, whose operations have been carried on boldly over a period of nearly' a year. The heaviest sufferers heretofore, ac cording to police, have been rum deal ers and gamblers. The authorities have learned of at least 40 extortion cases at tributed to the ring in the past few months, but few victims have lodged ! official complaints. The authorities | hold the extortionists responsible for ; bloody strife among underworld factions that has resulted in more than a score i j of slayings. 8.000 PULLMAN PORTERS VOTE TODAY ON STRIKE j Brotherhood Members Hope Fresi- j dent Will Appoint Arbltra- i tlon Board. Hoping that the President wilt ap point an emergency arbitration board In the event of a tie-up, the S.OOO mem bers of the Root her hood of Sleeping Car Potters throughout the country, are voting on the question of calling a strike to enforce wage demands. W. H Oca Vemey. organizer In charge of the Washington division, pointed out that should the President take this ac tion. the brotherhood would, In effect, gain Its point, for the Pullman Co., he says, has so far refused to submit de mands of the porters and maids to ar bitration. which, it was added, the United States hoard of Meditation sug gested. IV* Vemey. in a statement today, said the Pullman Co “has escaped the benign influence of modern methini* of handling industrial problems, or It has cynically refused to forget the dark days of chattel slavery,’* HINDENBERG HONORED. NAmed to Afghan Dukethip. Chancellor Mar* Also Favored. BERLIN, March 17 <#*,-President ton Hmdenberg and Chancellor Marx have been elevated to the Afghan no bility and became ‘ Dukes of Afghan istan" by thetr acceptance of a high decoration amt a rich red aiik cape ceremoniously presented to them by the Afghan Minister ur behalf of King Ama nullah Paul turbo also was proposed (nr ihe saute tumor, but, being President of the Reichstag and therefore a political offi cial and aboic all, a conscientious Ro cishst whose party Is flatly opposed to decors turns. U« politely declined, TWO CENTS. 1,000 MORE TROOPS WILL SAIL TO GUARD NICARAGUAN POLLS Reinforcements Are Planned i After Failure of Latins to Pass McCoy Bill. PRESIDENT BELIEVES U. S. CAN ASSIST IN ELECTIONS Marines Will Embark Soon, Vary Department Sayi—Not to Be TJaed in War on Rebels. - . . , By the Associate*! Press. ’ • Ax a sequel to Nicaragua'* failure to enact legislation providing for Ameri can supervision of her next presidential ; election, plans were under way today 1 for dispatching 1,000 more Marines to i t hat country to help enforce the Btim> | son peace agreement. The action to send the additional 1 »wo battalions to the Central American republic was announced at the Navy i Department late yesterday, and soon afterward President Coolidge was rep resented as believing that the Onited States can still be of assistance to Nica ragua In choosing its next President. , despite failure of the supervisory en abling legislation. To Embark Soon. The Marines, most of whom will be | taken ‘rom the scouting fleet and At lantic Coast ports, will embark a* soon as sailing space is obtained and other details of the expedition are completed. Some are expected to leave within a few days. Thrv will augment the 2,700 Marines already m Nicaragua policing the coun i try and trying to capture “Gen.” Ban dtno. last of the native leaders to de i dine to lay down their arms under the i Stimson truce, which also provided for American aid to see to it that the next elections are carried out in a legal and i orderly manner. Secretary Wilbur says the new Ma rine force will be used principally for ‘ maintaining order during the balloting for a successor to Adolfo Diaz, now | President of the little country. They t will not be used in th* field against Sandino. he dec’ar»s. although some of : them perhaps will be employed for ! suard duty and o.h?r Marine activity ih-we. j President Coolidge seek ’hat while : she McCoy bill providing for Am-ri can supervision of the Nicaraguan elec tions is not absolutely necessary to the i carrying out of the Stimson agreement. I it would have been better if the Ntcar j agur.n Congress had adopted it Bring Tranquillity. He is of ill® opinion that the present ed Marines there already, has achieved ; great good by s topping the civil war between the Liberals and Conservatives, bv bringing a year of tranquillity to ! the troubled republic, and -by permit . ling many of Its citizens to ratuni to i their former occupations. Now. in his opinion, it is up to the Washington Government to devil* some means of meeting the election super vision problem, an obligation it assumed when the present governor general ot the Philippines. Henry L. Stimson. brought the warring factions together last year as personal representative of the Executive. When recent Indications pointed to failure of the McCoy bill, the Stale De partment informed the Nlearaguan government, through Minister Sber hardt at Managua, that If the legisla tion was not enacted the United States would be forced to adopt soma other : step looking to the fulfillment of Its duty under the Stimson agreement. Whether the tending cf more Marines is the step the department had In mind was a question unanswered "ffvfiy j here today. CONGRESS ADJOURNS. Legislator* Fall lo Win Extension of Life for Body. MANAGUA. Nicaragua, March 11 {&<. —The Nicaraguan Congress adjourned yesterday after failing to override pres ident Diaz’ veto of a bill which would have extended the life of the body Iron December 15 to December 31. Leaders opposed to the American supervision cf the presidential election next Octouri had advocated this measure as a meth od bv which the present Congress could have kept its grip on the presidential situation. As it is, the new Congres will take office December 13 and be charged with the duty of officially de claring the results of the October vot ing. I Before adjournment, the Congfe*. { s-lected first and second ’ designate?" who will become President or Vice President in the event that either vs I those officials becomes incapacitate* Francisco Jose Arguello, a member of i the House, was elected ftrsv “designate" ami the other position was given hr j Senator Luis Felipe Mora. Both are ; Conservatives. Gen. Frank McCoy, whose bill set supervision of the presidential elections was re levied by Congress, yesterday cabled the State Department at Wash ington for approval of Ws plana hr general, they follow the Unea of the Tlpitapa agreement as arranged by Henry L. Stimson. JUSTICE’S HOME ROBBED. Fern* Taken From Torch of Mar ian F. Stone Realdenca Roth a justice of the United Mates Supreme Court and the head of the Police Finger-print Bureau reported to police last night that they had been the victims of thefts Justice Harlan F. Stone reported that four boxes of ferns were stolen from •he front porch of hts home at IS4» Wyoming avenue, Detective Sergt. fired Sandburg, fltxger-prmt expert, eald that hts automobile we* stolen from Tenth and F street*. BATTLSHIP IS RAMMED. U. B S- Colorado'! Bide Cut at Bau Fed t o by Steamship. The battleship Colorado waa rammed by live eteanuhip Ruth Alexander at • o'clock last night while approaching anchorage off Ran Pedro. Caw. the Navy Department we* advised today. The Ruth Alexander apparently was not damaged and proceeded on her way, while the Colorado received a cut on the atarboaid side above the water line A court of Inquiry wa» ordered to ta vewtigatt the cause of the cuUlahfle ' 4