Newspaper Page Text
INDUSTRIALS LEAD DEALINGS IN BONDS Most of Them Higher—Some at Mew Tops—Utilities in Good Demand. BY CHARLES F. SPF.ARE. il IPpatch to The Star. NEW YORK. March 20.—There was a long Us; of industrial bonds today in which significant price changes oc curred In the majority of cases these bonds were higher Several of them touched the best figure of the year, j They were mainly influenced by move- j merit? in stocks or by an improvement j in trade conditions to which they are closely related. Y'or inserter Andes Copper o crossed 129 for the first time, a gain of 2' j points overnight. Earlier in the year thev sold a‘ 12T : 4 , and then reacted) about to points J Kayser 5 r _'S "ere j up ?"d s'so at a new high, i \vhh a'gain oi 7 points in the last; lew dav?, GoodyfAi Tire first ss. long i a laggard. " "e tak. n up and put on a price pari!v "h l $ Rubber refund- j jng .vs. r‘ S Rubber which broke j to’ioi 1 - on tlie recent decline m the company's se. unties, were above 103. | Other strong features were Cuba Cane Sugar ?s. Hudson Coal ss. Genera. ( Motor? Ss. Marine 6s and Gulf State ; Stc! 5- -s. Consolidation Coal 5s du- , plicated tlv'ir previous low. | The public utilities, including local tractions, were in good demand. Inter- ■ boroughs. New York Railway adjust- ; nients. Tim'd Avenue adjustments. ; Brooklyn Manhatuoi Transit t>? and | Brocki'vn Union Gas ops registered ca ns from '* to 4 xa- re has been . some spl'liis of 1 lit* hi|{h*pnct*u public utilities since the legality bill passed the New York State Legislature last week. I \n interesting piece of new ftntncii g Will be the issue of $50.000 000 Amen car. Gas <\r Electric debenture 5s tomor- i now to refund the debenture 6s on Maj . Ist at 110 .. „ : The Inland S’eel first mortgage 4 , sold todav at 95. retire sl2 000.000 de- : benturc .* 1 ;s at 103> >. and $lO 000.000 j 7 per cent preferred stocks at 115. 1 ■’A broad market developed for for eign issues The French governments 1 and municipals were slightly lower fol lowing the high average price made for them recently. German descriptions were better, especially the municipals. There was an active demand for a., the Belgian governments, with the 6s at 101 Ir. anticipation of new loans. Bra- j rllian and Columbian bands were high er. The proposed Colombian govern ment loan of $35,000,000 is attracting j considerable comment. The market for raus was qme ter The | Bt Paul issues again were more active 5 than the others, but without muen j change in price. Seaboard Air Lines rrregular. There has been an ac-. cumulation of railroad terminal bonds which are to be made legal in New York Railroad equipments have been so high for so long that the legality fea ture has been pretty well discounted; in prices BUTTER IS HIGHER. CHICAGO. March 20 '£**.—Butter— i Higher; receipts, 11 420 tubs; creamery J extras 49; standards. 49: extra firsts.) 47Ua48U: firsts, 46t-a47; seconds. 42 < **Esgs— Unsettled; receipts. 26.693 ; rases: firsts, 27 1 *: ordinary firsts. 26: . s’orage packed extras. 28 : -a29; firsts. } 28 1 4 . POTATO MARKET DULL. CHICAGO March 20 •¥• 'United States Department of Agriculture*.— Potatoes —Receipts. 186 ears: on track, j 521 cars; total United shipments. 744. , demand and movement slow market ) dull: Florida Bliss Triumphs, in crates. < 2 75: Wisconsin, sacked round whites. 2.15a2.25: Idaho sacked russet Bur- | banks, 2.50a2 75: commercial. 2 90a2 25. We Will Purchase WALKER HOTEL CORP. 8 % BONDS International Bank Bond Dept. 807 15th St. WANTED—BROKER j —A reliable broker to handle is sue of cUwk for a new theater j corporation- Addrc%* Box 75-1, Star Office s B _ SSSS! _ !SS _^ Established J**3 DAVID J. HOWELL & SON Civil Engineers Union Trust Building Washington. D. C. Money Available tor FIRST DEED OF TRUST LOANS 67, Feaaonahle Commimon Prompt Re pitta to Apphcotiona JAMES F. SHEA 64 3 l.ouiamna Ave. N W. Continental Trust Co. 14th and H Street* Capital, SI,OOO, (jOQ.OO Checking Account* Saving* Account* Time Deposit* Foreign Exchange* Commercial Credit* Traveler*’ Credit* Traveler*' Cheque* Acceptance Credit* Collection* Peal Ettate Loan* Collateral Loan* Investment Securities Corporate Iruats Individual Iru«*e Administrator, Executor Sale Deposit Boxea Continental Trust Co. 14th and H Street* v. i/i ti «<iiii i a e t Capitol, $1,000,000.00 T IN ANCT AD/ ON NEW YORK BONDS STOCK EXCHANGeJ j KUcei\e<J hr Private Wire Direct to The Star Office 1 | Quotation* to ?:.*.% p.m.—Final Quotation* in 5:30 ImlHloii. I! UNITED STATES. (Sales ire In sl.ol*o I Sales His It . S:ftft. Ltb*H* •• I>s 10113 101 8 10113 j l.tb Ist 44* 15 102 2S 102 21 102 28 Lib 3(1 4*4 •. 70 100 14 100 12 100 13 l,tb«th*>4» 191 10320 103 1? 103 18 US S*fc 43-4 2: 0 103 4 102 29 103 4 j USS\s... 200 108 3 108 108 3 US 4s 1944 111 110 24 110 21 110 24 U S 114 a53 136 115 24 115 21 115 24 FOREIGN. S.tlos. High. T.ow. 7 5Y , Argentine Rs Ju 69. 18 1004 100 100 Argentina Rs Octs9 2 100** 100*4 1004 i Argentina 6s A.... 32 100 H 1004 1005. Argentine 6s B. .. . 8 1004 100 100 1 Australia sis 1855.. 4 984 98 98 I Australia 5s 196?.. 26 98 97*» 98 1 Austria 7s 19 103*. 103*. 103*. Bank of Chile 6 V*s. 16 9S\ 98W 98’. , Belgium 6s 43 1014 1004 101 j Belgium Hi* 7 109 108** 109 ! Belgium 7s 1955... 18 108*% 108 108'% ! Belgium 7s 1965... M 106'. 106'* 106*. Belgium 74s 46 115*% 1154 115 b Belgium 8s 8 1 It"* 110 s 1104 Bolivia 8s 18 106'% 105's 106*% Bordeaux Rs 8 101 *% 101 101*% Braxll 6*. s IP2R ... 21 98** 97H 98*4 j Brasil 6*~ s (1927). 36 98*4 97 s *. 98*. ! BraxMfs 32 101*% 101*4 101*3 ; Brasil 8s 6 ill*., ill ill | Bremen. State 7*.. 13 me. 102** 102*. Buenos All vs 7s 5? 21 1004 100*.. i<>o*4 ! Buenos Aires 7s 58 7 100** 100*% lt*o'% j Canada 6s 1952.... 9 107 107 107 Canada 6Us 1929.. ; o lol 1 * lop* 101*3 | Chile 7s 1943 3 4 1P2 7 % 102*, 1024 i Chile Ss 1941 9 no**, no*, lio*,! ! Chile 8s 1948 4 no*, 110>, 11(11% j Chinese Gov Ry ss. 2 28'% 28 : » 284 Con Pow Japan ?s. 1 99 * 99'% 99\ Copenhagen 6s ct.. 3 97*. 97** 071* I Copenhagen 64a.. 11 1011% mi 10m Cxecho 7 Vis rets... 2 105*. 105*4 105*. ; Crecho 8s 1951.... 2 110'. nos nos Czeeho 8s 52 6 110** lio*, ntfi, Danish Munlc 8s A 8 H|*» m nl4 Danish Manic Ss B 21 HIS 111 ntS ! Denmark 6s 10 105 * 103 s loSS !D E 1 sVas Mch 68.. I 103 103 103 DEI 5 Ss .Nor 63. 8 103 . 103** 103*. I Dutch East i6s 47. 8 104*. lot 104 Dutch East 16s 62. 6 104 104 lot Kl Salvador 8s *B.. 4 112%* 112'* 1124 • Finland sf 6s 45... 15 99* 99 99 Finland 7a 2 101 100*4 mi . Framerican Dj*.., 1 108*. 108*. 1084 I French 7s 38 109 10s» s 108'%) i French 7Ss 45 H 74 117*. 1174 | German El p 64a.. 6 <isi, 99, # . j German 7a 17 m7N 107*4 ii)7< ; i Ger Am Bank 75... 21 100* JOOS 100* ! Ts.,. # a.aaaa 2 99 *49 j Haiti R 5.... 4 ioo*» loos 100 S j Ho.iand-An-er 65.. 1 104 104 104 ! Hungary 7Ss 5 102 S 102 . 102 S ' Italy fS 44 y»v 4 i Italy Pub 7a 70 97s y?*, i:i. i * j Japanese 4s 4 93*, q 3 v 4 93-, 1 Japanese 6*s 24 103 S 103 103*. ! i i^ on6 ®": t'-'IS 100*% 101 S ; Marseille 6s 3 mi** mi mi*,! i Mexico 4s 04 asntd. 2 23 23 i j Mexico 4s 30 asntd. 12 22'. i Mexico ss astud... 9 35s 35 > I Milan 6Vfcs 60 93s 93s 93*,' Montevideo 7s 1 104*, 104', 104 W Netherlands 6s 54. 8 102 S 102'* 102V* Netherlands 6s 72. 4 106 106 106 * New So Wales 's7s. 8 951, 95*, 95*, New So Wales’sßs. 36 15 94*. 95 Nord 6** s 7 102** 102*4 10214 Norway a*,s 3 loOs 100's 100 S Norway 6s 1943.... 27 102'* 102 S 102 Vi Norway 6s 1944... 17 102 H 102 H 10’H j Norway 6s 1952... 22 101 S ion* 101*. Orient Dev deb 65.. 23 101). 10OS 101 Paris-Ly-Med 6a.. 11 991, 99*, 99*4 Paris-L.y-51ed 75.. 4 104 W 104 IOC. 7a.. 4 103'* 103'* 103% j Peru 6s 67 w.1.... 44 93 92'* 92u I £ eru I s 6 103% 103'* 103% ■ Peru 7V,s 1956.... I ; 0 7 107 107 j Peru 83 1 110 no no I Poiand 6s 40 2 **4*4 M 4 844 I ; Poland 7s (rcu)... 99 914 91 91*,' Poland 5s 19 mi 1004 1004 i Porto Alegre 85.... l 1074 107, 107*. i Prague 7 V*s 7 106*, I»n»** 1064 ‘ I Queensland 6s 3 1084, 108 S 1084, ■ Queensland 7a j 1154 115*, m>, ' Kioda Jan ks 1946. 8 1084 I"7‘, 107*^1 Riode Jan 8s 4?... 7 Uo 110 110 i Rio Or Do Sul Bs.. l me*. 1064 Ron/e 6 **s 52 934 93w 934! j Sao Paulo 1950 5 1084 1084 1084 baxon «PW) 7a.... 8 1024 102 1024 ! w* If 42 3 1054 1054 1054; ~erbs Crot Sio Ss.. 49 101 1004 1004 Soissons 6a 7 100 994 99'%' Sweden 64a 8 1044 1044 1044 ■ Sweden 6s 5 1034 103 103 Swiss 5V«a 1946.... 5 1034 1034 1034; Swiss Confed 8a.2 1124 112 1124 ! TohoEl Pow 7a.... 11 100 % 100 100 ! loklo 6s 5 go** 804 804! Tokio 64a 1561.... 3 914 91** ok, I 1184 1184 1184 I Utd Klngm 64» 87 9 106 106 106 1 Yokohama 6s w 1.. 11 MISCELLANEOUS. Ajax Rubber 85... 5 107 * 1074 10741 Arn AsriChem 74« 3 1054 11154 1054 Am Smit &Itlst 5s 16 1024 102 1024 Am Smlt Sc H 65... 5 109'* 109 109 Am Sugar Kef 65.. 1 m«4 1044 1044 Am TA Tel tr4i.. 20 994 . yr , Am if Z c ‘ l . r6, ’‘ ? lb 5 4 1054 1054 25 I<*64 1064 106'. Am Tel 4 Tel s Via. n 109'* 1094 Pl 9 3 Arn Water Wks sa. l 1004 1004 1004 Anaconda Ist 65... 42 105'. 105, 1054 Anaconda cv db 7a. 26 m% 4 ni4 1114 Andes Copper 7a...930 1294 1274 129 ArmourACo <4*39 13 924 92 9/4 Armour Del 64a.. 74 914 904 914 Barnadali 6n 1940.. 29 100 99*. too BellTelPaisß.... 1 ,„84 IS4 ,084 Bell Tel Pa 6a C... 4 1124 11 24 1124 i BeihlenemStl pm£s 8 JO2 loi , 1014 Beth Steel 64s 63. 16 1024 1034 1034 Beth Steel 6s. f, 1064 10.V* 1.54 Bkiyn Edison 5a... 1106 V. lo6v. >064 Bklyn Union 64a.. 4 271 270 270 Chlla Copper 6a. .. 24 96*4 96% 964 Co! Gas&Ri deb 6s. 10 1004 JOO4 Con Cos! Md Ist 6s 12 774 77 77 Con Gas N T 64«.. 27 107 ' ]O«4 |0««4 Consumers Pow 6s. i J 044 1044 j O4 Cubs Cane cv 75... 4 89'* 894 894, i Cubs Cane 8s 2 924 924 924 Cuban Arn Sag Bs.. .3 106 ]O6 me f>odge Rs 15 8-4 xx kh*. Fast Cuba Sag 74s 1 103 m. 3 jo s Gen Mot Ac Cor 6a. 2; 104 1034 10.34 Goodrich «4s -2 1084 108*4 10x4 ; Goodyear ts rcta.. 71 944 924 944 Hoe A Co«4a 11 974 964 97', Murnb.'e Oft 6s 11 1004 lOOH 1004 H urnbleO A R 64s 7102 V. |o2**» 1024 ; Illinois Bell Ist 6s. 3 10*,'* to ,4 JO5l, Illinois Steel 44a. 19 1004 100 , 1004 Int Mer Marine 6a. 12 1 0f,4 105 jor, Int Paper 6* 47 ... 1 JOO JOO'4 1004 Inter Paper M 65.. 2 1044 101, 1144 lot TeiATeieir 44s 22 97 97 97 i garner ACo6 4* 309 1174 116 116 * K»nO)iy 1»* I, |«, 2 1054 1054 |o.V*. Kan G* >Cl«et2.. 1 10.4 1054 1054 La Cadets ]j jo:' 1 * J 024 ]o2*. LsdedeG 64a f,2. 1 105 |os p/5 Lira A My«m '66.. j lo;i .jo,, lo t , l.'trrmtt A Mver •7i 5 122 , 12'- , \ ‘ , lx/rllisrd tp» 7a. , . f. jj 74 jl7 ‘ jjy, Ix/ulsv GAKt« 62 1 1054 1054 1054 Mid Con 64a 40.... I 106 106 105 Mid vase Steel fc*. . . If, | () 24 10/4 Jo'24 Mont Power 6»‘43. 2 1044 1044 1044 Mont Power deb 6a 1 10l«> 1014 MoP»A'9) let 44* Ji , xw, 88,4 • ewFoxiand Tel 6a .2 1104 1104 non N Y 6» 44.. I, 105 , )0 V, 1054 New York Kd «4e. f, )17S 117'% 117*% N Y 'Tel 44e 2 103 I<6! 103 N23el 4a 41 1 jo%' ( 10x4 10x4 N y Tel Re 49,,,,,. 7 ip/*, nr»< v no*. Got|n hu, Edis 6e 6 lu/4 10/ ]024 •or <rhlo ‘l't Al. Re 2 ill!, 1 . 10:54 105 7.0 r htal«« I'ow fce, J |0 .4, Ih.i , JO(4 l'.<clt!« tjte A 161 (s I jo 34 1024 1034 P«o I A T lat La... J 3 J// ji/4 , 104'% 14c TA I t»62... 1 107 toy 107 Pan A" *i Pete (a. 2 |o> , 10-3 1 * M6J4 Pan -A mer Pete la. 2|ft IV 105 105 Pa/ in.// mt 4* i&4T 17 934 99 * 994 Pairs Ktehsrice 7a It 574 67 67 People* Gas t* ... 25 106, 10(54 J 064 Phi la A Bead •A1 6a j 96 9R 90 Phil* Co be *1 wt. 64 1604 99 % 100 j Pot Hie Am Tob la *6 |OD« 101*, 1014 (temlna'or/Ar Ee 33 j lo<» jot# loti Sinclair Oil *a..... 74 9x lt7 4 97 % i t ooair OH 44e . 2* 99 98*. 984 Sinclair ‘M 7a 9 1914 M/s . loiH • * e ' * 3 9 ’ , 01 *, ID Fi/' sll>< . < 9V. 96 3 9/', Skeity «>t< 64a A 94'. 9(4 91, :5/i/ li*HT«iU.,,, r 104 , l**t . 1044 ' tstt» west Bell #.e . >064 loti'* |O«4 btabd Uil ti i fce 46 I'J DM . D'J , 103 % THE EVENING STAR. 3VAMTTTNGTON. P. r TTTERPAY, MARCH 20. 1926. u Sale* High. Low. 7 55, Siir Rast Orient 7a 2 100 100 100 I’ennKlecPow 6s 47 10 107'* 1074 1074 United Drug 65.. .3 1074 107*% 107'% II S Rub Ist rs 6a.. 24 944 94 944 US Rub 74s 6 1034 1024 103 U S Steel sf 65.... 50 109 108'* 109 Utah Pow ALt 6a. 18 103 1024 1024 Vsrtientes Sur 7a.. 2 1004 100'* 1004 Warner Sur 7s 41. 15 1074 107*4 1074 West dec 6s 18 104’% 104 1044 Westn Union 6 4». -2 112'* 1124 112'* Wettlnchouse 65.. 9 1044 1044 1044 Wilson &Co Ist 6s. 3 1034 103 103 Win Repeat Ar7 4* 3 1064 1064 106*, ; Tngstn S&T 5s wl. 88 101 1004 101 RAILROAD. Ann Arbor 4s 5 S 3 S 3 83 Atchison ad) 4s. .. 1 94 94 94 At&SF CVt 4S 05-55 l 93 »3 93 Atcnison gen (5... 4 984 98 98 R#6 0 Gold's 15 964 964 964 RAO Cv 44 s 49 100*, 1004 100** B* O Ist 6s Ct.... 2 108*. 108** 108'. B & O ref 6s 10 1044 1014 1044 B A O rs Imp R 5.... 6 111'* HP* HP, 1 BAOPLEIVY la.. 4 964 964 96** BA O S\V 6s 60.... 1 106** 1064 1064 B& O Toledo 48. .. 3 89 89 89 Brdwy A 7th Av 6s 2 70 70 70 Brooklyn Elec 64s 18 974 97 97 BltlynElevated 84» 7 96** 964 96'* | Rklvn Manhat Rs.. 91 99'% 984 994 Buff R A Pitt 44*. 7 934 92*. 934 1 Can Nat 44a 54 ... 11 1004 1004 1004 [ Can Nat 44s 67... 6 1014 1004 101 Canad North 645.. 3 1224 1224 1224 Oanad North 75.... 8 116'* 116 1164] j Canad Pac deb 45.. 37 91 91 91 Can Pac 44? 46... 7 1004 1004 1004 1 Central Pacific 45.. 19 954 954 954 1 Cent I’ac Ist 6s 90.. 16 104'* 104 104 j Chesa Corp 6» wt.. 51 100 994 994 1 dies AO cv 4 4«.. 13 1004 1004 1004 Cites A O gn 445.. 3 1034 1034 1034 Chi A Alton S 45.. 1 594 59 4 594 Chi R&Q gen 4s 6J. 2 964 964 964 C8AQ445778.. 44 1024 1024 1024 Chi RA O Ist rs 6s. t 1084 1084 1084 CB A Q-IU 345... 3 894 894 894 ChAE 111 gn 6a 61.. 7 884 884 884 Chi Gs West 4s 59. 45 694 69 69 j j CMABtP 5s (new). 307 974 97'* 974 | ! OMAStPadj (new) 252 67'% 67 67*« 1 j Chi &NW ref 55... 5 1114 1114 1114 j * Chi ANW 64*.... 1 1124 112 1 * 112'*! IChtßysSs 21 85'* 85** 854 i ! Chi RIA Pgn 45.. 11 94 934 91 j Chi RIA Prs 45.. 70 964 954 96*. ;C R 1 Pac 44s Wl. 39 964 964 96', ; Ch! T H A S E 55.. 2 1034 1034 1034 i Chi T H lnc Rs 60.. 3 984 984 984 Chi Un Sta «4»... 1 1024 1024 1024 Chi A W Ind cn 4a.. 5 924 924 924 CA W I 84s «*.... 2 1054 1054 1054 I CCC ASt L 445... 3 1004 1004 100', j CCC A St L 5s D... 5 1044 1044 104*, j Clev Term 545.... 1 1094 109'* 1094 j CAS Ist 4s 29 1 100 99'* 100 I Colo A Sou 44a... 5 99V* 994 994 | Cuba RR 6s 11 994 994 99** ! ! Cuba Nor 64a eta.. 17 974 97 974 j ; Del A Hud 7s 30... 3 1054 10 r >4 1054 i i Den A Rio Gcn 45.. 3 934 934 934 j ! DenAßioG 44s 36. 2 974 974 974 j D RioO West 65... 49 94 93** 9t ! 1 Erie pen 4s 2 854 854 854 j Erie Ist cons 45.... 37 90 4 904 90*., Erie con v 49 A.... 1 SB4 884 88*% Erie conv 4s 8..... 2 88 88 88 Erie evt 5s 67 wt.. 17 994 984 99 Fla EC 5s 74 17 684 884 884 Grand Trunk 75... 2 1154 1154 1154 Gt Nor 44s 7R D. . 3 100** 100V* 1004 Grt Northn 44s E. 21 1004 1004 1004 Great Nor gen 75.. 19 1154 1154 115V* Hav El Ry S4s 61. 1 744 74’* 744 Hud A Man ref 6s. 7 1014 1014 1014 Hud A Men aj 5a... 7 924 924 924 111 Cent 4s 62 1 96 96 96 111 Cent 4s 63 13 934 934 934 i 111 Cent 44s 66.... 9 inp* mi*, top* i j 111 Cent Chi 445.. 10 1004 JOO4 100'-. ! j 111-C-CStLANO 5a 5 ltt7 107 107 j j Int A G Norad 65.. 1 93'. 934 934 ; I Int A G Nor Ist 6s. 2 1064 1064 1064 j 5 Int Rapid Tran sa. 14 79<* 7.84 794 j j Int Rap Tr 5s stpd. 104 794 78'* 794! ; Int Rapid Tran 6s. 5 76 76 76 I i Int Rap Tran 75... 42 984 984 984! | Int Rvs CA Ss 72.. 3 84 84 84 i Int Ry CAm Rs 41. 2 96 96 96 : Int Rv C A 64* ret 11 944 944 944 ; lowa Cent rs 4a.... 12 154 lt'% j.v* ! lowa Cent Ist 5a... 1 39** .394 394 t Kansas City S Ss.. 1 784 784 784 * Kansas Cltv S 65.. 2 1024 1024 1024 | Kan City Term 4a.. 12 944 944 944 I Lake-Sbora 4s 21.. 2 994 994 994 j Lake Shore 4s 31.. 3 99 4 994 994 I Leh’ph Val cn «s.. 71 914 9p„ 914 ! ! Lehigh Val 5s 200t 3 1094 1094 lii94 ; Long Island 5s *7.. 12 100 100 mo Louis A Nash 7t... 9 1034 1034 1034 ; 6l*n Ry Ist to 15 714 714 714 j Market St 7s 40. ... 4 994 994 99*, j Mil El Ry AL5s 81 1 1034 1034 1034 MStPASSM64a 7 1014 1014 mi', MKAT4sB 7 914 9P V 914 jMK A T adl 55.... 50 1074 107 107 IMo Paelflo gen 45.. 50 op* g|% i J Mo Pac 5s A 65.... 6 1034 103’* 103'* j Mo Pac Ss F 77.... 59 1024 1024 1024 ! Nassau El «s 61... 35 58 574 574 ! New Or Term 45... 9 944 9.3** 944! iNOTexAMRsB. 10 1014 1004 1014 N Y Cent 4s 38.... 12 964 96'* 964 jN T Cent deb 4a.... 2 984 98*.* 91*4 , N YCrf tin 4V4a... 3 11134 1034 10.34 N Y Cent r t 6a.... 28 no 1094 no 1N Y Cent deb Ra... 4 10« 108 ms ! NYCMASfL RtysA 6 1074 1074 1u74 5 New Haven 3H« 56 3 784 78', 70'* NY NHAH 4« 66 3 86 86 86 !NY NHAH dh 4e KT 1 81 4 814 814 ‘XYNH Alf 4 4a. 9'. 944 94 4 944 iN Y NHAH rv db R* 6 1164 116 im*% <NY H HavAH elf €» 5 1054 1054 1054 IN V On* tV let 4s . 2 80 80 80 NY OAW gen 4*65 I 76 76 7R N Y Rye 6s 66 ..... 64 20 ]94 j 9*^ N Y Rve 6* A 65... 60 864 861* 864 !N Y Ktste Ry 445. 15 514 ftp, r.p, ]NY W A Boa 445. 45 92 9P* 9 > ] Nor A S gen 5s 64 .. 2 964 964 964 | Norfolk AW cn 4a. 3 974 974 974 j Nor Pac ta 2047... 7 714 7P% 7p„ I Northern Pae 45... 6 97 964 96V, 1 Northern Pae r1 6a 5 116 116 116 Ore Short L rfs 4a. 12 994 994 994 Ore Short L6s rtd. I 1104 110*% 1104 ! Ore Wash Ist 4e. .. 12 93'% 934 934 j Pennsvlgen 045.. 5 104 104 lot Pennavl g#'. Rs. ... 2 113 113 113 j f'ennavl I*.« 6 4 10 105 10f, 105 Rennsyl 64* 19 1134 1124 1124 j Rermxvl gold 7s . 8 105 105 105 j Perm Mar Ist 4e 56. 1 944 944 944 f'ere Marq Ist f,s.. 11 1054 106'* 10,54 ] PCGAStL ts B 78.. 6 1134 1134 1134 iPC r A fit L fie A.. 14 1134 113*, 11 34 j Reading Jc 4s 61. 3 964 964 9154 j Rio fj West cl 4a... 3 884 884 884 !R 1 Ark AL 4>4a.. 8 984 984 984 |St I, IMAM ti 2),,, 2 99*< 99'i 99V* , M»i, I MAM gn 6a It 2 1014 101'* lop , IMt L IMAM RAG 4e M 964 964 964 iStLASKp| 4a A. 30 824 9”* 92'* jHtLAHK pr In 6e U 1044 104 1044 !MtL AS F 64■ T>., 6 1024 1024 1024 iMtL AM K adl 6a.. 67 1014 lOP% 1014 j St LAH 8* tne 6e . 78 lop% 1014 mi 4 iMtLAMF pr In 6s 2 1004 lom* 1004 Mt I, MVV let 4a ... 1 92 92 9 * Mt RA Kf’Hh |, 44 s 5 96'* 9*iV* 9(|'* Man A A Arn P4*.. 1 94 94 94 Mesbosrd AL 4s ata fi 794 794 7') 1 * Meal, AI. ref 45.,., 9 654 65'* fi’it. Meab A L ads 65... 119 574 56 564 Meab A L con 6s. .. 88 864 %6 864 Mfl All Fla 6s 66 A ft 834 834 824 Rot) Pacts 29 ... 10 99'* 994 994 Moo Pacific ref 4s . II 964 (*64 96*» Moo l’«f- i H rets , 84 994 994 994 Hot) Ry gen 4s ~ 18 9/4 9"* 9/V, Moo Ry Con fts 9«, . |6 1164 1154 1 154 , Mouthern Ry 6 4*. 15 1264 1264 1264 Term Asao MI, 4S. . 14 934 924 9.3', 'i’r, At 8 l>M 64• 60 1 100', lotii. |t|li4 le* A I4q l.n 77 Ita 47 103 , 101*. |0.3 , 1 bird Ave ref 4e 60 8 094 1,94 1.94 I bird A vat edt 6e lio til \ bo'* tip* Tot ’i t I.A I's, 4* SO ti 100 % 100 % 100 , , Union Ran lat 4#.. 16 98' , 984 98' , , UnPsn#V6e67 ~ 30 1004 1004 loo** UnlonPeo tat ref 6» |2 lit 114 lit Virginia Ry lei 6a, 11 108** 108v* |OH‘« j Wabeah fce 76 H,,. 1 101'% 1034 10,34 j Wabash t>4» 76. .. )3 1064 |oft'% 106'* West Maryland 4a. 15 86 854 Kk** 1 Ward M<l 64a 77 . 5 1014 101 4 1014 ! U4%.err. Panlfln la 82 100 994 9H'» J WDkr Bt K lit ta 3 7ft4 764 784 ' Wla Can sn «a 49 , I 884 884 884 THKAHURY CERTIFICATES. < Ivr.(,</( lad by / 4 W SalUinait A * I ‘ It.l %|.<t'.'if* ttld «/Hr, * I» 15 i o"8 (10 20 tv; nil 11 V* . > a lit: 15 J'/'« 09 *;a 32 90 to It t l , a W ■■/ 1 5 19 t ’ !"/ 3/ 00 11 I • ! ,4*6. , I I . |M 09 •'!, r» '(ft It t‘l k a*.,# MV. lx. 11l i.: 99 79 .I.’ l/liJiJi LIST IS IRREGULAR ON CURB EXCHANGE Marconi of Canada Active.' Utilities Maintain Their Prominent Place. BY WILLIAM F. HKFFERNAN. SiMM-ial Diapat')i to Tim Star. NEW YORK. March 20. The turn over on the Curb Exchange today again was heavy, with the movement of prices highly irregular. Operations for the rise made further progress in some directions while realizing sales were making themselves felt in others. Marconi Co. of Canada, for a week past the spectacular performer in point of volume, was turned over in large i blocks and the action of the stock indi cated that profit-taking which held the market in check recently had been completed. Ftilities Are Prominent. i Public utilities maintained their place lof prominence, the buying based on belief that they were out of lint* with j other industrials. American Super | Power "A." Electric Investors at a new I high for the year. Buffalo, Niagara & j Eastern Power "A” up over a point to | a new high, and United Gas A: Improve ! ment up more than 2 to its best, were j the favorites. Crossing 72. Atlas Plywood sold at I its highest for all time. The company l is the largest maker of packing cases in the world and recently Installed a new Eastern assembly plant to provide facilities for handling new Incoming business. U. S. Battery Responds. Failure of Newmont Mines to declare another extra dividend in stock in ad i ditiou to the regular euarterly $1 dis- I tribution had no effect upon the mar ! ket for the stock. Three months ago j an extra of 5 per cent in stock was j distributed. U. S. Battery shares re sponded to publication of earnings for 1927 equal to $7.30 a share on the 100.000 no-par common, against $R 7R a share on only 80.000 shares of no-par common of the predecessor company in 1926. Other features included Dominion | Stores, up some 5 points; Grand Stores, up more than 7 to a new' high, and Consolidated Dairy Products, all of which were responding to improvement in sales and earnings. Rubberoid com mon was moving forward sympathet ically with related issues on the Stock I Exchange Above 103, the price com | pared with thp previous final of 96 ! 4 . SOME WOOLS SLOW. BOSTON. March 20 (Special).—There was little doing in medium and low grade domestic wools today in the Bos ton wool market, but a fair volume of foreign cross-breds continued to move. Inquiry for wool is substantial, but deal ers are hesitating to accept business for future delivery. Fine territory was quoted at I.lßa 1.22. clean basis; French combing at l.lOal 12, half blood at I.loa 1.15, three-eighths blood at I.ooa 105 and quarter blood at 95a1.00. Fine Ohio fleeces were quoted at 50a51. grease basis: half blood and three eighths blood at 51a52 and quarter | blood at 52. Texas 12-month wool was quoted at 1.12a1.15 and 8-month at ' 1.05a1.10. Washington Stock Exchange Sales. Capital Traction ss—ssoo at 104. Washington Rwy. Si Blec. 4s—sl,ooo at 93 S. j Potomac Electric 5’ 2 % pfd.—ls at ! 107 V 10 at 107%. Riggs National Bank—lo at 501. Mergenthaler Linotype—4 at 103’*, 5 at 103 1 2 . After Call. Ter Ref Si Wrhsg.. Corp.—s at 50. Washington Gas Light—lo at 89 V 10 at 89\. 10 at 39%. 10 at 89V Money—Call loans, 5 and 6 per cent. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer. Tel. A Te!g* A- !*« % Amer Tei A Te!g*. 4%»... I»1 % Am Te! A Te! .(I tr 5# 10ft*, Anaeo'tiA A Pot R. R 6* J>*o All* A P«>* guar. ft* I<M) C. A P Telephoto- 6* 100 % ... . C A P Telephone of V* s*. ion*. c ip. Tim -lion R R ft* 103 \ j City A Suburban 5* I*9 % Georgetown l»l ft*. .. . toil % ..... ' Potomac Elec I*l ft* 1(H) % i Potoni.v Elec con* !i% . . 103 5 3"4 V* Potomac Kle< 0* I lift 3 I OS’, 109 i Wa»h.. tin. i Ml, V ft* . ft Wa*h.. Ale* A Ml. V. ft* elf. 3 W*«h Arcade H%» l‘*o 103 Wa-h Hallo A Annan. ft* . 85 .... Washington Gas ft* ..... 10ft • ■ Wa*h. Ga# B*. eerie* .A .... 10ft At 106*4 Wash. Ga* 6*. *ertea It 100 <A . Wash Rwy A Kir- 4*. . . . 1)3 5 93 V Hph K»v A Klee. sen. 8» 10.1 % 104 MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Bar tier A Rom Inc. rt%» 1*7% (.'liealntit Farm Dairv O'**., loft** Chevy t'haae Club ft % * .... 302 tl C Paper Mis Hi 94 97 Pol Joint stock |/| Bk. ft* 100 . . W M Cold Storage ft* .. . . OS Wnh fop* Title 8* 100 10*2 Wardtnan Park Hotel 6%* . 96V» ..... STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer Tel A Trig a •I SO . .... Capital Tta»'M«»n MOfJ 1 I I W 4»hif>irton Gft« . % *** S S’ A W steamboat . . . . PotOin.M* ?»M fl'r ... 111*4 11’! Potc»ftia»’ K A< v ft i . . 10? H s Wa*.h. Rwy X. KJEtf*. com . . 47“ 405 W*,h R’4v 5 Kt#*- pfd . . HUS ini NATION Als HANKS National Tapit/il 4 !TO , . . t nhjmhta 4”5 5*M» f’omm* n lal ’!d«» ‘!RS MlPtfbt ~5! KarniM i *1 Mirh»ni«V. .... .T*.‘o Knlfral Aiiipri' an *M“ *iso T.iiiooin ...... *W“ .... Natinna) Metropolitan I““ lltir** 4 DM 50M Vomd . ... 'Mi.% % National Hank of Wa#h .. JMM) *4*!M TRI *T rOM 1* A NIK 5 Am*** Sp.uritv A Tm*t I*o 415 45*! ( tmiuirnlai *l'« »i»*i 155 . Mrrtham* Hank ~*..* 15“ 151 National Hav a Trual M“ • I ini<(ii Trual 51 i *ISO WaHliinitmi l.s»an A Tnnd WIH ..... 8 A VINCiK lUNK* Hank of . 5? ..... (diiMinprot A saviinra . . . , 315 . . . I* ant Waahifiattiii .15 . , , . . , 'll«* . . Si*. iir|f v Navtng* A (‘out I 4IH 473 s r \ # i»th *>'♦*! mm . i Navinitfp HanU 55“ Wa*l)l ft*ton M«« liunuV ... 60 KIRK INsI RAM K A tn«srh an . . 300 , , . , ('hi **<ir an . I*o ... Kir«*HiPM « ........... • * . • • Nafioii4l Union . 30 TITf.K JNSI KANO f’ohiiobia lit U* 1-4 Id lifts I Ket win 'l’ll If *?“ » . . I til# A Ini f .t of M<l roni 33 . 1 our Till® pfd. 30 3‘! M IHI M.I.AM Ot * A Rimo*. Im» milt.*.. "0 '* 33 Kheiy 1 fi/ttM« I E/,1, v pfd IOR 110 * oriimrtM ini Null lit pfd , I <»4 <ol Nanil A Ui pfd , 103 *4 I'd‘i ln«l N I B«ss'iti-iti«*» pfd , JO3 I“d h ‘ Rapt i Alfa i*f . . NJ> 05 l*'d*nal Nioi iKn pfd. ... 1“3 H 5 I* "lui ul Aiii' tl* an I•* ttiiij in 30 S l*'4'dsM ill • A Mi«‘l P-to pfd, Iff* I..|||»l*||| Mullnl) pr I Illi IMI N| i i i <h an I*, Tl an* A 'Ooi <»s*,• l*!.» Ids M •1 1 Tmii* A siiff.ipt pl-j IOO»ti Mm M«m 0 » nl lial«*i i in,,i spr • il o i 101*4 Kill Miu »* A Inv pfd 5% I'eopif *• in Gif '•l,lifts pflt I d'* I "«» o» II v stm I is • » l . -toM.tri liliiil.V lo pld 1 «Ml ' n 100 I* , lii* f A W in » imi p nil W.ifli l ' tin ml Min Hall pld ON ash Mf< h M*a mtii It II W ~►!» Mftlhttl Hid* l**,p , 135 11“ V\,...d • aid A l.fiOimP pfd IHI . . •Ea dividend rS.V eitra FEDERAL LAND BANK BONDS. (Ouoled l*y Ala* Brown A Won. i‘lo*ln* » R*t* Mhliiill* Bid Allied »leiil, ft* M«v I9tj 81 , Ki'|'. In**', 409 ft. S..v Kill il Krl'fc Kt'M*; 4 111 t ',* Mo 10,'' i ‘ III! Kl| 4 10 , ',» J.n 11*4 < l I KU mi % 4 j'! 4 I o jll ~} -I I ioilot •>, 4 1'! Pi* July |O, III! % tit i ts July I lift I,U ill" lot 410 i . » J,m I oft l ;I4 I o ■ ini', 4i ! I h July 10 a i t ill ! S lo t til t a lO' llii.ft Ift . lot s In •-«. 110 t ft,* lo.ftti to lo' , KM 4 oft 4‘, a I ilv I Oft 6 O) 101 ', lm>. 4no 4•, » 1.0 Km i’. loi till 4. I Oft 14 il)i»i 9 ' , 100 >* 101 590 I NEW YORK CURB MARKET 1 Received by Private Wire Direct to The Star Office Following is the list of stocks nnd bonds traded in on the New York Curb Market today; Sale* in INDUSTRIALS. 1 hundred*. High. Low. 1 30. 1 A onto! Print A.. 29% 20% 29% 2 Aln <JI South... 177% 177 177 % Ala Gt South pfd ITS 17H Its I Alb P Mur A pt 30 20 20 1 Allied Back .... I % I % 1 % I Allied I’U *r pfd 30% 20% 20% 1 AUiaun Drug A. 17% 17% 17% I Allikoo Drug It.. Kl lo 10 1 Alum so Ainei . . 120 120 130 25 Am A K P war. 0% 0% 0% 2 A & K P I p.'Od 05 04 % 05 5Am ('.vamimid H. 41 41 41 Am (‘vnminild pf 95 Vi Oft% 95% II Am Dept Stole*. IP IS'* IS % 37 Am Ga* A Kl.. la»% UU. 139% 3Am lift* A Kl pf |oM% I IIS % lOS % lAm Hawaiian SS 10% 19% 19% I Am 1.1 A Tran. . 191 IS9 ISO !•. Amer Mlir 01 % 01 % 01 % II Am Nat Ga- ... 31 % '! I 21 % li ft Am Pow A I.t pf 105% 105'* loft 1 * lAm Rayon Prod, lift 14 % II ft BAm Rolling Mill. 102% 103 % JO” % 3Am Sol A I'll vtc Ift % 15% Ift % lAm Sol Ai' ppf 27% 27% 27% 10 Amer Superp A. 40'i 39% 40% 30 Amer Superp It. 42% 41 % 43 3 Amer Sup I pld 103 103 % 102% 3 Amer Sup P Pfd 2i% 27% 37% 5 As.»o Ga* A El. . 4H % 4S 48 20 Aft Fruit A Sug .90 .89 .90 5 Alla* Plywood. . 73 % 71 % 7I % 15 Auburn Aut < 0*129% 127% 128% 3 Axtnn Kinder 'lob 50% 50% 50% 20 Hancitaly I'orp. . 193% 192% 193% 1 Heaver lid \t< pfd 55 .55 ft ft Beniamin Winter. 12% !3% I3 7 * 3 Itenann A Hedges 33% 33 33% . 3% Hl.iekfl \a I G&K KiO % Ido % lot) % 3 III.MI Slioiyy. In. . I % 4 I % Itohack II 0 370 270 27 o 33 Holm AI A Bras 59% 58 % 58 % I Hi ill M fir .... 20 20 30 'a Bwiit D Sir 1 pil ,Kl 1 lo 110 I lb", kw Mol ... . 50 5o 50 17Bklyn l iK H K. 5% 5 % 5% lOltuf Ni A K f'.iw 88 37% 38 60 Bus NiAK P A n 3ft% 3ft % 3ft% I Mul Nt&K P pld 30 % 30% 20% IM'ampbell Wvant. 42% 43% 43% J 011 7 (’an Marconi W.. • % 0 0% 1% i win Po 219 204 211 9 Case Plow ft % 4 % 6 7 Caterpil Tract... Oft 03% 05 13 Telan Cor Am. 84% 83 S 3 1 I < elan c Am 1 pf 170 108 108 38 Celaii 0 Am It*. .7ft .73 .7 3 3 % Celolex Co.. .... 01 % 00 'll% i ft, I'eo XsIIiI re Sug. 133 133 % 133 7 Cent Pip < 0r.... I I 'ft II II 4 Cent Pub Sei v A 31 % 31 % 31 % I ("lit «ta Kl pfd. 114% li t', 113% 1C li Sp* A Bmp. 9% 9 % 9% 4 Check Cab MIK. 20% 25% 25% 1t In Nip Mtr • tf* 3 % 2 % 3 % 9 Clark Lighter \. 33% 33 ••* 1,3 % 1 Club Alum l ien *30% 30'% 30% 1 Colin-Hall Marx. 27 37 27 10 Col Graph rets... 47% 47 47 % 1 % (ilium Kl Pow n 71 % 71 % 71 4* I'imiwllh Ed 181 181 181 2 Commonw P pfd. Kl.'l'ft 103% 103% 28 Con*o| Dairy P. *28% 3i % 27% 3 Consol Kilm. ... 17 10% 10% 7 Consol Kilm pfd. 27% 37% 22% 18 Consol G Balt.. 73% 73 I1 i otisol Laund. 1* % 1I % 17 % Con G A K P pfd 108 108 108 1 Cope! Prod A , 1I 4* 11 % 11% 3 Crow ley Milner . 54 53 53 2 Crown Wilm vtc 33 33 23 1 Cnneo P pfd ww K'l Jot 101 I Davega Ilie. .. . 38 38 38 5 D -benham* S w i 51 % 51 % 51 % 4% Deere A 'ft, 28)% 283 284% 1 De Kor R C vie 3% 2 % 2% 23 Dominion St t.idl3"% 110% 119% 4 Dominion St rta. 9 B*, 8 5 * 2Du Pout Mot. .. 57 .57 .57 14 Durant Mol . , 10% 10 10% I East States P H 12% 12% 13% 4 Kit logon Schild. 30% .36% 30% 9 Eit S Ist pfd wi 105% 106% 105% 39 Kl Bo & Mi Co 93% 93 % 93% 3 El Mo A Sh Pfd 109% 109% 109% 91 El loves! flic.. 47% 47% 47% 3 E PAT, opt I war 18% IN', 18% E PAL 2 pfd A 103 % 103 % 103% ' IKm Pow Cor. 31 % 31 % 31 ft 0 K-tev Welle C B 90 .50 .50 1 Evan* K S A.. 71 71 71 14 Evans E 58... 7" % 09 09% 1 Faiardo Sug Co 180 JOO 100 1 Fanny Far Inc.. 38% 38% 38% 3it Kan** ice! Prod ~ 15** 15 15% ! Feihier* Ms A .. 29% 29% 29% 7 Kct Water A ... 33% 33% 33% B%* Fire*t Tire . . .190% iso 190% , Fior Pow 7* pf. 105 105 105 *. Ford Mot Co Can 597 6«4 697 1 Forhan Co A ... 20% 20% 20% 3 Fnx Theaters A 18% 18% 18% 2 Frank H H Ms C 14% 14% 14% 1 Fran HH M 1 pf 87% 87% 87% 2 Freshman Cha*. . 7’* 7% 7% 2 Fulton Sylphon . 31 31 3! 1 Galesb Coil A Di* *SB 58 fts 29 Gen Rak ..... 8% 8 8 -t Gen Bak pf .... *B|% 80% Bt% 2 Gen Bronr.e ... -11 l 45% 4.5% 4 Gen Laund Mach 23 22% 72% 13 Gen Pub Her ... 21 70% 2"% 21 Glen Aldwit Coal. 55 55 55 3Go lie | A 84 83% 81 ] 23 Gold Sea! Elec.. K) % 9% 10% 17 Grand Store* ... 08 02** 08 4 Gi'ef LAB pf X 105 K'l 105 l Hail Lamp 13 13 12 3 Hall Printing. . . 30 20 20 3 Happiness C s; ft% 5% 5 % 4 Harts Time# Ppf 43 43% 4.1 1 Haxefttn# Corp.. lo lo lo ", Hcrcul Pw pfd., 11P% 3 19% 119% IHile# Ch ft ... . 31 % 31 % 31 % 4 Home F*M In* 40% 40% 40 % 0 Horn A Hardart 03% 02 03 2 ind Ray Cor A 17% 17 % 17% 35 Inatir Co N A . 94% 9" % 93 7 lot I'li! 8..... . 8 8 8 5 Int De St eg »! 44% 43% 13% 2ln De str. pfd w 1 114 % 114% 11 4 % 1 Ki-imrr Win* S. 17 17 17 O Kemsley MU lb,. lri% ld% Kl % 2 Ktunkal A Kru* 17% 17 17% 1 Lack aw an 8,,.. 51 1, M % 51% 1 Land Co Fla .. 17% 17% 17 % o Leh Port Ceni. . 53 % 52 52 *Ueh Pow 30% 30% 20% 3 la»h Vat C , f*. . 39% 39% 39% 2 la-miir Co. . 31 % 31 % 31 '» 4 I.ib Owen* Sh Glut 113% 113% 19* deh rt*... 17% 15% 17% I Marc Wiir 1,0 n.. 10% 15% 10% 1 M irraim Mot 41 4 1 41 20 Mavia Corp 25 2 4 75 80 Miivn Bottling 18% 10% 18% 1 May Hoaiety pfd 47 47 47 BM' Lellan S1 ft 11 *»ll % 01% ti> % 7 Mead Jnhnaou... 58’* 58', 58*« 1 % Melv Shoe 17 4% 177 174 % 1 1 1 Mengel Bov .. 54 a* 54% ftt \ 2 Mid West Util Kit 103% K 54 1!' Mid W i't rt* wt 7 % 3 X 3% I MM W I it! pfd 123 123 123 % Mb! W U 0% pf US 98 98 1 Mid W U pr In.. 375 ft, 1.5 % 3 5% 3 Mohawk Hud Po 30% 3d % 3d % 2 Monsanto Chem. *4d% 40% 4d% 3 Nat Ei Pow ft 37 3! % 31 % 1 Nat leather .... 4% 4% 4% 7 Nat Pub Si r .ft 25% 25% 75% % Nat Sdg R N J 1 ift 13ft 135 7 Nat Tr ade Jouill 3.1% 33% 33% % N V Te! Co pfd. *lls 11.5 115 3 Nohula A Shen. 43% 43ft, 43% Id Nile* Bern Pnd . 34 % 37 33% 3 North Am Utility 8 7 ft* 8 4 North Pow . 3d ft, 2d% 20% *1 North O Pow C 25», 35 % 75% 48 Nor <t» P C ,ft. 13d % lit 135% 1 Northw Engl 11 , . 32% 32% 32% % Ohio Bras* B . . .. It)'* JOd 100 3 Ovington Bn>, 7', \ 7 % 3 Pa- GAE ti I pld 27', 37 *, 27% 1 Parke Davis Co n 41 41 41 4 Penn Ohio Ed... 18% 38 38% % IVnn Oh Ed p pf KIT 107 107 i Perm f)h Ed war 15 Ift tft 1 Penn Ohio Sec,. 13% 1,3% 13% 4 Pen Wat Po C n 70% Op % 70% 3 Peop Drug store ft l 53% ft t I l'ir ,r Gov n not 37% 32% 77% 2% Pittsb A l.ak El 47 % 140 LKt 1 Pott Kl Pow ftl % 51 % ft| % 4 I’ralt A Lamb C 5,5% 54% 55% *, I’mi t A Gamble 249 220 749 % Prudene Co ml. . 100 ldrt Jort 3 Png 8 P A f Oil ftp ftp I Put BPA 1. pfd !I9 98% 98 ft, % P S P A I. p pd 109% 109% K*9% 4Pv retie M(g ... 8 % 8 % 8 % I O R S Co . . 49 -til 49 7 Rci*elti Candv 1 90 90 I Rhode tP 8 pfd 31% 31 ", .1! % 9 Ri- h Rad . 70% 30 70 2% Roll* Rovce pfo i; 43% 4 7 8 Roldierold . 104*, 99 10 1% 1 Srifewav Siore* *430 415 ill till Sale T Sut,... 31% •.’o', "1% ft 8, luff Co 30 Mo 30 1 S. Inti U I pf pd 97 97 93 1 S< ulhn Mil pt pf 3 J 33 33 P Sceinan Broa . 17 % 47 *7% 0 Seilierlmg It C. 39 38 38% 17 Sei v Kl i> vt... 77 : ft shaeffet IVn 53’» 67 ft .’% % Bherwtt» tV 01* Co 07% 07% *>!% % Sierra Pa, F pf 9ft lift |i.» 2 Silver I A Bio* 49 49 tit % singer Ml* 44ft 4 Ift 4la 1 Snla V lilt I'ld* 8% 8 ft, S', 68 Soueasln PA Lll 47 10% 10% 8 Souenal PAI. war 11% 14% 1I 1, I South A*la**tna 2* % ’! 11, , % 98 Sou Cal K il* wi 3% 2 *3% 1 Sou c*l K |i of 70 ft, "Oft, "lit* 1 SniUhii Store* A 32% .'!'»■% 3'*% 31 Spang SliAlfaul •!% il u % I spall, Ali A Bin 10" lfto 1 ft 39 Bpatu«H A Genl tv, it, 1 11 Sll.O 8* Wll luu,' 03% 0" if Stand Pow A Id 4i% 11% M% . siiiid >»nit Mlg 35 3ft ,jft s>l Keg i* Papci Mi % ftp % mi', 3 Blei 11 Hl'ieli pfd K'l too |n| I >linne, Hugo . 9% in 91 | I I *will lull In % 39 i, 19 *„ •' • Swill A Co. . 130 ft, 179 1 111 I I I amim Kl n 04 it 4 04 1 I lahniuo Re,ill v 4I ', 41 % 41 % 2Ti alia l.iu Pi, 11% 3 » 3% ~ • T'-b'O Prod •30% 30% 30 1, I 1 ., I olii re A 8 II vli IMIS ,599% tin | " uloll Nil I G C 3 5 .30% 30% !. bl M i vb . . IT 30', ,3T , 1,1 G Imp 1 l"l I!*', l >0 1"l It A P A 111 18 ft, t s ft. "• .!*'*'• ** I' HO Oo lilt I 'l't P I* " I'fd *IOB 198 JUS .1 ’’J' ” '*% 9% 9% 0 1 s lor A Sec 7( % ( L 71 1, • , I 1 i„ Ik 111 >l4 ’ in) 1 • * N '«*m»mim * ;4 * . 'j » Hit I mo «}» mo ♦ I* A I llt R M M •• i U J s| ' o ti % 11 % ll', jOjta Pie Is % is is , . » I»(UII ,1 \\ l» % I6'h II •» IJJ Hill A Hi * Mil 0 10 10 I<i I Wf-MH II A S,i tlo •, liM U 00‘ftk Io in t(biA hi 11| :t|| L .|j $ 1 i‘» ‘ l V\ o , \\ ht »1 Ini |t "i ». *.4 > 1 I l \\ .mmUki it, In, 1 j ; * i ' Wo, Ih Im A -7 "-J -• ; '•oh* MINING Sim K" 111 tl 11 <«I I, »*flh Ii I irorgin M- i-il, *.% i„ "11 ', 1 i" I rid In, Mm*, |l* ~* 5 Chief I oils Min. .1% 3 ft! .3% l -m* lop Mine. 8% gi* *'l Id I I rr.ftoii Gold . . 3 ' 1 3" Div ide Fftieii* 04 04 nt '* M i 3% $1 31, 1 8t| Fliji' Gold,id M .17 111 Ift 1 7 Golden Cenlet M 14% It ft t Kl Haw lion tie M I 0,1 93 ill " H»i ItM in , lil 1,5 % I1 % 40 Hod MM A sin 18 I, % | . n New 1 oinelia ;p '* N'" 11, out .Mu,lug lii 1 % I till till % N .1 /no 4418% i 11,, I, ION jN \ A li.l 1t,,,a, 1,1% Kl% 10% 4 Ni|,l,#iii, ~ , 5 I % ,5 ‘ soi mid* |s% 18% ls % h Noil b hut ir . . | I | Bsballllii lie,ip , 14*, |*4ft, rt*. I I-- li II ug be* a ' B', 1* % UP loimpaU 4i-*l 1, ,4it ,4) 3 Tonon.ah Min .. 3JI ••% 3% 3 Uni Vcrilc Ext. . 19% 19% 19% 20 W est End con M .00 .00 .00 Sab* INDEPENDENT "IL STOCKS, in hundred*. __ 30 Am Con Oilflds. .88 .85 .85 lAm Maracailj Co 4 ♦ * 20 Cardinal Pete... .7/ 3 Carl b Synd .... 21 501 dies serv 11... 59 j»B% » 3 fit Serv pfd .. 1)8% 98% 1)8% 9 Co Serv rt# wi. I ', 1 % j • 3 Columbia Synd.. I,’, li> * i'« 31 Creole Svtni ... 13% Kl'-. 13 * 4 Darby i’ete .... 11% 11 11 % 1 Krnp G&K 7« pfd 100 % 100 % KMl’ j I Emp GAE 8* pfd 110 1 10 J Hi 1 (.jiisou <bl cor. . 1 1 , 1 1 i I 1 1 1 Gulf ml ol Pa . 10«% 100 % 100 % *1 ||o»J«H»M (iu\l ti Jr» ‘a lif 4 Irituf*onll $ " v h 1 4 ! Kirby I *»* t ] 1 $ j 1 » * *1 I-uoMiiml Oil * '* • 1 » . * ‘ l i.oiw <us) r.:i S *>'» i •10 MatffJnl Svnd ... 1 *s 1 > l - 1 aMr*xi< m Ohm 4 1 n 4 a 4 > • !!.'» Mount. A tin If.. . • *8 * ■* ?" I Now Hi ail Ion! O. 4 % \ »;« .* Nf*w Mf»\ I/.iinl . H' k 10 Pandeni "il 3% 3-a 3% 4 Pantepec Oil 9', 9 1 Reiter Fouler fill. 0 0 7Ro b Oil Cal of.. 27 % 77 % 3 Salt Ck Prod 31 % 31 % 31 % I Saviiv Oil 11 I ,11 Trxoll O 13% 3% 3 A 7 Tidal Osage 0... li% 10% 17 I Venezuelan Met. 30 30 30 4 Venezuelan Pet.. 5% 5% 5% Sale* STANDARDDir. ISSCKS AND FOR in unit#. MEU SUBSIDIARIES —STOCKS KM) Anglo Am 0i1... 30 % 20% 20** 300 All Ibo* 1 % 1 % 1 % 50 Borne Scrvitl p. . 53 53 53 4 700 i ontl Oil I ; ' i 17 17 700 Cumberland P lulu.' K*7 io‘! 300 Humble Oil A It 03% 03% 01% 150 til P 1 199% KOI , 19u 200 Imp O Call >B% i.S % .VH % Odd Inter Pet C Ltd.. 37 30 . 31 17,00 Nat Transit .... 78% 78 % 78% 50 N V Transit .... 50 50 50 1 KIO Penn Mex Fuel. 11% 10% )o% *9lO Prairie O A G.. t-S', is’-. I* 6fMl Prairie P I. . 7i! 1 j 315% 21. V., 100 South Pr nil 0... 38 38 3S J 100 s o Ind 73% 73% 7 3 % 5"0 S O Kansas 10% I 5 % 10% 200 s (i Kv 125% 135', 1 75% 88 Va-uum Ol! . . 143% 143% 142% Sale* in BONDS, thousands. 71 Ain Pow 4'i# .. 98 % 9898 1, 5 Allied Pk 8*.... 15% 45 % 45% 25 Alum Co \m s*. lo.'l 102% 107. lAm Cvanurmd 90% OH % 90% 8 Am Ga* & I I 0* 1 10 1 Kl 1 lo 21 Am Nat Gna «%s 99% 99 I*9 57 Am Pow A Lt Oslo!) ft. Km 109% d \ni Rad »%« ~ 99% 99 % 99% 3 3 Arn Roil Mill ss. 99% 39% 99% I Mu R-.1l Mill 0, 10 1 % ] i,4 % K»4 % 3Am Seating 0* . ]i,7 103 % 107% 73 Am i im % 1011% im % 5 Appal El Pow 5*107% 102 303 3 Ark P A 1. s*. 101 •* lo| % KM % 83 A-SO G A K 5% * K'l % 104% KH 1 , 45 \s„o Elec 5%, . K'4% 104% 1011. 5 Asso Si„| j| •>%* 80% *O% s>; % 4 B'.onn Oil |J«. .. 1 Ol) too 100-3 3 Beavcrboard Bs, 103 103 jo; 1 Bell T I an 5* B K'510.5 % J 0.5 % 43 B'1« A Ml 5* ft t 99% 99% 99% 1C S P A I, 5% a 97 % 91 *, 97 % 2 Cert P 5%* Awi 98% 98ps ft, 1 Chi Pneu T 5% s lot) % 300 % Jon , .38 (it Serv ss, ... 93** 93% 95% Kbit Serv 44*.... 103 1, JO3 103% 45 r,t Serv G 5%» 98% 90 % 98 % 7 C:t s, r G P ti- . fill % 99 % 99 % 19 Pit >erv P 5% s 99% 90 % 99% 2CI El Hum 5* A KG', 10.5 % 1,1.5% 18 Com Inv B*. . . . KlO 100 100 1 fotnmu E 4% » I) 101 K'l % KH % 3 Con# G Balt. ..108% ]"B% 309% 3 Con# Pil), B%#. 99 99 99 1 i on* Tex s«. . . 93% 95% 93% I 41 ' G & E .5# X 95% 9.5 95 % 5 Conti 0,1 5 ',* . 97% 97 % 97', 18 I tint I See ,5s A. Kl.')', Ins', K»P% 1 Cudahy 5%* . KM % KM) % ]on% 1 Det Ctv G 5* B. lot 104 lot 7 Del Inti 8%#,. 102 192 102 5 Ket lntl 7s ... lon j,„, j,,y 38 Dixie GGH % s ft 99 ft, 99% <l9l, 51 Ettncnn sc, Ki 4 % 304*. 301% 29 Ei RmDc 8*.... 74% 73 74 23 F. O A R 5%.#. . It)', 04% 94 ft, 3 Fateh Mors, 5* 98 % ini % 90', 1 Fire#t r M 5*.. 97% 97% 97% 15 Kir T A R 5#.. 97% 98 % 90% l-'tFiak Tire 5%#.. 97', 97% 97% 143 Fia P A L 5*.. . 98 % 9*% 9s % II Gatineau P ,55.. 100 % K ( o% 3"0% 43 0 A 1 5# A vvw 9 4 93% 94 1 Gen Lau M B%*ioo ion joo 2 Georg A F •>* A 8 4 *■» 84 13 Georgia Pow 5* 103 % 102 107 1 G T A R 5s -38 100% 100% Joo% 12GTARC .5'.. 31 100100% ]oo t, 3 Grand Trim B%#Hl 111 m 18 Gttlf "t! P 5s 47 10!', ioi v 101 ft, 10 Ind Oil A G O* 98% 98% 9*l. 30 Ltd P A |, ft# ft 10l % l„| v, j,,i 23 Inti Match ,V».. 99% 99% 99 % 2 Inti Pow S 7s E 99 99 99 35 lntl Sc- Am 5# 98% 98% 98% 4 Inter X G i>. ww K»3 K 3 Ki t 20 Inter#! Pow 5* ps % 9s t, ~s % J 5 Inters! P,,» 8*199% 100 100 2 Invest C A 5* A 97 97 97 4 Invest Ko 5. A 117 317 31" « N LA- l V Ho* 3 ss»s*. 3wT l>hieh V n* A 3“7U J.M.ib M-N A l. ->* }Mp; Drt’l O Lorn* *Htar <r 5s J»!i UH *»») i l* & I, 5s DM MO’i fiji V* 1 M v-s Gas 5% # lot *. K'l*, ji>4 % 1 McCord Rat! 8* 99 % 99% pot: BMo K T | I» 99% 90% 99% 3 M ’V P c ft. A s! ioi JO! 4 Morn* A C 7% * KM) lfto |9rt 1 Nrtrra* Co ft* \ 103 102 K'3 ■’d "ft' D Pr 5%* 98fast' 98ft, N't P A I. 8, \ lOS % 307 % 108% 2 Nrv Coo* Cop ft# 99 99 99 27 New FG A Ess lm) 90% 99* 5 N V »■ A i 1 %.s 9- % u- % o; 1* MNi.hol# a Sh 6* 14 5 145 lift K* Xti'h ASh rt* wvr <>ft». Oft* 05*, 5 Nor I P s ft# r 479 % 179% 4"0% SN S p ftf rt%. C 179 138 139 * 14 Ohm P 4 ’-# K n 97 PH *# Prt 44 {* G&E 4 1 -* Ktt 99% »!»% 90% tno'U li l '/* 1 R »- f* rt 08 08 ‘OP O F, 8# \ v«» lOf's 103% 193»; Kl* £'•••« 72 Ktrt ion ]ort * is 1 hdltp# I'ct 5% * 94% 94% 94%. 40 Potrero sug .# slit, 89% so*’ 0 Potomac Ess Kio-:*, 107 jps 9 P Srv EAG 4%. s 10l ft, Jo| % 40l ». 353 P Srv \ J 4%, 107 ft,* JOT * {or V _P Rem trim 5%* 97% 97% 971, - . Richfltl fid tis \ 101 t, loot, mi t* 73 S APS 5s bwj 99’, 09 99*. K)St 1. G A I tis, 95% lift*. 95% 4«> h R F rt, v jll * potl 91 31 Serv Co lw>| ft# n 8.5 f--4 r , 85 34 Sh, WAP 4% # \ 97 », a7\ 97 ft 5 Shaw-sheen ,* loo', too’, loot: 1 5 Bhell P Line sft 97 % 97 971 7 >(o*# Sheff rt# .. 101’, KU % 101’, 70 Snider Pnk 8s 114% 113% Ilf, 3,v ft.,i 7>s \ 99 99 jvt 35 stheast p a 1. H, 1117 x, in; *, jo7 ft, ) Sou A shot tv# B*llo% 110 111) 4 South Datrie* rts 98 •»S 08 1 Snnihft LAP ti't Kn)', Km’, 109 ft, 17 Stall V Mfg 85... 914 % 99% 90% 3JB OSJ y rt%, KU % 103% 103% 17 stand p A 1. rts K)7 *, In"' 107*, 7 Sun M Rus tit.,# 95% 9.5% uft % 1 Sun Oil 5%s , ]n| % ioi % jo jt, 7 Transcotd oil 7s lor 107 107 23 In LA Rail ft',* 99% 99 99% 3 U R of Hav 7 *ll3 113 1| 3 3 s Huh f< # -30 Ino % lim % 100 % " U s Rubrt'.# ‘3l lot' too jot) 17 1 S Rub rt# 37 k*i) % too * j O9 3U S Rub rt',» .33 tt)o jltd 11»() 11 U s Rub fit;# 31) 09% 90% 09% 15 I'll! p A 15%. * 93% * ft' l 93 3' P,- }’ ti' .s 107% 108% 10* t, .5 Wet.,te r Mil rt l ,# }tS 98 p 8 14 Western P ft , A tOt) 99', too 9 Wise Cent 5* . . IIS', 98 % 98% Sale* in FOREIGN BONDS thou-and* 17 \dr tali. Flee 99 98 v, 98', 1 \g Mg Bk 7s 4 7 !•'!', ill ', ft't ft, 1 Anlonuna 7s |> »>7 % 97', 97 ft, 1 Bank Prussia rts tot ft, nr! \ tni ft, li Batavia Pet 4'-s 9,3 a, 93*, it i', I Bueno* A *» 57 lot *, KO % toi *, Kt Bueno* A 7%* 103% i'll ltfi % rt C B tier St ti- B jtj v, 9| ft, 01 %, l l tf''nt A P Bft % s ?•* ft ’, till', 90% 7l' c rlotc, \• g 7s 08', 98', 98’, 4 1 Ob, Co Its 9s % 98 1, 98% 3 Danish Cinta 5s 'lit', 90 ft, rttt ft, 3 Danish t on* ft I ,* K'O 100 to,) 3 Dauglf Pott 'i % s >S , sv % s,’, K' IVume k ft',, 11 VO ft, 100 ft, ; 0,, ft, I First Boh Whs 7s 90 , iMt, oi% free St I>. t% 9 , % „ ; ,* t Fee >t P> 8 I,* *'B V, 98 % ns % ' 1 : 1 •••* M o■ . 90 *, te. V, , tO*l u a AW K M tis \ o*, 94' 0% I l et M B Fot 7* KM % K'l % KM % 4 li sh Kt re >t ft* ?ft 7 9 7 o ’ 4l* Hr FI * , 94 st 4 ft 4 1 isoita 1 ra*ch :*!>■% 9 V or % "rt Jttgo >Mft :* ss % ss 88 5 1 e I' U 7%# w W I'l i ft, K» ;t, lo i % ' l.onth FI ”* \ !tsc, ns % 98% I I .-till Ft .* a« n |MS % !irt% 9rt % " ’ Menlo 7% s .51 Oil % jilt % *iv, , * ti M-ttdnvti I r» i ns', ns % its l , ti Moitleitd rts ft OS'. (is * ns% Me Bk Mow % n 93% jt.t tt; ti Mot- M Den rts ix mi % (to V ji,« % 9 'C'f Ilk ft cn *ft 91% 94 94 % 1 Muni Mnii 111 s. Kl 1 K'l', loft .s Mum Medidlnt 7* n v, n- % n % o Nll9lOll 1i rt ft# » !* > % *111 nft v j "s S.u tier Idm ti* 111 v, nt % 91 v 1 S Vu'vvnv 5# ii: tt i % ti t .|, 15Not vv iv ft. lift o 9 1 j, % *M Nor Ilv K .5 % a lift 93% nft j 37 Rio de Jan ti % * 9!) its >, bs % I Hoi lit and ;» tirt !>s % 9s e, jis % it lit.l Gran * 0 7 ns tt % n -, 1 said* Fo civ ,* Os', ns ns% B “aidiago KM % K'l KM % I t Set-Ini J* (i . ‘tit i, no -to IN stmt vet )! rt % * 91% 0t % 111 % 1 slot tl , bi „ , n| v, n, v % ,11 . 5 SUM He in vv a I't % '% ti( ,31 Swt,» Gov t ,5 % » |tM % KM % K'l % 3 Ivnvl H )’ir. '* l % ot % -it % 71 • ttt fi so ;» ft ion ion v, gin % b ■ 1 I - ! 8 . , ft „vv Illi ', on ml 'iHI >1 W til,, ft 91% till, till, 31 ft t'Ollta tl* till Si* Hit 's ;i.s ftft.tjdi 1 F ti* ft n % n"\ (t" ft! IW-'— tiv .* VV i . Ml', ,89 ', >9 ft# • 4 V On Ivtv ltd -s- - ’-■* » FAIRBANKS NORSK NEW YOKK MrtUli 20 1 Full f lilt Ilk' MoCm* I'll col lied 4.4 03 tt xhlftlt' on Hit- coudiioii stock ti\ 1037, tilii-i pic fnncif itlMrtenits wdlt uci profit of $1 841 hdrt Thin i.s in t sftifttrAst tv> fti i>;i h Mimic m l‘)J« m«t outfit yvf J’.- V4(* JHh. RUBBER DECLINES. NEW YOHK, MHtTh JO tßt»vil*l) (’null* iubbcr. smokcii viblttul .siwi*(» Mt*- i-llntnl %c iti bull*\ s noon quotation of J7i, Till* I’viitqßHra ftftitfft 31 %c » numlll agvt amt 41c a \v%it agv). • OTTAWA lower 11 *(r tit talcs on t'auavltaii coal slupuirius will bo cstnc U'lut'd as a rt#MiH t»( m ttoUatlotts now pant Hug tin* coal pivnUtiiloo of Iht* Dominion imti*<t>eil a million loo* last 3cat. wait -‘(Hi mute* m v'pviaUou, ! AN Aenvi STOCK ; 165 ** ">»■ i l< *»» i " )?7 | j >l | L BETHLEHEM STEELCO.II' ] _ O ) ■ i a—y ■■■ ■"■ J, ■ - -*■- y I LINES motCATg. I 55 ..rss/JiHi,rh itLfcflP-tayiJj _ ! 50 ~lt — 11 —trlM — M UhTtsy= 40 1 i 1.! j 4 JCW»TH.I.«OQIOO«|M ■ ! Wft**' 'prWD JTK. yro.doow. i ri1WP8»tW..35,779 PER SHARE ANALYSIS. Whiit In Bark of Eaeh Share. Dee. 31. IH2*5. per »hr«- Total gros* asset* .$358,142 I lediction*: Rond* and preferred stork. . .sl*s3 lift Current obturation* J 7.08 Cambria iron stork 4.T0 1 }*i 17 Not a«*rt* for common fltJT.tia Earnings 1 f* MU. 1321 1325. 1320. 1027 *« t? $‘.'.57 $5.30 $7.48 $5,02 Dividend* paid »in< e organization: 1IM«. HUT. 1318. Ift 10 1320 23 1324 23 s % to"* 5". yr. :i\ r. Preferred dividends are being paid regu farl.v. January 27. 1023—Reported that eondi lions in steel Ir «l< sa'isf a>tory. No reason to antiripafe a let-up in demand. i Commit your banker or broker for fur iher information a* to value* back of this Mo- k. i Scrapbook this for ftPure trfM'DC*. WILL RETIRE PREFERRED. NEW YORK. March 20 <4»).—Stock holders of Armstrong Cork Co. have ap proved retirement of $4,000,000 pre ferred stork and a change in common stock to consist of 1.555.416 no par shares, making it possible to exchange each share of present stock for four shares of new common. I REAL ESTATE LOANS 6% First Mortgage Loans for 3 or 5 Years No Appraisal Fee No Curtail Construction Loans in Any Amount Bring us your real estate financing problems. Free consultation. Applications answered im mediately. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE & GU A R ANTY CORPORATION Main 1403 26 Jackson Place National Savings & Trust Co. 62nd The Oldest Savings Institution in the District of Columbia Year Cor. 15th and New York Ave. - LAWFORD & McKIM General Agents 201-203 Woodworth Building Main 2838 STATEMENT OK THE CONDITION STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION of of l!w THE HARTFORD STEAM UNITED STATES BRANCH BOILER INSPECTION THE EMPLOYERS' LIAB AND INSURANCE ASSI R CORP. LTD. COMPANY. or LONDON. ENGLAND. OP H ARTFORD. CONN On the Slat i!jv of December. 1937 a* On th- diet day ol lVieniher 192.. a» required tinier the Diatnet of Co' imhtv i reunited under the Dtairut of l ..I'lmPia ... .. . ..... r„l, •mt-nded June 3u, UR>2 and Au- Code. * mended June 30. 1907 and Au- I I *i:*t IN lull. _ *;s«l is 1911 H tlnual »***««* d.soa.l 42W.000.09 1 i in c»tth ? 500.000 00 - 1 ■ « ASSETS. ...... Cash In olßoa . "V. iI. 09 C a*h In ofb n* .. ....... ~ * i.v v ;J . . . ... „. ; t m batik 6! i. 7**766 i m bank ~ klT.lw "4 Real estate 353.471.23 Real e.tve 5.20$ 577.11 J StivK* am! ts>t*d« tntar- . key valuat 27 774.337 75 1,, value* . 15 0.3,45. .>» Prmruußna uruvs**. ted and I ir 7'!»:'d. .( ae.'ntj ' 1 303 j\ in hand* of acents .... 4 *39 557 >< It r* *•-- «l .:-:e amt ».rr;;e!. 15 ‘ ; ' ; 3 •’* inter-*: due and kvnei . 2 43.43“ 57 AH uther aaart Due for mnattran-e* vt.- Total *««et* .... *' S 505.547.10 parse* for patsl io*ae» 79 570-55 lIA HU ITirs , * _ N-t unpaid elairu* ... *>4304 00 Total Let. 5.53,700 779 33 a* rr.ntire.l hv ... >•* a 7 710.52 00 rental" expense*. LI ABILITIES «*v»- e« • . 4 000 ji tpa.4 flaw «: 4 7*4 4*7 99 I Comm.e.u.n*. brnkersMe. «... HOO n aa t**j wired by law 9 550.551*0 • va-h di*i.Wod* rrmainttsc 'A* :■«. rent*. expense*, ,;;r,^ u U * 7 .US »*'«.•*. 1 <*»»•«o j V!t other HaMltlM**. ... . . 1 100.4*0-74 .’<wmi«!,'!iv btvke-we. Net at iv * 9.715 999 IW -t,- . , 439.3§0 t*4 IVtat Hahiltliea.. $13995 94TH> statutory deport 250.099.90 All other haNUUe* Chit' 1 ».-ter of huswte** tr ynea.fed ilnrtß* r-.ntitieent -**#,.*« *SO tW ft»> * (he V. ,r i*»27 Ruler amt machinery * nttn«eo» mo os ara is to *.|.-t i tied stums* ' Ke*er*e for tnxe»«tfa the vear 102? 9997.iH0.05 ton and ad>u«tr*ent lnooite dursn* the _ . , . ..« .- ir 11*7 7 . ... 904 4 732 90 unpaid clataaa ... " s*o Koeii.V.l slums* the year WM k i tv^r 1 Datal h.Mltnea mmmst 1 *' V UM>! KFRiVK S**v*rirfa-v fh*! %cf*r c*f hutuwM lri?M ttartD* s iKa; ' <h«k! aihl <mtorn 1a Vu»r# in# . . s.h O.V Os Jaiott-. I*l7o he year tt»2. »aaualtv nau* *n.*a. Seal i t‘ EDGAR *si \N*" . \-v ot at preaai inta » Notarv IMhlie , ,» n ;he year ——— « '0 th>7 535 554 .STATEMENT "NPITION KMPIOYERS* FIRE j t r * Ju ' ,u * Ui# v *' r ... I\s! KA\t I COMPANY . , • i*K Kt*S l.*N M 1 ... a*« t.u 'o On the M*t da* of iLvmle 107“ a* i *•*" '**• • • ■ h.. *93..» • n) tMid - ;he Dutn. i ot C*>!ou*Rm • K\iv vW .1 m* the *e»: • odn June d 0 li'v',' and VU IS.".' ..... 20 s**4 745 00 >S KDW \RD V STDNt i *t»t») »to> U stOOO(UH*»'O t' State* Manager t toii.l *t.» V paid up. Sn?»*''uivd ami so »** in e*«h ,1 000 000 ot* th * oth ,:** »: * % « ‘is CHARI.Eh l :\ltli *lv*l I)HS*V 4** st Ps t Aeai * \olvv thih-'u* . Ca«h in o« e . , «*0 00 ~..... - - SUV .... ' ' ' ' ' ' * ' N , ,'nei . . 3 715 700 OO ol toe ; i;d < -is *v.v mi AMERICAN IMPLOYERS* Ihvnoito, tUU'Plie.'ted and tv st•v» tv v . itiptt \ •■. 111 * ■ ; * t\ h v K.WI 1 vs. MI AN I |nt • ■ due o*t i • e,i 30 v 47 t'» Ht'v *a'\ m \ss i A" Pthei Rettttnr- t'n the 35*t .lay •>< !v .* >■ v •s* ‘' »» sue rvA.yerah’e on paid «*)Utival tut.*.*; the iv.i- ;. tof iSdutuNtA t ~ . t 430 17 t'.ste atuemled June s*' 1907 ami A‘4- . -t >v *: t Ihital .**« 1. at ; t 5 3 >:* t »pit i. *t... V . 'I AH* 000 tV - Vain U >le4 Jsvid up. t I'll'i ui .t»St ....... . 1.090 v*Oo v*o \.*t unpaid .1.011,* S.'t 11 »:*4 01 IPs iti' a« **i|itir.y| tv* AV>Kts lav .. \ 9s: 375 09 Cash Hi liu-v . ... , 5.144 2 SO3 l i s.! i i. » v.-uta evta'H*.'*, 'iv, Vi au*t Ivivit ip<«ia*'l * him -f. OS9O»* 70 * . lie* , 3 151 4sf\* vH> I! l'oint>ii«*i.»i* htoKt'i aye OfeiiHißi. unwiMpi'led 44mk ; e’ • 0 I'i'i' A' *w hau*ta of asv»*a ■ > 715 4" t4l i ; i ioii.i -to V t 090.000 OP l»t*ff.l due *<sl pvtuel * *-> ’tu til V" othei ' yh hti •• *i|. VS! o«S*vt iuit« ...... ,it .'99 W l» 1 -1» to t'alyssve 707.753.t53 ■ « [ Tolal aaeett *4 75 7 ».n'99 Total Itabiliitea S 3 til 573 S 3 11 VHU.mtS Chvraeter of hss*t«e*« t»»»*4-'»e.l thlOm Net vhh**!.! I'Saupl 410*95.939 00 the *- at l** Ft re and »lh*d hue*. Hfp’i* «• nu at !•» '.»*» 1 lt>4 4'o 39 Vmount l's ruk »*»iisues! 9ai»* tea r*u*4* MteiiMi U • 13 4539 ?5 949 09 **-» et. ||" j * * i iitnea *u*t *s***si duhiui ■ mmMm walkoawv the treat Id?' 4*S4 I*o «3 et.' ts??.v,i(a* Money ve.ei'isi diuioi t'aottal »t.sli ... 1 vSV* OvM pv* i ! Ih - . eyi l"*’ v 77 5 i'S! 45 v!l othei hahstttiea .... t 7,59 45 I;u* eded duiina the - ... -» JI : Hit 107? « iH*9 HS| 45 Tvoal U»h* , vylsH' l AUt f HO* t«V» t' 4Tv4\>‘ VItEMVS 0 VNh*R if Ihe.i h ut 5 i\V» l**v»i.H M 5 I FE4NKIIM ** Itv'R ty*\ KRVNtvUN 5* Mv'RtW He -swt.yi y 5e .etaiy Si.'.- . lt—d ii.d aw ot». to N?f.»e sue v u urns i last «>..! a .sums to h-hx» w* ills« VU of hot* «|> Ill's thl» 7 *s* da* of »Vh tu *S CHVHfts n \HK \I|»» idisysv s’RvRIES El Ml. K HvU’v MIAVN t iSeal * V >s is s I*o*' ■' iSeal * Nat.*}* Pstius.*, FINANCIAL JOHN” HANCOCK MUTUAL LILT. IN’SI:RANGE COM PAN Y Ol* BOSTON, MASS. STATEMENT OK THE CONDITION OK THE John Harir-mk Mutual Life Insurance Com i pan? of Bouton Mux., on th® 31st day of f)*"ember 1327 a* renuired under the ]> .- trl'-t of Columbia * ode amended June .J" 1302 and August IK 1011. ASSETS Ca«h in offbe sl2 422 20 e»»h in bank 2 718.744 71 Heal estate 14.304 373 33 Real estate mortgage* (first ; li*o > 254 00? **2 »| | stn< ka and bond* amortized . J l*i 033.451 M Bill* rereivable .. 2,374 50 j l*iemium* deferred nneol le- t-d and in hand* of agents (net) 10. Tl! 40170 ! Interest djo and ar'rued . . 11 119 773 “5 ; All other asset* 40 045030 7l> Total asset* slsl ootj 878 43 T.f ABILITIES Vet unpaid rlaitn* *! 320*35 33 Reserve a* renuired by law. .383 *583 50* 00 Halarjr-*. rent* expense* taxes. ete 1 373 015 41 Commission* brokerage etc, 455 434 *4 All other liabilities . 24 355 320 «7 Cnassigned fund* 'surplus) 30.004 103.34 Total liabilities $451.00(5 874 13 Charxeter of husinew* transa' ted during ttm year J 327 : Life intturyme. Amount of risk assumed during the year 1327. . . *533 542.051 00 Losses sustained d-.rmg the year 1327 Money received during the '»ar 132? 114.50* 203 17 Expended during the year 1327 77 441 734 4 4 WAT.TER t crockeß President CHARI,EH J DIMAN. Hr-rretary. si,h*rrite-d and sworn to before me tb » - .30tb dav of January 11*2* i * Heal i > RANKLIN' L THOMPSON Notary Pub ,- A. W. DEFENDERFER, DUtrirt Maniicrr, .TOJt-.Tlffl Alh*f> Rltlt., H ;««hinrton. f). I . Tflfphonf M;»in I#*. E. J. CLARK, State Agent. Mar* land and Distrief of f elnmbia. 13