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SOCIETY . (Qmttmied from Sixteenth Pasr) ?irr home Tuesday evening. March 13. hi honor of Miss Eleanor Maxwell, when the party was in ihe nature of a miscellaneous shower. The guests in cluded members of Tan Sigma Pi So rority and close friends of Miss Max well s. Miss Maxwell is the president of Alpha chapter of Tan Sigma Pi Sorority She will be married April 7 to Mr. Paul Rosenbrrger of Virginia. Mrs. George S Allen of St Louis, ac companied by her daughter. Miss Mary Allen, has arrived at the Carlton, where she has taken an apartment for sev eral weeks Senor Gonsalo Arango of Cuba was host a? luncheon yesterday in honor of the attache of the Cuban embassy. Senor Don Jose A Sera. Among others in the company were Mrs. Thomas S lovette. Senora Mill* Ibarra de Domin cuer and Mme Marie Orever. well known composer and singer of New- York, who will remain in Washington until early in April. Mr George W. Mowe has issued cards announcing the marriage of his grand daughter : iss Olive Enßna Vickery, to Mr Robert Cunningham Schwarz - mann. Sundav March 18. in Jersey City. N J. Mr. and Mrs Schwarrmartn will be at home after April 1 at 801 Somerset street northwest. Washington. Miss Eunice Thomas will entertain at dinner this evening at the Grace Dodge Hotel. Washington Artists to Give Exhibition. Cards have been issued for a private view of the exhibition of Independent Arts of Washington Monday, from 10 o’clock in the morning until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, in the Du Barry room of the Club St Marks, at ion Connecticut avenue. The exhibition which will be open to the public from March 27 to April 7. is under the patronage of the Minister of Austria and Mme. Prochnik. Sena tor and Mrs. George H. Moses. Gen sr.d Mrs Henry T Allen, Admiral and Mrs. Hilary P. Jones. Mr and Mrs. Duncan Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Tuekerman. Mrs Henry Alvah Strong and Mrs. William Wheatley The artists whose work will be shown include Miss Catherine Cartel Critcher. j Mr Felix Mahony. Mr Edgar Nye, Miss Marguerite Vftmn. Mr A H O Roile. Miss M. C. Marshall and Miss Josephine Page. Mrs. James G. Cnmming will enter tain Washington members of Delta Delta Delta fraternity at cards tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock in her home at . ?RCI Thirty-fourth place. Mrs Cum ming is sice president of Washington Alliance of Delta Delta Delta. Mrs Emily Newell Blair's fourth and ; final lecture on books, at the Mayflower Thursday at 11 o'clock, will be on the ; subject. ‘'The Year's Contribution to j literature. - ’ Mrs Blair is widely known as one of the writers of the day, and her bock reviews have made her quite ; famous. Miss Margaret Yard has designed an j attractive poster, which is on exhibition this week for the Twentieth Century Club benefit for Friendship House, at the National Theater. Monday evening. Miss Francesca McKenney has ac cepted the chairmanship of the girls' floor committee for the Columbia Hos pital ball to be given at the Willard Hotel Monday night. April 16. Miss Ann Hill is nee chairman and others assisting are Miss Dorothy Hill. Miss Janet Phillips. Miss Sallie Hews Phi! - i lips. Miss Victoria Tytus. Miss Imogen Taylor. Miss Evelyn Walker. Miss Kath erine Carlisle, Miss Theodoria Catalan), j Miss Frances Hill. Miss Jeanett Hume. ] Miss Adelaide Henry, Miss Hester Ann LeFerre Miss Ellen Peelle. Miss Celeste Pope, Miss Anne Covington Miss Louise Clayton Miss Eleanor Hard. Miss Mar- j Jorte Monde!';. Miss Sidner Neale. Miss Elizabeth Simms. Miss Ruth Stoddard Miss Olive Sherley, Miss Helen Strauss and Mias Exilona Hamilton. The executive committee for the ball is headed by Mrs. Frank B Freyer. chair man; Mrs William MaeCr&cken. jr . vice chairman; Mrs. George Hewitt %tym and Mrs. Reeve Lewis, Enthusiastic support is being given the benefit card party sponsored by Co lumbia Chapter. N. S D A. R , Thurs day evening at 8 o’clock at Chestnut Auditorium. Twenty-sixth and Pennsylvania avenue. Many tables have been reserved both %*'• members and other District chapters through Mrs. James Henry Harper, legem. The annual appearance in this city g>f the famous Mask and Wig Club of tth* University of Pennsylvania Mon day in the Belaseo Theater is attract ing rather more than the usual keen inter*** socially because of the fact Ah*t His the premiere of the 1828 show "’Tarantella,” and in addition to the Dumper of distinguished Government officials and prominent Washingtonians who claim Pennsylvania a* their aima Buster . and who will be in the audience on that occasion, a large party will pome down from Philadelphia especially for *he opening performance. The Secretary of the Treasury, Mr Andrew Mellon, is expected to attend The performance, a* are the Secretary of jth* Interior Mr Hubert Work. Mr Justice Harlan Fiake Stone, Mr Justice Vs Reynolds Senator Sackett, Sena'or Ofdle and many well known members the Ue:vw»tty of Pennsylvania Club firing in Washington, including the di rector general of the Pan-American t'liisn, Dr, le'-o R. Rowe; Representative Adam Wyant. Representative jam** M. THE WOMANS SPECIALTY SHOP JOT § \ —iflaper JlroS. &Co .—f 1 937-939 V St. ]M.W. §? hat§ J I |S \% y p f r))K most attractive, most becoming Mffij \ \ and most complete selection of beauti- Jp/ \\ "m ful bats this speciajty sboj) has ever I mj at this price. Junior girls’, in V\ c, t *5.115 $7.50 W Si) s|() Jfajf | \ 1 ‘ ■*•;/ v -- - Beck. Mr. Georgr F. Brumm, Mr. Ben ' jamln Golder. Mr. Everett Kent, Rear i Admiral E. R Stitt.. United States Mar shal Edgar C. Snyder, Mr. Lawrence Townsend. Dr. Frank Hood Shultz, Dr Charles W Richardson, Dr Thomas W Sidwell, Dr Edward T. Devine, dean of the American University; Mark lans burgh. Gen. Frank Keefer, Maj. F. i Granville Munson, Mr. George F. Sny der and numbers of prominent business and professional men in the National Capital i Dinner parties preceding the per r formance will be features of Monday i evening, and a full schedule of social events is in process of arrangement by prominent Washington hostesses in honor of the players of the Mask and Wig. who will themselves arrive Mon day in their usual "Mask and Wig Spe cial" from Philadelphia Following the Washington opening, a comprehensive tour of Eastern cities has been ar ranged. concluding with a two-week run in Philadelphia right after Easter, and two performances at the Metropolitan Opera House. In New York. The Phi Mu Sororitv gave a bridge party last evening at the Carlton Ho tel for the benefit of the Phi Mu “Healthmobile.” a charity work which is supported by the sorority and is car ried on in the Georgia mountains. Spring flowers decorated the patto of the Carlton where the tables were placed and hostesses of tables included Mrs Gilbert Grosvenor. Mrs. Howard L Hodgkins. Mrs. John B Earner, Mrs. Maurice H. Avery, Mrs. Frederick W’ True, Mrs Hugo Selton. Mrs. Whitman Cross. Mrs Harvey Wiley. Miss Anna belle Matthews. Miss Marian Barker, ; Mrs. John Porter Strother. Mrs. Eliza- I beth Cullen. Mrs. Archie Straub, Mrs. Fav Beij. Mrs. F J Eichenlaub. Miss Evelyn Jones. Dr. Kathryn Symonds. Miss Mary Frances Ward, Mrs. L. D Whitaker, Miss Frances Wolff, Miss Miriam Richards. Miss Lonnelle Dav ison. Miss Shirley Henderson. Miss j Lucy Burlingame, Miss Mari’ Griffith. Miss Virginia Pryor. Mrs. Helen Shelby. Miss Phoebe Furnas, Mrs Margaret Px-le. Miss Margaret Black. Miss Eliza- ! beth Sticklv. Miss Kathryn Story. Miss Lvda Gene Black. Miss Betty Fisher, j Miss Mari Morhart. Miss Louise i Jaquette. Miss Ma.xime Alverson. Miss j Catherine Bannerman. Miss Christine Bannerman. Miss Dorothy Pullen. Miss Eva Pope. Miss Louise Howell. Miss ; Ann Snure. Miss Catherine Beal, Miss Amalie Walker. Miss Eleanor Wilson, j Miss Adaline Heffelflnger. Miss Kathryn ; Palmer. Miss Anna Louise Sanford. Miss Lucy Virginia McGraw . Miss Mar garet Mitchell and Miss Anita Heurich. j ... | Boxes for the phantom ball, which the Southern Relief Society will give April 9 for the benefit of the Con federate soldiers and their widows and daughters. 50 of whom are supported 1 by the society, are rapidly being taken, j Mrs. William J. Harris, wife of the; Senator from Georgia, and deeply in- 1 terested in the cause, as the daughter J , of a Confederate general, is chairman j of boxes. A partial list of those sub- ! scribing for boxes includes Mrs. Wood- j row Wilson. Senator and Mrs. Law- j rence C. Phipps. Senator and Mrs A FAC© UK© /Tw\ AWEARTOIUD X / SHO©/ * Some fdCCd look like shoes that have never known the bracing benefit of shoes trees—ail slumped out of shape. <•* Faces don’t just slay in shape, they must be held in shape by good strong muscles and firm healthy tissues. This means exercise—exercise that strengthens the muscles and quickens the circulation so that the blood comes dancing to the cheeks to invigorate the tissues and clear 'k the skin. sJ/Vj ai Elizabeth Arden's method of Treatment makes it possible for you to control the outline f of your face just as you control the outline of /J your body—by exercise . a* Come in to the Salon and have a course of stimulating, refreshing treatments especially planned by Miss Arden for you. Don't risk being pitied because your face is out of shape! Telephone for Appointment for Skin Treatments and Exercises: Franklin 4334 ELIZABETH ARDEN 1147 Connecticut Ave., Washington, 1). C. LONDON NEW YORK PARIS FAisaheth Arden's Venetian Toilet Preparations for Home Treatments Are on Sale at These Smart Shops: WOODWARD & LOTHROP WARDMAN PARK PHARMACY re> Elizabeth Ardiut. J»2K THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON, T>. T„ TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 102 R. ■! Key Pittman. Representative and Mrs. r j Sol Bloom. Mrs. Charles Boughton • | Wood. Mrs. Delos A. Blodgett. Mrs *' Amherst Cecil of Asheville. Mrs . I Theodore W. Noyes. Dr. and Mrs. John W. Burke, Mrs. William Corcoran ! j Eustis. Mrs. Clarence F. Norment. Mrs. ■ j Pearce Horne. Mrs. Wallace H. Wit i cover. Mrs. Hennen Jennings. Mrs. William F Dennis. Miss Gertrude Du rant. Mrs. Charles Gray Matthews. 1' Mrs. Rosa M. Mulcare, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Macatee. Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Meyer, Capt. John H. Cowles and Mr. i William Schaus. As an appropriate addition to the interest of the program which the Fri day Morning Book Revfrws will give at the Willard this week, Mrs. Mar garet Poe and her daughters. Miss Vvlla Poe Wilson and Miss Elisabeth Ellteott Poe. ktnswomrn of Edgar Allen Poe. have been inivtted to attend as patronesses "The Poetry of Edgar Allen Poe" will , be the subject of discussion by Mrs William Wolff Smith and Mrs. Theo dore H Tiller, who are sponsoring a second series of their reviews. "The Music of Frederic Chopin” will also be i discussed. Will Return to China. i Special Picpatoh to The Star. I STAUNTON. Va.. March 20.—Rev. I Charles W. Worth, jr., with his wife . and children, who were forced to leave J their mission station in China on ac- t ’ count of war there, has been requested ! to return to his post, and will leave | soon for China, Mr. Worth and the j j members of his family spent last Sum- j ! mer with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Craw- I ford. While here Mr. Worth filled the ; pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church j during the vacation of Dr. Fraser. • - Births Reported. Tho following birth* have been reported 'to the Health Department tn the past 24 j hours: Benjamin W. and Violte Thoron. earl. ; Ernest C and Lillian Rmipert, eirl. : Russel! and Fern Heffron, eirl. Georce V. and Flnrenre Hadd.v. eirl. Simon H. amt Dorothy Humphrey, eirl ! Thomas H and Margaret A. Dudley, boy Thomas A aid Pearl Little bov. Raymond F. and Katherine E. Harding, • eirl. Robert and Nettie Fleteher. eirl. Earl and Coehie Dunler. boy. I David and Gladys Welling, boy. j Harry J. and E!i?at>eth T. Sweitzcr. bov. R La w ren<e aod Marv Plummer, bov, Charles A. and Lady E Conway, eiri. j Parts and Mildred Anderson boy Her.eViah and Elvira Remolds, boy, Charles D. and Ida R. Gross, boy. Marriage Licenses. Marriage lieenses have been issued to tbe ! following: Girolamo Pemoro and Josephine Bruno i Herbert M, Lewi* of this city and Violet ; j Watson of Ouville Va ! Randolph M Stout of Alexandria Va . and i Mae V. Ballinger of Del Ray. Va William L. Priestley of Baltimore and j Trinnie Major of Williamsburg. Va. I George F Henry and Susan E. Warner, both of Baltimore j Nathaniel H Pinckney of this eitv and Msry A. Farmer of Prince George* Count▼ i Md. Harry Wagoner and Lillian S. fiydnor I both of Chesterbrook Va, Henry ft Conway and Mamie C Robinson i 1 Interest nr Extras Added tn Our Budget P//mlliliiiiliimi»iiiiiiiiiiiii»iiiimiiimiiiiiiHllirit> lln Not Penalize Our Fr»g»(/jiilllilillllilllllllllillil | 50c Table Oilcloth* IT pays TO A DEAL AT $1.98 Georgette Crepe Five Oilclolhi, fiifil S $1.79 • hcitvv >rcversihlc quality, in plain xBBP «$Uk lO-inrh t.enrt'-ue "pr. eslrn white, tilintf and fancy effect*: also cBl—! ..ZJ et"“ M, Vo f h f |*rV* , 'whltV. , ”7iy* , BrHtaw! fl,,a, ) pa r n, H rv r fect q»a»ity. BOTH SIDES OF 7™ AT K, ST. "THE DEPENDABLE STORE'* ■■—*———H"W>—————————— u,i i U5 n $14.50 and $16.50 I SIM «*** si«t. 1 Window Shades Hodges Rattania Rugs I «pI.ID M ® O 81x90 Seamless Bleached Sheets, lU made of heavy round thread sheet | TfC 1V ■ cotton: * ree rom starch or Perfect quality Holland or Oil jK I/./ r\ I! doub, '' b * d * i «- Opaque Cloth Window Shades, size TT ** ® ™ * nlowcascs, 29c 4 ft hv 5 ft 9 inches- mounted on bleached Pillowcase*, made of tine Hartshorn rollers; white, ecru, myr- Slight Irregulars and Discontinued Patterns cotton tree from dre*»«,g. tie and dark green. Complete with What a wonderful opportunity this affords women desiring ~ ea f e H . silk-covered knot pulls and all fix- new floor coverings for Spring and Summer—genuine Hodges- ,i*ti free from drllsilii ' * turcs - make Rattania Rugs; sizes 7 ft. 6by 10 ft. 6 and 9x12 ft. for <.ni**k»r ( , —F'r«! Floor. ; i “ finM.tthrrg'k—Fnorlii Floor. , j Ch*r*y \t,o»ni» tn\ iirrf a ctiurgr Arironnu inviiru. large and medium sized rooms. 75c and 98c Handsome Chinese and neat designs, c lorings of taupe. 50c Chiffon Voiles ■ _ blue, rose, gray and green. Although some are termed irregu- Chair Cushions ars * we ave to f ,n( i an y serious fault. O A*7 $45 to $55 Smith’s Room Size Rugs 40-inch Chiffon Voiles, extra-tine, ii*rrf*ri »..<t siighi iirr«nur*i . . sheer quality, with tape edge. In 18x18 Bar Harbor * shape Chair MJ.ft, Smith'* Seamle** Axminxier and he«\\ f white, black and all wanted colors; Cushion*, cnlton tillH; cover.d with Frinod V,lv.i 11u,,. Chin... IVr.i.s .ml not de i ( °r dresses, lingerie, draperies, etc. beautiful floral, bird and striped- '“'<*"•>*• >» •»« «W «—25 c Crepe,. 19c design cretonne. Tufted with ten _ ,$ . Pnnivd Crvp*». *«d buttons. $5 Japanese Stenciled Rugs <ro*»mK «••«* prints pi*»« fU** 8$ 10-ft. heavy douhle-werp Stenciled Ku *». )(A CC XAnbroxdered Rayon*. 48c , , . . ' W # iOO I .lb- inch tin Sundered rreh ARe* ~ CQ. C afl l Prklrk** |reeß ‘ b,u * * nd hr * m " ro, '* r,n <*’ tape-hound mdc* and m ulm in hendinme embroidered dexi t n» *§OC ana •)Jv rttBl ia VevlUr end*. * "Kite and rolored ground* tlnaranteed * t**i color*, cretonnes . ~. . , _ «,,ou,«bcr,\ tn-< »!«*«, $3 Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs JsSeft. <»old Saal Cot»|«laum Hu|», handtnm* non! rn| ) 1 «T 5 C. att\ HS 30 and 36 inch Fast-color Cre- «r til. (..ttarsa, with arti.He hardar da*i|«*. \l= OCp Xi*rt\ tonnes, crash or chintz effects; light msd%J\me * *ll AI f.?tnrUH k decani, fm Hr’anonl Urn! sl*so Cotton and Flax RugS vvetght Awning Canvas, JO futuristic designs, for drapertea and , . inches wide; tull holts, from which coverings of all kinds. Full bolt* 24*4» Hairlaaat Hu|*, wave* hv hand ol enttnn and j we will cut any quantity. Blue, tan and mill length*. flax* rnaa, hlua, fray, ttupa and brown, with eombmation / brown and green woven stripe*. I 5 t tmra* Airuuiil* Inrltril. MlOf b»rdat»>— trirtt rl#<lf>) i w \y UI drettic Vcvwwni rl l^TTTnmTTnimrmTmrrnpiTrTA 7 o l nine tit at I'xtras Added to Our Budget PlatgmimSMSS'SimwMMmiy 0 too Sot Petmlteg Our friends 17