Newspaper Page Text
DR. JOHN B. QUAY DIES AT AGE OF 75 Retired Employe of Post Office De partment Had Been 30 Yeara in Government Service. Dr. John Barton Quay, retired em ploye of the Post Office Department and long a resident of Washington, died at his home, 5502 Thirteenth street, yesterday after a sudden illness. He was 75 ye * Dr. Quay was a native of Louisiana. GOVERNOR WINTHROP DESK SB4-73 An exceptionally fine and com modious piece that fits well in any surroundings. Size 36 inches. An unusual value. Convenient Terms George Plitt Co., Inc. 71813th St. N.W. Painting, Paperhanging, Upholstering, Draperies ■l———————— *" n| nillllllllllllililllllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIll!lll!l!llll^^^1lllllllllllll!lllli!llll!llllll>lllllllllllllllllllllll>" l,l " r 85 Washington Rooms Are Going to Become Charming For Less Than Usual Cost It has always been a policy of the Lifetime Furni ture Store to demonstrate that a room can take on charm for a very little outlay. But, with these 85 specially priced Lifetime Suites the cost is lees than usual. 85 Lifetime Dining and Bedroom Suites Are Advantageously Priced This is an advantageous offering in dependable Lifetime Suites. Artistic designs, everyone, mostly of famous Grand Rapids construction; including many fine Bcrkey & Gay dining and bedroom suites. Every suite bears a special low price. These are values easily recognized as such and will go quickly. To Simplify Your Selection These Suites Are Arranged In Six Price Groups *195 - *225 - *275 - *350 - *375 - *395 Get One of the Best Values Now MAYER & CO. Seventh Street Between D and E k He was graduated in medicine from . Georgetown University and praeticed here for several years. He was em ployed in the Post Office Department for about 30 years prior to his retire ment in 1920. He is survived by his widow. Mrs. Anastasia L. Quay: two sons. Francis S. Quay of this city and Eugene 8 Quav of Chicago; a daughter. Miss Helen I. Quay of Chicago. K step sister, Mrs. Lillian Tulane of New York, also survives him. j Funeral arrangements have not been I vompleted. Tuberculosis in chickens is not only fatal to the birds but may be caught by ! hogs as well. TTTK EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. CL TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1028 W. B. ARENDES DIES AT HOME IN THIS CITI Lifelong Resident Succumbs at Ag of 58—Funeral Services To morrow Morning. A lifelong resident of this city. Wil liam B. Arendes. 58 years old, aiv salesman for Charles Scheuch, whole sale baker, died at his home. 608 C street southeast, yesterday. He hai been in falling health for the past sev eral months. Mr. Arendes was the son of the lat William F. Arendes, for many years ii the wholesale bakery business here. H is survived by his widow, Mrs. Eva ] Arendes: two sons, Paul and Bernari D. Arendes: three daughters, Mr; Madeline Passeon. Mrs. Joseph R. John son and Miss Annabel S. Arendes; sevei grandchildren and one great-grandchilc i all of this city. He was a member of the Holy Nam I Society of St. Peter's Catholic Churcl j and of the Bakery Salesmen's Unior Pallbearers will be selected from thos organizations. Funeral services will be conducted ii St, Peter’s Catholic Church tomorro\ morning at 10 o’clock. Interment wil be In Cedar Hill Cemetery. Detailed to Extra Duty. | Maj. Robert S. Thomas. Corps o Engineers, attached to the office of tin Chief of Engineers, Munitions Building has been detailed to additional dut; with the 718th Engineers, this city, a: the relief of Maj. Carey li. Brown Corps of Engineers, attached to tin office of Public Buildings and Publii Parks of the District, Itfs Springtime fin Beautiful j I' /®OfK CRGE&\ 1 g HILLS /_3 PwerruA*. ' —iq r — fItSTHiCTIONS —• B R.E. LATIMER J/, J/C== LAND CO. (KUISIVt ACCNTS "3 W* HSAUNDERSC^ RIW.TORS MRS. S. A. TUCKER DIES. Y Funeral Services Thursday, Burial in Congressional Cemetery. Mrs. Sarah A. Tucker, 66 years old, lifelong resident of this city, died at the home of her son, John W. Tucker, 3924 j New Hampshire avenue, yesterday after " a long illness. She was the widow- of Richard W. Tucker. O Funeral services will bo conducted at id the home Thursday afternoon at 2:30 it- o’clock. Interment will be in Congres sional Cemetery. te Mrs. Tucker is survived by five sons, In John W. Richard H.. Albert W., Walter Ip L. and Edwin W. Tucker: four daugh- I. ters, Mrs. A. Mullen, Mrs. King De :d Lauder, Mrs. Lawrence Wolfcamp and s. Mrs. Arthur Rich, all of this city. Mrs. 1- Tucker was a member of the Daughters >n of America. d. .—— -» ~ RITES FOR E. C. HOPWOOD PLANNED FOR TOMORROW 5C In Cleveland Editor to Be Accom w 111 panied to Grave by Plain Dealer Old Timers’ Club. By the Assort a ted Press. CLEVELAND, Ohio. March 20.—Fu -51 neral services for Erie C. Hopwood, ,e j editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, | who died unexpectedly Sunday night, J 1 will be held at his home in Shaker ls j Heights here tomorrow afternoon. ” I Messages of condolence came in great £ I numbers from friends throughout the c | city and outstanding figures among the i Nation's newspaper men. r I The honorary pallbearers will be ! members of the Plain Dealer Old Tim j ers' Club, an organization of employes ! having 20 jears or more of service. The active pallbearers are department heads with whom Mr. Hopwood came in clos est contact The funeral services will be marked by simplicity. There will be no music. New Chapels Reared. Corretpondence of The Star. LONDON. —Forty-seven new- chapels and twenty-five new- schools were opened i in 1927 under the direction of the Wes- < leyan Methodist Chapel Committee. J i — i. 1 I » OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT AT j EISEMAN'S, 7th & F , l I mmmmmt Mr CLYDE J. NICHOLS, Inc. UNDERTAKERS ! 4209 9th St. N.W. Clyde 1. NlelioD, 1-rtn. , Formerly Vico I-rretdenl-Seeretury VV. K. httrar* Co. i , Phone Col. 6324 j; wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmm , I AMBULANCES Private Service, $4.00 Steel Vaults, $85.00 Best rloth-eovfrrd U P rimket* j Entire Funerals, $75.00 Up Lowest Prices The Brown Stone Funeral Home . W. W. Chambers Co. HOO Chapin St. N.W. Col. 432 (V) Ryan Service Is Always Ready j * D»y or night. our »ervie# I* ever ntert to answer your i-all for help. For many year* Kyan eervioe ha* 1 l«*en wonltiHl a* the flm-xt Fu neral parlor, private ambulant'* and livery in conne.liori JAMES T. RYAN Funeral Director 317 Pa. Ave. S.P. 1 Telephone Atlantic 1700-1701 We Have STOVES For the Home STOVES For the Summer Cottage STOVES For the Auto, Boat i Camping LET US SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS aMUDDIMANo 709 13th St. N.W. Main 140-6430 I I I SSmESSmBSEEESmmmmmmmmmEESSEEEESSSSX Real Estate Loans (D. C. Property Only) 6% No Commission Charged 1 You can take 12 years to pay oft your loan without the expense of renewing. SI,OOO for $lO per month in* huliiitf interest and prin- i cipal. Larger or smaller loans at proportionate rales. i PERPETUAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION EotubliohoJ l«HI Largest in Washington Assets Over $17,000,000 Cor. 11th and E N.W. JAMHS HKMHV, JOSfII V IV t AUK. Mrrrrlarv THE WEATHER I District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia—Fair tonight and tomorrow; somewhat warmer tomorrow. West Virginia—Generally fair tonight and tomorrow; somewhat warmer to morrow. Record for 24 Hours. Thermometer —4 p.m., 39; 8 p.m., 37; 12 midnight, 36; 4 am., 33; 8 am., 34; noon, 44. Barometer —4 p.m., 29.82; 8 p.m., 29.90; 12 midnight, 29.90. 4 a.m., 29.89; 8 a.m., 29.92; noon, 29.90. Highest temperature, 44, occurred at noon today. Lowest temperature, 31, occurred at 6:00 a.m. today. Temperature same date last year— Highest, 69; lowest, 49. Tide Table. (Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Today—Low tide, 1:09 a.m. and 1:25 p.m.; high tide, 6.51 a.m. and 7:13 p.m. Tomorrow —Low tide, 1:54 am. and 2:14 p.m.; high tide, 7:39 a.m. and 8:02 p.m. The Sun and Moon. Today—Sun rose 6:12 a.m.; sun sets 6:20 p.m. Tomorrow—Sun rises 6:11 am.; sun sets 6:21 p.m. Moon rises 5:54 a.m.: sets, 5:02 pm. Automobile lamps to be lighted one half hour after sunset. Condition of the Water. Great Falls—Slightly muddy. Weather in Various Cities. » Teim*erature. *59 t> p s>_ | I? p* ’ll Stations. 5 2? o* .Weather. :< 21 «£ * • - tr “ * r* g Abilene ...30.18 48 34 Clear Albany ....29.68 36 .30 .... Cloudy Atlanta ....30.12 48 36 .... Pt.cloudy Atlantic 29.88 42 32 .... Cloudy BnUinmr# .29 t*o 42 32 •• • ■ Birmingham. 30,12 52 33 .... « loudy Bistnarek . 30 00 r»4 33 .... Clear Boston ....2000 4i 30 .... Clear Buffalo ...29 82 28 23 0.01 Cloudy Charleston .30.14 58 42 .... Pt .cloudy Chicaifo .. . 29.06 14 .10 .... Clear Cincinnati . 10.02 42 12 .. . . Clear Cleveland ..20 93 .34 28 Cloudy ColmbiaSC. 10.13 . . It clear lionver 10.14 50 42 .. . . T t.cloudy Detroit ....29 93 It 24 0.01 Clear El Paso... . 10.14 08 -t;.’ ~. . Clear I Galrestou ..10 23 03 sft .... Clear Helena ....10.10 62 16 .... Clear Huron. S n. 10,00 44 26 .... Clear Indiana not! 9 in oo 4 4 m Clear Jacksonville. 10.12 04 48 .... Clear Kansas City. 30.04 44 10 .... Clear i.ns Anyclen. 10.10 74 54 .... Clear l.outsvillc ..10,04 44 It Pt ■ toildy Miami. Fla. 10.14 72 53 Pt.cloudy N’ Orleans . 10.20 66 50 .... Pt cloudy New York... 30 82 18 28 .... Clear ouia City... 10.06 5o :to .... Clear Omaha .. . . 10.04 42 10 ... . Clear Philadelphia. 29.80 43 13 .. .. clear Phoenix ...1000 81 50 . .. clear Pittsburgh 20.92 12 78 0.01 Clear Portland Me 79 54 42 12 Cloudy Portland Ore 10.10 76 50 .... Clear Rateiirh.N C. 10 08 46 .12 Clear 8. I.akc CltvlOlrt 07 42 .... Clear San Anlnnlo 10.20 08 40 .... Clear San Pietro. .10 06 66 52 .... Cloudy 4 Francisco. 10.16 66 44 .... Clear St. Louis. . 10.02 T.O IS .... Cloudy Si Paul.... 10 03 14 2ft .... Ft .cloudy Seattle ...1008 TO 50 022 Cloudy ttnoksne ...10 10 08 44 .... Clear WASH DC. 29.92 41 31 .... Clear FOREIGN. <7 am.. Greenwich time today.* Stations. Temperature Weather. London. Kncland 48 Part cloudy Paris France 40 Clear Vienna, \natria 22 Clear Berlin. Germany 10 Clear Conenliasen Denmark... 14 (Tear Stockholm. Sweden 32 clear Gibraltar Spain .56 Main lNoon Greenwich time today.! Horts IFav a 11. Arores . 56 Part cloudy iCurrent observations.* Hamilton, Bermuda 64 Part cloudy San Juan Porto Rico.... 76 Clear Havana Cuba... 06 Cloudy Colon, Canal Zone 7ft Rain ——a- Deaths Reported. The following- deaths have been reported to (he Health Department in the past 34 hours r Bridget McGlnity. 84 1623 Benninf rd. u #. Ida Sanders Coluns. 82. 607 V'd *t James Shaw. 80. United Stales Soldiers Home Hospital Nil* Olto Ulrickson 80, 617 21st *t., Amanita B Campbetl, 78. 843 Upshur st Frank Sheridan. 76. United States Sol- j diers 1 Home Hospital. Kli*j6<cth Murphy. 74 1740 K st Frank B Crosjhwaite 72. the Hichview j Apt 13th and Clifton sl« Thonia* lfavden. 71. 640 G st. n e. Alfia Furnari. 69. 3903 Georxia ave Christian Parsley. 65, Columbia Hospital. Elizabeth Ketlurn, 65. G.-rllinser Hospital. Ida Mantdmr. 58 Providence Hospital. ‘Onion Jon tiff. 56. 71 New York »\e. W |fred C Brown. 55 Galltnecr Hospital Moms Rore ostein. 52. Tuberculoid* Hos pital Filinno Pietro Patella Ift, 1431 If st ns. Herbert W Hollidpe. 49 440 I.uray Pi W. M indcrville Troy, 43. en rout# Kiuer genev Hospital. Kthei Donuts. 7ft. 1715 New York ave. Mrailcr Joseph Grigsby 2, 1446 W st. a.#. Dorothy Vernon 2. 1327 Kenyon st. A ido V. Di Simone. 3 months, 1434 Park rd. Charles E Minkin*. 73. 15 9th »t ns. William O'Neil. 6ft. Casualty Hospital Charles Dixon. 62, United States Soldier*’ Home Hospital. Mary V. Kldrldse flO, Gallinrer Hospital. Richard Parker. 60 Garfield Hospital. Ada Lacy. 51*. 406 New Jersey ave. Jefferson Anderson. 57. 2017 4th *t. John Frank Smith. 48, 1336 4th *t. Daniel Freeman, 45. Freedman** l!o*p!tal. Mat>el Bean, 20, Columbia Hospital. Barbara G resit. 8 moot Ip*. 524 l«t at. Mary L, Jones. 49. 526 ltd st. » w. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 'ESTABLISH4IB76. JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. _l_33?_lOih 9t_NJW North 47. CHAS. S. ZURHORST 301 FAST CAPITOL BT. Phone l.lnroln 372. T. F. COSTELLO Herbert B. Nevius Funeral Home 931 New V ork Ave. N.W. _ Main 7606 P. A. TALTAVULL H. J. TALTAVULL. Hr. lift 7th St. H.W. „ U. 1879. NO BRANCH OFTICR, Joseph F. Birch's Son I ISAAC BIRCH* M \f \V Phona w#at 9fl .*JJ4 JW oi KaUbllahad 1841 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither rh* aueoestora of nor conneeisd arttli ih# nriclnal W K Speai-e establish- Phone Frank 6ft2fl 1009 H St. N.W. f ormerly 040 F St. N.W. "iiiulck I Mi--II lli-il t. tli I lent Service. Automobile Service Chapel W. W. Deal & Co. _JII R ST N E _ LINCOLN 8800. I. 4411 II VM Ilf: fuller, il DlrMtSI noil f.mlmlnirr- Liter. In runnertlnii. t'liinmu tlloii. rlinoel. Mndrrn Kinder ile rrrlre. 113 I’a 4vr. N W tall !M 148 X W. Warren Taltavull 14th & Spring Rd. Col. 464 ALMIJS R-BPEARE Succeeding t)i« orlgtnM W R. Bp«*»re Oa 1623 Connecticut Ave. Potomac 4600 n yra. at 1208 11 at.. 45 yra. at 940 F at. Timothy Hanlon ft II II -<i N | Utioiie L. 8840. Wm. H. Sardo & Co. Private l.imousine Ambulance Lincoln 524 Frank Geicr's Sons Co. Main 2473 t'KMLTLKY LOTS. A MR AU I’lFi I ' LMF-TFRY 1.0 I*. HIMAHK #ldv low in ice, | iiu judt s iieiiii6u.«l *ju# wlul* only. Address llox 41 (t if, Star oftlc*. m EL NERAL lILMONN. GEO. C SHAFFER' smn\iWVi!,.*r , iWv T tS'i ,s Our Only Store, 14th Sr. hye BI.ACKISTONE, 1407 H Heftiitiiut Floral Detiuni, I l * ant) up, evil MAIN I Mir Prumui Auta fieinnv B«rviea Artistic—«Miiß*xiv»—mr*ipt’!i»i>« __ Gudc Bros. Co,, 1212 F St, NOTED MINNASOTAN CLAIMED BY DEATH State Senator Brooks, Republican Leader and Sportsman, Expires Suddenly at Age of 65. By tho A*»(irlnled Pres*. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., March 20- State Senator William F. Brooks, lum berman, sportsman and Republican na tional committeeman from Minnesota, died suddenly last night at the age of 65. Senator Brooks had been president of the Transmisslssippi Golf Association and the Minnesota Golf Association. In 1927 he was chairman of the arrange ments committee for the national ama teur golf tournament, which was held at Minikhada Country Club. He in vented several machines for keeping golf greens in condition. The widow and a son, Robert F. Brooks, survive. CHINESE, TUBERCULOSIS VICTIM, DIES ALONE Lee Hawk Hing 1 , 60, Found Dead In Room —Will Be Buried With Taoist Rites. Lee Hawk Hing. 60 years old. was found dead yesterday afternoon in his little room on an upper floor of 340 Pennsylvania avenue, where, alone and without medical attention, he had passed through the last stages of tuber culosis. He had been ill for several months and during the recent Chinese New Year festivities he was absent. After Coroner Nevitt conducted an investigation and issued a death certifi cate the body was taken to J. William Lee s undertaking establishment. Htng will be burled tomorrow in Cedar Hiil Cemetery with Taoist rites, and a year later his bones probably will be carried to a last resting place in China. Hing was well known in the city's Chinese colony. RITES FOR C.’ L. PARKER. Services for Patent Attorney to Be Held Tomorrow Afternoon. Funeral services for Clarence Leßoy Parker. 55 years old, patent attorney, who died at his home. 3406 Garfield street, yesterday, will be conducted at the residence tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev. George Farnham, pastor of the Cleveland Park Congregational Church, will officiate. Interment will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. Mr. Parker was a member of the Yasons, the Columbia Country Club, the Sigma Phi Fraternity, the Uni versity Club, the Chemical Society of Washington and the American Bar Association. DR. T. C. MILLER DIES. Virginia Physician Survived by Widow and Eight Children. STAUNTON. Va.. March 20—Dr. T. C. Miller, for a quarter of a century a practicing physician in the New Hope neighborhood, died at his home yesterday. He was a son of the late Isaac N. and Mary M. Mfcier of Goods Mills. Va.. and a gradual? of the Uni versity College of Medicine. Richmond. Surviving him are hLs widow, who was a daughter of the late B Frank Saufley; hLs mother. Mrs. Isaac Miller of Penn sylvania. and the following children: Dr. E. J. Miller, Mrs. O. H. Saufley and W. R. Miller of Goods Mills neighbor hood, Mrs. W. T. Baker, J. M. Miller and Mrs. I. W. Baker of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Maggie Collier of Bristol, Va.. and F. R. Miller of Earlville, Hi. Dr. Mil ler was 55 years old. RAY L. STINCHFIELD DIES. Former United State* Employe Succumbs in Rochester. Ray L. Stinchfield. head of the patent department of the Eastman Kodak Co. and a former employe of the United States Patent Office here, died of heart disease In Rochester. N. Y . Saturday night, according to word received here. He was 43 years old. Mr. Stinchfield left the Patent Office to go with the Eastman Co. In 1916. He was graduated in law from Georgetown University while employed In the Patent Office. Funeral services were to be held at his former home In Brockton, Mass. WILL APPEAR IN DRAMA. Plans for the presentation bv the younger members of the Lutheran Church of the religious drama ‘The Rook.” in the Masonic Auditorium, are rapidly nearing completion, according to an announcement of the District Luther League, under whose auspices it is being given. Paul Brindle, president of the league, has organized a group of pastors and laymen as financial backers of the project. Proceeds from the production will be devoted to the inner mission work, conducted by Miss Frances Dvsinger. administrative executive. The play is being presented under the direc tion of Miss Bess Davis Schreiner. . FOl NIL WHIST WATCH in BrtmKliuul. Owner ninjf by in niirrt.v nnU (nr inf Ain;ly 14-s i-hi. »i ■>.- MIST. AN FTuI k" SiITVKK I*l N. Torro'of ""of ftuwf-rx; w>uu up«v|*«i» »lon«‘»; t>#t’»*‘*'ii 17**7 iftlh .uni Little Theater. *eattnient»l value atta> hetl Lilx-ral reward Mi** Harlan. ! 1267 Itlih n w. FraiiHlii) 13. 22* BOSTON B1 1.1. I*l 1* 7 UKililh* oUI Wi'arlne xieen leather *s>Uar with las Nt> ttift'4 Sunday afternoon an»»t-r* to name of -Bean*.” Upturn to 1324 Newark *t ami re. il vo too ml 71* Bit Ai Kl,k.'T—l’latiuun: eat»l*htrp» amt tita nium!*, between l‘in I him! tiotei am! via • linuLle*: Ttlewlay. He wan! Mi». V I‘. KuSlimer, Curllaml Hotel • BHAI'Ki.KT iil.ttinmn, L *t . Oonms »u ut (n»-. in Mayflower Hotel. t’ali t’otunitaa - 4583 re** and. Bft* BKINDI.K BOSTON lU'l.llHHi lllin.l. ai Be|hea*ja Mil. PhiilM J*:.*.!!ev 58 • ilit sAi-FAKF li v\ RFTHIKVKM tat* «oat. lame left hunt loot. it returned t.i I2lft Vermont ave Franhlm 473** I*oo t’OI.LAK. t»s No 678 1. near 7m! amt T *la lew. Hew an! 445 T »t. lew Phone Hot I'.! 1)041, lars*. imHi-e ami Alie.laie mixed: rewtml, i». T smith, Uhoue AUantto 16470. i;i.VSBKB m .-a*e II »t hetwben 16th ami Iftlh. Hewaixl. 2166 F »ew\. Ant 467. * tiIIKKN SDK si ahF, lad* a on Sunday instil nelshluuliooil Bth ami Jettriwum »i» il w (ilumn Main sHßft. 31* No IT IK mb Small, ooiitAtutns title ami I'oinmenla of *everal Immlrtil lumK.-. name of uwiirr on carvt liialle. Rewaol lilt I itlt -I n w • l*tH'hF I'BOoK lila.-le .■onialuius iuoue> l»r*» ami Met lute In* booK Sit ntshi. on tttti 6 I»etwi'i'ii h I ave am) W at How aid If frtlti tied to I Tift W *1 . *i',e>ud floor anl • l-oI.H H IH*G Fetnalt in noithwr*t ih-.-- llon Hew aid toi rot urn to tt W, Miller, lU.d 16th at m . ill Hid Title,l l* IHIODId White amalt female: Matvh *4 Hi s I *.e tjnn named "Tootxie ‘* No «nH,*i Helitrn to 7543 1 Lttt el n w yieoi* e* 1637. it. W lid ItosAHY while Is-mla, name on w«*a* " FU»e iuiv-m Aidhtinv." rial# 7 3 4 t t Kewaial if i.iunied to Aj*t toft 152il 1 .th nw 7\ * BHHINK HfN ITatumm «-t with -malt dta tiuiini t --t«reh Maieh 12 2ft Aldie«« H.'X So ! st n oftl-.e * WIItCIUIUH* TFHHD'n mate Ida*;** »"*' while. *ti a veil trnm 3363 Boodle* *vi Sat ill da* t’H.'tie t'le*.* 1388 Hew -ml WHI3I’ WAlvtl AM* sTHAV U.b > while aol.l lo*l Hi front ut (lie Fat le I’tierter, Saturday nlshl. Hew aid Hete* (• G'-or ,n« a**- ft w * WHIsT >\ Vl\'ll mono* i aim'd t A. J* . In nr l>ptw<*en Union Station amt ‘.ft s.*t n w Vllnlei jileaw* eall North ft3o t * WHISC \\ 4IV H Flam initial* *' • *1 *•* I stn »* or Ma—yi himeil* a*. It, waid Hltona Hriinhllu HitftS er Main 3 '<*l * WaKP W All’ll B,.ini,. »|Uei, #i\ata*ed ■ Kftdh I ion H* S.'oUwtafe Ha l» s<-<> lltntn il* loom hellll ■* l lle itei Monday alt ernmni H-waij. (all MumnhvltMs Main 6S7a, - i JBtatfu. ALIIK.KT9. Departed ting life Saturday. Alarch 1". 1 K'.’B at hi* residence. J 614 B Ht. ii.e., HENRY. Unvoted hu*hand of Hen rietta Albert*. loving sou of Mary B. arid the lale ffeiiry Altrert*. brother of Al berta U. Conley and Thomas Taylor. .iroUier-in-law of Mairel Kdeliii. Funeral from Mount Horeb Baptist Church. Dilb and It st*. n.e., Wednesday. March SSI. ai i ii,m. Friends and relative* invited to attend. I Baltimore, rhlladelidiia and An nanolis panel* please copy.l 20* .A KEN DEM. Suddenly, on Mai eh 19. 1988. at 2: mo a.rn., at in* resioenee. \»iI.UAM ft., tin- !>e loved tiUMoand of hva 1. Arendee inee l,'routhi and tlie eon of tn« late Vv niiarn F. and Sophia A rendu*. f uneral from hi* Juie resnictiee. 008 li *t. *e- March 21. at tr ..n> a.rn.. thencs to St. J’etcr * Couieli. where in as* will be said at 10 interment i edar full Ceme tery. Friend* and relatives invited. 11l 11KK1.1.. On -Monday. March 30. 1828, r anmk, ticioveu wile of Arthur Burrell, aged Vlf years, funeral trout her iste residence, merry Croft, iakoina Bark, If. C., Wednesday. March Z l. at Z pm. Rela tives and inends invited, iiitermeut Rock Creek Cemetery. CI.AY. Departed this life Monday. March ill, litas, at her residence. Hail Hill. Va. JtLi A Cl-As (nee nurses*t. oelo.ed wile ot Clifton Clay. She leave* to mourn tneir loss a mother, Margaret Burgess, 'i hi o tints, i nister, 2 sous, 2 daughters and oilier relatives and mends. Aoliee ot funeral later. COLBERT. Afte-r a long illnes* at her home, 11211 3rd st. *.w., Friday. March Id, 192», Mrs. CHRiS'i r A-> a CuDllr-Ki. devoted mother ot Mr*. Sarah Maca; grandmother of Horace Mack. loving mother-in-law of 1 -Mr. James Mack and nister of Mrs. Rachel , Dorsey. Funeral from the above liurn ber and thence to /tun Baptist < hutch, F st. I hjtween ard and 4*t*. * w., Wed nesday March 21, at l pm. Relatives and friends invited. Oh, dear mother, how 111 miss you When your voice l will not hear. And .t fills my heart with sadness When i see your vacant chair. • COOK. On Monday, March 1!>, 1928, at her residence. 1918 12th st. n.w\. oRACiH 1 < <>OK unvoted wile of Louis Cook. She I leave* seven children, two sister* and two I brothers. Funeral Wednesday. March 21. , at 1.30 pm., from her late residence. I ll*l» 12th st. n.w. | DIAMOND. On Monday, March 10. 1028. at 1 1:50 pm . WILLIAM DIAMOND, devoted > husband of Mattie Diamond and father of Alma Diamond, son of Frunk Diamond and nephew of Ethel l.anitierl and Hattie Smith. 1 Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis 1.0. lunei ai parlor, 2222 Ueoraia ave. n w , Nutiee of 1 uncial later, < IV.t«l>uigh and | New York papeis phase copy.) I DODD. At Garfield Memorial Hospital. Mon . day, March lb. IP2B. at SA!> pm.. RaE. beloved daughter of Tulle and the eate l Samuel Siegel Funerai irota the lenience of her mother 4213 Illinois ave. n.w.. ( Thursday March 22. at 11 am. St* DONALDSON. On Monday. March 19. 11*28, at her residence, D>l4 Kenilworth ave lie.. J.AUKA VIRGINIA. beloved wife of the late /.a -twriah Donaldson. Funeral service* at her late residence on Thurs day. March 22. at 8 Ijn am., thence to St> Mai garet * Catholic Church. beat Pleas ant, Md.. where ma»* will lie said at 1* I I am, Interment Mount Ohvet Cemetery. 21 M.dN. On Tuesday. March 20. 11*28. at tier residence. 1121 12th *t. n w., IRENE , BOTEI-F.R. daughter of the late J. I.utber and Rachel Elgin. Remain* resting at . Hysons s funeral home. 1300 N st. n.w. Funeral from Bt. Mark » Episcopal Church. I'etersville. Md . Thursday. March 22. at j 1 :30 p.m. 21 II EM.I.CHART. Monday March 1!>. 1928. at her residence, 2800 Dumbarton ave. I i nw„ MARY 9OPHRONTA ENGLEHART widow of John Englehart and daughter of the late Micheal and Mary Ashford. Fu neral Thursday, March 22. from above l [ address. Mass at Holy Trinity Church. ! Id a m. 21* ■ FOtVI.KR. On Monday March 19. 1928. at ’ j Washington Sanitarium and Hospital. Ta- I koma Park. WILLIS J. FOWLER, beloved husband of Edith F Fowler and father of ! Mrs T. J. King. Chicago. 11). Funeral service* at Gawler * chapel. 1730 Penn sylvania ave n.w.. Thursday. March 22. at 4 pm. No flower*. 2-* i GROVER. On Tue*day. March 20. 1928 ; at her residence. 501 12th *t. n e.. Apt. I 32 EMILY, beloved wife of Frederick L. r Grover. Remain* resting at Zurhurst# funeral parlor* 3*»i East Capitol st. No j tn-e of funeral later. HARPER. After a long illnew. at his !£*}• d-n.-e, 322 C st. * w.. EDWARD HARPER r j devoted son of Lucy Harper and the late j ("harie* Harper: brother of Mattie, Bell, j John. Henry and Daisy Haroer and Mrs. ■ Lulu Grophan and Leona Turner. Susie ; : Gaskins and Manse Ethel William* and . t Evelyn Harper Funeral Wedneaday, March 21 at i p m- from 32S 0 st. s w. It \KPER. All off! er* and members of Ml. j Oiive Tabernacle. So. 3. are hereby re l it nested to attend the funeral of our brother. EDWARD HARPER, who de- I parted this life March 16. 1928. at hi# residence. 322 C s'. sw. A call meeting Tuesday m»ht, 7 30 p.m- at Fishermen* Temp!*. 320 F *t. sw. „ _ JOHN QUARLES. R. W. R. SARAH E. BROOKS. R. S. C, • HARPER. Officer* and members of Morn ing star Lodge, No. 40. I. B. P 0. Elks : of W . are hereby notified to meet tn a session of sorrow Tuesday. March 20. 1928 at 8 pm. Pythian Buildtn*. cor ner 12th and You *t« n.w i.Atvade*. for the purpose of arranging for the funeral and burtai of our late deceased brother. EDWaRI* HARPER Funeral service* to > ly> held Wednesday. March 21. I pm. at hi* late residence. 328 C *t. g w Offl'-ers and members of Columbia Lodge, No. 85: Forest Temple. No 9. and Columbia Temple. No. 422. invited to be present. ID onler of FR - NK A j C wi9. E , R.' Attest: FLOYD C. PAYNE. See. ! H ARTUR. On Tuesday March 20 1928. HARRIET NELLIE, daughter of the late William and Annie Harper Body resting at Gawler* chapel, 173<» Pennsylvania ave. is w. Notice of funeral hereafter. HART. On Tuesday March “9. 1928 JOHN T HART. Remains resting *t the W SY. Chambers funeral parlors. 1490 Chapin st. nw. Notice of funeral later, HARVEY. On Sunday. March 18. 1928 at 10 nm. st 1937 Park rd. Mr*. MARIE HANDY, beloved daughter of Mr* Robert Breckinridge Handy. Funeral at Pnnce*e Anue. Md. HAWKINS. Offl.-er* and member* of Co lumbia Temple. No 422. I. B P. O. E of W . are notified of ihe death of our daughter MAMIE HOPKINS. 9e*»soa of sorrow Wednesday, at 7 o clock p nt- at the Elks' Home. 301 Rhode Island ave n w Funeral service* March 22. 1923 at ! o'clock pm. at the Rehoboth Bap tist Chim-h, Ist *i between N and O »t* sW, Forest Temple. No 9. Harmony Tpmplf. No 34i> f4>%* No. VV, Morning Star Lodge. No 40. and Columbia l.odgc. No. S.Y are invited t. J HART. Daughter Ruler, s R SAUNDERS. Daughter Fin. Sec. Jt NOHA NS. On Monday. March 19. 1928 nt her parents' residence. WJ 14th st I , ne MADELINE ROSE, beloved daughter I of Frank M. and Eleanor J Junghans | (nee Murphy >. Funeral from her parents, i > ivsidctn-e on Friday. March 23 at 8 :to | i m thence to the Holy Name l hurvh w here high mto will be sung at 9 * n! . i for the rcik"* of her *uil Relatives and ■ i friend* invited to altrnd. Interment | Mount Olivet Cemetery KF.lltNiti. On Sunday. March IS. 1928 at! George Washington l niveraitv Hospital, ! M\RY A. tieloved mother of 1-oval C j Arthur D and the late Caren-w H. Reb ; logg, and Anna K. Hunt. Funeral wednes- j div March 21. st 2 pm. front John R Wright's funeral home. 1337 lOth st n # w > KENNEY. On Monday Morh 19 1929 SARAH C. nice Elbon'. beloved wife of Robert E Kenney Funeral sew tee* will be held at the home, li.AA Neat st n e on Thursday. March 22. at 8 pm. In terment liv H‘il ('emeterv. Laurel Ml | Relatives and friend* tnv!(e>l t LEE, At hi* residence 1319 Euclid st »> w. , at 11 o'clock TSieielay March 20 1929 Wll*l.l AM GEORGS I-EK No tug .ot ! funeral hereafter. 22 i |.EE. lvnartrd this life Balunlay. Ma-- h t 9 1928 al l am at hi* rwanleo.-e, .'C*9 15lh st se WILLIAM H IFF He leaves to mourn one brother. Id children 21 grand-hildten 12 gr\*ai grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friend# Funeral will t>e held from Nash Mcmoriv Church Wednesday, March 21. at 3 o'clock • MANNING. 9t Hvtav Manh 18 1938 at j Provide!!-** llonital at 4 49 *tn , after a long illness \DA beloved wife of Eugett* i D Manning Funeral will tv he’d from j lha late rertdeiu'e 6t* 0»( se Wedne*- { dav M sruh 31 at 539 am ami tbeo.v to >t IVter'a Church, when* pmumhi mass* j wilt i<e sung a« 9 n'ehvoh All rv'A«.ves and friends are invited to attend ',o* i MeUI AID. On Mondv March 19 1939 HUGH F Mctil'AlD te’oye.l huaNtnd of Die late Uathenne Mi'Quaid Funeral Com the residetne of lu* daughter. Mrs Wtl ham prevail 9499 Jones MU! road, Uhsvv Chaw Md on Thursday, March 33 at 9tA am thence to 91 Johns Church Forest Glen, Md where mas* wt!l he said at 19 am, Relative* aud tv tend* invited to attend, 31 ! MINOR Departed tht* life Mondav Maivh 19 1998 at (he resithmew of hi* mother, It9i Moniello a># n# GEORGE b MINOR husband of Kona Fleming Muhn and son of Witbsm r and Hattie 8 Minor lather ot Aliua. Janet Maud Grace and George It Mino:, ir am! brother of Goldie M Mackne.v. AVGtiam F Minor n IVo o B Ea.vtfeiy ami Grac* F 9avov and Nannie! X Minor Funeral Wednesday March 'll, at * ->9 put., trout to* late rcaideanv, 1123 Mon .icllo ave. ne MORI EY- »*>» March 19 1929 CtIVHI K-» G . lyliiVri! hushuitd of Ma s ' All-e Mot' lev aged 49 tear* FniHuat trout hi* late residents' »>i! 99th *1 n«• on Wwdne* , day March 31 at Vpm Internient Cou «ieoiiouat t'emelcl » . NE! MIN Nuddeub on kvtuolyv M a-.vb t 1928 M i til DA I. Ivloyed state >'t Aim Ida G Queen ot Rattliuoie and Washing t«U« amt Mrs Lulu 1 R*v of 9:t\9 Hhauuon pta.e ** Funeial seavtces on Thursday March 93 at X pan. at, Veunout Aveuu« Baptist Church vX * I NE t min t here will t<e a '"all nieettn* of j So ah ’XV iif No 19 to atrauge tyw lh* t\»- I p.vial of Si sic i MATUI'A JvEPtUN. at j XViusluyy s Hall. I2xh amt R sta n.w VV elm s.t ay eycutns Mai - h 21 1929 at 'JO t m l iiin iat ThUrsviAi M sich <2 livu' \efiMotit Aienne t«a(»li«t ctvnt'h at 1 10 pin Rev Janie* E WiUtA pastor All touts tnvih-d (\ K HR VNHVM EMBA W R lit IIP Ann NOR I lit HN On M,unlay M»,vh |9 1999 ai her rvstiWn.v IHA 41 vestal at nw MtNNiU F\ A Wlove.l wiiw ot LovwG R Northern tn the fifty second war *»f !u r ase Eunsrat *ei \ o*a and iwtensvant finnd-vv Mat.h 2A at 3 pat, at H*n#i sons M i thtatvh. Maodaya Potut ' . Staftß PARKF-R. On Monday. March 19. 1928. CLARENCE LF- ROY PARKER, beloved husband of Laura K. Parker. Funeral from hi* Ini' l residence. 3400 Garfield n.w.. on Wednesday. Relative* and friend* invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. • PARSLEY, On Monday March 1» 1928, at 13:30 am. at Columbia Hospital. CHRISTINA PAR4LEY. aged «> year*, widow (<f the late Otho Parsley, devoted mother of Mr*. Ruth P. Atwood, John Roger Parsley and Wilt.tir O. Parsley. She leave* three sister*, four brother* and si* grandchildren Funeral Wednesday. March 2) at 2 p.m., from Free Methndiat Churth. Lavhiil Md. Interment at Lav hill. Md. Friends and relative* iovited to attend. • PR ATT. On Saturday March 17. 1928 at 10 am., at her reside tier 2015 Columbia nl n.w . ESTHER SIMPSON, wife of the J&ie Frederick VV. Pratt. Funeral service* at St. Matthew's Catholic Church on Tue*. PRESTON. On Sunday. Mar-:h 18. 1928. at (P 25 » m at hi* residence 3329 10th st. n». JOHN EDWARD PRESTON, be loved hu«harid of Ma-y P.-e*ton 1 nee Lynch!. Funeral from 'he a'xive addre** on Wednesday. March 21. at 8:30 am. Reoiilem mas* a: St. Anthony* fhtirch at 9 o'clock for the repose of hi* ami). Relative* and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 20 Ql AY. On Monday Mar-h 19. 1928 at hia residence. 5503 f.tth st. n w.. JOHN BAR TON. tieloved husband of Anastasia L. Quay. Funeral from his late residence on Thursday. March 22. at 830 am. Mas* at the Church of the Nativity at B am. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 21 ROOT. At his residence, 1241 Perry st. ne.. Brook land D. C GEORGE 0.. be loved husband of the la'e Elisabeth Root and brother of Mrs. Helen Humphrey, agrd 78 year*. Funeral from hi* lale resi dence Wednesday March 31. a' 3 pm. Relative* and friends invited. interment j Glen wood Cemetery. • SHIPLEY. On Saturday. Mar'h 17 IfPJB 10:30 pm.. JOSHUA J SHIPLEY tieloved (eun of late William and -Marv D ShiO lev. Funeral Tuewlay. March 20. 4 r< rn„ at Laurel. Md 20* . SYPHAX. Suddenly on Monday March 19. 1928. at hi* residence. 1732 Bth *t. n.w . DOUGLAS SYPHAX. devoted husband of Fannie L. Svphax; father of Leo Bis* mark and William Svphax. Abbi» Jones and Maxie Syphax: brotheg of John Mc- K*e and Marcelin* M “rphix. Funeral notice lat»r. Remain* resting at W. £. Jarvi* Co '» funeral parlor*. 2322 Ga. ave. n w. TOI.SOX. On Monday. March 19. 1928. at the residence of her *on. Carl E. Tolaon. 12 Ohanning st n.e., ALICE REBECCA, in the eightv.fir*t year of her age be loved wife of the lale J. Edwin Tolaon, Forestall!*. Md Funeral from the resi dence of her daughter Mr* Mabel E. Pumphrey, Meadow*. Md.. on Wednesday. March 21. at 2:30 o m thence to Ep-pfi any Church ForestviUe, Md.. where funeral service* wit] he held. • • TRIPP. Departed thi* life Sunday. Mar h 18 lf>2B •! her resilience. 23 L *t n.w . MARX' TRfPP Funeral f-om Mount A ry | Bant -t Church. I. *t. lietween N. Capitol I and !*f, Wednesday. March 21. 1 o'clock. , Relative* and friend* invited. • ; TI CKER. On Monday March 19 1928 at 230 nm. at the residence of her , j John W. Tucker. 3924 New Hamn*hi-e ave n w SARAH A beloved wife of the i ; late Richard W. Tin ker. Funeral fr»m the above ,-ddre« on Th trodav. March 22. j at 2:30 pm. Interment at Con*re**ional ( Cemetery. 21 WILLIAMS. Departed thi* life Mondav. Manh 19 after a brief ilines*. LEONA ■ I XYILLIAMS. l>e!oved daughter of Carrie ■ . and Arthur William* and sister of the late Beatrice Cox and Bertha Armstead Fu ; 1 neral Thursday. March 22. from Second j Baptist Church at 130 p.m. Friend* In vited. • WORK. On Mondav March 19. at | l.'W Am . at Sibley Hospital. JUtIA ; ELIZABETH WORK (nee Harmoni. be- - 1 j loved wife of John W. Work. Funeral , | froni her late residence 507 G *t. «e.. on Thursday. March 22. *t 8 30 a.m thence to St. Aloysiu# Churcb. where requiem high mass will he »un# at 9am 1 , for the reno** of her aoul. Relative* and friends invited. 21 I WRIGHT. Tuesday. March 20. 1928. at Homeopathic Hoapital. HOWARD W . age I ! 77 rears, beloved husband of Emma Wright. Services at the 9. FT Hines Co. funeral home 2901 14th st. n.w.. Thon day. March 22. a; 2 pm. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. 21 3n iflemortam. COLES. In loving’ remembrance of my dear wife. GRACE COLE 9. who departed this life five years ago today. March 20. 1923. Her eheery way*, her *milinr face, _ Are a Pleasure to recall. DEVOTED HUSBAND. ROBERT COLES. • i D.AYI9. In sad hot loving remembrance es I tr.V dear wife. ANNIE M DAVIS wM departed this life 7 years ago today March 20. 1921. • DO WLAN. In *ad but loving -■* membr»n-“ of my dear sister JOSEPHINE DOWLAN who deported this life three year* ago today. March 20. 1925. 1-ovihg ’and kind in all her way*. Upright and ju*l to the end of her days, bincer* and kind in heart and mind— j What a beautiful memory she left behind HER I-OYING SISTER. CLARA. • ESSIG. In lorin* memory of my dear wm. . j JOSEPH F. ES9IG who died tune year* .! ago today. March 20. 1919. [ MOTHER • . GASSENHEIMER. In loving memory of JOSIE GASSENHEIMER on thin the eleventh anniversary of her death, i her family. • I GRI’YER. In loving remembrance of our mother. JENNIE O GETTER, who .le , life nineteen year* ago. March 1 A happy home we once enjoyed. When we were ail together But. oh. how changed it all i» now. Since vou have gone to heaven THE rHjLDREN. STELLA. AGNES AND HENIM r.Y. In *a«! but loving regiegibra- e of our <lesr mother. MARTBA J. HEND LEY. who departed thi* hf* one year ago lixitf, March 20. 1927. Who** love can equal the love es a mother: Whose the devotion *0 loyal and true Who suffers *0 much with *ueh }oy for another; Who work* with rich pleaanre aa mother for you? Yon bait with delight the friendship of others; Yon revel in love of the sweet heart you've won: Yet where do you find a friendship Uke mother's Unbroken till death call* and ttfe» work is done. HER DAUGHTERS*. RO9K AND LUCT. AND SON. HOWARD. AND FAMILY. • HOWK. B.i red to the me more (if o-»r be loved father CHARLES HENRY HOWF who die»l twelve rear* ago, March 20 1918. and our beloved mother. Ri>«a GRAY' who d-d fifteen yeare ago. December 6. 1913 THEIR I DYING DAUGHTERS. MINNIE M HOWE AND MRS. LULU H ROBIN SON • i LEON \RD. In memory of our dear son (ROBERT E LEONARD who departed th;s life six veers .««,> ti'Gav March 20 1922. Father and mother. • MAkEI t„ In sad bn! loving remembrance I of my dear aunt MINNIE V A KELL, who departs! iht* Use one vear ago today, Ma-. h ?0 ! 927 HER DEVOTED NIECE. MINNIE NAYLOR ULASCOE. • j MINOR. A irtbute es love anl devotion to the igemorv of our little >taughter AUDREY SYLVIA *ho died one year I ago Mw. March 20. 1927. "> falter to say and wtl! not say Th*t she t* dead she * rust away: With a cheery smile and a wave of the hand She wardered into an unknown lead. ! Although you're gone, still *n our hearts We keep sour memory true: i There's something missing in cur hto. That somethin* s sure!* »uu LONELY MAMMA AND DADDY • MINOR. !'» loving memory of my devetef me* AUDREY SYI VtA «Y' ded ooe year ago ti<daj March 20 ! Mow we miss the welcome Lsi'steoe t'f the one we loved so dear Often we listen for the coming. Feeling that she l* near We shall meet her sum# bright mono tag Resting hv Ih* waters fair AVben the angels greet our coming to the upper ga \Vn there At NT FLORKNVK AND UNCLE CR\R LIE • jßt »tM VK ts, In sa l but I>* :-g wsmsrv es our dear mother. AAR a FRANK > BCHW ARTS who vVaa-isi! this tit* atx ; year* ago toda> March 2d 1922. HER UiULDREN • 9MITH. A tribute of Hot# to the nwmo-v of otir dsser I.IU LAN M <MtTN who ■lepartect this rtf* one year ago today, March ifi 1927 Year* may pass, but STRONG. Ih svt arivl h'vm* remembrance ot our da: bug mother. Al !\ E E SVRi'SG who dtisl four year* ago to day, March SO. 19.\V Oh how hard we tried to save h*f. Tear* and prayer* wore all tn sate Happy an gel a came at si bore her Frv'm tn's wvaty work) ot paiu. lo*uu Md hod ta alt her ways. Upright and Gist to the r<sta oF her Jay*. Sincere and M«d w heart and aatM What a teaiiUfu! memo * she Wft bwbind, U. *i i« uea'w. her pain is ended Hwe't'v sleep her work is done: she has tone wh»i* those who h'** her noon are .vaunt one by one. You suffered hours im hour* of pats* !\> wait for cure but all tn * tin Dll God ansae kwea what was feat And called vou home to jour *e#t UKR rn*F« DAlvirtTKßb MRJ XU YEA MR A BROW N MRA 8K ABA , W Al I At E A trihrtt* of b*ve to ihe iiu of our dear nwthet MARGARET W AI XAt'E. who p.»»aed •»a* on March 2d X97«t t he garment of her sou! ha* passed a» \*: Vtis ehtuiwg spmt aud the losebght stay Übs e<ho of hsr roue, h*r e.ea her aevile. "" K.'dtidatfrt WIII I AMR A tribute of h*v* to thy wuessfy . 'Ajr.Miiasar »• teal IS to a* ago today March 2yV XfilS. No diva > night* Hu. weeping eye*. No a. too* he*: ta nos hr oh sat ps* Ah who waiuhl dwell Kneyetr he w ** YANSVKv . tts xV*7 ,MMkr *BB XtblhJ Her ca:* tor me I'll always Wden For she ha* gene foiwver- Th* bb't»Wipa l#o often heerd s “HP e. « - tab ~*w***< 9