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ACTION ON MARKET BILL SEEN FRIDAY Senate District Committee May Hear Long Discus sion on Sites. i i Ont of the most important local measures that have come before this , session of Congress, the relocation of the Farmers’ Market, may be acted on by the Senate District committee Friday. « The House has disposed of the ques tion by passing the Stalker bill, calling lor purchase of the Southwest site near the water front, but advocates of a site somewhere north of Pennsylvania avenue renewed their fight before the Senate committee at hearings last week, and it is expected there will bo lengthy discussion of the question of location when the committee meets to pass on the testimony taken. It is impossible to predict how the Senate committee will vote. Most of the mem bers have refrained from expressing an opinion in advance of the committee deliberation. The Senate committee will meet at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon under an agreement made last week to take a vote at that time on the bill to give the Woman's Bureau of the Police De partment a permanent and definite I status, to outline its duties and to pro vide for adequate personnel. This measure has been before the committee since early in the session, and at a meeting last week Senator Neely. Demo crat. of West Virginia, made the sug gestion that the committee hold the special meeting tomorrow totake#ction The child labor bill, already passed by the House and several other meas ures may be taken up at the regular meeting Friday. BOYS' PATROL MEETS. Three hundred members of the school boy patrol, organized in co-operation with the District of Columbia division ol the American Automobile Associa tion to safeguard school children cross ing busy streets, met yesterday after noon at the Lincoln Theater. 1215 U street, for a demonstration of the proper method of performing their duties and to be entertained by a special motion picture. The group comprises that portion ol the patrol organised in divisions 10 to 1 13 of the public schools. The program is under the direction of George E Keneipp. in charge of patrol work for the District division of the A. A. A Barber & Ross, Inc. Hardware and Haase Furnishings 11th and G SU. N.W. Nesco 09 Cook Stove With Bine Gas Flame 2-burner Stove *17.15 With cabinet SII.M 1-burner Btove BtH With cabinet *lg.s* ♦-burner Stove. ***.*• With cabinet *l6.*i Electric Wattle Mould, square shape nsckel plated. (C 7e guaranteed , special J ** *%+*• Genuine Pyrex ft Fyrex Fie Plate. » In.; fuar aslead by the Pyrex Co tor two | years—if St breaks from oven heat will be replaced by new one Regularly 90c “Wear-Ever” Aluminum J 6-qtSirdigbt wmr iiwnfc ■Mr • iMS cor«#> a*r Met. gt.XU S«t of Three Saucepans at eV i*f» #)»** f,li* a*fra For Spring House Cleaning fkrwr UfMVtt, 4-sewfed beet CA green corn ..... JKtMd'i hUoflard Car* M OC pet bweeper, guaranteed, #**••** Mitard 'fnaagle Oil or Dry 65c fvtdw* Ironing Hoard, **4 iii'.ijt long atroisgiy JgQ gitfimi FpMh** M r |>i, 7C Lar<!fe’<oc t'roiegiy made '*** Garbage fan, gaiv&mzrrj iujn *i't. deep m» wv«r. Ht , >u,u» ITrilUr Steel Horn Mat, sire 5 iwguiar price 75c : ■ ■ ;u ' ' ' * •••••'* t,*i •■ * ’ ’ j To Make the Mode for Easter TT I 1 5,000 Yards of Heavy LatlSburgll & BrO. AJSJk Flat Crepe Indeed there is no mistake this season as to the popular Spring silk. I I'Lit Crepe with its supple lustrous weave is particularly adapted to in- f" m ¥ terpret the latest draped silhouette decreed by fashion. True it is that ¥ Mm 1 ML¥ //j.l it's as durable as it’s modish! 40 in. wide —in colors for your every need: m^SMMg^SKM Pink Hollybcrry Betty Tan Mother Goose r rresh. healthy dormant stock—with roots wrapped in damp moss and bur- Orchid Goblin Oakheart Cleopatra | . {<K }( ' lap—ready for planting. Note the immense variety—a complete selection. Salmon Old Rose * - Rose Glow Rose Beige Jf * -d Silver Chin Chin Fallow Peach L T L Almond Green Goya Red Peking Blue Blue Spruce tk dttf " \ * # I j # I Jade Green Marron Glace x _ <h J t*l 1 o • Tuberous Flower- Hybrid Tea Roses (Monthly) Flowering Shrubs §3*so Crepe ivoma $4 tJLack oatin Urepe mg plants i> u h.*m »r mimt <»Mn B“h" , H<»«T*.eki4 r , _ 1 if' r .. lrl . <oliimbl» (pink) Odmilm lrrim*on) Rfed Hark ttoKwood QC v r Yard JapamLe lAI <ifW« »" Trpiil* (rrim*on) Mr*. (Tiarl«« Knurl! ftarhl SZ.VO y&.yo tarn Phg« Vlrtorl. MrArthnr (rrd» t' C* • 11 F t \ weieht for Sprillir street tVoul**. pink, red. White Klllnmey (pink) Murium* Carol in* Tewtont Rntttti tor bpriti}; ensembles, >trcet frocks , f , . * rf* \ \ Mr*. A*ro« warn iv*mi*r (dark pink) tfillli ami negligees. Fifteen leading colors! trucks and coats. 40 inches wide and of Hybrid wmc iwi»fw «“*«"«> K 5««, r « 40 inches wide a rich black. ’ Perpetual Roses K u Twn. .r s^wi •n' IIICIICS WKir. , rTy-uW T tk w * c " tlu l * Kril Rndlunr, Hminirr Bmaty (dark rrdl |>.n*/ia >(‘rWr n( Rarlintnj VT n , lt P„* J C;TL c rr«n rI K a .H mwlhkl (Whl(r) Oohe.U „a.,n ; ,n-fl»h) »l, Maryland (pink) TV • , I /V J INeW 1 rintea \ < «,.!»rr.,l Jack (brilliant rrd > Amrrlran Ucinn (rrrltr) l» »ranr, (pink) Vines I FI ft IPH l TFnF np , rani >eyrnn (pink) Jnnkhrifr J. 1.. Miirk (pink) *nnbnr«t (yellnw) (Umali, Taalralata ri: *. Tr «b 2 Q 8 v«rd ‘maßlr iJi,;';:. 1 . W". «» .>.*> atrv, Chine, $1.59 Crime.) ,'hiL,* and crepe d* cl»n*.. ' Hedge Plant, Climbing Ron. "" 11 mall Fruit, New 1928 prints, in both small and in floral patterns, novelty designs and , inrhr,. 2.% piam. jf.oo .nn rambirr) rawr. sram, nimb*r MoorTTc”^ large designs. Light or dark back- modernistic effects. ■ ,o, BarWry“Tiiinb«f«i. 12 n«ro»hy ivrkin, (pink) Aviatenr BieHnt (r,uow> errnnnrlt Jfl inrViPv \» irlo A *° ,H *"rh«i, 10 A1 75 Climbing Amrrlran Bronty Gardenia Climbing R«»e SU Regt, Kaypfcerry grounds, w inenex v\iae. ~,' n U f * r ’ J Rough Weave Pongee Flat CrepS'VS*"-* "?S?sr I j/STT™ J 3 I lard . \sf] \ newly Ivxtra heavv quality, for Spring en- plLr^Cr(l ]/irl hardy frrr dowering car- _ . oeiectea . tocn Kiiaatoius Bulbs the lavored fabric tor sjxirt and run- sctnblc frocks and lingerie. 40 inches r I Vr\ it- ftwl ln " deep rrrt»r. r.iherta r»nrh _ , c Hrponrt, roior*. st r*. or'Sßa. w about frocks. In new light tones and wide. More than 50 light and dark f \ . ivVir?oM*Ai.pie‘ > ' an 3 for $2.00 nx sport colors. aha.les. V. - Everblooming UX. rLT" nZS?-,2g?~ * m - TSt Third t l#»or luinshurtn A *ro. l | n hundl*. Black T»rtdH»in < H*rry J**rnwtion (rfd>. „ . . . I \ \'XV| , X \ 91.00 bundl* Montmorency Cherry t no#*# or WalHiy » ft ML ' — _. .. Jtysiit Y/(j7 Caeo Grape, . FlaweTmg^Shrab, 12,000 Yards 0/ New Jg^ I . c*. ♦ tt 7 lrl- M '“ “•I -gfccuttt rfCgyjfl! W dsti Jr dbvics ‘‘ 44c v«J 1 0 Have you, too, heard the „«.? Th.l thi, « 10 t, Ih* bieeo. W..h EXTRA SPECIAL: I A HOXDAY FEATVREI I 7-PieceLuncheon Sets This Simmons Bed sered such a gala array—all guaranteed absolutely sun and tub proof! tt in’ L -j ji • » Complete With Simmons Note the varied selection: ' P Hand Embroidered Linen! Coil Spring and Layer fIMn A Regular $3.95 Value MattressJLl Fancy Woven Rayons, 36 inches vvide 44c - - - gj Fruit-of-the-Loom Prints, 36 inches wide 44c SET |F§§{j I Rayon Taffeta Checks, 36 inches wide 44c II ? —T I ~Tj j" 71 ' I Sheer Lorrain Tissue, 36 inches wide. 44c Hostesses, housewives and entertainers—here is a r fcLlpf I | Smart Printed Siiitind Va inoh*« 4A~ real linen value! Handsome luncheon sets of soft cream f [ I rintea suiting, 30 inenes Wide 44c co|ore( , linen-elahoratelv embroidered in many delight- =' L , rTi iNew Asprey Prints, 36 inches Wide 44c ful color combinations. Neatly hemmed. Cloth. 45 mcht» Exquisite Printed Dimities, 36 inches wide 44c square, with 6 napkins to match v Sheer Printed Batistes, 36 inches wide 44c 89c Cream Linen 59c Linen Huck Lp'Jy 533% 5 26,95 Scarfs, 59c I'owels, 39c A handsome cane panel bed. finished in a rich brown , ... .. c . . „„ „„ „ MP- finish that will blend with either walnut or mahogany, Fine heavy quality linen Stock tip on pure linen . T , t . ffsmemmsmmmmmmmmmmsmmmmmsmmm =BS »====:«==*o« as « ssas »carf S -cleep, rich cream cohtr. towels during this special ol- together with a Simmons COll spring and laver felt mat- Neatly hemstitched hems, and fer. Fine quality linen towel, tress offered tomorrow at this unusually low price, all 18x50 inches. hemmed. 18x52 inches. Three sizes to choose from. oor Tkirj * Bn*. , Camel’s Hatr New “Marthijane” Blankets, $4.95 Bed Sets, $4. t >s \ / I Ca acl v —mvmcv VM nt.irl yn.l hair and 25% wool Shown m charming. Shown ip heavy ~ l/mSi \ L J anf> Stuart Shops for tOU f ;lt j sl^ctorv s e rv ice » deep rich brown shade ith white material sinth^damty fj i Ttllr9 fipof IjtlUburtfc & BW. Ends This Week I m l I W IS* ft Paper Lamp Shades JMfe , , v,ffWffr r JL jL t”!r ..s’.-SP- «r> Famous the world over lor its w ondertu! sewing MMjppMMMpwr . EXTRAORDINARY VALUES |S newing space—front mmod sewing 85c to $2 Th Moder ,e r \\£T ftWyittepy 'Hip vogiit* in lamp ghatlrs! _ Pleated ]inrclime»tize<l paper Ww“ ’*|| ff ariSTtSSSiTSS' r'.fl fli ilj fy' Q shades in gay inodcrnistic designs, lovely floral and novelty yl II Jl II nut, smoothl> hn- walnut or mahogany. JII if T: f bird pattfrrih Si/et. from R inch boudoir shade, (o 18-inch floor '*''v'""“Y l * l '”"- j?u t“"'u »c «* I'RICES VARY ACCORDING TO SIZE tK - F W ( SmnH DoMri Pmmeia' m.ih Fi«or—laMt.bgrgh * »>• |II f Q —bring* modeMo yijur home. Investi- 1J mtmasaaammmmaammmami tiirnrrnMiMnrKm-remfraKmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamm t Third Floor —lon.bor.b S Hro l , THE SUNDAY STAR. WASHIRGTOTT, D. U„ MARCH 25. 192R—TPARTT. 15