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I ■ ■ ' .. - . ■ ■ ■——■ -■ ' 1 , _ Easter Fashions, Accessories and Home Needs Special Monday & Tuesday I Boys’ Easter Outfits —Special Open a ==a==i iss9 S= Perfect $1 Hosiery Ekonomy Koiumn J ca 90 Uia, " c ,u KT lll## 1M 1 11 |U t *-" d "’« f :v^i the rr, oa , sh .r kQ/* 75cM K er,ume particular pattern and size. It purchased _X. Now —just two weeks to H /fi laXi I /flßl [H garter welt. Also included at this _ ■ ■ 30c Oz. individually these carmems would tmW Easter—no better time than H IMI 9 Bl I Mm ß\ fl Ini fl HI price are perfect and irregular Stock- Traiiinsr Arbutus Perfume, jl fli\l\ B PBlUliJli 1L imlL/llnfl „ 1 a^ ..a r» y <m. The* w 1 price, i t Os the simple, convenient ■ \M\ H IHI ■ pointed or square heels, and the famous Btirson silk —— Four-Piece Suit—Sl “Bell" Blouse 51 Ciolf Cap method °f tor yoiw pur- B \M\ JHl<jP> oeo a .t e , wu/ and ravon to the top is also presented in extra Women’s 69c Union Suits —7sc l.cather Belt—soc Golf Hose—soc Silk lie hand eCeMity ° f 810-818 Seventh St. N.W. sizes. A wide choice of fashionable shades. 50c —loc Sealpackerchicf Handkerchief. v Floor (Wp V Forest Mills, Sprint? weight. I I Street Floor—King's r.laoe "' " ' Street Floor-King’. Palace bodice ortamd top or tight -r****.* *» -*■%*■****'**■**■* i ** ***»™*}' - Women’s Vests, 19c ‘ Interesting Features j I’jJS I 1,000 New Easter Hats j ssMn I Mark These Very I l Worth $5 to $7.50 I egpa&AtJt 1 - i \ v \\ 4 Boy.’ 59c Union Suit., 39c : New Coats for Easter [ I (fpjjj Wwj slsMp An Exceptionally Lovely % Bedwear! t Kr/ • / T , 2 as.' I ‘“rr 1 1 _ | $1.25 Seamless DO * (h i - W/vulk tfOC orfell i 81x90 Sheets 80C 9 U h'-,. £ I Perfect mercerized cotton socks |n -J f I , I) \ uroup Worm ana | « I Vcr'4 “ You will solve the problem I SK«“ d , / fi 1 i An- I r\tt J • -79 c Bleached A H * /!*&!& ot a truly smart Easter hat at % -t ifi jin S /A \<U Ie fl lwAyA/l AT * * FC /j* Zgi At/X?. Sill All OUthl Vit YOU look into *&ZrTZTA % all-silk square heel and wigwam * M L^m . J S, fftOD" - IS VrIICrCU al 4 72x90 Sheets Tr*C r .1 • ill ' -'’sss* 4 heel in self or contrasting color*. ? I />■ I I I Descriptions are inadequate «f ."TITon,. I f; ifliilft 1 dij NA ‘ “*1 jlnKlfr f, w . I «3f —every style, color and me- |fc -»/ « 25« limffi? Linerine » hil v lL k| I 4 hZOO Pillo tasei ( _/ diuni that is fashionable and Mljft * |mj jff . \ fiP B * 2 for 35c ? i J ln good taste is to he found lr su "* Fl °” v A I ' \ UT(i|l| JUI . \ i 1 H H H ? 42x36. slightly irregular cases that % ./f hr . , i " \ / # Combs, brushes, mirrors, trays D » : > U ■ ■ ■ 4 ordinarily sell for 25c each. Im- T Yk tOl* matrons tOr davtime Alld / / , 4 picture frames, jewel cases, buffer; I er - - tn mother-of-pearl-like on white or 5r J iaKiMiJ fl' A ■ m B 35c Pillow Cases v \ twTt’ * dress wear —tor small, bobbed \ l\\ I \ $ blue, plain or embossed with gold ’ ; ■ JL\J t OC ,17 —l heads and those requiring V U \\ ‘ & SSMTS^JK 3M;|fiP| . *; ZDC ea. , Sports dB extra large head sizes. /|\/ / ' ‘ 60 ” <I <r ” stm n~r ? ff .IrWlMßyi I The Spring coat mode is lavish in 5 45x38 , 2t extra-length cases, of £ U- 1. . ■ ' A 5 $2.98 Silk Dresses, $1.98 » BteiiWilflrJ/T : the latitude allowed. 1 heir many? ‘ «*'«•» , !• % ■ AQ f ST I* types are reprcsented herc ' makins 4 * Sett* 8 99c * for t| •%70 Gorgeous colors—brilliant reds, i £7Z£?2»m* | yjRjHfHlI C unusually interesting. SO' j ? Easter JL greens, blues, orchid, rose, beige, W* BhHi |\w‘ be one of rich fabric, lavishly trimmed j““ $5“ * with fur or other ornamentation; a * Bedspread Sets I* crochet, visca, fine silks and com- i ‘TSSttSS?' r IfUx yHI vO', . •, I , at aixlos Fancy Colored Rayon « Simple banded, ribbon trimmed or with hinniinnx H Window Shades 52c ?• If 'ff Ca P e cffect 0r the S "PP ,C ta,lored type *«l » I b ' natton tr~> rur-nm, r.u« * JSSgjTSj-TL. ? ilk ijf , n o to your * .ny | recti\^dress«i ,e smart,y and ‘ Colorful Fabrics for Easter Fashions ** 39c 22c yd. 1 R aA/. Jk* Pt 1 ccl V u c cu- # «r or V7T\ 36 inches wide. Light and dark V Bpi. 4 * -YA \ patterns for draperies, furniture I HHRI; £>72£SIZ3,Z :$2 Washable Flat Crepe, $1.29 Yd. ' I ~7rs,K- I 1 jj|!!r ■£y / Jj twills , Sheen, broadcloth, faille ■> Still plenty ot time to make one or more fashionable frocks or some dainty lingerie before Faster. And BB Single and double mesh cap shape. / l) ■ •»» I » j I ii f 4 what a saving at only $1.29 a yard! The choicest Spring and Summer shades—orchid, Caraway, lucerne, pilot. jRH Cedarized Baits, 39c '|i‘J / / Stlß, VeiOUr ana sueae navy, Pekin, marron glace, pineneedle, wild rose, gray, tan, Mother Goose, and black. 40 inches wide, a supple. BB Side-opening, iwarwateed^d^- U j with lavish collars, stoles, cuffs, weighty quality that will wear and launder well. S3d» sewui^g&rment|^ | *, j bands and shawls of fine furs. | Sale/ Mill Lengths of $1 Rayon Sport Satin Jll» fej !j . trimmed models for those who I Fine New Rayons —ft v , ISil 1 |L ! prefer them. Exquisite light | $1 Celanese Voiles NA C 7f)c ICI. ;3?HW B3Br; m “fe “JZ’SbZk ray ’ I $1 Rayon Chiffon Voile, SJi, 9 U MM I ? ; V y ° 7Q_ l/l/lu. A s,unnlll « 401nch that is 25c Unbleached Sheeting \? j l JM} 4 /“C rancy KadlOUX UnUIOI) particularly smart for making costume MnM 16c yd. j Sizes for Misses 14 to 20 • slips and sport frocks. Washes well and CTjjE '3L\ 40 inches wide. Extra heavy For <f NBk 4. L a Nt k ' i • *»/ | 4 4 F maturing three of the most fashionable rayon weaves of the season. K\- win give splendid service. More than a jHBI sheets, mattress cover*, etc. Regular sizes *yO to Tt quisite. tub fast t-oiors, new embroidered and printed patterns and pastel tints score of beautiful colors, including Dress Ginghams V ft "wpifw «. . AOi/ « r 71 t hxtra sizes to snu . noor—Hint's Palace 32 lnchM w tde.'pretty checks J % W & tn m 1 I jl 0/ it n 4 vu\\\n\\UU\U\UUV\\\\m\\UW ,'-.4 .4 t4 -.4 other bright colors. 1 f 4 25c Turkish lowcls, 12‘ic : And in Addition-A Ren,„rknUe Cronp of i | Moi* NcW I | New Spring Coats \ sps \ Wash Frocks f t:S;r:| 1 That Should Seß for Much More-at l j **"■ ‘ The fabrics that go into the making of these * ap . o„ r ’,i ws prop'riv ‘desired"" ,#\M\ A A. | a?<SS ; Even the'styles arc the same. tD ■■ ■ I «er. here for good footwear .. ,' , IflU fjHS" 1 4 J - V* Z H H H . ) 1 his special group consists of 500 pairs of high and low f A 4 colors All-orer pattern ftur Wousea. ■ t Here’s a little secret —vve picked out these tab- rics and selected the styles they were to he made ■■■J »® 2 This f™*tp inrlude, boy. 1 oxford, a,„l high .hoc. * Rhui”™, r «t« I ; into only difference being in the lining Another Fine GrOUp at \%f%r f) I — 1 ; ours are not st k. Many black satins are in- ” W * Xcwly ~r iwd o„ «. , Presumably called ‘ JSS^SU eluded — tile Others wonderlul woolen strap, cross strap, patent and tan cal t leathers. 95 .• i' . j 'dw-ftsk- edg*. •U-owrdcs»iiv^r I tweeds plaids, dtadow-checks and novelty woolen coatings in even- * M»ny«ith the popular Goodyear welt,. Complete /• » ™*““ , ,’u /' JjSSrI MsbSm' 4 54 snk imhreii.,. K.« 5 ? imaginable color and pattern. In many cases there are just one of ’daimv enough to tf> ‘ t^«S*tLx U sl®* 25 ■ ? a kind. _ * wear'in to-vn or for MSMSa S?. I |1 } Sizes 16 to 48 Easter Is Honie-Enrnishitifi Time , Too! shopping. Adorably I ruW BW *sui^®B2r L I ; r% * ncl . -v * Certainteed Floortex Rugs Reduced ’ u.U!r l t >^s l ’aud I Cn ntAld C n l A £ V .11. HmAAA AA 4 3 *12 Floortex Rug». Reduced to $7.98 ’ straight line efteots. 4 urn uaw , hQQtPr . |P As I ; LuolGl Uillv U1 L/111l I/I VOOVO t 9x9 Floortex Rugi. Reduced to $5.98 » iauem nXts''iu \\ V/ 4 e^W^JSSffiS.'SS: (rfirnumis Usually #16.5(; and $19.75 6x9 Floortex Rug.. Reduced to $3.98 4 hands, inserts, pip. \H I tC,?WfWwi.Jfc , Jus. in time for the Easter parade—ador- , | j 1 "!* ™'' ( "l' V | J-g*M S“Si'St I able dresses of plain color and vividly printed A fl 1 9 CMn«*e. Oriental, Horal, modarnUtic and carpet de»i«n* on groitmlii | lars. £ himw 3* to 4*. « • i • / 4 of ro»e, blue or tun. Cheerful tit appearance and aanttary, lor they * ...... 4 704> Work Shirt*. 570 H si >:<*.- some m rombinations of the two i *»'« f a*>iy washed. £ brent'll and Entfhsh Prints nur*w« niue s"hw«»w*y wpi* I ? and then plenty of pastel-color georgettes and ■ W 4 52 Ruffled Tia-Back Curtain. $l5O Roffl.d T.e-Back Curtain. Broadcloth, Dimits and Batiste 4 » navuti for daytime and afternoon wear. Ihe 4 tl 4R - A i Ai A ! , , 4 s^ui, 111 f swathed hip, two piece,'kerchief collars,askew H J w SCI 94C SCI .f lwo models illustrated and about a doitn 4 Boy*’ss Ke«f«r*, $389 nerkhne numerous other striking fashion What better time than now— White Scrim Curtain*, with S - equally smart, Set-iu sleeves, vestces, various * «i^nM **25^ ' i J .qre nresenfH • l« ,r b «/°. r * K **^ r , ,irc *' , u p doub . ,e ruffled vaianca and J neck lines, pocket* and belts. Fubtast colors. J SU *ma. a hwa mm tm note's ar< p! ” * # _ i your window*r lhese new cur- side panel* overlooked in bine, * _ 4 with ev#rv putvhwsw 3 StTPH In to 60 3 ,a '"* “ r<; m " c **rt**n material rose or gold raynn Mitrhlng. A SizPS lb tO «m Hoy*’ $t.A9 kmckct*. $1.39 H fMI U,A, ' O 1 w 4 with atilt hing in colored rayon very pretty curtain equally *uit- f * 4 mUiurea tw golf end ■ I y Het»n4 Ftftwe Ulwi't Palana ,4 or handed with three-inch hurt able for living, dining or bed- f *ee«M»g FWee—Ktn« » PaUv* koteker atyiea Suiting laaliem* tw fl tt m 4 of roae, blue or gold rayon hand. room. 4 •pNUf xhatb**. Htaw* »» 1* 7 , v#! p+ p Mpppe.e * g.g «** * e rnk* P. a-.avat.ava-.aj Third Moor—Klnga Pataca »-4Kf>SaiiNwari* »'4>»V »V ■»V »y Street »T—e Tffß- SUNDAY STAR", WASHTMIVCO*> P. (?., MARCff 23; Tito?-PART' I.’ 17