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18 COMMUNISTS MAINTAIN SWAY THROUGH TERROR, WRITER FINDS People Fear to Express Differing Views. Press Follows Writings of Moscow Offi cial Papers —Ruling Party Takes Best. Tin* i« th** seventh of ten urtMr* hjr Mr Preiser. famous no\eiisi V*v»i *«iJhm of An A men,- an TrweJjr. Jus whuh he sets forth what aiH*eai to Niim ihe food ami ha.l features of Soviet V-nte in Rt.ssi* He returned recently Nifter 11 wetilis of observation in that Vornitn. The Star presents ibis series Vv the conviction that there is deer pnb- Oic mtereeS in tw Hnseian situation... .w;!bou; in any aat nteitifyinf tteeif \:ih she «*» nmm expressed by the Nnter, ' n BY THFODORE DBEISER. vThe immense super-trust I referred tb previously is administered by a oar tv for a class and for promoting the an idea The phrase, the Dic tatorship of the Proletariat," is itself a misnomer t _ “There is dictatorship of the Com tflumst party in the interests of the pfotetariat. This party consists of less Uaan 1,000.000 members who rule the rast of Russia. They insist now that if* is the workers who rule them, but is a pleasant theory only, CThe government directed by this Gtenmunist party employes labor just a> might a capitalist trust. It seeks not ; ofl'v efficiency, but mental loyalty and and unless it gets it there i*. trouble. Let any one show disloyalty j nt any wav and they lose their jobs. Ifcu only that, but if they talk they n»y gc to jail ♦And so all over Russia you find a kind of terror of the Communists anti vsJvaT they may do in case you do not dc or talk or even think as they do. Communists Get Best. Speaking German as I do. and find fcfc here and there a Russian or for eign-born citiaen who could speak a little English. I was not infrequently approached, and especially when it be rime rumored that I was an outlander S of' some influence, by derks or pro-] men or petty traders or even * mill Office holders who whispered tnwt aH was not as well with Russia as the i OamcQunists would have the world be- j li^e 4»nces of everything were outrage <HKlv high, salaries could not compare with what things cost, and there was never enough of anything, neither food ; nor entertainment, nor what you would. Tfce Communists said there was. but vrfav shouldn't they? They had the good jobs, provided themselves cars to rifle around in and first-class com part m?nts in trains anti hotels wherever thFv went. And they all wore good clothes—-did I notice that? ?T hat's why they insisted that every- Usng was all right. But watch the eognmon man. the man out of a job or working at some little trade not con nected with the big industries which the government was fostering, or a man who was a little over 40, and see how h^did. Was he happy or well dressed or well piid? The government did not care mpeh about him because he *was not Sag enough to be taught and to be e all that they wanted him to be tagigh: and to believe. And I must say thflt in part, anyhow, my own observa- : ttons confirmed some of this, not all. Fear to Complain. But, ha. ha’ so many whispered. Ts*re was misery enough. The iarm etf were not getting enough for what they raised to buy them boots or over coats or clothes—hadn't I noticed that? j And true enough, I had noticed endless p^br-looking clothes, most wretched clothing in some parts of Russia But if Jon* said a word, if one didn't ring ; just their song—Kish—and here one s speaker drew his index finger across his throat indicating an economic if not < •dually a physical decapitation And another man. a barber in Stalin, • put his finger to his lips as a man came ; in. and afterward whispered, "a G P. Ur But not in uniform. And always j spring around the city. Still another, i a jnusiclan playing hi a restaurant in j Rostov, a seaport cm the Don River, in- j ■hied that the police and the Commu- i niats were too officious and superior and evan brutal at tunes. *Tbey talk about how terrible things - under the Cat, but I lived under the Car. and the soldiers and officials | weren’t any worse then than they are j war. Then you couldn’t say a word I •gkinst the Omr. now you can’t say a' wqyd against them.* *r i mj personal conclusion after al- } meet three months of observation was that this was true Gag on Press. And one of the things that helped me to this conclusion was not only the i situation in the theater, which I have' described but the situation in connec- i tfem with the press, and indeed any : fo©n of news distribution. For while in.every city and town in Russia are one or more papers, suffered to reflect the news and conditions and changes of the region in which they appear, never theless they do not really do so by a of means. For in Moscow are two daily papers,■ the Pravda and the Invest!*, both organs of the Communist party, and wdprse yet, of the reigning officials of th< same who in their turn inspire the ; executives of the government and their decision and programs and it is these 1 -- n . ■ n . . - - - - TSZi I KAHN on 7th St. | -| 32 Y«*r» Smmmmuanmmemmemmmmme. 32 y e *rt Specials Monday and Tuesday Fine Qulity EVES EXAMINED SMI Frame. «P /.JV FREE vuwKj g M Optometr*t* in Tone Attendance Complete Outfit, With Cate and Cleaner Included KRYPTOK Inviti- m m r*f\ bie Bifocal Lenses »OiJ One Pair to See Far and Near Sold Elsewhere for $6 and $7,50 Special Price, Monday and Tuesday Genuine Toric KRYPTOK Invisible Bifocal Lenses Fir*t and beat quality. Toric Ksyptok Bifocal Übici — (one U* |PV pair to tee near and far.) Bast in / A *jll lenm made. Sold regularly sls. » M Special price Monday and Tua*- 0 *" KAHN OPTICAL CO. . 617 Seventh St. N.W* two papers which are the exemplars for j every other paper in Russia outside and j inside Moscow. What they say, and not only that but the very way in which they say it. is repeated, yet as original news or opinion, of course. And by all of these 1 other little papers throughout the em pire. So true is this that in Tifiis or Tashkent or Chita or Perm, wherever ! you chance to be. you will read, and that from one to three days after these two Moscow papers have printed them, t facts or policies or government decla rations or indeed anything that reflects the mood or decision of the leaders. And never with any deviation or any original comment, not a trace. I i took a particular interest in this declaration of freedom for the press and followed it up with many personal 1 inquiries and examinations. That is, I would have the same paper, quite often the same items, read to me by two different assistants at different times and when they were not together, j Moscow Shapes News. And at no time did I find any news or criticism or opinion of any kind that was not safely held within the j sines, and based on the opinions pre i viously expressed in one or other of these papers. And always with that ! intellectual slant directed by the cen tral group ui Moscow. For. as I said, the government wall not tolerate any unfavorable criticism, not so much of itself as of communism, j Communism can do no wrong. Worse, in order to control mentally and di rect all thought and conclusions in Russia, and to bias the same in favor of communism, no news either from within or without Russia may appear which does not tend to glorify the i principles of Marx and Lenin, and by f the same token to belittle all other i j theories or principles w hich in any | way conflict. j Thus all news from outside Russia j must be either neutral and harmless, having no facets of any kind which by anv chance could be looked'upon as a possible reflection upon communistic ideals and their workings within the : borders of Russia, or the news must be l of such facts or theories as tend to glorify the principles of communism or by a reverse process tend to re flect unfavorably upon any other theory of government and its workings Thus all news from anywhere on earth- must show that all other gov ernments are really oppressive mechan isms in the hands of capitalists, and so constantly being used to betray and enslave labor; or that labor itself is oppressed, restless, and constantly seeking to free itself from the shackles of capitalism, yet with the heel of capitalism upon its neck. Admit No Wrong. Every little strike or labor decision, favorable or unfavorable, or any slump or rise in prices unfavorable to the mass, or any fact in connection with the extravagance or the waste of the i rich anywhere, will be played up as jof the greatest significance in every Russian paper at the same time that j any fact in connection with the in dustrial or social improvement of the workers in Russia will be set forth at length and with the greatest enthu siasm and applause. But never anywhere a single com ment that anything is wrong; no com plaint of a lack or error unless the same chances to be generally known i by hearsay and is in process of being j remedied, when, of course, it will be the remedial process that will be em < phasixed lb tell the truth, after the first week or ten days I found myself 'either irritated or bored by this per j sistent harping on the bright com jmunistic scene. i From one point of view it was seem ! ingly so puerile and petty, and from I another so offensively biased or dis honest, that I found myself questioning i at times whether any considerable por tion of the Russian population could ! really be accepting ail this as a true picture of what was going on either ; in Russia or not. It did not seem I quite possible. And yet when I recalled the paper : ' of any cult or ten anywhere, tlxe’r j ; studied misinterpretations and too j I often downright lies, and the unin formed nature of their readers, espe cially In Russia, I could not keep from concluding that to a great extent it I must be effective, one of the boldest and yet quickest and safest ways of j twtetiqg a public to your way of think ; me that could be devised. No arbitrary dogmastic or religion- ! * Ist anywhere could want anything bet- i ! ter for his purpose. l€oi>rrirht. licit!, m all cciuntne# hr Sorts American New«u*oer AlUanc*. t Siamese to Attend Air School. Lieut. Col. Luanga A mat a and Maj. i Luang Dev«s, fliamese Army Air Serv ice, who make an official visit to this country, have been authorized j by the War Department to matriculate at the Army Air Corps Tactical School, . Langley Field, Va„ at the term opening 1 September, 3829 THE SHNHAT STAR. ’WASHIHGTOS*. TT. (T, XTAROTT 20, I«>r-PART’ V. I■•oe fedroom .<■* —’"'J'*,’* only have included everything to tastefully and conveniently furnish your 1 III) All LeStVCIT 6 astonished. Included are a vanity dresser, a chest of drawers, a bow walnut finish, a boudoir chair to match, a resilient steel spring, a mat- f-v | as . d °ir Jl olt IVISItvITOSSOS i |j MM j Delivers j Sp r* $0.95 Weekly I ,i,.. | wtfwmtwmw* A 3- piece genuine Kroehler Bed-Davenport Suite, A i o . , ■ t€ consisting of Davenport, Club Chair and Wing Chair, t Afl One of the test values we have ever otterci? . A walnut-finished >mte on gumwood. on ivt AA in a fairlv good grade of velour; One of the best Covered in good grade of cretoiyie and syyeial $Qf\,7S- of buffet extension table, 5 s u.e ehair> ami V j! values we" have ever offered and a fcaving of S3O during ■ colors to select from Tables add FcTWries to ▼ cbair. upholstered in genuine a. .i. -t. . this sale. $5.00 DELIVERS A SUITE I match. Special Magazine Rack in 98c ■ fill 111 constitute a complete living Fnd Table P '“ at I EXTRA SPECIAL Windsor Chair §0 CHILD’S BASINET | 9-Piece Outfit I n„„ r nrm -„ p.L. C/CQ Ded-Uavcnport jUlte \ n mm|! Room Outfit o< the better type, made (4 /\ Uur former rrice, &lOif v a of walnut veuee, oxer gumwood. CouMAt, ol good H |i| l«< fg‘‘ die ir, full su< nix drawer vanity, bow d» 4 "■ ' i/l r Siin-in a* •'V.!*lVi lm mi $ 1 toto -ue Kullet, Extension laUW, China L abuurt and b JL JL end bed and . hdforobe complete this set Made sll A v \ I ajM l.eathei seat Chaus. On, regular priced “t"'.2SS.*s? JESS* 4 1 ly *s.oo cash dsuvsrs suits | *^A,,,It for th, WoH Know. SI.OO Delivers WWSM Gendron Stroller* jT. T [fiffi tssr MAXWEILC - I I torSJf 1 op A ic <Sbii, # ' 7s pwiii!l osp® - J3m : I | Sid.leer,Sl6.7s |g 4IS7St.N.W.-BETWEENOeST 515.75