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toSSgn Taliaferro and Dr. Devine to i Address Meeting Tues day Evening. District Commissioner Sidney F. Taliaferro and Dr. Edward T. Devine, dean of the Graduate School of the American University, are announced as the principal speakers at the forty, seventh anniversary meeting of the Associated Charities, to be held Tues day evening in Barker Hall at the Y. W. C. A building. Seventeenth and K streets. Corcoran Thom will pre side and the subject of the evening will be. ' Doec Familv Welfare Work Fiy?" As an added attraction, a new motion picture depicting "A Day at Camp Good Will.” will be shown for the first time, j This film was produced last Summer through the co-operation of the Stan will be. "Does Family Welfare Work friends connected with the Summer outings committee. This meeting of the Associated Chanties is planned to launch the so ciety s annual Easier campaign for the completion of the current year's family welfare work, the budget for which has to be greatly increased owing to the continued expansion in the volume of urgent calls for material relief. The campaign is to continue from then un til Easter Sunday. The public is invited to attend the meeting and in accordance with prece dent there will be no solicitation of membership* or contributions. MASKED BALL APRIL 8 TO AID PALESTINE FUND Holy Land Costumes Will Feature Jewish Community Cen ter Dance. A masquerade ball will be held at the Jewish Community Center April R for the benefit of the Jewish national fund, devoted to the purchase of land for eokmization in Palestine. Picturesque costumes and masks from the Holy Land will be worn by the guests, and booths, displaying Pales tinian products, will decorate the cen ter Junior Hadaasah girls, dressed in nurse costumes, will supervise the booths. The Junior Hadassah and the mother organization, the Hadassah. are interested primarily in providing hospital and medical facilities for the Jewish homeland Mrs. David Alpher. chairman of the ball committee, announces that three prizes will be awarded for the most un usual costumes. The Jewish antional fund was cre ated in 1903 by Dr. Herman Shapiro and is gradually acquiring large tracts of land in Palestine for colonization, to remain for a!) time in the possession of the Jewish people. • ■■ - ■ New Garb Hazardous. C«»«iwideow of The Star NANTUCKET. Mass.—Just because Albert 8 Chadwick changed his coat j Ids bull charged and Injured him. The buIL ordinarily tame, failed to recognize him in the different coat. Saks' Kmmwuiu wrjrui at mvi mnt i o » Special in Every Way! These Splendid 4-Pc. Saks Suits for Bovs •' Plenty of Blue*, for Eanter and Confirmation sl2-95 IF you kno* the quality usual at Mich a price, you will Im- very |*lra*antly ___________ Mirpria < <l at the auperiority rT~T of the#e offering*. They are D/S ***periaj.“ indeed. ihe quality of materi* way they are tie l*5!N. lore#], and in the ' /v 0( / i \ and hratt are r 11 fl peeially |»<»|*«hr. y\ | |i « > Rememher —For Easter Small Boy*’ Topcoat* s■"> Utile fellow* 4 Hat* Hl#so to S 5 Hi fitter Boy*' Fell Hal* .. 55.50 Kipper Boy*' (apt Hl#so anil S 2 Boy*' Shirt* anti Blow*#** $1 to $2.50 Boy*' hpriitp Neckwear 50c untl Bsc Boy*’ Golf Hone 55c to $ 1,50 Boy*’ Sport Sweater* H 1.05 to $1.05 Boy*’ School Shoe* (Flr*l Floor) H 2.05 S/j/,0 Serand I loot. ■----- m -" -——— : —— WILL ENFORCE LAW' i ON SUNDAY CLOSING 1 I Recent Conviction Followed I by Warhing From Assist | ant Prosecutor. With the conviction of John H. Wood, manager of ihe King Pin bowling al- j leys at 3330 Fourteenth street, when hr j appeared before Judge Gus A. Schuldt in Police Court to answer a charge of keeping his establishment open on Sun day. Assistant Corporation Counsel Wal ter L. Fowler announced that in the future all such resorts which remain open on Sundays will be visited by police and the proprietors forced to de posit the maximum collaterial of S4O to regain their liberty. Mr. Fowler also declared that those convicted face a passible revocation of their licenses at the discretion of the Commissioners. \ Wood was fined S4O. Attorney Law rence Koenigsberger. who defended Wood, announced that he would applv to the Court of Appeals for a writ of error. Justice Josiah A. Van Orsdel of the Court of Appeals denied a similar ; motion on March 15 in the case against the Northeast Amusement Co. At present there are seven charges , of violation of the Sunday closing law j pending against Myer Davis, owner of j several bowling alley's. and six charges against the Northeast Amusement Co. i The defense yesterday contends that ; the law under which Wood was charged, i and which was passed bv Congress in j 1897. has been superseded by an act of Congress in 1903. and bv section 1636 of ' the District of Columbia Code. J. FRED ESSARY TO SPEAK Press Club Head to Address B'nai B’rith Lodge. J. Fred Essary. president of the Na- I tional Press Club, will b- the principal * speaker next Wednesday evening at a meeting oT the Argo Lodge of B'nai ; BUth at the Jewish Community Cen- 1 ter. Sixteenth and Q streets. Mr. Essary. who is Washington corre spondent for the Baltimore Sun. will speak on "Presidential Possibilities." He will be introduced by Frederic Wil- 1 Ham Wile, political writer. The B’nai B rith is making prepara tions for a past president's banquet and dance, to be held at Hotel Washington April IS. This affair was to have been * held March 18. PLAN BAGPIPE BAND. ‘ Order of Scottish Clans Announces Concert and Reception. Clan MacLennan. Order of Scottish Clans, will hold a concert and recep tion at tis hall Wednesday evening. Members of the clan are planning to : begin arrangements at the affair for the organization of a bagpipe band. Duncan Mclnnes. the royal chief, has offered a free trip to Scotland to the ‘ member of the order who brings in the j most new members during the first six months of this year. THE SUNDAY STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C.. 25. 1928-PART 1. 'BANDIT IS GIVEN | TERM OF 15 YEARS | Two Men Sentenced for Attack With Knife—Woman Jailed in Husband's Death. Charles E. Harris, colored, was sent to the penitentiary for 15 vears yester day for highway robbery by Chief Jus tice McCoy in Criminal Division 1. Har # Pocket Lighter Sale! 1 Peoples Double-Rich #i.i j .411 Shapes. Designs ana Sizes ' /H. > Si Reduced From 400/ o to 60°/ o //dl Malted Milk j $7,50 Clark , $3,75; $lO / PtIOUG \ Served With Dainty Wafers $ WSSSSSf L "V* 5 ? ,5 -_\\ 20c hr > I 2 CT Oil <SA nn The Clark Lighters consist of an assortment of M MS 1 A S e / &o,\nr, .po.fnr gold and silver finish and different colored leather M M /!/ /J/ IM'W/ )mmi !Md) 1 A nutritious beverage in the most delicious A(A t and $7.50 r * ses - They arp known ,hp nation over for their V f g JmVMWUM/ Miml/Mm 1 form. Rich, creamv malted milk, served with f 7 > > precision. Come in and make your choice while ■ M/Mf jMIj WJ I I whipped cream and tempting wafers ..a Hitt > / IT/ I ,h * assortment is large. I \!BI I I mPa | within itself. While shopping down- l l|l / rr (ties Z1 hna /y • 1 I town drop by one of 'Peoples Sanitary Soda 11 ■Uc'Y^- 0 l 1 Cigarettes I / SPT•&KST«i®?i3Si ; { The Prince ts ts Che,cr field 1 \ “All Over Town” / / " AI TK,>MU K ■ f of Lighters ; fl 1 Lucky Strike \ \ * n / / Delicious Strawberry Shortcake J A *.. if Ocnmei—old Gold \\ —the Better to 1 / y i i * f Piedmont \ Serve VOU S J •• • fresh Strawberries and W hipped Cream \ T*. LU- - J S ZelTmmrnl \ / GenerOUS Cut, 75c f 10 i-rni.isi of an assortment !SWPPt t.fipoiol ... e of fold, -itv.r nnd r*ari ni . %1/1 . ...... V Made fresh each morning to serve our customers at noonday lunch. If > (< {L'VthV'r Tn\w h - Png, Os ZO Carton of 200 vou have never tried our shortcake, you have really missed something. The / |> tor. luard. »n»u». <>u-. n a o - & i ir, cake is unusually light ... the strawberries are fresh and luscious and. of * ' * lotk ,f> * * or 91,1 V course, the whipped cream makes it still more tempting. lAn Eventful SALE of Drugstore Needs! | Better Values Come to You Through “Peoples," Where Low Prices and Courteous Service Prevail \ Kolor-Bak =j| 1 "fl FREE! /?-■ I Do You Brush Solid aluminum / Banishes (,ray jft V \ \ ( | I / Jf, shaker, 25c 2' \ - sun Hout. /'i \\ nx \ {■mgk \ 3#S. ) Your Hair. A lyyiAiJrjrfip* \ free with >h, | (!■ a B 9i.09 **-«-• =ri,i::ul v tomb Through It? ( /fjl sons Sweet Choco- ’MJP J bak u ; Special Purchase and SALE! ,By brushing your | t^k DOi;BLE MALTED i clean, color- { iiri ,„ Tn „ T hair 3 minutes both f ll d i ,9< ‘ tLMUR Terrv Loop morning and nigh, Deliciou, Chocolate WasllCloths you may have beau it does bring tiful, healthy hair, Malted Milk < back the An exceptional IT O f J J y color - not value at— M. sJI, 4* IUI It is a known fact that “we moderns” do not devote attloUlV j, Knl« ~«wl *n Jll*trnL, nlti* Namtfwtured •'< «v»tton rhi*ttilli> in rolor* nf «orient, oink. blue, main* etlOUffh tllllC Slid thought to the Care of OUT half. 5 used to get from Old- «Ml «hitr. Annthrr nr.r-osir Itrm in linn t»nh the present tlajr mntle tit tiM„. -tl-.,,. I, hernme <litll rlrv -inti lifeless » , , , , , ... t fashioned dyes but the color your bathroom mior . allow* .a.* meuitier <a a>t houwhoM » , Why allow it to become (litil. ury an« uictcst • • • j a^t< a chocolate ntalted mtlk y J used to be! Leave* the hair of when just tlirce minutes’ brushing with a good hairbrush such even texture that it dis- * i 'TZmS’.wTo J'jrSSK - 1 morning and night will stimulate the hair roots . . . iIT'L i i _ remove all tln.t particles tvhtch ltavc accutmilatcd during Jj' ft, « ? / Q JTN wrt WA J O the day ... and make the scalp tingle with a joy known delicious hubhly Malted Milk you J > r/inn*e ir’iarr a^ g §/\ MjTfjg onlv to those who have healthy hair. ever drank. t * TODD S W USE jxr* Thirty g!a-*f< to each pound. A i _ T > /|Vfr •mm' * Try this simple method for two weeks—3 minutes -poonful makes a glassful! 0 y neneies IIPFSiC M/M n M| M brushing in, the morning and at night—you will Contains onlv the richest creams, / < Fnerav and fM IrJLxJiiUUv note the difference in the appearance of your hair mil butter-fat “DCI BLF. MALT- y y 4!' %/ J which will astonish and please you. F.D" Malted Milk. Sweet Choco- t y CIVPS ||| n.- v late and sujar. perfectlv Mended, f 5 Vitality fjWfSl 40c Pluto H aler Zoc The result C wonderful. < ot A i , S Uc purm m|| 50c Sal Hepatica 37c Thnmnum-* \ V%**s%Sk HIV 75c Dextn Maltose 48c ~.. ... \ 5 geken.l «I® fl. 50c Palmolive Shampoo .... 27c - DouW , C of the system. It Is valuable tn 50c Ipa na Tooth Paste .. • . 28c I v A I Malted Milk < iron and other building ele- , f , ls .», , -- / M// lIITII X ~ ] j ; ar-.&tfaffaas. M batons Mouth Wash . ... 57c / J>// / Qnr Pound S wornout feeling shat often ac- 60c California Fig Syrup .. . 34c I A/Sby J 111 WsSsM -n *sl Todd** Wine 35c Palmolive Shav, Cream . . 19c \ Production Permits « j y Tonic, IPJe 0 Quality brush at a l.otc Price . «• / mmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmml lilTStlc-1 itP HiUI BrUsItPS fgyolTr*i . / J |. Ever‘Fresh Citrate of Magnesia 4 nnt i Size for Furs Purse ami Purpose ■ An / V \fTTntf«t/\ T Every bottle nf Citrate of Magnesia sold in alt of our stores is ... (J n c» i« Cl IQ Cl AO Cl ON I tnwinum < i NUIrTIO guaranteed to be the genuine U. 8. P. Formula. We do not We. A Or. Wfc, SI. IV. & I .O'*. &l. **, „ , t t .. sell sub-standard nr special formula Citrate of Magnesia. C’> XO C‘> ON nod S 3 ON Shaker / / i 'nutmtfrUt We sell exclusively the EVERFREBH orand. 12-ounce >)!?„ ' nnn v '*• Aa&KSSBi . * i Lottie £oc FREE! ' ' -0,,. . .. # J \i A Message to -«r—-^=^ | Colgate i] TOILET ARTICLES Should You \ i |< Rheumatic Sufferer, gaft|ji|j RapUShave AW It's Time for 4, a Decided Smin* S , i * Nurlto har, proven to thousands IU Lao ISM; illP. I'rontrt £ , . 1 * f lift 18 Of* > worth in eliminating that torture |K|.i t l,ream S DPIII & ClfiOnttltr n , c* I r* » 70, VJilllflwf 5 > irom rheumatbm. neuritis and almllar . g IS| • /?. , &pi MBg IsUAUUOg $l Coty Single Compacts 79c fy, J > liimenUt It works like a charm-fast Itt | | OtUt , _ A -5... D| , - * > our tkmhfncer g / »nd powerful, j»t R is abaolutely 5 S (4l | i . I lit tour Winter things Airov in 50c Ciillette Blades, 5s JSC vlMir ftentist. < f. harmless contains no opiates or ;£ MB I I (.olgdte ' m 1 d- n 1 77. A ; y other harmful ingredients Get a box ■ f Jlltt. PEOPIFS ■ —5O c Rice Powder 33c MU' lit* tx A o, m., psm - UHBTi Afler-Shave Ce,t„ri!mt *1 /IS 10c P.lntolivc Soap, 3 for 20c Tube *** $1 Nurito, 95c Garment ©f 60c Forhan'. Tooth Pa.te 34c } ~ S/.:>o t'l /If) Rag* rn»~ ylf I 30c Retinol Skin Soap 18c 1H FOuCtllb *: J KNOS PILES i „t„r V‘.lt Du.,proof ' |\/ i 6Sc Kotex (regular >iae) 39c 8 T tooth pasts y rigidly guar- Colgate's Lotion, which Moth proof i Mt-'v I 35c Corega Tooth Powder 24c > j f E “KT "VTS; SSS*n Tm'ZX «tSrSro!S large on Talcum 15c •j| i pllef or b refund money. It - gat* Rapid Shave Cream. \ j||||;,p $1 B. Paul Henna 86c | AVer* loot* Tph y cost* you only S»e. but l» worth ~~ ' " Size X* 1 11. CC- D..L...1 AT- Cl mo Hither H BN y many lime# more to any suffer. Li; C3C parbaSOl* large. t r.ixßt r« tts '’MP * t ... \ These bags arc the • 50c Jergen • Skin Lotion 35c ,‘h* '»'«• ' "MRcnun'nble J \ I i%? j£L 50c Mul.ifiec l Shampoo 34c J \ :4 f- $1 Wildroot Hair Tonic 63c # \\T J ~: SL i 4U*r *«, Sait She rw 15c Sayman. Soap. 3 for 25c U V LNoW~at 10 ccnts-w«- Tar Hags Overcoat Size. h«>«' ri/)lfr nrilinirk? MMBibf it i luxury in powder puffs; [j J 'S7Z £ ft; DOME REMEDIES JK*sjr II and aid ,0 dm * / Caly Face fan,ter « >« «»*;■ ■■■■■■■ Priced I annually Inn J | i 7T) use. .od«d powder puff is tmt [ —75 c Bengue 47c up-and-dwv\ n tuush- j / \ ZXZ&ttfSZSZ Mir Coty Perfume Mart, HaU, or ]l)<. 60c Table., 37c \ nAlh/ ! | l |i!».'.""‘* ,°3 91.00 Value 85c Hake, j C,.»»,<»■ $1.25 Abtorbine Junior. ...... ,83c \W - ,j. < no bresking in, hold powder A wonderful opportunity for women “ $1 Marmola Tablets 79c f .. # } g perfectly And csn,of whn tjhe Coty Fare Powder and,Per- All e» e, c , Pkmnkn C-J. 70,. » i » / discarded »nd replsced ss often fume. This Is a remarkable Value agi 'h ■ *”• 51 • Icet • f nOSpflO 5008, f»C \ 1 I y ss your sense of daintiness hss and no doubt every woman will want v A; n k m . n > *lOc- /IV## 1 \ \ y slwsys desired, ht t, ntu> unh, to avail here.elf of this opportunity, JQ. ff^Pf/|*bVl#P#l \ UUC Ketinol vJintmeni ,<S9 C I f j \ * w Xlr r "T M ::,-L Wfv 25. cmie*l. »«« PAns ' ViK * IM] CV»c«.«aa/ V Iflf 111 JQSSDWOf 1 fedyll 75c Bell-Ant Tablets 49c th. r*** h g,****<& & J i Tn,newt,,otJGit In rinctirh 5- 8 JS'fJr.VU-.Lrti.2lS| 35c Lapactic Pill, 27c / DiINTIBSro wmarurn 111 1 * Ntlfl Mitral Oil! ..'.A J ? : II :,£ r.-r,r.r s 1 75. Mriiw. f««<i a ; 111 L".„T..,r.K«.r.,1« USMP Soc Bromo Sel.rer 89c Nlr P j WV ' / ‘ < I *■?, .. K»,. I "'■■■■ - I 25r Seitilt.i Pnwtirr,. . IH, ,}> ris held up Ready Small, a cab driver, January H>. at Twenty-fifth and N streets. The plunder consisted of two watches and $2,40 in cash. James Washington and Eddie Pierce, both colored, were given terms of seven years and six months each in the pen itentiary for an assault with a dan gerous weapon. They attacked Harold Lloyd with a knife December 26. at 459 Missouri avenue. Susie Brown, who killed her husband. William Brown. September 13 at 441 O street, was sent to the penitentiary tor two years and six months. The wom an had been indicted for murder in the first degree, but the fury rendered a verdict, of manslaughter. The court fixed the penalty at 3 years, but Attor ney S. L. McLaurin. who had defended the woman, asked that the time she has been in custody be deducted and the court granted the request. Donald Harley, colored, was given a term of four years in the penitentiary for housebreaking. He broke into the store of Marian H. Williams. 1307 New Jersey avenue, and stole a quantity of clothing. - »—— - Mounted police were called to handle the crowd that gathered in London to witness the arrival and departure of the bride and groom when Lord Ham ilton. elder son of the governor of Northern Ireland, and the daughter Os the late Lord Crichton were married ! recently. BRIDE, 16, ASKS COURT TO GRANT ANNULMENT Mrs. Gladys C. Orebaugh Piles Suit. Says She Was Victim of Hus band's Superior Will. Mrs. Gladys C. Orebaugh. 16 years old, 2615 Seventeenth street northeast, has filed suit for the annulment of hot marriage to .Joseph Orebaugh. 2003 First street, 19 years old. The cere mony took place at laurel October 23 while the couple were on an automo bile ride. The wife charges that t.ak- | • lng advantage of the absence of her ! mother and father from the city, while j she was attending Langley Junior 1 High School. Orebaugh persuaded her | to accompany him to Marlboro, where i he obtained a license by misrepresent- ( i ing their ages, she says. I Learning that the license could not : be used on that, day. they returned ; home, and on the next day went to; Laurel, where, the plaintiff says, he i compelled her to go through the cere mony through his superior will.. She points out. that she was only 15 years old at the time and had not the con- . sent of her parents, which makes the marriage invalid, it is claimed, in Maryland Attorney David A. Hart ap- ■ I pears for the wife. Bas Favored; Tram Crowded . i When a railway in the Highlands ■#> , Scotland recently began a series pi ; Sunday excursions, the public resent!'’ I the move, but rode on the trains Tfr 1 railway recently extended the service tr ; Elgin, from which the first Sund? j train since the World War was run ty I Inverness. The H. M. 8 Hood, at Iff ; verness. was thrown open to the pub ! iie and the train was crowded wit 1 those who were anxious to visit th | ship. The excursions were started | fight the bus lines, and public opinio favored the busses, yet used the train: All but 1 per cent of New' Zealand ■ i population can read and write. 19