OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, March 25, 1928, Image 6

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1928-03-25/ed-1/seq-6/

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Elimination Contests in Com
petition Will Be Held
This Week.
> Twrnty-six students of »* many
Maryland high schools today are
thumbing their orations cm the Consti
tution of the United States as they
make final preparation tor the group
meetings which begin at Hyattsville to?
morrow night and In which th;y will
compete with one another to determine
who are the rightful contenders for the
forensic. ohAmpiouship of the Maryland
district to The Stars area of the Fifth
National Oratorical Contest.
While 2$ school spokesmen *have been
chosen, the Maryland district contestant;
field for the five group meets will not
be completed imUl Wednesday or (
Thursday, when the Boule High School.*
the twentywserenth and last Maryland
school, wifi choose its representative
In the meantime, plans for the group
contests have been completed with five .
and six orators scheduled to do battle
in each meet Men of high positions in
Their respective professions have been j
chosen to preside at each of the group
meets and juries of competent judges
have been founded to pass judgment on
each of the contending groups
. Winner, to Get Cash.
The winning orator at each of the
group contests will receive a cash award
of S2C. the gift o i The Star, and the •
right to compete in the Maryland finals i
for the championship of that district
The Maryland champion, in turn, will
receive a further cash award «t SSO
and the right to enter The Star finals
rn the grand competition for the three
month toor of Europe,
The five group meets will be staged,
one each night, beginning tomorrow ,
night and in the-, following order, at
HyattsfeDCTßoAxlEc Leonardtown. La.
Plata and Upper Marlboro
The Hyattsvfnc meet will be staged.
It. the auditorium of the Hyattsville ‘
High School .with Prof. H F Cotterman.
associate dean of the College of Educa- !
non. University* of Maryland, presiding
The five contestants in this meeting and j
their respective subjects, in the order :
in which each will speak, are: F Iris j
Thompson, representing the MarvJand
Park High. School of Seat Pleasant, on
"The Constitution—lts Present Mean
ing:* Clark Adams, representing the
Fan-land High School of BeltsviUe. on
"The Development of the Constitution:’* j
Mary Eugenia Hardy, spokesman for the :
■' 'hfSttWVvft "rtf x g-jfaL g«v' *V * >"t'yy»*«ri! "V 1 ' i 9 t y»v ♦c» «■» »•. i«» . . g«s=y
y a y
/ NEW! || |
Sport Coats and
Frocks for Spring
*■ ? . ” ■ *>♦ ' «r ;i *
* Lodge coats and frocks; exclusive with
\ V Fatftfr-BrJdget Co. in W ashington; recognized by the
. . * ; , better women as the last word in smartness and
chic. And, as you will note, well within the most con
servative, wardrobe budget.
‘162 ] ‘29-
| *yl / flat georgettes, Imported lweeds, smartly tal*
" ,J t , . * >• » | lored, double breasted, semi
“****> * nd lined, raglan shoulder*. In,-
other*. On* and two piece ported herringbone* with
mode.!*,. Y neck*, round neck*, “Johnny" collar*, fancy pockets,
collar i# • • necks, accordion all- cufTs, pocket tofjs and rever*
round pleated'skirts and skirts u ’ , *‘ I"aid t trim; full
. i n ... m i x t . v, i i sattp lined; belted, raglan
ft,! in fr-mt, VWIf • rl,.ik„, ,>f
of vtyi/s in all the new colors and patterns. Other sport
» , - shades. Other frooks to sl9 Vi. coats to $59.50.
. * * r '
» . , , ■ , * t««4f t+tm HtftMsoM. ' *
The Avenue at Ninth
> ' # i
■FJ g m gpgygrt wrmjm*%*v9%mtF u i r ri i r»i™ ■ ■ i
Upper, left to right: Joseph A. YVtimer of l.a Plata, who will preside at the |
b Plata meet, and Judge William M. Loker of Leonardtown, who will be
chairman of the mating in his city.
Lowerv left to right: H. F. Cotterman of Hyattsville. chairman of the contest
at Hyattsville. and Nicholas Orem of Hyattsville. who wilt preside at the Marlboro
Takoma-Silver Spring High School, on
*‘The Development of the Constitution;”
William John Thomas, representative
c$ the Sherwood High School of Sandy
Spring, on “The Development of the
iConstitution” and Margaret Oldenburg.
: speaking for the Hvattsville High
, School, on “The Development of the
| The judges at this initial group mect
j ing of this year s contest, are: Dr. W
T. Taliaferro of the University of Mary
land. Prof. P. M. Lemon of the Univer
-1 sttjr of Maryland, Dr. W. A. Griffith of
Barw-yn, C. A. Cary of Riverdale, and
R«*v. B. A. Maltzan of Hyattsville.,
Six to Meet In Rockville.
{tlx school champlona will meef'et the .
Rockville contest. Tuesday night. In the j
1 luditorium of the Rockville High School.
(Oliver Owen Kuhn, news manager of
The Evening Star, will be the presiding
officer in.this contest, which will begin
at 8 o’clock, and the judges will be
W. W. Bride of Bethcsda. Mrs. J.
Somerville Dawson of Rockville, and
Harold Smith of Rockville.
.The six contestants, their schools and
. their respective topics, in the order of
j their appearance, are William H.!
; Waters, Jr, representing the Gaithers
| burg High School, on “The Present I
| Significance of the Constitution”;!
Douglas Griesemer. Jr, spokesman for
the Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School.;
on “The Present Significance of the
Constitution - : David Trundle, chain- i
pion of the Poolesville High School, on
I “The Constitution as the Bedrock ol
; America's Present-day Happiness”:
Ben F. Dennis, representative of the
Georgetown Preparatory School at Gar
rett Park, on The Present Significance !
of the Constitution": Helen V. Wilkin- i
son, champion of the Rockville High
School, on “The Significance' of the
Constitution Today,” and Jacqueline
Darrieulat. representative of the Dick
erson High School, on “The Present
Significance of the Constitution.”
Maryland’s third group meet will be
held at 8 o'clock Wednesday night in
the courthouse of St. Marys County,
located at Leonardtown. judge Wii- ,
item M. Loker, whose son. William
t”Aleck”) Loker, won the champion-!
ship of The Star area and conse-!
quently the trip to Europe last year, will
preside at that competitive session, in
which five contestants will meet. The
jury which will select the winner will:
be composed of William Cecil. Frank'
Scrivner. Charles V. Hayden and Mrs.!
Alfred Cheetham. all of Leonardtown.
and-Lawrence William* of Ridge, Md i
Contest at La Plata.
The five contestants with their schools;
I and respective orations. In the order in
j which they will speak, are Joseph John
Muldowney. representing Leonard Hall
-'Aleck" .Lokcr's school, on .“The Present :
Significance of the Constitution": 7,
Maccubbin Wafers. 3d, spokesman for!
Charlotte Hall School, on "The De- i
velopment of the Constitution”: Anne i
• • ■ i * • . • . <• v « _ . _ " , • ’ *•• - „ ; f J. . < 4
, < t ' i ?, . t ’ * " j, * . • i
and here are the shoes sure to win those
knowing glances of approval Easter Morn!
U 100 Radiant Beauties 1
I;-; In Our Two Featured Groups at |l
11l 50 jjK 50 4|: Smart Low Heels
|! a " ■ ■ jjr~ ” “Defw”■ I
*‘ ’’ ’’ V. £= An .entirely series.of twi&rr
jp; 1 ' P ‘shoes for ffigfr-s«fco<M and eoßege-ikrls : I
i S i 1 lin , j, ... j 111 —or any woman who prefers low t
■ = Plata indiatl ] fe : . heels. Featured in aVeparsrfe depart
i Beige kid. Rajah Mallinson** Indian . nient at our 7tk«St store. •4jkvjw«»f > r-
I# / trim. Patent, mat Print "Khaki Kool" J ,% ■ .town." at our F st. shop; at*ur \
t * kid trim. Junior Silk*. Pump or 'j> ; "Arcade stotje. Style gncTuiried
|*p I I heel. strap effect. Xjf £ r new patent le*tb« r b u\k i e \
|Sj | | —"[( I — s4.id >■■ u.w
*•: .•''••■’ ■ ~T~I I : v . '■■ I "Spruce l‘p" In
■ . > t 5S * For the 5.2nd successive Opting sea
„ «*Tt i *f' n > Hahn s are ready to supply dis
IS /,;■ Honey Beige open- k Black moire mule Sf?"* y\ o? all ages. Never were our qualities
m ■ I*. ‘ Aa front, short vamp pump. Also shown 1 and values so true to the best Hahn
aill lv: 4 ' |\ flk He. Heard trim and *n patent leather Atjt ;i VO 1 traditions t
Wy~. ; ,, tfcAra heel. Also, patent. High heel. >s & Pictured, one of our new Fallv-Swisi.
\Tpnami \_AvSS £/» : S novelties tor girls. $3.75 to SSJS.
f ” *° y&r-K&r Vj I tor g,rl,_SJ» t. »
kwi , wUI f fi - **Hihn Specials" or misse and chit- » I
$8 V ftVi X ; - "nMjSkeS. x 11 dren sl.4s to $4.5*. Smart s’tnrdy
I V 1 vti Irtil :<f I * «n *•
I r ’" '. -■ >» H.,:. W" ** " •
Black brocade or Patent leather.
’ (' ". 1 1 ♦ 11 ■ • .. •■ : ...: I Thev'tf a treat for vour fertt
f, *4 . .rnfc— »’&*+*! L - | Good looking, but arch-support
| ' ' i * "ZEBRA” Pumps - ‘ ' v • | ing! S > coni tor table! So rea-
A. i ;J ; High h..l P „m P », • Law k~t ' I KtA '
§| 7 | / * sandal. Patent leather sandal. Patent or j P em*
"* »tripe*. honey beige slashed te
Beige with brown vamp and rontrasting U
* ■■ ||t| I '
Peterson, champion of Bt. Mary’s Fe
male Seminary of St. Mary's City, on
“The Development of the Constitution";
Mary Catherine Sterling, representative
■of St. Mary’s Academy, Leonardtown,
on “The Present Significance of the
Constitution.” and Mary Edna Taylor,
champion of the Great Mills High
School, on "The Development of the.
La Plata will be the scene of the
.fourth group meeting, which will be
held at 8 o'clock Thursday night in the
auditorium of the La Plata High School.
: Here. Joseph A. Wilmer. member of the
Maryland Legislature, will preside, and
a Jury, composed of W. B. Billingsley of
La Plata. L Johnson Canter Os Char
lotte Hall. Senator L. G. Sasscer of
i Marlboro, H. S. Swann of La Plata and
W A. Coombe of Clinton will pass of
ficial judgment on the orators.
The contestant field will be composed
of the following, who will speak in the
i order In which their names appear
here: Myrtle Woodward, representing
the Lackey High School of Indian
Head, on “The Present Significance of
: the Constitution"; Kermit E. Rice,
champion of the Glasva High School,
'.on "The Present Significance of the
| Constitution"; George Choporis. spokes
man for the River Springs High School
I on “The Development of the Constitu
j fion”; John Dudley Digges. champion
of the la Plata High School, on “The
Development of the Constitution.” and
Dorothy Michael, representative of the
Hughesville High School, on “The De
velopment of the Constitution.”
Orem Will Preside.
Maryland will conclude Its group |
phase of the contest at the Marlboro j
Episcopal Church Parish House at E
o'clock Friday night, under the chair
manship of Nicholas Orem, superin
tendent of the Prince Georges County
, Schools. Five contestants will be
! judged by a jury of three, the members
1 of which are Oeorge D. Mitchell, editor
i of the Pathfinder; Henry Hunt McKee,
president of the National Capital Bank
nf Washington, and Peter E. Chamber- 1
; lin. attorney, all of Washington.
The six concluding orations will be
delivered as follows Katherine Bond, j
champion of the Brandywine High
j School, on "The President Significance
of the Constitution": Robert H. Duvall,
representative of the Baden High
! School, on "The Development of the
Constnylon":-. Llewellyn M. Heigham,
spokesman for the Oxon Hill High '
School, 'on, "The Development of the
Constitution”; Myrtle Griffin, cham
pion of the Marlboro High School, on
‘‘The PrcKtfnl Significance o if the Con
fttltul loh’M Enid Kathleen Padgett,
spokesman for the Surrattsvllle High
School of Clinton, and the as yet
undetermined victor of the Bowie High
School finals.
In each of the group meetings pro
grams of music will be presented,
Reservations already have been made
for seats in each of the auditoriums
by supporters of the contestants and
Indications are that the attendant >
enthusiasm at each competition will
surpass even that of last year, when a
highly successful contest was staged
In the Maryland district.
U. S. Attorney Tells of Letter From
Prince Georges County, Where
Embezzlement Is Charged.
SpeWal f)i«pat>'h to The Star.
BALTIMORE. Md.. March 24.
United States Attorney Amos W. W.
Woodcock today reported . receiving a '
i letter purporting to be from a Repub
| llcan politician of Prince Georges
County, who threatened to "get him, if
! It took a hundred years,” if he does
i not halt the prosecution of Clarence
I B. Gasch, former cashier of the First
j National Bank of Hyattsvllle.
Gasch’s case is to come up for trial
|in United States Court Monday. He
! is indicted on charges of embezzling
| SII,OOO from the bank.
“I am not exaggerating when I say j
| no less than 25 politicians or would-be
: politicians have come to tell me what a
! good man Gasch is and how promi
i nent he is in the party.”

! When he missed a boat-train at Wa
tcrl(X), England, recently, an American i
business man traveled by taxi, aero- i
plane and private automobile from Lon- t
don to Southampton, and caught a
• liner a few minutes before it sailed.
Pastor Tells State Society of Inci
dents in Old West—Discusses
. Twain’s Writings.
More than 500 persons heard Dr.
Earle Wilfley. rector of Vermont Ave-
3 lie Christian Church, tpll of the old
ays of the real "Wild West." and give
a humorous talk on the writings of
Mark Twain, at the reception and dance
of the Missouri Society of Washington
last night in the Washington Hotel.
Dr. Wilfley told of his personal ex
periences in a mining camp when he
was a child and recounted stories of
famous characters of the West,, and rc*
■ w I. * . (.... I I I—II
- ,r ? ~ - 1 * T
p■l 1 ■ s
f| i» 1
4 Owing to the Unusual Demand We Are Continuing 4
4 This Sale of
X I $1.35 Fip X
X ,o FOR HALL, ’fsc. . B«*oom, J
T * And Rfanj Othfra ut , Fpftirß
J These Low Prieoa
1165 ♦
4 Complete Set of Mouse +
♦ 4 Light, 4.95 o ,xtu ; e ‘ MPi W ♦
♦ \ HoV.. ,r, *17.75 * £ "/ ♦
♦ 1 Light, 1.45 " lrrd « nd ,n Ha,z __l_| J
♦ 733 9th St. N.W. Fr. 9305- ♦
*1 - - ♦
cited several excerpts from the works
of the famous Missouri humorist*' .
Representative Nelson, vice president
of the society, presided and also 'poke.
John B. Gordon introduced the special
guests of the evening. Among those in
the receiving line, were Admiral Rob
ert Coontz. Mrs. Joe J Manlovc wife
M Representative Manfovl. president of
the society. Lieut. Comdr. and Mrs J.
A. Schofield, Mrs. George Whltecotton.
Mrs. L. H Hanna. Representative and
Mrs. Lozier and Mrs. Floyd Tmlv
Hanly. Mr. Hanly -was-chairman of the
floor committee.
The Colonial Club, principal soe.al
organization of Tampico, Mexico, has
Just announced that its restaurant hav
been closed “because of lack of patron
age. but the free lunch will b< served
at the bar as

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