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HOUSE HEARING TUESDAY ON MT. VERNON HIGHWAY Representative Moore of Virginia Is to have a hearing on his Mount Vernon boulevard bill before the House com mittee on roads Tuesday morning at 19 o'clock. Tills measure would authorise the construction of the finest boulevard In JEWELERS PLA TIKUMSMITNS DIAMONDS an n # i Other Precious Stones o/l'Qfta/in oJne. v*» )>wrt nt 935 F Street ADOLPH HANK ARTHUR J. SUNDLVN President Treasurer MONDAY ¥ VALUE DAY I FAIR — Rayon Again We Are Able to Offer j mf R ece j ve <j r Unde ™ e T.„. DRESSES FOR EASTER 50# ladies’ j Y, \ . . . SWEATERS \ V {7? Teddies nt thus popular price u ; JL>— / *^ ,es 11 1 All Wool in Solid ryAVi P- Slips &JJ Colors, Stripes or . • §fiEr'jr* i 79'fU* 11# f 1 " w \Jrar I J§S3| \ \ Fine quality ' Come /n (iiirf Try r/irm On T|| * r New Spring Shades fln ”t £1 sivjcs. fr* • c I* *r< i A\ | J of sweaters 'I, ,n Solid Colors or l \ we have ever < """ TWK r%i«—MAIN MOOR *£ , 4 r Printed Effects th^— ,f 11 LOOK! $ One and T, m Pi* r a Effart, 4f I’E' "jslrT’ 9 , . want for Spring and Summer. What Oeorgcttes ° <>t course, you know what you tmk r*iK_M*is moor Crepes want (or F.astev by this time. Well, 7MM Prints whatever type or color of dress you it a Pussy Willow have selected vou will find in this FlOOVvi ApiOllfe VI c Si “* }* '° 46 lyKro.',.. • Another lot of these M ■ popular garments at a : sensational price. \ Tomorrow Only {«» spring-. irfi Bo l*’/I EPT - HATS ill hH 1 bi.u« s d Vl*% c Ve 1/ Broadcloth and ravela fabric*. A |\ y ■ in solid colors and attractive pat- ‘ *• Value j tern*. I Large and Small A Shirts v Head Si3RC * “Honor Bright- Shirts, made ™* r%!R-m*.v moor like Dad s. All fast color*. Caps a K Snappy Tweed and Serge Caps A COl PON SPECIAL J| A | AW/ A * iwT Boys’ Hats and •§J| c fIWU .wSJ'fiSViESi'i* Caps for Spring #/■ //jl \i\\ with new pant*. Hundreds of them to choose / j \, j j Coveralls from. A Style. Material and Color / y \ “/ / Strongly made of blue denim to suit every hoy. Plenty of sizes. / / fj or khaki Reinforced at point? miss this one. HIHHI ■Bfc / / ‘l PT of greatro orain Size* 2to 8. POSITIVELY NONE SOM) WITHOUT THIS COUPON lzl LSI r*' rs.a-*KM»s,> imk,* is <m k „ A . fcMIO%T MTORK A«BUj LM BOYS’ L-—- B, ~i ,IB "----a-—H ■ Wash Suits rlf Ax •In Our Basement yA ! u * r T s*>' (K Sh ,oe Store * 84c 4« ijjn ' EASTER FOOTWEAR IM|l|l| j SSS-“1.“% & A Velvet. ,1 oa .A w 1> X N * ~Jr «W 5 I t„ 5< J 4 Honey llci*. i kli f)sford* JL Cray Suedes J \ \M J k l lioys D’Oraays All Heels and Sizes and Kids ■ j i J II ’ Athletic LJ’ Suits ■J; \/V IM ! Oer./«, THE KIDDIES WILL NEED SHOES "** -/' *™ *'£■.2'. M Jm C Ten Oxford. Strap I’umpa A Oxfnrtla fnt/011l KUh {Js\ (/l ! i 4 fe '' “ s.l Value Pumps Sl.Wl alin>* iAJ \\{K : j | kVv/mv O'jrtdyrsr *Welt t i Value Sturdy, Guaranteed **» u I4nt «»»• s »« JL u AI L Ouaranleed Tan Shoes. Sizes 4 lo H fl Value \. =■“!*“ $1.99 $1.99 $1 p-/\c || Sport Sox ~ ,_„ *%V| £z" A Ac IMpLA ■ Trftr* /I /■ Stt.jyHc AKKowm.Ai) brand “f 5 M A A 820 7th Street N.W. Bu " 7Hf tain »MKIR w ~ * w * • tin t AIR RSNRttrSV 1 11, lui. immmmmmwmmmmrnmmmi* \ .nli I the world as an ornamental entrance ! to the National Capital, over a 15-mile riverside route from Washington's old home at Mount Vernon to the Capital etty he founded. This measure carries the support ot President Coolldgr and It Is being urged for early passage so that the Army en gineers will be able to make^.preliminary Alls in time for the completion of the highway by 1932. as it is intended to be one of the outstanding memorials in commemoration of the bicentennial of Washington's birth. THE SUNDAY STAR. WASHINGTON. D. 0.. MARCH 25.. 1928—PART 1. MARSHALL TO TAKE CHICAGO POST SOON Builder Will Sever Business Rela tions Here to Head Western Concern. R, C. Marshall, jr.. war-time chief of the construction division of the Army and now general manager of the Asso ! elated Ocneral Contractors of America, with headquarters here, will leave Washington shortly to make his home in Chicago, where he will assume the 1 presidency of a construction company. I Mr Marshall's departure from Wash | ington will bring to a close a 20-year • res'dence here, during which he has been an active leader In construction work and lias gained prominence in lo cal business circles. Resignation from ihe board of diree ; tors of the firm of Maddux, Marshall, i Moss A? Mallory, of which he was a founder, and niso from the board of directors of the Merchants Bank As Trust Co., will mark Mr. Marshall's severance of local business relationships. As war-time chief of Army construc tion. Mr. Marshall directed the emer gency military building program, in volving construction of more than 500 projects which included the canton ments built to house the National Army Succeeding Mr. Marshall as general manager of the Associated General j Contractors Association, D. A. Garber, j a former president and founder of the association, will resign his office as presi dent. of the Northeastern Construction Co. of New York, which he has held for the past 24 years, to assume his new post here. . Commissioned in Reserves. David J. Fitzgibbon, at the Soldiers' Home, has h-en commissioned by the j War Department a first lieutenant in j the Dental Corps of the Reserve Corps ! of the Army. CHAPLAINS ARE CHANGED. | Col. John T. Axton to Retire ns Chief April 6. Several important changes In the as signment.* of Army chaplains will be j made in the near future. Col. John T. ■ Axton. chief of chaplains, will be retired for disability April 6, and will be suc ceeded as head of the corps by Chaplain Edmund P. Easterbrook. now division chaplain at, Fort Sam Houston. Tex Chaplain Stanley C. Ramsden. now on ' ; duty in the Panama Canal Zone, will relieve Chaplain Easterbrook at Fort Sam Houston, and will be relieved in Panama by Chaplain John T. Axton. jr., I now at Fort Myer. Va. Though not set ■ tied, it is probable that Chaplain Milton O. Beebe, now at the War Department will succeed Chaplain Axton at Fort Myer. Chaplain Benjamin J. Tarskey. also at the War Department, has been or- j dered to duty in the Panama Canal Dr- j partment as the relief of Chaplain John i R. Carroll, who has been assigned to duty at Selfrldge Field, Mich. Chan lain Walter J. Donoghue. on duty in the Philippines, will relieve Chaplain Tars key at the War Department. MISS BEALL TO SPEAK. Member of Associated Charities Will Address Nursery Aid Club. Miss Louise O. Beall of thp Associated Charities will address the March meet ing of the Friendship House Nursery Aid C'ub tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 j | o'clock at the Young Women's Chris- , tian Association. Seventeenth and K streets, and has selected ns her subject | ! "The Family in Need of Help.” Mrs. Margaret, Lendner McMullen will read a group of short stories, and Mrs. William E Chamberlin will pre side. * • State-aided houses built in Great Britain last year totaled 196,589, or » twice the number erected in 1922. j MAJ. R. P. HALL DIES j AT HOSPITAL HERE Veteran of World War Had Been 111 for Several Months. Maj. Buskin P Hall. Coast Artillery Corps, who served as a lieutenant colo nel In the Coast Artillery. National Army, during the World War. died Fri day evening at Walter Reed General Hospital, following several months' Ill ness. In his forty-second year. Surviving him are his widow. Mrs. Mary Proctor Hall: a daughter. Miss Mnry P. Hail, and his father. Charles J. Hall of Day ton, Ohio. j Funeral services Will be conducted at Fort Myer chapel tomorrow at 10:30' j o'clock with interment In Arlington I Cemetery. The Brlghtwood Commandery will j conduct Masonic services in which Chaplain Alfred C. Oliver, jr., U. S. A., I will officiate. The pallbearers will be ! Capt. F. L. Sheffield, United States Navy; Maj Willep. Maj. John P. H. O'Rear, U. S. A.: Maj. Robert H. Dun lop. U. S. A.: Henry A. Sinuate, U. S. A., ! and Maj. W. Woolford. U. S. A. Born in Ohio. Maj. Hall was grad- j uated from the Naval Academy in Oc tober. 1910. and was commissioned sec ond lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corps, the same year. During the World War he reached the •v’-adc of lieutenant eolo- I nel. National /*My. and was stationed j at Fort Monroe. Va., to December. 1918, when he was sent to France, where he I j served as welfare officer, base section I No. ft. Third Armv. : > MAJ. RAFAEL A. SEGARRA DIES AT WALTER REED Infantry Officer Cited for Gallantry in Action ‘in Franc? During World War. i Maj. Rafael A. Segarra. United States Infantry, detailed to duty with the 83d Division. Organized Reserves. Colum bus. Ohio, died at Walter Reed Hospital Friday afternoon and probably will be burled in the Arlington National Ceme tery. He was born in Ad juntas. Porto Rico. ! October 28. 1880. and entered the mili tary service as private. Company F.. j Porto Rican United States Volunteers' in March 1900. He was commissioned captain. Infantry Section. Officers Re serve Corps, in 1916 and called to active duty April 30, 1917. During the World War he reached the grade of lieutenant rolonel. He served with the 309th In fantry and was cited for gallantry in action near Bols des Loges. France. He is survived by his widow. Mrs. Car men Guiot Segarra: two sons. Antoufio and Rafael A. Sagarrn. Jr., and one daughter. Carmen. He was a member of the Sociedad Economtca de Amigos del Pais, a graduate of the Army War College. 1927, and of the Command and Staff School. 1924. MRS. A. E. WENRICH RITES. Funeral Services Conducted at First Reformed Church. Puneral services for Mrs. Anna Eliza beth Wenrich. 1349 Quincy street, who died last Wednesday at Garfield Hos- I pita!, were conducted at the First Re formed Church yesterday afternoon Rev. J. D. Buhrer. pastor, officiated and burial was in Rock Creek Cemetery. Mrs Wenrich was bom in Washing- ’ ton. May 31. 1890. and was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber. Her husband. Charles Wenrich, i is clerk in charge of personnel of rural delivery service in the Post Office De partment. She was active In the affairs of the* First Reformed Church, having been superintendent of the cradle roll, teach er in the primary department and a member of the Woman'* Missionary So ciety and Ladies' Aid Society. She had a record of five consecutive years in, Sundav school attendance at the church. Besides her husband. Mrs. Wenrich is survived by a son. Charles, and her mother. Ch»aDsJde's oldest building, known as ! "The Chained Swan.” which bears a tablet stating that It was one of th» 1 few houses saved in the great fire of! London, is to be razed, I CLYDE J. NICHOLS. Inc. UNDERTAKERS 4209 9th St. N.W. t'lvjlr J. Mihnt*. I'fm. I'nrmrrl.s Sir* rr**ltl*ii«.N*rrelarv H. K. *n»Tirf In. Phone Col. 6324 i OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT AT EISEMAN’S, 7th & F t .. AMBULANCES Private Service, $4.00 Steel Vaults, $85.00 Hml rl(ill(.f#(»rfil CCA *l* (.(•km VW Entire Funerals, $75.00 Up Lowest Prices Tit* Hrnivn <MnHF 1 itnrrnl Hum* W. W. Chambers Co. KflO Chapin St. N.W. Col. 432 Ryan Ambulance Service Highly Satisfactory Wr h.iv* anililllrtiirea that atr'tbr very laal wurd in niialmi roin,ttu< turn The* hi* roomy Hint mnilitt ah'r mtli all iikhli rn sanitary cm I venlmrea. Attendant atuntinatiyin* fill' e| t jlr I' Infill nr nlll "I In all *rrv in* Rraanualile <m*t JAMES T. RYAN j Fwwruif hirttlm ait Pa Are. S*.sc. Trlrtillonr Allnnllr lIIMI 11II t . Complete Mortuary Service .... Perry A W»M* |u(»rHiar,y »*rvf»» Iratra n instil In lm ilrair*i| llm vi*.ir* nl *»|ir i mill's itnalll' it* in littmllr m « moat Tomidrl* amt »y*i liullmin inaniim til hi i ninti illi iil* nrrlliimU In attrh mraalntia Private Ambulance Model Chapel Just Phon e Perry & Walsh Morticians 1 Main 984 ! MRS. G. E. 00LLIVER DIES. Funeral Tomorrow for Women's City Club Member. Mrs. Gertrude E. Dolllver, 59 years old. active here in the Women’s City i Club and as a member of the auxiliary boaid of the Homeopathic Hospital, died In Emergency Hospital Friday after a long illness. Mrs. Dolllver came here from Baltimore two years ago. She Is survived by a sister. Mrs. Alice , M. Minch, of this city: a brother. George M. Eastman, of South Paris. Me., and two grandchildren. Margaret and Louis Yakei. Funeral services will be conducted at Gawlcr's chapel tomorrow afternoon at, 5 o’clock. Interment will be in South Paris. Me. GEN. WINGATE DIES. ! Sponsor of Rifle Practice Was Head of National Board. Brig Gen. George W. Wingate of New 1 York, who introduced rifle practice in ! this country as part of military lnstruc , tion In thp National Guard and who : was president of the National Board for ; the Promotion of Rifle Practice for 25 vears. died at his home in Brooklyn Thursday, and was burled yesterday in the Quaker Cemetery at Prospect Park He was born in New York July 1. 1840 and served in the New York Volunteers during the Civil War. Since then he was actively .dentifled with the develop ; ment of the National Guard and the ' development, of military Instruction in j the public schools. Im ■ Aimy Officers Transferred. Col. Julius T. Conrad, adjutant gen eral's department, has been transferred irom the Philippines to Baltimore: Maj. Frank M. Holmrs, inspector general’s j department, from this city to San ! Francisco; Maj. Le Roy Reeves, judge advocate general's department, .from this city to Honolulu; Maj. Lester S. Hill, judge advocate general’s depart- , ment. from Honolulu to this city; Maj. Charles T. Harris, jr.. ordnance depart ment, from this city to Governors Is land. N. Y.: CapL Alexander R. Bolling. ; United States Infantry, from Fort Hunt. Va.. to this city, and First Lieut. Henry J w Holt. Field Artillery, from the Vir ■Rrt sToBL A “ dfms '- » . THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Cloudv. prob ably occassional showers todav and to morrow; continued warm, followed bv colder tomorrow afternoon or night. Maryland. Virginia—Cloudv. probablv occassional showers todav and tomor row: continued warm, followed bv cold er tomorrow' afternoon or night. West Virginia—Showers and possibly local thunderstorms todav; tomorrow showers and colder. Temperature for 24 Hours. Temperature—Midnight. 50; 2 am. 46; 4 a.m.. 43: 6 a.m., 39; 8 am.. 42; 10 a m.. 55: 12 noon 68; T p m.. 78: 4 pm. 78; 6 pm.. 75; 8 p.m.. 72; 10 pm. 68. Highest. 78: lowest. 39. Temperature same date last sear— Highest. 41; lowest. 33. Tide Tables. i Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survev. i Today—Low tide. 4:55 a.m and 5:35 pm.: high tide. 10:48 a.m. and 11:16 , pm. Tomorrow-Low tide. 5:46 am. and 6:32 pm.: high tide. 11:40 a.m. The Sun and Moon. Today—Sun rose 6 04 am: sun sets 6:25 pm.. Tomorrow—Sun rises 6:03 a in.; sets 6.26 p.m. Moon rises 8:31 am.; arts U;l7 pm. Automobile lambs to be lighted one half hour after sunset. Weather in Various Cities. -TwißF'iliii* Prertnt- M»v Situ tatt.m * s*t F>i t> m to tier* »r nhhl Si> n l s*iv*viii* v .r :*i in «» ... ! Atlanta. G* »•,« ,Vs IVI .... , oiviiii' ru< j . so to is ~ I Riltinwv'* M*l TI »'! «*t I 1 tti-mmrhanv Sis.. OO SO tie 0.21 Ri«mar.k N Dak . OO .2 i «n o.xinii Ma-* .. to n» o° Riffal.. X’ V S« :w 4 * ... jCh tram tu ...... Tt St »*’ .... | i''n«innati 0hi0.,,. T" SO ‘i® .... j Cheyenne Wv„ SO S« .... j C'|(.v*|anO Ohio SO O* .... |t> iv*.n>or» lowa ■ i St ot ; r»»nv*f Coin am 'lts .... I *V« Jlninti till a . . Tl Tt oo . , , | rv»-fMt Vi.b ...... ?•' M .... 1 Sl'jin .... «» to so ... n Ann Tr> T" v* ?«* ... : tialv< atoti Tr\ TO Ot rt* .... I Moot . to .'*, t 111 ’•utlaitanoti* l».l . , Ot SO Oo ...... t i(k*nnvOi» Pla . So St os .. ; lf»n«a« Cilv Mo .. T" SS TO .... t.iftl* R... k t r v TO SO rtS t.o« A"r»le* Calif o" so oo oot Kf, oo %s ss .... • MaroO****. Miih.. . SO it *S Ton oo St Ot a IT w i»tni. Fla T* SS TO '•(l»>|l- \l.( . T - ’ oo O'* It "I Wtt’ Arleati* I," T t O'* Oo it S | V*«- Yn-lt X. V ISO 111 OO N'nrlh piiii* XVltr *■* SIS O 0 Sn> 'll ( VrOi- T" S S TO . . nt.ila.Vlnh>., r.i Tl *o os ....I I's-diH Art- ... T« so rs | l’( . Tl S'* ISO j Oort'nn'i if* , , V* "S »» mil n-r- so «-* tS (S '*o salt'r cn. I tah ’s trt ,v* 0.-JO «• l^> in*. Mn TO SS ot . i «t |* ml Moot o» •* on s 111 totfWll. v-t ft'* IS' SS San ri(P'.i> Cain OO SS oo ,i n" s»n F' "tti'i* o Calif oo v* so it "S Sinia F" X Mrs '« so tt ) Savannah Ct. TS o*t iVI \v a »h . »•> ns •• is oo Sni'iv-Oe" II! 'I • —1 f nun, Cl' :s SS .*S T,u,)„ Ohio Tt '* s* c > s* i*. *t * < o * o |ft i WAMUX6TON t» C SO ;i<t T * • Births Reported. Birth* reported during the last 24 ! hours tVi'lih tv at,,! M(t» tt ' 'w»v, j " all " C ,ii'l M nnt- V Keel** *><»• !'• tnk S an,l R»*em**'V Roja .lwv * linn IS *ml Man* *him. *in Zinn*» »*"l \»a»t i* la ■*minors* Hr! SVilliam M ait.i Atn*« C. lVmn«*i tnl. I mils IS unit I.ii' V Pa'*t* s-jH i li»,l*< R *n<* \ili M Vate* si"l SVillisnt uni '|i»ji* is**l.”il -i l Fit**nr F ami Helen M Mnllln i>rl X'lihol** tint Virifiitl t S'.iitiiasin Shsv. ■lari'll K iiinl Anna 15 (Stover Vwn Si>-nhi*ii»i"i S' s'nl f»i l'l» Pnl*r»iin Inn ! nirtian* S' amt m,i P>at»n hov. ■' tl »*..' i ■ I I ■■■ H.|. ! nir\h FOR LOST INIMtIA tiitilv Ainnisl R**i'ii» lost HSK PIN While SoM AlWiw on Mtnli '?'? Re ward Ctrl AST CAM It! No—Onr loi'liils* »h*ll Tt iitrlt. • lons rat veil mn hor In Oi* itnln vain* irnliniritlsl lt*»anl l( irtininsl F xoo s*|»«ni. Polom.i.- •y.’iM liVIUS lit M*1 v FA RHI NO Vnilv .if I'tli i *t. wml Pa «v*. It,,unln Shoon ThtOA lAlh j*i it". “O* |l t SI .is LOHIiNFITFs—In o- nrsr National ! I'liralrt Tluir»Uv nuhl Hreaiat Ph'inc | fin OMII W all, r 0 o m "s* ' WHIP I'intsilun, natterhansins loot*, at l»t I *l hoil Fl.t at| n*. Ur" ml Col ISL • |M AT Tail hi*l fiatm i n on hlllt .1 R . I "Alai If irlniot',l In I'J'J'J tilth »i Apt 1 | IVi'Sliii 120.1 I I,I.i:\VKLLVN ari'TKR Mark and «hii, iii*w*i* •>! iiam* ot "4,*iC |n*t f,o«i OiL*i •* iii’ins MU H*" an! T2H Houndait as* . "hanlipr,! Th:t.\ \\ ONK KAHHINU ivaH •*! in diamond mirte on iilalmum rham Tunvlav in* hi nisvn* o*ai Thomas I'iiel*: A.M* trwant A'tilrr** j flov 'Nil .! Olar nflli* Oil* j i PACKAIiK, imitainliu e«al *iiTl In Hihil ! "mills A and 111 Aatmatav itom Palau Mm al He" aid I I 1.4 Pa »v* -* * PIN- Pli'liunin ami dutnuiinl ntoihui.ttti F S Call Mam n.Vjf lQil3|aJ r*3unvl 20* Pio’KKTIHH'IK - *IA mwilKl to 1 h P.trks I ?«I A 2W|h »1 a m 2.S* F IStsti hi*, in nriuhlMiiHtntd «t Hv iillat ill* Mil Tan htai h * nkllr a*td hlavk milt*i* H»waid T*d UindlevjWn j sMAI.I. IK NO OP KKVS w|,h twin* alnn* illatlinw Less Phon* pnlomar II It Hr" ani j IHO M.IX’O R lit. Mark lo»i Irtno aiiln i hnihilr ta>t vv(Hin I Alls and H ala it « sta I Flmhl.i as* to lull amt Park t.i no l.ilw'ial rraaitl c H itavlntnih ItUIN Wales -1 nr tllaiilh .Mill, *1 fM'lliily • sniti Omen Miin aokl iaa* l-Mi'k i iMhui haniL oii Wat nta Palar* Thrair> Inda.vtnthi \ aisialilr k**o»*kr 11 Itiund . all Sdamt lilrt m JA'.'l* llih »1 n u Hen nd "A* WHItY ft* H morolna ot M t»vh "*1 »l T 2n a m nlallniim «iih liamomi* and aan nluira , t»f' nn diraaina I*M* ladi * nmm I't Pnlimat ••*< X.» *1 nhuls \*H N*w '“fk 12 A mi lo* Wa.huialnn 1'>««*1 i*»anj |*h u« W*at l»l 2J* j . FUNERAL FOR FLYER. Army Airman, Killed at Manila, to B* Buried Here Tomorrow, Funeral services will be held at; Arlington National Cemetery tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 o’clock, for First Lieut. Matthew E. Finn, Army Air Corps, who was killed in an airplane accident, at Clark Field. Camp Stotsen berg. near Manila, P. I„ November 21. ; and whose body has Just arrived in this i city. Lieut. Finn was bom in this city June 16. 1897. and served as a private in the Signal Corps from December. 1917. to June. 1918. when he was com missioned a second lieutenant in the I Air Corps of the National Army for service in France. In July. 1920. he was graduated from the Air Service Obser- j j vation School and was appointed a first I I lieutenant in the Air Corps of the Reg- 1 ular Armv. His widow, Mrs. Eva Cutts Finn, was with him in the Philippines at the time of his death and accom panied his body to this city. Deaths Reported. Deaths reported during the last 24 hours. Hriur-t J,iv,. ■'’ uherm. Oruidtl. Ce-t'iid. F. Dolliner. William Sw.-no. B—tie A. i V;»te*. Ann.i E Wen-lch. Lnb»rti*« j 'tie to-rnbinr T-u* Lestei ,f. Reiss. 'Villia"i s . Early Ev, Elt-tCcth Fo-tune c*rl C. ! c*rr, Sarah D> v. N*l!b YYallace Marraret , Wml, Kran«i« Thonia*. John Dnurlas Cha-. j loti* .tvk-orl. F.nrirev S*l«in ’isfcnt to Sal- ■ lif* AlWtfram Raymond K Anderson. ! - Carbs of £liantti. AhRI'RV. We wish to extend to our rela tiv*«. iicishbftr*. fri*nd. our siit'c-e thank, find appro latino for their expression* of . aympathv floral and other tribute* al thr I rp<t>nt death of our wif» and mother. I.AIRA MARIE ASBURV ROY rot.i’M BUS ASBURY AND SOS .»r, * | I KEXNKV. Wr wish to extend to our friend* an.l i>*i:rhlw>r* our -m>*r* thank, and appro, latino for their kiml attention i durinr th* illiic..* and for their *x- j pi*.“ion. of -ynipathy and floral tribute* ; at lb* death of our beloved wife and mother «AR\H C. KENNEY ROBERT R. KENNEY AND FAMILY. • WINNING. W* with to thank th* ’-plain-*, friend* and orjam/ation- for IhPir *x nfe-so.n of .vniinlhy and floral trihiitp. at th* ro-ent d*alh of my wife and mother I IH\ MANNING E. r>. MANNING AND FAMILY. • YIrKI.KDV. W» wish to extend to our friend* and r-latn*. our sincere lhank. and aonrefiation for th" expression* of • empathy and floral frihntp* at th* dea'b of our inothrr. EI.IF. Y BETH M<F.I.ROV HER CHILDREN. * Sratfi*. B AKLK. On h -’ll. Iff.'B at tflOS 4»h *t. nRANSOM C. BAKER BEAN. On Wednesday. March ’ll. 1976 at •’.Tit n.m.. at Freed men * Hospital. RICHARD BEAN ased 30 years, beloved broth*, of Mamie Carter Mtoot* Hints** aml John Rpan. Funeral from Gla.r-oe A Brown', funeral parlor* 7007 12th si nMonday March 7rt at 2 n.m. All frt-nd. and relative* are invited. 7a* RtlKttl l,H*. On Frida* Mar. h 23. 192 V it hi. re-idenre BalMo*. V, WILLIAM L BOROUGHS m his o.trd v, a - Funeral 1 I «erviee* at 7 n.m. Sunday Mar>h IS from hi. late residence Interment at Merri field. Va IS* Bl RGF-NS. On Frida* Mars h 23. 192 K GEORG F M BURGESS Funeral from hi. late resident-* 724 North Carolina a*». *.*.. on Sunday. March 25. at 10 a m In terment at Culpeper. Va, (OAKLEY. Fr'day. Marsh 73. at 4 IS nm.. at the r»»id"n<"* of J B Robert. Glen E* ho Height. Md .i FRANK COaKLF.Y He leave, his wife 'Mr*. D. Cnakley; hi. j mother, Mr». A. W. Balmont ami ore brother. John Cnakley of Baltimore. Md T’n* funeral will he conducted from Potn mae M E. chur'-h. Monday at 7 o'clock p m Friends and family are invited to j t attend. t Frederick. Md.. papers pi«a»e •opv.t • ] n01.1.1A ER. On Friday. M arch 73 192* d <b- Rmerrem-y Hosm'al. GERTRI'DE E DOLLIVER he loved *i»ter of Altee M Minch. Fun*"-;'.! er\ic« al Gawler'a charset JT.'Mt Rnnsyivania ave. nw. no Sunday. March 75. at « p.m. Interment Sooth Pari. M'. 75 I EARN. On Thursday. March 77 197 Sat 3770 Cpton »«, n.w RICHARD LEE s«*n of the late Dr, R,-hard Lee Fearn of Mobil' Ala,, axed 65 year. Service* at« chapel Monday. March IS. at I:SM nm. i Mobile. Ala., paper, please copy.* FOOTE. On Saturday March 74 197* *t » l,\ a.m.. at her re-aden, 1 * ISIS Euclid »t n*. artn a Ion? illt***«. MRS. 1.0 l lsR M ILL* . FOOTF. devoted mother of ItiM.ll G. Rankin ami Irritif V. D Foot* Funeral from her late residence on Monday. March 7*5 a* 7 orlerk. 23* ROUTINE. IhtwHnt ttio life W*dnes*tay. M nth 71. I If7 J 4. at 2 am. at her orter » remteme 4Sth «t. n.e . EV A KLIZ.A BETH FORTCNE. danchter of Kathiyn < Ha’-rinstou ami be!ov*,t si* ter of Mr*. URi* Bceie Mr*. Cora Mi«. Blanche Hsrriturtr ii >l*. Mary Gary and aunt of j Blttiwh Turner. . Kathryn Harrington ami Thonva, Baroe*. jr.. ami a host of trtemi* Re natn. r-Mtns at 143 H S »t n.w Funeral from Anbury M E. Church. 11th and K »ts. n.w Sutulav Mtrdi 25. at 1 p m Pev. Jet kins nfdctatinx. rrieml. invited, j Interment 1 .tin-,"ln Memorial Cemetery 23* j FRENCH. On Satunf iv. Man h 2t tff.’S a! th* i*«.dpn,e of her duiarhter. Mrs. Fran- ! C, Wallac* ft Drum morn! avenue Drummond Md .IRENE MARLOW FRENCH widow of Dr. Ricardo l> Del. Fremh. Notice of funeral later, tint mtl. Oo Friday March 23 l»2fl «» 17 noon at Georgetown I'niver.-tv Ho* iiijl KATHFRINK hflmel mother .f Gertrude M. Gruidei I.ll*' Mi«c htwm a'e. nw. amt H J Grnidef of Cal’forma Funeral from Hanlon . , ha'**! t>4l R * ! n.e.. on Monda* Mw h 7rt at f» S't thenee to M. Mattiiew * Church whe-c mas. will h* .aul »' It* a.m tor th* rc tM,se of her .out. Interment Mount • emeterv. 75 M A|.L. Frtda • March 73. 1378 at W «!t*r Rtcf Hn.ntti! Mv RI'sKIN PIER* K husKand of Ab,e Hall. Funeral **r» t ■** at the Fort Mvrr • bane), with fu’l milt fury vt>i Mysoni servteea at |t*;3t* a m Monday M irtA 7d R-msms ir.tine *t thr W. W f h.m'yr* . funeral homr 1 tih' Chapin st. n.w. tOhto papers please copy s H *RBI\. On Satunlay. Mac h7* l!»-*s .t Provideme Hospital. MARY BLANCHE belose,! dauyhlpr of the lat* El ! « A and Thoma* H. Harbin, and *i.«ter of Genre* \ i F Harbin. Funeral will t * held f*om ; her 1. •!* residence. II 7th »t * * Mon day March 7'v at S in \r> . then,-' to St P-ter’« Chors h whe-e ma«« ssdl he . •aid at f* a si. for the moose of her soul. Inteewent Mount lilts ft Cemetery HARt'EK. On Friday March 7;t. l!*7»s .> I it» -n> u |;I4S IVnnsylvanta .se »e LILLIAN A titer' Clarkt twinsed wife of j John r. Hartser an,; mother of Violet l: i Coates Funeral Mt'mlas Marsh •>» at II ant Interment at Cedar HtU t>nw- I t*rv 75 HU.YON. On Frida*. March 73 R'7> at the rest.fenie of her -on t'* V Hil ton 7lt! Fst „ > FRANCES A »wtow lof B'piamin F Hilton Srrviys at ,-h.ti'cl of Joseph F Biph a s„e. 3034 M st nw. on Mom!ay Mach Til at -7 tens Interment at Vienna V* 7,\* I ABDULA tsu Snuolav Mv>h 74 IP’S LAI P V widow of the lat* John 1 tritel! t Fit need frrsm W 4V » funeral home s|t. It »» o e on Monday Mv, " 7«t as [ 3 „.m ReUttse. and friend* invited In 1 l*rnuni at Consreastonal Cemetery JtSHN.ttN. On Friday March 73. 1•> '. at I* w.m. at the reside nue of her ton Joseph Nelson Rose J*t7 C«|s*rt «1 it's RFBFt'C t RftSF, JOHNSON fire Con ‘nylon t Itstemtenl at Liberty h*d • snapolt. and Cm ino.sti patter, please C4»H|.l MONYIiOMERA On Frtd.s Marsh "3 11*7* ALF.AN MONTGOMERY .h-'pl-st j tlmthtrv of Rnrton Moo’topier, an<4 «i* ter of Amelia Ad-tr I>»rl. Mot'lraheb > atul Fersttnand Mootsomnv Fttneral T»ie»>la.v, March 77 «t l pns front th* vs I'" ‘test tars i. Co « funeral pa;-h>-» 7777 tia. ave n w 7tt NOYES. On Friday. Maivh 73 Y!*7S at | Slides Ito. total ROSE MACFARIANF! NOYES are,! .3d sear.. If lot p,i wit* of Harry J Noyea _ »,sd daughter of Emms B and the late James D. Fmch Funeral v l,s's at her late re»Hlti»'e id Its isth .1 ne Ml s3d am Monday Maoh 7n fodosse,! bv reodtetn ns.a., at si ; Anthous s t hutch at I* *r« Yh iends 0,l reiiitue« tnsttthU Interment its Mount ■ Olivet Cemetery 75• | CMllUl's, Saturates Marsh 74 tn.'s at K tuersenev Hosphs! t AI'HERtNF » w nlstw of the late I'htHitv. and ••ndher of INnnths I anti Rasnttvsd H I'htlhts* • at s H Hn*e* the tuny la 1 home 7t«*l 1 »th si nw Mon day Maivh 7d to aus Internsent GVn w nod Ometeis 7,\ , BIRD, <*»t hatsoaiar nsornosa Marsh "I 1 It‘*‘ * *1 her lesid'isce 1740 Ivsnsi .t ' ELLA F BE Els ssuksw of RsAsant H ss ed Evps,- ,| prtsate tns Yvew *, Maivh •’! at 7pm Interttstnl ns Rvk t r,s>k Cemetery 78 B»»YY AN. Dept test this life Yhur*U*s Maivh 77 Id’S HENRY ROYVyN be lose,! huslsaint of Annie Rowan lather of OatAr Heusou Maaate Ross an J*,ste Rstr t neit, grandfather tsf Edith Humett I\dh \ ] Syr funeral frssut hi* late reanletH'e. ill's | 'Mb »t n » Monday March 2d. I pm I Relattse* and friend* invited, 25 NED ANN A On Emits March 73. lO2S General Hcmtal, M. 844 AH. A sKOARRA, tv love,' huaNuwt of Carmen Strata a. Hemaonl >eaiin, in* futsti tl Horne of YV Y\ t'hamtwrm tv t IdO A’lsamn st « « vmld 7a m I'v.c. shiv. Marsh 27 Ell Herat *er» me tta lYat f Mser > h .pel at H sin Inb'rment »t Ar- - ttuatssn tiiurteis with mtiitary honors j .YMYH On Salurd-sy Maivh '*4 IR2S 1 YNNA M. hMITH ssulos bl 'V »Hei R i 3«w\«h ainf voun«e*4 shtnthier tsf the lat* i .» Dtliery ami Mairarvs A Wiltlam. in j ttse «H»h year pt hr Me Fspsev «1 Tu*» ?l i‘h»- Maoh *» 1 at It am at Hats M Castaett a umh'i taktua e.twtsb.tsnsens I.Ad tVtmt ** interment Coiwry»^j,«ssl MIMV AN tbs .Stuidov Marsh “» IN'S 1 >;* . jeantenee 131A Jtdth st nss OJLt A si ILIA AN »nh>ss of the late; Mi, haelHuths an I'nneiai wOt taka ptare i bom the le.nien C of hr- * »te, M,» I Mnhael Dtuaw. 334i* N ,t w » Mondas I M-\nlt 7N, at » ovKsh am tbs■*•* t»* i Kntv fvosit' Ch'to h share mas* ss,d s-» I - M. t*l' nsVss,\ lot ,«s«nt is Nob } Hsod Ca* mate vs tJRoHatPb «i«i Rvt,* u I T*t . tvattm* tvlraafKotv i » t '• *■ .* frXKy. The officer, and number* cf ih» Star Srwoffled Banner Cnamil, No i. Junior Order American Media ilea r'nueiittd to att»ud the fune-at of n>ir 1 late brother WILLIAM A AWFENEY which wt|t he h*lff from the Donelaf Memorial Methodist Chor<*>. 11th and R «»« no Auodav March 2.V 1923 at 3 n.m. All requested to attend 'Signed > .1. A BOURNE Councilor Attest GEORGE P. BARNE3. Se<~re»r-y 25* TAILOR. On Friday. March 23 1923 ALIDA T. helmed daurhter of M-. end Mr* O T Taylor rtrvoted »i«trr of Mr*, frono T Leak. Mr*. Jen mo T Wilder Rob ert A. Beniamin W. and Albert F. Ta*- lor Funeral from h*r late residence 1713 IJMh »t. n.w.. no Monday. March 23. at 2:30 p.m Erienda and relative* in*'*ed. 2*» TAYLOR On Thursday March 22 102* at he- r*»idf"'e I"P* 20th *t. n.w.. MART Gf'STUS TAVLftR devoted wife of the late Rev .1, A. Taylor and mother, of Beniamin H. Taylor Funeral Sundae Mar«h 75 Jf»2* hem Mount Jet reel Bantlat f htiroh. sth and E *t» «.e at 1 n.m Remaut* reatmr at the W. Ernest Jarvi* Co. funeral parlor*. 2222 Georjr.» av* n.>v. ;J fHOtfPWN. Go tA'-dne-dav March 22 107* JAMES THOMPSON devoted eon or and Elisabeth Thompson. Funeral I Monday. Mar«h 73 at f n.m from the ” Ernest Jarvi* Co. funeral narlora. 2777 ! Georaria ave. n.w. 7A TR wf , ; KTT - 'l' l Ff'day. Jtarh 23 192* *t Id 70 n.m at hi* residence 177.7 Penn ”•*•. AT.BF.RT T tietored huehand of Mary a Tnnl»tt tnee McDonald-. Fn n*ral from above residence Tn»»da~ r.„l' h ?* ,7*' *lO am. th-nte to St Dominic • Church dth and E *ta. I* ?''iere tnae* will he said at ft 30 o'clock for the reno*e of hie eonl. Relative* a r, d fri-nd* invited. Interment Mount Oh et temet*ry. •* ! TPiPEKTT. Member* of Potomac r ouii-tl. ! . r,’”'.’- Knnrht* of Columhu*. ar- an i ALBERT T;.. TRIPLETT Funeral from hi* 1»t». residence 17 <.l Penn »t. or Tu-ade " r 7 -,*l *:9O thmr» to <t. ~7* , * f hurch. where requiem tnaaa «'!' >2 **'d at 9 30 odor k WlTi'f'Jva\ firanrf Kmshf. WILLIAM T KERNAN. Fin. See. 23 * Thuraday. March 27 ** Freedmen e Hn*mtai cot * ?’ f "A RD SON WASHINGTON devoted ..r' 1 *o' r Rtfhardaon and nie-» *f Ebzaiwth Smith erater of Aline If ~o l! ,'L T tiner a I Mondar Fehrtiarr To at ...30 n.m. from the W. Emeat Jama »« « funeral narlora 7722 cV j'e rv " s'kV** u” ,Sa, !»^ i ' r Miirrh 74 lf»2* at ; -„ hl ' y Hoamtjl. ALICE D. WELL* awd S Rrmaois reumr at the W at I>il funeral home. *t| rj h ne t„r-. a* Mwhiean City M ic " W \ r rr r r «T* l '^ ,,LT - 3 I*3*. s inVe L w , ,t?? re *rsgz, yjpzi Chmeitoy ln »«rn»Sn h?m in iHemonam. A*«IRI. In memory of a *r*te and mother LATRA M. A'Bl'RV who Ma-r h 17. 1023. at Gar n»id Memorial Hoamtal. '•? rtid ' ,h, ■ f, "P*’-t from u*. iih' l™ * *«ep hetween her and death j ftn do we mi** her for there ia su« h a vacant pla-e. Cov»r>. remembered loosed for alwar# Rnnsnnr many a .dent te* r: * *!!!» Yl7 l' ** r 11 Tn « dear mother. And tell you n er and o er. JI’LF ** meet to nart no more HER DEVOTED HUSBAND JND SO*f • f ,*2 1 "F rememSean-e Os me trr *' ny * RFRK | day' M^h r 25. t ?r27’ ,T ,Mr ,r ° 2» **^***',"• I" «,vred memorv of nor d«a - r CATHERINE A. BROS : March 25 i »ut. * We,Ve yfar * «• *«Ur HER LOVING DAUGHTERS • RRt 'NT. In tov-ny mmur of my d*a- : n ' h : r n, r BRTA NT who %U M*nn _.y 4„ rears Gn .not foerotten " HER SON ALEX. C BRTAXT. • rn MAR,\ n aao tod.r Meprh 75 1973 HER DACGHTERS AND SON. • t. WI \ V in «<re.t m*moev of my dr».- fri-nd MARTHA .A GWIXN. who entered Mar. h'-5 r {f»7V f,Ur Te * r * 110 Today Thouyh absent fr«m me the ia tn«t at j d..,r. FANNY W GREENHOW MULE*. In *ad but loner remembrance Rosf' 'vn , r*f , ’' r v “C** arandtnothev R >SE M MILLER who dena'ted tht* bf e nine year* *»•> today. March 25 lfllfi. Onr thourht* are alway* wandenne J n tb» er*ve *o fa- away. Whe-e our dear mothe- ,* sl'trmt fn the «-oM and silent clay. veer* have ii«ar mother. Thonjh von wet* ie>r forjfft Th' Power, on ronr zraxr Lave withermi B*lt we -em'wher rou vet »« ,nd «*«?• MPNcnr. In bun; remembrance of * 3 e i ,m 5 r-andmnts.r. NANCY MON -1 Marl*""" '{«»!>| ! * four y,ar * ***• Today. | n-«t in mj.r you- nai«s are ended. » to «|V» you IV'v rr* tj ! s»i ?nyp’ ft>e you Ta t-he vou from this world of sorrow and pain. <' Jw were V*n*t In aP mar w ay*. « *»rirht »n-i n»*t to the end Vi-uwce »n«l kmd in heart and mind: j wn-'t a t»«.a»»»*fct memory you left Seh!’~*. "WtOHTrS?^' 5 **» SMITH. In lonny remembrance of nor' •'amt mo»b.-. JOSEPH INF "1? 'H.f'JtTFd »h’* hfe 13 year* I am tniYty. M-irch 75. 1910. Ret m eva-e. your work is ended: Sweetly «leen. your ra»'- i, -qn. S You have too- where those who lore you i Cf*f>*9 DTP St on* LDVINC HI'>SAND ANbi HILDREN TAVIAR. In tonne rememb-ance of our •tear W«fe -od mnth»- JAMS TATLDR who BMwd »'«? one year ajro today. March 75. 192 T Gone, bvt rot fo r * •>• *rc THE FAMILY • TAIMIR. In tonne rem-mbranc. of pj* «L»ufhte- and cur- JANIE T.AY- L K P*«aei away one year i»j tn •ay March 25 1977. Gone, but not fo-rntt o MOTHER AND SISTER * Tt 3M \V. TIRRs In torinr -emembra-c -of my dear t»uth*r MAGGIE TUBMAN. »ho c oaeted this hfe 70 vea-tt a*n. March •'.A »*>«ia ,nd my dear aunt. MINNIE Hawkins tirrs who tht* hf* 75 year* a*o. .An-* 3 1 sxvt ANNA TURMAN WEST. • W HtTR. In tnv me c-mems-ee-* of tpe •tear husband and son OLLIE WHTTT •\a' ' ih-'T *° * ucden!y on * JtiT *3O - are nnt f*vt*ilrn. dear OI!;e V*• c mr- i i i-o i .* u rr ft'XtHAt PI RECTORS. Timothy Hanlon 3*l Ml m Phono t. wi Wm. H. Sardo & Co. Private I.imousine Ambulance Lincoln 524 Frank Gcicr's Sons Co. «n;t SEVA M H St s w Mwm. TATE M -I--U rh.»w> Tv*Rail alte JOHN ‘ r'"WRIGHT CO. »337 N w Ft*. Vorlh «? CHAS. S. ZURHORSt M»t t'Afirot ST Murnhi jUt. T. F. COSTELLO f.'A N i ai» 1..» s» _ NOKTN tp-a P. A. TALTAVULL st* 9K ANt H H Joseph F. Birch's Son iISA AC HitU'H i >ui m si \ . V. L SPEARE CO. Neil her (he .tuvesoor* of nv*r (y*nruw.'«W Phono »>ack no n *ww* n 91* n.W, ■ i wsth ata r wa, n.h. J; MH HIM IKK Ponerol Waaalaa «oR a.mhntmer Imm* lw remteethso. frown W. Warren Taltavul) Uth A Sprin* Ri CaL 4*4 ALMUSR.BPEARE SuccYffhni l>Mf vvr\*m*i W R RpowrtO* IiXS CoaiMHTtkut Ayr Potomac 4600 X ifWAI 13— H aA. 45 atm, tliwrit muTiit iotT a. Ri:.\Wirv CoV M rrtcn yTot reSaW .My h*n tuivovi include, iwuwtu.l *.rr white o**b t-i*u» *o\ IIHH M*» i.R*. - . -*r,_ im«u inuu.vk GEO. C SHAFFER BLACKJSTONE. 1407 H Rmuhlhl (*Km«I IWviauA, |n auvl uia _«•* hFI M AIN A Hit C*P*H*» Autrt D»b*.r« hstvii'o At tiAl’ s ~~»\tvy *s>*or~-”SMi<c>«» . a Gudt Bro*. Co, I.IJ F ». 7