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8 CTiiHiHiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiimiiniuiiiiiiHimiimiiiiiiuimimnTA/ri INTEREST OR EXTRAS ADDED TO OUR BUDGET DO NOT PENALIZE OUR FRIENDSWMSMMMMSKBMBMMSI^ IJ=*«=ri[ 69c Playing it P ays at 98c School 10c Note j coupon .“d 22 C Stationery Cards O Bags . Books coupon »nd 9 c I gM S ™ H ** With Thi, on WithThi , n A JK WithThi. With Thi. O Narci.„T»lcun,4^ ol d Cream °“P°" *" Coupon and 49C BOTH SIDES OF 7™ AT K.SI "THE ou on an Coupon and Powder delict. 4k*& * jor Vanishing Whitford Fabric Sta- ***** ■ —— W ! cream. pop»- «on.r y *■»>?. “»™ MERCHANDISE ADVERTISED HERE Bags, back and colors, pc Loose Leaf fully scented, pure Jj lar toilet finish. tl sheets of paper Playing Cards, goo qu - ' _ ._ r . rmronitr • with shoulder stran or Note Boolcs * cover and J fW'' envelopes t° jt^lm^ fin, s h, narrow (>N SALE MONDAY AND TUESDAY handle . ‘ P fi ,,„ complctc . Wi ——asa i 1 m - ■—a am mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm _____________________________ ____________ ' : ’ I A New Costume Slip TX \ Ap- I Is \ ceded to Complete | 3)5 and {po.i7o JNCW fiats Fur Collar Lengths I the Spring Outfit I These $2.50 “Moonglow” That Emphasize the Youthful Trend $3.48 5 I Satin Costume Slips • . I Selling Regularly From { P 1 —i f :m\ A, (tO7C /WM&t. 7M X. d*Q 7C If Hi I / V W 1 Q •Hal m fh.| M These come in the rcgula i t y.s OIoVD WV#I U//\ Wl AW* I V tion 24 to 27 inch lengths, and | / X* VA * B \ 4 v , j \ represent the season’s newest ApSjsdL I / /! \ / \ Correctly With Easter % N^pX - "\ ’// | \ Various flow- and most wanted furs, in ail p Jt'jrfi J l fevj[P ; A. made Cos- only such a T .' \ x // i er t ri m « ta ;. desirable shades. Included in % W ✓Vt 1 tume SH P s - ,ho * tj ™ off "7/ / 1 ' the assortment are 1 i 1 ] ' ‘ of "Moon- and every y 7 / rfe 1 lored trims, cire || Vl 111. 1 i H glow”'Satin, woman's / \ @ Pour-inch Handings of Caracul. Thibet ine, Vicuna \ a high grade silk and thoughts on a (§?.> trims and nov * Plate. Stenciled Kid. Stenciled Lapin and Butter Lapin; rayon material, with new Easter &V pins all a^xn s ** m inch Moufflon and other desirable handings. * V if beautiful, high lustrous Hat. w * ° ffcr mm! j add touches of All selccted quality skins, taped and padded ready to put || ?' \\\ jff sheen that looks so smart these marvel- V x , \fmk > , / aaa touenes ot on the coat. J v B , \V\ Pi under sheer georgette or ous values, each 'igW / distinction. n» w ._i w V n«r \ \ v 4 flowered chiffon frofcks. a copy of the j I m/, / MV\ H j They come in lovely lat «t Parisian '-r f / Large head 1J sh SSn?.!! p ,he \ ▼,k I *i« s . rsweii Womens $1 to $2.50 Neckwear AAA Gr™, 8A,,, fhat* \ / A /\ - / « for bobs and Qg MSBI / 1A n,anda. \ / \ ( / (-rowing bobs. ODC I 'p——g \: / t the prevailing mods. • f \ / V I / Co/orj: „ ■Mt'-rllf? !tl Beitfe V -W# / Sand cuff v es .«s with cuffs, jabots and s.para.o collars, of ■HHRrAftBC' lj/ Slips, hemstitched volte D p . (3 // D J ,ace - R T g ' t,e ' hnen and " e P e de ch, "‘- In white - Kru - T jjf* and hip hems: white and tvOSe y G\h j 1 // KCQS cream, flesh, copen. tan and color combinations to match y Rh.. I K J fp- ■ * pastel shades. Sizes 36 tn xt* 1 // t>i dresses. Vee. high and low style effects, in large and small mm w to 44. (First Floor.) Parma Violet X \ iilues neck sizes. I $2.50 Silk Underthings Grays \ \\ - jf n , N Ivy1 vy j Silk Scarfs and Trian B le8 > 51. 95 I quality, hand embroidered or lace trimmed \JJJ J Tans Nk ,• / Many OtKer air brush effects, fn^olor^Combinations t? dreies. styles. In the daintiest of pastel shades. ) i; coats or suits. CaMffc»nt>—ThlH n»»r.—Arrnnnu IntltM. ||l*nWll g. uhlfleS GnWmSera’*—Flwir.—(lt«n* lnnnl« Invilfd. floor. CioWmhrr» , »-—Srrood floor. h fliars# Arroont* Invlird. Charsrr Arroant* Iniltrd. B Fashionable Frocks Are Made of Sale of the Famous Wear-Right 1 Printed Crepe de Chines I I T 7: Chamosuede Gloves 1 I itkl F-l- . 80 Sweetheart S ° a P With Novelty Cuffs I I \jAki $1.55 S,X Me pair ' I At every smart gathering, whether it be an after- 4IVV ill St'llii Bii' Regular SI.OO, 51.25 and $1.50 Value* Ts* A L S/Lp?' *A' ‘J \foAy ROOn t^ieater party, bridge party or sports meeting ill S''Klc -K 3* f V yW/ g J yo«’» frocks of printed silks, entire or combined With Thi * Coupon Only I|B 2 I I'l* HI I j A most extraordinary offering of these well known . 'Ji/ \ g \ Z*H f' — r' _i_:_ , ;n# T L- , I I fi X | Wj ffSf»fiS V Gloves, coming just before Easter, when women are V L{ \ . . „ r . , , . , . ror one week only—tnis ° # in need of new gloves, should prove of great interest . /, vH / 1 varied collection of some of the newest and choicest ' special offer of Sweetheart to all women. Wear-Right Gloves are noted for their patterns and colorings, both light ana dark effects. Soap—by special arrange- """ ln|n '•-tyle and wearing qualities, every pair perfectly cut • O JcoOC ni r Ac> .< r> »«% ment with the manufac- Im arid finished in superior manner. ™ $-6,25 Flat Crepes S 4 Satin Crepe, $2.49 turers The favorite toilet HR f 21 11 yard M-.nch Black S»t»n Crepe, beautiful, luetrout anf j hath soap, delicately scented. Full size cakes, mi Novelty embroidered cuffs, fancy contrasting color embroidered backs, kip seams J rh.‘t’mav bV I 'u.e f d C fer 9 t r r*immina th r#v,r9 * ‘' d * regularly at 8c each. Special Sale price. SIX Wl3 nnd boulton thumbs. Come in such wanted shades as— es «tre-heavy-we.abt, with aoft. lu.- that may be ««ed for tr,mm,n 9 . . ? F Ff nr, si , . . wd# A or M ,'i neh Mh ' All-Silk Radium 95c Grow Harmony, Bon Bon, Almond* New Mode, 1 •® • r\st Crept, all pora t>lk pualttitt. In an A\II 011t\ IXauiUlXit T«»iirt hr«»t.—rir*i Finnr. % m JSSi"*"' •* ~‘" M """ "* ,v,ni " 11 ,*£* : Au-‘j ll j —: Tortoise. New Blonde and Skin. Sizes 6to (t' j 11 $1.25 to $1.65 Lovely L ===========;== _ = | Sale of Notions Print Arl Cpi AnAAP on/j $1.85 Full*Fashioned jj Small Articles That You *l,il V * €*> *X W CXfllU Silk StOCklllfi[S [j mm 1~. Rayon Chiffon Voiles oq A ,H« i~-;l iipfiiii» ’rsf pm ;„i-1 -V - j /dm »1 is closet DOOM baos. Frocks \' * LViVI Good-looking, good ,o V V ffjM Mm '-3 lA vs&mHm/ Vi y «—»,«. Xil&ir- •/T}‘- .wwr ... \ RilVAr IJ'JIli'V «*» Silk blockings to- . \*-r. W r Ttr&aKwFr um - 9Sr L w. silk dress o- liflv .r- 'rWfflfJr »om,n »« vu, « ...^ Bh,f(dt. flesh only, pair • r'wV'V * BL f ,c Ts W f resist full fashioned, of > w ELASTIC sanitary BELTS, X \ </’Q mSA \ the rs es ' r *b 1 e service X » fe §7ttt ** hi M,Brt,d 18r ■ yCLttt ' weight, yet not too heavy, If fe 1,10 M)c SILK SANITARY APRONS f CX oßfe with lisle sole and if OF 1©« stickerei BRAio IN and Sttp-ms. assorted *iq 4 \Jlf heffisl toe. four-inch lisle garter li ZZZi thf#< y * rd * Br FHTTOfW/f V welt. Color assortment in- Jf lka; .^ v CRETONNE POT HOLD- fleeced ? F Two fabrics that have already gained great popu- Iv’vV# eludes— It U O Wlt are. three in iar 8# pocket; 91 #. bleached muaim cover oMv ViTTVi 1/ XV larity in the world of fashion—lovely, sheer qualities that V : .*.vvT j» . u ». . 'T'V.’T.U ..A »C SHOE BADS OF fancy - X&'i e-v, liZILvLJ fl *> ' it' '*" f ‘ r Gr ""' 76c PLESH SILK BRAf- art ticking; eight *j»* l 7 / * /■ .. •, r • 11 . 1 f. nttiii ptigne . Nude. I unity. Beechnut, tats'iee. let r*v. a-ere Shield#, in assorted 40 pechat* ~ •>,»(' fc J / sons. Celartcsc Voiles are specially woven ot a grade manu- j '%/ (Huh Metal. Vanity, Black. Ktc. I - white pearl BUTTONS w <z\ I—. / facturcd product that will withstand many tubbings, its original \,r « , . 1 i? C i £ ".® Le y 1 s RLUf ,2" asaorted anas. “\i > / ' lustrous finish in no way being affected. Shown in an array of the X. E'ery pan guaianteed peifect quality, .m Tjlxr.' 9r (or 0 fl " f c “ rd * 7<* '|>-1 da «n(ie ß t of styles and colorings, in lovely light tinted grounds, as well as \VX Women‘asl Stocking* Bov*’ 50c Sport Sock* RUBBER ano pubberizeo Clark’s merccrizeo *4 / (he more staple darker grounds—with beautiful floral designs. 36 anti 40 k/ 8 P° 00,1 APRONS, assorted sices Darning Cotton, black, wh t* and ' / inches wide , . 35c ™ ,!i iik r; / »,T' A. , „ „„ , . , . n | y ** -0-. hanov ann o.sH *hi T e bloomer f LA.Tic / $1.39 Silk and Rayon Taffeta 89c Embroidered Rayon# \< r.™ Xi« !5 *” rl «?«”«:" “,r«iT.*‘“ Cloths, larga #<*a, TWO 1 g ( , te-inch Width; 6c value In, fJ* fJ' four.inch halt »arier welt, wh.'a turnover euPt »e pair, ar thraa f« r THREE yards for Jl i 4TT F\ _ A Q | Va ntSar* have the r»y«n top. pair* *o- I’.OO Pl«l nat-therM *««»., l-»«r4. J O%jC T*OC I.elWnWr*’FUv, M«ur.-» *a.,e A.h..ate Tea Scoon* Al X' 3«»lnch Silk and Rayon Taffeta, In arts 3ft-inch Embroidered Rayons, rich lus- J “I I T S*l *f S,A 2 Pkgf. Prunes draner/M? U ?tf. aaSment'tn- irons silk-like quality, in handsome em- 512a50 4< Evkol> ,f WrlcHcS W r h Thit )Qr K uY rU r» P“!k light blue, lavender, nile, broider ed designs, white and colored PJ LVIiUU YV AllllCS Coupon ,7/zps jjir ► A maise, gray, honeydew, rose, peach; fast , , , _ _ . •ni Lyfrpj WithThi* Tj) *1 p'X eolorfi grounds, guaranteed fast colors. fll Q AP* Coupon and J, C 50c Printed Charmeuie 69c Rayon Checks 39c Printed Dimity 89c Sport Satin tpCr*%7d j Sunsweet Brand Cali- 35c 49c 33c 65c “Evkob” Bracelet Watches, of white rolled gold-plate, ! n . ae-inch Ray«n Taffata Checks pretty engraved effect*, Reliable six-jewel Swiss lever move lorma 1 rune*, large size, 36 inch Printed Charmause, in rich color combinational 36 and 36 inch Prmtad Dim- 40 inch Sport Satin, a high niemts clear dial and eilt kenrk »nchidin» .-•nnd Sand W~rr~ —S f t,Lei pihei Trs iiu, t * • a,m . 7* rn marseriead brilliant quality; hat tha ap ity and Batl«ta. *ktr* fins, shaar grade rayon, satfn-faoa quality; r> u‘ ’ C u a * *, n<l **. .**!!*?’ nStlO. f.nrL Hsßien Aid 1-lb, package. rotten fabric, m new printing*! pearanea of silk Uffetai fat* quality, in tha naweet print- in whits, black and all wanted E«ch W4tch, Complete With rtbbOtt brSCtUt tO match, U 3 JSulSy , !r9l.*f#!si B-ere-leei fa.t color., color., mgs, guaranteed fast colors, colors. hsndsom* Sttin-hncd s»lk-COvered CS*t. <.iM*»lWt-~rir.l How .-ther.» Air ttatdeaWu'i—Thfi. Floor ko««* Aw«a*ts interest or emras added to our budget do not penalize ot » ■iii MW iihi I THE SUNDAY STAR, WASHINGTON, T>. C.. MADCIt 23, I.O23—DART 1.