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10 Money to Loan , ••cured hr fr*» deed of truxt on real eetatl Prevailing imoivot amt commission Joaoph I. Weller «• «**h. I- A Trn. Hide. «*tlt ,* P N.M > SiaieianMMaMenßßMMßiMi Buck & Company BROKERS FsmhllMird t!»l« Stocks Bonds Grain Cotton Wrff# or <*<*<? i'or week?V market 3 letter .Vo Obkeatif>as BUCK AND COMPANY Kvam Hide 1420 New York Avc. Franklin 7300 WRIGHT, SLADE & CO. Member* A’*h' York Stock Exchange Now York Cotton Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Stock* and Bond* Bought and Sold for Cash or CARRIED ON MARGIN THE MAYFLOWER HOTEL Coanerfirnt Avenue *< l*r Sale* St, Telephone Me.-* 370 Resident 4*j»i-iti~r Mortgage Money Loaned At Low Interest Rates Tyler & Rutherford ; Represi'ntins Mutual Benefit Life Ins Co 1529 K Street Main 415 First Mortgage Loans JLosrest Rate* of Interest and Commission Thomas J. Fisher & Company, Inc. Monev Available for FIRST DEED OF TRUST LOANS 6% Reasonable Commission Prompt Replies to Applications JAMES F. SHEA €43 Louisiana Ave. N.W. aimer, ■■tn: '.I '..'mtsac! LIFE Age 35 $5,000 INSURANCE 544.65 Protect To*r family—send date of roar birth for a tost Illustration. LE ROY GOFF Insurance in All Its Branches •I* Woodward Bide. Main 340 f LOANS Let us have your applications for ! LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Immediate Action Courteous Treatment Our record of 35 years speaks I for itself. Percy H. Russell Co. 926 15th St N.W. j We Buy and Sell ! liberty Bonds Treasury Notes Etc. Bond Department i The Washington Loan and 1 Trust Company 900 F Street 620 17th Street vm xßg§|p V Guaranteed Safi*tv With Higher Yield. It' ITH ietorest rsVer and " turn d yield* steadily decltemg a return of with guaranteed safe ty Vxtrm as an *ursw.-Uve ln vestment. ItmVUKI) MORTGAGE J inUttUK are fully protected j by Wie security of coo servgtiveiy appraised Rom** in Hie District of Columbia, guaranteed as to payment i/t principal and Interest by the Federal BeeurUy and Mortgage Company. A* an added safeguard i G IRRCRED MOH’I • (>Ai>l htJftlJUi at* ujuxm ditto) tally gusratitot-d ny (Re JKuultsbus hun-ty <>,m pany of New York will* resourcee <r/f over 12.000,- \ b'kj.oo under the supervi »*on of Uie New York h’at# | Jtutura/.'e fuepartment. M‘iturute>, 2 to 10 y euf. inn / duf>h a rookyj _ Federal Security # Mortgage; | COMPANY j 1412 1C Street N.W. WAS M I R Q7QH.Pt.. I Cajniai a iteei'-i ovia P;5 oooooo ‘ |V.k wad u* jwi uruk< «*> li.t-un*; iAuijgtp be .a |] I fNemt . . ■ ■ ■■ ..... (I tA44ttse ■ < # .ft-I ■■■ I" ■■■■■■■■ I FIN ANCTAU/o : I PEOPLES DRUG PFD. BEING REDEEMED Shares Can Be Presentee Now for Payment—New Issue Expected. BY FDW.ARI) C STONE. I It was announced in the local finan | cial district today that the $1,250,000 j issue of Peoples Drug Stores preferred j stock, which has been called in on May 15, can bo presented now. if de sired, and payment will be made at j once. ( The stock is callable at 110 and in ! terest. Payment of the $2 dividend i will also lie made so that the holder will get sll2 for each share he truns j in without waiting until May 15. While the stock is selling on the I Washington Stock Exchange around 125 it contains warrants which are valued at about sls a share. These, of course, will be detached when the shares are presented for payment. The war rents permit the purchase of com mon at SSO per share. The new Issue of $2,500,000 Peoples Drug Stores preferred stock, which is to replace the old stock, is expected to be placed on the market tomorrow. $20,000,000 Saving to Banks. Reports made to President T. R. Preston of the American Bankers’ Asso ciation show that 85 per cent of all checks issued in the United States now conform with the simplified forms pro j posed by the organization two years ago to replace the multitude of heterogeneous shapes and sizes in use, he announced today in New York. , Universal adoption of the plan will * J mean a saving of $20,000,000 a year in the conduct of the Nation's business. 1 he said, to the benefit not only of bank ing but general business as well. * "About two years ago standardized . checks, notes and drafts began to be generally adopted throughout the United States." Mr. Preston said. "This was due to many years’ work of the American Bankers’ Association's com mittee on standardization of checks, greatly aided by the Department of Commerce of the United States, to gether with other organizations. "Two years ago when the simplified check formula was first established, less than 50 per cent of the checks issued in the United States were even approximately uniform in size. Since then there has been a tremendous I increase in standardization and the ; American Bankers' Association reports show that more than 85 per cent of all j checks today are approximately unl j I*”™ in both type and size. In a few I unif ormity exists to the extent j of 100 per cent." Record Trading on Exchange. | tv P no ° f^ e heaviest trading da vs on i the Washington Stock Exchange in iveare took place today, with Mergen ! fhaj er leading all other issues in ac j tivtty. There were 19 different trans actions. involving 205 shares, the stock < opening at I02»4 and closing at 103. j Capital Traction came out at lOft**, ! fotomac Electric Power 6 per cent pre ferred at 1127* and the 5 1 * per cent preferred at 108« i, later selling at 108» 2 Railway & Electric preferred sold at 102 H. Sixty shares of Merchants' Transfer & Storgae preferred sold at 107. 20 shares of People* Drug Store preferred at 126 and 25 shares of Bar ber dj Ross at 25. Washington Gas Light registered B®District National Securities pre ferred 102 and National Mortgage St Investment preferred s\. Bond trad ing opened with Washington Gas 6s A. selling at 105% and Railwa* St Electric 4s at 93%. Several other bond transactions were also recorded. ; recent prices prevailing. New Broker Office Opened Today. I Under the direction of George E Garrett, resident partner of F. B Keech | Ss Co., members of the New York Stock Exchange, a branch office was opened | today in the Carlton Hotel. Clarence ) f Burton will be manager of the I branch. For the past five years Mr. j Burton has been connected with the company’s main office on H street, so is already well known In the local finan cial district. The brokerage house has offices in New York, Chicago, Provi * denee and Washington, as well as cor respondent offices in several other cities Conference on Industry Planned. Eugene, E. Thompson, head of Crane. ' Parris Sc Co., has been Invited to attend a private conference on migration in ! industry, arranged by Haley Flake, the noted Insurance leader, and to be held :in New York on May 3. P. 8. Ark wright of Atlanta, president of the George Power Co., is to preside, and the list of speakers Includes eight leaders in various Industrial lines. The fact that Bt. Louis is becoming the center j 2* the shoe Industry in the place of New England is one subject that will receive attention. The growth of Southern textile mills to the detriment I New England mill* is another matter due for discussion, this migration ■ problem compelling unusual attention j Just as this time Heard in Financial District. Peter A. Drury, president of the l Merchant*' Bank St Trust Co., has gone i to Atlantic City for a week. : J. William Harrington of W. B Hlbb* & Co. passed the three-day holiday at Atlantic City. Fernardo Cunlberti, first vice presi i dent of the International Exchange Bank, has returned from Havana, Cuba, where lie attended the Interna tional conference on * migration as a I special delegate of the Republic of Ban Marino. John E Parker of G, M P Murphy St Co, passed part of the Easter brokerage holidays at Gettysburg Harry V. Haynes, president of the Farmers St Mechanics’ National Bank m Georgetown, will attend the annua! Bpring meeting of the executive coun cil of the American Bankers’ Amocla- Uon to be held at Atlanta, April 16 to l®. Wholesale prices declined one-fifth of 1 iter cent for the week ended April : 7, according to the Index compiled from 4*& commodities by the National Fer tjihser Association. Tire slight decline ; in Hie total was due largely to seasonal declines in butter and hard coal and to slight declines in other fat* and rubber. Advances occurred In lumber rosin and grains, feed* arid Jive slock ~ - • - - TOBACCO MARKET STEADY. BALTIMORE, April 9 (Bp*!*!).—Re ceipt* and tales of Maryland leaf U>- bacco continue to show declines, the former totaling 262 hogsheads last eek while sales amounted to 123 hog* heads. This compares with receipt* of 307 hogshead* and sale# of 281 hogh i*<• ads the previous week and leaves a lock In State tobacco warehouses of 4 293 hogshead* The market continues steady to firm at the following quotations per ICKI pounds: Inferior, 6 0 (I to 7.00; frosted 3 00 to 4 00; sound, common arid green ish, 800 to 16.00, good common, 16 o<i to 26 00; medium, 26 00 to 40 00, good ito fine red 4 1 00 to 60 00, fancy, 60 00 reoonds, common to g'tod common 6Vi to 16 00; medium, 16 00 to 23 00 econds g</f,d to fine. 24 00 to 36 00 upper country, burley, nominal. • ■ ' COPPER PitfCEß Copper producers #;»• raid to t*k« Um» attitude fl*at price* v Hi not go to a level that might weaken Hut present strong situation, demand and consumption now being alarut ** large as it ever was 'Hut industry t not expect Hie onotation will go much alerve 14*4 cents a pound for Urn next I*l* months, it 1* reported, as this level 5 i affords a reasonable profit for *ll com panics, * .......warn:, TTTE EVEXTNO STAR, WAsSfiTfITON. T>. C.r MONDAY■ AI'RTT, 9. 1028. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Racaived by Privata Wira Diract to The Star Office. Quotatinns to 2:55 p.m. —Final Quotations In 5:30 Edition. “ Oocn Kish. Diw. 2 AS. Abltibl Tow art 4) «9H 79 ! » 79 79 ! * Abrahm&Straus t(*6'» 107 105 105 d Adams Exp (6). 2*5 275 271V4 271 H Adv Burnley 16** 2U4 16 20V* Adv Rumiey pf.. 42 46 s « 42 45 Ahumada Lead. 5 5V* 4 * All; Bednctn (2). 62*s 62V* 62 6‘^ Ajax Rubber 11 H I°** Alaska .1 tinea... 3H 3H 3'* 3* Albany Fapr<2). 25U 26'* 25 T » 26'i Allied Oham («). 169 160 15X'* L>X'* Allis Clmlm (6). 124 124 124 124 Aina I Leather... Ft*. 13 ; l 13''* LI 1 ' - Amerada <2).... R 435 Al'v 34‘* ,) Ain Acrlcul Chin 2D* 21U 20 1 * 21 l * , Am Aktl Ch pf.. 74' 1 < 74 . 70'* 71’* 1 Am Bank NltS). 93' v- 9S>* 93'* 98'« t Am Bosch 26'* 2SH 26'* 27'* . Am lira Sh 1.60.. 43 43 42'* 42U . Am Brown Bov.. 14 14% 13'* l')' 4 Ant Can (3) 87'* 87 s . 86'* 86'. Aiu Can pf (7 ).. 145'» 145'* 145V* I4^>'* - AmCar&Fd.v(6). 107's 107'* 107 107 Am Chain pf (7) 100V* 100'* 10lH* 100'* r Am Chicla <3).. 81 81 80 81 Am Drug (80c). 12'* 13'* 12'* 13 5 Am Encau(2.4o) 63V* 63U 63'* 63'* Am Express (6). 180 ISO 180 ISO » Am&ForPow.. 23 r * 23 ; » 23H 23'* j Am&Fo Fo pf(7) 108 108 108 108 , AmFFow2dpf<7> SS SS'* SS BS»* ’ Am Hide A- Lea. 14 14'* 14 14'j » AmHtda&Lpf. 57'. 57** 56 T * 67'* , Am Home Pr(3). 67-H 67 s * 66 66b, . Am Ice (t2H) • • 35'* 36'* 35'* 36 Am lea pf (6)... 96 96 96 96 5 Am internat)(2) 97'* 97'* 95 ; * 96'* , Am LaFr&Foam 5H ss*5 s * 5 1 * s'* Am I.tnseed.... 97 r -* 106V* 97'* 103'* Am Unsd pf(7). 99V* 99V* 99'* 99'* Atn Locomot(S). loss 109V* los'* 109 Am Locopf(7).. 131V* 131'* 1314* 13D* Am Mch&Fdy(2) 164 164 164 164 ; Ant Metals (3).. 43'* 43t* 43V* 43't j Am Metals pf <6) 114 114V* 114 114'* . Am P & L(fl).. 79'* 79 : * 7W* 79'* I. Am Radiator (5) 146'* 151'* 146'* 149 s . . Am Republic. .. 80% 80% 781* 78'* « AmSafHazH'4 i ; 4 65'« 64 65 s * Am Seating (3). 42 42 42 41 ' Am Ship & Com. 4 s * 4H 4 s * 4** ; Am SmelUngtS) 188'* 191 188'* 159 \ Am Sft R |>f<7). Mil's 140V* 140'* 14o'i Am Sti Fdys (3) 65V* 65 s * 64*. 64 ; . ' Am Sugar 7i'* 71V* 70'* 711* 'j Am Sugar pf(7). 107'* lo7'» 107 107 iAm Sumatra.... 6,3'* 55 53 55 \! Am Tel & Tel(9) 180'* 182 IMV* 182 Am Tobacco(B). 167 167 167 167 ’ Am TobaccoB(8) 1681* 168V* 167 167 ! Am Tob pf (6)... 125 125 124 ! * 125 ' Atn Type Fo(8). 122V4 122>* 122'* 122V* • Am WW&ERcI) 57'* 57V* o7V* 57V* ; AmWWlat pf(6) 104'* 105 104V* 105 Am Woolen 23V* 22 s * 22 % 22% Am Woolen pf.. 57V* 67% 57V* 57V* Am Writ Pa ctfa 14% 14 s * 14V* 14% ! Am Zinc 23% 29 1 -* 23% 29 Am Zinc pf 92% 94% 91% 94 Anaconda (3)... 71 72% 68% 72% I Archer-Dan t 3). 65 66% 65 65 ArmourDelpf(7) 90% 90% 89% 90 I Arniouroflll(A) 13% 14 13% 14 Armour. 11l (B). 9 9 8% 8% Armour 111 pft7) 75% 76 75% 76 Arnold Con &Co 48 48 47% 47% Asso Dry G(2 %) 44% 44% 44V* 44V* Asso D G Ist (6) 113% 113% 113 v« 113V* Atchison <flo).. 193% 193% 192% 193 Atchison pf (5). 108% 108% 108% 108% Atch T&S Fe rta 3% 8% 3% 3% Atl Coast L(tlO) 182 182 182 182 Atl Gulf & WI.. 40% 40% 40% 40% AtUSulf pf (3).. 46V* 46V* 46 46 Atl Refining (4). 122V* 124% 122% 123 AtlasPowderM) 90V* 91 90 91 Atlas Tack 11V* 11% 11% 11% Ausun-NichoJs.. 6% 5% 6% 5% Auto Sales 10% 10% 10 10 Auto Sales pf(3). 34 34 34 34 Autostrap A (3) 47% 47% 4714 47% Balto&O («)... 119% 119% 118 118 Baito4kOpf(4). 84 84 84 84 Bankof Am (12)1400 1450 1350 1418 BankofCom(18) i. 98% 605 698% 606 Bank ofMandft) 617 620 615 620 Bank of N Y(18) 725 726 626 725 Barnet Leather. 30 30 29% 29 s * Barnsdall A.... 23% 23% 23% 2, % i Barnsdall B 22% 22% 22% 22% Bayuk Cigars... 128% 130!* 128% 130% : Beechnut (t 3).. 77% 8<» 77% 80 Beldtng Bros (2) 19% 19% 19% 19% Belgßys psi 4.121 88% 89% 88% 89% Best St Co (3)... 67% 67% 67% 67% Bethlehem Steel 69% 59% 68% 58% Beth Steel pf(7) 121 121% 120% 120% Bioomlngdale... 38% 38% 38% 38% Bon Ami Cl A(4) 72 73% 71% 71% Borden Milk («). 160% 160% 160% 160% Borden (rights). 4% 4% 4% 4% Boston & Maine. 72 72 72 72 Briggs Mfg FCo 26% 26% 25% 26 British Empire. 3% 3% 3 3 Bkiyn-Edlson(B 260 252% 249% 250 Bklyn-Man (4). 71% 72% 70% 71% Bklyn-Man pf (« 91% 91% 91% 91% BklynUnQas(d). 151 151% 150% 160% BrownShoe(2%) 64% 64% 62% 62% Brunswick B (3) 41% 43 41% 42% Brunswick Ter. 18% 18% 18V* l»v* Bucyrus-Erle (1 30% 31 30% 31 Bucyruscv (2% 40% 41% 40% 41% Burns BrosA(8) 97% 99 97% 99 Burns Bros (B). 19% 19% 19V* 19% Burroughsttl). 159 169 169 169 Bush Term <g2) 68 60 68 00 Butte Cop &Z.. 6% 6% 5% 6% Butte£Superi2) 11 11 10% 10% Butterick C 0.... 67 69% 56% 67 ByerACo 103 107 103 105% By-Products (2) 69% 69% 60% 69V* Calif Petm (1).. 27% 27% 27% 27% Callahan Zinc... 2% 2% 2% 2% j Calurnei£Ar(<). 103% 105% 102% 101%, Cslu&Hecla (2) 21% 22% 21% 22 Can l)ryOAie(3) 66% 60% 00% | Can Pacific (10). 212% 212% 210% 210% » Case Threshg(6) 291 293 290 280% Cent Alloy (2).. 30% 31 30% 30% ' Century Rib M.. 15 16 13% 14 1 Ceto de <Faaco(4 67V* 69 66% 69 Ceruln-Teed (4) 67% 68% 67% 68% Certo Corpnt T 4) 72 72 72 72 Chandler-Cieve. 6% 7% 6% 7% Chandler Mot pf. 16% 18% 16% 17% Chat-Ph Bktlfi). 680 640 630 640 ' Chet AOhlo(lO) 198% 200 108% 108% C*OCorpn(3). 76% 77% 76% 77 »I Chf St Alton 7% 7% 7% 7*. Chi & Alton pf.. 12% 12% 12% 12% Chi A East 111 pf 6g% 7o 69% 70 Chi Great West., 13 13% 18 13 ■ Ch! Ot West pf.. 27 27% 27 27 Chi Mil AHtP., 34% 34% 38% 33% Chi Mil A Hip pf 40% 46% 45% 45% ' Chi it Nwn (4).. 86% 86% 86% K«% 1 Ch! A Nwnpf<7). 148 148 148 14# Chi Pn# Tool(6). 135% 186% 135% 135% Cht JtlAPsc (•). 116% 115% 115% 115% Childs ($.40)... 42 42% 42 42* Chile Co (2%),. 41% 42% 41% 42 Chrysler Corpt3 70 72% 60% 71% Chrysler pfA(*) 115% 1 )« 116% l|6 I City Stores (B). 85% 85% 8t 84 «’luett-Pesh<6). 105% j 06% 103 106 . Coca-Cola (6).. 160% 160% 158 168% I Collins A Aik <4) 94V* 94% 93 O:J% ColllnsAA pf(7) 106% 106% 100% |(>o% 1 Col Fuel A Iron. 76% 76% 74 76 I Coi (Jas AEI (6) 94% 96% »4% 96% > Col CAR pf AM) 109 109% 100 109% • Col Carbon 14),. 90% 90% 90% 00% Com Cred (1).., 28% 28% zu 28% 1 I Com inv Tr * 40. 07 «g% t,y «yv* 1 j Com Solvent#(») |/0 |79 176 176 i Com Powr 03). 74 74% 73% 73% | Conde Nast(2),. 60 60 60 00 ; Congolsum-Nslr 27% 28 27% 27% i Cong Cl gat st 4% 74 76% 74 7* C’onsol Cgrs (7). 86% 86% 86 80% Consol Dlstrthm |% i% |% j% * Consol Ca# <£.)., 146% 147 145 M 6% * OosiiflCub* pf 6 69V* 69V* 69% 69% '' Consol Textile.. 4% 4% 4% 4% l Container A1 20 80 90 29 29 j - Container H 80c. 18'4 14% 19% H f Cont linking A.. 29% 20% 2« 28 - Cor»l Raking it,. 4 4 3% 3% # Cost Bak pf (8) 82'% 82% 74 74% f 1 cont Cun (6),... 1 12 112% 100% J 09% 1 Coot input (•)., 86 86 85 86 0 i Cont Mont doe) 11% 11% 11% 11% 0 Corn it* link<2o) 686 605 666 695 I, Corn Prod (tl).. 78% 78% 77% 78 • Coty Inn !*•).., 146 145 146 146 0 CroclblegfeeiM) 88 88% #7% 88% rt Crucible pf<7),, 114% 114% 114% 114% <: Cub* Cans Sugar 6% 0% 6% 6% > Cubs Cans Su pf 26% 26% 26% 26% Cub* Company.. 22 22 22 22 Cuban Am H <1). 21% 22 21% 21% Ciidabg Pkg (4). 04% 64% 64% 64% CurilSS Aero <I) 78 78 73% 74% K Cusbman's (|4). 160 169 100 169 8 Davison Client.. 43 44% 42% 44 0 Del A liud (9). . 186 188% 184 IB< d I,ei LA W 07), 146 160 146 148% # DBG Wat pf,,. 61% 61% 61% 61% « Detroit Ed <•),. ISO 180% 180 |BO% h lievoeAlli 12.10) 60 M% 60 61% » Dodge Bros Cl A 20% 20% ’#% 20% 1 Dodge pf (1),... 70% 71 70% 71 - Druglne.,,,,,. 87% 87% 86% 87% LunltiU Ipi 14). • MH *•** •«% #7 —* Open. Hisrh. Low. 2:55.1 DuFont deN<lo) 386 388 386 «86 Du Pont deb (6). 121M> 12Hi 121 121 Dupont deb (rts) Vft H % W Kastman (tS)... 174 174’e 173 173 Eaton Axle (2).. 34% 84% 34 34 Elsenlohr A Bro 21% 21VI 20H 20% Eleo AutoL(«). 144 k 146 14tk 145% Electric 80at.,. 13k 14k 13k 14k KleePowALtd) 36% 37k 36% 37 EPALpf 40%(7) 126 k 126 k 126% 126% Klee PALt ?»f(7> K)9*« 110 109 k 1,10 Elec Stor Bat(S) 81% 83k 81k 81k Em-Rnuttgmf A) 7 k 3k 7k 9k End-John (5)... 80 k 80*4 Bllk 80 k Engineers Pub S 39k 39*4 38k 39 Engnrs PS nf(7) 11 Ok 110 k 110 k 110% KqultableTri 12) 470 500 470 49>t Erie R R 58k 59k 58k 59 Erie Ist pf 59 79k 59 59k Eureka V(t V 4) • • 75% 76k 75k 70k Fairbanks (3).. 47k 48k 45k 45k FedLlßht(hl.4o) 55 55k 54k stk Fed Min pf (7).. 94k 91k 94k 94k Fed MotT(fSOc) 18k 18k ISk 18k First NatS(lVfc) 28k 28k 28k 28V* , Fisk Rubber 15k 16% 15k t 6 , Fisk Ist pf(7).. 84k 84% 84k 84k , Fisk Ist pfcv(7) 92k 94k 92k 94k Flelschmann(3) 71% 73k 71k 73k Foundation Co.. 43k 44k 43k 44k Fox Film A (4). 83k 84k 83 83k Freeport (tsk). 83k 84 83k 83k Gabriel Snub A.. 17k 18k 17k 18% Gardner Motor.. 15 15 14k 14** Gen Am Tnk(4). 69k 71 09'* 71 Gen Asphalt.... 90 90k 87k 88 Gen Aspb pf(s). 133 133 133 133 Gen Cable 29 29 29 29 Gen Cable A (4). 77k 78*1 77 78k Gen Cigars (4).. 70k 70k 69k 70k Gen Elec (t 5)... 156 k 157 k 155', 155 k GenElec sp(6oc) Ilk Ilk Ilk Ilk GenGasA(olk) 41 41k 41 41k Gen Motors <5). 195 596% 191 k 192 Gen Mot pf (7). 125 k 126% 125 k 126 Gen Outdr Ad(2) 42k 42k 42% 42k Gen Outdr Ad(4) 55k 55k 55k 55k Gen By Sig (5). 97 98% 96% 97 Gen Befrac (3). 6VH 06 65k 66 Gillette Has (5). 108 k 103'* 10? 107 k Gimbel 8r05.... 41 41k l<*k 49k Glinbl Br pf 17). 96k 96k 96k 96k (Hidden Co 23k 23k 23k 23k Gold Dust (3).. 96 96k 94k 94*, Goodrichßub(4) 82% 83% 81k 82k Goodrich pf(7).. It 4 114 114 114 Goodyear Tire.. 54k 55 53 54 Goodyr Ist pf(7) 95 95k 9ft 95k Gothm Ho(J2 k) 86k 87k 86k 87k Gothmnew<t2k 86k 87k 86k 87k Graham-Palge.. 27k 30k 27k 30k Granby Min (4). 49% f,ok 49% 50% Grt North pf (5) 102 k 102 k 101*4 101 k Gt Nor pf cfs(s) 99k 99k 99 99k Grt Nor O (lk). 22k 23 22k 22k Grt Wtn Sug 2.84 34 34k 33'* 34 Green Canan.... 133 k 136 k 133 k 135 Guantanamo Sus ?k 7k 7k 7k 'Gulf Mo & Nor.. 59 60k 59 59 OuM&Npfi*). 101% 104% 104% 104% Gulf States Steel 59 59 58k 68k Hartmn BI1.20). 20% 20% 20% 20% HelmeGW(ft). 113 k 113 k 113 k 113 k Hershey Corp... 60 60 68k 58k Uershey pf (4). 78% 79k 78% 79 Hershey pr pf(6) lo3k 103% 103 k 103 k Hoe ACo A 22k 22k 22k 22k Hollander & Son 30k 30k 30k 30k Homestake(t7). 72 72 72 72 Household < t 4). 65 65 65 65 Houston 0i1.... 1.9% 160% 159 159 Howe Sound (4) 51 53k 51 52k Hud Man (2k )• *>Bk 60% s«k 58k Hud Man pf (5). 92 92 92 92 Hudson Mot (ft) 94 94k 92k 92*4 Hupp Mot (1.40) 54k 56 5« 54k IllinolaCen (7). 143 143 k 142 142 lndep Oil (1)... 26k 26% 26k 26k Indian Mot (lk) 55k 65k 55% 55% Indian Refining:. 13 13% 13 m* Indian Refgctfa 12% 12k 12k 12% Ingersoll R(tft). 91k 92 91k 91k Inld Stl <pt«k). 64k 56 54% 65 Inspiration Copr 20k 22% 20 22% Interboroß&p Tr 55 55 51 52k lntcontl Rub(l) 14k 14k 13k 13k Internal Agrl... 18% 18% 18k 18V* Int Bus Ma (ft).. 129 129 128% 128 k lntCement (4). 69% 70k 69k 70% Int Cement pf(7; 109 109 109 109 Int Com Eng (2) 50% 6ik 50k 50% Int Comb pf(7). 104 104 104 104 Int Harv zbO 250 ,;4» 249 IntHarypf (7). 146 k 145% 145 k 14 >% IntMtch pf(3.20) 112 112% 111 U] Int Mer Marine.. 4% 4% 3% 3% Int Mer Mar pf. 38k 38% 38 38% Int Nickel (2)... 92 93k 91% 92 Inti Paper!2.4o). ?g% 7g,„ 7tH 7{l Int Paper pf (7). |o6k 106% 106% U>6% Inti Silver 164 k 164% 164% 164% Int Tel 4k Tel («) 159 159% 159 159 , Island Creek (4) 53k 63k 63k 63% Jewel Tea (4)... 83k 85% 83k 85%! Jonna-Maran(l) 129% 130 124 k 124% j Jones Bros Tea. 30k 30k 30% 30% ! Jones Tea cfs... 30k 30k 30k 30% j Jordan Motor... 12 12 11% 11% I Kan City South. 58k 60% 58% 60 i Kan CSo pf(4), 75% 75% 75k 75%! Kai ser J (5) 74% 75% 74% 75 | Keitn-Atbee-Orp 19k 19k 19 19% 1 Keith-Al-Ops(?) 92k 92k 92% 92% ! Kelly-Spring.,. *2 22 21% 21% Kelly Tire 8% pf 70 70 70 7o ! Keis-Hayea (2). 30% 30% 30% 80k Kelvinator Corp. 21% 21% 2t 21k! Kennecott C(ft). 85 k 87k t>6% 87 j Kinney (OII)... 47% 47% 47% 47k Kraft (gl %).... b. 3% 63% 63% 64% Kresge (t1.C0).. 72% 73k 72 72 \ ' Kresge Dept 8.. 22% 23v 4 22% 22% I Kresa (8 H) (1). 104% 104 k 104 k lotk j Kroger Gros(cl) 76% 77k 76 77 I LagoOll (78c).. 30% 31% 30% 3114 J Lambert (tft% ). 112 113% 110% 110 k Lee Tire & Rub. 18% |g% jh% 18% Lehigh PCmt... 62 52 62 62 Lehigh Va I (3%). 97% 100 97% 98% Lehn A Flnlc<3). 51% 52 % 60k 60% Life Sav (1.40). 31% 31% 31% 31% LlgAMyer*B(ts 106% 108 k 106% 106% Llq Carb (3.«0). 75 75% 74k 75 ] Loew s Inc (3).. 70% ?!% 70k 70% ; Loewlno pf(«%) 102% 102% 102% 101% Loft 6% 6% 6% 6% Long-Bell (A).. 29 29 29 29 Loose-Wi I (1.40) 51% 62k 51% 62% Lor H lard C 0..,. 41k 41% 41k 41k Lortllard pf(7),. 111% lllk tllk 111'. Louisiana 0i1... Ilk 11% 11% Ilk LouikGhhA( 1.76) 33 35 32% 34k Louls*Nnah<7). 163 153V4 153 153 Ludlum Steel (2) 47 47% 44% 44% McAndrewa 2.40. 64k 64% 54% 61% McCall Corpi 3). 59% 60 59% 60 Mclntyre P(l>.. 24% 26k 26% 26% Mack Truck (4). 94% *.»«% 90% 90k I Mackay pf(4)... 78 78 78 78 Mad So On (1%) 29 29 28% 25% Magma Cop (3), 50% 60% 50 5i(% Malllaon A C 0... 25% 26 26k 26 Manatl Sugar... 37k 3?% 37 37 Manat) Sugar pf 74k ?6 74k 75 Mandel (2%). .. 38 38 38 38 Man El Sup (6). 56% 65% 66k 65*. Man El m3g(dft) 44 64 44 65'. Man Shirt (2)... 35 35k 34 4 34', Maracaibo 0i1... 14 14 JAk 14k Market St prior. 44 44 44 44 Marland 0i1.... 40% 41 40k 41 Mar-IR>ck(t2%) 61k 51% 61k 61k Martin Parry... 13% 13% 13% 13% Muthleaon Ai(4) 128 129% 128 129% Maytag (13) 34 35k 24 35 Mat rod pfc 1.49) 24 26 24 24 Mexican Saab... 10% IHM. 10% 17 Miain I Cop (1).. 19k J 9% 19k l»*V Mid-Continent.. 28k 28% 28% 28% 5f Iddle Stales... 3% 3k .1% 3>. Mid males Oil el 2k 2% 2k 2', Miller Rubber.. 23 23 22k 22% Mlnn & St Louie 3k 3k 3% 3k |Mo Kan A Tea .. 38% 38% 38% 38% Mo ICATe* pf(7) !0« |06% 106 k 105% Miaeouri Paalllo. 53% 54k 53% 53% Missouri Pac pf. 114% 114 k 113 ll lk Montana l*ow<6) 145% 145% |r»4 164% Momarnry W(t6) 143% 144% 142% 144% Moon Motor.. 6% 6% 4% 6% Mother L 16Ue). 3% 3% ;t% 8% Motor Meter A.. 15% 15k 15% 16% Motor Whl ($).. 38% 33k 33 33 Multine Mfg.... 84 91% 84 91 Munstngwnl).. 50 50 60 60 Murray Corp.... 36 36k 31k 34k Nash Mot (16%) 91k 91% 90% 91% Nat Acme (ata). 14% 14% 14k 14% Nat lieliaa Heaa. 7o 71 70 70% Nal ftlleaa pf(7 >. 103 lo» 103 103 Nat lilHOiitt (t?) 147% 148 167% 148 Nat Blso pf(7).. 144% 144% 146% 144% Nat Cash Id A)3 64k 66% 56k 64 Nat Dairy (1).,. 76% 7* 75*, 77 Nat liapt Htorta, 24k 24k 24k 24% Nat Dtatillera.. 44% 45 41% 43% Nat liialilleiM pf 69 69 69 <59 Nat Enamel 4k S. 29 30% 28% 130% Nal Lead pfltiA) 120% 120 k 120% L»l>% NalParkßlt(l4), 710 710 710 770 Nat I'owAl.t (!) 24k 24% 23% *.«% Nal Had la lor< I) 35 36 »6 §A Nat lUdpf(7),, 94 94 94 If Open. High Low 2:55, Nat Ry Mex 2d.. 2k 2k 2k 2k Nat Supply (ffi) 93k 93% 93% 93% Nat Tea (4).... 209% 209% 200 203 Nevada C(1 %). 21 *, 21k 21% 21k N Y Air B (3)... 45k 46k 45 45 NY Cent (8) 178% 178% 176% 176 k N VC&StLIS). 140 140% >39 140 k NYC StL pf(fi) 109% 109% 108% 108% NYNHAHarUI) 63% 63% 63 63 N Y Nil*H pf (7 ) II 5k 115 k 115 k 115 k N Y Ont A West. 30% 30% 30% 30% N Y Railways pf 9% 9% 9k 9% NY Slate Rye.. 10 10 10 I<> Norfolk South.. 46 46 46 46 Nor so I k.t W (110) 191 191 190 190 Nor Am hlO % stk 64% 64% 64% 64 k North Am pf (3) 53% 54 53% . 63<% NorAm Ed |»f(7) 104 104*4 104 104 k North Pac (5).. 100% lot 99% 100 Nor Pao cfs f 5). 97% 97% 97% 97% Norwalk Tire... 3 3 3 3 Oil Well Sup 32% 32% 31% 31% Omnibus 13 14k 13 11% Omnibus pf (8). 9.3 96 95 95% OppmColllns(f4) 73k 73H 73 k 73% Otis Elevatrtt”) 160% 160% 160 160 Otis Steel 14% 15% 14k 14% Otis Stel prior (7 89 90 89 89% Owens Bot (ct 4) 88% 88k 86k 86k Pacific Gas (2).. 46% 46k 46k 46% Pac Oil Stubs. .. 1% lk lk lk Packard Mot(3) 71k 72 70k 72 Pan-Am Petrolm 44% 45% 44% 45 Pan-Am Pet <B) 45% 46% 45k 46k Pan-Am West Bl 24 24% 24 24% Panhandle 14k 15V* 14% 15% Parmt-Fam (J 8). 119% 121 k 119V* 121% Park &; Til ford.. 63 63% 60 60 Park Utah (80c) 11% 11% 11% Ilk Pathe Exchange 3k 3% 3k 3% I'athe Ex A 15 15 14'* 14% Pa tlno<a.!»7 1-3) 29k 29% 29 29*, Peerless Motor. 22 22 21% 21% PenlcK & Ford.. 31% 31% 30% 31 Penn Dlx Cm(2) 25k 25% 24% 24% Pa Dlx Ct Pf(7). 96% 96% 96% 96% PennßßCtk). 69% 70% 69*. 70 People’s Gas (8) 168% 169 168% 169 Pere Marq It 8). 133 134 133 134 Pero Marq pf(s) 100 k 100% 100% 100% Phi la & RCI... 32% 32% 31% 31% PhlllipsPet(lk) 40% 40 , 40', 4t»% Phoenix Hosiery 31 31 31 31 Pierce-Arrow... 12% 1.% 12% 13% Pierce-Arrow pf 43*, 43k 43% 43% Pierce 0i1...... k k k k rterce Petrolm.. 4 4 3% 3% Piilsbury (1.60). 36% 37k 36% 37k Pillshry pf(6*») 111 112 111 112 Pitts Coal 45% 4 f % 45 45 ritts&W Va(6). 154 k 161 154 k 159% Porto Rico To A. 65% 66k 65% 66k Porto Rico To B. 25k 25k 24% 24% Postum (5) 125 125% 124% 125 Pressed Stl Car. 23 23 23 23 Pr Stl Car pf(7). 79 79% 79 79% Prod & Refiners. 22% 22k 22% 22k Pub Serv NJ(2). 49 49 48% 48k Pub Serv pf (6). 109% 109 k 109% 109 k Pub SNJ pf(7) . 122 k 124 V, 122 k 124% Pullman Co (4). 86k *6 , 85 , 85% Punta Aleg Sug. 31 31k 31 31k Pure OH (50c).. 23k 24% 23k 24 Purity Bak B(2) 156 162% 156 162% Radio Corp of A. 183', 1h7% 181 k 181% Radio Co pf (3% 56V* 56% 56% 56% R S 111 C cfs (4). 81 81 81 81 Reading Ry (4). 114% 115 112 112 Reading Ist (2). 46 46 46 46 Heading 2d (2).. 46 46k 46 46k Real Silk Hos... 27k 28 27k 27'* Remingtn-Rand 28% 29 28% 28*/, Retn-Rd lst(7). 93% 94 93% 94 Reo MotrO.2o). 26 26 * 25k 26% Rep lr A St! (4). 61 61% 60% 6<>% Rep 1&8 pf (?). 109 109 109 109 Reynolds Spnga. 12 12% 11% ilk Richfield O(gl). 39k 39% 38k 39k Reis Robt & Co. 12 11% 11% 11% ReynldsTobß(6) 142 k 142 k 142 142 Rossla Ins (6).. 201 203 202 203 Roval Da3.13%. 46k 47 45k 47 Rutland pf 60k 61 60k 61 St Jo* Lead <t3> "9% 40 39k 39k StL A SanF (t 8) 120 k 120% 118% 118% StL&SFrantrts) 2k 2 k 2% 2k StLASouthwest. 84 84 k 83% 98% Savage Arms... 71 71% 71 71% Schulte (3%)... 62% 06k 62% 64 Seab Air Line... 19k 19% 19% 19k Seab Air L pf... 25% 25% 25k 25k Seagrave (e1.20) 11% 11% 11 ll Sears-R (n 2%). 101% 102 k 101% 101 k Seneca Copper.. 2k 2k 2k 2k Shattuck FG (2) 91% 92k 91% 91% Shell Un (1.40). 26k 27k -6k 27k ShubertThe (6) 6.3 63k 63 63k Simmons Co (3). 70% 70% 68% 68% Simms Pete 23 23% 22k 22k Sinclair Oil 27 28k 27 28', Sinclair pf(B)... 109 109 109 109 Skelly Oil (2>... 30% 31% 30", 31k Stosa-Shef («).. 123 123 121 121 Snider Packs Co. 16 17% 16 16% Snider Pkg pf... 50k 61% 48 51% So Por Rio S(f2) 41k 41k 40*4 41k South Calif Ed.. 45% 45% 45% 45k Sou Cal Ed(rts). 2 2 1% 2 South Dairies A. 30% 30% 30% 3lk South Dairies B. 12k 13% 12% 13 South Pao («)... 123 k 123 k 122 k 122 k Southern Ry 48) 147% 147% 147% 147 k Spicer Mfg 32 32V* 32 32% Std (J & E (3% ). 64% 64% 64 64'.. Kid OAE pf (4) 69 69% 69 6»k Std Mill tft).... 109% 111'* 109 109 Std O Cal (2 %). 58 59 57% 59 Std OllNJ(?l %) 40 , 41 40% 40% Std OIINYU.SO) 30% 30% 30% 30% Std Plate Glass. 5% 6% 4% 4% Stewart-War (6) 90% 91% 90% 91% Strom Car (2)... 62k 63'* 61k 63% Studebaker tft). 67 69 66k 67% Submarine Boat. 5% 5k 5 5k Sun Oil (n1).... 41k 42% 41k 42% Superior 01L... 2% 2% 2k 2% Sweets of Amir. 15% 16k 15% 16k Telautogh tSOc). 16% 16% 16k 16% Tenn Copper d) 11% 11% Ilk 11% Texas Corpn (3) 54% 55', 54% 55 Tex Gulf Sul (4) 74% 75k 74% 74% Tex * Pacific... 139 139 13k 138% Tex PacC A Oil. 18% 13H 13% 13% Tex Land Trat n 23% 26k 23% 26% The Fair (2.40). 40 40 39% 39% Third Avenue... 37 38% 36% J.7k TbompJ 11(3.40) 61% 62 61% 61% TldewaterAsOll. 16 16k 15% 16V* Tid WAsOllpf (6) K 4 84 84 84 Tide W Oil pf(6) 90 90 90 90 Timken (tft).... 131 132% 130% 132% Tobao Prod (m). 109% 111% 109% 111% Tobac Prod A(7) 121 121% 121 121% Tranacont 0i1... 814 8% 8 8% Transits A W d) 51 5) 51 61 Twin City R (4). 45% 46% 45k 46k Udwd-EI F(4).. 71k 71% 69% 69% Un BagAPaper.. 46 46 44% 14% Union Carb (4). 149% 150% 149% 150% Un Oil Ca1(2)... 50% 60% 50% 50% Union Pao (10). 19? k 197% 197 197, Un Pacific pf (4) 86% c 6% 86% 86% Union Tank (6). 120 120 120 120 URIC*rHt (CBor> .31 >4 311) 30% 31% Utd Cgi St pf(fl) 114 114 114 Id Utd Fruit! tft%) 141 141% 139% 139% Utd Paperboard. 24k 24k 24V* 24% USCIP&FdO) 166 300 256 273% ÜBCIP pf (7).. 135 186% 185 135% U 8 Distributing |8 16 15% 15% U 8 Dlstrl pf(7). 79k 79k 79k 79% US Hoffman (4) 51% 51% 51 51 U S Alcohol tft). 114% lift?* Itt% 115 II S Leather.... 31% 35k 34% 31% US Leather A . 63% 64 6 tv* 63% U H Realty (4).. 7(lk 72% 70% 72% 0 S Rubber 41 46k 44 44% US Ituhbr let pf. 79 80% 79 791. U 8 Smelt (3 Mi). 42% 42% 42% 42% U S Hrn pf <3% ). 54 54 63 63% UH Steel (7).., 148 148% 146% |47<, U M Steel pf (7). 146% 145% 145% 145% U H Tobacco(.l), 91% 95 94% 95 Uni J.eaf Tot>(3) 83% 81% 82% 83% Uhl Pipe A R(8) 23% 24'* 23% 24 Utl PALtA(eS).. 32 33 3l>» 3|% Vanadium S (4). 85% 87% 85% 86% Van ltnalte 12 12% 13 12% Vink Chent (4)., 66% (>B% 66 * tB% Victor Talkg(4). 87** 87% 86% 86 Victor ops (4).. |7I 171 171 |7I Va»CaroCham.. 15’% 16% |A% )6'» Va-CarCh 8% pf 5t 51k 60% 6«% Va-Cai Ch pft?) 96% 95% 96% 95', Vlvaudou tblO). 20% 2lk 20>« 21% Wabash 82k 82% 78 79% Wabaah pf A tfi) 06 96 96 96 Waldorf (lk).. 26% 27 26 26k Ward Baking li, 23 23k 22% 21% Ward Hak pf (7) 1*3% 93k 91% 93k Warner Plo A... 38 33V* .11% 32k Warner-Qutn(S) 30 30% tu ;iu , Warner (juin i ts % % % % Warren Broad) 17«% I*2 173% MU* WarF&PipeCor 20% 20% 20% 20% Web A Hell 62 6 ! 62 62 WsbAUell pf(7), 102 102 104 102 Weal Ualt vAii) 61% 61% 61% 6:1% Weal I laity 8... 34 k 38% 34% 3h% West Mat yla ltd. 6U« 61% 49% 50 West Pacino. .., 86% 86k 36k 35% Waal Pacific pf. 60% 60% 60% 60% West Union tit, 164 164 163 1634* Weatbae A 9 111 61k 63k 61k 61% BUYING IS BROAD ON STOCK MARKET General Motors and Steel Are Leaders—Coppers and Utilities Strong. BY GEORGE T. HUGHES. I)i«p;i|ch to The Star, NEW YORK. April 9.—Pronounced strength and Increased activity in the railway shares, coppers, utilities and In dustrial specialties, characterized re sumption of operations on the Stock Ex change today, following the three-da) suspension of business. In no quarter of the market was any weakness ap parent and the demand carried numer 3Us favorites to their highest prices. Although speculative Wall Street had ample time over the Easter holiday to consider the hardening tendency of money rates, it displayed the same In difference It had recently to this de velopment. So far as speculative op erations were concerned the supply of funds available for stock market pur poses apparently was as abundant as ever, and the Issues selected for leader ship were bid up again with reckless j abandon. Steel and Motors Leaders. General Motors and United States • Steel led their respective groups, but j they by no means monopolized interest and their strength was overshadowed ! | by developments In other quarters. 1 ‘ Last week's conference of Eastern rail executives had stimulated buying of the j i shares of roads Involved in the nego i tiations. Pittsburgh and West Virginia ,' led the group today, advancing into j , | new high ground for the year. But it i was the old line dividend payers that ; , i w-cre the most noteworthy performers. ] 1 Delaware and Hudson and Lackawanna | , Baltimore and Ohio continued in de- ■ . mand, and Gulf. Mobile and Northern crossing 60 reached a new top. South ern Railway and New York Central also came In for attention. Anaconda Copper, opening on a block 1 ol 33.000 shares at 71. recorded a jump j • of 4'a points and was at its highest; since 1919. It was one of the features ; of the entire proceedings and has Its 1 1 reflection in the movement of other copper stocks. There was nothing that, was not already known to account lor j the activity in this quarter, which was 1 merely a resumption of the buying started last week. The coppers were thought to be behind other industrials, and with the outlook for higher prices lor the metal later in the year, leading producers are likely to report substan tial Increase in earnings over those for j the 1927 period. American Smelting & Refining naturally went along. Greene Cananea was bid up some 4 points. Cal- 1 umet and Arizona. Kennecott and Mag ma shared in the advance. U. S. Rubber Preferred Drops. Among industrial specialties one of the chief incidents was the opening drop of over 6 points in United States Rubber first preferred, when it changed hands at 79. it fluctuated within a range of a point of this figure there- : after. Its action was a direct response to the omission of the dividend due at this time. Rubber common was sym pathetically affected, although the de cline was not as sharp. Local tractions were bid up 1 to more than 5 points. Interborough Rapid ' Transit the leader. There was nothing aside from the higher fare prospect to ' account for the strength in both bonds and stocks of these companies. Utili ties moved forward sharply, with ' Brookly Edison at its highest for all time and Brooklyn Union Gas up more than 2 points across 151. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET , CHICAGO. April 9 (A>) (United States 1 Department of Agriculture) .—Hogs— ' Receipts. 25.000 head; market mostly i 20 to 30 higher; spots. 35 higher; all classes showing advance; top, 9.15 paid i« for 200-210-pound weights; butchers, * medium to choice. 250-350 pounds. 8.40a 1 8.85; 200-250 pounds. 8.55a9.15: 160-200 ‘ pounds, 8 40a9 15; 130-160 pounds. 7.35a 9.00; packing sows. 7,40a8.10: pigs. 1 medium to choice 90-130 pounds. 6.50a 8 00. 1 Cattle—Receipts. 12.000 head. Calves 1 —Receipts. 4,000 head; strong to 25 ' higher market, choice weighty steers ‘ showing mos‘ advance largely a steer ' run. 15.50 paid for weighty bullets: long yearlings. 15.15: slaughter classes, steers good and choice, 1.300-1,500 pounds. 1 15 50; 1.100-1.300 pounds. 13 40a15 25; 950-1,100 pounds. 12.90a15 00; common and medium. 850 pounds up. 8.50a13.50: ' fed yearlings, good and choice. 750-950 pounds, 12 50a14.75; heifers, good and choice. 850 pounds down. 12.00a13.75; j common and medium. 8 50al2.00; cows. ] good and choice. 9.00a11.25; common and medium. 7.75a9 00; low cutter and j cutter. 6 00*8 50; bulls, good and choice j (beef). 8,75a10 25: cutter to medium 7.25a8 75: vealers (milk-fed), good and choice. 1!.50a14.50; medium. 10 50all.50; cull and common. BOOalOSO: Stocker and feeder steers, good and choice (all ' weights), 11.50a12.75; common and medium. 8.50a11.25, Sheep—Receipts, 13.000 head; fat ' lambs fairly active. 15 to 25 higher; sheep, 50 higher: feeding and shearing lambs scarce, strong: lambs, good and choice (92 pounds down). 15.75a17.15; medium. 15.00al600; cull and common. 13.25a15.00; medium to choice (92-100 pounds). 14.50at6.90; ewes, medium to choice 1150 pounds down), 8 50al0.85; ' cull and common, 3.50a9.35: feeder lambs, good and choice, 15.25a 16.75. U. S. GOLD EXPORTS. NEW YORK. April 9 (4b —Gold ex ports last week Included a shipment , of about $12,000,000 probably ear marked rnetal to France and shipments of $1,150,000 to Argentina. The ship ment. to France made a total of about $60,000,000 of earmarked gold with drawn from New York in recent weeks I « ■ BUTTER IS HIGHER. CHICAGO. April 9 DP), Butter high er; receipts, 12.091 tuba; creamery extras, 43' a ; standards, 43 1 -*; extra 1 firsts. 42%a45; firsts, 42>*a42' a ; sec onds. 41 : ‘*a42. Eggs unchanged; re ceipts. 50.599 cases; firsts, 26',h27; or dinary firsts, 26; storage packed extras. 29 1 4; firsts. 28 ‘*. Westlngbsa (4). 106% 107% 10 .% 105% Weston Elect tie 14% 14% lt% 11% W lilt a Eagle (2) 21% 21% 21% 21% W hits Mutm s( I ) 34% 35 34% 8> White Hew Mach 4 42 41% 4t% W dlya-Overland 27% 27% 28 Willy*-0(1 pf (7) 98 HH> 96 99% Wilaoit A C 0.... 15% 15% tt% U'» Wllaot) Co pf A. 29 % 29k 29% 29 » Wilson ACo pf.. 69% 69% t. 9 * t>9 * Woolworth 16),. 189% 1 »9% isß% 183% Worihn Bump,. 28% 28% 28% 28% Worth I’utnpt A) 61 61 61 61 Wright Aero tl) 130% 13.1 123 I2ri», Wrlgisy W t«1 %. 73% 74 73% 74 YalaATownifl). 71 71 71 71 ValeATown* rta 1% (% [ 1 V allow Trunk... 32% 33 31% 31% Voongstn Shift). 86% 87% 56% gj% Hourly (salat on N. Y. Market tl a m... 973,500 |8 m,.,, 1,745,100 Ipm... 2,436 100 8 pm.. 3,195.000 Inviiktul istes at stven in ths •%>»• molt si a the annual i-ssli imtmmiia t>a«eO on die ltd>.*| i|iiarteiiv in its It tearl* 3. •. Utsdun* * dull u( tiMitln* in** (hsn 100 *ltmt* t Pgrtiv e»ti* t Pm* 4% in *in.l» I Pin* 41 1,1 lit ufun a.I alnt h * PiU* 1/06 In *tl»'« a Paul tin* roar—mi rtuttlisr rate t* Pav in *0.1% o Pin* 6k in *1.1.% .1 Pa*. *Mh *»rns«t * Pa**l>l* in i-**h m • ou-a I Plu* 10% m tiurk * Phi* 6' » in »tfteh n Parti* *to*'K I Pm* ‘i% in •m. W It Pin* I >l 9O *h*ie uuartert* hi rtmU 19 Pat *i>l* 1/10 *h*iw nu«rl«Fl| in ( evaonap *|uv*. pVlw* L FTNXNCT'A'rr., rni ::z:-ir National Metropolitan ii m * .. f-| Capital. Surplus A Undivided U 114 _ - 114 LJ Profits, Over $2,000.000 OM 5 Bank Y^ 5 n Yo u Will Find 15th St. Opposite n . 1 United States Treasury Jr TctCtlCcll 1 Advantage —as well as added business prestige in carry ing your account at such a bank as this. “Metropolitan” service is built on over a cen tury’s close contact with the city’s business pulse. ft Talk your banking needs over with our of ficers—they’ll be glad to counsel with you. 3% Paid on Savings Oldest National Bank in the District of Columbia SAFE FIRST MORTGAGES THERE IS ADDED SATISFACTION II Sm jK|H9 —f o r the Washingtonian who invests in our 6% FIRST MORTGAGES in knowing that his invest ment is secured by improved, Over a Third income-producing, conserva of a tivelv appraised real estate r v right here in his own city. Cn Ur ~’ First-hand experience and Without a information govern us in Loss making all property selec tions and the care we. take in safeguarding our own in terests is our clients’ safe guard as well. B. F. SAUL CO. Main 2100 925 15th St. X.W. ' _ THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOB SAFETY I . . . - t ~~ 1 ‘ ~ 1 APPLICATIONS INVITED for LOANS on IMPROVED PROPERTY Located in the District of Columbia and adjacent Suburbs of Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties, Md. 5V2% INTEREST Asa yto H. L. RUST COMPANY LOAN CORRESPONDENT J ! The PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA 1001 15th Street N.W. Main 8100 jj ■' - 3 S Should Read j Pages 5 and 7 . % i With the average yield of high-grade listed bonds down, more investors that* ever before are turning tfe first mort* gage investments. \ Read this booblat and note what Gov ernor Crissinger saya on Page 5. Then turn to Page 7 and read about a special offering of 6 Firat Mortgage Bonds; / H«re you ha&rip* first mortgage of less v, then 52% vd* property valuations as appraised by Ford, Bacon & Davis, sac., Engineers. Further, you have an un conditional guarantee of principal and interest—-you have a Bank Trustee- you have the very finest type of secu rity, a completed building, centrally located. \ , s Read this booklet. Build a foundation that is bothjfife and profitable* Moil Uto coupon today, INFORMATION COUPON ! The EH.Smith Ca i Investment Securities-founded l$T3 I Smith Building Washington, B. C. I (iis-tsu stmt. m. w..M«k urn) Bnmdt o|less i* Fork —snd Qtktr Cities I I 1 | Gentlemen:—l *m interested in sate investments only, Send | 1 I me copy ot new illustrated booklet ‘Making Saiety Pay Fronts.“ [ * 1 ! [ NAME j 1 ADDRSSS - T* } !>■» m—■» —es m—— —» wyjp W - -