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i COPPERS LEADERS ON BOND MARKET New York Tractions Also Are Strong Today—Rubber Issues Sold. BY CHARLES F. SPFARE. Special Di*p»tch to Tbs Stir. NEW YORK. April 9.—Bond traders had another active session today. The turnover in the speculative descriptions teas as largo as it has been on any re cent day. Price changes were rapid * and comparatively wide. At the start advances predominated, but all the gains were not hold to the close. lit a general way. bonds moved sympathetic all v with stocks. The feature was the buying of the copper issues. Anaconda Copper 7s. above 128. were up nearly 6 points on the day and at the highest for which , the bond was sold. The first $10,000.- 000 principal amount of these deben tures to be presented for conversion may be converted into Anaconda stock at a price of 53. and the second $10,000,000 at a price of 56 This privilege is now of immediate value and accounts for the strength in the bonds. Andes Cop per 7s and Anglo-Chilean Nitrate 7s were moderately higher. There was no Important response in investment issues, such as Anaconda 6s or Chile ss. Next t-o the coppers the local trac tions were the most prominent. The leaders were the New York Railway in comes, up at one time 3 points, and the Interborough obligations. Os the latter the buying of the refunding 5s stamped and of the 6 per cent notes was the most urgent. In the railway list was a fairly large turnover in International Great North ern adjustment, now cumulative at 6 per cent without much change in price. Seaboard Air Line bonds were heavy and that was the case of many of the , other junior issues, such as Chicago Great Wgptem 4s and Erie general 4s. St Paul adjustment ran up at the opening and then came down again. It is doubtful whether the St. Paul will be able to make as good a showing in its ; March statement as it did in February, although the longer range outlook is •till bright. Minor features were the strength in Northern Ohio Traction <fc Light 6s and one or two of the sugar bonds, not- Sly Manati 7' 2 s. Cuba Cane 8s held eir position, but did little else. Hud son Coal 5s and Old Ben Coal 6s were a shade higher. On the other hand, selling came into the rubber bonds. United States Rubber 5s and Goodyear » 8s reflecting the passing of the divi dend on the first preferred stock of the former company. Market Street Rail way 7s were active around par. — ; Washington Stock Exchange Sales. Washington Gas 6s “A"—$1,000 at 105 V Washington Rwy. & Elec. 4s—sl,ooo at 93=4- Barber & Ross 6' 2 s—ssoo at 96 I*. 1 *. ; SI,OOO at 96. Capital Traction Co.—lo at 109 3 g. Potomac Electric 6% pfd.—s at 112 V Potomac Electric s*-s pfd.—s at lOSV ] 15 at 108 ! 2, 25 at 108 V < Washington Rwy. & Elec. pfd.—ls at j ( 102 V District Natl Securities pfd.—l at 102. i Merchants’ Tran. <fc Storage pfd.—lo j at 107, 50 at 107. ! ; Mergenthaler Linotype—lo at 102 V 10 ! • at 103, sat 103 VlO at 103> 2 , 10 at! * 103!. 5 at 103 V 5 at 103 V Mergenthaler Linotype—s at 103 V 1° 1 at 103 V sat 103 V2O at 103> 2 . 10 * 103 V s*t 103 V sat 103 V sat * 103 V 10 at 103 V sat 103 3 2 , 20 at * 103 VlO at 103' 2 , 10 at 103 VlO at * 103-,, 20 at 103 V 10 at 103 V 10 at * 103 V NatL Mtge. & Inv. pfd.—6o at 5*4, 15 f at 5V * Peoples Drug Stores pfd.—lo at 126. After C’alL Mergenthaler Linotype—lo at 103. i Washington Gas 6s ‘’A’’—sl,ooo at , 105-,. S3OOO at 105 V Washington Gas 6s B—ssoo at 108*4. Peoples Drug Stores pfd.—lo at 127. Washington Gas 6s “A”—s3oo at 104 3 i. , Potomac Elec. 5Va% pfd.—2 at 108'V , 10 at 108 V 10 at 108 V Potomac Electric 6% pfd.—l at 112 V t Washington Gas Light—s at 89 V 4 Washington Rwy. & Elec, pfd.—s at , 102 V 4 Capital Traction Co.—lo at 109 V , Barber Ac Ross com.—2s at 25. , Money—Call loans, 5 and 6 per cent. * BONDS. 4 Bid and Asked Prices. PUBLIC UTILITY Bit. Aiked. Amer. Tel. 4 Tesga 4*7 ... 99% 4 Tel. 4 Trig* 4 ! ,4* 101% ..... j Amer. Tel 4 Tel ctl. tr ft* 105 , 4 Put K it. 6*.. 100 ..... Aba. 4 Pot. guar. Se 100 j CAP Telephone 5* 100% ! C * P Tel. of V» ft* 103% , > Cap Traction R R 5« 1 03 104% 1 «ftty 4 Suburban ft* 09% ..... j Georgetown Gan let 6* lb:*.% ..... . Potomae Klee, Jst ft# 100 % 1 P'.UiWac Klee, e**r># 5*% 1035 ..... 1 Potomac Kiee be 1953..... 10*% 199 , W*ea.. Alex. 4 Ml. Vernon ft* ft \ Waeh. A. 4 Mt V fta Ctf. 3 ..... J Washington Arcade 6%*.... 100 103 . W*»h.. Balt. 4 Annan. fte ,Aft ’ W aushiprton Ga* ft* ....... 104 % ..... t w r,** A» eerie* A...... 105% 108% , Vr,»h CwOi eerie* R JO* JO9 ' Rwy 4 Elec. 4e 93% 94 < Wash R»y. id Kioe re n. fte.. 103% < MIM’EIXANEOCS * I Barber 4 Roe*. Inc.. «%*., 96 97 < CHeetmrt V»rm% Dairy 6%». 105% J Chevy Chase Club 5%e 101% ..... f< C Paper Mfg. f*. ...... 95 97 ] tbt 3m rt 9»>- k L'd Back fta 100 ..... 1 ’•eh. M Cob? Storage fte.. 98 i w *»b 1 tm* Title 6* 100 103 V.+rdwaa Perk Hotel ft %e>. 97 ..... 1 STOCKS. < PCBLIC VTJLJTT < Acer, Tel. 4 Trig* •160% j '“afrO*! Trar.-tion 109** JlO WeebTastoa Ou. Ah % 90 Borfsfk 4 WMb Steamboat, 300 .. .. J fM/wnar Eier pM. 113% ..... j Eire, ft % e put.... |OA% 169% , W***> H*y 4 ESec. c0m.... 460 46ft J Wjrfh. «wr. 4 Ele- vf<i 102 101% l KATIOKAL RANK \ Capita1,,..,...... 270 ..... C ninmbi* 4 2ft ..... J ' ." J»! 300 270 j txdtrUt 242 351 I-serai Atntrt..dtt 341 I J. re-rey 347 Zftft J uwele 390 i l4etrbpi*i.t*«, .... . *4o'i 412 Hitt* ~.***s AO ft I J F— or*d . 20ft 27 ft I j Mt’-'/fi*’ Rank of YSnth 307 216 I j TRCST COB PANT J A n>r 4 ‘lt Co *445 45ft I J continental ’Cmn ...... 132 ~ I Mer/LwiU Ran* JftO% 354 J hav-nr* 4 Trot t , ftlo , ! »nl tm Try*! , 12 ‘ V, #*h is.tu 47r i*t .... ft<>o ..... |J HAVINGS RANK | J Rank t,l foe' .. M f otnthf’-t 4 bgtir.r* ... , 3J ft ..... J' E*rt Truth,tutu,A 3ft .. ~, l p.iottk. 310 340 Aerirnty 4,» A Coin ....... 44H 476 G'rß'b Street 300 .... i Vp I*} SUUte ... fc’.O ..... J NMfoierb/M Me-har.u* ... 50 ..... HHK RAN'.! Co# < oran JHO * ..,. Pi j «tq*etr * 27 ..... K*i lb#'*! I - ij.oo ........ 23 ..... 'J ITI.K INS# RANGE r«Ns»bJ» >4 i* . Real Relate T)G*,, - ■ • *oft 216 i '/ ,<rf 4 l«.» < of M'< ■Ob* *ft . . Vv**l» Co#.* 0 itie of'J. ... ftb 62 MIS/ EU.A A EGG h I, ,<*>*;( 4 K‘.r> lU' '.otti . , 7ft 10 ' I rail > I'f'i . jllO (~j hao J * Glare! pl'l. . JOO% 10l < .m.lne.rl*/ hall #9, |,M . 106 ..... G Pam.i ¥lji(. I'M ■ ■ » I bjiillrar.-v:. , V Voaton Monotype •• }Oh% 110 Mctcfißhll 'I fMI At Hvi if#* 1 J *rntbale, i.O <A.V»*JO3 103% Naif ilia. 4 spy bbi| , 6 <l ‘ ~,5* i Le/.lj lil w MlildiT i >*f # ?!> Ran.tlrV G.ire.y Go |.M I'"’% ••• ■ Aw He# 4 W bl* 'oi Ir . 60 •ti ■ • V »efe Co«ve*tSo#> Mali vft} <6 tr!;* Men More • ll H Mwb M' R }# Gone % 140 4 vp pla... *lO •»..< *£« dltl'MKad. FIN A N Cl AI2. ON NEW YORK BONDS STOCK EXCHANGE] | Received by Privste Wire Direct to The SUr Office Quotations to 2:35 p.m.—Finol Quotations In 5:80 Edition. UNITED STATES. <S*le* are in $1,000.1 salea. Hleh. la*w, 2 55. Lib 5%5... 35 1019 1017 1017 Lib Ist 4% s 19 102 17 102 16 102 16 LibSU4%s 81 100 14 100 12 100 14 Lib 4th 4%s 36 103 14 108 11 103 14 US S%s 4S-' 6 102 26 102 23 102 26 US!\s... 103 107 22 107 21 107 22 US4%s 52. 12 116 20 115 18 115 20 FOREIGN. 9,•»!?• Hl*rh. l.ow. 2 ftft. Argentine 5s 1 92% 92% 92% Argentine 6s .lu 69. 32 100% 100% 100% Argentine 6s Octs9 8 100% 100% 100% Argentine 6s A.... 14 100% 100% 100% Australia 5s 1965.. 26 98% 98% 98% Australia 5s 1957.. 69 98 97% 9S * Austria 7s 13 104 103% 103% Bank of Chile 6 %s. 21 99% 99 99 Belgium sis 32 101% 100% 100% Belgium 6%s 12 108 107% 107% Belgium 7s 1955... 18 108 s * 108% 108% Belgium 7s 1966... 28 107 106% 106% Belgium 7%s 11 115% 115% 115% Belgium Ss 17 111% 111 111% Bolivia Ss 104 107% 106% 106% Bordeaux 6s 7 101% 101 101% Brazil 6%s 1926... 5? 99% 98% 98% Brazil 6%s 1927... 66 98% 98% 98% Brasil 7s 19 102 101% 101% Brasil Ss 12 113 112% 112% Bremen State 75... 3 102% 102% 102% Buenos Aires 7s 57. 16 100% 100% 100% Buenos Aires 7s 58 2 100% 100% 100% Canada 5s 1931.... 4 101% 101% 101% Canada 6s 1962.... 8 107% 107% 107% Canada 6%s 1929.. 2 101% 101% 101% | Chile 7s 1943 19 102% 102% 102% Chile 8s 1941 5 110% 110% 110% Chinese Gov By sa. 3 29% 28% 28% Con Bow Japan 7s. 19 101 100% 101 Copenhagen 5s ct.„ 39 100% 100 100% Copenhagen 8 101% 101% 101% Cuba 5% s ]2 103% 103 103 Czeeho 8s 1961.... 14 111% 111% 111% Czecho 8s 62 10 112 111% 112 Danish Munlc 8s B. 9 110% 110% 110% Denmark 6s 17 105% 105% 105% Dutch East I6s 47. 9 103% 103% 103% Dutch East I6s 62. 9 103% 103% 103% K1 Salvador 8s 48. . 2 113% 113% 1131, Finland sf 6s 45... 38 99% 99% 99% Finland 7s 7 101% 101% 101% Framenean 7%5... 4 108% 108 108 French 7s 15 108% 108% 108% French 7%s 69 119 118% 118% German 7s 64 107% 107% 107% Ger Gen Eleo 75... 9 104% 104% 104% Greek 7s 4 99% 99 991, Italy 7s 94 99a* 99% 99% Italy Pub 75..... w 7 98% 98% 98% Japanese 48 29 94% 94% 94% Japanese 6%s 19 105 104% 104% L.von 6 s 13 101% 101% 101% Marseille 6s 24 101% 101 101 Mexico 4s 04 asntd. 23 27 26% 26% Mexico 4s 10 asntd .153 27 26% 26% Mexico 5s asntd... I 39% 39% 39% Milan 6%s 70 94% 94% 94% Montevideo 7s 4 104% 104 104 Netherlands 6s 54. 18 102% 102% 102% New So Wales 575. 30 96% 95% 95% New So Wales 58s. 36 96% 95% 95% Nord 6%s 4 102% 102% 102% Norway 6%s 17 102 101% 101% Norway 6s 1943... 11 102% 102% 102% Norway 6s 1944... 7 102% 102% 102% Norway 6s 1952... 3 102% 102% 102% Orient Dev deb 6s. 16 104% 104% 104% Paris-Ly-Med 65.. 28 100% 99% 100% Parls-Ly-Med 75.. 26 104% 104 104% Paris-Orleans 75.. 40 105% 103% 103% Peru 6s 67 w i 128 94 93% 93% p «fu"a 9 104% 104% 104% Peru 7 8 107% 107% 107% Peru 7%s 1956.... 7 107% 107% 107% Poland 6s 40 9 85 84% 84% Poland 7s (rets)... 76 91% 91% 91% Poland 8s ’2B 101% 101 101 Porto Alegre 85... l 108 108 108 Prague 7%s 2 107% 107 107 Queensland 6s l 107% 107% 107% Queensland 7s l 115% 115% 116% Rhinelbe Un 75.... 1 110% 110% 110% ItiO de Jan 8s 1946. 9 110 1U9% 110 Rome6%s 24 95% 95% 95% Sao Paulo Ss 1936.. 1 106% 106% 106% Sao Paulo 1950 23 108% 108 108 Saxon (PW) 75.... 34 102% 102% 104% Seine 7s 42 11 106% 106 106% Serbs Crot Slo Bs.. 20 101% 101 101% Soissons6s 3 10! 100% 100% Sweden 5%s 4 104% 104% 104% Sweden 6s 5 103% 103% 103% Swiss 5%s 1946... 14 104% 103% 103% Swiss Confed 85... 16 112’* 112% 112% Toho El Pow 75.... 2 100% 100% 100% Tokioas 1 53% $3% Tokio 5%s 1961... 53 95 94% 94% Utd Kingm 6%s 29. 4 118% 118% 118% Utd Kingm 5%a 37 8 106% 106% 106% Ltd Steam Co pen 61 2 99% 99% 99% Uruguay 8s 2 108% luß% 108 V, Yokohama 6s w 1.. 11 99% 99% 99% MISCELLANEOUS. Ajax Rubber 85... 19 109% 108% 109% Am Agn Chetn 7%* 16 105% 105% 105% Am Colton 011 55.. 5 101% 101 101 Am Smlt & H Ist 6s 19 102% 102 102 Am Smelt & K 65.. 6 108% 108*% 108% Am Sugar Ref is.. 8 105% 105 105 Am T&Tcl tr 45.. 68 99% 99% 99% Am T&Tcl tr 6s. . 6 105% 106% 105% AmTATsf 55.... 26 108% 108% 108% Am Tei & Tel 5%5. 25 110 109% 109% Am Water Wks 6s. 4 101 100% lot Am Writ Paper Cs. 7 90% 90 90% Anaconda Ist 65... 72 105% 105% 106% Anaconda evdb 7s. 1312 131% 125 131% Andes Copper 75.. 235 136 134% 135% Armour&Co 4%58» 18 91% 91% 91% Armour Del 5%5.. 20 91% 90** 91 Atlantic Resin 55.. 1 102% 102% 102% 6s 1940.. 25 101% 101% 101% Bell Tel Pa 5s 8... 6 109% 109 109% Bell Tei Pa 5c C... 3 112% 113% 112% BeihlehemSti pmSs 3 101% 101% 101% Beth Steel 6%a 63. 10 104% 140 104 Beth Steel 6s 20 105% 106 105 Bklyn Edison 55... 43 105% 106% 105% Bush Term Bldg 5s 1 104% 104% 104% Chile Copper 65..., 49 97% 97% 97% Cot GasAKI deb 6s. 31 101% 101% 101% Con Coal Md Ist 6s. « 79% 79% 7»% Con Gas N Y 6%5.. 6 106% 106% 106% Consumers Pow 6s. 6 106% 104% 104% Cuba Cane 8s 27 90% 89% 90% Cuban Am Hug Bs.. 2 107 107 107 Detroit lvdison 65.. 4 108% 108% 108% Lodge 6*. 66 89% 88% 89 Dormer Steel 75.... 1 97V* 97% 97% East Cuba Hug 7%s 3 103% 103% 103% Fisk Rubber *5.... 20 118'/* 118 jih Gen Mot ao Cor 6s. 29 104 103% 103% Goodrich «%s 1 107% 107% 107% Goodyear 6s rets. ~28 93% 93% 93% Hot 4k Co6%S 11 96% 96% 96% Humble Oil 6s 21 101% lul% loiv* Hvmtoie O4k K 6%s 16 102% 102% 102% Illinois Util Ist 6s. 2 106% 106% 106% Illinois Steel 4 %».. 3 99% 99% 99% Indiana Steel 65... 1 106% 106% 105% lot Mer Marine 65., 6 106% 106 105 lot Paper 6« 47.... 1 102% 102% 102% Inter paper fd 65.. 11 104% 104% 104% lot Tel&Teifeg 4%s 63 97% 97*. 97% J Kayeer &Co 6%e 31 119% 118% 119% Kan City P4k L 65.. 4 JO6 106 loft Kan GAEI 6s 62. 1 106 105% 106 Laclede G 6%* 62.. 1 106% 106% 106% Dgg A Myers 66... 6 104% 10IV* 104% Liggett t& Myers 7s 7 124% 124% 124% Lorliiafd 65.. 3 96 96 9a Lor lilwid (P; 75,.. 6 117% 117% 117% Louiav G A E6s 52 19 106% 106% 106% Mana'l Sug sf 7%s 3 108% 107% 107% Mid Con ft %* 40..., 2 106% 105% 106% Midvale Steel 6s. .. 7 102 101% 101% Moot Power 6s 43.. J 104% 104% 104% Horn Power deb 6s 25 103% 103 103 MoPfc&Co Ist 4 %s. Lit 88% «8% 88% Nat Tub let 6s. ~. 1 104% 104% 104V* LewErtgiend Tel 6s 3 UO% 110% 110% N Y Edison 6s 44.. 17 106% 106% 106% N Y Ldlson ft %5... 6 118% 118% 118% NYGELIf AP 4s 2 98% 98% 98% N f 615611 4P 6s 2 111% 111% Ul% W Y'Jei4%s. 2 103% 103 103% N Y Tel 6a 41..... 12 fOS w 108% 108% N y ‘I V 6a 49 . ..,., 64 116% IJO% 110% North Am Edls 6s. 20 103% Joz>» 102% Nor Ohio Tr 4k L«« 31 107% 106% 10?% Nor foist** Pow 6s, 4 103** 103% 103% Nor foU teel'owft*.. 6 105% 10 ,% 106% Pacino Gan AEI 5a 24 104% 103 « 104% PahT42TJat 6*.., 1 106 106 105 Parainont 6s 1947., 38 100% 100 JOO% Path# Exchange 7* 6 Pit 03 63 People's'Jas 65.... I 107 10/ 107 Phlia 'Jo 6* 67 w 1.. 38 101 100 H 101 Phils Corf 6s A. .. 10 103% 103% 103% PhlleAKeadCAl 6s. 12 98 96 96 Pierce Arrow ts.., 12 92 90% 90% Por Jti« Am 'l ob 6s 29 102 101% 101% Sinclair Oil 15,.,,. ]9 99% 99% 99% Sinclair Oil 6%5.26 102% 102 102% Sinclair Oil 75,..., 16 104% J 03% 103% Sinclair Cr ode ft %s 63 99% 99 99 Sin Pipe Lins is. .* 6 97% 97% 97% fokelly 0i1&%•.... !« 95% 95% 96% Southwsst Bsll 6s. 9 106% 106% 106% Stand Oil NJte 46 8 103% 108% 103% THE EVEXIXO STAR. AYASHTNGTOX, D. C„ MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1028. Sales. High. Low. 2:55. Bug East Orient 7s. 1 100% 100% 100% TennElecPow 6s 47 2'107% 107% 107% United Drug 5s 53. 76 100 99** 99% UnltedDrug 65.... 9 107% 107% 107% U S Rub Ist rs 6a.. 68 93% 92% 92% U S Hub 7%s 8 103% 102% 102% U S Steel sf 55.... 21 109 108% 109 Utah Pow ALt ss. 59 103% 103 103% Vertisntes Sug 7a. 3 100% 100% 100% Warner Sug 7s 39.. 6 90 89 90 West Klee 6s 5 104% 104% 104% \ Westinghouse 65.. 13 104% 104% 104% Willys-Ov 6%s 33. 10 102% 102 102 Wilson ACo Ist 6s. 17 104% 104 104% WlnßepeatAr 7%5. 3 106% 106% 106% Yngstn S&T 6s wi. 67 101 100% 101 RAILROAD. ' Ann Arbor 4s 5 83% R 3% 83% Atchison ad) 45.... 7 93% 92% 92% ' At&SF evt 4S 06-55 2 93 93 93 Atchison gen 45... 13 97% 97% 97% Atlantic C L Ist 4s. 3 97% 97% 97V, Allan CL4%s 64.. 1 101% 101% 101% 1 Atl & Dan Ist 4s 43 6 82% 82% 82% Atl & Dnn 2d 4s 48. 1 74 74 7» BAO Gold 4s 14 96% 96 96 B&Ocv 4%S 32 100% 100% 100% , B& O ref 5s 12 103% 103% 103% B&O Ist 65ct.... 2 108 108 108 B& O 5s 2000 D... 21 104% 103% 104% , B&O rs Imp 6s 19 111% 111 111% B&O Toledo 45.... 1 89 89 89 B&OPLEWY4S.. 1 95% 95% 95% Bang & Aroos 4s 61 8 93 92% 92% Brdwy & 7th Av 5s 6 78 77% 7S Brooklyn Elec 6%s 15 97% 97% 97% BklvnKlevated 6%s 11 96% 96% 96% I Bklvn Manhat 65.. 147 100 99% 99% Buff R & Pitt 4%5. 15 93% 93% 93% Can Nat 44* 30.... 3 100% 100% 100% Can Nat 4%s 54... 5 100% 100% 100% Can Nat 4%s 57... 38 101 100% 100% Can Nor 4%s 1935. 2 100% 100% 100% Canad North 6%5.. 4 122% 122% 122% Canad North 75.... 1 116 116 116 Canad Pac deb 45.. 23 91 90% 90% Can Pac 4% s 46... 14 100% 100 100 Central Pacific 45.. 10 95% 95% 95% Cent Pac Ist 5s 90. 11 105 104% 104% Chesa Corp 5s w t. .160 100 99% 100 Ches & Ocv 4 %5... 13 100% 100% 100% Chi B&Q gen 4s 53. 4 9«% 96% 96 % C11&Q 4%s 77 8.. 1 102 102 102 Chi B&Q Ist rs ss. 3 108% 108% 108% Chi&E 111 gn 5s 51. 11 87% 87% 87‘* Cht Gt West 4s 59.. 28 70 69% 70 CM&St Pgn 89.. 2 92% 92% 92% CM&StPSs tnew). 278 97% 97% 97% CM&StPadJ (new) 268 72% 71% 71% CM&St P6s 14 103% 103 102% Chi &MVgn 3 %s. 4 83% 83% 83% Chi NW 4%s 2037.. 3 103 103 103 Chi & NW 7s I 105% 104% 104% Chi Rys 5s 24 85% 85 86 Chi R1& Pgn 45.. 1 93 93 93 Chi R1& Prs 4s. .. 40 96 95% 95% CRlPac4%swl. 33 96% 96 96 Cht TH Inc 6s 60.. 5 99% 98% 98% Cht Un Sta 4%5.... 21 102% 102% H>2% Chi Union Sta 6s 44 2 104% 104% 104% Chi Union Sta 6%s 2 117% 117% 117% Chi & W Ind cn 45.. 11 93 92% 93 C&W I 5%s 62.... 2 105% 105% 105% CCC & St L 4 %5... 3 100% 100% 100% CCC & St L 5s D... 1 104% 104% 101% CCC &StLrf 6s A. 2 101'* 101% 101% Clev Term 5%5.... 3 109% 109% 109% C& S Ist 4s 29 6 99% 99% 99% Colo & Sou 4 %S. ... 4 99 98% 98V* Cuba RR 5s 14 99% 99% 99% Cuba RR 7 % 5.... 13 110 109% 110 Cuba Nor 5%s cts. 12 97% 97% 97% Del & Hud Ist rs 4s 3 96 96 96 Del&llud 5%5.... 2 105% 105% 105% Del & Hud 7s 30... 1 105% 105% 105% Den & Rio Gcn 4s. 4 93% 93% 9.1% D Rio G West 65... 8 95 95 95 Det United 4%5... 8 96 96 96 Erie Ist cons 45... 2 »9% 89% 89% Erie Gen 4s 6 65% 84% 85% Erie conv 4s 8.... 6 87% 87% 87% Erie conv 4s D 1 87 87 87 Erie evt 5s 67 w i.. 58 98% 98 98 Fls East C6s 74... 60 91% 89% 91% Gr Trunk stdb 6a.. 7 109% 109% 109% Grand Trunk 75... 5 117 116% 116% Gt Nor 4%s 76 D.. 13 100% 100% 100% Grt Northn 4%s E. 10 100% 100% 100% Great North 5 V»s.. 2 111% 111% 111% Great Nor gen 7a.. 33 115% 115% 115% Hud & .Man ref 65.. 31 102% 102% 102% Hud & Man a j 55... 53 93% 93% 93% 111 Cent 48 52 1 95 95 95 111 Cent 4s 53 2 92% 92% 92% 111 Cent 4%s 66.... 11 102% 102% 102% 111 Cent Chi 4 %s.. 5 100 93% 100 llt-C-C SIL&NO 5s 16 107 H»7 107 lnt Rapid Tran ss. 143 .63 82 82 lnißapTr 5a stpd. .357 >3 81% 82 lnt Rapid Tran 6s. 122 82 80% 80% InilUp Trans 75.. 62 100 99% 99% lnt &G Nor Ist 6s. 1 107 107 107 lnt & Nor ad 6*.... 65 92% 92 92% lnt Rys CA 5s 72.. 8 84% 84% 84% lnt Ry CAm 6s 41. 15 96% 96 96V* lnt Ry C A6%srct 4 96V* »6 96V* lowa Cent rs 45.... 12 15% 15 15% Kan City Ft S 45... 6 96 96 96 Kansas City S 35.. 2 79% 79 79% Kansas City S 65.. 1 102% 102% 102% Kan City Term 45.. 30 94% 94% 94% Lake Shore 4s 28.. 6 99% 99% 99% Lake Shore 4s 31.. 6 99% 99% 99% Lehigh Val cn 45.. 22 91% 90% 91 Long Is rs 4s 49... 1 93% 93% 93% Louis & Nash 6s B. 3 109 109 109 Louis & Nash 5%5. 5 109% 109% 109% Louis & Nash 7a.6 104 103% 103% Man Ry Ist 90 13 73% 72% 73 Man Ry 2d 4s 2013. 9 6:1% 65% 65% Market St 7* 40.... 61 100 99% 100 Mich Cen deb 4s 29. 6 100 99% 99% Mil El Ry &L6s 61 1 103% 103% 103% MSt P&S3M cn 4s. 4 91 90% 90% 51 StP&SSM cn 6s. 3 99 99 99 MBtP*S3Mss3lgtd 7 100 99% 9J% M KtP & SSM G%s. 28 101% 101% 101% M K&T Ist 45.... I 9IV* 91% 91% MK&T 4» U 1 90% 90% 90% MK&Tad]sa 187 106% 1u6% 106% MK&Tgrln 5s A. 5 103% 103% 103% Mo Pacific gen 45.. 45 81% 81% 81% Mo Pac 6» A 65.... 2 103 103 103 Mo Pac 5s F 77.... 45 lOIH 101% 101V* Mont Trm ref 5s 41 1 101% 101V* 101% Nassau El 4551.... 17 61 61 61 NO Tex AM it IS.. 1 100% 100% loot* N O T & 51 6 %». ... 6 105% 105% 105% N Y Cen gen 3%a.. 1 85% 85% 85% N Y Cent 48 96.... 11 96 V* 96% 96% N Y Cent deb 45... 13 98% 98% 98% NYCrf lm 4%5... 12 103 103 103 N Y Cent r 1 65.... Hilo 109% 109% N Y Cent deb 65... 3 108 107% 107% NYC &St Jsdb4a.. 5 99% 99% 99% NYChIABtL 6% A. . 9 107% 1t)7% 107% NYChI&StL 6%«U. 10 107% 107% 107% N YC& A. 2 103% 103 103 New Haven 3%» 64 1 79 79 79 New Haven 2%• 66 1 79 79 79 New Haven 4« 65.. 2 87% 87% 87% NY N11&1I db 4a 67 1 81% 81% 81% NYNH &H 4 %«. 12 93% 92% 93% NY N’H&ll cv db 6s 3 llftv* 115% 115% NY NH&H elt 65.. 12 106% 105% 105% IN YOnt W Intis.. 12 81% 81 81% N Y Rys *is 65..... 177 27% 23 26% N Y ltyn 6m A65 ... 8 90 89% 90 N Y Stale Ry 4%a. 40 62% 61% 62% N YW & B 414 a. .. 2 90% 90% 90% Nor & H g«n 6a 64.. 1 9«% 96 96% Norfolk &W cn 4s. 6 97% 97% 97 % Nor Pao 3s 2047,.. 7 70% 70% 70% Northern Pacific 4s 3 96% 95% 95% Nor Pao 4%n 2047, 2 103% 101 103% Northern Pac r 16« 8 116 116% 116 Ore Snort L rfs 4s, 13 100 99% 99% Pennsyl con 4 %*.. ) 104% 104% 104% Penney! gen 4%n.. 9 103% 103 103% Pennsyl 6s 64,.... 14 105% 104% 105'% Pennsyl 6»%a 6 112% 112% 112% Permayl gold 7s ... II 105 104% 104 * Peoria & E Inc 45.. 1 42% 42% 42% Peie Msr'i Ist fts.. 8 105 104% lop* PCC&KtL 6s B 71.. I 112 112 112 Port RL 1* fls 47... 7 104% 104% 104% Reading gen 4 %s.. w 108V* 103% 103% Rio O West el 45., 3 89% 89% 89% It 1 Ark & L 4%n., 1 98% 96% 98% Ht L IMAM 4« 29, .. 2 99% 99% 99% Mil l M*H gn fts 31 i ioi% 101% loi% Mt LIMAS HAG 4s 2 90V„ U 6% 961* Ml LAM If pi 4s A. 24 9i% 91% 91% Mt L&MF or in fts. « 103% 103% )03% Mt j, AM F 6V*S D., 6 |02% 102% 102% Ml I, A M Fad) Us. . 39 101% 101% )o|% Mt UA M V ino 65.. at ioi% ioi'% joiv. Mt LAHF or in 6s. I 100% loQV* 100% St LM W con 4s 12. 6 97% 97% 97% Mt LM W Ist 45.,., 7 91 90V* 90V* Mt P A ICCMIiL 4%* 8 97 96V, 9 / Hsrt AAAm P 4s. . 3 9tv* 94V* 94% foes bos id AL 4s sta 2 Ml% 81% 81% Mesb A L raf 4,..,, SI 67 66 66 Mewl/A Lad J 5.,, 271 68% 68 68 M«sb A Loon 6*.,, 69 89 88% 88% MB All Fls 6s lb A. 23 86% 86% 86% HU All Fls 6s 36 H. I 86 86 86 Sou Pad 4s 29..... 2 100 99% 99% Moo J/SO ell 4s .~. 8 91% 93V* 93V* Hou Pacific rsf 45., 4 97 97 97 Moo Pan 4%s rets.. 32 100% 100% 100% Sou Hy K*nitt 21 92% 02 92% RETURN ON STOCKS IS AT LOW FIGURE Yield on Industrial Common Shares Down to 2.8 Pet., Fisher’s Index Shows. Prices staggered upward again last week on the New York Stock Ex change; but the quotations, like the stock brokers, showed signs of weari ness. The motors group declined in price level. General Motors being off some $6 a share and Hudson $4. Steels and railroad equipments weakened slightly on a turnover only about half as large as the week before. There were drops of about $2 a share each in American Locomotive, Colorado Fuel & Iron, Pressed Steel Car and United States Steel. Radio was the star performer with its jumps of $32 a share in the last five and a half trading days. It was a factor in the advance of the mis cellaneous group, which was also helped along by General Electric, up $9; Sim mons. up $8; American Radiator, up $7, and Continental Can and Otis Elevator, up $6 each. The otls group and the coppers and miscellaneous metals group did better than usual last week. These two groups have heretofore shown less strength than other common industrial groups during the recent bull movement. Mar land Oil was up $4 a share, Houston $7, Atlantic Refining $5 and Pan-American $3. Granby Mining and Anaconda led the coppers-metals group with a gain of $6 each. Index Goes Up. During March the index of stocks traded went up about 11 per cent to 295.4, showing that any trader who went in and out of the market leaders each week would have averaged to make 11 per cent profit without taking into account any additional profit from mar ginal operation, and without deduction for commissions or interest on borrowed money. The investor who merely held an average assortment of stocks secured an appreciation of about 5' 2 per cent in his holdings during March, as shown by the advance of the March average of stocks held to 139 5. The rate of return on common indus trials last week touched a new low, at least for recent years, 2.8 per cent, ac cording to Irving Fisher's index. Survey of Movements. A compact survey of Stock Exchange movements is given below by indexes and per cent of return: Wei'k ending— Stock. Storks Hate Os Trudrd Held fir turn Apr. 0 322.0 145.7 118% M»r. 30 ,322 H ) 14.7 3.o'* Mar. 23 .10 ( 4 140 5 32% Mar. 1« CHS •! 138,1 3.0% Mar. !» . •’*)».4 184.5 3 6<» Mar. 2 255.a 181.4 B.stt Year ago 148.4 111.1 4.2'* Keb. average..,. 208 0 142.3 3it .tan. average 200 o 1317 B,H'i 1027 average.... 175 4 1 1!* 0 4.3'ii 1026 average. . . . 100.0 11*0.0 5 o'* High l 20.‘27.'28 * 327 *5 14 17 *1 .Vi i Mat 28) fMar.’7B) (Jtil '7O) How C2fl'C7.'2Bi 75 0 8H 2 30% (Apr. 20) iApr. 20* (Mar.'2B) Market activity dropped last week more than 20 per cent below the record of two weeks ago. The total value of tradings in common industrials last week was less than $1,500,000,000, an average of $259,200,000 per day. The average daily volume of trad ing for the preceding week was $315,- 600.000 and for the corresponding week a year ago was $114,200,000. WHEAT HAS UPTURN ON WEATHER NEWS Cold in Winter Belt Has Bullish Effect on Prices of Grain at Chicago. By the Associated Presa. CHICAGO. April 9.—lnfluenced by unseasonable cold throughout the Win ter wheat belt, wheat values made a brisk early upturn today. Fears were expressed that damage had been done to new wheat In the more advanced sections. Opening \ to % higher, the wheat market later scored additional gains. Com. oats and provisions were likewise firmer, with corn starting *,* to l /2 rise, and continuing to point upward. Supplementing the bullish effect of apprehension about unduly low tem peratures in Winter wheat territory, re ports were at hand today telling of in creased abandonment of wheat acreage east of the Mississippi. A Chicago crop authority advised that from here to Champaign. Danville and Paris, 111 . fully two-thirds of the Winter wheat crop will be abandoned, and that the | remainder is more or less thin and patchy. Much of the farther distant wheat territory west and southwest of the Mississippi that needed moisture was reported today as having been missed by recent rains. It was also contended tiiat the season is becoming late for any marked increase of Spring wheat seeding Meanwhile world shipments for the week were shown to be smaller than for either the week previous or a year ago, and European crop pros pects were unsatisfactory, German wheat, and rye in particular. WHEAT— Hi>h. !.'*«• May I ll \ I 43 143’. July I 48', t )7’» J47J4 Srptcrolier •••• 1,4 I*4 1.404* 1 40% I'OUN— , Mnv 00*4 !»H'4 .1)8’4 July I 02 1 ul 1 O' *i Bept«n}iw*r .... 1 .(*2 *4 1.01*4 1.02 V* OATH-- May ft 7% .50% .57«, July fold* .... 51 .50\ .51 July (new*,.,. .51 >4 .51 .51 S September (new) 10*4 .40'* .ln% Hyjr 588 ::::::::: ip 1:112 |?IS !■» titemlier .... lid j<»o % ion** WILL ELECT FIVE TO BOARD. NEW YORK, April 9 HP) - Election of five directors of the Atchison. To peka & Santa Fe Railroad will tie neces sitated at the meeting of stockholders in Topeka on April 26 through the death of Howell Jones, member of the board. galas HlikiLoWiSiM. Houlty Con 18 116 U Uf.W USH Term Ammo H L 4n. . I 93'4 il'l'4 93 Vt Tax Ark FH 6Vi 60.. 0 107 M» 107 107 Tex A Pao be 77 its 20 104 104 101 Third Avaraf 4a 60 23 70*4 70 70 Third Ava Ist 6*... 3 Oil's »!>’« 90’k Third Ava adj 6a.. 142 64 63*4 *>3t» Union Pao Ist 4a.. 4 97*4 U7H 974% Union Pan lati f4a 5 06*4 96*» 06«, Un Pro 4 *4a 97 2UH RiOH 1004* IJnionPaolat raf Ba 10 113 113 118 Union Psocvfla... 3 10014 10014 10014 Virginia Jty Ist 6*. 0 lOSti lOHV4 108*4 Va itv A. P6a II 101 '*4 10H4 101 Vg Wabash Ist £a,... II 10514 105',* 105 V, VViiliash 5s 76 1i... a 103 lo.'l io:i Wabash 6V 4« 76... I 107 U>7 l(>7 Wasiern Md 6V4«.. 2 101** 10114 MM a* Western Pacttlo ss. It 100 S Kim* l (HU* Waat Klimt* 4a ilflfll 30 03 !*3 H I Wla Can an 4s 40.. 4 88 HK*4 H»44 MOHTOAUE 1,0486 ASV AMOUNT Hurtired by real e»t«i« In I), t!,, nearby Mil and Va. Pievslllinr Inlereat and ('nminUalnti NENNKTII H, IJVINOaTONM Add Ainrrliaii Itlda . 1317 K 81. N.W. y.iin (00 him! AO PI Mortgagee Invastmanta James Y. Pennebaker Member Waalilngton Heal Kilat* Hoard Main 832 S 1820 K St. N.W. Company Earnings , NEW YORK. April 8 t/P»—Eatnlnx* per share of leading- corporations reporting dur ing the week were: 1927. 1926. American Linseed Co $4.69 $ ... 1 Amer. Mach. A Found. Co. 7.67 4.73 Rangor A Aroostook RR . . 8.41* 8.69 Eastman Kodak Go 9.61 • 9.50 Erie Railroad (13* 6.73 Eidolii.v Phenix Eire In, Go. 18.11 9.01 I liiHpiration Consol. Cop. Co. 62 1 11 Kansas City Southern Ry.. . 3.63 4.81 Lambert Co 6 18 2.38 Lehigh Valley Coal Co 1.81 2 92 Lone Star Has Corp 2,48 3.38 Magma t opper Co 3.03 2 96 National Elec. Pow Co. “A” 646 0.77 National Surety Co 13.04* 25 On Owens Hnltle Co. 5.03* 6.00 Sloss-Shedield Steel Co 6.82 16 38 Vacuum Oil Co 10.17* 066 White Motor Co -2.73 •Increased capitalization. Money and Prices A recession occurred last week In the general price level, more pronounced i than the decline of the week before. This Is the second consecutive week In which the price level lias sagged after an almost uninterrupted advance since ’ last mid-Summer. Commodity prices now stand at cx ■ actly the average level for March and ; about 1 per cent higher than the Feb ruary average. The purchasing power of the dollar 1 is now about 2' 2 cents more than its average purchasing power during the base year, 1926. having risen during the last two weeks with the decline of the price level. ' Fluctuations in the general whole sale price level and In the purchasing ; power of the dollar are given below for various periods. The average for the year 1926 is the base used. Turchaulng power: < ta. Wholesale Departure „ . price index, from 1926 Week ending April 6 97.6 +2.4 March 30 98 1 +3.0 March 23 98 2 +1 8 M arch 16 i#7.3 4-2.8 March 9 on 8 4-3.3 March 2 06.9 4-3.2 Year ago 93.0 +7.5 Eehrtiary average 96.7 +3.1 January average 95.5 4 4.7 1927 average 91.3 4-6.3 1926 average lon.O 0.0 1925 average 165 2 —4.9 1924 average 08.0 +l.l 192.3 average 101.1 —l.l Cable advices from London report that the index of wholesale commodity prices in England as computed by Crump again rose, reaching 94.9 last week, as compared with 94.4 a week ago and 95.1 a year ago. Italian prices moved up slightly to 75.3, as compared with 75.1 the week preceding and 88.1 a year ago. fConrrlffht 1028.) • FOREIGN EXCHANGE. (Quotation* furnished by W. B. Hlbhs A Co.I Nominal gold Selling checks value <or part. today. London. Pound ..... .$4,8666 $4.87 % Montreal, dollar.. .. ion Pans, franc 19.3 .039.3% Brussel*, brigs .139 .1395 Rerlin, mark 2382 .2391 Rome lira .19,3 .6528% Zurich, franc 10.3 .1929 Athens, drachma. .. . .19.3 .0133 Madrid peseta 193 1692 Vien.ta, schilling 14069 .1107 Budapest pengo 1749 .1746 Prague, crown. .0296 % Warsaw gloty 19.3 .1130 "onenhagen crown... .268 .1268 OrJo. crown 268 .3672 Stockholm, crown 2#lß 2684 | r ".... i Funds to Lend !| BBBgj Large and Small r / Amounts on 1/ Residences / / S Business Property ■ ' Apartment Houses For 3 or 5 Years Without Curtailment ail (I Wm. 11. Saunders Co., Inc. Loan Correspondent Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. | 1433 K Street Main 1016 ‘ ' ■•'V'"'.. ’3 " sJI i G. M.-P. Murphy &. Co. j Members 1 : ' New York Stock Exchange Washington Stock Exchange Richmond Stock Exchange i Chicago Stock Exchange New York Curh Market S ;< Private Wire and Telephone to New York tj :< 1508 H Street Connecticut at K Washington, D. C. Main 9600 I Summing Up / 7^ 1 "- UK sum total of human ex ( c\ perience in investment mat- VJlv' ) ters is that speculative in- ' vestments inevitably take their toll of losses and that only such securities as First Mortgage Notes, bought through a House of un impeachable standing, can lay claim to absolute soundness. Ia 1869 Swart sell, Rheem & llensey Com pany established an important Safety Measure—put into force a policy of sell ing only SOUND FIRST MORTGAGE NOTES on improved Washington prop erties. Today, 59 years later, the same sound policy is still faithfully followed. As a result, your money invested through Swartaell, Rheem & llensey Company is safe—and yieMs f>%. fcynrtfieß ,F&eem £ Henscy Cc*» t Jlfortyatfe&wfcnt 1 T»IMStH. §tw*. WWiuMn^wW -99 Tenet Without Lett to <in Int'etfoe 3 / 11 i •'! P"-it IT.’il—. M. ■ iti, ■ i ~ L WEEVIL NEWS SENDS COTTON VALUES UP r Opening Rise Meets Realizing, but Prices Steady and Again Turn Upward. i _ * By (he Associated Press. \ NEW YORK, April 9.—The cotton ) market opened firm today at an ad ~ vance of 24 to 36 points. July selling up | to 19 63 and December to 19.12, or into -i new high ground for the movement on 3 more or less general buying, stimulated ! by a bullish view of the official figures on boll weevil survival. The advance met considerable real izing. and there were reactions of some 10 to 18 points after the call, but buying continued and the market was steady at the end of the first hour, active months > showing net advances of about 24 to 28 * points. Over-holiday weather reports showed i some rain where needed in West Texas, * but there were further rains in other , sections accompanied by low tempera tures, which were considered unfavor . able. j The Liverpool market will reopen for . business tomorrow. Realizing attracted by the opening r advance was absorbed on the early re , action and offerings became compara l lively light. Reports of cold rains in ' other Western belt sections seemed ; more than to offset any indicated im provement, in soil conditions in west Texas. Reports pointing to an increased ’ use of fertilizers appeared to attract * little attention. While less active the market showed continued firmness with ‘ the active months selling 29 to 46 points r net higher late in the forenoon. Prices were within 2 or 3 points of the best at f midday. ! BUYING POWER DROPS. * ; : Decline in Farmers’ Products Pulls Down Purchasing Ability. » Farm purchasing power again declined * slightly last week. Although prices of ! hogs advanced, corn, beef and other l agricultural goods produced by the . farms declined with a net drop in the \ agricultural price index. t Non-agricultural goods, commodities [ which farms must buy, also declined slightly, but less than the decline in , what the farmer sells. Index numbers of farm purchasing power and of agricultural and non agricultural prices for various periods are given in the following table in which I the average for 1926 represents 100: I Farm Axrieul- Non-Asri Pu rchasmir ttiral cultural I Power. Price*. Prices. « Week endinsr April « 114 0 106 8 08.7 March 30... 314.2 107.4 04.0 March 23... 114.8 107.8 03.0 March 16... 112.7 105,8 03.0 March 0 ... 111.5 I**l 8 04.0 March 3 1115 10)1* 011 Year aso. . . 103 4 07 4 04 2 Fell, av 110 1 I**3 0 04 4 Jan. av 105.8 lot* *1 05 1 1027 105.7 100.0 OIK 1020 100 0 100.0 100.0 (Copvrisrht 1028.) There were 1,308 classes at a recent! dog show In London. 1831—Nearly 100 Year* Old —1928 1 The Potomac Insurance Company of tho J District of Columbia Home Office 900-6 F St. N.W., Washington, D. C. Cash Capital $500,000.00 Surplus 1,178,629.29 Surplus to Policy Holders 1,678,629.29 Total Assets 3,185,879.30 This old company has uninterruptedly maintained its home office in Washington since 1831, and is prepared to write all forms of fire insurance and its allied branches. Full cover automobile policies issued, including damage from windstorm and falling trees. Agents throughout the city. Geo. W. White, Pres. Thos. C. Moore, Vtce-Pres. Alex. K. Phillips, Sec'y. J. W. Lawler, Ass't See'y. First Mortgage Loans . In the District of Columbia and Nearby Maryland 3—5 —10 Year Terms Special prepayment privileges Prompt Replies Houses 1 A Office Buildings Apartments /O Ifj Stores Randall H. Hagner & Company Mortgage Loan Correspondent New York Life Insurance Company 1321 Connecticut Avenue Main 9700 I —— ! i We take pleasure in announcing the opening of a branch to our Washington office in The Carlton Hotel Sixteenth and K Streets, N.W. Washington, D. C. under the management of Mr. Clarence F. Burton F. B. KEECH & COMPANY April 9, 1928 u«mbc*s or rns niw tors stock cxcm.wo* ISIO H »T„ N. W„ WASHINGTON. D. C. BnrMX PMnjkOKLTHI* ntOVIOCMCI CM I CABO J . • . ’ . . A Equitable Co-Operative Building Assn JOHN JOY EDSON, President WALTER S. PRATT, Jr., Secretary Organized 1879 48th YEAR COMPLETED Assets $5,292,842.70 Surplus $1.511.115J7 Subscriptions for the 94th Issue of Stock Being Received Save Today—Have Tomorrow There are lots of ways to spend CCfc money, but onlv one way to SAVE it-and that’s 'the SYSTEMATIC p£p way! Don’t just live for TODAY— start in now to build for the FUTURE! Start an account here. 915 F Street f 1 B 5 Loans on Real Estate 3, S or 10 1 ear [p OUR ECONOMICAL PLAN OF MAKING fl <1 LOANS WILL APPEAL TO YOU f Residences, Apartments and Business Prop. §i(» i-g; erties in tit District, nearby Montgomery I'.'a County, Md., and nearby 1 irgima. I RQSS M PHELPS 1 M Founded lift? 1 loan rosKK*ro>srvr JOHN HANCOCK Ml Tl Al. 11 rr INSU RANCE CO. 1417 K St. Main 9300 sJf PROFIT-SHARING OPPORTUNITY | 6 c o Gold Debenture Bonds Direct Obligation —Non-Callabla—Due 1948 Interest payable quarterly Accompanied by Profit-Sharing Certificates Theto bonds are centred by tho entire liquid cosh assets of CREDIT SERVICE, INC. Industrial Banking Institution loaning small amounts, not exceeding S3OO to an individual, which are secured principally by chattel mortgages. The Company operates under the Uniform Small Loan Law as enacted by over twenty States in the Union. This law, put into practice by the Small Loan Companies, such as Credit Service, Inc., is the active force which it driving the Loan Shark, charg ing exorbitant interest rates, out of business. We offer these bonds, together with profit-sharing certificates, at SIOO, without accrued interest. Denomination* $ 100, S3OO and SI,OOO. ( B. HANSFORD WILLS Suite 210 Barr Bldf., Washington. D. C. .—— —U AH. I'UtrON TOP IT ——— —————— NAME AIUIKISS Q Send Circular □ Send Representative N<*Tf‘ t*• eiabs a prattles «»f iu»t»i*l«iMa a maths* tor «bs beads at ear, Has 1% biubetata. fat oruiwel dtelvlat te realise ee beads aat time art** aa« tmi tree* date at partitas*. t^KKKKBB^ a tttssssxs£s^. ... :-.:^Tsas:Txtg- 1 -t - - -ißglr 1 nviwir 7 ra iwigewagsst.—■ r • BBSrr Trr » FINANCI AC, 11