Newspaper Page Text
12 TRADING IS HEAVY IN LOCAL MARKET Hug.' Influx of Visitors Over Easter Holidays Helps Wholesale Dealers. Appearance of thousands of visitors in the city for the East or holiday son *on moans much to local market dealers. Trading the latter part of last week was heavier than at any time since the Christmas holiday season, dealers re ported. and it is believed improved con ditions will continue. Eggs for rolling purposes were in greater demand this season than usual, dealers reported, immense supplies of dved eggs having found ready sale. It is a matter of parents making purchases of eggs already rived rather than taking the trouble of dyeing them, one of the dealers observed. Lamb in Good Demand. Spring lamb prices increased for the holiday season, legs of lamb being in great demand Dealers also reported heavy trading in poultry for yesterday’s consumption. Cold weather in the West is expected to affect the egg market. It probably will delay the operations of packers, eggs never being put away when there is the slightest danger of their being af fected by frost. • Butter prices continue downward, ac cording to this morning s reports from the larger butter centers, and it is be lieved additional decreases will be re corded during the week Prices of most commodities this morning were about the same as prices reported at the close of last week. Today’s Wholesale Prices. Butter—One-pound prints 47347%: tub. 44 1 ?a45’>: store packed. 30. Eggs—Fresh selected, 29.i30: hennery. lP:i31; current receipts. 26a27. Poultry, alive—Turkeys, 37a40: Spring chickens. 35a 38: fowls. 25; roosters. 17al8: ducks. 24a25; keats. young.TOa 75: old, 35. Dressed —Turkeys, 38a45: Spring chickens. 35a40; fowls, large. 27: small. 25a26; misters, 20a21; broil ers, 45; capons, fancy, heavy. 42a43: ■mail. 30a35: ducks. 27a28; keats. 80a90. Meats, fresh killed—Beef. 20a22; veal. 20a24: lamb. 30a35; loins, 19a20: fresh hams. 19a20: fresh shoulders. 13a14: smoked hams. 22a23: smoked shoul ders. 14: bacon. 20a22; calves. 13a14; lambs. 13. Fruit and Vegetable Review. Today’s market report on fruits and vegetables compiled by the Market New s Service Bureau of Agricultural Econom ics says: Apples—Supplies light; demand light, market dull; too few sales reported to Quote. Asparagus—Supplies liberal: demand moderate, market slightly weaker; South Carolina and Georgia, dozen-bunch crates, green, very large size. 4.00a4 50; mostly 4 50; large size. 350: medium size, 2 00a2 50; white, large size, 3.00: South Carolina, fine quality and condi tion. dozen-bunch crates, green, very large size. 6.00: large size, 5.00a5.50; medium size. 4 00; small size, 3 50. Cabbage—Supplies light: demand tight, market dull: Florida, 1 1 2 -bushel hampers, pointed type. 2 00; Texas, bar rel crates, approximately 100 pounds net round tvpe, fair quality and condi tion. 3.00. Celerv —Supplies moderate; demand tight, market dull; Florida, 10-inch crates. 3-4-dozen. 300a3.25; few best, high as 3.50: fair quality and condition. 2 5K)&2.65. Lettuce —Supplies of Western stock moderate; demand light, market about steady: Arizona, crates, iceberg type, 4-dozen, mostly around 3.50; California, 2-dozen crates, iceberg type. 4-5 dozen, best, fair quality and condition, 3.00; poorer, ltw ts 1.50. . . Onions—Supplies light: demand light, market dull: Idaho. 100-pound sacks, yellows, U S. No, 1, large size, 4.35a 4 50. Potatoes .Are Dull. Potatoes —Supplies of old stock mod erate; demand light, market dull and gligfctl v weaker; Michigan. 150-pound sacks. Russet Rural?-. U S. No. 1. 4.00a 4 15: Minnesota. 150-pound sacks, round whites, U. S No. 1. 4 00; supplies oi stock light; demand light, market about steady Spinach—Supplies light; demand light, market hrm. Virginia. Norfolk section, bur he! baskets. Savoy type. 1.25: lew higher „ , . Strawberries— Supplies moderate; de mand light, market about steady, with weaker tendency; Florida, pony refrig „ erators. Missionary*, best, mostly 45; few low as 40 Louisiana 24-pint crates, few sales. 5.00 per crate. Sweet Potatoes—Supplies moderate; demand light, market dull; Eastern Shore. Maryland, bushel hampers, yel lows. 75.00: North Carolina, fair quality and condition, cloth-top barrels. Porto Ricans, few sales, 3.00. Tomatoes— Supplies moderate; de mand light, market about steady; originals, Florida. 6s, ripes and turn ing. wrapped fancy count. C.00a6.25; few high as 6.50: choice count, 5.00a 5 50 ; 2165. 3 00a3 5Q String Beans Weaker. String Beans—Supplies moderate; de mand light market slightly weaker; Florida '.-bushel hampers, green, 3.00a 2 50; lew best. 4 00; fair quality and condition, low as 2,00 Cucumbers- Supplies light; demand light, market steady; Indiana, hothouse stock. 2-dozen crates, fancy 5.00. Squash- Supplies moderate; demand light, market dull; Florida, pepper crate* fancy, white, few sales 4 50; yel low small siw 2 50a4 00; coax*. large, xyj sales repertod Eggplant—Supplies very light: FV.r ida, pepper crate*, fancy, mostly small *ize 2 00*3 50. . . . pep;e-rh Supplies light , demand light, market dull; Florid*, pepper crates, fancy small 3 00a3 50 Cauliflower Supplw-s light: demand liyht, market about steady; California, crates. 2 25*2.50 Carrots • fiupphfl* light demand light, market dull: Texas, Western lettuce crates, bn,' Led 2 00*3 25 Beets Supplies very light; too few wsles re juried to quote peas - Supplier moderate: demand tight, market slightly weaker; Califor nia crate* Sooas s<j fi-* high as 0 00; Florida ?*-bushel hampers, fair qual ity and condition, 2 00a2 50 lima beans- Bupphes light; demand tight, market dull; Florida, 7 *-bushel hampers, few sales. 750 Orange* Bupplit-s moderate; demand tight, market about steady- Florida boxes, medium size, mortly 650 large end small sxc d vo.r/cd Callf'/tc-a, boxes m»dl j*tj frizz 6.50; large size dis counted Orap*-fruit SupplP ;• light: demand tight market f ,rm Florida boxz >. small to medium > ■/>■ ft 00 larg* si// dis* cour* o-d BtflLJilNG CONTRACTS mrrw v r*' April • 'do OmMruc tion contracts amounting to $502,567,- 600 were awarded in March in 37 States east of t/<e Rocky Mountain* #z*verh»g g! per cent of the o/ifitrys totsi con* •f ruction g V/ fatoge CorizorattoD rc jg/r’s 1"hi! wa; ao« < iir.c of 5 per cent compared veto Unf it las’ year but 27 per re-jut moo than )M February ’his year New *jonsf ruction started since January J reached tJ .465 007 000 high er' h/st qussier ever recorded and a gam of 6 ser cent over Ure first qua; - ter of 1027 • FREFEfiBKD IS OFFERED. NEW YORK, April ir '4O. Fubti* ©tiering is beifjg made, of 45,000 shares ©f $6 dividend help s preferred Mm X of the New k.'.gland JOjijll/ Kervp-e rto a? |O7 50 a Mien ai d arerued dl'-hfend*. V yp’id more town t 15 j* i tent, ,■ NEW YORK CURB MARKET 1 Received by Private Wire Direct to The Stay Office Following Is a list of stock* and bonds traded in on the New York Curb f..<»rkct today: Sales tn INW'STRtALS, > hundred*. Utah. Low, l '.O a V'l’tni Pit'll a . 70% •:»»*, 5 Acme Steel SS % Si’S SS'* 0 Arm Sup Mljr A *JO SO ’O' 1 Voro Sup Mis- U 1,5 >4 15’4 1 •*« % ” Mi* Gt South ... 1 7.5 lit 175 1 Alt' l'itli lbn- vie 1«> 10 10 O All' P Par A A's So % *.*o SO 4 \!iim t\* Amor, la; t 135% laa So Am x Pur P war li' 1 ,0% H'x 1 Amor Ar>’h Oo ~ 55 5.5 65 6Am Hr til aPI P. SO 5 % AJ* 11 A twer Chain .... 4.'i’« 41 43% SO Am Cy ipamht It Cl’i 43.% 4S ’<« I'* Am t'vanaitttd pf !>7 OO '* 0. 7Am lVi't Sturo* . IS'., IS\ ISA. ri Anier Gas A El. lari'* la.A 1 ■’** 5 V* Am Hawaiian SS "0«, Si”. "O A, S', Amor It A Trno. 107 100 1!', ‘ .Am Puw A l.t pfltrtN 10? HU'. 11 Am HulliuK Mill, ioa 10S l'.'S IS Am Sul A- Ph vto 1 ? 17 1 . ia Am s.'i a- t - vpf at \ ao»« ai 43 Am Stairs Sou A. O'. S'* O'* 7Am State# spo n. o*4 o’*. o *t 7 V;-i SuPoriti'W A. Ui ! < 4.''s, 4A'f 0 Am Superpuw R 40H 40A* 40' 4 1 Am Smtereuw pf 103'* 103’* IOA*. 4 \**u A F!.. 40 4S4V SI.A A«u OAF rts... I■% 1-V J A t \<su OA-F. rls o. I*V 1 1 . 1»V 1 AO Fruit A Stiff. .SI SI .SI 3 Atl’i. Plvwm"l 70 70 70 1 Atlas Purl rpm . ’ 1 415 41 \ °s Antrim Autu Oi', 1a I ia ; i', 131 I Avion Fi.t'rr A . 4?”* 40’., -tori 37 Oam-ita!' Cure .103 lot#. I'<°V 1 Parker Rr>« wi. 30 S .30', 30% a Uarnsilal! Orb ri# ,A Ba#tian Plrssine. 3.AA* 3 V'* 3 > •' Pliss K AV 10', 10 10 1 Plum s 33% 3.3 *; 33% 1 Blvn Shoes lnu . 4 ’* 4*S 4'* 40 Alum A Hr 04 O” 07 % 1 Rriilrci'l (las l.t. OS’. o.'** oA l * 1 HriOsr.'i't Mach . S’a H S'S a Bril Am Pul' n SS', SS', SS ‘v 3 Hrw'kw Mut . . M % AO *M”v 3 Hru k" Mut n "f 100 10SH JOV’v 01 I'Ulv n Pilv R K 7’ . 7 7'4 1 Hut Niasr A P P 37’, 37*4 37% II Hrs \ A F, P A 30’* 33*4 30 1 Hnf N A V P t'f "O'* SO’, SO'4 5 Urn Clark . . . 1S> 4 IS 1", * C 'tiii'l'ul! AA’va"'. 4*.? 41 *4 4*l SOT Pin Marmm AV . 7*4 7', “ % S I'T-ri. r.i* 1.1,1 A 101 101 101 ** c.yplll I'll , , SI" SIS SIS S"C.a*e Plow 4% 4 4 % l IV! c.,r Am Oo S:l *, no " ( lan C A 1 l's 100 liiO 100 7 IVli'tcx Cu , . . OO*, 07*i 00% t . I'pn Vj'lirrp S'irl3«»l, 13'*') 130*4 1 c-nf ,A Sumv I’M SO SO SO " iv- >t I'm pur . 11'* 11’* 1 1 3 CeW Pul* Serv A S 3 % “3% "3% 3 Ch» V Cab Mfc . SR S 3 SR 1. chiM* Ci* u(.i n s’4 lIS lis «* C s P A t 0« nf lOO'* 100*4 10014 flit'- T— A Fuel. * I '*> 43'- 4t '4 1 Club Alum Tie". 3a'. 3R*. 3R'i 4 Cob". Hall Marv. 31 '4 .31'* 31 '* 11 l' 0 11-anb r*’t«. . OS', 07’* OS' t 5 Cult’* P Fiur-arm* 32 31 ’« 3" 1 C finmnnw P pf . • 1o» % loi a, ]ot *4 *. Cun.i'l Cna! . . . 77*4 "7*4 "7*4 IRCuneu! Pairr P 2S\ S«', "«*4 S Cun*ul Film. ... 10 10 10 oronwi Film t'f.i "i '4 "t’, 9414 nrwuo; o Halt., tr 7t*, 74% 3! Co«*ol 1.aum1... 17% 1“% 17*4 S Cuii.limer. Co, . . 10*4 15'4 15*4 0 Coup! Prod A . 15 14*4 1R 3 Crown AVilm vte "5% "R’» SR% ». Cu Tub C V'M vie 0O oo 00 10 Curl AVI Fv 33*4 32 N 33*4 i- Ciuli, Pub ...iso 170 170 3 Davera Inc .... 34 3.3*4 33'4 2" n«*bri'* Sr". , R 2 RI *4 R 3 1 TV ben h S 7 ilav* R"'4 52% R 2 *4 «% TWem A Cu . 354 ' , 321 350'i * tv. Fur R C Vte. 4 V, ’ 'i 4 % 1 TV-t Cream . 37 ’4 37«, 37% 1' TVron Cm-ihle 100 iso ISO O Poebter I* " C C "RAJ "5*4 25% 3 TVvm*i*ion "I T.ld ISO 125 125% 15 rvibilipr C * R. 2% 2 "% I<> Ttn-an* Mol. .. . 11 H 11 11 ' Fmrb F.ii" n p f <| 50*; 50 50*» 23 Fast St Pow B. 17% 17 17% 12 rit'nson s, hi),| 37 30*4 37 1 r. t «e i nf,| ]oa«; 105% i 0.5% 32 n H a Sh Cu-n 01*, 00% 01% IP! Ho A «b t>f.Ulo% 11"'. 11"'. 11l F! T--vp*t Tup. , 45% .IT, 40% J F PA3. opil war 17*. 17*. 17*. 10 F PAL "f.l A1"3% 1"3*4 103*4 1 r "> pow Cur . 32 3" 32 O r.tpv aa.-Hp r \ s% "% 2*4 .5 Fvan* Kft A 71*4 71% “*> , 3 F v an« F s n , 74 74 74 SF'sren! Mot Co . 4*4 4*4 4 % 4 ufn S UC Co 16» 103% 103’- I Far-Oar ro O*, ?**, O', OF-.’eia' Water* A 30 35*. 3 s’, I*4 Firr*to"p Ti— 17* 170’. 17t 1 Fou’i' Hr CAM. . "• *0 "O *-, ForO Vfot Co Can RS? RSS RSS IFr JIM Mfr C . . 15 15 15 *- F- HHMC pfj. . S? S7 ST 1 Fren.-h Lin- ... 7" 7" 7" 5 Freshman Cha* . 7’4 0% 7'4 1 Came well Co. .. . 00 00 00 17 CaroO Cum .... 1 % 1 I*4 1 Cen Am Inv wi. R« R« S* R3Crn H*k 7% 7% 7% n Cen Halt I.fd ... . 70*. 70% 7"’. ICm H rt*r re .. , 45 I, 45% 45% .3 Cen Ftrewfc . , 100 ]oss- 100 11 Cen Crr-'-m. OH*. OS % OH % 1 O-n Tinnil Ma-h "3 *• 23% "3*. 5 C-n pj'i Her . *<”, "It% "o', I C-lhert wi 17 17 17 1 Cilhert wi pfil, . 50 50 50 OOobel A 05', 03 'i 05 >4 OCnld Seal F!ep.. hi, |i 1| 1 Curb am Mfir... R«’4 fi«*4 R« U 1 Crar.l «t«rc*. .. . 05% 05% 05’. % Cr AAP TC 1 pf 110% 110'i 110% OHall Printing... SO "5% 20 0 HunnHtps# C «t rt 5*4 0 4 Hu’lanif Fnrra<e 4S’<i 4S'* 4"% 77 Tn<l Rev Cor A.. 20*. 10’. 20 0 Co NA. .. Ot*4 f*i% 04% 2 Tntl Sh<v 74*. 74 % 74 1" Intern I'tll B . . K‘, «% 4 Tnter«| TVp sir# 4.3*» 4.3% 4.3’, 1 .T-*l?e Hru* Vte. . 3H 3« 30 1 Kinnear Store#.. .33 'i 33% 33% .5 Krti.kal A Km*. 1«>, IS ls% 1 I.akaw an See .. 5S’» SS'* 6S % 2 Lake Super C. . «% O’* o'4 20L.fer.nrt R-a! -ri 41*4 tn% «1% 1 ly-h coal A Navl!2% 112’1 112*. 2" Tjeh Puw .. 20*J 20*1 SO', Vbl C pf* 34% 34’, 3* % 114 T*eh Ya! C Sale# fts R 4 *, ftft t I*ent«r Co.. ~ 32*4 32 % 32*4 1 ri-i.r. Fit* P M 30% 30*4 30*4 I*4 T.ibhev Ow Sh Cl 115% lit'. 115 % 7 Mare Wire I.nn. 15*4 15% IR% 3 Marmnn Mut ~ 4"*4 42% 47% 1 Marvel Cart. ... Oft*, Oft >4 o'*% *'. Marvi Camiallr 1«2 IS7 IX7 10 Marion S Shovel 05 OS*4 03 3Ma vi* Corn .... 2ft % 25% 7ft % l.TMavi* BnttHnr 17*', 17 17 3 M«K non Tin PI Os”. OO 00*4 2 Mead John ant. . 50 ’» .s**% 5H *« II Menrrl Box .... 7*% 7? 7>*% 1 Metro Ch Store* 00% 00% 00% 3% Mel ftAftttf St pM Oft \ 03*. 05', ? M-K'nori Tin P! 0"% *’•" 00% ft Mi.f Weet I’tll. .14! 130% 141 4 Mid Wr-t irt H* 7% 7% 7% 2 Mol w c 0# t*f<i ft# I*H OK % Miller Rub nM. OO OO 00 ft Mohawk Hod Po 35 *4 34 *4 3»% 4 Mohawk Hiftl wr 11% 10% 11 >, 4 5 Mohawk Val .. .51 62% 63** 2 Mu He! Radio, . 3% 3% 3% 1 Nat Kl Pow A . 3" % 30% 30*, 3 Nat Ko-tft Prrrf. 10 '4 10». 10% Nat P&T, 7%. pMIOO*, 100*4, loo', II Nat Pnh Sr-r-t "M 20% 25% 7R’, % Val Sue li’ N JIIO% 14*1 140 % J Nat Trade Journal 37% 37 % 32% iv mm Cr No RR 30% 30*4 3ft % % N V Te! f>i nfd. 111 *4 lit*, 111 % J Niehol# A Shep. 47 47 47 1 Nl' hoJeAShep war 27% 27*4 27% so Nil,-* Rem Pod. IC, 42 % 43*, l Norma Ki ..... 2" 27 72 ► I Nuriht; H0w..,. 70% 70 20% AO North o How c "7 *4 70% 70 *, 3 No- «(;, PC a. 13ft % 135% 135% 3 Nor St H« rit-l loft los % low*. 73 N'im -u Knainerttir 33% 33*4 33% I Hants AH n Irt nfd 70 *4 20*4 70 % H H.-ike hitvja Co, 46 44% 4 5 ’ J*« ;m> A )<*!'', 104% 104% 1 Hmm OEdo ", ( ,f,j ft7 % 07 % 07 *, 1 Peru Ohio Ko war is % IM% |h% 4ft Pel < S.e. 17*, 10% 17 % I* H A I, 7* old 11(1% I lo*, lloAi . if* Wit How C o 73% 72 % 77% 100 Peril! fir »!.. 27% C 2 h 77 A 4 lop In-,tn Store. 57 50 % fto % J ! V Hh IhhL* t>,r. 177% J76»l 177 *, 4 Piet—e Onvernor 73% 73 73*4 34 Piiifl} Wiick-Jv . 7H% 77 % "K % 11 Peer WI f * A 02 00 01 0 Hit Worw. PM H% * % H % 3 131*1, A Lake K 157*. 157 157 % *, Hltu Hi <«!»►* 275 275 276 i Hiatl A Lamb C 66 *55 66 " Pur s H A L . *i"% 00*4 00% % H * H A L pf-j 100 100 10<j 1 Prime Mfr s S H 1 % 'maker 0,% nfd I’’o 125% 176% j %■ fft al A►»!> HVltft 300 301* 30ft 7 RctieHi Candy. . I % I % I % *!• Hafe T stai 74 *. 7!% 73% j 2% s.xleway Kline, 41*6 4X5 4ft,5 Jl* Safeway St rt* wi (1 Si 11 II *4 I 2 Sanitary Croirry 755 260 267 2s- ‘mKe Real Let 74 % 'll'* '.’4% i % liolu I’ntte*! 10*4 lft% JO’* ! 1 s,„t Jnllmu A Co 7ft •:!* "ft I 6 Se- mao fi* ok , 40 40 40 j 1 tft iberiimr Rr. . , 3ft % 30% 30% i 311 mn El U h% 7% A% 1 •! He* E! O VC Old 31% 31% 31% O Hi.eaffe, pen . . , 63% 67*. 63 ti 1 SJ 0- i. Cel vi*' !*% IH’, >H% I 1 s,)ver ( A hint 61 % f.l >: M ti, H Soott,» ,r! PAL o 4H% 47% 47#i 2 Souraet PAL i> of est % aft *4 Hit % fSo .~i PAL ,1, 4*5 % 40% 40% ft 'O ,< ,i PAL war 14 % 14 % 14’, I 3 H,„, 1 J-; ft ( ,frf, •/'/% ••?% 77% | 1 s*. fi erii Sn»*»» iiH 3K 3K 1 South* Jtel! pfdllM II ** I1 H >, ,*mw PA Li «f 113 J 1:1 111 ! I S|,a*,jr < italf’int 30% 30% 30*4 , j So Sf.aoiiii, A*# *»-y 6% 6* i 5% 7:* Smoke Witliiny. so oft', 70’, 3 Stan-i Saoit Mfr. 34% .3.3% 34 i 14 Stanley * 60, 46 4H i 2o si it*yir I'niiH 61% 53% 74 1 Minior Burn S% s% 7*4 i 7 siiomb < a*% 7>l 7ft "a "H g Vlk * o 46% 45 4.4% : Siol/ Mol ... 1t % 14% 14 K 3 '•wilt 101 l 'ft% Sg% "k». I ma* om W ,M fl "O 7o "0 I’l imvii Ei r> OS *, ns% os»', HTihVii li< 1 A nie (6*4 |5% 16% lo'fir-iif.r,*, ft* aity 41% 41 44% ’ T-3 t'd 7- pf 110% | lO*S 1j O % . i j!OT,ai» L.,» Piet IJ A, 3% 4 , i 60P-,,.1 33% 37 *, 33 % ' ! 10 T( I***l, Sri , 1 lien i■> |7 J 7 f i f 7 10 Kof - < ,ft j. 07 % 07 % 07 % I 1 Tola/,* ASIt VC •>)!.' 50i ft «)!*<;, So Tun* Sol Lam** L'% i"% 17% 7 T lay ‘iy! L A, "3% 23 7,3 i I lil I'l Coal vte 30% 30% 3*l % J 1 30 I m C imp * J"5 173 126 Sdof’ni I 1 A p A "3% 73 73 % 6 Uni si,-hi Ml 7* *, 71 % 71 •; » 7i s E*eiKh» .. 77#i 70 70 7 I V L Pal lei y 107 100 100 27 101 P A L vie is "I ri 71% •% * 11 cl hi* a * 17 % I" % 13 % 1 WatU A Bond A 36% 75% ?6 % j Wail 1 i Rond ii 17% 17% (7% 3 Wa/KJeen 41 % 4 1 41% 10 Warner il*«<» Pi, "4 2*f% ",l 1" Wame* <.*, *• A +6 43 45 0 WatKMi .1 W 1 4 % 14% 14% i 5; Vi ,ul*i *ha M„ *-, 6s 75 7H C IWoii i l>n vte, 71 % 71 7T 3 «re»l Ailto A 01 60% Oi h 6W- »1 Auto M w»< 14 13% 14 K % Wert Point Ml* 146 140 140 , 4 Whralewo.ih 43% 42% 4 -j| % ol Wo, Wi.* < I c„,fj 77 *' Ail » 7 Wo . daorih 111* 3ft30% 30% V u u.K MW . , 3ft 8s 83 TTTF, EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON, D. C.. AfONDAA*. APRTL 5. 1028. , | fl Towns' sti wpMas % as % as % 5 | l Zenith Radio... 07'* 07% 07% 5 Sale# in MfNINU STOCKS, hunihvda. T carnesie Metaf*. 2>R% 7R 25*: 4 1 Cent Am Mine*. . 4 % I 4 % 6 chief Cun# Min I t 4 ao Cutis Cup Mines. 11 Id’s 10's 10 Cressun Cold , . , ! % t % ) 4, 20 lhdore# K#i«er .. ,4.5 .40 .4,5 .3 Pm; Cul M l.lil l .3 % 3% 3% SO Plur liultlfld M .1 I .1.3 .1.3 lit Holden Cenirr II I'’» ft'« 0% 1 Heela Mm .... 16 ', 15% 1.5% 3S Mini Uuv MAS 17'» 17 17', I I M.ismi Vnl .... 1 % I % I % ft Ne« Coniplta . . 711 7S 7S 5 Newmont Minina 170 los'4 los% 31 Newmunl Min rt.# 1 % 05 0.5 % N .1 /.me 100 100 100 1 N V A Hon Ro# 10% JO', in', 2 Niplssinx 1% 4'* I', 7 Nor alula 1: % 1; % 1; % a North Hnlle ... 2% 2 7% 17 Ohio Cup S 5 ,SI SI 10 Premier Cold At 2% 2% 7% Ito Red Warrior 18 .10 .18 10 San Toy 03 .03 .03 .37 ShaTtnefc Demi.. .15 % 1.5 1.5% 10 Tonon.ih Kx ... .11 .11 .11 1 Tottopah Min .. 4% 4% 4*, 7 t'nt Fast Min . . .55 .55 .55 2Pi ah Ais-x .... 4', 4>, 4', l WenOen Cup. .. . 10, 1 1,3 3 Yuk Ala# T’t of# at 82 84 Sale* in INDEPENDENT OIL STOCKS, hundreds. 45 Am Con Oilfld*. .S 3 .SO .SO 10 A Maracaibo Co t 4 t IVte.. . .25 .75 .25 O Canb Svmi 70', 20.ft'', 4S Citie* Serv n..,. 50’, .50',, ,50% Il it Sen nfd !»!* '» no*, 00 »> 210 Cit Serv rt* 1 >v 1 % I -*» ft fit Serv li nf ... 0% O', O’. 3 Columbia Synd... 1 % 1 % 1 % 101 Creole Svini 14 Kl* 14 1 Crown Out Pete .00 ,Oo .00 11 Darby IMe 13% 13% 13% 1 Kim* CAP v% of 100% 100 % ioo'„ 87 tin If Oil of Pa. 110 IIS 115', 3t Houst A*nlf tia*. 20 % 10** 20 !»Intercom I lYt... 7 % 2 2 30 Lion Oil. 25 % 24% 25% 5 Livimrs Pel 7% 77 5 Lone Star O Del, 40 '3 40 40% 8 I .one Star rt* wt. S', 7’4 7'* 14 Mambit Svmi.... I', 1 I'* 1 Ma-land M-x ... 8% 8% 3% 0 Moxii'u Ohio s** 5 5 13 Mount A c.ulf .01 .02 .07 0 Mount Prod-.... 24% 24% 71% 1 Nat Enel i-a*. . 2*> 20 20 ! New Mrx Land . S', S', s', I.R Pandent Oil .7*, 3'# 3 % 50 Paiuettpe oil 11 10', 10% 1 lYnnoek Oil Corn 0 0 0 123 Re lei-.Cosier Oil. 0% 0 0% 5 ltiuh Oil <‘ai war 12 12 13 OR'an Con 5 5 5 12 Sail Ck Find... 30% 3"% 8" % 334 Texan Oi! A 1,... 3 A 3 A 3% S Tidal ti*A«e O. .. 20% 20% 80% 10 T o«ace O non vt 18% 18% 1S % 1 Venezuelan Mex. 3t 34 31 3 Venezuelan Pet. 55% 55% 55% 1 Wtloox O A O n. 10 Ift Jft_ 1 Wood lev »t 7% 7% 7% fl ‘\” Oil n ft 4% ft Sale# STANDARD OIL ISSCF? AND FOR in unit*. MER St'BSIDIARIES—STOCKS. 400 Anglo Am 0i1... 20% 20 20% 100 Alt Lotai# _2 100 BueUeve PL.... 74 74 *4 I(K>Chrsebrouch Mfx. l.’tii 130 130 2000 Conti Oil 17% 17% 17% &000 Hurubie Oil AR. 05% 04% 05% 450 111 P L 200% It'S lftS% B<h) Imp O Can 01 00% 01 6000 inter Pi-t C Ltd.. Bft % 3S % 3ft. 400 Nat Transit .... 30% 30% 30% 50 Northern PI .110 11 o 110 2100 Penn Mex Fuel.. 50’, 48% Oft 1400 Prairie o »t li. .. fto*, 4ft** 50% 50 Prairie 1’ 1 217 % 217% 217% 300 South Penn 0... 43 42 43 100 Southern P L. . . 81 *t 31% 31% 60 Sou W Penn P L Sft Si* Sft 6.500 s O ltul 77% 70% 77’* 300 Si) Kan*as 71 % 21 % 71 % OOIISO Kv 177% 127% 177% 200 S ri Neb 44% 44% 41% 3000 Vacuum Oil ....152 150 151% Sale# BONDS, in thousand#. 35 Ala How 4%#.. .100'. 100% 100% 7 Alum t o Am 6s 103 •* 103% 108 * 4Am Cvauamid ft# ini '» 00 % HtJ% 37 Am tia# A Ki tf#lo»% lOil v 100% 25 Am i. A K ft# wi 10l 101 JOl JS Am Nat ii o%* JOO 100 100 .5 Am low it Lt li# 10ft*. 1011% 100% Jo Am Roil Mill 5# ftft% ft!* % fti'% J Am Roll Mill 0# H'4 % 101% 104% 4 Ain Sealins th*. . 104% 104% 104% 5 Anaconda 0* A.. 101% 10l % lol*, 13 Aimal i.l 1* sk. 107 101% 101% 11 Ark P A L oh. lot % 10l % 10l % 143 A#*o ti A K 5%» loft 104% 104% tid A##<» Eiet* ft %» loft loft 105 3A# Sim Har *i%# HI i'l i'l 1 Hale# ViUve H 0* 107 107 107 ft Hea-'on Oil o#,. loo', 100’* 100% 1 lie.ri ei I*l 8# .. . . 103% 102% 102% 2 Bell T Can ft# A 105% 105% 105% 7 Bo# A M 5# At; ftft »ft I*!' 4 Ho# Con# I-M 5# 404 % 10t% lot'* 5C C Lid 5%» A 107% 102% 107% 2 Can Nat Uv Ts. . 117’* 117% 113% 25' aro P A L s*. I'M % Ini', lot ', t} Cent St Eler 5# ft'-'* !Mi% W% 2 C SPA I. 5% * ft7 % 1*7% 07 % 3 Cert T P ft%« A I>H% ftH% fts % 1 Chi Pneu T ft%# loi '* 101 % 1"| % 1 Chi R <!# den 5* Sft s.ft K.» 71 Cit Seri ss. ... i'o% fto’, ft*;% 4 Cit Serv ti# It* 3 % 103% 103*. 40 Cit Serv ti 5% # »7 ft'i % ft’l% H7 Cit Serv li p 0# 102 % 102’* 103% 10 Cit Serv P ft % # 100 % ]iio% lonft. 3CI Term Tlldv t?# ftft B» ft» 7 Con# ii li «# A 10*1 % 10*1 % H**l% 11 Con# TfX ft* . ft.ftft, »5% 05% Ift Con (i A F. ft* A 07 I*o% I*7. 2 4 C.»nl Oil 5%# . . I*H 1*7% .»; % 23 Conti See- 5* A.. 11 4 % 111% 114% 2 Cudahy 6%# 100% 1""% 1""% ft DAROGWS# Hw, ft'i% ini', (»••% 44 1) A Salt Lake 0# 00 ft!* % ft" 1 Jlet Cty <• 0* A. los', Ills *, loft', 2" Ift-t Cty (i 5* li. KM 1 , l"l loi % 7 Del lull «%#... D'3% 103% 102% 4 l*-t lull 7k .... 100% 100 Jon 13 DiX <i fi «% # A i*i'% ftft % !'!'% 1 E T O 81-Ur -ik 100 100 100 fl Emm: s-hild (i* l"i’, 1"1% l"i% 41 E! R-fru- *i#. . ft" % 7ft% ft'". 24 Enin OA R 5%# ftft". 1*5% 05% 4 Priik# Mur#*' 5». I*7 V# ft-% ft* % 2** E.--1 W Srv 5%» I'll 14*41% HU 20 EireKtonr C M .5k 0 7 07 07 7 Kire#lone TAR 5# I*7 ft, ft* 5 Ei.k Tire 5%#.. ft'i % !">% o*l% 37 Ha P A L ft«... !'!• % »«♦% *»»% 13 tiair Roht 6’. I**4 % l"t% 104% 1 fiatinean Pow ft# 10l l"l I<*l 1 fiat mean Pow 14# 103% 102% 103% 4 (ien Am Inv ft* A 152% 153% 1 <;-■*- Al6# Aww 04% I*4 V* !'4% JOG-n Vend *lk ... 03 03 03 3 (>ii A Pia H* A. . Sft S 4 % t>4 % 1.1 G-orai< Pow 5# J*'!*, I"! ft, I"!'. 1 Gdvr TAR 5# 28 100'* )"O* H 100% J Grand Truk 0%k11O», llO«, 110% 4 Gulf o pa 5# 47 102% 107% 102% 1 Hi HAL ft%# '57 100 100 100 11 ind Oil A Ga# ts« !i!l % »i». Wf ‘4 7 Ind PAL 5# A D»3 lot % Jo* 64 lull Mat-h 5* .. I"M, l"f» lftO% 1 lull Pow S 7# K !»!•% !•!*% 00% 15 toil See Am *fte. . 00% i"i‘ ? 00% 1 ltd Stl 4%« Awi <>.ft» # 1*5% 05 % 23 Intend ale Po f'K ftft % »ft % 00% 10 lntor*t:*to Po *i. 101% 101 101% 1 Inter Pub H ft* li |oo% loo*, Joo% Bft In* Cor Am 5# A 107 102 H*3 I<* Inv Equity ft* A 112 113. 113 5 lo Nell LAP ft# A 100 01! % 100 li* Kon Gar A C fi# 101 % lo! % I*'J % 4 La-4e*te Ga* ft%* 10l D*l 1"l 1 i f-ehiah Po 0* A 1"» DM* 1 "ft fit I.l*> M' N A I. 6* I*7''. ft'l% 00% 7 1/one Star Ga* 6* ftft "i ft!*% ftft*, f Lone lei f.l 0.105', foft', loft', fi lanil* How A L fi# 00% Oft % 00 % 1 Maui to P 5' - A I"'% l"t% 1"1»# 1) Mu- Ga* 5% *. 10ft D'l% JO-6 , 8 M-t otal Had 0* ftft *4 f»ft % Oft '4 7 M Ed C 1> 4%* I) 101 % I'll % l"l *, I** Mil wn uk f. 4% * 103 103 103 I Minn PL 4%• »i '*7*4 07% 07% 10 Moot W P C .6# A 103 103 K'3 I*l Mont LH*P ft* A 107% 1"”% "'"'i IfiMorri# A C 7%k 100 10" 100 Narrav Co 5* A. I**o% 1""4; 100 % 30 Nat fl Prod r.'.H o'*", ftft % !»!'% O Nat li Pro-1 fi%«107% JO7 10"% I ‘at PAL 0* A Hi!* % 10!* 10" 8 New tbit- * AK 5# ftft % ftfM f*ft % ft NVPAI, 4%# . I*7 00 % 00% 5 Niai* E,,|l» H Ho. 106 1 ft*l 100 1 Ni-b«tl# A When 0# 140 11!* IP* 2No h»il*Aßh *Uw w !*s% OS % its % 1 N-ir S I* M 0 %# C 131 181 181 15 Ohio Pow Poll 07% 07% 07% lo Ohio Howft# -57 H 108 107% 1""% IS p# f . f; AE 4 ' k E 101 % 101 101 6 P *»• Invent ft# . ftft ftft ftft •> Heim fi p li# a ww 101 % 104 104 1 I*- PAL 5# 1* .VI l*ii% 101% 101% ! Phil a Ran Tr <i# 104 % 101 % XU % 30 Phil Pel 6',* .. 04*4 04% 04% 1 Pot Ed ft# E 101 lot JOl 18 Po for X V ft's# 00% I*o% I*o% s Pti s. r LAG 4%« 103 lo t 103 100 pit tier N .1 4 %# 11. l | 12 I 17% J!i!< Ri- lift firi 0# A 1 17*4 JX* 1I ” 35 HAnto P h ft# H X»t 00% 00’ 70 Sihii H Fat *!« 102% 107% Hl”% 28 Serif* E W ft%* Oft Oft ftft 7 See Cor I*-- 5* o 07 ", 0T % 07 4; 3 Sit st ls„ ft %# \ lifts. 00% 00% 1 I Hit WAP 4% # A OH % OS % OS % Ift Shell pto Line ft* OS 07% OS 8 Slo.a Hit- 0 li* lot Xll 101 51 Hinder Pa-k 0# JX| % III 1 ; 110% 7 Sol*l,y Am ft* A 00% ililki Oo % 4ft Hontti P a L i;»x*s% X»S»; los % 6 “Oil * 0 L ft# 'sl Xll % Xri% |OI% « 5,,„ r<tl Ed ft* 7,3 104 % Xll'i X'l% 2 stand !fi"td ft* I"3 171' , I’2 «s <i N v fl*/,# 11*3% 11*3*4 103% '* stand f- A I. 0*103*4 103% 108% Jo Him Md lt d fl%# 0 I’, 01", I*l% 3 Sim oil ftf/.K,, Xll'i Xri*. I*tl *4 ft Kv.UI A Co ft# IHI % till «„ MM % Jfl Tex a# P A L 6# j **'{ 103 XI7 lII* l. A 111 o*,» OS % OS", OS’, 30 I'm Li A It ft%* 00% 011*4 00% 1 I! P Hi- 8 ii %# A XM 101 X»l 2 I* S Rub *l' ,# -O JiWt % I oft % 100% I I'H Hoi, ii i # '3n ioo»4 Xio*4 100 % i 1 i s Hob *t%# :m Xu, |oo% Xm 4 4 fill PAL 5P* OI % 01% 01% e Warner |1 PO',*l II ', 111 II I % ft War Quintan 0k 10) JOI XU ft w,l,#l<! Mil OV,» 00% Itio, 00’i JftWdb II I',. • w! Oft*. oft", flft*. W'e#l Pow 5 1 5 # A 1110'i, |oo 1 . 100 % d ‘Al»e *-,,* tr .. '■**' MS % OS', \ WaH# I'ORI.IGN IIONHS, in I!d<u#wwi# , S Adi I!,')- l-;|»e 7# 0S % OS fi OS % 7 Asn M-ii.i 7# ’4O |<»J 101 XU , 3 R-ank Hr Men „ ll* 07% 4*7 I ft OV", . I ' liat a* "i l»-1 P a 01 % 03 »4 01 % , I Her < K ft l/.ti '3O 100 I oil )00 1 Pun Air<» 7# '67 100% X*o% 100% , *1 line AI I'e# 7%« (0,1 I O’% l"i Jft *. „ HI. GU! fl ~f * ( i,| «... 11l % i 4 < urn A p oft ’ * 00on % 00% i I Cordoba Am* ft# id* % 00% 00% 7 Cuban T 7%« A 111% 11 ) % 111 % ft Jiiini.b fon* ft# OS % OS % OS % 48 Lauoli ( on# ft % # 103 111'.' |O3 , I Xanzm port <1 % * SH % ss*ft ss% . 30 Isumark ft % # , XU XMtAj |oo% I I*o,in# 7# 01% 01% Oi % i s M A Inv 7if! Oft % 06% 05 H 0 i-i**i Rub w 7# oo oo 0" Kill'll, S' Pm# 0# 08 % 03 % 07% , 8 1, SI Pm. *t%# 07 07 0? I tin I Of,# Mun '! « 00% oo A, 00 4; 4Gu A WHRO* A I*l' 08% 08% I ILiiobuiu I' 7* lol", X*l % Xil*. filial M 111. Kin 7# XU % Xll'i XU % ft I LUO h Slain ft# 07 07 07 ; fl hutnti # M H7# ss »•> % SS , J lew, Vl. I, -7 ’ M; , ||ft lift , i i. t * />-,# w* x*i % xu n, XH «, IS Lund, .) li ;« Al" 0 Ou % 00' s * LIST GOES UPWARD ON CURB EXCHANGE Many New Highs—Deere Com. Up 30 Points —Util- ities and Oils Strong. BY WILLIAM F. lIEFFERNAN. Rpwin! Pi*p»tt'h to The Star. NEW YORK, April 9.—New high records were numerous in the lirst session of the week on the Curb Ex change. Moving sympathetically ns it nlwavs docs, with the tendencies of prices on the Stock Exchange, the main body of stocks was carried forward. It was the high-priced industrials that naturally benetltted mostly. Deere common crossing 350 gained 30 points to its highest for all time. With the preferred accumulation paid up some time ago and the common definitely established on a regular annual dividend basis, there was reason to be lieve that earnings warranted even larger distributions to common share owners. The market for Columbia Grapho phnne. from a technical standpoint, ap peared to be in one of the strongest juvsitions of that of any of the favorites. Recent buying had cleared the market for all available offerings around last week's closing price. It opened up al most 7 points at a new top of and maintained most of this improve ment thereafter. Another stock In practically the same category was Sparks Withlngton, which opened al most 4 points higher at 69and sub sequently reached 80. an advance of 15 points to its best in history. Operations for the rise needed no incentive in outside developments. Stocks selected for leadership were in a position to respond to further opera tions on the long side, and they did so immediately once buying got under way. Mcngel Co. stood prominently, mak ing a new top across 78. a gain of more than 5 points. Others that went to their best prices Included Pittsburgh A; Lake Erie. New Orleans sic Great Northern Wheatsworth, Saf-T-Stat, Consumers Co. and Bohn Aluminum. Utilities were led by Middle West Utilities and United Light Ai Power "A.” both at their best. Vacuum again featured the oils, reaching a new top for the present shares In further re sponse to a declaration of the 100 per cent stock dividend. AMERICAN EXPORTS GAIN HEAVILY IN FEBRUARY Increased Demand in Europe for American Goods Offsets Decline in Other Parts of World. By the Araorinted PrcM. American exports to Europe showed a substantial increase during February. Commerce Department figures today giving the comparison of foreign trade by divisions showed that the increased demand in Europe for American goods was more than sufficient to offset de clines in other parts of the world. The totals of foreign trade for the month compared with those of the same month last year for each of the more important quarters of the globe were as follows: English Imports from the United States for February were $68,924,123, against $70,461,219 last year, and Im ports from England were $28,809,312, against $25,693,483. From Germany in February the United States took imports of $19,164.- 582, against $13,246,144, while exports to the same country for the same period wore $37,424,206. against $35,761,760. Exports to France were $15,701,309. against $13,507,425, while imports from Fiance were $13,913,950. against $14,- 195,340. WOOL TRADE LIGHT. BOSTON, April 9 (Special).—Trad ing in the Boston wool market was light as business was resumed today, but owing to scarcity of spot stock, dealers were obtaining their prices de spite the bearish sentiment among mill buyers. Fine territory was quoted as 1 18ai 22. clean basis: French combing at 1 10a1.12, half blood at 1.10a1.15, three-eighths blood at 1.02a 1.07 and quarter blood at 92a97. Fine Ohio fleeces were quoted at 49a51, grease basis; half-blood at 50a52; three-eighths blood at 51a52 and quarter blood at 52. First Dividend Since '96. NEW YORK, April 9 (*>>.—'The Long Island Railroad, almost all of the stock of which is owned by the Pennsylvania Railroad, declared its first dividend to day since 1896, a payment of 4 per cent . The Pennsylvania Railroad owns 99 92 per cent of the stock. The dividend is payable May 1 to stock of record April 20. SILVER QUOTATIONS. NEW YORK, April 9 <4».~ Bar silver, 57 b; Mexican dollars. 43*i. PRODUCE EXCHANGE. NEW YORK, April 9 <4>>.—Flour steady; Spring patents. 7.55a79V. soft Winter straights. 7 45a7.95; hard Win ter straights, 7 30a7 65. Rye firm; No. 2 Western, 1 37 f. o. b. New York and 1.35*4 e. 1. f. export. Lard steady: Mid dle West. 11.85a1J.95. Tallow steady; special loose, B*4; extra, 8* POTATO MARKET DULL. CHICAGO, April 9 W) (U. 8. De partment of Agriculture).-Potatoes - Receipts, 183 cars; on track, 493; total U. 8 shipments Saturday, 488; Sunday, 14 cars. Demand and movement slow, market dull; Texas sacked Triumphs, per 100 pounds, 5,50; Wisconsin sacked round whites, l()5n!.85; Idaho sacked russet Burbanks, 1.80*2.00; commercial, 1.85a! .50. FEDERAL LAND BANK BONDS (Quote Ib* Alex Drown a Mon* Cloitni.t Halo —MMUHtv RM A*ke<l Yield 5* May 11*41.’11... ltei'i Hi'!H 4Hi ft- Nov, !|M! It .. . I <*♦; *4 IO" '* 4I I l •/.■May l (*4 - .* ~, nil*; HU 1 * -4 oft 4'ft*. 1,.u IIH.ia.I. . , toll, HU 1 * 407 4 >(,» Jan I!i VI ;i.i .. ini % Ilf 1 4.t0 4 ’ft* .1 ulv 10,VI 'l l lul *4 Hi'! 4I I 4%;* July iiifi.'i :t:t. .. lie:"- i*i"% 4ia •M. * Jan, Mint a i in*; u I o, 1 1 * * 4ia 4*l* July IHM 111. , 10*! *4 lna 9 ft 414 4 M,» .Inn 105 ft at 10 ’', inn*, -I 117 4f « Tin* in,vi an ~ nrt% In*.* 1 * tut) 4 9 4 » Jniv I nr,n an . Ini *4 I O'! ami 4<i a. tan 11157 a V .. Hit'-, I »fc .'I nft »* Nhv inr,7 a?, , Kin 4 mi anii HLomb Klee ww. fin on nil I Man MAH 7* 'll 07 (17 07 11 M* n,l,i.i» 7* 'M iih 19 * ns 1 , ns*; lilt M, 11, 11,m ll',* \ on dm* nn *! Mm (ii*!,i,« D’,» If "1 07*, if % '! Mmili'i lili n ll* A 07 •» 07 * J 0; »« J *.! M * *•' 111, llnynl i i * Oft lift Oft h Mi,i* ns H"i , - n oft’* m ■*; inf •! III! I Title n» OH’, IIS', OS', ft Me* li Vi-iin U A 111 ’« 04 lit •: Muni ,M,',|iTiin s* In. 5 |ns |nft I M int Mi 'li llin 7* If, If 07 ’, Oft Nlimiiii Eli*,' D• ■ * If ** 07 If' ■>lt Ninth U I l<n 11 ll* Oft 111 >, 111 % ,‘t Niu w'UV ft* lift Oil 05 till 41 Nm wnv ft- 'lf on IIS ', (IS 4, SO Nnrw ir E ft'-ll* A lift III', lllf 7 u»i.i ii,i* a t;i ft* oiiij, nn e, imin 27 It >lk J.iiielm Iflih", OSt, OS', lit in fiiin>ir 7» 'ms on’;, on nn i |i,,, if ,hi,if ■;* 'O7 ns l , ns'., nse. !;n Dna n ft 'v* ■t* n hi '* hi hi f ft |{, «, Qov it M. * . 17', 7 ' 17', " Du* li li',,. ,f* III',; lOti, HIH “ If ,1, , In ', It • ll I II I n I 8 Ei! Elly 7* Os', os', 1*8)4 I Hdiiilimt, ;» IIH f ml f *l)| <» I Ssmlii Eill* 6* A H'.'l* ](i!|4j Hilt, I R«> H M I 7* ‘I ft inn lim inn lit Os ill* |) Sll !4 HIM* Sint 1 Hiilnvfl*n E It‘in 07 07 07 HI Stin || u '-'Ol Wit 01 M, I*l*4 (it -i si in it 7* fit ».i iii t; in m fl I (iovt A (4a HU In [ |nl "Th ni in a e ,* if', (Ti •, nif 40 [‘in E| Hrrv 7* A ins', lot'i |o4f 1 n E H 7* A ww o*l 011 Oil ■0) fill 8 W *l'4« A 01 0.1 01 47 Vienna *l* oa*4 O'! 07 la Wm>«w 7* an f I*Bl4 MSf j1 V - ' ' I (fa A nil '4 P'l % Oil *„ *fc* liiliii' lnl, g PLAN SILK EXCHANGE. Move to Check Wide Fluctuations in Prices, It Is Held. NEW YORK. April 9 (/P).—A new commodity market to be known as the National Raw Silk Exchange is expected to begin trading operations here within three months. Its organization, it Is believed, will eliminate much of the risk attendant on the silk business, rherk wide price fluctuations and main tain uniformity In rules, regulations and usages as well as facilitate the business of buying and selling. Membership will be limited to 250 m that only the 1/ resources of this organization could produce! GENERAL MOTORS TRICKS Vi to 15 tons capacity $ 585 to $ 5820 R O. B. Pontiac, Mich, “S. O. S. Call-Franklin 505” transportation ST£* l W TRUCK ■ TRUCK TRUCK 1 SALES LEASES CONTROLLED BY YELLOW TRUCK AND COACH MPB. CO.. A SUBSIDIARY Os GENERAL MOTORS Richmond Branch 30-38 M St. N.E. Norfolk Branch , 107 West Canal St. Specializing in Commercial Transportation 1611>13 Granby St. A'AAm-TBJHrIH 180811 gffOi I I ONE learns from experience—whatever it may be. For twenty years or more we have been manufacturing that GOOD GULF GASOLINE —experimenting, testing, searching out the best methods in order to produce the best we may* f W c know that our customers are getting quality and /flrl II W uniformity necessary to the proper operation of any J MOTOR OIL and THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE are a good combination for any motorist. At the Sign of the Change Disc Gulf No-Nox Motor Fuel v Supreme Motor Oil > Gulf refining company , •* Us .. ... .. A In addition to charter members. Busi ness will be conducted somewhat along the lines of the Rubber Exchange. Among the Incorporators are Charles V. Smillie, Charles Muller, Oscar Helne man, Benjamin van Raalte, Douglas Walker. Frederick D. Hungton and F. R. Henderson, president and organizer of the Rubber Exchange. WARD BAKING PROFIT. NEW YORK, April 9 (A>).— Net profit of Ward Baking Corporation for the first quarter, 12 weeks ended March 24, was $605,037, against $640,528 for the first quarter, 13 weeks, of the previous year. RADIO REPORTS ENDED. NEW YORK, April 9 {A*).—' The com mittee on business conduct of the New York Stock Exchange has discontinued Its request to members of the exchange for dally reports on their position In common stock of Radio Corporation, which was done when the stock began Its sensational rise. WILLYS OVERLAND ORDERS. NEW YORK, April 9 (A 3 ).— Wlllys- Overland has unfilled orders for 40,000 cars. Daily production Is averaging about 1,550 cars. WILL SPEND $90,000,000. NEW YORK, April 9 (A*).— The 1928 budget of the Union Pacific calls for expenditure of $90,000,000 for Improve ments, maintenance, etc., of which $23,000,000 will be in new capital. The road spent, $85,000,000 for the sarrK items in 1927. NEVADA COPPER PROFIT NEW YORK, April 9 UP).—Nevada Consolidated Copper Co. reports net profit of $5,743,729 for 1927, after fnter ! est, depreciation and Federal taxes, but 1 before depletion charges, against $6.- 832,395 in 1926.